Maqasidalshariah UKM2009
Maqasidalshariah UKM2009
Maqasidalshariah UKM2009
27 7,178
1 author:
Ahcene Lahsasna
Salihin Academy (Malaysia)
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There some important pillar for better improvement of the financial
system, one of them is Maqasid al Shariah. Besides the Shariah rules
and the regulator, we believe that Maqasid al- Shariah or purpose of
Islamic law is the most comprehensive instrument to enhance the
contemporary Islamic finance and banking today. However
understanding the concept of Maqasid al Shariah and its underling
principles is very important before applying it in the current business
scenario. It is very important to understand that Maslahah (Public
Interest) is the core of the theory of Maqasid al Shariah it self. This
strong link lead us to have a specific focus and concern about Maslaha
or interest or benefit or utility, all these words are treated synonymously,
and thus, these terms are used interchangeably in theory of Maslaha . Al
Gazali says in the definition of Maslaha : “It is seeking of benefit or
repelling of harm”.1 Accordingly the general objective of Shariah is to
preserve the society order of the community and insure the continuity of
its healthy progress.2 Allah says: “I desire no more than to set things to
right in so far as it lies within my power, but achievement of my aim
depends on God alone” (11:88). And he said also: “..and do not act
wickedly on earth by spreading corruption” (7:74). And other provisions
from the holy text proof which confirm the objective of Shariah Which it
is to set thing right and remove the corruption in all type of activity in
the society and business community as well.
3 To have some understanding about the reason why Al Shatibi did not provide a
definition of Maqasid al-Shariah, see: Ahcene Lahsasana, maalim al tajdid al usuli inda
al imam al Shatib (Ph.D), p. 21.
4 Ibn Ashur, Maqasid al-Shariah, p171.
5 Ibid, p301. And see: Mohammad Akram Laldin, The Shariah objectives of financial
interest of mankind and prevent the evil from them, and meant to realize
the public benefit for the society, and encourage virtues and avoid vices.
3: The right to own and earn: The Shariah gave the right to the Muslim
community to own and earn and create wealth as result of that; however
there are two major ways for the Muslims to create wealth, which are as
what will satisfy their needs, whether from their produce or their
substitutes, namely, the price of these items.13 Thus the Scholars laid
down some rules in business transaction in order to ensure Shariah
compliance in the business transaction and ensure the generation of
halal income, therefore according to Shariah the sale of commodity
which is not in the possession of the seller is unlawful, the prophet says:
“do not sell what do you not have” which means that the possession is
primary condition to make the transaction valid, according to that no one
is allowed to deal with property of another person unless with his
permission, however if the unauthorized person (fuduli) act on behalf of
the owner without his prior authority, some jurist says that the
transaction is invalid, however the majority of the jurist say that the acts
of unauthorized agent are dependent upon the ratification of the owner of
the property.14
13 Ibid, p. 274.
14 For further reading on the act of unauthorized person (fuduli) see: Sadiq abdel
rahman al-gariani, Mudawant al-fiqh al-maliki,(Beirut: muasasat al-rayan, edition 1,
2006), Vol.3, p.241.
15 Ibid, p.276.
of hire contracts. 16 Risk taking is one of the major pillars in earning and
justify halal income.
8: Prohibition of Riba
One of the major objective in Shariah is prohibiting usury in all type of
business transactions, the two major kind of riba are strictly forbidden in
Islamic law, either riba al –nasiah which is interest on lent money, or
riba fadl which is taking a superior thing of the same kind of goods by
giving more of the same kind of goods of inferior quality for a particular
products mention in Shariah, the Quran says: “those who eat riba will
not stand (on the day of resurrection) except like the standing of a person
beaten by shaitan leading him to insanity that is because they say:
trading is only like riba” whereas Allah has permitted trading and
forbidden riba” (2:275. According to Islamic law the riba cause harm in
business transaction, and give rich to community by easy way of grow
their wealth in harming the other member of community, the Shariah
looks at this profit as prohibited earning which not allowed. In fact the
riba makes the community lazy and unproductive and remain of minor
contribution to the society.18 Therefore all banks and financial institution
must move away from riba, and conduct pure business transaction
• Prohibition of monopoly
One of the objectives of Shariah is to free the market from monopoly,
which one of the forbidden elements in business transaction and trade
activities, because it causes harmful to the society, the monopoly prevent
the circulation of the wealth which is one of the primary objectives of
Shariah in wealth. The profit must be shared and the wealth should be
available in all hand of the community member, apparently the purpose
of monopoly is to accumulate the wealth in the hands of a certain people
who control the movement of the wealth and monopole the circulation of
the finance according to their business plant and their will. This
approach will keep the prosperity and the happiness in very limited
members in the society which lead to injustice and negative
consequences in the business and society as well. Therefore the Islamic
banks should enhance this Shariah objectives and encourage the
participation of the hall business community in business activities by
giving the chance to the small business man to engage into trade and
various industrial projects, on the other hand the role of the government
is needed by imposing regulation and law which control the market, and
keep it in good condition and health by environment by moving away
from monopoly.
19 For further reading on Ikrah see: Sadiq abdel rahman al-gariani, Mudawant al-fiqh al-
malik, Vol.3, p.222. and see: Imran, Islamic Jurisprudence, p.135.
20 Ali AL Kafif, Islamic financial transaction, p. 227.
his interest to take the subject matter whereas in fact it is not so.
Deception is divided into two types. Deception related to statements
(taghrir qawli) and deception related to deeds (taghrir fi'li). Taghrir is
alternatively called tadlis. Taghrir Qawli occurs because of the deception
of one of two contracting parties or his representative in order to induce
the other party to conclude a contract even if it happens with inequality.
However Taghrir Fi'li is deception that occurs through doing something
on the subject matter to show it in a condition that contradicts its
reality, both of deceptions are forbidden in Shariah, and should be
eliminated from all business transaction.24
2: The increment to the amount and the value is different between debt
created by loan (qard) and increment created by credit sale, the value
amount in the riba is related to loan and time, whereas in the sale is
attached to the assets and the transaction it self.
the labor is one of the basic element of the wealth, therefore Shariah
apply a special objective in this type of transactions in order to maintain
the noble Maqasid in this category of transaction such as modarabah
and Ijara.
If we look at Ijarah it means the Personal service or Manfa’at al-‘amal,
which is hiring of the service or labor, to undertake a specific task, these
type of work the subject of contract consist from the physical and mental
labor and effort. The purpose of Shariah in these type of contract is to
protect the worker’s right, by stipulating some requirement and condition
in order to secure their right from being violated or be wasted or
undervalued, meanwhile Shariah protect the invertors’ wealth to be
taken by the workers unjustly, therefore the purpose of Shariah is to
make balance of rights and obligation between the contracting parties by
justice without any harm, Shariah in this aspect is more on the favor of
protecting the labor right due the inequality which is more in his side.
Thus, the Shariah objectives in ijarah are:
1. Increase the volume of the business transaction in the labor base,
whereby the subject of the contract in not tangible, in this respect
the Shariah ignore the element of risk involve in this type of
contract and the uncertainty as well. Likewise these type of
transaction belong the category of Hajiyyat as we mentioned early.
2. Shariah allowed uncertainty in this type of contract because it is
one the characteristic of these transactions; on the other hand the
Shariah did not allow uncertainty to be in other type of contract
especially when the subject of the contract is tangible. In this
respect it is important to understand and keep in mind that
Shariah allowed the uncertainty in business transaction which is
minor and difficult to asses it such as the amount value of the
work, the duration of the work, and other thing which is consider
as a part of the contract performance.