Moisture Properties of Raised 3-Thread Fleece Fabric
Moisture Properties of Raised 3-Thread Fleece Fabric
Moisture Properties of Raised 3-Thread Fleece Fabric
Alexandria University
KEYWORDS Abstract The sportswear sector in textile industry has expanded on the worldwide and the produc-
Water vapor permeability; ers and wearers want to indicate their comfort performance in addition to the aesthetic demands.
Gain; Sportswear should possess good moisture transmission property. Moisture flow through various
Drying time; materials is a complex phenomenon as in three-thread fleece knitted fabric produced with different
Immersion time; face and fleecy yarn material.
Fleece; So, in this study, nine three-thread fleece fabrics of different composition materials have been
Tencel studied, where these knitted fabrics are produced in a special circular knitted machine. The devel-
oped fabrics are taken to measure, water vapor permeability ‘‘WVP”, gain%, air permeability, dry-
ing time, color difference, immersion time and bursting strength. The test results were discussed
statistically with single factor ANOVA. From the experimental results, it has been observed that
the difference between face and fleecy yarns material was highly significant for the whole fabric
in the water vapor permeability, gain%, color difference and immersion time. Three-thread Fleece
fabric knitted with Egyptian cotton for the face and fleecy yarns has the maximum bursting strength
compared to other samples having Bamboo and Tencel yarns.
Ó 2016 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction the surface of skin to the attached clothing. The fabric should
permit moisture to be transferred from the skin to the weather
Moisture management is one of the main performance criteria so as to refresh the body [1].
in today’s garment manufacturing and is defined as the ability Moisture transfer is a serious factor in regulation of body
of an apparel to transfer moisture away from the skin to the temperature. This action prevents perspiration from remaining
cloth’s external surface. The human body produces moisture next to the skin [2]. The moisture in skin and cloths raises the
in the form of sweating, this perspiration should be taken away heat loss beside that, it influences the body comfort and gen-
eral performance [3]. After the human body has stopped per-
spiring, the fabric should let off the detained vapor to lessen
* Corresponding author. the humidity on the skin surface. Prahsarn et al. [4] investi-
gated the influence of fiber cross section, fabric areal density,
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
1110-0168 Ó 2016 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2882 A.A. Badr, A. El-Nahrawy
thickness, and porosity on moisture vapor transference proper- small shrinkage in water. Therefore garments exhibit good sta-
ties of the fabrics. bility when washed. Lyocell fibers are famous by their partic-
Zhang et al. [5] concluded that the air and water vapors go ular ability to fibrillate in a wet state under the influence of
through a fabric in various ways. In general, textile fibers, external mechanical processes [16–18]. In addition, fabrics in
regardless of their chemical structure, are impermeable to air Tencel are characterized by their silk touch, unique drape
and thus the crossing of air over a fabric can only happen and fluidity. Fabrics with Tencel fiber wefts showed better
through voids between fibers and between yarns. crease resistance and air permeability in comparison with fab-
Air and water vapor transport properties are mostly associ- rics with cotton and viscose wefts [19].
ated with heat and moisture transfer features of textile material Natural Bamboo fibers have numerous groves, cracks,
[1]. The WVP of a fabric acts as a key role in determining the voids and micro-holes on the surface that affect the capillary
apparel comfort and keeping human body comfort [6]. Water property. Bamboo viscose is now known for its antibacterial
vapor gets into textiles due to water vapor concentration dif- properties. The main feature of bamboo material is its unbe-
ferences, while fibers absorb water vapor related to their chem- lievable capability to breathe and genuine coolness, lovely lus-
ical structure. Therefore, once fabrics have similar structures ter, superior drape and extremely comfortable soft feel [20–23].
but vary in fiber type, it shows dissimilarity in WVP [7]. The The Three-Thread Fleece fabrics have relatively high mass
WVP is mostly affected by the air gaps circling the fibers in and thickness and are widely used as an outdoor garment for
both yarns and fabrics. These air gaps make a resistance to active and sportswear. Sportswear should possess good liquid
the flow of moisture from one side to the other side of the fab- moisture transmission property. So, our goal is to develop an
ric [8]. The WVP of garment materials is an important prop- optimized sportswear in order to transport humidity to the
erty for maintaining clothing thermal equilibrium for the outer surface as quickly as possible, to evaporate the humidity
wearer. Garment with high WVP gives the human body an as fast as possible for making the skin feel dry. Therefore, in
improvement in its ability to offer cooling due to sweat pro- this present study, nine three-thread raised fleece fabrics of dif-
duction and evaporation. High WVP is also essential to avoid ferent inner and outer layer yarn materials have been studied,
or lessen water build-up in garment leading to feel uncomfort- where these fabrics are produced in a special circular knitted
able [7,9]. machine. The developed fabrics are taken to measure water
There are several important factors affecting the permeabil- vapor permeability, gain%, air permeability, drying time,
ity properties of the textile fabrics such as fiber orientation, color difference and time of immersion.
morphological structure, fiber material, yarn flattening, yarn
structure, fabric loop length, fabric thickness, tightness factor 2. Material and methods
and fabric structure [10,11]. The air permeability of the fabrics
produced from natural yarns is more than textured polyamide, 2.1. Material
above elastane knitted socks [12].
The interactions of yarns and fabrics with liquids rely on
In this study, 30/1, 100% Tencel LF, Tencel STD, Bamboo
the chemical structure of the fiber, liquid properties such as vis-
and Egyptian cotton yarns were used. Also, 20/1, 100% Tencel
cosity and surface tension. The mechanism by which moisture
LF, Bamboo and Egyptian cotton yarns were used with previ-
is transported in textiles (wicking) depends on the fiber-liquid
ous yarns to knit three-thread fleece knitted fabrics. The prop-
molecular attraction at the surface of fibers, which is deter-
erties of Tencel LF, Tencel STD, Bamboo and cotton fibers are
mined at most by fiber’s diameter, surface tension and capil-
cleared in Tables 1 and 2. Additionally, the properties of the
lary pore distribution. Wicking in a fabric can take place in
yarns applied to produce all fleece fabrics are shown in
two different ways, transverse wicking (perpendicular to the
Table 3.
plane of the fabric) and longitudinal wicking (along the plane
of the fabric) and it occurred on a perspiring body [13,14].
2.2. Fabric manufacture
The surface energy in a textile fabric depends mostly on the
chemical structure of the exposed surface of the fiber, where
hydrophilic fibers have a high surface energy and therefore The structure of the three-thread fleece fabric is formed from
they pick up moisture more easily than hydrophobic fibers. back fleecy yarn, binding yarn and face yarn and is shown in
On the contrary, hydrophobic fibers, have low surface energy Fig. 1. This structure is manufactured on special single-jersey
and repel moisture. As a result, special finishing treatments circular knitting machine with 20 gauge, Mayer & Cie, MLBF
can be applied to lessen the difference in surface energy model, 30-in. diameter, 96 feeders and with total number of
between the face and back of the fabric in order to improve needles equal to 1872. The loop length was kept constant at
its ability to wick [15]. 3.97 mm for all face and binding yarns, and at 1.59 mm for
With the advanced technology, new regenerated fibers such all fleecy yarns. The yarn feeding tension was adjusted at 5 CN.
as Tencel LF, Tencel STD and Bamboo and their blends with Furthermore, Fig. 2 shows the development view of the 3
natural cotton fibers are making a comeback in high- consecutive cam segments and the arrangement of the 4 nee-
performance, outdoor activities. dles types used for producing this fabric structure.
Tencel ‘‘Lyocell” fibers are characterized by their great After knitting process, all gray three-thread fleece fabric
strength in both dry and wet states. In wet state, Lyocell keeps samples were finished according to the flowchart indicated in
85% of its dry strength and considered as the only man-made Fig. 3. The information about the experiments studied in this
cellulosic fiber which is stronger than cotton when wet. Tencel research is revealed in Table 4, where yarn material for face,
fibers absorb moisture and have a high modulus that leads to binding and fleecy yarns is determined for every sample.
Moisture properties of raised 3-thread fleece fabric 2883
2.3. Methodology The specifications of all the knitted fabric samples are shown
in Table 5. Also, the effect of the fiber material for the face
and fleecy yarns of three-thread fleece on some comfort fabric
The influence of the fiber material for the face and fleecy yarns
properties was discussed for significance using ANOVA
of the three-thread fleece on the fabric water vapor permeabil-
ity, gain%, air permeability, drying time, color difference,
Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) analysis was per-
immersion time and bursting strength was evaluated for signif-
formed for all Three-Thread fleece samples for the face and
icance using single factor analysis of variance.
back side. This microscopic inspection was carried out to
inspect the surface features of the fabrics. SEM microscopic
2.4. Fabric testing
views for samples numbers 3, 7, 8 and 9 seen in Fig. 4 ‘‘from
a to h” displayed that the best compactness is cleared after
After leaving the fleece samples 72 h in standard conditions using Tencel and Bamboo material. It was as well shown that
(Relative humidity = 65 + 2% Temperature = 20 + 2 c0 ), three-thread fleece samples contained Tencel STD ground
the fabric properties were measured. ‘‘face” yarns seemed to be peach skin touch with dark shade
The fabric water vapor permeability, gain%, air permeabil- than other samples contained ground Egyptian cotton yarns.
ity, bursting strength and immersion time were evaluated in From the statistical and experimental evaluation, all the
accordance with the standards of ASTM E96, BS 3449, ASTM studied properties: water vapor permeability ‘‘WVP”, gain%,
D737, ASTM 6797 and ‘‘Textile testing by Jewel, Jewel Raul, air permeability, color difference (DE), immersion time and
2005, page 58, sinking test” respectively. bursting strength values are significantly affected at 5% signif-
For the drying time test, fleece fabrics were first cut into cir- icance level by yarn material for the face and fleecy yarns.
cular samples of 100 cm2 and then wetted with 1 ml of distilled
water dropped onto it using an accurate dropper whose tip was 3.1. Water vapor permeability
10 mm directly above the fabric surface. The remaining water
ratio (RWR) and the drying time of fabrics were evaluated.
Water vapor permeability is the ability to transmit vapor from
For measuring, the drying rate, the samples were weighted in
the body. The sweat from the body is to be removed from the
the dry state (dry weight - Wf) using an electronic balance
surface of the skin to the atmosphere via clothing (next to
and instantly after wetting (wet weight at the initial stage -
skin). Surrounding temperature, humidity and the moisture
W0). The change in weight (Wi) was recorded at 10 min inter-
resistance of garment are the leading factors that determine
vals and the remaining water ratio (%) was then calculated, for
the evaporation rate of sweat from the body surface. If the
each interval, using the following equation:
moisture resistance is excessively high, because of the worse
Face yarn
Fleecy yarn
Binding yarn
Kning Reversing Scouring
Dyeing Machine Squeezing
Machine Machine Machine
Figure 4 Microscopic inspection SEM analysis for some samples on the face and back side.
Furthermore, among the fleece fabrics, which have different 3.4. Drying time
yarn compositions in their both sides, the cotton face/Tencel
LF fleecy yarn fabric, has higher air permeability than cotton To study the fabric ability to lose water, the drying time exper-
face/Bamboo fleecy yarn fabric, as expected. The raising iment was carried out. The drying properties of the fabrics
reduces more the air permeability of Bamboo fleece fabrics samples as shown in Fig. 8, indicated that three-thread fleece
because of the increased air gap of the bamboo fibers accom- fabrics having cotton yarns on the fabric back only have
panied with their coarser fiber size ‘‘1.56 dtex”. poorer drying properties. This could be due to the fact that
Moisture properties of raised 3-thread fleece fabric 2887
Figure 5 Water vapor permeability at different yarn materials of face and fleecy yarns.
they were comparatively thicker and heavier than the other the thinner samples, so it was not surprising, when it recorded
samples as shown in Table 4. The fleece samples produced one of the best drying characteristics. Generally higher drying
from Tencel LF for the face and fleecy yarns were among ability corresponds to lower fabric thickness.
2888 A.A. Badr, A. El-Nahrawy
Figure 7 Air permeability at different yarn materials of face and fleecy yarns.
All the curves, around 10–13% of the remaining water fleecy cotton yarns was taken as a reference on the data color
ratio, show an inversion point after which the drying rate device. Also, color difference was measured on the face side of
begins to decrease. The first part of the curve (with higher the fabric, viewer side.
slope) corresponds to moisture release from the void spaces We can notice that knitted sample with Tencel STD face/
between yarns; the second part (with lower slope) corresponds, Tencel LF fleecy yarns in general has higher color difference
to the release of moisture within the fiber. than knitted with Tencel LF face/Tencel LF fleecy yarns and
Yarn material for face and fleecy yarns affects drying ability Bamboo face/Bamboo fleecy yarns. Standard Tencel fiber fib-
of the 3-thread fleecy fabric. In Tencel STD face yarn/Tencel rillates under conditions of wet abrasion, creating micro-fibrils
LF fleecy yarn fabric demonstrated the highest drying rate on the surface of the fiber which critically, remain attached to
(and also the largest water diffusion area). This is probably the main body of the fiber. Fibrillation is the longitudinal split-
due to hydrophilic and hygroscopic property of Tencel fibers ting of a single fiber into microfibers of 1–4 lm in diameter.
and due to fabric characteristics, namely low thickness and The splitting occurs as a result of wet abrasion against fabric
mass per unit area. or metal. The fibrils created are so fine that they are almost
transparent, giving a white or ‘frosty’ appearance (known as
peach skin) to the finished fabric and this is the reason for such
3.5. Color difference high dye uptake [26]. The space between these microfibrils, rep-
resents like capillaries giving promotion to enhanced capillary
Fig. 9 shows the color difference after dyeing all fleece fabrics effect and hygroscopic property. In addition, such crystalline
having different yarn materials for the face and fleecy yarns. arrangement of microfibrils is consistently distributed in Ten-
For this test method, a fabric sample knitted with face and cel STD unlike in the case of Bamboo and Cotton.
Moisture properties of raised 3-thread fleece fabric 2889
30 8
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
Time "Minutes
Figure 8 Remaining water ratio at different yarn materials of face and fleecy yarns.
Figure 9 Color difference at different yarn materials of face and fleecy yarns.
Also samples produced with face bamboo yarns give more 3.6. Immersion time
color difference than others knitted with face Tencel LF and
face cotton yarns. There are several voids in the cross section Fig. 10 illustrates the relation between Immersion time and dif-
of bamboo fibers, which give them a higher moisture absorp- ferent yarn materials of face and fleecy yarns for three-thread
tion capacity [27]. Using fabric structures with higher porosity fleece fabric. Additionally, ANOVA analysis cleared in
like three-thread fleece and hydrophilic fibers like bamboo will Table 10 confirmed that there is a significant difference for
lead to a modification of the water wicking properties and this samples having different materials for the face and fleecy
exhibits better wicking characteristics. This may lead to a con- yarns, (F-value 4239.63 > F-critical value 2.208).
trolled loss of water vapor leading to better clothing comfort. The immersion time of the fabric depends on the percent-
The competitive dye uptake of cotton is the lowest in the age of amorphous region and the location, distribution of the
union dyeing of bamboo and Tencel. Cotton is characterized amorphous region. It could be seen that samples knitted with
by only 30% amorphous region and this is the reason for its face and fleecy cotton yarns take longer time to immerse
lowest dye uptake. than others produced with Tencel and bamboo yarns. Cotton
Also, the ANOVA analysis confirmed that there is a signif- has bad absorbance properties so it takes much time to
icant difference in color difference for fabrics having different absorb and hold water as long as possible before the
face and back yarn materials, where Table 9 shows the F-value immersion.
is more than F-critical value (1924.28 > 2.208).
2890 A.A. Badr, A. El-Nahrawy
Figure 10 Immersion time at different yarn materials of face and fleecy yarns.
Tencel consists of numerous, high hydrophilic, crystalline and fleecy yarns to contribute more in supporting the fabric
nano-fibrils, which are arranged in a very consistent manner. during bursting test.
The fibrils themselves do not absorb water; water absorption Although many researchers have discussed a lot about the
only happens in the capillaries between the fibrils ‘‘voids”, lower strength of the bamboo fibers, our results show that
i.e. water is absorbed into the fiber structure. A single Tencel fleece knitted fabrics from 100% Bamboo for face and fleecy
fiber, hence, will act like a perfectly wetting bundle of nano- yarns have a higher bursting strength than others produced
fibrils with pores in nanometer range, something which does with 100% Bamboo, Tencel LF, Tencel STD for face yarns
not occur in the synthetic fiber world. This is the reason for and 100% cotton for fleecy yarns. This controversial trend
the outstanding water management and the high good comfort may be related to the serrated configuration of the bamboo
in wear of textiles containing Tencel [28]. fibers found in the face and fleecy yarns which create griping
force with the binding cotton yarn located between these two
3.7. Bursting strength yarns. So, using weak bamboo yarns to manufacture three-
thread fleece structure improves, enforces and heightens the
Three thread fabric produced from 100% Egyptian cotton for resultant bursting strength of the produced fabrics. 3-
face and fleecy yarns has the maximum bursting strength com- Threaded fleece structure improves the durability of the weak
pared to other samples having Bamboo and Tencel yarns, Bamboo yarn inside the fabric.
Fig. 11. On the other hand, it’s noticed that the fleece fabric Also, fleece knitted with Tencel STD face yarn/Tencel LF
produced with the following: 100% Tencel LF for face and fleecy yarn has least bursting strength than others produced
fleecy yarns has a higher bursting strength than other produced with Tencel LF face yarn/Tencel LF fleecy yarn and Bamboo
with 100% Tencel LF face yarn and 100% cotton fleecy yarn. face yarn/Bamboo fleecy yarn.
This case could be due to the higher strength properties of Ten- The fibrillation of STD Tencel makes it possible to achieve
cel LF fibers at the dry and wet states than cotton fibers. In special surface effect such as peach skin effect, sand-washed,
addition, the Tencel LF fibers have the greatest orientation soft touch. Though the fibrillation enables the fibers to be used
and uniformity level which make a harmony between the face in special finished effect, it affects negatively bursting test,
Moisture properties of raised 3-thread fleece fabric 2891
Figure 11 Bursting strength at different yarn materials of face and fleecy yarns.
Table 11 ANOVA single factor data analysis for fabric bursting strength.
Source of variation SS df MS F P-value F crit.
Between fabrics 21668.36 8 2708.54 321.074 4.33309E31 2.2085
Within fabrics 303.691 36 8.4359
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result weakens the fabric. material.
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