Dairy Production
Dairy Production
Dairy Production
A versatile food that is in itself the basis of such products as cheese ice cream, butter,
and cottage cheese. Milk is a major component of the human diet in many developed countries.
"The people who have achieved, who have become large, strong and vigorous people,
who have the best trades in the world, who have an appreciation for art, literature and music,
who are progressive in science and in every activity of the human intellect, are the people who
have used liberal amount of milk and its products."
Contains all the essential amino acids needed by humans. The protein of milk is
composed of casein, lactalbumin, letoglobulin and serum albumin. Casein is the most
abundant protein constituent of milk. It has many uses in addition to providing protein
in the diet. Lactalbumin is part of the enzyme system that synthesizes lactose in the
mammary gland. It is secreted into milk as a by-product and becomes part of milk
protein. Protein globulins of milk are structural parts of antibodies.
The first milk a female produces after the young is born is called colostrum. It contains
many antibodies that give the newborn protection from harmful microorganisms that
invade the body and causes illness. The newborn animal has yet to develop antibodies
of its own because it has yet to be exposed to any disease-causing microorganisms. The
gut wall of the newborn is quite porous and permits antibodies in colostrum to enter
the body. Within a few hours the gut wall becomes less porous and the antibody
content of the milk diminishes, but the antibodies that have been absorbed into the
body of the newborn give it protection (passive immunity) until it can develop
antibodies in its own body.
Other constituents of milk include lactose, minerals such as Ca and P (both of which are
important in bone growth and other body functions), and vitamins. Milk is, however,
low in Fe, therefore young animals consuming nothing but milk may develop anemia.
Milk contains several important vitamins such as vitamin A, which helps keep the
intestinal tract and skin in proper repair, the vitamin B complex, and vitamins D and E.
Vitamin D, along with Ca and P, 1s important in bone growth and repair. Vitamin D is
added to most marketed milk. Milk is low in vitamin C, which prevents scurvy (a disease
characterized by bleeding, spongy gums and loose teeth); Therefore, young children
who depend heavily on milk for food should be given juices from citrus and fruits.
In addition to cheese, ice cream, and various iced milk drinks, many delectable and
nutritious foods are prepared from milk. Milk may have a portion of the water it
contains removed and sugar added to produce condensed milk, or it may be dried to
produce either dried whole milk or skim milk. Dried, condensed milk may be
reconstituted to provide milk to drink or it may be used in cooking with or without
reconstitution. Buttermilk is produced when butter is made, or it can be cultured from
milk by the use of proper bacteria. Cottage cheese is made of curdling the milk and
removing most of the liquid (whey). Figure 1 shows the main milk and associated
9.2 THE PHILIPPINE DAIRY SITUATIONHerd build-up program; Introduction of 500-1000 dairy
animals annually
Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) suggested milk intake for Filipinos is 30
kg per person per year.
Assume that average production of dairy animal (cattle) is 2000 kg per lactation per
How many dairy cattle do we need to have a per capita of 30 kg?
Philippine population in 2007= 88 million
Dairy cattle needed = Required per capita x Population
Ave. production of animal/ year
=30 kg x 88 M
2000 kg
= 1.32 M
Importation of milk and milk products
338.88 million kg
91% were milk and cream
3.5% were butter and butter fat
2.0% were cheese
3.5% were curd
Source of importation
New Zealand = 36
Australia = 23
Thailand = 12
USA = 11
Others =18
Exportation: 10% of what we import are exported. Mostly milk and cream to Malaysia,
Thailand, Vietnam and others.
The most recent is the enactment of R.A. 7884. Otherwise known as the Dairy
Development Act of 1995, signed into law by President Fidel V. Ramos on 20 February
1995 and became effective on 12 March 1995. The Act integrates all government dairy
development programs into the National Dairy Authority or NDA.
The DTRI (Dairy Training and Research Institute), organized in 1962 from the Dairy
Husbandry Division of the then Department of Animal Science, UPLBCA, is mandated to
conduct research and training in dairy science.
In choosing cattle for milk production, some factors used are the breed popular in the
community and high salvage value of the animal. For these reasons, Holstein-Friesian are
preferred. The crossbreds of Holstein and the Bos indicus breed Sahiwal, known as Australian
Friesian Sahiwal (AFS) developed in Australia, are being promoted by the government. In the
selection of dairy cows, dairy operators look for properły attached udder and strong feet. These
characteristics are best indicators that a cow will remain a high producer for a long time.
Water buffaloes. Water buffaloes contribute about one-fifth of the domestic milk
production of the Philippines in 2000. Table 2 shows the river swamp types of water buffaloes.
Exotic breeds are imported by the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) to improve the local carabao
population in terms of milk, meat and draft characteristics.
Goats, One percent of the national milk production in 2000 is from goat. Table 3
enumerates some of the popular breeds and strains of goats in the Philippines.
Sterility, which is the complete absence of reproductive ability, describes animals that
cannot reproduce. Such animals are usually easy to identify and should be culled from the herd.
These include freemartin heifers, bulls that do not produce live sperm cells, and other animals
that, through inherent abnormalities, injury, or disease are sterile.
A normal cow can be described as one that becomes pregnant on the first or second
service and produces a live healthy calf every 12 to 13 months.
Sterility and fertility are not a single problem, but rather a very complex one and may be
the result of any one or more of a broad spectrum of factors. These include management,
genetic, physiological, and disease factors.
The function of the female in successful reproduction is more complex than that of the
male because her role continues after fertilization. The female's functions are the following:
Spermatozoa are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testis, stored in the
epididymis, and at the time of ejaculation pass through the vas deferens, ampulla, urethra, and
penis. During ejaculation, fluids are added to the spermatozoa from the accessory sex glands,
the ampullae (a small amount), seminal vesicles, prostrate, and Cowper's glands. This fluid,
seminal fluid or plasma, serves as a medium for sperm transport, sperm activation (sperm are
relatively immotile until ejaculation), and as a supply of nutrients for the sperm.
Volume of semen per ejaculate varies from 2 to 12 ml, with average = 5 to 6 ml.
Sperm concentration ranges from 1 to 3 B sperm per ml, with an average of about 2B
per ml.
Percent motile cells ranges from 0 to 85%, with an average of 70%
Based on these figures, an average ejaculate contains about 7B motile cells (5 ml
semen X 2 B/ml X 70%)
In natural service, maximum fertility rates should be obtained by bulls whose
semen characteristics meet or exceed these average values and contain not
more than 15% abnormal sperm (head or tail abnormalities).
In natural service a bull may service 50 to 100 cows per year. In Al it is not
unusual for a bull to service 10,000 to 20,000 cows per year \
In Artificial Insemination, semen is normally collected by the use of an artificial vagina.
Volume is recorded and the ejaculate is evaluated for concentration (spermatozoa per mi),
moiity, and morphology. Inferior quality of semen is discarded as its use is likely to result in
lowered conception rates. The semen is diluted with an egg yolk-citrate extender or milk-base
extender, and if the semen is to be frozen, glycerol. Dilution rates are calculated to yield final
motile spermatozoa per insemination of 10 to 12 million. An average ejaculate of 5 ml of
semen that contains 1.25 B live cells per ml after freezing contains enough spermatozoa for 500
to 600 inseminations. The semen is packaged in ampules or straws, frozen and stored (usually
in liquid nitrogen storage tanks) at a temperature of -300 to -320°F (-184 to -196°C. As long as
the semen is maintained at this temperature, it remains viable for 10 to 15 years or more.
The development and function of the female reproductive process in the female is also
under the control of the pituitary gland. The anterior pituitary hormones FSH and LH stimulate
the development and maturation ofthe follicle that contains the ova. The maturing follicle
secretes estrogen, which causes the animal to exhibit the symptoms of estrus (heat). LH causes
the rupture of the follicle. It also causes luteinization of the follicular cells and the formation
and function of the corpus luteum. The CL secretes progesterone, which prepares the uterus to
receive the fertilized ova and is essential in maintaining pregnancy.
Thus successful reproduction involves the presence of viable male and female cells in
the right place at the right time, in combination with a normal, healthy female to provide
suitable environment for the growth, development, and delivery of a healthy calf.
Synchronization - proper timing - of this series of physiological functions is as critical to
successful reproduction as are viable germ cells and normal healthy reproductive tracts.
Time Breeding to Obtain Optimum Conception Rates. The time of optimum fertility of
the ova is very short, 2 to 4 hours. Ovulation time varies from 5 to 16 hours after the end of
standing heat, with an average of 10 to 11 hours. Fertile life of sperm is limited to about 28
hours in the female reproductive tract. This indicates that timing of breeding is critical to
optimum fertilization rates. Optimum conception rates have been reported by breeding during
the last one-half of the standing heat period. Breeding earlier or later than this reduces
conception because of reduced viability of either sperm or ova. Based on this facts and
conception-rate data, the following recommendations have been followed for some years: if
standing heat is first observed in the morning, breed in the afternoon or evening, if standing
heat is first observed in the afternoon or evening, breed the next morning. These
recommendations are based on an average length of heat period of 18 hours, average ovulation
time of 10 to 11 hours after the end of heat, and the assumption that the first observed
standing heat was near the beginning of the standing heat period.
Table 12.1 An ideal dairy herd should have the following composition:
Optimum Make-up
Cows-in-milk 45.0
Dry cows 9.5
Bulls 0.5
Total manure stock 55.0
Heifers of dairy breeds are sometimes served at 15 months, but theygrow better if not
served until at least 18 months old, so that they calved at 2 1/2 years old. The duration of
lactation depends on age, breed, and feeding, but in the case of a first calver usually lasts from
5 to 7 months, while some adult heavy-milking cows may continue in milk for a year. The
average cow is kept in the herd until she is 5 or 6 years old.
Dairy cows should be allowed a period of at least 2 months between lactation to enable
their bodies to replenish fat and protein that previous lactation may have depleted. It is
advisable to dry the cow two months before her next calf is due. Also, during this dry period
globulins accumulate in the mammary gland. Globulins serve as carriers of antibodies in the
colostrum. Cows that are milked out right up to parturation have very low proportion of these
proteins in their milk. One way of drying off a cow is to reduce the number of milking to one
daily and her rations curtailed; later she is milked every other day and not completely stripped.
If milk is not withdrawn from the mammae at frequent intervals, the glands gradually cease
functioning, i.e., the cow stops producing milk.
Cows should not be bred right away after they have freshened since the uterus must
undergo characteristic involution and preparation for their next pregnancy. An average day’s
open or service period of 85 is thought to be ideal. A good practical goal is an average of 100
days open. If the average days open exceeds 110 to 115, it indicates a serious problem and the
causes) should be identified and corrected.
Dairy cows due to calve may do so out of door in summer. However, it is always
advisable, especially for first calvers, that they be separated from other cows, and each be
housed for 2 to 3 weeks before the calf is due in a maternity stall or pen that is bedded with
clean straws. In this way the cow can be observed closely and protected from stray predators
such as dogs that may mangle the newly born calf. The cow in a maternity stall maybe fed there
and must have access to water. The caretaker should be on hand when the cow delivers her calf
in case his assistance is necessary. But by no means should he disturb the cow if the delivery is
without difficulty. Calving difficulties such as caused by abnormal presentations will require the
services of a veterinarian who should be called as early as possible.
Table 12.2 summarizes the breeding and reproductive characteristics of the three
sources of the domestic milk production in the country. However, this lecture will deal more on
cattle, as they are the main contributor to the production.
The objective of the feeding program for the dairy operation is to provide a ration that
will encourage optimum economic milk production of acceptable composition while conducive
to the health of the cows. Achieving this objective is one of the greatest challenges in dairy herd
The initial step in designing the feeding program for any individual herd should be to
determine the most economical source of nutrients for that herd. In most cases, this involves
evaluating the land resources to determine which crop or combination of crops to grow and
harvest to produce an adequate supply of high quality forage at minimum cost per unit of
Forages may be defined as vegetable feed for domestic animals. Examples are
pasturage, green chopped feeds (soilage), silage, and hay. Because forages are relatively useless
as a nutrient source for humans and other monogastric animals, and the entire plant rather
than the just the seed is consumed, the cost per unit of nutrient from forages is usually much
lower than the cost per unit of nutrient from forages is usually much lower than the cost per
unit of nutrient from concentrate feeds.
Forages are a primary constituent of most dairy rations for physiological and economic
reasons. They can make up to 60 to 70% of the total dry matter intake of dairy cattle. Dairy
cattle must consume adequate amounts of fiber (a minimum of 15% of DM), usually supplied by
forages, to ensure adequate rumen function. Consumption of rations too low in fiber may result
in decreased milk fat percentage and decreased ration digestibility. This is also known as "low
milk fat syndrome" Rations that are too low in fiber is similar to high concentrate ration.
Dairy cattle will consume and can utilize a wide variety of crops as forage including
grasses, legumes, corn, small grains, and other crops. See Table 13.1 for a list of some
important pasture grasses and legumes, including weeds in the Philippines.
The next step involves supplementing the available forage with a combination of
concentrate feeds that provide the cow with a balanced ration at the lowest total feed cost per
unit of milk produced In addition, the ration should:
A logical step-by-step procedure can be used to formulate rations for milking dairy
cattle. The essentials are
1. Estimate the daily nutrient needs or requirements. Dairy cattle require nutrients for
maintenance, for growth if immature, for reproduction when pregnant, and for
production. Nutrient requirements for maintenance refers to nutrients needed to
maintain the animal body at homeostasis, i.e. gaining nor losing weight, not pregnant,
and not producing. These requirements are in proportion to the body weight of the
Nutrient requirements for growth are for laying down new muscle and
bone. Growth requirements for dairy cattle continue until they reach five to six years of
Cows in DTRI are fed using challenge feeding, that is, adjusting concentrate amounts
according to milk production of cows-in-milk (Table
12.3). The calves in the elevated individual calf stalls are fed milk in decreasing amount and
concentrate mixture in increasing amounts as they grow older. They are encouraged to nibble
on forage early to hasten rumen development. (Table 12. 4).
Cow Feeding
1-2 12 1 Ad lib
3-4 10 2
5-6 7.5 Ad lib
7-8 5 Ad lib
<9 70kg 2.5
Milk secretion is a process which can be carried out by the female with
maximum efficiency only if she is healthy. Dairy cattle are susceptible to a wide variety of
diseases. Among the more serious ones in the Philippines is Foot-and -mouth disease,
tuberculosis, brucellosis, mastitis. Perhaps the most troublesome condition is mastitis, the
inflammation of the udders or mammary glands that destroys tissues and impedes milk
The goals or objectives of a herd health program are to minimize nongenetic culling
(culling resulting from disease, injury, etc.) and mortality while maintaining a healthy herd with
a high degree of reproductive efficiency. To do this requires a herd health program centered on
the prevention of disease and other health problems rather than the sporadic treatment of
various conditions.
The basic principles of an effective herd program should include the following:
1. Prevention of disease problems is more effective and more profitable than treatment.
Prevention can be achieved by the following practices.
3. Maintaining and using an accurate health record system. Good health records can aid in
the diagnosis of problems, help alert dairymen to potential problems, and ensure that
important details are not overlooked such as missing vaccinations on some animals. The
record system should be one that contains the needed information, yet is not so
exhaustive that it is not kept accurately.
4. Cooperation and mutual respect among the owner, manager, herdsmen, veterinarian,
and government animal health extension personnel. A good working relationship among
these persons is essential to the success of the program. Each has vital areas of
responsibility, and the continued success of the program depends on each fulfilling his
or her responsibility in the total effort.
After parturition the level of milk production rises rapidly, until peak lactation is reached
in two to six weeks, then declines slowly until drying off or towards the end of lactation.
Milk secretion declines more rapidly after the 5 th month of pregnancy than in non-
pregnant cows. The effect is due to interaction of hormones which control milk secretion and
the reproductive state of the female. Hormones produced by the ovary and the pregnant uterus
interact with, or influence, the activity of the pituitary gland, the hormones from which control
the level of secretion as well as the amount and state of milk-secreting tissue.
The milk yield is closely dependent upon lactation length. The ideal cow, calving
annually and provided with the necessary annual vacation, should milk for 300 days. Thus,
farmers seeking a high producing herd must take persistency of lactation into account in their
selection techniques. Persistency of lactation is the degree to which lactation is maintained.
A cow with 90% production persistency means that after its peak lactation is reached,
the succeeding monthly milk yields equal 90% of the previous month's milk yield. Persistency
percentages over 90% are desirable and result in high lactation yield when compared to cows
with equal peak yield but lower persistency (Table 12.5).
Length of actual milking. Depending on the number of cows raised, farmers milk their
cows either by hand or by machine. It will take an average of 1 1/2 to 2 hours to milk 10 cows
by hand depending on the skill of the milker. Using the herringbone system of machine milking
a dairyman can milk 40 cows in one hour. Whether the system of milking is by hand or by
machine, milkers should be taught to think cleanliness. Milk must reach the consumers clean,
fresh and safe for drinking.
Native tropical grasslands are mainly composed of short-season species which grow fast
and tall during rainy season, and become dominant in the pasture. While grasses are growing
actively protein is reasonably good.
At the end of the rainy season, the plants develop tall, flowering stems, which decrease
in protein and increase in carbohydrates and fiber. From this point onwards, the grass matured,
dries off and become leached. Feed value is extremely low. Stock grazing this dried off, stalky
mass of material are even provided with a maintenance ration and lose weight. Low levels of
animal production are inevitable because stocking rates must be adjusted to this period of
minimum feed supply.
As native grasses are usually adopted to low soil fertility levels, the direct application of
fertilizers alone will not produce any dramatic improvement in feed value or carrying capacity.
Further, in these native grasslands there is a complete or almost complete absence of legumes
which themselves can supply high protein feed
The value of a forage species is measured by its ability to supply the grazing animal with
energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. The feed value of native forage species and/or farm by-
products or residues is low. The productivity of the ruminants subsisting on these feed is thus
limited by inadequate nutrition. There is now a wide range of forage species, both grasses and
legumes, available to replace native vegetation. Some of these are listed in Table 13.1.
Stocking rates must, of course, be kept below a figure where damage to the sward or
influx of weeds occurs. This means that there must be some provision for feeding animals if this
is likely. Alternatives open are conservation of hay or silage, purchase of feed, adjustment or
sale of stock.
The growth of forage crops is affected by several factors, among these are the seasons
of the year. Usually, forage availability is a problem during the dry season in our country. In the
Philippines, most areas with cattle and carabao experience a dry season ranging from 3 to 7
months. Forage production is seriously affected with a telling effect on the performance of
animals. A study on growth curve of crossbred beef cattle conducted in UPLB showed that
steers on optimum feeding program attained slaughter weight in 3-4 years of age while those
under sub-optimum feeding took 7-8 months to reach the same weight.
Livestock production in the temperate zones of the world has been progressively freed
from the seasonality of forage production by using increasing proportions of forage
conservation. For example in Europe, since the last three decades of the 19 century, the meat
and milk production has increased at an accelerated rate per animal, per hectare and per
farmer simultaneously with silage and hay assuming a major role in winter feeding of dairy
cows and fattening cattle