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Abnormal Uterine bleeding

Acute Episode of heavy menstrual bleeding of sufficient quantity to require immediate attention
- - .

Chronic -
Bleeding abnormal in volume , regularity or timing For past 6 months .

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding : Abnormal Uterine bleeding that occurs in absence of any clinically detectable organic , systemic or

iatrogenic cause ( pregnancy and fibroids are excluded ) .

This term has been replaced by AUB completely now .

Causes of
. AUB : PALM -

COEIN Classification / AGO Classification

p polyp

A- Adenomyosis o -

Ovulatory dysfunction
E -

M -

Malignancy & Hyperplasia I -

N -
Not classified

Aetiology of Men orrhagea :

General Causes pelvic causes Contraceptives Hormonal IDUB

Blood dyscrasia -
Ovulatory -

irregular ripening

Coagulopatny -

pelvic adhesions -

Post tubal sterilisation -

irregular shedding Italian 's disease)


thyroid dysfunction -
Uterine fibroids -

progesterone only pills


Genital TB -

Endometrial Hyperplasia . Schroeder's disease


Feminizing tumor of ovary


Pelvic congestion


Endometrial tissue sampling by D4C

Bleeding time & -

Diagnostic laparoscopy

Thyroid function tests - sono Ipingography

pelvic angiography if other investigations fail detect cause
USG pelvis

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy >

may show vaniosity & Arteriovenous fistula .

v v

Older women
Young patient
I v

Rule out cancer

u v

uterine pathology
Conception and
desired desired
✓ v

Normal Uterus Uterine pathology present

v .

Combined 0C
Etnamsylate (NSAID) pills
Transexamic acid Progesterone u


Medroxy progesterone Acetate 10mg aid


× ydays
Medical therapy •

Norethisterone 5mg

-0C pills contraindicated over 40 years Appropriate

Mirena -

progesterone and others surgery

Releases LNG Rough day

GnRH analogues 13-4 months v


v v v

Effective fails Hysterectomy with

removal of ovaries ( 750 years)
continue R, for -
minimally invasive surgeries
6- A month or -

as required -

Endometrial ablation

follow up
Hysterectomy with conservation
of ovaries
- It is defined as a menstruation painful enough to incapacitate day to
day aunties

Primary (spasmodic) Secondary (congestive)

In absence of any pelvic pathology
In presence of pelvic pathology

mostly confined to adolescent .

. pain always ovulation cycles & is usually cured
occurs in

after pregnancy and vaginal delivery .

11 Endometriosis
2) DID
3) Ovarian cysts & tumors
- theories : a) Cervical stenosis
5) fibroids
1) Uterine hyperactivity
6) Adenomyosis

Junctional zone 132) hyperplasia & hyperactivity

7) Polyps

Dys peristalsis
8) Intrauterine adhesions
9) Transverse vaginal septum
H Overactivity of sympathetic nerves ,
Hyperion; city of circular fibres
of isthumus

C1F :
3) RPG Fa in ovulatory cycles > Ischemia of myometrium

4) low pain threshold

11 Pain starts its days prior to periods and relieves with start
Psychosomatic factors anxiety
of bleeding
, ,

2) Pain is dull in nature

3) Other symptoms related to underlying pathology present
C1F :
1) Pain begins few hours or just before menses .

a) Pain lasts for few hours to 24 hrs .

Investigations :
3) Spasmodic lower abdominal pain ; Hysteroscopy
may radiate to back & medial aspect of thigh CTIMRI

4) may be alw nausea vomiting cold sweats , ,

Routine investigations
Syncope in severe cases
6) Clinical exam does not reveal any abnormalities .

MX treatment of
- :
underlying cause .

Investigations : USG -

Rule out pelvic pathologies

4 :

" medical :

. NSAIDs Given for: 1-3 days .

For 3-6 cycles

Mefehamic acid : 950

-500mg lid

Indomethacin 25mg tid

Na broken 275mg lid

- Antispasmodics

Hyaline compounds


Glycerol trinitrate transdermal patches

0C pills .
Relieve paint
progesterone releasing IUD contraceptive benefits

- Trans cutaneous Electrical nerve stimulation

a) surgery -

Rarely required

Laparoscopic Uterine Nerve ablation ( LUNA)

Laparoscopic pre sacral heurectomyll.HN )
- Definition : Heterogeneous syndrome complex characterised by chronic anovulation and Hyperandrogen Ism ; frequently alw insulin resistance ,

resulting in menstrual irregularity , infertility and hirsutism .

. Incidence : 4- 12% of women in reproductive age .

C1F :
Generally in
seen young women .

. Diagnostic Criteria ! -
1) Oligo or Anovulation -

Oligomenorrhoea I Amenorrhoea

a) Hyper androgen ism :
Biochemical or clinical -


b) On US9 : At least 12 follicles ,
I -9mm size present within t or both ovaries -

Acanthus's nigricans
OR -

male pattern alopecia

ovarian volume 710Mt

Investigations :
Ovulation Induction agents :

1) Serum Hormone values : DU0M iphone citrate ( Doctor anovulatory infertility)

4 E2 50mg 1 day for 5 days ( Day 2-6 or 5-9 of cycle)
4 LH -
success rate for ovulation -801 .

4 Testosterone & And rostenedione

+ SHBG ( sex Hormone binding globulin) 2) Letrozole 2.5mg 1 day X 5 days 20mg on day 3
H a- hydroxy progesterone 7300 nglml

4 Prolactin 3) Tamoxifen 20 -40mg 1 day X 5

A serum fasting Insulin
4) Anastrozole
2) USG :

Enlarged ovaries ,

volume 710mm's 5) Gonadotropin s :

12 or more follicles , size 2 -9mm placed peripherally -

HMG & Recombinant FSH

( Necklace of pearls pattern) -

Injection hCG 5,000-10,000 IU Im


4 in echo gene city and volume of stroma

- 4 in endometrial thickness due to unopposed estrogen stimulation side Effects : D Multiple pregnancies
a) Ovarian Hyper stimulation syndrome 10USD
3) Thyroid function tests in obese women .

3) A risk of epithelial ovarian cancer

4) Laparoscopy -

BIL enlarged ovaries SX for Ovulation Induction :

Laparoscopic drilling

( Reserved for therapeutic purpose) -

Only in cases of failure with medical therapy

No risk of OHSS Or multiple pregnancy

counselling of patient about disease .

Lifestyle modification Balance diet : -

Insulin sensitizes :
Regular exercise -

stop smoking alcohol ,

1) Metformin -
start at 500mg once a day
Can be 4 upto 1000mg twice
Weight loss
a day .

specific 14 : a) Myoinositol -

Newer insulin sensitize

D Irregular periods I amenorrhoea :

0C pills 1 Cyclical progesterone

2) Hirsutism : -0C pills


Anti androgens

Antiandrogen s :

3) Infertility : Ovulation induction

1) spironolactone 25 -100mg twice day

Assisted reproductive technology ( ART)
a) Flutamide
Insulin sensitizes 3) Fina sterile
4) Hyper insulin emia :

a) Cyproterone acetate

Best RI is 0C pills as it
regularises cycles
and suppress acne and Hirsutism .
Support of Uterus :

Upper tier (
middle Tier strongest support ) Inferior Tier
① Endo pelvic fascia ① Dericervical ring ① Levator ani muscle
② Round ligaments ② Endo pelvic fascia ② Perineal muscles forming
Remnants of gubernaallum perineal body
Endo pelvic fascia

is condensed at places

function to maintain anteverted position of Uterus

③ Urogenital diaphragm
to form ligaments :
③ Broad ligaments
d) Pubocervical ligament
Double layer of peritoneum attaching to side

from pubic to anterior cervix


Acts as mesentery for uterus

④ Transverse cervical 1 Cardinal Imackerodt 's ligament

from cervix to lateral pelvic walls

. Broad & Round ligaments are considered False support .

) utero sacral ligaments


From periosteum of 523,4 vertebrae to poster lateral cervix

Genital Prolapse : Downward displacement of organ from its normal anatomical position .

Aetiology :
. Classification : .
POPQ staging :

① Atonicity
( Pelvic organ prolapse Quantitative)
A) Anterior vaginal wall
Congenital weakness of supports Cystocele
upper 213



Menopause -
lower yg : urethra Ie
stage 0 : No prolapse

② Birth injuries
stage Ii All points 71cm above Hymen
B) posterior vaginal wall

Prolonged labor -

Upper 43 :
Enterocele . Stage I : lowest point within 1cm of Hymen

multiparty -
Lower 213 : Recto I btw -1 and + 1)
Large baby c) Uterine descent lowest point 71cm below hymen
stage III

: . :

perineal tear descent of cervix into vagina but not complete prolapse

pudenda 1 nerve injury descent of cervix upto introits stage II : complete prolapse vault aversion

. or

Operative delivery -
descent of cervix outside introits
③ Others : -

Providential Entire uterus outside introits


Raised intra abdominal pressure

Chronic bronchitis : Mx :

.NU/liparous: Abdominal sling Sx

. C1F :

pregnancy :
Ring pessary upto 16 weeks
1) Vaginal symptoms

Sensation of bulge or profusion

post Natal '

Ring pessary ¢ pelvic Floor exercises


Pressure & Heaviness surgery if required


Excessive whitish discharge (due to venous congestion )

Blood stained discharge due to deulbitous ulcer independent part .
Young woman : Conservative vaginal surgery (Fertility sparing )

( 140 years)
2) Urinary symptoms : 4 frequency , urgency

Ant .

vaginal wall prolapse Ant.CO/porrhaphy :

incomplete emptying -

Posterior vaginal wall prolapse : posterior Colporrhaphy

uterine prolapse : Manchester operation
3) Bowel symptoms :
straining during defecation
( in Redocele )

sling surgeries

4) Dyspareunia
Women 740 years family complete or :

vaginal Hysterectomy with Ant ¢ posterior

colporrhaphy ( pelvic floor repair)
Manchester ( Fothergill ) operation :
- Indications : young patients with 2nd I 3rd degree uterine prolapse sling surgeries :
① Shirodkar's sling Closed loop posterior sling : static , ,
- Procedure :
1) Anterior Colporrhaphy done -

Tape anchored to sacral promontory 4 posterior aspect

2) Cervix dilated of isthmus
3) Amputation of cervix
front of cervix
② Purandara 's CerviCOPEXU : Dynamic Closed loop anterior sling
4) Dlication of Macken rodt 's ligament in

5) Posterior Tape anchored to anti abdominal wall 4 ant aspect of

tip amputated cervix covered by vaginal flap


6) using stormdorff sutures
7) Cold operineorrhaphy is done ② Khanna 's sling :
static open neutral
, , sting

Tape anchored to A9S & anterior aspect of islhumus .

. complications : ① Haemorrhage ⑤ Infertility

② Cervical incompetence ⑥ Premature rupture of membranes ④ Virkud 's composite sling : static + dynamic open ,

③ Cervical stenosis Anterior + posterior sling

④ Cervical dystonia
Male infertility
failure to conceive after one year of regular unprotected sex .

primary : Never conceived
Secondary : previous pregnancy ,
but failure to conceive subsequently -

Irrespective of outcome of previous pregnancy ]

Aetiology : .
Investigations :

1) Genetic -

Abnormal y chromosome ,
Kline fetter 's syndrome 1) Routine : Blood sugar
2) Diordels of spermatogenesis TSH

Hormonal :
Hypothalamic pituitary , , Hypothyroidism Hyperproladinemia , Urine routine

Kallman n syndrome

Testicular Absent germ cells

a) Semen analysis
: -

Varicocele sample
- :
masturbation & collection in sterile container

Cryptochordism Collection condom ( silicone polyurethane )


orchitislmumps.TN Penile vibratory stimulation 4 electro ejaculation

Drugs ( cimelidine spironolactone ) 4 , Radiate ideal time -

After 3- 5 days of abstinence

3) Duct disorders :
congenital absence ,
trauma ,
inflammatory blockage
3) Hormonal evaluation : FSH ,
LH , Testosterone , prolactin
4) Disorders of sperm Ivesiculah fluid : -

Kartagener syndrome limmotile cilia)


Sperm acrosome defect

4) Fructose content in seminal fluid
oocyte fusion defect

Zonapelkida binding 4 Fusion defect 5) Testicular biopsy

5) sexual dysfunction : -

low coital frequency


Impotence 6) Trans rectal USG


7) scrotal USG
6) Psychological
8) Vasogram -

for potency of vas .

7) Chronic illness
a) Sperm function
8) Substance abuse -

drugs smoking ,
, alcohol

D) chromosome and genetic analysis

.MX :

For Impotence Retrograde ejaculation
Lifestyle modification
. .
Hypergonadotropin ic
Psychosexual help .
Hypogonadotrophk Hypogonadism
Improve general health phenyl ephrine

sildehafil 50.100mg Hypogonadism :

(testicular failure)
Exercise weight loss ( improve tone of sphincter)

Control sugar
11 hr before



sexual activity )

Inj HM9 . -


Correct thyroid disorders

Dulsatile GnRH -

Treat infections

Clomiphene citrate


Advice to stop smoking alcohol ,

Medical Mx .
Surgeries :

Antioxidants -
Astaxanthin -

For vaniocele

zinc -

Vasovdsotomylvasoepididymostomy For obstruction of vaslepididymis .

coenzyme Q

Transurethral resection of ejaculatory duds -

improves semen aleality


multivitamins led E)

Assisted Reproductive technology :

Semen Exam

Not mat v

✓ . Abnormal
IUI Failed IUI

3- E cycles v ✓ investigations
( with ovarian stimulation t v

with omiphene citrate) correction of abnormality


If Count It count
more than 05×106 v

10 motile motile fails

sperms sperms I


- Aetiology :
Female infertility Anovuldtion Ovarian failure causes
① Ovarian ② Tubal 4 ③ Uterine ④ Cervical ⑤ vaginal
peritoneal I -

Hypothalamic pituitary failure -

it Anovulation 1) fibroids ikervicdl Stenosis
tuba , obstruction due to -

chemo tradition
iil Diminished ovarian i )pID a) Polyps iilprolapse ilvaginal Atresia II. Ovarian failure -

thyroiditis Hypothyroidism)
Reservation mature
3) Sisnechiae Transverse
ii )tB
syndrome) ivkerviatis
E- Hyproladinemia -
Addison 's disease
ovarian Failure ( Asherman
" Endometriosis vaginal septum Cigarette smoking
iiilufealpha Defect a) uterine Hypoplasia ↳ Anti sperm

NTUbd this on
irllutenisedunruptored g)septalelpsicornuale antibody in

follicle V ) Adhesions uterus cervical mucus

* collapsed follicle 4 Free fluid in touch of Douglas on TVs are

Diagnosing Ovulation Tests for Tubal DUSG Features of recent ovulation


- .

Indirect methods Detects fibroid ,

potency : -

1) Menstrual History 1) Rubin 's test polyps ,

ii ) Basal anomalies Clomiphene citrate Challenge Test :
body temp . 1) Measure serum FSH on

cycle days .

graph YLHSGI 2) HS4

ivlvaginal cytology 2) Administer 100mg Clomiphenecitratelday on days 5-9
iffndometrial biopsy 3) Measure serum ASH on
day 10
( forth) '
g) saline infusion 3) SIS

Elevated Back to normal

vilhlormone estimation

+ t
Sr 4) laparoscopy
progesterone Normal function

ovaries not
srestradiol 4) Hyskrosalpingo .


SRLH Contrast nography 5) Hysleroscopy

viiltransvaginal USG
( for follicular study ) 5) Laparoscopy

* Direct method 6) Falloscoby

g) salpingoscobll

Test for Ovarian Reserve

1) Day 's Basal FSH

2) Basal Estradiol
[760 pglml in early follicular
phase >
Reproductive aging
Hastened cykdev)
4) Inhibits Bt with
tin number of oocytes

5) Clomiphene citrate
Challenge Test

6) USG

Antral Follicle count

• Rt : therapeutic itcervicalmucus General measures :

Ovulation Induction Adhesiolysis Hysleroscopy quality improvement

agents : -

Fimbrioplasty by oestrogen 1) Lifestyle modification -

weight loss
Clomiphen @ Citrate Salpingostomy stop smoking alcohol


150.250mg Iday ) -

Tubotubal anastomosis ii)N -

acetyl eystein

letrozole Ancestral ,
Iv 2) Control of sugar in DM

corneal connotation improves sperm
penetration 3) Correction of thyroid disorders
Reversal of
4) stress relief therapy
d) Diminished reserve :
tubal ligation iii. steroids in

DHEA 25mg tid Case of anti sperm


4 of endometriosis antibodies 5) Appropriate R,
of infections if present

NF with donor


Unexplained infertility -

Intrauterine insemination Indications for therapeutic Hysleroscopy :

super ovulation -1

1) polyps G fibroids ( Hysleroscopicpolypectomylmyomectomy)


a) Intrauterine adhesions
In vitro fertilisation
3) Lateral wall metroplasty for 1- shaped uterus
4) Septum resections
Normal ovaries & Absent Uterus
In case of
' Definition : It is defined as presence of normal functional endometrial mucosa (glands & stromal abnormally implanted in locations
other than endometrial cavity .

. sites :
Aetiology :
Endometriosis is a proliferative hormone dependent disease of childbearing period .

1) Pelvic Endometriosis

Extremely rare before menarche and disappears after menopause


2) Pouch of Douglas
Genetic susceptibility in Isi cases 3) Utero sacral ligament

seen .

4) Ovarian
5) Chocolate cyst of ovary

6) Appendix pelvic lymph nodes

1)Sampson 's theory of Retrograde menstruation ( most accepted )

1) Metastatic Lungs scar endometriosis

a) Coelomic metaplasia Ivan off & Meyer


3) Haematogenous spread
a) Lymphatic spread that ban 's theory)
5) Direct implantation .
Investigations :

1) Laparoscopy :
Investigation of choice

Detects site of endometriosis & staging

. C1F :
Take biopsy

Asymptomatic surgically treat endometriosis by


Dysmenorrhoea ablation of removal


menorrhagia & premenstrual spotting findings :

Pelvic pain it chocolate cysts

bdominal pain and back Dain iit powder bum spots
= 4-Jeep dyspareunia :
mostly seen in edometriosis of pouch of douglas
iii) Matchstick burnt spots
in Blueberry lesion

Infertility v
) Red 1 Purple raspberry lesion

Dyschezia ( pain on defecation ) vi) sub ovarian adhesions

Pain on micturition & Teed frequency vii) sub peritoneal defects ( Allen Master syndrome)
Cyclical Haematite 'd lif Bladder involved )
21 USG trans vaginal )


4) CA 125 -

Nonspecific marker

. Mx :

Asymptomatic symptomatic
medical : symptomatic relief from pain dysmenorrhoed

t size of lesions .

Observe 6-8 months

1) Minimal Invasive :
1) Pseudo pregnancy regimen
it 0C pills 2 tabs X 6-9 months
Investigate for infertility Destruction by cautery 1 Laser ablation

ii ) oral progesterone

Medroxy progesterone acetate ( 10 mgtid ) Xo g months


Excision of cyst

Dihydrog estrone 110 mg Hay )X f- a month


Adhesions is

Iii Im progesterone - pain relief

medroxy progesterone 150mg
at 3 months interval
in Levonorgestrel releasing IUD

a) Laparotomy
d) Pseudo menopause regimen :

Danazol 400mg in 4 divided


doses X 6- a months
( Rarely used )

Hysterectomy with bk salpinooophoredomy


Excision of scar endometriosis


Gastrinone 25mg twice a week × 6- a months

g) medical castration :
GnRH analogue CMK ) mg Im monthly X 6 month

Nata reline
200mg intra nasal daily X 6 months

a) Dienogest oral semisynthetic active steroidal progesterone

✓ v

Uterine cervical
1 t
Iv u

sub mucous subgenus Interstitial -

Intramural -


sessile ( most common ) -



Effects on pregnancy

Incidence :
20% - Abortions
Etiology . C1F : . preterm labor

Asymptomatic .
Estrogen dependant tumor -

prolonged Iobstructed labor

Multiparty -

metorrhagia -

Infertility ( fibroid causes infertile 4 Infertile women


to develop fibroids )
are prone Infertility

Obesity -

Lump in abdomen

Deletions of chromosome 7 -

pressure symptoms -

dysuria or urinary retention


On examination ,
firm to hard enlarged uterus 42-14 wks or more )

* smoking is protective -

cervix moves with movement of mass felt per abdomen .

Investigations :

Blood group ,
Blood sugar , ECG ,
chest x
ray etc

concentric solid
, , hypo echoic mass

Hyperechoic → Calcification ,
Anechoict Necrosis

Doppler USG : Determine vanity

differentiate fibroid from adenomyosis .

( Blood flow surrounds fibroid ,

but diffuses through adenomyosis) .


Saline infusion nography

. MR1 1CT

Hyskroscopy -

Diagnostic as well as therapeutic .


. RI

✓ v

Asymptomatic symptomatic

w v

Regular supervision Surgery surgery

↳ months interval )

sizes Rwks

Pedunullatd ✓ v v



causing hydrometer young Uterine artery embolisation

Size size tses Family complete

t appear

t u
r u

follow up surgery tnyomedomy Hysterectomy preoperative therapeutic

Myomectomy :
Removal of fibroid leaving uterus behind .

① vaginal ② Hysleroscopic ③ Laparoscopic

+ +

For sub mucous fubmucous fibroids not


For a) Peduncle lated fibroid

fibroids removable easily by vaginal Route b) sub serous ( not 710cm ,

not 74in number)

Implications :

① Cervical trauma ④ Uterine adhesions

② thermal injury ⑤ Infection
③ Bleeding ⑥ Failure
Pelvic pain
Acute pelvic pain
Causes :

Obstetric Gynaecological others :

Abortions septic abortion Dysmenorrhoea Acute cystitis



Ectopic pregnancy -

mittelschmerz -

Urinary retention
Red degeneration of fibroid -


Twisted ovarian cyst -

Endometriosis -
Abdominal TB

Acute Hydraamnios -

Ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome -

Molar pregnancy -
Ovarian tumors

Abrupt'o placenta @

Chronic pelvic pain

Investigations :
Aetiology -


Doppler USG For pelvic congestion

1) Gynaecological causes :
mostly Organic -

urine tests
Endometriosis -

i Ovaries -

Adhesions -

Radiography of joints

Residual Ovarian syndrome




Intravenous pyelography
Iii Tubal -

Chronic P1D

parameter 'tis


Diagnostic laparoscopy
Conscious Pain mapping Laparoscopy under LA t
in Uterine fibroids

interaction with patient on touching

Adenomyosis various organs
fixed retro rated uterus
. Mx
4 Pelvic TB and adhesions

medical : ① NSAIDs in Endometriosis

Drugs & doses

a) Functional causes : ② progesterone therapy


Congestive dysmenorrhoea ③ SSRI fluoxetine 10 -60mg 1 day


song Hay

- Cpps

pelvic varicose veins -

Adjuvant therapy : ① Acupuncture

② Short wave diathermy
g) Non gynaecological causes !

surgeries :

Intestinal TB
Diverticulitis ① Laparoscopic utero sacral Nerve ablation ( LUNA)
Bladder dysfunction

Irritable bowel syndrome > side effects : prolapse ,

Intestinal obstruction ( chronic)


presacral Neuredomy

Ca Rectum

ureteric colic
Nerve entrapment

static magnetic therapy for a week or Transcutaneous nerve

stimulation has been helpful in some cases .

Joint pains

for varicosity of pelvic veins : Embolisation

Sderotnerapy 151 ethanol amine. mdleate)
Cervical cancer
Risk factors : symptoms
① Young age at 1st intercourse 416 years)
② Multiple sex partners -
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
③ cigarette smoking vaginal discomfort

④ Race -

malodorous vaginal discharge

⑨ High parity -

pelvic pain
⑥ HPV infection -

Dysuria .
A frequency , urgency
⑦ HN rectum invaded)
constipation ( if

⑧ Immunosuppression pelvic wall involved edema Hydronephrosis

leg pain

, ,

⑨ Low socioeconomic status -


- Pre clinical stage
Pap smear ( Exfoliate cytology) ① stage IA1 young patient therapeutic cauterisation

: :

HPV DNA test

simple Extra facial Hysterectomy

old patient :

Colposcopy and DNA testing


Diagnostic cone Biopsy

② Stage IA2 IB , ,
IA :
Wertheim 's Hysterectomy
Clinical stage & Late ca (aka Meigs Obayashi Hysterectomy)
- :

Punch Biopsy from growth or ulcer on cervix

CBC ③ Stage IB -

I : Not operable
RFT 4 left &
R, by Radiotherapy ( External beam RT to pelvis

Brachytherapy )

Colposcopy -

Addition of Cisplatin 40mg weekly improves radio sensitivity

cytoscopy ¢ proctoscopy

Chest ray to rule out pulmonary mats

Abdominal 91mm to rule out liver mets 89 stage I -

I are all Radio sensitive .

Radionuclide scanning
indication of post op RT:

FIGO staging 12018) :

① Positive LN for metastasis
② Positivereseated margin
I carcinoma strictly confined to cervix
. :

③ Evidence of lymph oracular invasion

. IA -

Can be diagnosed only microscopically Max depth of invasion ( 5mm

⑥ Poorly differentiated tumor

IA1 : Invasion 13mm

IA2 : Invasion 3- 5 mm in depth

- IB :
Depth of invasion 75mm Neo adjuvant chemotherapy :
Greatest dimension

¥§gi; ① paclitaxel 90mg -11ns Ifosfamide 1000mg -1


Size 74cm Masha 400mg weekly for 3 cycles .

II :
Carcinoma invades beyond uterus but does not extend to lower 43 of vagina ② cisplatin 50mg

or to pelvic wall
. IA : limited to upper 213 vagina without parametric involvement .

IA1 : size gem

IA2 : size 7,4cm

- IB : Involvement of parametric m but not upto pelvic wall .

. II

II A : Involves lower 113 of vagina but not pelvic wall

IIB : Extension to pelvic wall
cause )
Hydronephrosis IN on functioning kidney ( not due to
any other known

IIc :
Involvement of pelvic or 14 paraorlic lymph nodes .

Pelvic LN metastasis only


Para aortic LN metastasis

- II
IIA : spread to adjacent pelvic organs
IB : spread to distant organs .
Endometrial Cancer
Postmenopausal Bleed DIDS
Risk Factors : Estrogen dependent cancer
- Uterus :
① PCOS ( Anovulationt Hyperestrogen Ism) C1F -

Atrophic endometrium
② Granulosa cell tumor of ovary ( estrogen secreting)
postmenopausal bleeding senile endometntis
③ Early menarche and late menopause
I -
④ Age , so years -

Endometrial Hyperplasia
⑤ Multiparty -

Offensive watery discharge -

Endometrial cancer
⑥ Tamoxifen therapy
⑦ Unopposed estrogen therapy in HRT

Simpson 's pain -

Endometrial polyp
Uterine sarcoma
⑧ Atypical endometrial Hyperplasia
⑨ Lynch a syndrome .


Investigations :

① Fractional curettage ⑦ Pre op evaluation .

② DEI C - CBC ,
③ Endometrial biopsy -

chest x ray -

④ Hysterosoopy -

EC9 -

⑤ Transvagindl Ultrasound
thickened Endometrium
Ovary -

Tumors Cancer ,

Hyperechoic endometrium with


irregular outline
- on Doppler
Fallopian tube ca( very rare)

⑥ CTIMRI ( if needed)

. My :

Staging :

Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with BIL

Tumor confined to uterus
: .tn →

IA No 142 invasion Radiotherapy vaginal cuff radiation

: or :

External beam radiation

IB the invasion

- :

modified Radical
Cervical stromal invasion but not beyond uterus
: IN dissection
External RTC 4500-500044)
-1 Beam

. I

TIA : Invades aerosol or adnexa


Vaginal invasion
> IICI : pelvic LN involved
Para aortic LN involved

De bulking followed by Radiotherapy

. I s
( External Beam)
IIA : Invasion of bladder 1 bowel mucosa

IB : Distant metastasis

Chemotherapy and Hormonal therapy is used in

Advanced or recurrent cases .

Chemotherapy Agents Hormonal therapy


Cisplatin -

Carbo plain -

GnRH analogues

Cyclophosphamide -

Aromatase inhibitors


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