Gomphocarpus Siniacus Duvalia Velutina

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Original Article

An insight on the complete chloroplast genome of

Gomphocarpus siniacus and Duvalia velutina, Asclepiadoideae
Uma visão sobre o genoma completo do cloroplasto de Gomphocarpus siniacus e
Duvalia velutina, Asclepiadoideae (Apocynaceae)

D. A. Alzahrania , A. Abbaa,b* , S. S. Yaraduaa,c  and E. J. Albokharia,d 

King Abdulaziz University, Department of Biological Sciences, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Federal University Lokoja, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria
Umaru Musa Yaradua University, Department of Biology, Katsina, Nigeria

Umm Al-Qura University, Department of Biological Sciences, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

We studied the complete chloroplast genome of Gomphocarpus siniacus and Duvalia velutina from Asclepiadoideae
subfamily; due to their medicinal importance and distribution worldwide their interest became high. In this
study we analyzed the complete chloroplast genomes of G. siniacus and D. velutina using Illumina sequencing
technology. The sequences were compared with the other species from Apocynaceae family. The complete genome
of G. siniacus is 162,570 bp while D. velutina has154, 478 bp in length. Both genomes consist of 119 genes; encode
31 tRNA genes, and eight rRNA genes. Comparative studies of the two genomes showed variations in SSR markers
in which G. siniacus possesses 223 while D. velutina has 186. This could be used for barcoding in order to aid in
easy identification of the species. Phylogenetic analysis on the other hand reaffirms the tribal position of G. siniacus
in Asclepiadeae and D. velutina in Ceropegieae. These findings could be used in subsequent research studies of
angiosperms identification, genetic engineering, herb genomics and phylogenomic studies of Apocynaceae family.
Keywords: chloroplast genomics, Duvalia velutina, evolution, Gomphocarpus siniacus, phylogenetic tree.

Estudamos o genoma completo do cloroplasto de Gomphocarpus siniacus e Duvalia velutina da subfamília
Asclepiadoideae. Em razão de sua importância medicinal e distribuição em todo o mundo, o seu interesse
tornou-se elevado. Neste estudo, analisamos os genomas completos de cloroplastos de G. siniacus e D. velutina
usando a tecnologia de sequenciamento Illumina. As sequências foram comparadas com as demais espécies da
família Apocynaceae. O genoma completo de G. siniacus tem 162.570 pb, enquanto D. velutina tem 154.478 pb
de comprimento. Ambos os genomas consistem em 119 genes e codificam 31 genes de tRNA e 8 genes de rRNA.
Estudos comparativos dos dois genomas mostraram variações nos marcadores SSR em que G. siniacus possui 223,
enquanto D. velutina possui 186. Isso poderia ser usado para código de barras para facilitar a identificação das
espécies. A análise filogenética, por outro lado, reafirma a posição tribal de G. siniacus em Asclepiadeae e D. velutina
em Ceropegieae. Esses achados poderão ser utilizados em pesquisas posteriores de identificação de angiospermas,
engenharia genética, genômica de ervas e estudos filogenômicos da família Apocynaceae.
Palavras-chave: genômica de cloroplastos, Duvalia velutina, evolução, Gomphocarpus siniacus, árvore filogenética.

1. Introduction

Duvalia velutina (Lavranos) is a succulent, perennial plant which is found in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt (Sinai
plant distributed in Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Yemen Peninsula), Jordan, and Yemen. In Africa, G. siniacus is used
and Namibia. It had distinct floral and stem characteristics for several medicinal and other uses, such as treatment
which are common in almost all the species as such can of bile, tuberculosis and stomach pain. Many active
only be distinguished when flowers appeared. D. velutina compounds have been reported in these plants for example
usually grow in colonies and it is locally used as food in G. siniacus contains some cardio-active glycosides
and medicine as well as ornamental purposes (Burkill, and alkaloids (Burkill, 2004). Modern pharmacological
2004). Gomphocarpus siniacus (Boiss) is an herbaceous investigations also showed their possible anti oxidative

*e-mail: abidina.abba@fulokoja.edu.ng
Received: October 9, 2021 – Accepted: July 20, 2022
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2024, vol. 84, e257145  |  https://doi.org/10.1590/1519-6984.257145 1/12

Alzahrani, D.A. et al.

and antibacterial potentials. Similarly, D. velutina and G. genetic diversity and population structure of Apocynaceae.
siniacus belongs to subfamily Asclepiadoideae in the family The detection of protein-coding genes under intense
Apocynaceae. Although previous studies on D. velutina and selection pressure could play an important role in the
G. siniacus focuses on eco-physiology with few studies analyses of evolution and adaptation of plants in an
on molecular genetics (Lang et al., 2018; Masrahi, 2015). ecosystem. in addition, this study would reconstruct the
Also, so many attentions have been given to cultivated intergeneric relationships and locate the phylogenetic
variety of D. velutina and G. siniacus as a result the wild position of sub family Asclepiadoideae.
varieties has been neglected; among the Gomphocarpus
sp. only G. siniacus is native to Arabian Peninsula therefore
it is very important for conservation and pharmaceutical
2. Materials and Methods
discovery as well as the evolutionary studies. Majority of
Asclepiadoideae species do not have a common character
2.1. Plant sampling, DNA extractions and sequencing
unique to their clades which results in wrong identifications
(Abba et al., 2020). Fresh leaves of D. velutina and G. siniacus were obtained
There is need for effective molecular markers to address from the Ash-shafa Mountains in At-Taif city of Makkah
problem of identification in Asclepiadoideae. Some of the Region, Saudi Arabia (21◦ 4.7’33’N; 41◦17.9’ 29” E) on the
markers used to identify D. velutina and G. siniacus were 2nd of June 2019. Samples were identified at the herbarium
ITS, psbA, matK and rbcL which has helped to some extent of Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science
in the recent taxonomy of Apocynaceae (Masrahi, 2015). of King Abdulaziz University Jeddah KSA. The voucher
Due to the important economic and medicinal benefits specimens of the two plants species were deposited
of these species there have been adulterants stocks being at the herbarium of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.
sold to people in place of the original species which can The leaves were washed with 70% ethanol and then DNA was
affect the quality and medicinal efficacy of the target drugs extracted using DNeasy Plant mini kit following standard
and or concoctions. For this reason a correct identification protocol (Qiagen Co. Germany). Quality of the DNA was
of these species will greatly protect the genetic resources checked using Nanodrop 2000C Spectrophotometer and
and lineage history. The widely used method of identifying Electrophoresis in 1% (w/v) agarose gel. The pure DNA
these species was ITS and multiple genomic partial was used to construct the libraries and was sequenced
segment bar-coding (Masrahi, 2015; Lang et al., 2018). with Illumina Hiseq 2500 (Beijing, China) following the
The commonly used plastid regions were PsbA, trnH standard protocol. The result of 6.8 Gb of D. velutina and
and matK are not enough in the correct identification of 7.1 G. siniacus and pair reads of 500 bp were recovered.
some angiosperms (Cui et al., 2019). Chloroplast as one
of the major differences between plant cells and animal
2.2. Chloroplast genome assembly and annotation
cell plays a crucial role in providing energy for plants
metabolism (Li et al., 2013; Neuhaus and Emes, 2000; The Raw sequence was filtered using Skewer 0.2.2 and
Rodríguez-Ezpeleta et al., 2005). For many decades and trimmed with Trimmomatic V).36 (Bolger et al., 2014).
now chloroplast genomes have been given many attention Sequences were mapped with the reference genome from
by plant researchers. Quadripartite structure is the main the NCBI using BLASTN with default settings. In which the
symbol of chloroplast genome and a 115 kb – 165 kb Stapelia gigantea (MG963259) complete chloroplast genome
sequence length with large single-copy region (LSC), a was used as reference to assemble the D. velutina while
small single-copy region (SSC) and a pair of inverted repeats Cynanchum wilfordii (KT220734) was used to assemble
regions IRa and IRb (Dong et al., 2012; Jansen et al., 2005). the G. siniacus genome. SOAPdenovo (Xie et al., 2014) was
Chloroplast (cp) genome is very conserved in terms of its applied to assemble the contigs while the annotation was
gene order and contents compared to other organelles done using PGA software (Qu et al., 2019).
in majority of angiosperms (Tonti‐Filippini et al., 2017; Geseq was used to annotate genes (Lohse et al., 2007),
Wicke et al., 2011). With that reason the evolutionary while ARAGORN V 1.2.2 and tRNAscan-SE V 2.0.3 was
history details of most angiosperms express a unique used for the annotation of tRNAs in the sequences (Lowe
and vital information for plant phylogeny (Corriveau and and Chan, 2016). For circular genome structure we
Coleman, 1988). Several research on DNA-bar-coding as use Organellar Genome DRAW (Tillich et al., 2017).
well as the molecular markers give more emphasis on the The annotated sequences of D. velutina and G. siniacus
chloroplast genome after the work Nicotina tabacum by were submitted to National center for Biotechnology
Shinozaki et al. (1986). Many plant biologist were able to Information (NCBI) and were assigned with an accession
identify over 3000 plant chloroplast genomes and stored
Numbers MT431578 and MN689141 for D. velutina and
in the GenBank (Mocan et al., 2014; NCBI). Moreover, the
G. siniacus respectively.
comparative chloroplast genomes of two Asclepiadoideae
species will reveal the Phylogenetic lineage between the
2.3. Comparative analysis and genomic features
two species and their positions in Asclepiadoideae well
as the tribal positions. Comparative genomics was made using mVISTA
The characterization of highly variable regions would programme (Mayor et al., 2000); to compare D. velutina and
contribute to developing candidate DNA barcodes for G. siniacus, sequences with Calotropis procera (NC_041440)
future studies. Microsatellites (SSRs) could be used as and Gymnema sylvestre (NC_047175) genomes both from
potential molecular polymorphic markers to reveal the Asclepiadoideae downloaded from GenBank database.

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Chloroplast genomics in Asclepiadoideae subfamily

While the expansion and contractions of the sequences and types of substitutions were described in Geneious
were done using IR scope (Amiryousefi et al., 2018). R8.1(Kearse et al., 2012). InDels events were determined
after analyzing a pairwise alignment the SSC, LSC and IR
2.4. Amino acid frequency, codon usage, and RNA editing in DnaSP v.5.10 (Librado and Rozas, 2009).
For the sequence analysis we use MEGA 6.0 (Kumar et al., 2.7. Phylogenetic analysis
2008) to detect the relative synonymous codon usage Complete plastome genome of D. velutina and
(RSCU), codon usage as well as the base compositions; G. siniacus along with other 9 species from Asclepiadoideae
while RNA editing sites in the protein coding genes were subfamily. Two species were outgroup from Rauvofluideae
analyzed with PREP suite (Mower, 2009) with 0.8 cutoff subfamily; were downloaded from the Genbank and
values. aligned with MAFFT program v.7 (Katoh and Standley,
2013). Aligned sequences were further analyzed with
2.5. Microsatellites analysis Maximum Parsimony PAUP ver. 4.0b 10 (Felsenstein,
Microsatellites in the sequences of G. siniacus and D. 1978) with 1000 replicate tree bisection-reconnection,
velutina were evaluated with MISA (IPGCPR, Gatersleben, branch swapping, and random taxon addition; with
Germany) (Thiel et al., 2003) with the settings of 10, 5, 4, MulTrees on and trees saving of 100 as peak value for
3, 3and 3to represent mono, di tri, tetra, penta and hexa all replicates. Missing characters were considered as a
values respectively; while Tandem Repeats were identified gap while support was determined using 1000 replicates
with a program called Tandem repeat Finder (NY, USA) nonparametric bootstrap method. Program MrBayes
with ten base pairs length. While setting 2, 7, 7, for match, 3.2.6 (Ronquist et al., 2012) was employed to perform
mismatch and indels respectively. The size of the repeats Bayesian analysis. jModelTest 3.7 (Ebert and Peakall,
were viewed with program REPUter (Beilfeild Germany) 2009) was used to select the right model.
(Kurtz et al., 2001) parameters were set at 30 base pairs
as least size and ninety percent limit similarity index of
two repeat copies. 3. Result

2.6. Substitutions and InDel analyses 3.1. Characterization of the cp genomes of G. siniacus and
In order to determined substitution rates in D. velutina D. velutina
and G. siniacus, the sequence of Gymnema sylvestre was The complete chloroplast genomes of G. siniacus
used as a reference (Yaradua et al., 2019) while alignment and D. velutina were 154,478 bp and 162,570 bp in size
of SSC, LSC and IR regions in the genomes was done respectively (Table 1 and Figure 1). The two genomes consist
using MAFFTv.5 (Multiple Alignment with Fast Fourier of a pair of inverted repeats (25,633 and 26,264 bp); LSC
Transform) (Katoh and Standley, 2016). The numbers (92,547 and 84,170 bp); SSC (18,757 and 17,780 bp) for

Table 1. Characteristics of G. siniacus and D. velutina chloroplast genomes.

G. siniacus

T (U) (%) C (%) A (%) G (%) Length (bp)

LSC 30.4 19.6 31.4 16.6 92,547

SSC 32.8 16.7 34.0 16.5 18,757

IRA 27.3 21.6 30.2 20.9 25,633

IRB 27.3 21.9 28.2 22.6 25,633

1st Position 32 18.6 31.0 18.6 54202

2nd Position 31 19.0 30.7 19.3 54202

3rd Position 31 19.2 30.9 18.7 54202

D. velutina

LSC 30 19.8 30.5 19.7 84,170

SSC 32 17.1 32.8 18.1 17,780

IRA 29 18.6 33.8 18.1 26,264

IRB 29 19.8 31.0 20.3 26,264

1st Position 30.7081773 18.4506176 32.2601681 18.581037 53673

2nd Position 31.4757886 18.7803924 30.4342966 19.3095225 53673

3rd Position 30.3640632 18.706216 31.1968997 19.7328216 53672

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Figure 1. Chloroplast genome draw of G. siniacus and D. velutina showing gene map.

D. velutina and G. siniacus respectively (Table 1). Overall GC

content of Duvalia velutina is 37.9% while Gomphocarpus
siniacus has 38%, while the inverted repeats regions has
high GC content ranges from 35.2% to 33.2%. The genome of
D. velutina was found to be almost divided into two equal
parts between the coding regions and non-coding regions.
The genomes consist of 119 genes (Table 2). The two
genomes encode 31tRNA genes, 4 rRNA genes and three
pseudo genes (rps19, ycf1 and ycf15). Most of the genes were
found to be duplicated at the IR regions of the genomes.
Predictive RNA editing sites indicate high probability in
ndhB (8 in D. velutina and 7 in G. siniacus) and rpoB (7 in
Figure 2. RNA editing amino acid conversions in G. siniacus and
Both D. velutina and G. siniacus) while matK in D. velutina
D. velutina.
(3 sites) and ndhA in G. siniacus (5 sites). The conversion rate
observed tend to be higher at the initial nucleotides with
almost three times than the second nucleotide (Figure 2). are the second highest (13), di-nucleotide (12), tri-
Majority of the RNA editing sites were coding for the nucleotide (10), penta-nucleotide (9) and hexa-nucleotide
conversion of serine to Leucine with higher possibility of (1); D. velutina second highest was tri-nucleotide (9),
hydrophobic amino acid valine, phenylalanine, methionine di-nucleotide (5), tetra-nucleotide (3), penta-nucleotide
isoleucine and many more. A total of 37 protein coding (2) and hexa-nucleotide (1); G. sylvestre di-nucleotide
genes in D. velutina and G. siniacus were predicted for RNA- and tetra-nucleotide were second highest with (3 each),
editing sites 19 were predicted in D. velutina while 21 were tri-nucleotide (2), hexa-nucleotide (1) while no penta-
predicted in G. siniacus. Total of 8 and 6 genes do not have nucleotide was reported; C. procera the second highest was
RNA editing sites in D. velutina and G siniacus chloroplast di-nucleotide (16), followed by tetra and hexa-nucleotide
genomes respectively. The amino acid conversion indicate (8 each), while the least were tri-nucleotide and tri-
high Serine to Leucine conversion(S-L)(26), followed by nucleotide each with three repeats.
Proline to Leucin (9) and proline to serine (4) and the least Long Repeats sequences in the four genomes of
conversion were T-L, T-I, T-A and H-Y each with only one D. velutina, G. siniacus, C. procera and G. sylvestre
potential conversion Figure 2. Figure  5 generally reveals high number of palindromic
and forward repeats. In D. velutina and G. siniacus forward
3.2. Analysis of cpSSR repeats (21 and 25) are higher followed by palindromic
Analysis of cpSSR in the sequences of G. siniacus, (19 and 17), Reverse (11 and 9) and complements (3 and
D. velutina, G. sylvestre and C. procera chloroplast genome 1); While in C. procera and G. sylvestre forward (15 and 19)
(Figure 3 and 4) indicates higher mononucleotide in all repeats are the majority followed by palindromic (16 and
the sequences (31 – 99). In G. siniacus tetra-nucleotide 23) followed by Reverse (11 and 9) then complement

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Chloroplast genomics in Asclepiadoideae subfamily

Table 2. Gene assemblage in D. velutina and G. siniacus chloroplast genomes.

Category Class of genes Gene Identity

RNA genes ribosomal RNA genes (rRNA) rrn5, rrn4.5, rrn16, rrn23

Transfer RNA (tRNA) trnH-GUG,trnK-UUU+, trnQ-UUG, trnS-GCU, trnV-GACatrnS-CGA+, trnR-

UCU,trnC-GC; trnD-GUC, trnY-GUA, trnE-UUC, trnT-GGU, trnS-UGA, trnfM-
CAU, trnG-GCC, trnS-GGA, trnL-UAA+, trnT-UGU, trnF-GAA, trnV-UAC;trnM-
CAU, trnW-CCA, trnP-UGG, trnI-CAUa, trnL-CAAa, trnA-UGC+,a, trnR-ACGa,
trnN-GUUa, trnL-UAG

Ribosome Small sub-unit of ribosome rps2, rps3, rps4, rps7a, rps8, rps11, rps12a, rps14, rps15,rps16+,rps18, rps19

Transcription Large sub-unit of ribosome rpl2+,a, rpl14, rpl16, rpl20, rpl22, rpl23a, rpl32, rpl33, rpl36

DNA-dependent RNA rpoA, rpoB, rpoC1+, rpoC2


Protein genes Photosystem I psaA, psaB, psaC, psaI, psaJ, ycf3++

Photosystem II psbA, psbB, psbC, psbD, psbE, psbF, psbH, psbI, psbJ, psbK, psbL, psbM, psbN,

Sub-unit of cytochrome petA, petB, petD, petG, petL, petN

Sub-unit of synthase atpA, atpB, atpE, atpF+, atpH, atpI

Large sub-unit of rubisco rbcL

NADH dehydrogenase ndhA+, ndhB+a, ndhC, ndhD, ndhE, ndhF, ndhG, ndhH; ndhI; ndhJ;ndhK

ATP-dependent protease clpP++

subunit P

Cp envelope membrane protein cemA

Other genes Maturase matK

Sub-unit acetyl-coA carboxylase accD

C-type cytochrome systhesis ccsA

Hypothetical proteins ycf2a, ycf4

Component of TIC complex ycf1a

Figure 3. SSR types in G. siniacus, D. velutina, G. sylvestre and C. procera chloroplast genome sequence.

(1 and 3) being least in the two sequences (Figure 5). 3.3. Substitutions rates analyses
AT content of the G. siniacus is (62.1%-63.00%); while in In the study of molecular evolution, the Ka/Ks ratio
D. velutina it was (61.55%-63.01%); these correspond with is used to explain the mechanism of DNA sequence
the hypothesis that all chloroplast genomes are hardly evolution, for the reconstruction of phylogenies, and for the
containing tandem (G) guanine or cytosine (C) but with identification of protein-coding genes. It can be used as tool
only polyadenine (polyA) or polythymina (polyT) repeats. for estimation of the selective pressure of gene evolution,
The SSRs were also called microsatellites. with a Ka/Ks ratio of >1 denoting positive selection and

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Figure 4. SSR complements in G. siniacus and D. velutina chloroplast genome sequence.

Figure 5. Long repeats sequences in D. velutina, G. siniacus, C. procera and G. sylvestre chloroplast genomes. P = palindromic; F = forward;
R = reverse; and C = complement. The result of long repeats in Figure 5 indicate highest amount of forward long repeats (21), followed
by palindromic (19).

a Ka/Ks ratio of <1 indicating negative selection; a value good candidacy for the identification and authentication of
closer to 1 indicates neutral mutation.Synonymous (Ka) the taxa on the basis of its structural arrangement. These
and non-synonymous (Ks) substitution rate and the Ka/Ks can be used as molecular markers for the identification of
ration were determined to evaluate sequence divergence Asclepiadoideae Subfamily and Apocynaceae in general.
and relative selection in the protein coding genes. The result
indicates low sequence divergence in most of the genes 3.5. Inverted Repeats (IR) junction analysis
(Ks< 0.1) (Figure 6). Calotropis procera, Gymnema sylvestre, Gomphocarpus
siniacus and Duvalia velutina chloroplast genomes border
3.4. Chloroplast genome comparison of G. siniacus, D. junction comparison (Figure 8) indicates variations between
velutina and G. sylvestre and C. procera three genes on the basis of their positions; genes such
The whole chloroplast genomes of G. siniacus, D. velutina as trnH-GUG, rps19 and ycf1 were observed. trnH-GUG is
and G. sylvestre were compared and annotated C. procera located at the LSC-IRa border regions of C. procera, Gymnema
was used as reference sequence (Figure 7) to reveal the sylvestre, G. siniacus and D. velutina, genomes while they
features of variations. The output shows there is more varied in sizes (3 bp, 1bp, 16bp and 3bp); rps19 and was
variability at the IR regions than the LSC and SSC regions. located at the LSC region in C. procera, G. sylvestre and G.
The coding region is also conserved but non-coding region is siniacus genomes, while in D. velutina it extended into IRb
less conserved. The most divergent regions are found at the regions. The disparity due to contractions and expansion
ycf2, psaB, ndhK, ndhB, rpl22, rpoc2, ycf15, petD while at the of the genome;ycf1 is located at the extensions SSC-IRa
coding region matK, accD. The Mvista comparison showed border regions in C. procera, G. sylvestre and D. velutina
that the genomes were conserved with few variations noticed thereby creating pseudo genes between the regions; while
at the non-coding region; the genome of G. siniacus showed in G. siniacus its located at the SSC region.

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Chloroplast genomics in Asclepiadoideae subfamily

Figure 6. Synonymous Ka/ks ratio of G. siniacus against C. procera, D. velutina and G. ylvestre.

Figure 7. Sequence comparisons of four chloroplast genomes using mVISTA programe; with C. procera used as reference genomes.

Figure 8. Comparative chloroplast sequences junctions of LSC, SSC and IR in D. velutina, G. siniacus, and C. procera and G. sylvestre genomes.

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The phylogenetic tree (Figure 9) showed Duvalia the regions. IR region is regarded as the most conserved
and Stapelia are sister taxa and they should be regions in chloroplast genome (Cui et al., 2019; Zhou et al.,
regarded as separate tribes. The sister relationship 2017; Raubeson and Jansen, 2005).
between Gomphocarpus and Calotropis is also validated. Overall GC content of the genomes were 37.8% and 40.7%
Gomphocarpus and Calotropis were placed in the tribe Figure 5 for G. siniacus and D. velutina, also the findings
Asclepiadea as sub tribe. reveals high GC content at the IR region (35.2-33.2%)
of the two genomes. This variation was also observed
by Cui et al. (2019), Raveendar et al. (2015), Xiang et al.
4. Discussion (2016), in which the authors attributed the variation to the
localization of rRNA at IR region. The higher AT content
Two species Asclepiadoideae were assembled and at the third position in the coding was also observed by
compared with two publicly available species where the Cui et al. (2019), Xiang et al. (2016), He et al. (2017). This
sequence alignment, IR contraction and expansion were findings was used in the discrimination of chloroplast
evaluated. We observed a pseudogenization of ycf1 in DNA from the Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (Shen et al.,
G. siniacus sequence. Also the substitution rates were 2018; Clegg et al., 1995).The GC contents of the cp
calculated. The four genomes compared were similar in genomes in this study is similar to the other cp genomes
some basic features such as gene contents, number of tRNA of Apocynaceae and its very much GC-lacking as a result
and rRNA genes, introns and GC contents. The similarity it causes a very much bias towards A/T at the third codon
observed was due to the conserved nature of the chloroplast positions (Qian et al., 2013). Mutations occur as a result
genome in angiosperm as reported by Ahmed et al. (2013), of translation-preferred codons due to natural selection
Li et al. (2019), Parks et al. (2009), Saina et al. (2018). Some during evolution of the cp genomes (Yang et al., 2018) RNA
species were also varied in their gene number as a result of editing is an evolutionary process that modify the genetic
loss or gain of an intron at either genus level or at family makeup of a genome by altering the precursor RNA’s
level (Menezes et al., 2018; Abdullah et al., 2019). nucleotide sequence (Tsudzuki et al., 2001). This process
However, positioning of rps19 at the IR region in the G. of the post-transcriptional modification of precursor RNAs
siniacus (Figure 8) was also observed by Cui et al. (2019) to alter their nucleotide sequences (Hoch et al., 1991).
and Yaradua et al. (2019). Three genes were present in It sometimes occurs through the insertion and deletion of
both genomes which is imperative to the findings in nucleotides, or specific nucleotide substitution (mostly C to
other species such as Lycium babarum (Solanaceae) and U conversion) (Hoch et al., 1991). Since the first evidence of
Swertia mussotii (Gentianaceae) where rps19 andYcf1 were RNA editing was found in chloroplast in the rpl2 transcript
found to be pseudogenes (Cui et al., 2019; Xiang et al., of maize (Freyer et al., 1997), it has been hunted out and
2016). This Serine-leucine (S–L) amino acid conversion systematically studied in the protein-coding transcripts
happens in most angiosperms, as reported in L. barbarum of majority land plants lineages (Tillich et al., 2005), such
and L. chinense (Cui et al., 2019) and also in Dendrobium as Arabidopsis thaliana (Tillich et al., 2010), N. tabacum
officinale (Luo et al., 2014) as well as Aristolochia debilis (Yin et al., 2018), Zea mays (Maier et al., 1996), Oryza
(Zhou et al., 2017). . Ycf1 is located at the extensions of IRb sativa (Corneille et al., 2000), D. velutina and P. tomentosa
and SSC regions there by creating pseudo genes between (Abba et al., 2020, 2021).

Figure 9. Phylogenetic tree of 11 taxa based on the complete chloroplast genomes using Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Parsimony
(MP) methods; which indicates the relationship within the eleven species of Apocynaceae. The numbers in the branch nodes represent
Bootstrap Percentage (BP).

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Chloroplast genomics in Asclepiadoideae subfamily

Most studies noted that start or stop codons were Asclepiadeae on the basis of molecular trnL-trnF markers.
created by RNA editing which result in shortening of Our results indicate the position of Duvalia as member
the size of translation products (Ozawa et al., 1997; of the tribe Ceropegieae while Gomphocarpus has been
Wakasugi et al., 1996; Yoshinaga et al., 1997). Also during placed under tribe Asclepiadeae.
production of new gene as a result of one striking case
(Wakasugi et al., 1996); Our findings revealed that there
is an codon initiation in psbL gene which is responsible 5. Conclusion
for the production of PSII- L protein (Ozawa et al., 1997),
as previously reported in tobacco (Bock et al., 1993; The study involves sequencing and analysis of two
Kudla et al., 1992) and pepper (Kuntz et al., 1992) and species of Asclepiadoideae, G. siniacus and D. velutina
spinach (Maier et al., 1996). RNA editing is common in cp (Apocynaceae). The structures of the two genomes were
genomes of angiosperms. It usually alters reading frames, also compared in which different variable regions and
mutation, as well as regulation of genes expressions of SSR markers were unmasked. Also, the gene content
plants it however, serve as a corrective mechanism in the arrangements and order were very much conserved. These
cp genomes of angiosperms. detailed studies explain the evolutionary relationship
RNA editing sites in the sequences of G. siniacus and among these two genomes which could help in
D. velutina were high from Leucine to serine and mostly identification, authentication, breeding and evolutionary
the codon conversion from hydrophilic to hydrophobic studies of the family Apocynaceae.
amino acids were also observed. This has also been
reported in other angiosperms by Mehmood et al. (2020),
Abdullah et al. (2019). The variation in the sizes of the Acknowledgements
genomes is as a resultof expansion and contraction of IR
borders (Yang et al., 2016). This expansion was reported in The project was financially supported by the Deanship
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