This document outlines a lesson plan for a course on electrical circuit analysis. The plan lists 15 learning objectives that will be covered across multiple class sessions. Topics include three-phase systems, voltages, connections, current, power analysis, and problem solving practice. Various teaching methods like lectures, tutorials, and experiments will be used.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a course on electrical circuit analysis. The plan lists 15 learning objectives that will be covered across multiple class sessions. Topics include three-phase systems, voltages, connections, current, power analysis, and problem solving practice. Various teaching methods like lectures, tutorials, and experiments will be used.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a course on electrical circuit analysis. The plan lists 15 learning objectives that will be covered across multiple class sessions. Topics include three-phase systems, voltages, connections, current, power analysis, and problem solving practice. Various teaching methods like lectures, tutorials, and experiments will be used.
This document outlines a lesson plan for a course on electrical circuit analysis. The plan lists 15 learning objectives that will be covered across multiple class sessions. Topics include three-phase systems, voltages, connections, current, power analysis, and problem solving practice. Various teaching methods like lectures, tutorials, and experiments will be used.
M1: Lecture interspersed with discussion M2: Guest Lecture M3: Tutorial M4: Field Visits M5: Experimental (Models, Virtual, simulation) M6: Group Assignments
Lecture Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Chapter in the Teaching Delivery
No. textbook/ aid methods reference
1. To Narrate the details of Introduction to Poly A.Sudhakar Black M1
Poly phase systems. phase systems Board and Shyammohan
2. To study about 3 phase Adavantages of three A.Sudhakar Black M1
systems in detail . phase systems and Board Shyammohan
3. To provide information Generation of three Black M1
A.Sudhakar of three phase voltages phase phase voltages, Board and and know their phase phase sequence Shyammohan sequence .
4. To teach the analysis of Star delta connections, Black M1
A.Sudhakar schematics diagrams of problems Board and various commonly used Shyammohan 3 phase connections
5. To classify three phase Interconnection of Black M1
system connections three phase sources A.Sudhakar Board and loads –voltages in and star & delta connected Shyammohan systems
6. To study about current current and power in A.Sudhakar Black M1
and power in three star & delta connected and Board phase systems systems Shyammohan
7. To teach Systematic Analysis of three phase A.Sudhakar Black M1
analysis of a three balanced circuits and Board phase balanced circuit Shyammohan Lecture Learning Objectives Topics to be covered Chapter in the Teaching Delivery No. textbook/ aid methods reference
8. To teach systematic Measurement of three Black M1
procedure of measuring phase power by 3 A.Sudhakar Board power in a three phase wattmeter method. and circuit using various Shyammohan techniques.
9. To teach systematic Measurement of three Black M1
procedure of measuring phase power by two A.Sudhakar Board power in a three phase wattmeter method. and circuit using various Shyammohan techniques.
10. To teach Systematic Analysis of three phase Black M1
A.Sudhakar analysis of a three unbalanced systems. Board and phase unbalanced Shyammohan circuit
11. To analyse various star delta Black M1, M3
transformation transformation method A.Sudhakar Board techniques and Shyammohan
12. To analyse various Applcation of KVL and A.Sudhakar Black M1
transformation Millman’s mthod. and Board techniques . Shyammohan
13. To check the ability of A.Sudhakar Black M1,M3
students to solve Tutorial and Board problems on three phase Shyammohan balanced systems. 14. To check the ability of Black M1 students to solve A.Sudhakar Board problems on three Tutorial and phase unbalanced Shyammohan systems.
15. To check the ability of Black M1
students to solve A.Sudhakar Board problems on three Tutorial and phase unbalanced Shyammohan systems.