Wasteland Necessities

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A Community weapons and equipment guide for Fallout 2d20 Roleplaying

v. 0.9


Ranks 3

Requirements: PER 7, Level 2+

At rank 1 you become quicker when drawing arrows and loading crossbows, your fire rate with bows
and crossbows increases by 1

At rank 2 your attacks with bows and crossbows gain piercing 1 or increase their piercing by 1

At rank 3 The damage you deal with bows and crossbows increase by +1CD

Each time you take this perk the level requirement increases by 4.


Ranks 2

Requirements: none

At rank 1 allows you to brew rank 1 brewing recipes and you learn all uncommon brewing recipes, at
rank 2 you learn how to brew rank 2 brewing recipes. Every time you take a rank in this perk your
level requirement increase by 5.


Ranks 1
Requirements: END 7+, Level 2+

You gain the ability to craft and mod certain items while in the field without a workbench.
You don’t need any other requirements to craft these items if you do it in this way. The
difficulty to craft these items increase by 1 and the complication range while using items
crafted with bushcraft increase by 1. Crafting items with this perk use Survival+INT instead
of the normal skill, otherwise they follow the normal recipes and crafting rules.
Bushcraft items: Spear, Javelin, Tomahawk, Throwing knife, Combat knife, Bow, Arrows,
Poison arrows, Molotov cocktail, Leather armor, Tribal armor


Ranks 1

Requirements: CHA 7+

You can play an instrument or sing in a microphone for 30 minutes to become well-tuned
increasing the max AP the party can hold by 1 until the end of the next scene.

Certain items and effects allow you to become well-tuned. A well-tuned character
increase the maximum AP the party can hold by 1.

Hand Loader

Ranks: 4

Prerequisites: INT 6+, Gun nut 1, Level 3+

You have learned how to craft ammunition. Rank 1 you know all uncommon special
ammunition recipes. Rare recipes must be learned from NPC’s or found throughout the
wasteland. Each rank in this perk unlocks an additional rank of uncommon ammunition

recipes: rank 1 unlocks rank 1 ammunition, rank 2 unlocks rank 2 ammunition, etc. Add your
ranks in this perk to the amount of ammo crafted when crafting regular ammo or twice the
ranks when crafting gunpowder or surplus ammo. Each time you take this perk, the level
requirement increases by 4. Rare recipes must be learned through play.



.22 round 10+5CD <1 1 0
.357 Magnum round 8+4CD <1 2 1
.38 Special rounds 8+4CD <1 2 1
.45-70 Gov’t round 6+3CD <1 4 4
.50 calibre ball 6+3CD <1 2 3
12.7x108mm round 6+3CD <1 3 4
40mm grenade 4+2CD 1 5 2
7.62x39mm round 8+4CD <1 3 4
9mm round 10+5CD <1 1 0
20mm 5+3CD 1 30 5
Alien blaster round 6+3CD <1 10 6
Arrow 6+3CD <1 2 2
BB 20+10CD <1 1 3
Blunderbuss shot 10+5CD <1 2 4
Cannonball 2+1CD 5 5 3
Chem canister 12+6CD 5 5 4
Crossbow bolt 5+3CD <1 2 3
Cryo Cell 5+3CD 2 8 4
Firework rocket 3+2CD 1 7 4
Harpoon 2+1CD 2 18 3
Nails 10+5CD <1 1 1
Rad canister 12+6CD <1 20 5
Radium shell 2+1CD 6 50 5
Speargun bolt 2+1CD <1 2 3
Gunpowder 5+3CD <1 1 2

Special Ammunition
Special ammunition modifies the attack when using that type of ammunition. If you are going to benefit from
special ammunition when using a higher Fire rate, all shots fired must be of the same type or the benefit of the
special ammunition is lost. Negative traits of ammunition are always added regardless of how many is fired in
one attack.
.45 +P 4+2CD <1 6 4
.45 Super 3+2CD <1 9 5
40mm incendiary grenades 2+1CD 1 10 3
40mm nuke grenades 2+1CD 1 85 5
40mm toxic gas grenades 2+1CD 1 15 4
9mm +P 6+3CD <1 2 3
Acid canister 6+3CD 4 12 4
Armor Piercing rounds* 50% <1 X2 +1
Arrow, Signal 4+2CD <1 2 2
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Armor piercing 3+2CD <1 4 3
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Barbed 3+2CD <1 4 3
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Cryo 2+1CD 1 8 4
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Explosive 2+1CD 2 10 5
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Flaming 2+1CD 1 4 3
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Plasma 2+1CD 1 8 4

Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Poison 2+1CD <1 4 2
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Pulse 2+1CD 1 8 4
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Stun pack 2+1CD 1 10 4
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Syringer 2+1CD 1 As syringer 4
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Ultracite 2+1CD 1 15 5
Arrow/Crossbow bolt, Uranium tipped 2+1CD 1 9 5
Atomic canister 6+3CD 4 50 5
Barbed harpoon 2+1CD 3 22 4
Barbed speargun bolt 2+1CD 2 4 3
Bean bags 4+2CD 1 1 2
Caps load 20 <1 20 1
Crossbow bolt, Flechette 2+1CD 1 12 3
Crossbow bolt, Shotgun 2+1CD <1 7 3
Dragon’s Breath shells 3+2CD <1 8 4
Explosive cannonball 1+1CD 4 20 5
Explosive rounds 2+1CD <1 24 5
Exterminator canister 6+3CD 4 25 5
Flechette shell 3+2CD <1 6 4
Flechette speargun bolt 2+1CD 1 6 4
Gas canister 6+3CD 4 15 4
HalluciGen canister 6+3CD 4 10 5
Harpoon, flechette 2+1CD 15 70 5
Hollow point rounds* 50% <1 X2 +1
Incendiary rounds 3+1CD <1 12 5
JFP Rounds 4+2CD <1 3 4
JHP Rounds 50% <1 X3 +3
JSP Rounds 50% <1 X2 +2
Junk load Junk As junk As junk As junk
Pesticide canister 6+3CD 4 8 4
Pulse Slug 2+1CD <1 10 5
Shotgun Slug 4+2CD <1 4 1
Solar batteries 2+2CD <1 50 6
Surplus* X2 <1 -50% -1
Weighted speargun bolt 2+1CD 1 4 3
*Modifies base ammunition of corresponding calibre.

Special ammunition descriptions:

.45 +P rounds
Type: .45 rounds

Overpressure .45 Auto ammunition has larger powder loads, allowing it to perform better against a
variety of targets. As the round is fired at a higher velocity, it has better stopping power and negates
enemy protection well.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition add +1CD damage and Piercing 1 but becomes unreliable.

.45 Super rounds

Type: .45 rounds

The Wildcat .45 Super has very large powder loads, close to proof rounds, and skirts the edge of
safety when it comes to the stress it puts on the weapon. However, these rounds are excellent in
combat, offering higher damage and armor penetration than regular rounds.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition makes the weapon unreliable but gain the Vicious and Piercing
1 qualities.

9mm +P rounds

Type: 9mm rounds

These "overpressure" rounds are designed to fire at a higher internal pressure than standard
ammunition. This ensures higher projectile velocity and stopping power and affords a slight armor
piercing ability but at the cost of requiring more maintenance than usual.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition add +1CD damage and Piercing 1 but becomes unreliable.

40mm Incendiary grenades

Type: 40mm grenades

Effect: Adds spread, persistent (fire) and debilitating, damage becomes energy

40mm toxic gas grenades

Type: 40mm grenades

Effect: Adds spread, persistent (poison), stun and debilitating, Damage becomes poison

40mm nuke grenades

Type: 40mm grenades

Effect: Adds +4CD damage and radioactive

Armor Piercing rounds

Type: 5mm rounds, 5.56mm rounds, .50 rounds, .308 rounds

Armor piercing, or AP, bullets are specifically designed with a single purpose: to penetrate armor AP
bullets usually have a sharp point and are coated in copper. They are generally tipped with a solid
metal, such as copper or steel, and have cores filled with tungsten carbide, hardened steel, or even
depleted uranium.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition gains piercing 1.

Type: Arrows

Arrows are simple sharpened metal, bone or flint heads attached to a thin shaft with fletching at the
end for stability when fired. They can be modified in a multitude of ways and unlike bullets can
sometimes be retrieved after an attack. If you miss the target after attacking with an arrow roll a CD.
On an effect the arrow survives and may be retrieved. There are many kinds of arrows with various
effects and purposes. Special arrows can’t be retrieved.
Arrow Naming Effect
Standard arrows Arrow -
Armor piercing arrow Hardened Gain piercing 1
Barbed arrow Barbed Gain persistent
Cryo arrows Cryo Change damage to energy,
attack gains stun and
debilitating, -1 range
Explosive arrows Explosive +2 CD, Adds blast, -1 range,
gain inaccurate
Flaming arrows Flaming +1 CD, Adds persistent (fire)
energy damage, -1 range

Plasma arrows Plasma +2 CD damage, damage
becomes energy
Poison arrows Poison +1 CD, Gain persistent
(Poison) damage
Pulse arrow Pulse Gain the pulse quality and
deals +2CD additional
damage with the stun and
burst effects.
Signal arrow Signal Lights up like a flare visible
at a long distance. +1 range,
-1CD damage.
Stun pack arrow Electrified +1CD, damage changes to
energy, gain stun and spread
Syringer arrow Syringer As syringer ammo, reduce
damage to 3CD and lose
Ultracite arrow Prime +2 CD, Gain vicious
Uranium tipped arrow Radioactive +1CD, Gain radioactive, -1

Barbed speargun bolt

Type: Speargun spears

These spears are fitted with wicked barbs leaving deep bleeding wounds.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition gains the persistent quality.

Bean bags
Type: Shotgun shells, Blunderbuss shot

Bean bag rounds are less-than-lethal shotgun ammunition commonly used by law enforcement to
quell riot situations.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition lose the spread quality and deal only 2CD damage but adds the
Stun effect.

Caps load
Type: Blunderbuss shot

A blunderbuss can be loaded with 20 caps instead of normal ammo.

Effect: -1CD damage, Complication range increase by 1, roll 10CD after firing to see how many caps
have survived your attack.

Crossbow bolts
Type: Crossbow bolts

Crossbow bolts are simple sharpened metal, bone or flint heads attached to a thin shaft with
fletching at the end for stability when fired. They can be modified in a multitude of ways and unlike
bullets can sometimes be retrieved after an attack. If you miss the target after attacking with a
crossbow bolts roll a CD. On an effect the bolt survives and may be retrieved. There are many kinds
of Crossbow bolts with various effects and purposes. Special bolts can’t be retrieved.

Arrow Naming Effect
Standard crossbow Crossbow bolt -
Armor piercing Hardened Gain piercing 1
crossbow bolt
Barbed crossbow Barbed Gain persistent
Cryo crossbow Cryo Change damage to
bolts energy, attack
gains stun and
debilitating, -1
Explosive Explosive +2 CD, Adds blast, -
crossbow bolts 1 range, gain
Flaming crossbow Flaming +1 CD, Adds
bolts persistent (fire)
energy damage, -1
Flechette crossbow Flechette Add spread and
bolt piercing 1
Plasma crossbow Plasma +2 CD damage,
bolts damage becomes
Poison crossbow Poison +1 CD, Gain
bolts persistent (Poison)
Pulse crossbow Pulse Gain the pulse
bolt quality and deals
+2CD additional
damage with the
stun and burst
Shotgun crossbow Charged Reduce range by 1,
bolt lose piercing and
gain unreliable and
inaccurate, add
spread and vicious
Stun pack Electrified -1CD damage,
crossbow bolt damage changes to
energy, gain stun
and spread
Syringer crossbow Syringer As syringer ammo,
bolt reduce damage to
3CD and lose
Ultracite crossbow Prime +2 CD, Gain vicious
Uranium tipped Radioactive Gain radioactive, -1
crossbow bolts Range

Dragon’s breath shells

Type: Shotgun shells

These zirconium-based pyrotechnic shells function as a short-ranged flamethrower, having an

incendiary effect on targets hence the name Dragon’s breath.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition change the damage type to energy and the attack gains the
Persistent (Fire) quality. The weapon gains the unreliable quality when using this ammunition.

Explosive rounds
Type: .50 rounds

These rounds are designed to create a secondary explosion upon impact with their target and are
particularly useful against hard armored targets. The explosion created by the round has splash
damage and is useful for taking out or damaging small groups of enemies if they are close together.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition gain piercing 1 and the blast quality but the weapon becomes

Explosive cannonball
Type: Cannonball

These cannonballs have been fitted with vast amounts of explosives and explodes on impact.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition gains the blast quality.

Flechette shell
Type: Shotgun shells

These shells have had their traditional shot replaced with tiny metal darts that are great for armor
penetration but are not quite as damaging. Flechette rounds also greatly decrease muzzle flash,
allowing for more accurate aiming.

Effect: with this ammunition loses the inaccurate quality and gain Piercing 1 but damage is reduced
by -1CD.

Flechette spear
Type: Speargun spear

These spears are bundled together in a tube and when fired spreads across the target. Unlike normal
speargun spears, flechette spears are destroyed when used.

Effect: The attack deals +2CD damage and gains the spread quality, but the weapon becomes
unreliable and inaccurate.

Type: Harpoon guns

The Harpoon gun fires long sharpened metal projectiles large enough to impale a man and pin him
to a wall. They come in three different varieties, standard harpoons, flechettes harpoons and barbed
harpoons. Barbed harpoons have wicked barbes leaving deep bloody wounds while flechettes are
seven regular harpoons bundled together spreading almost like a shotgun blast when fired. Like
arrows and crossbow bolts, harpoons can be retrieved after being shot if if the attack misses and an
effect is rolled on a CD. A flechettes harpoon cannot be retrieved but instead roll 7CD, for each
effect rolled you retrieve one standard harpoon. If an attack with a Flechette harpoon hits you roll
3CD and can collect one standard harpoon for each effect instead.

Harpoon Effect
Standard Harpoon -
Flechettes +2 CD, Adds spread
Barbed Harpoon Adds persistent

Hollow Point rounds

Type: 5mm rounds, .22 rounds, .44 Magnum rounds, .357 Magnum rounds, .45-70 Gov’t rounds,
5.56mm rounds, 9mm rounds, 10mm rounds, 12.7mm rounds, .308 rounds

Hollowpoint bullets mushroom and break upon impact, causing massive trauma on fleshy,
unarmored targets. However, this also means they break up when they hit armor plates, drastically
reducing the weapon's penetrating power.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition loses piercing but gains debilitating and deal +1CD damage
against targets wearing no armor (including creatures with natural DR). The weapon gains unreliable
when using this ammunition.

Incendiary rounds
Type: .50 rounds

Incendiary rounds are designed for igniting targets and are usually used for equipment disposal at
extreme ranges. They effectively replace hollow points for .50 MG weapons, as they are more
effective on unarmored or lightly armored targets due to the added incendiary effect.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition change the damage type to energy and the attack gains the
Persistent (Fire) quality. The weapon gains the unreliable quality when using this ammunition.

JFP rounds
Type: .357 Magnum rounds

Jacketed flat point ammunition or JFP’s are blunt, copper-wrapped bullets designed to flatten on
impact like a hollow point but retain the penetrating power of a copper-jacket slug.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition deals +1CD damage.

JHP rounds
type: 5mm, 9mm, 10mm, 12.7mm

A jacketed hollow point bullet, also known as JHP, is designed to cause severe damage by expanding
on impact with its target, while minimizing the distance it penetrates. They were designed in an
attempt to reduce collateral damage, as their penetration is impaired by the function of the hollow
cavity. The bullet's nose, rather than being pointed, is recessed, or hollowed out, hence the term
hollow point. The lead cores in jacketed hollow point ammunition are coated with a harder metal
known as the "Jacket" or "Plate". This is to increase bullet strength, and in an effort to protect the
barrel of the gun from lead residue, cast-off, and striping.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition loses piercing but gains debilitating and deal +1CD damage
against targets wearing no armor (including creatures with natural DR).

JSP rounds
Type: 5mm rounds, .308 rounds

Jacketed soft point ammunition also called JSP is designed with a semi-jacketed harder metal coating
with a soft bullet tip. It offers evenly managed damage and penetrative power.

Effect: When rolling damage with this ammunition you may reroll any 2CD of your choice.

Junk load
Type: Blunderbuss shot

A blunderbuss can be loaded with a piece of junk instead of normal ammo

Effect: -1CD damage, Complication range increase by 1

Pulse slug
Type: Shotgun shells

These slugs are designed to only affect robots, enemies wearing power armor and other
technological targets. Against any other target this attack deals only 2CD damage.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition loses spread but gains the pulse quality dealing +2CD additional
dice of damage with the stun and burst damage effects.

Shotgun slug
Type: Shotgun shells

Slugs use only a single large, solid projectile, unlike shot, meaning weapon spread is traded for
greater range and accuracy.

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition gains Piercing 1 and +1 Range but loses spread.

Type: 5mm rounds, 5.56mm rounds, 9mm rounds, 7.62x39mm rounds

Surplus ammunition is poor-grade ammunition made in large quantities by using corrosive materials
in their construction. The resulting product is a slightly more damaging round at the cost of more
regular maintenance on a firearm due to the damaging corrosive materials used in the round's
construction. This ammunition is usually much cheaper than regular ammunition and comes in bulk

Effect: Attacks with this ammunition deal -1CD damage and gain the unreliable quality. If the
weapon is already unreliable, the complication range increase by one. These effects apply even if
you mix it with other ammunition.

Weighted speargun bolt
Type: Speargun spear

These spears are made of heavier and stronger materials for dealing more damage.

Effect: Attacks with these spears deal +1CD damage but the speargun gains the unreliable quality.

HalluciGen canister
Type: Chem canister

Pre-war the HalluciGen Inc. developed a variety of gases to be used as a non-lethal way to deal with
rioters and as crowd control.

Effect: Gain stun and blast

Acid canister
Type: Chem canister

This canister contains a highly corrosive liquid that starts to eat away at anything it hits.

Effect: Damage becomes energy, Gains breaking

Gas canister
Type: Chem canister

This canister is filled with a toxic fluid that disperses and becomes gaseous when sprayed out in the
air creating a cloud of toxic gas.

Effect: Gains blast and persistent

Pesticide canister
Type: Chem canister

This poison was developed pre-war to deal with insects and small critters that would destroy the
crops of farmers. They were usually spread by air, but sometimes the farmers had to manually go
into the creatures burrows to deal with them. After the war these canisters have gained popularity
amongst wastelanders who often has to deal with pests like mole rats and radroaches.

Effect: Deals +2CD damage and gain vicious against insects and creatures with the little quality.

Exterminator canister
Type: Chem canister

The exterminator canister is loaded with poison that are particularly effective against the mutant
critters that roam the wasteland.

Effect: Deal +2CD and gain vicious and persistent against mammals and mutated creatures

Atomic canister
Type: Chem canister

The toxic sludge in the canister is laced with radioactive isotopes.

Effect: Changes damage type to radiation

New weapon qualities

This weapon can be fired underwater without penalty.


Increase damage by +2CD when wielded from a moving mount or vehicle.

Clean cut

Each time an enemy is reduced to 0 HP with this weapon, add 1 AP to the wielders pool.


The complication range of your attacks is 17-20, if you roll 19-20 you suffer a hit of half the rolled
damage (round down) with the stun effect to a random location.


This weapons attack can be delayed for a number of turns up to the bracketed number.


This weapon breaks on any complication.


On a complication this weapon runs out of fuel. Without fuel this weapon loses all damage effects
and reduce damage by -1CD. The weapon can be powered up again as a minor action by spending 1
Flamer fuel.


The weapon can be loaded with a chem or Syringer dart to deliver its content on a successful attack.
The weapon must deal at least 1 damage to be able to inject the cargo. After delivering it’s content
the weapon needs to be refilled unless otherwise noted.


A weapon with this property can be overcharged by using more gunpowder. Each dose of
gunpowder used increase the damage dealt by +1CD to a maximum of +3CD, but also increase the
complication range of the weapon by 1 for every gunpowder spent. If at least two complications are
rolled when attacking with an overcharged weapon, the weapon explodes in the wielders hand
destroying the weapon and dealing the weapons damage to the wielder instead of the target.


A creature hit by a weapon with this effect must make an END+Athletics check with a difficulty equal
to the number of effects rolled or fall prone. Big creatures reduce the difficulty of this check by 1.


Pulse weapons only inflict damage to robots, synths, power armor, vehicles and other mechanical or
technological targets. Any computers in the target area are also damaged.


A weapon with this quality automatically replenishes its ammo supply. On a complication the
weapon is empty and needs to recharge for 1 turn before it can be used again.


This weapon can be activated at range by a detonator, radio, or similar means.


This item can be used as a tool and can be found in most toolkits.

Revised weapon effects


For each effect rolled, your attack inflicts one additional hit on the target. Each additional hit inflicts
half the rolled damage (round down) and hits a random location even if a specific location was
targeted for the attack. This damage does not benefit from any weapon effects except for effects
that modify damage like Vicious and Radioactive.


If enough effects are rolled on damage depending upon the END of the target, the target loses their
normal actions next turn. A stunned character may still spend AP to take additional actions.
Targets END/BODY Effects to stun Big targets
0-6 1 2
7-8 2 3
9-10 3 4
11+ 4 5

Small Guns
.357 .357 5CD Vicious Physical 0 C Close 2 55 1
Magnum Magnum Quarters,
.45 Auto .45 5CD - Physical 2 C Close 4 75 2
Pistol Quarters
5.56mm 5.56mm 5CD - Physical 2 C Close 5 62 2
Pistol Quarters,
9mm Pistol 9mm 3CD - Physical 2 C Close 2 29 1
12.7mm 12.7mm 6CD - Physical 2 C Close 4 88 5
Pistol Quarters,
Black .50 calibre 6CD - Physical 0 C Close- 3 60 4
Powder ball Quarters,
Pistol Inaccurate,
Chinese .45 5CD Piercing 1 Physical 1 C Supressed, 4 120 5
Agent Pistol Close
Chinese 10mm 4CD - Physical 2 C Close 2 45 3
Pistol Quarters
Dragoon 10mm 4CD Vicious Physical 2 C Reliable, 2 75 5
Pistol Close
Single Action .44 Magnum 6CD Vicious Physical 0 C Close 4 85 2
Revolver quarter,
Gauss Pistol 2mm EC 6CD Piercing 2 Physical 1 C Close- 4 312 6
Hunting .44 Magnum 5CD Vicious Physical 1 M Accurate 4 142 5
Mauser .38 3CD - Physical 2 M Close 3 50 3
Pistol Quarters
Ranger .45-70 Gov’t 6CD Vicious Physical 0 C Close 4 28 6
Sequoia quarters,
Silenced .22 .22 3CD - Physical 2 C Close 3 40 4
Pistol Quarters,
Soviet Pistol 7.62x39mm 6 CD - Physical 1 C Close 4 80 4
Western .44 Magnum 7CD - Physical 0 C Close 4 120 4
Revolver Quarters,
9mm SMG 9mm 2CD Burst Physical 3 C Close 4 85 1
10mm SMG 10mm 2CD Burst Physical 3 C Close 5 90 1
12.7mm 12.7x108mm 4CD Burst Physical 3 C Two-handed, 21 210 5
SMG Inaccurate,
H&H Tools Nails 2CD Burst, Physical 3 C Inaccurate, 4 103 2
Nail Gun Piercing 1 Debilitating,

Silenced .22 .22 1CD Burst Physical 3 C Close 4 50 4
SMG Quarters,
AK 47 7.62x39mm 6CD Burst Physical 2 M Two-handed, 8 178 3
Anti- .50 8CD Piercing 2 Physical 0 L Two-handed, 20 315 5
Material Accurate
Assault 5mm 4CD Burst Physical 3 M Two-handed 6 195 4
BB Gun BB’s 2CD - Physical 0 C Two-handed, 2 14 1
Battle rifle .308 6CD - Physical 2 M Two-handed 10 150 2
Black .50 calibre 7CD - Physical 0 C Two-handed, 6 110 4
powder rifle ball Unreliable,
Brush Gun .45-70 Govt. 6CD Vicious Physical 0 C Two-handed 5 78 2
Chinese 5.56mm 5CD Burst Physical 2 M Two-handed, 7 150 3
assault rifle Unreliable
Cowboy .357 4CD - Physical 0 M Two-handed, 5 50 1
Repeater Magnum Reliable
DKS 501 5.56 5CD - Physical 1 L Two-handed, 7 128 3
Sniper rifle Accurate
Handmade 7.62x39mm 6CD Burst Physical 2 M Two-handed, 13 136 2
Rifle Inaccurate,
Japanese 5.56 5CD Piercing 1 Physical 2 M Two-handed, 12 145 4
battle riffle Reliable
Light 5.56mm 5CD Burst, Physical 3 M Two-handed, 15 238 3
Machine Piercing 1 Inaccurate
M1 Garand .308 6CD Piercing 1 Physical 1 M Two-handed, 10 180 4
Radium Rifle .45 4CD Radioactive Physical 1 M Two-handed 11 110 5
Service rifle 5.56mm 5CD - Physical 2 M Two-handed, 9 54 1
Sniper rifle .308 6CD Piercing 1 Physical 1 L Two-handed, 8 137 2
Trail Carbine .44 Magnum 6CD Vicious Physical 1 M Two-handed, 6 149 2
Varmint .22 3CD - Physical 1 M Two-handed, 6 35 1
Rifle Accurate,
Black Blunderbuss 5CD Spread Physical 0 C Two-handed, 3 90 4
powder shot Inaccurate,
blunderbuss Unreliable,
Gauss 2mm EC 7CD Spread, Physical 0 C Two-handed, 7 370 6
shotgun piercing 1 Inaccurate
Hunting Shotgun 6CD Spread Physical 1 C Two-handed 8 76 2
Shotgun shells
Pipe Shotgun 4CD Spread Physical 0 C Inaccurate, 7 35 1
Shotgun shells Two-Handed,
Single Shotgun 5CD Spread Physical 0 C Inaccurate, 7 29 1
shotgun shells Two-Handed,
Bow Arrows 4CD - Physical 2 M Two-handed, 3 44 1
Crossbow Crossbow 5CD Piercing 1 Physical 0 M Two-handed, 6 50 2
bolts Supressed,

Blowgun Syringer 1CD - Physical 0 C Supressed, <1 10 3
darts Concealable
Grenade 40mm 6CD - Physical 0 L Two-handed, 6 130 1
launcher grenades Inaccurate,
Speargun Spears 4CD Piercing 1 Physical 0 C Two-handed, 2 45 2

Weapon descriptions:
.357 Magnum Revolver

Ammunition: .357 Magnum Rounds, .38 Special Rounds

The .357 Magnum revolver is a single action, fixed-cylinder revolver that fires .357 Magnum and .38
special rounds. It has an average firing rate but makes up for it with a fairly powerful damage output.
Its fixed cylinder is reloaded by hand one round at a time through the loading gate, as such it can be
interrupted mid-way through reloading and fired if needed.

A .357 Magnum Revolver can accept the following Mods:

• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Snubnose Barrel, Bull Barrel, Long barrel
• Grip: Comfort Grip
• Sights: Reflex Sight

.45 Auto Pistol

Ammunition: .45

The .45 Auto pistol is a single-action, semi-automatic, magazine-fed handgun that utilizes .45 Auto

A .45 Auto Pistol can accept one each of the following Mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced, Automatic

• Grip: Comfort Grip, Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine

• Sights: Reflex Sight
• Muzzle: Compensator, Suppressor

5.56mm Pistol

Ammunition: 5.56mm

The original .223 pistol that became one of the iconic weapons of New California, was originally a full
sized .223 revolving rifle, belonging to Irwin, a farmer outside of the Hub. He cut his rifle down to the
size of a large pistol, leaving the bolt handle and the original, vestigial trigger intact. This unique
weapon offered firepower comparable to a hunting rifle in the compact package of a pistol. Five
rounds of .223 ammunition were more than enough to deal with most dangers out in the wastes.
This iconic sidearm caught the eye of gunsmiths and by 2241, and the pistol was deemed profitable
for mass production. Vestigial elements were shed to smooth the weapons' profile, and to help
further improve performance. The internal mechanisms are retained from the original .223 revolving
rifle, modified as needed to create a powerful double-action revolver.

A 5.56mm Pistol can accept each of the following mods:

• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Snubnose Barrel, Bull Barrel, Long barrel
• Grip: Comfort Grip
• Sights: Short Scope, Reflex Sight, Recon Scope

9mm Pistol

Ammunition: 9mm

The M&A 9mm pistol is a semi-automatic handgun, designed by M&A Guns Manufacturers. It is the
standard issue sidearm of the New California Republic Army.

A 9mm Pistol can accept one each of the following mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel
• Grip: Comfort Grip, Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Compensator, Suppressor

9mm SMG

The 9mm submachine gun is a small, yet capable weapon, able to empty a full magazine in under
three seconds. The 9mm rounds are common and lightweight, making it even easier to spray-and-
pray. The 9mm submachine gun has existed as early as 1932

Ammunition: 9mm


• Receiver: Powerful, Hardened, Advanced, Hair Trigger

• Grip: Comfort grip
• Stock: Full stock, Recoil compensating stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight
• Muzzle: Compensator, Suppressor, Muzzle brake

10mm SMG

The 10mm SMG is a Submachine gun chambered for the 10mm ammunition.

Ammunition: 10mm


• Receiver: Powerful, Hardened, Hair Trigger

• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Stock: Full stock, Recoil compensating stock

• Sights: Reflex Sight
• Muzzle: Compensator, Suppressor, Muzzle brake

12.7mm Pistol

Ammunition: 12.7x108mm Rounds

A Swiss SIG-Sauer 14mm handgun rechambered for 12.7x108mm ammunition, likely designed for
long-range pistol hunting or target shooting. It was imported to the United States from the European
Commonwealth before the Great War.

A 12.7mm Pistol can accept one each of the following Mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Hair Trigger, Automatic

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel
• Grip: Comfort Grip, Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Compensator, Suppressor

12.7x108mm SMG

The 12.7x108mm SMG is a Submachine gun chambered for the 112.7x108mm ammunition.

Ammunition: 12.7x108mm


• Receiver: Hair Trigger, Calibrated

• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Stock: Full stock, Recoil compensating stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight
• Muzzle: Compensator, Suppressor, Muzzle brake

.22 Silenced SMG

The .22 silenced SMG is a Submachine gun chambered for the .22 ammunition.

Ammunition: .22


• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful, Advanced, Hair Trigger

• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Stock: Recoil compensating stock
• Grip: Comfort Grip, Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Sights: Reflex Sight
• Muzzle: Compensator, Muzzle brake


The AK-47 is a simple assault rifle of Soviet origin, invented by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1947 and
adopted by the Soviet Army in 1949. AK-47s were manufactured across the world during the second
half of the 20th century through the beginning of the 21st century. In 1956, AK-47s were adopted by
the Chinese Army (PLA) but were replaced with new-generation assault rifles prior to the Great War,
and in the United States, likewise replaced in service by the AK-112 assault rifle. It was sometimes
called the “Commie gun” by American soldiers due to it being used primarily by Chinese and Soviet
forces. While the 7.62x39 ammunition was common in the pre-war era, the Chinese replaced the AK-
47 with the Type 93 Chinese assault rifle, which are calibrated to the more common 5.56mm
ammunition. As such the AK-47 were soon obsolete and most of the ones on American soil were
either destroyed or went into the hands of collectors. The ammunition soon started to dwindle, but
there are rumours crates of them in some abandoned warehouses scattered around the wasteland.
Post-war the AK-47 has seen some resurgence in certain regions as some factions have started to
manufacture their own ammunition.

Type: Assault rifle

Ammunition: 7.62x39mm


• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, Hair trigger, Automatic

• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil Compensating Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine

• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Suppressor

Anti-Material rifle

Ammunition: .50 Rounds

Utilizing an ergonomic, metallic skeleton design with a free-floating barrel, the .50 Hécate II is a bolt-
action, high caliber precision weapon intended for use against materiel and hard targets. For
balance, the rifle includes a tapered barrel and a large muzzle brake to reduce recoil to manageable
levels. Unlike most rifles, the AMR was designed from the ground up to be used at long and extreme
ranges: It lacks any kind of sights, featuring instead a mounting rail for high powered scopes and a
forward bipod mount.

An Anti-Material rifle can accept the following Mods:

• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful

• Barrel: Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel, Shielded
• Stock: Marksman’s Stock, Recoil-compensating stock
• Magazine: Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Suppressor

Assault Carbine

The assault carbine is a magazine-fed, compact automatic weapon with a high rate of fire and a
comparatively low spread.

Ammunition: 5mm


• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine

• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope

• Muzzle: Bayonet, Suppressor

Battle rifle

The battle rifle is a gas-operated, semi-automatic rifle chambered for the .308 round, utilizing an
internal magazine fed with an en-bloc clip holding 8 rounds.

Ammunition: .308

The battle rifle can accept the following mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair-Trigger, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Long, Ported, Vented
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman Stock, Recoil-Compensating Stock
• Magazine: Large, Quick-Eject, Large Quick-Eject
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Improved Iron Sights, Short Scope, Long Scope, Night Vision Scope, Long
Night Vision Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Suppressor

BB Gun

Ammunition: BB’s

The BB gun is a pneumatically powered airgun, primarily used for small game hunting or recreational
target practice.

The BB Gun can accept one each of the following Mods:

• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hair Trigger

• Barrel: Long Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet

Black powder rifle

A black powder rifle can be overcharged by using more gunpowder. Each dose of gunpowder used increase the
damage dealt by +1CD to a maximum of +3CD, but also increase the complication range of the weapon by 1 for
every dose spent. If at least two complications are rolled when attacking with an overcharged weapon, the
weapon explodes in the wielders hand destroying the weapon and dealing the weapons damage to the wielder
instead of the target.

Ammunition: .50 calibre round


• Muzzle: Bayonet

Black powder pistol

A black powder pistol can be overcharged by using more gunpowder. Each dose of gunpowder used increase
the damage dealt by +1CD to a maximum of +3CD, but also increase the complication range of the weapon by
1 for every dose spent. If at least two complications are rolled when attacking with an overcharged weapon,
the weapon explodes in the wielders hand destroying the weapon and dealing the weapons damage to the
wielder instead of the target.

Ammunition: .50 calibre ball


A simple pipe used to blow syringer darts into unsuspecting victims.

Ammunition: Syringer darts


• Barrel: Long barrel


A blunderbuss can be overcharged by using more gunpowder. Each dose of gunpowder used
increase the damage dealt by +1CD to a maximum of +3CD, but also increase the complication range
of the weapon by 1 for every dose spent. If at least two complications are rolled when attacking with
an overcharged weapon, the weapon explodes in the wielders hand destroying the weapon and
dealing the weapons damage to the wielder instead of the target.

Type: Shotgun

Ammunition: Blunderbuss shot


• Muzzle: Bayonet


Ammunition: Arrows

Bows are simple yet effective weapons. While you can only knock one arrow at a time skilled archers
can fire at a surprising rate. Bows can’t be used one-handed.

Bow mods:

• Grip: Comfort grip, Sharpshooter’s grip

• Sight: Reflex sight

A bow can also have one of the following unique mods in addition to the mods listed above:

Unique bow mods

Mod Name Prefix Effects Complexity Weight Cost Perks
Recurve Recurve +1CD 2 +3 +25 Blacksmith 1
Compound Compound +2CD, gain Accurate 3 +5 +52 Blacksmith 2

Brush Gun

Ammunition: .45-70 Gov’t

"Brush gun" is an informal umbrella term used to refer to any large-calibre, lever-action hunting
carbine. The name refers to the fact that these carbines are designed to be handled easily in brush,
or in any tight spaces where a long-barrelled rifle would be unwieldy or impractical. Brush guns are
chambered for large cartridges powerful enough to take down big game at close to medium range.

A Brush Gun can accept one each of the following mods:

• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, Hair Trigger, .38 Receiver, 308 Receiver,
.50 Receiver
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet

Chinese Agent Pistol

Developed alongside the Chinese stealth armor as project Zuìhòu yī kǒuqì (last breath), the Chinese agent
pistol is a powerful semi-automatic pistol. Using experimental miniaturised gauss tech to give the rounds extra
penetrating power, without the need for specialized ammunition. It has a built-in suppressor and is mostly
used for assassinations or espionage work.

Ammunition: .45

• Reciever: Calibrated, Powerful, Advanced, Automatic, Hair Trigger

• Grip: Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Sight: Reflex Scope, Short Scope, Short Night Vision Scope

Chinese assault rifle

The Type 93 Chinese assault rifle was designed and manufactured by a Chinese industrial
conglomerate for the People's Liberation Army during the Resource Wars, for the purpose of
equipping the Chinese infiltrators and American fifth columnists. To this end, it was chambered for

the abundant 5.56mm round and utilizes a 24-round magazine. Thousands of these weapons were
smuggled into the US for use by Chinese operatives and sympathizers on the East Coast, and many
remain functional even two hundred years after the Great War. These rifles are also proven to be
ready for manufacturing in post-War conditions.

Ammunition: 5.56


• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, Hair trigger, Automatic

• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil Compensating Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Suppressor

Unique Chinese assault rifle mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Receiver mods
7.62x39mm 7.62 Increase base damage to 6CD 3 Gun nut 2 +2 +54

Chinese Dragoon Pistol

The Chinese Dragoon pistol a variant of the Chinese pistol used by Chinese special forces and officers. It’s of
much higher quality than the typically mass-produced regular Chinese pistol. Each gun hand crafted and tuned
to perfection.

Ammunition: 10mm

• Reciever: Calibrated, Powerful, Advanced, Automatic, Hair Trigger, .45 Caliber

• Barrel: Bull Barrel, Long, Vented
• Grip: Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Stock: Marksman’s Stock
• Sight: Short Scope, Long Scope
• Muzzle: Suppressor

Chinese Pistol

The Chinese pistol is a recoil operated, locked breech semi-automatic pistol. The bolt and barrel are locked by
a vertically tilting locking piece with two lugs locking into recesses beneath the bolt. It features an adjustable
sight for up to 1,000 yards, though it's mostly a cosmetic feature, as the ammunition it is made for stops being
accurate at less than a quarter of that distance. Unlike most modern pistols, the Chinese pistol is loaded from a
stripper clip into a fixed, non-removable box magazine. However, it enjoyed renewed popularity and
widespread deployment as the standard sidearm of the People's Liberation Army during the Sino-American

Ammunition: 10mm

• Reciever: Calibrated, Powerful, Advanced, Automatic, Hair Trigger, .45 Caliber

• Barrel: Bull Barrel, Long, Vented
• Grip: Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Stock: Marksman’s Stock
• Sight: Short Scope, Long Scope
• Muzzle: Suppressor

Cowboy Repeater

Ammunition: .357 Magnum Rounds

The cowboy repeater is a lever-action rifle firing small-calibre .357 Magnum rounds. Due to the gun
having a tube magazine, it is reloaded by hand one bullet at a time, as such it can be interrupted
mid-way through reloading and fired if needed. Because of this, it gives the gun the added
advantage of being quickly available to fire again if only a single/few rounds are needed.


• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, Hair Trigger, .38 Receiver, .308 Receiver,
.50 Receiver
• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet


Ammunition: Crossbow bolts

The crossbow is a simple yet powerful weapon that operates like a rifle but fire arrows instead of
bullets. While powerful it can only hold a single crossbow bolt at a time and thus have a limited rate
of fire. Unlike other bows, crossbows can be wielded one handed although doing so gives the
crossbow the unreliable quality and the difficulty of all attacks increase by 1.

● Stock: Marksman’s Stock
● Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night
Vision Scope
● Muzzle: Bayonet

DKS 501 Sniper rifle

Ammunition: 5.56mm

The DKS-501 sniper rifle is a long-range projectile weapon found in New California. Originally
chambered for .308 calibre rounds, models found in the wasteland have been rechambered for 5.56
calibre ammunition.


• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, .7.62x39mm receiver, .308 receiver

• Barrel: Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Grip: Sharpshooter’s grip
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Muzzle break, Suppressor

Unique DKS 501 sniper rifle mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Receiver mods
7.62x39mm 7.62 Increase base damage to 6CD, Change ammo to 7.62x39 3 Gun nut 3 +2 +54

Gauss pistol

Ammunition: 2mm EC

The German-designed PPK12 Gauss pistol is a handheld alternative to the Gauss rifle. When fully
charged, 2mm EC rounds are accelerated along the electromagnetic rail with enough force to
maintain staggering stopping power against long distance targets. In the hands of a competent
shooter, it is capable of piercing all but the most resilient armor.


• Receiver: Calibrated, Automatic, Hair trigger

• Barrel: Long barrel
• Grip: Comfort grip, Sharpshooter’s grip
• Magazine: Large magazine, Quick eject magazine, Large quick eject magazine
• Sights: Reflex sight, Short scope, Short night vision scope, Recon scope
• Muzzle: Suppressor

Gauss Shotgun

Ammunition: 2mm EC

The Gauss shotgun is a powerful experimental shotgun with damage superior to other firearms in its


• Receiver: Hardened, Prime, Refined, Vicious

Unique Gauss shotgun mods

Mod Name Prefix Effects Complexity Weight Cost Perks
Receiver mods
Prime Prime +2CD damage, Once per 6 - +150 Gun nut 3,
combat reroll up to 3CD Science! 2
Refined Refined +1 CD damage, +1 6 - +110 Gun nut 3,
Range, Remove Science! 2

Inaccurate, Gain
Vicious Vicious +1CD damage, Gain 7 - +180 Gun nut 3,
Vicious, Gain unreliable Science! 3
and Debilitating

Grenade launcher

One of the earliest United States grenade launcher designs, built around the 40mm grenade.
Utilizing the High-Low propulsion system, the M79 allows the operator to deliver high explosive
rounds at a range of hundreds of meters, while its rugged design, consisting of just five major parts,
a receiver, fore-end, barrel, sight, and stock, offers excellent reliability. The one drawback is that the
grenade launcher is single-shot only, reducing its rate of fire and precluding a sustained volume of
fire. However, it is quite compact, especially with the stock sawed off, while the straightforward
optics, consisting of a fixed blade sight on the front and a folding leaf sight on the rear, enable
accurate fire with just pointing and shooting. These qualities kept it in use well into the late 21st


• Barrel: Long barrel

• Stock: Full stock

Unique Grenade launcher mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Underslung Underslung This allows the grenade launcher to be attached to a 2 Gun nut 2 -2 +35
two-handed rifle or shotgun small arm or energy
weapon as a muzzle attachment. The range is reduced
by 1 step. A grenade launcher with this mod can’t
have any other mods.

Handmade rifle

Ammunition: 7.62x39mm

The handmade rifle is a powerful weapon based on the now rare AK-47, that fills a niche similar to
the assault rifles and comes with largely the same advantages, such as very stable handling during
sustained automatic fire. However, it also shares most of its drawbacks including very high weight
and hard-to-find ammunition. Its biggest drawback is that it uses the very rare 7.62x39mm ammo.
Pre-war most of the AK-47 in the United States were either destroyed or went into the hands of
collectors. The handmade rifle is an attempt to reconstruct the once popular gun using original parts
scavenged from abandoned military depots and junkyards as well as other weapon parts and scrap
found throughout the wasteland. They often have a crude and battered appearance but are
surprisingly sturdy and powerful.


• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced, 5.56 receiver
• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil Compensating Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Compensator, Suppressor, Bayonet

Unique handmade rifle mod

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Receiver mods
5.56 5.56 Change base damage to 5CD, +1 Fire 2 Gun nut 2 -1 +9
receiver rate, change ammunition type to

H&H Tools Nail Gun

Ammunition: Nails

The H&H Tools nail gun was a tool created by H&H Tools Company, now re-purposed as a fully
automatic weapon that comes in a yellow color as factory standard.

The H&H Tools Nail Gun can accept one each of the following Mods:

• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful, Calibrated, Hair Trigger

• Grip: Comfort Grip
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight

Hunting Revolver

Ammunition: .45-70 Gov’t

he hunting revolver is a large, double-action revolver that fires .45-70 Gov't ammunition. It does a
significant amount of damage and comes with a scope as standard, versus requiring a modification.

A Hunting Revolver already comes with a Short Scope Modification and can accept the following

• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Snubnose Barrel, Bull Barrel, Ported barrel, Vented barrel
• Grip: Comfort Grip, Sharpshooter’s grip

Hunting Shotgun

Ammunition: Shotgun shell

The hunting shotgun is a pump-action shotgun built for greater range and power over similar

The Hunting Shotgun can accept one each of the following Mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night
Vision Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Compensator, Muzzle Brake

Japanese Battle rifle

The Type 81 battle rifle was manufactured as the standard issue rifle of the Reorganized Japanese
Army following the remilitarization of Japan and continued to serve as such throughout the Sino-
American War upon the country's entrance into the conflict. Several units ended up in the United
States of America in the hands of veterans and avid gun collectors, the fine craftsmanship of the gun
making it a sought-after firearm in the post-War world.

Ammunition: 5.56

The Japanese battle rifle can accept the following mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair-Trigger, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Long, Ported, Vented
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman Stock, Recoil-Compensating Stock
• Magazine: Large, Quick-Eject, Large Quick-Eject
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Improved Iron Sights, Short Scope, Long Scope, Night Vision Scope, Long
Night Vision Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Suppressor

Light Machine Gun

Ammunition: 5.56mm Rounds

The light machine gun is a fully automatic 5.56mm machine gun with a rapid rate of fire and an
ammunition capacity of 90 5.56mm rounds. In 2281 within the New California Republic Army, the
light machine gun is only issued to the NCR heavy troopers, the finest of the NCR troops.

A Light Machine Gun can accept one each of the following mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel, Shielded
• Stock: Recoil Compensating Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Muzzle: Compensator, Muzzle brake

M1 Garand

The M1 Garand, nicknamed "the greatest battle implement ever devised," was created in 1936 by
John Cantius Garand and was the first semi-automatic rifle to be generally issued into the U.S. Army.
It is a .30-06 gas-operated, semi-automatic, 8 shot clip-fed rifle. It provides good accuracy up to 100
yards and begins to decline sharply from 330 yards. It has a respectable rate of fire and is also easy
to disassemble and clean.

Ammunition: .308

An M1 Garand rifle can accept the following mods:

• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful

• Barrel: Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Stock: Marksman’s Stock
• Sight: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Suppressor

Mauser Pistol

Produced in 1896 until 1938 by Mauser, the Mauser pistol was sold to both civilians and the military.
As a military sidearm, the pistols saw service in various wars, as well as World War I and World War
II, and it's now a relic of the Old World. A Mauser pistol can accept the following mods:

Ammunition: .38

• Reciever: Calibrated, Powerful, Advanced, Automatic Piston, Hair Trigger, .45 receiver
• Barrel: Bull Barrel, Long, Vented
• Grip: Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Stock: Marksman’s Stock
• Sight: Short Scope, Long Scope
• Muzzle: Suppressor

Pipe shotgun

The pipe shotgun is a crudely made shotgun made from a simple pipe and various metal parts
patched together with, glue, duct tape and straps. It fires shotgun shells and can be modified in
many ways. One popular way to modify the weapon is to add more barrels creating triple barrelled
and even quad barrelled shotguns.

Ammunition: Shotgun shells


• Receiver: Hardened, Hair Trigger, Powerful

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Sawed-off Barrel, Double barrel, Triple barrel, Quad barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s stock, Recoil compensating stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night vision
scope, Recon scope
• Magazine: Large magazine, Quick eject magazine, Large quick eject magazine
• Muzzle: Muzzle Brake, Bayonet, Compensator, Suppressor

Mod Name Prefix Effects Complexity Weight Cost Perks

Double- Double- +1CD damage and add 2 +1 +12 Gun nut 2
barreled barreled vicious
Triple- Tri-barreled +2CD damage and add 3 +3 +25 Gun nut 3
barreled vicious
Quad Quad +3CD damage and add 4 +5 +54 Gun nut 4
barreled barreled vicious

Radium rifle

The radium rifle is a pre-War carbine that has been modified to deal radiation damage. Its regular
wooden and steel rifle components have been upgraded with all manner of wiring and circuitry,
among them what looks like two sets of gamma rounds on the barrel in front of the ejection port. A
crudely made dish fashioned from wire and tin foil surrounds the muzzle on long-barrelled variants
and is somewhat reminiscent of the gamma gun. With the ported variant of the long barrel, looking
at the weapon from the front shows the dish's foil parts forming the well-known radiation warning
symbol with the barrel representing the centre point.

Ammunition: .45 rounds

The Radium rifle can accept the following mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced, .38 Receiver
• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock, Recoil Compensating Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Compensator, Suppressor

Ranger Sequoia

This large, double-action revolver is a rare, scopeless variant of the hunting revolver. It is used
exclusively by the New California Republic Rangers and is carried only by an NCR Veteran Ranger
after 20 years of service. This revolver features a dark finish with intricate engravings etched all
around the weapon. Engraved along the barrel are the words "For Honorable Service", and "Against
All Tyrants". The handgrip bears the symbol of the NCR Rangers, a bear, and a brass plate attached
to the bottom that reads "20 Years."

Ammunition: .45-70 Gov’t

The Ranger Sequoia can accept the following mods:

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hair-trigger

• Barrel: Snubnose Barrel, Bull Barrel, Ported barrel, Vented barrel, Long barrel
• Grip: Comfort Grip, Sharpshooter’s grip
• Sight: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Night Vision Scope, Recon Scope

Service rifle

The New California Republic service rifle is a pre-War lightweight, air-cooled, magazine-fed, gas-
operated rifle that uses the direct impingement gas principle with a rotary bolt locking mechanism. It
is semi-automatic and uses 20 round magazines of 5.56mm ammunition, giving NCR troopers good
firepower in the field. The service rifle can also be easily broken down for cleaning or replaced with a
new unit manufactured by the Gun Runners.


• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Hair-Trigger, Powerful, .50 receiver

• Barrel: Long
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman Stock
• Magazine: Large, Quick-Eject, Large Quick-Eject
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Improved Iron Sights, Short Scope, Long Scope, Night Vision Scope, Long
Night Vision Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Suppressor

Silenced .22 Pistol

Ammunition: .22 Rounds

The silenced .22 pistol is a .22LR round handgun with an integrated silencer.

A Silenced .22 Pistol has an integrated Suppressor Mod and can accept one each of the following

• Receiver: Calibrated, Hardened, Automatic, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced

• Grip: Comfort Grip, Sharpshooter’s Grip
• Magazine: Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight

Single action revolver

The Colt single action army uses .44 rounds, the cylinder is loaded one round at a time and can be
interrupted during the reload. The cylinder is also manually turned before loading each new round.
It has high damage, low fire rate, and good accuracy.

Ammunition: .44 Magnum


• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful

• Barrel: Long barrel, Snubnose
• Grip: Comfort grip

Single Shotgun

Ammunition: Shotgun Shell

The single shotgun is similar to a double barrel shotgun except it has only one barrel.

The Single Shotgun can accept one each of the following Mods:

• Receiver: Hardened, Hair Trigger, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Sawed-off Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight
• Muzzle: Muzzle Brake, Bayonet

Sniper rifle

Ammunition: .308 Rounds

This sniper rifle is an older model of the famed DKS-501. Chambered for .308 ammunition, it is also
extremely fragile and requires regular repair and maintenance to keep it in working condition.

A Sniper Rifle can accept one each of the following mods:

• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, .38 Receiver, .50 Receiver

• Barrel: Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Muzzle break, Suppressor

Soviet pistol

Inspired by the ubiquitous AK-47 rifle, Soviet pistol is a 7.62×39 semi-automatic caliber. It provides
all the power of a rifle cartridge in a super compact design that’s easy to control. These short barrel
weapons exist for use by airborne battalions, special forces, tank and helicopter crews, and
motorized infantry.

Ammunition: 7.62x39mm


• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful, Advanced, Automatic

• Barrel: Long Barrel
• Sights: Reflex Sight
• Grip: Comfort grip
• Magazine: Large magazine, Quick eject magazine, Large quick eject magazine
• Muzzle: Suppressor


A simple weapon that uses a spring-loaded or compressed air powered mechanism to propel bolts of
wood or metal into (and through) a target.

Ammunition: Speargun bolt


• Receiver: Threaded

Unique speargun mod
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Receiver mods
Threaded Threaded The speargun can attach a rope up 3 Blacksmith 1 +1 +9
to 30 feet long to rail prey with the
little trait in with an Opposed
STR+Small guns against the targets
Body+Melee or STR+Unarmed. If
the target fails it is moved one
zone closer. The spear can be
detached by the with a minor
action or by spending 1 AP. A
medium sized target can’t be
railed in but treats all terrain as
difficult while the spear is
attached. Big targets are
unaffected by this mod. Flying
creatures subjected to this ability
may fall down and suffer damage.

Trail Carbine

Ammunition: .44 Magnum Rounds

The trail carbine is an extremely sturdy and durable lever-action rifle utilizing the powerful .44
Magnum Round.

A Trail Carbine can accept one each of the following Mods:

• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, Hair Trigger

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night
Vision Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet

Varmint Rifle

Ammunition: .22 Rounds

The varmint rifle is a low-powered hunting rifle, designed for hunting varmint and small game such
as geckos. It utilizes a magazine-fed bolt-action system and is chambered for .22mm calibre rounds.

A Varmint Rifle can accept one each of the following mods:

• Receiver: Tuned, Calibrated, Hardened, Powerful, .38 receiver

• Barrel: Long Barrel, Ported Barrel, Vented Barrel
• Stock: Full Stock, Marksman’s Stock
• Magazine: Large Magazine, Quick-Eject Magazine, Large Quick-Eject Magazine
• Sights: Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Long Scope, Short Night Vision Scope, Long Night Vision
Scope, Recon Scope
• Muzzle: Bayonet, Suppressor

Western revolver

The western revolver is a revolver chambered for the .44 round.


• Receiver: Hardened, Powerful, Advanced

• Barrel: Long barrel
• Grip: Sharpshooter’s grip
• Sights: Short scope, Reflex sight

Big Guns
Weapon Damage Ammo Effects Type FR Range Qualities Wt. Cost Rarity
Ark Cannon 10 CD Fusion Core Burst, Energy 0 M Inaccurate, 32 481 6
spread, Two-Handed,
Stun Dangerous
Auto 6CD 40mm - Physical 2 L Two-handed, 18 225 2
grenade grenade Inaccurate
Broadsider 10 CD Cannonball Breaking, Physical 0 C Two-handed, 28 245 5
Knockdown Inaccurate,
Chemblaster 3 CD Chem Spread, Poison 2 C Two-handed, 18 198 4
canister Burst Inaccurate,
Chinese 7 CD 12.7x108mm Burst Physical 3 L Two-handed, 37 350 3
Heavy Inaccurate
Cryolator 7 CD Cryo cell Stun, Energy 1 C Debilitating, 21 810 5
Spread, Inaccurate,
Burst Unreliable,
Eradicator 12 CD Radium shell Breaking, Physical 0 L Blast, Two- 25 600 4
Radiation Handed
Firework 5 CD Firework Stun, Energy 0 L Two-handed, 13 85 3
Rocket rocket Persistent Inaccurate,
Launcher Dangerous,
Gatling gun 3 CD 5mm Burst, Physical 3 C Two-handed, 18 175 3
Spread Inaccurate,
Hand As Grenades As grenade As grenade 0 L Two-handed, 12 145 2
grenade grenade Inaccurate,
Launcher Dangerous, as
Harpoon 10 CD Harpoons Piercing 2 Physical 0 M Two-handed, 16 205 3
Gun Debilitating
Heavy 7 CD .50 Burst Physical 3 L Two-handed, 40 350 2
Machine Inaccurate
.905 JDJ 12 CD 20mm Piercing 2 Physical 0 L Two-handed, 100 650 6
Junk 2 CD .38 Burst, Physical 4 C Two-handed, 35 125 2
Chaingun Spread Unreliable,
K9000 4 CD .357 Burst, Physical 4 M Two-handed, 27 950 6
Cyberdog Magnum Vicious Recon
MEC Gauss 5 CD 2mm EC Burst, Physical 5 M Two-handed, 30 1500 6
minigun Piercing 2 Inaccurate,
Mining Laser 8 CD Fusion Cell Piercing 2, Energy 0 C Accurate, Two- 40 512 3
Breaking Handed,
Pepper 4 CD Shotgun Burst, Physical 3 C Two-handed, 18 450 4
Shaker shell Spread, Inaccurate,
Vicious Gatling,
Plasma 7 CD Plasma Burst Energy 3 Cl Inaccurate, 20 650 4
Caster cartridge Two-handed
Pulse 10 CD Fusion core Piercing 1, Energy 0 C Inaccurate, 25 310 4
cannon Persistent, Two-handed,
Stun Pulse, Blast
Radium 3 CD 5mm Burst, Physical 4 M Gatling, 22 663 4
Repeater Radioactive Inaccurate,

Sawblade 6 CD Sawblades Vicious, Physical 0 C Two-handed, 15 230 3
Launcher Persistent Inaccurate,
Solar cannon 9CD Solar Vicious, Energy 0 Long Two-handed, 16 935 6
batteries Persistent Blast
Sonic 5 CD Fusion cells Stun, Physical/Energy 0 M Two-handed, 25 870 6
cannon Piercing 1, Inaccurate,
Spread, Blast
Tesla 5 CD Fusion core Burst, Energy 4 M Two-handed, 16 700 5
cannon Piercing 1, Debilitating

Ark Cannon

An upscaled version of the ark rifle using the same principle but in a much larger form, using fusion cores but
sometimes fitted with a large backpack power source. With the induction of the ark cannon specialized under
suits and armor modifications were created to better deal with the potential purge feedback. With these
added safety measures the weapon was altered further with different modifications, such as rapid fire or
continuous bolts that would jump across a wider area.


• Capacitor: HS power capacitor, HP energy redistributor

• Magazine: Large magazine

Unique Ark cannon mods

Name Prefix Effect Wt. Cost Complexity Requirements
Capacitor mods
HS capacitor High speed +1 Fire rate - +120 6 Science! 3
HP energy redistributor High powered +1CD damage, gain Blast +2 +175 7 Science! 3

Auto grenade launcher

The automatic grenade launcher (sometimes referred to as a grenade machinegun), is a belt-fed, blowback-
operated, air-cooled automatic weapon designed to lay down a heavy volume of explosive ordnance and
support infantry and vehicle operations. Designed for use as a crew-served weapon, the automatic grenade
launcher was intended for use against a variety of targets ranging from infantry and light vehicles to
fortifications and other materiel. The sheer weight of the weapon and bulk of the ammunition limited its
versatility, until the advent of power armor. Since then, many units were converted for use on foot, rather
than from a tripod.


• Barrel: Standard barrel, Long barrel, Heavy barrel

Unique Auto grenade launcher mods

Name Prefix Effect Wt. Cost Complexity Requirements
Barrel mods
Heavy barrel Heavy +1CD damage, +1 range +5 +40 3 Gun nut 3


The Chemblaster is an industrial sized device developed to put out fires by dispersing flame
dampening chemicals onto them with powerful high-pressure blasts. After the war many of these
devices were repurposed for other uses, mainly to load them up with toxic waste and acids and use
them as weapons finding the deadly payload highly efficient in clearing out the mutated dangerous
wildlife as well as the occasional raider or wastelanders. The device has an in-built tank capable of
holding around 50 litres of liquid, but auxiliary tanks can be carried on the back for extra capacity.


• Barrel: Long barrel

• Propellant tank mods (flamer): Large tank, Huge tank
• Nozzle mods (flamer): Compression nozzle, Vaporization nozzle

Chinese heavy machine gun

Ammunition: 12.7x108mm

The People’s liberation army W85 heavy machine gun is a common weapon mostly found mounted
on Chinese military vehicles and robots. It’s very similar in design to the American heavy machine
gun although it differs in that it is slightly lighter in its construction, and it uses the slightly longer
12.7x108mm ammunition making the ammunition incompatible with American models.


• Receiver: Hardened, Calibrated, Advanced, Powerful

• Barrel: Ported, Vented, Shielded
• Magazine: Large magazine, Quick eject magazine, Large quick eject magazine
• Sight: Gunner’s sight


The Cryolator was developed by the overseer of Vault 111 as a way to occupy time, waiting for the
All-Clear signal from Vault-Tec that never came. Using chemicals and components readily available
within the Vault, the prototype was able to be completed, making cryogenic freezing available in a
portable, on-demand form.

Unique Cryolator mods

Crystallizing Crystallized Loose spread, burst, and +5 +40 5 Science! 3
barrel inaccurate, Gain
piercing 1, +1CD
damage, +1 Range
Recoil Compensating +1 Fire rate, +1CD +2 +45 5 Gun nut 3
compensating damage
Glow sights Glow sight +1 range, Remove +1 +17 3 Science! 1


The Eradicator is an experimental man-portable cannon which fires special shells designed to heavily
irradiate an area, making for easier taking of heavily defended area’s by the radiation shielded
troops of the US. They were tested in Anchorage but after the victory were left in the care of the
science team of Ashton’s Rock, with the intent to perfect the design for the final push into China.

The zone hit by the eradicators blast becomes an irradiated zone. It is irradiated for a number of
turns equal to one plus the number of effects rolled for the attack, the duration starting at the

beginning of your next turn. Anything starting it’s turn in that zone takes half the attack’s damage
rounded up in radiation damage.

Ammunition: Radium shells

Unique Eradicator mods

Long Barrel Long Increase Range by 1 step 2 20 3 Gun Nut 1
6 Gun Nut 3,
Gauss Rails High-Speed + 2 CD, Gain Piercing 1 5 75
Science! 3
Stabiliser Stable When you Aim at a target re-roll an additional dice. 3 45 3 Gun Nut 2

Gatling gun

An American Civil War era weapon design patented in 1864, the Gatling gun is rechambered to fire
modern 5mm rounds and has been retrofitted with an electronic trigger similar to the broadsider
but retains its distinctive crank feed firing system.


• Barrel: Accelerated barrel, Tri barrel, Long barrel

• Sigth: Gunner’s sight
• Muzzle: Shredder

Hand grenade launcher

This launcher has been modified to fire normal hand grenades to allow for the grenades to be
launched with greater precision at further distances. The grenades need to be primed before
launching them making it a dangerous weapon to use.


• Barrel: Long barrel

• Magazine: Large magazine
• Stock: Full stock

Junk Chaingun

The Junk Chaingun is a minigun cobbled together from scrap and junk. It’s highly unreliable but
easily modifiable.


• Barrel: Accelerated barrel, Tri barrel, Long barrel

• Stock: Recoil compensating stock
• Sight: Gunner sight, Short scope, Long scope
• Muzzle: Shredder

Radium repeater

Ammunition: 5mm

A heavily modified minigun that fires deadly irradiated bullets similar to a radium rifle. Incredibly
rare only given to champions of Atom for only they are trusted or resilient enough to wield such
temperamental weapons. The alterations made have made it highly unstable and prone to
malfunction, but the sheer weight of fire makes for a truly deadly weapon against non-shielded

Special: When you make an attack with the radium repeater and get a complication, deal half the
attack's radiation damage to your zone and spend 1 + 1 CD ammunition, in addition to any other
effects of the complication.


• Barrel: Accelerated barrel, Tri-barrel

• Sights: Gunner sight

Heavy machine gun

The Browning M2 50 cal. machine gun as its name implies is a machine gun chambered in the
extremely powerful .50 round. Highly effective against infantry and other soft targets, materiel,
lightly armored vehicles, boats, fortifications, and aircraft. Though heavy and cumbersome when
used away from a mount, the advent of power armor and the creation of minigun frames for
personnel use allowed this venerable weapon to be used by soldiers on foot.

Ammunition: .50


• Receiver: Hardened, Calibrated, Advanced, Powerful

• Barrel: Ported, Vented, Shielded
• Magazine: Large magazine, Quick eject magazine, Large quick eject magazine
• Sight: Gunner’s sight

.905 JDJ

The .950 JDJ is a pre-war powerful large calibre rifle developed by American gunsmith and weapon
designer J. D. Jones of SSK Industries. It was at the time considered the largest rifle ever made
weighing in at a massive 100 lbs. The special ammunition used by the rifle had to be hand crafted
and were similar to that of a 20mm auto cannon round in force and size. Without a tripod or similar
brace, a character with STR 10 or less that is not wearing power armor or have the big quality
increase the difficulty of attacks with this weapon by 1 and the attacks gain the dangerous quality.


• Barrel: Ported, Vented, Shielded

• Stock: Marksman’s stock, Recoil-compensating stock
• Sight: Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night vision scope
• Muzzle: Muzzle brake

Sawblade launcher

Ammunition: Sawblades

The sawblade launcher is a powerful weapon that fires sawblade at a high speed towards its target
dealing deep, bleeding, and devastating wounds. It can be modified to fire several sawblades in rapid
succession and the sawblades can be picked up and reused after firing. As a complication the
Overseer can rule that a sawblade is destroyed otherwise the sawblade can be picked up and
reused. The sawblades can also be thrown (see throwing weapons below).


• Magazine: Large magazine

• Receiver: Hair trigger, Automatic, Powerful, Calibrated

The sawblade launcher can also accept one of the following unique mods

Unique sawblade launcher mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Sawblade launcher mods
High-speed High- Removes inaccurate, +1CD damage, 4 Gun nut 2 +1 +23
spin module speed increase range by 1
Rapid cycling Cycling +2 Fire rate, Gain unreliable 5 Gun nut 2 +3 +27
Multi blade Rapid +2 Fire rate, gain the burst and spread 6 Gun nut 3 +9 +51
launcher effects, gain inaccurate and
unreliable, reduce range by 1

Mining laser

The S-27 portable mining laser is a miniaturized version of the mining laser found on the mining rigs
in the mines of Appalachia. The device was meant to be carried by someone wearing power armor
but the power armor project was shut down due to the war and the S-27’s were all discarded and
locked away in one of the Hornwright mining corporations facilities in Appalachia. They were later

discovered by a group of the Brotherhood of steel who decided to modify and repurpose the tools as
weapons. The Brotherhood soon found the civilian tools unsuitable as weapons and traded them
away for more important technology. Now they can be found scattered among the wasteland, often
stripped of unnecessary parts and their industrial protective plating to make them easier to carry
and wield.


• Capacitor: Boosted capacitor, Photon exciter, Photon agitator

• Barrel mod: Charging barrels (gatling laser), Long barrel, Sniper barrel
• Muzzle: Beam focuser, Gyro compensating lens, Beam splitter
• Sight: Gunner’s sight

Pulse cannon

This massive weapon is an oversized version of a pulse rifle. It’s EMP pulses can be devastating to
power armor, robots and machines but does no harm to anything else.


• Capacitor: Boosted capacitor, Photon exciter, Photon agitator

• Muzzle: Beam focuser, Gyro compensating lens

Solar Cannon

The NI-91 Solar Cannon was developed in Japan alongside other solar-based weapons under the
operation codenamed Project Amaterasu for use by the Reorganized Japanese Army against the
People's Republic of China. Completed in late 2069, the weapon uses concentrated solar photons
condensed into a battery, which can be recharged if left out in the sun inside a Solar Recharger. It
served as the standard heavy weapon for the Reorganized Japanese Army, seeing extensive use in
the Guangdong Campaign by Japanese forces, including on their fearsome battle mechs. Some units
were imported to the United States prior to the Great War, remaining sought-after commodities for
their effective stopping power, yet the unique ammunition keeps them from being anything more
than a niche weapon for eccentric wastelanders.

K9000 Cyberdog gun

Ammunition: .357 Magnum

This weapon is actually an odd form of cyberdog, except instead of a robotic body in the image of a
canine companion, a living dog's brain has been provided with a machine gun frame, utilizing .357
Magnum ammunition. Its "canine" features include two metallic "ears" mounted on top of the
weapon that move like a real dog's and a sniffer mounted on the jar containing its preserved brain,
allowing the gun to sense its surroundings. The metal ears also appear to move up and down faster if
the gun is pointing in the direction of an enemy.

The K9000 can accept the following mods:

Unique K9000 mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
K9000 mods
Resla roil Resla Damage type becomes energy, +2CD 6 Science! 3 +1 +30
damage, gain spread
Mentat Mentat +2 Fire rate 6 Science! 3 +1 +30

MEC Gauss minigun

Ammunition: 2mm EC

The Gauss minigun is a powerful, automatic ballistic weapon that rapidly fires 2mm electromagnetic
cartridges that explode on impact. Compared to the 50 cal machine gun, the Gauss minigun has
increased damage, accuracy, and nearly twice the magazine size.

The Gauss minigun can accept the following mods:

• Barrel: Tri-barrel
• Capacitor: Boosted capacitor, Tesla coil capacitor
• Sights: Gunner sight

Unique Gauss minigun mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Capacitor mods
Tesla coil Tesla -1CD damage, change damage to 6 Science! 3 +1 +300
capacitor energy, add stun, spread and

Plasma caster

Ammunition: Plasma cartridge


• Capacitor: Boosted capacitor, HS Electrode

• Barrel: Long barrel, Sniper barrel
• Muzzle: Gatling array

Unique plasma caster mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Capacitor mods
HS electrode High-speed +2 Fire rate 6 Science! 3 +0 +44
Muzzle mods
Gatling array Gatling Adds gatling but gain unreliable 7 Science! 3 +6 +75

Harpoon gun

Ammunition: Harpoons

Originally deployed as a ship-mounted weapon meant for hunting large marine animals, the harpoon
gun has been converted into a man-portable heavy weapon. It has a rugged look, made of bare steel
and weathered wood, with a yellowish gas tank that contains the propellant and a trigger that is
almost as big as the handle. Its harpoons are capable of inflicting very high damage, but it can only
hold one harpoon at a time and takes a long time to reload. In addition to the standard harpoon the
harpoon gun is also capable of firing flechette harpoons and barbed harpoons.


• Sights: Short scope


Ammunition: Cannonballs

An unusual heavy weapon mixing 18th-century ordnance with 23rd-century technology. The main
body consists of a small old-fashioned naval cannon (possibly a muzzle-loading swivel gun) strapped
to a makeshift rig with metal rivets and thick ropes. This rig allows it to be carried around with both
hands easily and includes a hinge allowing the cannon to be angled vertically for easy reloading. It
fires explosive cannonballs via an electronic trigger taped to the back handle.

A broadsider can accept the following mods:

• Barrel: Snubnose
• Grip: Comfort grip
• Magazine: MS canister

Unique broadsider mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Magazine mods
MS canister Multi-shot +1 Fire rate, gain unreliable 6 Science! 3 +12 +100

Pepper shaker

Ammunition: Shotgun shells

The Pepper shaker is a combination of minigun and shotgun. The Pepper Shaker takes one
second to spin up before it begins automatically firing shotgun blasts of eight projectiles.

• Barrel: Single barrel, Dual barrel, Hex barrel

• Sight: Gunner’s sight
• Magazine: Plasma magazine, Laser magazine

Unique pepper shaker mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Barrel mods
Single barrel Single Fire rate -2, +4CD damage, Lose gatling 4 Gun nut 3 -3 +25
Dual barrel Dual Fire rate +1, -1CD damage 6 Gun nut 3 +2 +75

Hex barrel Hex Fire rate +3, Damage -2CD 7 Gun nut 3 +6 +185
Magazine mods
Laser Laser Change damage to energy, Gain piercing 4 Science! 3 - +85
magazine 1, Change ammunition to fusion cell
Plasma Plasma Change damage to energy and physical, 5 Science! 3 - +90
magazine Change ammunition type to Plasma

Sonic cannon

One of the earliest prototypes of the sonic emitter was a huge turret mounted cannon designed to
be mounted on vehicles and later modified to be carried by soldiers wearing power armor. The
wasteland version has been stripped down to be more portable with old part replaced by newer,
smaller technology. Only a handful of these weapons were ever developed and none of them
officially saw combat, although there are rumours that one was deployed during operation
Anchorage. The cannon fires devastating reverberation sound waves capable of liquifying bones and
exploding heads. It was originally designed as a siege weapon capable of breaking through fortified
walls and armoured hulls.

Ammunition: Fusion core

Unique sonic cannon mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Barrel mods
Sound Gellifier Gellified +2 range, add breaking 5 Science! 3 +5 +112
Sonic condenser Condensed Remove blast, add breaking, 6 Science! 3 +3 +115
+2CD damage
Muffling mesh Muffling Add close quarters, -1 3 Science! 1 +2 +25
range, -1CD damage
Experimental Experimental +3CD damage, add 6 Science! 2 +8 +76
woofer unreliable
Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Add parry 6 Science! 3 +4 +56
Capacitor mods
Gabriel’s bark Gabriel’s bark +1 Fire rate 3 Science! 1 +2 +30
Opera singer Opera singer +1 Fire rate, remove stun, 4 Science! 2 +4 +40
add vicious and debilitating
Robo-scorpion Robo- +2 Fire rate, remove stun, 5 Science! 2 +6 +80
scorpion add burst
Tarantula Tarantula +2 Fire rate, remove stun, 6 Science! 3 +8 +160
add persistent
Deathclaw roar Deathclaw +3CD damage, remove stun, 7 Science! 3 +12 +320
roar add vicious

Firework rocket launcher

Also known as the Wastelanders missile launcher, the Firework rocket launcher is a jury-rigged RPG
modified to launch fireworks at enemies. Fireworks are easier to craft and come by than missiles but
are not as reliable or powerful as their military grade counterparts. They also have a nasty habit of
exploding in the hands of the user.

Ammunition: Fireworks rocket

Unique Firework rocket launcher mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Barrel mods
Multi- Multi +2 Fire rate 4 Gun nut 2 4 +152
Booster Primed +2CD damage 4 Gun nut 2 +2 +175
Stabilizing Stabilized Remove inaccurate 2 - 1 +8
Sight mods
Gunner Tactical May reroll hit location 2 Gun nut 1 1 +5
Paint mods
4th of July Patriotic Once per turn when an enemy is 3 - - +74
theme killed by the rocket launcher you may
make a Rally action for free
New year’s Millennial Once per session fire rockets up to 5 - - +110
theme the weapons Fire rate into the air to
add 1CD AP for every rocket fired in
this way, to the pool

Melee Weapons
Weapon Damage Damage Damage Qualities Weight Cost Rarity
rating effect type
Ark hammer 7 CD Spread, Stun Energy Two- 22 280 6
Ark Spear 5 CD Spread, Stun Energy Thrown (M), 10 310 6
Auto axe 6CD Vicious, Physical Two- 12 125 4
Piercing 1 handed,
Axe 4 CD Piercing 1 Physical Two- 4 32 1
Ball-Peen 3CD Stun Physical Reliable, 1 8 0
Hammer Tool
Battle axe 6CD - Physical Two- 9 75 4
Clean cut
Blowtorch 3CD Persistent Energy Debilitating, 2 55 2
Bowie knife 3CD - Physical Reliable, <1 25 1
Thrown (C),
Branding iron 3CD - Physical - 1 5 1
Broken bottle 2CD Vicious Physical Unreliable, <1 - 0
Car door shield 4CD - Physical Parry, 35 55 3
Chain 3CD Stun Physical Unreliable 4 20 2
Chainsaw 4CD Vicious Physical Two- 12 40 3
Chinese 3CD Vicious Physical Parry 3 15 2
officer’s sword
Claw hammer 3CD Vicious Physical Reliable, 1 10 0
Cleaver 3CD Vicious Physical Debilitating 2 25 1
Commie 2CD Stun Physical - 2 25 3
Crowbar 3CD Vicious Physical Tool 4 12 1
Drill 2CD Piercing 2 Physical Debilitating, 2 25 1
Fire axe 5CD Breaking Physical Two-handed 6 40 2
Fire poker 3CD Piercing 1 Physical - 2 6 1

Fumigus 4CD Persistent Energy Debilitating, 2 75 4
blowtorch Fuel-
Fury of atom 4 CD Radioactive Physical - 3 55 2
Gaff hook 3CD Piercing 1 Physical Debilitating 2 40 2
Golf club 4CD Stun Physical Two- 4 50 2
Hatchet 3CD Piercing 1 Physical Reliable 3 20 0
Injector 1CD Piercing 1 Physical Concealable, 1 50 4
Junk shield 3CD - Physical Parry, 20 40 2
Katana 4CD Vicious Physical Two- 3 100 5
Clean cut
Kebab skewer 2CD Piercing 1 Physical - <1 4 2
Kitchen knife 3CD - Physical Reliable 1 8 0
Kiss of atom 4 CD Persistent Physical Parry 4 75 3
Piercing 1
Lance 5CD Piercing 1 Physical Two- 6 85 3
Mining drill 7 CD Breaking Physical Two- 30 425 3
Mr. Handy Buzz 3CD Vicious Physical Two- 10 50 4
blade handed,
N.S.C officers 4CD - Physical Parry, 4 50 3
sabre Cavalry
Pickaxe 4 CD Piercing 1 Physical Two-handed 10 40 2
Pitchfork 3CD Piercing 1 Physical Two-handed 4 10 1
Razor 2CD Persistent Physical Concealable <1 12 1
Riot shield 3CD - Physical Parry 10 65 3
Scalpel 2CD - Physical Clean cut, <1 12 3
Screwdriver 2CD Piercing 1 Physical Reliable, <1 3 0
Shears 3CD Vicious Physical Two- 4 60 3
Shiv 2CD Piercing 1 Physical Unreliable, <1 1 0
Shovel 4CD - Physical Reliable, 6 12 1
Spear 4CD Piercing 1 Physical Two- 5 35 1
Thrown (M)
Staff 3CD - Physical Two- 4 5 0
Syringe 1CD - Physical Inject, <1 2 0

Syringe spear 3CD Piercing 1 Physical Inject, 5 75 4
Thermic lance 5CD Breaking, Energy Two-handed 20 155 4
Trenching tool 3CD - Physical Two- 3 30 3
Tusk knife 3CD Piercing 1 Physical Concealed, 3 35 3
War Blade 6 CD Piercing 1 Physical Two-handed 15 200 3
Weed whacker 3CD Vicious Physical Unreliable, 10 40 2
Ark gauntlet 6 CD Spread, Stun Energy Dangerous 8 265 6
Mole miner 4CD Vicious, Physical - 15 91 3
gauntlet Piercing 1
Yao-guai 5 CD Piercing 1 Physical - 10 75 3

Melee weapon descriptions

Ark Gauntlet

The last of the ark technology completed before the bombs fell, outfitted with a simpler battery the gauntlet
was designed as a fallback weapon. It was made to be worn like a traditional gauntlet able to manipulate other
items with relative ease, an armoured electric resistant glove protects the hand and serves as the striking
surface for the discharge. A simple switch activated by the thumb starts the battery making it safe to wear the
gauntlet without fear of accidental discharges. A modified variant was given to the Soviets branch of power
armored soldiers, built into one of the suits' gauntlets to give them a potent close combat option without
burdening them with other weapons.

Ark Hammer

The next adaption of the ark technology was for close combat weapons, these were of course incredibly
dangerous to the user but the power was considered a worthwhile trade off. Using the same method as other
ark weapons but discharging on contact instead, creating a more focused but thunderous impact. They were
also fitted with special momentum-based chargers causing users to develop a special fighting style of

constantly spinning and moving the hammers to build charge before striking. When charged in such a way the
discharge could leap to nearby targets, turning it into a deadly crowd control weapon.

Ark Spear

A quicker polearm variant of the ark weapons. Outfitted with a dual battery one for the weapon's normal
strikes and the other a momentum charger for a special form of attack. When the charger built up enough
power it could be activated and thrown, when making contact it would create a huge blast in an area and
remain charged making touching it a deadly prospect. To counter theft the weapon comes with a paired glove
that reacts with sensors in the weapon to shut off the charge before contact.

Auto axe

Made by the H&H Tools Company, the auto axe is an industrial saw repurposed as a deadly melee weapon.

The Auto axe can accept one of the following mods which is installed with the repair skill.

Unique auto-axe mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Flame Searing Gain persistent (Fire) 3 Blacksmith 2 +4 +74
Electrified Electrified Damage becomes energy 4 Blacksmith 2, Science! +1 +80
Turbo Turbo Reduce damage by -1CD, gain 4 Blacksmith 4 - +160


One of the most ubiquitous tools found in the wasteland and also a very effective weapon.

Unique axe mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Sharp Sharp +1CD damage, gain 2 - - +3
Electro- Electrified Damage type becomes 3 Blacksmith 2, Science! - +18
fusion energy 1

Ball-peen hammer

A simple hammer with a rounded end. It’s mostly used as a tool but can be used as a weapon in a

Unique Ball-peen hammer mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +20
becomes energy Science! 1

Battle axe

The battle axe is a double-bladed medieval axe most famous for being the weapon of choice for the
comic character Grognak the barbarian.

Unique battle axe mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Flame Searing Damage type becomes energy, gain 3 Blacksmith 2, - +28
jets persistent Science! 1


The blowtorch is a portable metalwork tool, often used for cutting and welding. It has a small oil
canister at its base and a manual ignition rod behind the ported nozzle

Unique blowtorch mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Large canister Large +1 CD damage 1 Blacksmith 1 +1 +13
Extended nozzle Extended +1CD damage, Gain spread 2 Blacksmith 2 - +23

Bowie knife

The Bowie knife is a versatile and handy tool as well as an effective weapon. It is well balanced and
good for throwing as well as cutting.

Unique bowie knife mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Serrated blade Serrated +1 CD damage, Gain persistent 1 Blacksmith 1 - +12

Branding iron

A branding iron is a metal rod with a stamp at the end that’s heated to brand the stamp into the skin
of an animal. It can be used as a handy blunt weapon in a pinch. If heated the weapon deals +2CD
additional energy damage and brands the skin of unarmored opponents. The N.S.C use brands to
mark their livestock, slaves and Equidae mounts.

Unique branding iron mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Heat Searing Can be heated as a minor action dealing 2 Blacksmith - +12
pack +2CD energy damage and branding
unarmored enemies.

Broken bottle

Broken bottles are abundant in the wasteland. A player can spend 1 junk to get a broken bottle.

Car door shield

The car door shield is a car door with straps and a handle attached so you can carry it as a makeshift

Unique car door shield mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Stabilized Stabilized Gain 2CD cover against weapons with 1 Blacksmith 1 +1 +17
the blast quality


A flexible piece of iron chain is a lethal weapon in the right hands.

Unique chain mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Hooked Hooked +1 CD damage, On successful attack 2 - - +9
you may pay 2 AP to disarm the
opponent, knocking one held weapon
Heavy Weighted +2CD damage 2 Blacksmith 1 +2 +11
Spiked Spiked +1CD damage, gain piercing 1 1 - +1 +7
Heat Searing +2CD damage, Damage type becomes 3 Blacksmith 2, - +28
coils energy Science! 1


The chainsaw is a powered tool used for cutting down trees and other materials. In the post-war
landscape it’s still popular as a tool, but quite a few has turned it into an intimidating and effective

Unique Chainsaw mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Dual bar Dual +2CD damage 3 Blacksmith 2 +1 +22
Bow bar Bow +1CD damage, Piercing 1 1 Blacksmith 1 +1 +11

Long bow Long +1CD damage, gain persistent 2 Blacksmith 1 +1 +13
Flame jets Searing Damage becomes energy, gain 4 Blacksmith 3, +1 +27
persistent Science! 1

Chinese officer’s sword

Chinese officer swords are traditional Jian double-edged straight swords. These swords were dress
swords issued to People's Liberation Army officers during the Sino-American War. Many were
captured and came to the American Homefront as souvenirs, some even finding their way into the
hands of fifth columnists. Since the Great War, these weapons have become an uncommonly used
armament by wastelanders and raiders alike.

Unique Chinese officer’s sword mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Serrated blade Serrated Gain persistent 1 Blacksmith 2 - +25
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +50
blade becomes energy Science! 1
Serrated Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 3 Blacksmith 3, - +75
electrified serrated becomes energy, gain Science! 1
blade persistent (Physical)

Claw hammer

The claw hammer is originally meant to be used as a tool but in the wasteland, it has been
repurposed as a deadly and feared implement of death.

Unique Claw hammer mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +20
becomes energy Science! 1


The cleaver comes in handy when chopping up meat. All kinds of meat.

Unique Cleaver mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Serrated blade Serrated Gain persistent 1 Blacksmith 2 - +15

Commie whacker

The Commie Whacker is a padded mallet designed for hitting the Red Menace in the Whac-a-
Commie game in the Nuka-Cade. The mallet has a medium red top and slightly darker red handle,
plus a white body with a blue horizontal stripe going around it. Within the blue stripe, the word
"Democracy" is written in white lettering.

The commie whacker can accept one of the following mods which is installed with the repair skill.

Unique Commie whacker mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Bladed Bladed +2CD damage, add persistent 2 Blacksmith 1 12


Not only a useful tool, but also perfect for bashing skulls and breaking kneecaps. A crowbar reduces
the difficulty of breaking open a container or door by 1.

Unique Crowbar mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Electro- Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +20
fusion becomes energy Science! 1


While not the deadliest weapon, it comes in handy when trying to penetrate armor, or a skull.

Unique drill mod

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Piercing bit Armor piercing +1CD damage, gain piercing 2 Blacksmith 2 +1 +25

Fire axe

The fire axe is a powerful two-handed axe designed to break through doors and walls.

Unique Fire axe mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Spiked spiked +1CD damage, gain piercing 2 - - +13
Flame Searing Damage type becomes energy, gain 3 Blacksmith 2, - +28
jets persistent Science! 1

Fire poker

Mostly for poking fires and the occasional Yao Guai.

Unique Fire poker mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Heating Heated +1CD damage, damage type becomes 3 Blacksmith 2 - +50
coil energy

Fumigus blowtorch

The blowtorch is a portable metalwork tool, often used for cutting and welding. It has a small oil
canister at its base and a manual ignition rod behind the ported nozzle. The Fumigus is a top-brand
blowtorch used for professional metalwork. It has a blue grip handle instead of a brown with the
regular blowtorch.

Unique Fumigus blowtorch mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Large canister Large +1 CD damage 1 Blacksmith 1 +1 +17
Extended nozzle Extended +1CD damage, Gain spread 2 Blacksmith 2 - +33

Fury of Atom

Taking many forms but all with the same purpose, a bludgeon fitted with a rad emitter in the head
that triggers on contact. Each fury of Atom is a personal weapon made by or expressly for the
wielder. They find the components that best suit their preference, becoming a symbol of their faith
and willingness to defend it. Each one speaks of the nature of the devotee with the modifications
they choose to add, spikes, blades, stun packs or anything else.

Unique Fury of Atom mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Stun pack Stun +2CD damage, Gain stun 5 Blacksmith 3, Science! 1 - +66
Spiked Barbed +1CD damage, Gain piercing1 2 - - +30

Gaff hook

A gaff hook is a tool made to haul fish and ice. It’s deadly hook can prove an effective weapon for
resourceful wastelanders.

Unique Gaff hook mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Grappling Grappling +1CD damage, On successful attack, 2 - +1 +7
hook spend 2 AP to disarm opponent,
knocking one held weapon away.
Ripping Ripping +2CD damage, add vicious 3 Blacksmith 2 +2 +12

Golf club

A simple golf club used as a makeshift weapon.

Unique Golf club mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Spiked Spiked +1CD damage, gain piercing 1 1 - +1 +4
Bladed Bladed +1CD damage, gain Persistent 2 Blacksmith 1 +2 +10
Heavy Heavy +2CD damage 3 Blacksmith 2 +2 +11


A trusty hatchet is a handy and reliable tool and a good backup weapon when the mole rats appear.

Unique hatchet mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Electro-fusion Electrified Damage becomes energy 2 Blacksmith 2, Science! 1 1 +24


The Injector is a modernized syringe seemingly made by the Institute. While not an effective
weapon, it can be used to deliver deadly chems and poison on the unsuspecting.

Unique Syringe mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Long needle Extended +1CD damage, gain piercing 1 1 - - +3

Junk Shield

The junk shield is a shield made of scrap and junk, welded, and patched together. While not a great
weapon, it comes in handy as a defensive device.

Unique Junk shield mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Padded Stabilized Gain 2CD cover against 1 Blacksmith 1 +1 +17
weapons with the blast quality,
Remove Disposable
Kevlar lining Kevlar Gain 2CD cover against physical 4 Blacksmith 2 +1 +34
damage from ranged weapons,
remove disposable
Reinforced Reinforced +1CD damage, remove 1 Blacksmith 1 +2 +13
Spiked Spiked +1CD damage, Piercing 1 2 Blacksmith 1 +2 +14
Reinforced Reinforced +2CD damage, Piercing1, 3 Blacksmith 2 +3 +29
and spiked and spiked remove disposable
Spiked and Spiked and Gain 2CD cover against Blast 5 Blacksmith 3 +3 +53
padded padded weapons, +1CD damage,
Piercing 1, remove disposable


A katana is a type of Japanese sword with a blade length greater than 23.6-28.7 inches (60-73
centimeters) and characterized by its distinctive appearance: a curved, slender, single-edged blade,
circular or squared guard, and long grip that can accommodate two hands. Often called a "samurai
sword" or "samurai's sword" because of its use by the feudal warriors, it became a symbol of the
samurai caste.

Renowned for its sharpness and cutting ability, its origins go back at least as far as the Kamakura
Period (1185–1333). Most often held with two hands, some techniques and combat styles were
performed with a one-handed grip. The katana was generally carried in a saya, or scabbard,
manufactured from lightweight wood, with a coat of lacquer on the exterior and a wooden knob on
one side for attaching a braided cord. It’s the favorite weapon of Samurai and Weeaboo’s

Unique Katana mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +50
blade becomes energy Science! 1
Short handle Short -1CD damage, lose Two- 1 - -1 +5

Kebab skewer

A thin pointed metal stick with a handle, used for barbeque.

Unique Fire poker mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Heating Heated +1CD damage, damage type becomes 3 Blacksmith 2 - +20
coil energy

Kitchen knife

A large sharp chef’s knife found in most kitchens.

Unique Kitchen knife mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Serrated blade Serrated +1 CD damage, Gain persistent 1 Blacksmith 1 - +12


A lance can be wielded one handed without increasing the difficulty to hit when used from a moving
mount or vehicle.

The lance can accept one of the following mods which is installed with the repair skill.

Unique lance mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Stun pack Stunning +1CD damage, damage type 3 Blacksmith 3, - +35
becomes energy, add stun Science! 1
Electro- Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 3 Blacksmith 2, - +50
infused becomes energy Science! 1
Battering Ramming +2CD damage, add breaking 4 Blacksmith 3 +10 +65

Mole Miner gauntlet

The gauntlet is made up of a simple handhold, a yellow handguard and two identical blades on the
front. It seems to be made out of very specific scrap parts.

Unique Mole miner gauntlet mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Extra blade Bladed +2CD damage, gain persistent 3 Blacksmith 3 +5 +28

Mr. Handy Buzz blade

This weapon is a heavily modified buzz saw from a Mister Handy robot. The weapon consists of a
circular saw blade with a guard, a long metal shaft, and an engine at the bottom.

Unique Mr. Handy Buzz blade mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Turbo High-speed +1CD damage, Gain unreliable, 3 Blacksmith 1, - +25
needs 2 fuel to be refilled Science! 1
Electro- Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 3 Blacksmith 2, - +50
infused becomes energy Science! 1
Turbo High-speed +2CD damage, damage 5 Blacksmith 2, - +60
electro- electrified becomes Energy, gain Science! 2
infused unreliable, needs 2 fuel to be

N.S.C Officer’s sabre

An old cavalry sabre used as a symbol of leadership amongst the New South Confederacy. The
curved blade is especially suited for strikes from horseback.

Unique N.S.C Cavalry Sabre mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Serrated blade Serrated Gain persistent 1 Blacksmith 2 - +25
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +50
blade becomes energy Science! 1
Serrated Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 3 Blacksmith 3, - +75
electrified serrated becomes energy, gain Science! 1
blade persistent (Physical)


A simple tool for mining.

Unique Pickaxe mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Heavy Heavy +1CD damage 3 Blacksmith 2 +2 +11
Extra heavy Extra +2CD damage 4 Blacksmith 2 +4 +21
Heating coils Searing +1CD damage, Damage 3 Blacksmith 2, - +18
becomes Energy Science! 1
Diamond Diamond +3CD damage, gain Breaking 6 Blacksmith 3 +1 +107


The pitchfork is a farm tool consisting of a wooden haft with a four-pronged metal head riveted to
the end used a makeshift weapon.

Unique Pitchfork mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Barbed flaming Searing +2CD damage, damage 4 Blacksmith 3, +2 +54
pitchfork becomes energy, persistent Science! 1
Pitchfork flamer Flaming +1CD damage, damage 3 Blacksmith 2, +1 +27
becomes energy, persistent Science! 1
Barbed pitchfork Barbed +1CD damage, persistent 2 Blacksmith 1 +1 +17


An implement for shaving.

Unique Razor mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Stealth Stealth +1CD damage, +2CD damage on sneak 3 Blacksmith 2 - +18
blade attacks

Riot shield

A riot shield is a lightweight protection device, typically deployed by police and some military
organizations, though also utilized by protestors. Riot shields are typically long enough to cover an
average-sized person from the top of the head to the knees, though smaller one-handed models

may also be used. They are generally intended to be used in riot control, to protect the user from
melee attacks with blunt or edged weapons and also thrown projectiles, or non-lethal weapons such
as rubber bullets and water cannons. They can also be used as short-ranged melee weapons to push
back the opposing force. Most riot shields do not offer ballistic protection; ballistic shields are
instead used in situations where heavily armed resistance is expected.

Unique Riot shield mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Padded Stabilized Gain 2CD cover against weapons 1 Blacksmith 1 +1 +27
with the blast quality
Kevlar Kevlar Gain 2CD cover against physical 4 Blacksmith 2 +1 +44
lining damage from ranged weapons
Electrified Electrified +2CD damage, damage becomes 4 Blacksmith 2, - +40
energy Science 1
Stun pack Stun Damage becomes Energy, add Stun 4 Blacksmith 2, - +30
Science 1


Originally meant as a surgical tool a scalpel can make a good makeshift weapon in a pinch. A scalpel
is easy to conceal and can be deadly in the hands of a skilled user.

Unique Scalpel mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Stealth Stealth +1CD damage, gain persistent, +2CD 3 Blacksmith 2 - +18
blade damage on sneak attacks


The humble screwdriver is an ubiquitous tool and not made for combat, but can be used as a
makeshift weapon in desperate situations.

Unique Screwdriver mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +12
becomes energy Science! 1


These large shears are used to cut grass but can easily cut through flesh if need be.

Unique Shears mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +12
becomes energy Science! 1


The shiv is a disposable stabbing weapon often used by prisoners. It’s easy to make and don’t need a
workbench and can be made with a D1 Repair check for 2 common parts taking 1 hour of work.


A large spade shovel with a wooden handle and metal handle on the end.

Unique shovel mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Sharp Sharpened +1CD damage, add persistent 2 Blacksmith 2 +1 +21
Stun Stun Damage becomes energy, add 3 Blacksmith 2, Science - +22
pack stun 1


One of the simplest, yet most versatile weapons mankind has ever conceived. In the post war world
the spear has seen a renaissance and is one of the most common weapons found in the wasteland.

The spear can accept one of the following mods which is installed with the repair skill.

Unique spear mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Barbed Barbed +1CD damage, add debilitating 2 Blacksmith 2 +1 +21
Serrated Serrated Gain persistent 1 Blacksmith 2 - +19
Feathered Stabilized +1 Range 3 Blacksmith 1 - +8
Metal bound Reinforced Gain parry and +1CD damage, 2 Blacksmith 1 +4 +10
lose throwing
Poisoned Poisoned Gain persistent (poison) 2 Blacksmith 2, - +28
spear Chemist
Pronged Pronged +2CD damage add vicious, lose 3 Blacksmith 3 +2 +35
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage 3 Blacksmith 2, - +50
becomes Energy Science! 1


A handy pole, branch, or piece of rebar.

Unique Staff mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Barbed Barbed +1CD damage, gain piercing 1 2 - +1 +21
Heavy Heavy +1CD damage 1 Blacksmith 2 +2 +11


A syringe is a medical instrument used to inject medicine and drugs. It’s not a very effective weapon
but can be used to inject drugs into unsuspecting victims.
Unique Syringe mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Bundled Bundled +1CD damage, may inject up to three 3 Chemist - +6
doses of Chems or poison at one time.
Each additional dose of poison delivered
increase the damage by 1CD.
Long Extended +1CD damage, gain piercing 1 1 - - +3

Syringe spear

A bundle of syringes or syringer darts duct taped to the end of a long pole.
Unique Syringe mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Long needle Extended +1CD damage, gain piercing 1 1 - - +3

Thermic lance

The thermic lance is an industrial metalworking tool that heats and melts an iron tube packed with
iron rods in the presence of pressurized oxygen, producing the high temperatures required for
cutting through steel girders and other thick metal objects.

Trenching tool

Also known as an entrenching tool, intrenching tool or E-tool, the trenching tool is a digging tool
used by military forces for a variety of military purposes. Survivalists, campers, hikers, and other
outdoors groups have found it to be indispensable in field use. Modern entrenching tools are usually
collapsible and made using steel, aluminium, or other light metals. The are a popular tool amongst
wastelanders. Not meant to be a weapon, it can still crack skulls in a pinch. A trenching tool allows
you to reroll 1d20 on STR checks to dig ditches.
Unique Trenching tool mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Mole rat Hunting +2CD damage and stun against 3 Blacksmith 2 - +5
hunters creatures that burrows like mole
rats and rad scorpions
Sharp Sharp +1CD damage, gain persistent 2 Blacksmith 1 - +7
Collapsible Collapsible Gain concealed 3 Blacksmith 2 -1 +6

Tusk knife

The tusk knife is a blade made from the tusk or fang from a large creature like a Radhog or Radcroc.
Often seen as a symbol of strength amongst tribals more than a weapon.
Unique Tusk knife mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Hunter’s Hunter’s +2CD damage against mutated 3 - - +12
mark creatures
Sharp Sharp +1CD damage, gain persistent 2 Blacksmith 1 - +7

War Blade

A war blade is a catch-all term for all sorts of large two-handed sword-like weapons often wielded by
raiders as a symbol of authority.

Unique War Blade mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Serrated blade Serrated Gain persistent 1 Blacksmith 2 - +25
Electrified Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 2 Blacksmith 2, - +50
blade becomes energy Science! 1
Serrated Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 3 Blacksmith 3, - +75
electrified serrated becomes energy, gain Science! 1
blade persistent (Physical)
Flame jets Flaming +1CD damage, damage 4 Blacksmith 3, - +75
becomes Energy, gain Science! 1

Weed whacker

A garden tool used for removing unwanted growth from a domestic garden, used before the Great

Unique Wheed wacker blade mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Turbo High-speed +1CD damage, Gain unreliable, 3 Blacksmith 1, - +25
needs 2 fuel to be refilled Science! 1

Electro- Electrified +1CD damage, damage type 3 Blacksmith 2, - +50
infused becomes energy Science! 1
Turbo High-speed +2CD damage, damage 5 Blacksmith 2, - +60
electro- electrified becomes Energy, gain Science! 2
infused unreliable, needs 2 fuel to be

Yao-guai gauntlet

Also known as a bearclaw gauntlet. The Yao-guai gauntlet is a weapon made out of the claws of a
Yao-guai. They are popular amongst certain tribals.

Throwing Weapons
Weapon Damage Damage Damage Qualities Weight Cost Rarity
rating effect type
Boomerang 3CD - Physical Thrown 1 40 4
Poisoned 3CD Piercing 1, Physical Thrown <1 50 3
throwing Persistent (M),
knife (Poison) Suppressed,
Sawblade 3CD Vicious Physical Thrown (C), 1 12 2
Shuriken 2CD - Physical Thrown (C), <1 8 4


A boomerang is a simple wedge shaped, flattened piece of wood, plastic bone or similar lightweight materials,
whose unique shape allows it to fly great distances and in the hands of a skilled thrower, even return back to
their hand if it should miss their target.

If you miss with a boomerang, you may spend 1 AP to have it return to your hand.

A boomerang can have one or more of the following unique mod which is installed with the repair skill:

Unique Boomerang mods
Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Bladed Bladed +1CD damage 2 - - +8
Tri-wing Tri-wing +2CD damage 4 Blacksmith 2 +1 +16

Poisoned throwing knives

These throwing knives have been laced with poison.

Unique Poisoned Throwing knife mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Stealth Stealth +1CD damage, +2CD damage on sneak 3 Blacksmith 2 - +18
blade attacks


Circular sawblades used for industrial cutting can be thrown as a frisbee to devastating effect at the risk of
cutting oneself. They can also be used as ammunition for the Sawblade launcher.


Shuriken’s are small, pointed start shaped metal weapons designed to be thrown. They are easy to conceal.
When spending AP to take an extra major action to throw a Shuriken, you only need to pay 1 AP.

Unique shuriken mods

Name Prefix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Radioactive Radioactive Gain radioactive 5 Blacksmith 2, Science! - +15
alloy 1
Poison laced Poison Gain persistent 4 Blacksmith 2, Chemist - +12
Pointed Pointed Gain piercing 1 2 Blacksmith 1 - +2

Energy weapons
Alien Alien 5 CD - Energy 2 C Blast, Reliable 2 1151 6
blaster blaster
Ark rifle Fusion 7 CD Burst, Stun, Energy 0 C Inaccurate, Two- 16 216 6
cell Spread handed,
Break- Fusion 5 CD Spread, Energy 0 C Two-handed, 13 168 2
Action cell Piercing 1 Inaccurate
Laser Gun
Chinese Fusion 2CD Burst Energy 3 C Two-handed, 6 110 5
Auto Laser cell Gatling,
Holorifle Fusion 5 CD Spread Energy 1 M Two-handed, 8 218 5
cell Inaccurate,
LAER Fusion 4 CD - Energy 2 C Two-handed, 4 78 5
cell Inaccurate,
Laser RCW Fusion 3 CD Burst, Energy 3 C Two-handed, 4 156 3
cell Piercing 1 Inaccurate
Multiplas Plasma 3 CD Burst Physical/Energy 2 C Two-handed, 7 173 4
rifle cartridge Inaccurate,
Plasma Plasma 5 CD Vicious, Physical/Energy 2 C Close Quarter, 2 199 4
defender cartridge Piercing 1 Inaccurate,
Plasma Plasma 5 CD - Physical/Energy 2 C Two-handed 12 201 3
rifle cartridge
Pulse gun Fusion 6 CD Piercing 1 Energy 2 C Close Quarter, 2 138 4
cell Pulse
Rad Rad 3 CD Persistent Energy 3 C Debilitating, 10 323 3
sprayer canister (Radiation), Inaccurate, Two-
Radioactive, handed
Recharger - 3 CD - Energy 2 C Close Quarters, 7 199 6
pistol Recharge
Recharger - 4 CD - Energy 2 M Two-handed, 15 250 6
rifle Recharge
Solar Solar 5 CD Vicious Energy 1 C Two-handed, 16 425 6
carbine batteries Accurate
Sonic Fusion 3 CD Stun, Energy/Physical 0 C Close Quarter, 2 276 6
emitter cell Spread, Inaccurate
Piercing 1,
Tri-beam Fusion 5 CD Spread, Energy 1 C Two-handed, 9 312 4
laser rifle cell Piercing 1 Inaccurate
Wattz Fusion 5 CD Piercing 1 Energy 0 M Two-handed 7 170 3
Laser rifle cell

Alien Blaster

The Alien Blaster pistol is said to be of extra-terrestrial origins. It fires powerful blue blasts of energy
that explodes upon impact. The weapon is fuelled by an unknown energy source that appears like
glowing blue batteries made of an unknown material but can be modified to accept fusion cells.

Unique alien blaster mods mods
Name Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Fusion cell Changes the ammunition to fusion cells 7 Science! 3 - +200
converter but gains the unreliable quality.

Ark Rifle

As part of a joint venture with Vault-tec the Soviet Union was given the plans for experimental tesla
weapons, they took this and adapted it into the much more powerful but more unstable ark
weapons. The first of its kind the ark rifle uses a high-capacity battery to build up a massive electrical
charge, it then unleashes this in one devastating bolt which can jump between multiple targets. The
weapon’s charging system was unfortunately too powerful, attaining charge too quickly a purging
system was introduced to try and solve the issue. Even then sometimes the weapon would forcibly
purge when the weapon was firing, striking the user as well but this was considered an acceptable

Break-Action Laser Gun

The BAL7, developed by General Atomics, was the publicly available alternative of the military AER9
laser. Originally marketed as a varmint rifle for rodents and small game with the gimmick of 'instant
and clean vaporization', the BAL7 was popular among tinkerers who figured out ways to dramatically
increase it's power output. It's simple design and durable parts made it ideal for both personal
customization and a wide range of game hunting...as long as power conservation wasn't an issue.


• Muzzle: Fusion lobber, Discharger

• Sight: Reflex sight, Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night vision
scope, Recon scope
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor, Photon agitator
Unique Break action laser gun mods emitter mods
Muzzle mods
Name Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Fusion Remove spread, Gain blast, Increase range 6 Science! 3 +3 +111
lobber by 1 step
Discharger Remove spread, +1 Piercing 5 Science! 2 - +62

Chinese Auto Laser

The Chinese Auto laser is a Chinese experimental miniaturized gatling laser meant for close range
operations. The weapon can release a frightening barrage of energy blasts emptying its fusion cell
charges in seconds. The result can be devastating, but on lower settings the weapons damage
output is very weak.


• Barrel: Long barrel, Improved barrel, Charging barrel (Gatling laser)

• Muzzle: Beam focuser
• Stock: Standard stock, Full stock
• Sight: Reflex sight
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Photon agitator, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor


The holorifle is a pump-action energy-based weapon. The weapon's frame is similar in appearance to
that of a grenade launcher. It’s unusual in the fact that the energy released is based on holo
technology unlike any other energy weapon which is usually based on laser, plasma or tesla


• Muzzle: Gyro compensating lens, Beam focuser

• Sight: Reflex sight, Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night vision
scope, Recon scope
• Stock: Recoil compensating stock


The LAER is a decent all-around energy rifle, but it has several flaws in that it’s a very unreliable
weapon that requires constant maintenance to operate effectively. In the hands of a skilled
weaponsmith however, the weapon can be upgraded and modified in a variety of ways to make up
for its many flaws.


• Muzzle: Gyro compensating lens, Beam focuser, Beam splitter

• Sight: Reflex sight, Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night vision
scope, Recon scope
• Stock: Recoil compensating stock, marksman’s stock
• Capacitor mods: Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor, Photon exciter, Photon agitator
• Barrel: Bracketed short barrel, Long barrel, Splitter, Automatic barrel, Bracketed long barrel,
Improved barrel, Sniper barrel
• Grip: Sharpshooter’s grip

Laser RCW

A precursor to the Gatling laser, the gun was designed to mimic a famous gun design and invoke in
buyers the same rapid delivery of ordnance but instead with lasers. The unique feature of this "laser
assault rifle" is the addition of a "drum," which gives this weapon its unique look, high rate of fire,
and name.


• Barrel: Long barrel, Improved barrel, Charging barrel (Gatling laser)

• Muzzle: Beam focuser
• Stock: Standard stock, Full stock
• Sight: Reflex sight
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Photon agitator, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor

Multiplas rifle

The multiplas rifle (a portmanteau of "multiple" and "plasma") is based on the urban plasma rifle
design. It is a sort of "plasma shotgun," firing three rounds of plasma in a volley, at the cost of a
massive drain on the plasma cartridge.

Initially, the weapon was a bulky, industrial plasma caster, manufactured by Winchester Arms; while
it performed admirably, it was expensive and required specialized training to use. However, later
developments for the United States Army would lead to a more compact design that was cheaper to
produce and easier to train for, perfectly suited for urban warfare.


• Barrel: Improved barrel, Charging barrel (Gatling laser)

• Muzzle: Beam focuser
• Stock: Recoil compensating stock
• Sight: Reflex sight
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Photon agitator, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor

Plasma defender

The Plasma Defender is a powerful energy-based pistol that fires superheated bolts of green plasma.
It is able to punch through most critters and lower grade armor with ease, when compared to the
more commonly found and cheaper laser pistol.


• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor, Photon agitator
• Muzzle: Gyro compensating lens, Beam focuser
• Sight: Reflex sight, Short scope, Short night vision scope
• Grip: Sharpshooter’s grip

Plasma rifle

This plasma rifle is a lightweight urban warfare weapon created as part of a desire to replace the
aging Winchester P94 "Plasma Caster" design. This design was produced and fielded in number prior
to the Great War of October 23, 2077. This however was not the end of the design nor manufacture
of this weapon platform. Prior to the nuclear Armageddon, REPCONN Aerospace (as a subsidiary of
RobCo Industries) would successfully develop an improvement from their spaceflight research, with
significantly advanced factions tinkering with the design post Armageddon.


• Barrel: Long barrel, Automatic barrel, Sniper barrel, Improved barrel

• Grip: Sharpshooters grip
• Muzzle: Beam focuser, Gyro compensating lens
• Stock: Marksman’s stock, Recoil compensating stock
• Sight: Reflex sight, Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night
vision scope, Recon scope
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor, Photon agitator

Pulse gun

The Pulse pistol was developed as a countermeasure against power armor by an unknown
manufacturer. It’s suspected that it might be Chinese in origin. It’s an exceedingly rare weapon, and
it is believed that only a handful was ever made, although after the war other parties like the
Institute have tried to replicate the weapon with varying degrees of success. The weapon fires waves
of electromagnetic energy that is harmless to living creatures but can be devastating against
electronics and machines like power armor and robots.


• Muzzle: Beam focuser, Gyro compensating lens

• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor, Photon agitator

Rad sprayer

Using a rifle as a frame it has been heavily modified with tubing, pressure regulators, and all manner
of things to turn it into a pressurized sprayer. No two are exactly alike but nor is the payload, but the
deadly effect is universal. Firing highly volatile pressurized radioactive acid at targets, coating victims
with it which quickly eats away at anything it touches. The acid clings to victims and continues to
burn, all while the radiation seeps into them.

Recharger pistol

The recharger pistol is the second version of a self-charging weapon with effectively limitless
ammunition. It's a more advanced and compact version of the recharger rifle that is fitted with a
microfusion breeder that provides it a virtually limitless power supply, capped at 20 shots.
Recharging time takes 1 second to recharge 1 shot and a fully discharged recharger pistol takes 20

seconds to fully charge. Additionally, it will only recharge while equipped and does not start out
charged when equipping it, resulting in having to wait for it to charge before firing.


• Barrel: Bracketed short barrel, Improved barrel

• Muzzle: Beam focuser, Gyro compensating lens
• Sight: Reflex sight
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Photon agitator

Recharger rifle

The recharger rifle is the first version of a self-charging weapon with effectively limitless
ammunition. As the first version of such a weapon, it suffers from a limited power capacity and low
effectiveness of the built-in microfusion breeder. The microfusion breeder recharges at about one
round every second, meaning a fully discharged rifle takes 7 seconds to recharge. Its evolved and far
more advanced counterpart is the recharger pistol.


• Barrel: Long barrel, Sniper barrel, Improved barrel, Bracketed long barrel
• Muzzle: Beam focuser, Gyro compensating lens
• Sight: Reflex sight, Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night
vision scope, Recon scope
• Stock: Standard stock, Full stock, Marksman’s stock, Recoil-compensating stock
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Photon agitator

Solar carbine

The NI-72 Solar Carbine were developed in Japan under the operation codenamed Project
Amaterasu for use by the Reorganized Japanese Army against the People's Republic of China.
Completed in late 2069, the carbine uses concentrated solar photons condensed into a battery,
which can be recharged if left out in the sun inside a Solar Recharger. Although they never fully
replaced the Type 81 battle rifle as the primary weapon of infantrymen, the carbine still saw
extensive use in the Guangdong Campaign by Japanese forces. Some units were imported to the
United States prior to the Great War by veterans and gun collectors, and remain sought-after

commodities for their effective stopping power, yet their unique ammunition keeps them from
being anything more than a niche weapon for eccentric wastelanders.

Sonic emitter

The sonic emitter is a pistol-grip energy weapon developed at the Big Mountain Research Facility by
Doctor 8 before the Great War, with additional testing and modifications done by various members
of Big MT's research staff.

Ammunition: Fusion cells


• Barrel: Standard, Megaphone, Sound-focusing Mesh, Deep Dish

• Grip: Marksman's grip
• Muzzle: Sub-sonic, Pulse field emitter, Stereo oscillator
• Capacitor: Revelations, Gabriel’s bark, Opera Singer, Robo-Scorpion, Tarantula, Glowing
Unique sonic emitter mods
Barrel mods
Name Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Megaphone Gain burst and inaccurate 2 Science 1 +2 +10
Sound-focusing Gain accurate, lose spread 2 Science 2 - +20
Deep dish +1 CD, +1 Range 4 Science 4 +2 +72
Muzzle mods
Name Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Sub-sonic Gain supressed 3 Science 3 +1 +52
Pulse field +2CD damage and Piercing 2 against 4 Science 4 +1 +55
emitter Robots and Power armor
Stereo oscillator +1 FR 2 Science 1 +2 +20
Capacitor mods
Name Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Revelations +1CD 1 Science 1 - +20
Gabriel’s bark +1FR 2 Science 2 +1 +35
Opera singer Remove stun, +1 FR, add Vicious and 4 Science 4 +2 +95
Robo-Scorpion Remove stun, +2 FR, Add burst 4 Science 3 +3 +60
Tarantula Remove stun, +2 FR, Add persistent 4 Science 3 +4 +60
Glowing Remove stun, +1CD, +1 FR, add 5 Science 4 +3 +85

Tri-Beam laser rifle

The tri-beam laser rifle (GRA) has the appearance of a "sawn-off" laser rifle, being shorter in length,
without the tube underneath the barrel, and with a new emitter aperture and wiring that allows
three beams to be fired with each shot.


• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor, Photon agitator
• Muzzle: Gyro compensating lens
• Stock: Recoil compensating stock
• Sight: Reflex sight

Wattz laser rifle

The Wattz 3000 Laser Rifle was an attempt by Wattz Electronics to re-enter the military market after
their previous rifle, the Wattz 2000, was replaced by the more modular and sturdy AER series of
laser weapons. The power of the rifle, even with its slower fire rate, led to it beating out other
competitors in military trials and was issued in limited numbers to troops as the AER12.

At first produced only for Special Forces in 2075 Mass production of civilian models was completed,
and they were ready to ship for the civilian market on October 23rd of 2077, but the bombs dropped
before they could be shipped out.

When the Institute found the blueprints of the Wattz 3000 they changed the scheme to use the
resources they had. Wattz 3000 accepted focusing crystal change better than AER-9, but it was too
expensive to manufacture, so the Institute back to ILR-03 usage. Though it is still issued in limited
number for Coursers, as it is a perfect weapon to eliminate runaway Synths.


• Barrel: Long barrel, Automatic barrel, Sniper barrel, Improved barrel

• Grip: Sharpshooters grip
• Muzzle: Beam focuser, Gyro compensating lens
• Stock: Marksman’s stock, Recoil compensating stock
• Sight: Reflex sight, Short scope, Long scope, Short night vision scope, Long night
vision scope, Recon scope
• Capacitor: Photon exciter, Beta wave tuner, Boosted capacitor, Photon agitator

Weapon Damage Damage Damage Qualities Weight Cost Rarity
rating effect type
Abraxolurk 3CD Persistent, Poison Debilitating, Thrown (M) 1 10 5
egg Spread,
Anti-tank 8CD Piercing 2, Physical Debilitating, Blast, Mine (see 12 90 4
mine Breaking below), Two-handed
Blackpowder 4CD - Physical Blast, Overcharged, Thrown 3 18 1
bomb (M), Unreliable
Boom Bug 4CD Persistent Poison Blast, Thrown <1 15 3
C-4 Plastic 6CD - Physical Trigger, Blast 1 50 3
Claymore 6CD Vicious, Physical Mine 1 65 2
Cryogenic 5CD Spread, Stun Energy Thrown(M), Blast, 1 125 4
grenade Debilitating
Cryo mine 5CD Spread, Stun Energy Blast, Mine, Debilitating 2 50 4
Dynamite 7CD - Physical Blast, Thrown (M), 5 150 1
bundle Unreliable
Dynamite 5CD - Physical Blast, Thrown (M), 1 30 1
stick Unreliable
ED-EMP 10CD Stun Energy Blast, Trigger, Two-handed, 45 350 6
Firecrackers 2CD Stun Physical Thrown(M) 1 1 1
Flash grenade 2CD Stun Energy Thrown(M), Blast 1 25 2
Long fuse 5CD - Physical Blast, Thrown (M), 1 40 1
dynamite Unreliable, Delayed (3)
Incendiary 5 CD Spread, Energy Blast, Thrown(M), 1 60 2
grenade Persistent Debilitating
Incendiary 5 CD Spread, Energy Blast, Mine, Debilitating 1 45 3
mine Persistent
MFC grenade 3CD Stun Energy Blast, Thrown(M), <1 5 2
Mr. Boom 21CD Breaking Energy/ Blast, Trigger, Unreliable 900 500 6
Radioactive, Physical
Nuka-Boom 4CD Radioactive, Energy Thrown(M) 1 53 5
Pipe bomb 5CD Vicious, Physical Blast, Thrown(M), <1 7 1
Persistent Debilitating, Unreliable
Pulse charge 6CD Stun Energy Triggered, Blast, Pulse 2 100 3
Pumpkin 5CD Radioactive Energy Blast, Thrown(M) 1 95 2
Radio nuke 21CD Breaking Energy Triggered, Blast 7 150 6
Rigged fusion 4CD Radioactive Energy Blast, Unreliable, Trigger, 4 100 5
core Concealed
Satchel 8CD Vicious Physical Blast, Mine, Debilitating <1 95 3
Scrap 5CD Vicious, Physical Radio, Blast, Unreliable 1 25 2
explosive Persistent
Smoke - - - Thrown(M), Blast, See below 1 20 2

Spore pod 3CD Spread, Poison Thrown(M) 1 35 5
grenade Burst,
Time bomb 6CD - Physical Blast, Delayed (10) 5 60 4
Time EMP 6CD Stun Energy Blast, Delayed (10), Pulse 1 100 3
Time Nuke 21CD Breaking, Energy Blast, Delayed (10) 7 150 6
Unstable 4CD Radioactive Energy Blast, Dangerous 4 100 4
fusion core
Volatile 5CD - Physical Blast, Dangerous, Thrown <1 25 2
dynamite (M)

Abraxolurk Egg

The mutated mirelurks found in Abraxodale have developed chemical attacks and defences due to
the highly toxic environments. The eggs of these mirelurks, also known as Abraxolurks, is filled with a
highly corrosive toxic goo and when thrown the egg can be used as an impromptu grenade covering
an enemy with the slimy substance.

Anti-tank mine

These powerful mines were developed to damage and disable vehicles and won’t be triggered by
normal sized creatures. Creatures with the big quality, characters in power armor or vehicles can
trigger the mine as normal.

Black powder bomb

Black powder bombs are crude grenades that can easily be crafted using scrap and gunpowder. They
make for a cheap alternative to a frag grenade but are volatile and unreliable so should be handled
with care.

Boom Bug

Boom bugs are mutated ladybugs found mostly in Illinois, with an odd tendency to explode violently,
enveloping the surrounding area in a red mist. This mist is a toxic vapor, damaging anyone who
inhales it. Aside from that, Boom Bugs are no different from pre-war ladybugs.

Cryogenic Grenade

The cryogenic grenade is a late war weapon utilizing cryogenic technology to disable anyone
unfortunate enough to be caught in its blast, and anyone that survives the initial blast will suffer
debilitating frostbites from the intense cold.

Cryo Mine

The cryo mine is a late war weapon utilizing cryogenic technology to disable anyone unfortunate
enough to step on it, and anyone that survives the initial blast will suffer debilitating frostbites from
the intense cold.

C-4 Plastic explosive

The M112 Demolition Charge model of C-4 plastic explosive is a powerful explosive weapon. It can
be placed on the ground like proximity mines but will not detonate when enemies are near –
instead, one must use the detonator to set them off. This makes C-4 useful for setting traps to kill
unsuspecting enemies by placing it in their path, moving far away and setting off the explosive.

For each C4 that goes off in the same zone, increase its damage by +1 CD. Setting up and arming
pulse charges takes 1 minute for every C4 set up.


The M18A1 claymore, developed by pre-war America, is a decently sized explosive propped up on
several rods, with a motion sensor out one end. When detonated, it releases multiple metal
shrapnel balls in a wide area.

Dynamite bundle

A bundle of five sticks of dynamite bundled together with some duct tape. The sticks can be lit by a
timer or manually with a lighter or match.

Dynamite stick

A standard stick of dynamite, with a length of safety fuse. Used as a thrown explosive bomb and lit
by a cigarette lighter or match. They are powerful but unstable weapons but can easily be crafted
from junk and gunpowder.


A staple of Rust Devil weaponry for disabling robotic warehouses, it’s a hollowed-out eyebot filled
with a heavy-duty EMP that is enhanced by the eyebots’ antennas. It’s too heavy for normal
humanoids to throw, so it’s typically rolled into an area before detonating.

Unique ED-EMP mod

Name Suffix Effect Complexity Requirements Weight Cost
Eyebot mods
Operational Eyebot Becomes a fully operational eyebot 4 Science! 2 - +72
without the laser (CRB p. 359) and
can operate and activate on its own
or be radio controlled by the
controller with the rally action. The
controller can trigger the ED-EMP as a
minor action destroying the eyebot in
the process.
Payload mods
Explosive Exploding Removes the Pulse quality and 2 Science! 1 +1 +30
payload damage becomes physical.


Simple, weak explosives famed for their sheer abundance and ease of creation. They are small tubes
of gunpowder wrapped in paper or other weak materials, connected by tying multiple fuses
together. It’s sold and thrown in bunches of three.

Flash grenades

These grenades were popular amongst law-enforcement in pre-war times. They are used to disorient
enemies and is a mostly non-lethal weapon, although direct contact can cause minor burns.

Incendiary grenade

A self-contained incendiary bomb, the Army/Navy 205M incendiary hand grenade is a multi-purpose
weapon that can be used to damage, immobilize, or destroy a variety of targets including weapons,
ammunition, vehicles, and soft targets. Unlike conventional incendiary grenades, relying on
thermate mixtures designed for use as a tool, the AN-205M uses a modern combat mixture that
allows it to be used offensively. Upon detonation, the sheet metal casing disintegrates, creating an
incendiary blast in a widespread area. The burning mixture sticks to targets like napalm, continuing
to deal fire damage until it burns out several seconds later.

Incendiary mine

The incendiary mine is a multi-purpose weapon that can be used to damage, immobilize, or destroy
a variety of targets including weapons, ammunition, vehicles, and soft targets. Unlike conventional
incendiary weapons, relying on thermate mixtures designed for use as a tool, the incendiary mine
uses a modern combat mixture that allows it to be used offensively. Upon detonation, the sheet
metal casing disintegrates, creating an incendiary blast of fiery rain in a widespread area. The
burning mixture sticks to targets like napalm, continuing to deal fire damage until it burns out
several seconds later.

Long-Fuse dynamite

A dynamite stick with a longer fuse. The thrower can choose to delay the detonation time from one
to three turns after it has been thrown.

MFC Grenade

A standard microfusion cell wrapped in copper wiring, which, when thrown, superheats the cell and
explodes in a large energy field. It causes little damage but is useful for disorienting foes.

Mr. Boom

Initially invented by the Rust Devils but used by other factions for absolute destruction. It is a
working Mr. Handy with their arms removed and the inside of their chasse filled with black
gunpowder, and a mini-nuke warhead lodged within the engine. They insist on being referred to as
“Mr. Boom”.

Special: Mr. Boom, when activated, acts as a companion to the activator until detonated by being
killed or blown up by a detonator. It is unable to attack or interact with its environment. The Mr.
Boom has the stats of a normal Mr. Handy (CRB p. 360) but lacks any of the Mr. Handy’s normal
attacks (although it can still attack unarmed by bumping into enemies). The controller can use the
rally action to control the Mr. Boom. He can trigger the explosive charge as a minor action. If
attacked and hit with a critical hit that cause an injury, the Mr. Boom explodes.


The Nuka-Boom is Nuka-cola Quantum concentrated and mixed with alcohol, and a flammable cloth
sticking out the bottleneck. Not safe for drinking, it’s common among the Nuka-World raiders but
exceedingly rare elsewhere.

Pipe Bomb

A water pipe filled with metal flakes and a small explosive, throwing shrapnel all over the
place. Simple, sweet, a wasteland classic.

Pulse Charge

A standard pulse mine that has had its proximity sensor replaced with a remote detonator.

For each Pulse charge that goes off in the same zone, increase its damage by +1 CD. Setting up and
arming pulse charges takes 1 minute for every pulse charge set up.

Pumpkin Bomb

A chemical explosive in the shape of a small plastic pumpkin. When thrown, it releases a
poisonous green gas. A favorite of Super mutants and other green things.

Radio Nuke

A mini-nuke connected to a detonator. Some opt to use only the warhead and scrap the remaining

For each Radio nuke that goes off in the same zone, increase its damage by +1 CD. Setting up and
arming radio nukes takes 2 minutes for every radio nuke set up.

Rigged Fusion core

By all appearances it is a standard, functioning fusion core. However, they have been tampered with
to release a large radioactive explosion when a chemical explosive implanted inside is triggered. It is
unable to power anything.

Special: The volatile fusion core may be placed inside a fusion core slot (I.e. power armor), and it will
explode when either triggered with a detonator/plunger, or when the power armor torso is broken.

Satchel Charge

Satchels stuffed with a high-power explosive and an advanced proximity sensor, making it an
extremely difficult weapon to disarm.

Special: Satchel Charges are harder to disarm than most, increasing the difficulty of disarming them
by 1.

Scrap Explosive

An explosive made from various bits of trash and scrap, almost always having 10 rusty nails, a half-
filled gas can, and a makeshift remote detonator. Due to their ease of creation, they’ve become a
common wasteland sight.

For each scrap explosive that goes off in the same zone, increase its damage by +1 CD. Setting up
and arming pulse charges takes 1 minute for every pulse charge set up.

Smoke grenade

A smoke bomb doesn’t deal any damage but instead fills a zone with thick smoke making it very hard
to see inside or through the area. Any PER and AGI checks inside the area are 2 difficulties higher
and the complication range of checks increase by 1 step while inside the area. All movement inside
the zone is considered difficult terrain. Any ranged attacks without the blast quality into the zone are
2 difficulties higher than normal. The smoke lasts for 2+4CD turns, +1 turn for every AP spent. Strong
winds or weapons with the blast property disperse the smoke in one turn.

Spore pod grenade

The spore pod grenade is the spore pod of a rare, mutated plant said to be the result of the
experiments of a scientist known as the Botanist. It contains spores that are extremely poisonous to
living creatures and if they take root inside someone can grow and burst out in gruesome fashion,
sometimes creating monstrosities known as spore carriers in the process. Anyone killed by a spore
pod risk succumbing to such a fate, their corpse providing nourishment to allow the new-born plant
abomination to grow.

Time bomb

The time bomb can be set to explode from anywhere from 1 to 10 turns. It’s impractical as a thrown
device and is usually placed on the ground.

Time EMP

Outfitted from military-grade pulse mines, scrapping their proximity detectors, and replacing them
with a timer.

Time Nuke

A mini-nuke warhead glued and wired to any old clock you can find. When the timer is up, most
anything in its range is turned to radioactive vapor.

Volatile fusion core

A volatile fusion core is a fusion core that has either been tampered with or has deteriorated so
much that it can be rigged as an explosive.

Clothing and outfits
Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Locations Wt. Cost Rarity
Cappy shirt - - - - Torso, 1 12 3
Cultist robes - - 1 - Arms, Legs, 2 17 2
Diving suit - - 2 - Arms, Legs, 4 35 3
Hawaiian shirt - - - - Arms, 1 32 4
Marine 1 1 1 - Arms, Legs, 2 25 4
wetsuit Torso
N.C.R Fatigues - 1 - - Arms, Legs, 3 15 2
N.S.C Fatigues 1 - - - Arms, Legs, 3 15 2
Nuka Cola T- - - - - Torso, 1 10 2
Shirt Arms
Slocum Joe’s - - - - Torso, 1 8 3
T-shirt Arms
Swimming - - 1 - Legs, Torso 1 5 1
The - - - - Arms, 1 6 2
Unstoppables Torso
Uncle Sam - - - - Arms, 1 15 2
shirt Torso
Vault Tec shirt - - - - Arms, 1 9 2
Chinese 4 4 Immune - Arms, 24 750 6
stealth armor Head, Eyes,
Legs, Torso
Chinese 1 1 - - Arms, Legs, 3 40 5
officer’s Torso
Fisherman’s - 1 1 - Arms, Legs, 4 10 1
outfit Torso
Flight suit
Junk armor 3 - - - Arms, Legs, 15 8 1
Captain 1 2 Immune - Arms, 10 210 6
Cosmos space Torso, Legs
Grognak the 2 - - - Arms, Legs, 6 110 5
Barbarian Torso,
costume Head
Mirelurk 4 1 2 - Torso 25 106 4

Mr. Fuzzy 1 - - - Arms, Legs, 20 96 5
mascot Head,
costume Torso
N.C.R Ranger 1 2 - - Arms, Legs, 4 25 3
outfit Torso
N.C.R trooper 3 1 - - Arms, Legs, 5 50 2
fatigues Torso
N.S.C Officer’s 1 1 - - Arms, Legs, 4 25 3
outfit Torso
Tribal outfit 1 2 1 1 against Arms, Legs, 3 25 2
injected Torso
Voodo outfit 1 1 1 2 against Arms, Legs, 4 35 5
injected Torso
Cultist hood - - 1 - Head <1 3 2
Bandana - - - - Head <1 2 0
Beer hat - - - - Head <1 8 3
Captain 1 2 Immune Immune Head, Eyes 3 125 6
Cosmos Space (inhaled
helmet gases
Diving hood - - 2 - Head <1 30 3
Diving helmet 3 - 5 - Head, Eyes 10 45 4
Fisherman’s - 1 1 - Head <1 7 0
Flight helmet 2 - - - Head 3 11 2
Gas mask* 1 - 3 3 against Head, Eyes 3 10 2
Miner’s hat 2 - - - Head 1 50 2
N.C.R Combat 2 1 - - Head, Eyes 1 25 2
N.C.R Ranger - - 1 - Head <1 35 3
N.C.R Ranger 3 2 2 2 against Head, Eyes 2 85 4
helmet gases
N.S.C army - - - - Head <1 8 1
N.S.C Officer’s - - - - Head <1 35 2
Shaman mask - - - 2 Head, Eyes 4 55 4
Ski mask 2 - - - Head, Eyes <1 5 2
Tribal mask 1 1 - - Head, Eyes 3 10 2
Voodo mask - - - 1 Head, Eyes 1 50 5
Welder’s 2 2 - - Head, Eyes 4 20 2

3D glasses - - - - Eyes <1 10 3
Cappy glasses - - - - Eyes <1 40 4
Eyeglasses - - - - Eyes <1 5 0
Fashionable - - - - Eyes <1 8 1
Fashionable - - - - Eyes <1 12 1
Goggles - - - - Eyes <1 7 1
Night-vision 1 - - - Eyes 1 50 4
Reading - - - - Eyes <1 15 2
Sunglasses - - - - Eyes <1 5 0
*Updated from the core rulebook. See the core rulebook for details.

3D glasses

Increase the complication range of all PER checks based on sight by 1. At the start of an encounter
roll an effect die. On an effect add an AP to the pool. 3D glasses can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

A simple piece of cloth that can be worn on the head, as a scarf or to cover the mouth. A bandana
can be upgraded with ballistic fibre. If worn over the mouth and nose it grants 1 PR against gases
and inhaled poisons but inhibits speech increasing the complication range of Speech tests by 1. Dogs
can wear bandanas.

Beer hat
This baseball cap has a plastic cup holder with space for two beverages and a plastic tube so you can
drink them while on the go. Wearing the cap allows you to consume a beverage without spending an
action once per scene. The hat can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Cappy glasses
When you find Caps, increase the amount found by 2CD. Cappy glasses can be upgraded with
ballistic glass.

Cappy shirt
While wearing this shirt, whenever you find Caps, increase the amount found by 1CD. The shirt can
be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Captain Cosmos Space helmet

This rare costume was created for the live-action movie based on the popular comic character. It’s a
heavily modified real space helmet granting great protection against environmental hazards.

Captain Cosmos Space suit
This rare costume was created for the live-action movie based on the popular comic character. It’s a
heavily modified real space suit granting great protection against environmental hazards.

Chinese officer’s uniform

Roll one additional 1d20 on CHA checks to influence members of the Chinese Republican Army but
increase the difficulty and complication range when interacting with others by 1 or by 2 if they are
particularly patriotic. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Chinese stealth armor

Chinese stealth armor was used during the Chinese invasion of Alaska and was the Chinese solution
to invasion by U.S. forces in power armor. It was available to elite Chinese Crimson Dragoon troops
as well as the Black Ghost counterinsurgency/terror units before and during the Great War.

The armor is a form-fitting armored jumpsuit, with stealth camouflage system embedded. It
generates a modulating field that transmits the reflected light from one side of an object to the
other, making a person much harder to notice but not completely invisible.

Once per encounter the wearer can activate the suits stealth field. The stealth field works identical
to a stealth boy. Wearing the suit also makes you Immune to radiation and waterborne diseases and
damage reduction against falling increases by +4.

Cultist hood
Hides your identity granting a 1d20 reroll on checks to remain anonymous and hide your identity.
Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Cultist robes
Hides your identity granting a 1d20 reroll on checks to remain anonymous and hide your identity.
Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Diving hood
Reroll 1d20 on PER checks to navigate under water. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Diving helmet
Reroll 1d20 on all checks to hold your breath underwater. Can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

Diving suit
Reroll 1d20 on all Athletics checks to move underwater. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Reroll 1d20 on a PER tests once per scene. Eyeglasses can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

Fashionable Glasses
These stylish eyeglasses allow you to reroll 1d20 on a CHA check once per scene. Fashionable glasses
can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

Fashionable Sunglasses
These stylish sunglasses allow you to reroll 1d20 on a CHA check once per scene and reduce the
difficulty and complication range of checks due to bright light by 1. Fashionable sunglasses can be
upgraded with ballistic glass.

Fisherman’s hat
Reduce complication range due to bad weather by 1. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Fisherman’s outfit
Reduce complication range due to bad weather by 1. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Flight helmet
Wearing a flight helmet allows you to reroll 1d20 on a Pilot skill check once per scene.

Flight suit
Wearing a flight suit allows you to reroll 1d20 on a pilot check once per scene.

Gas mask
As CRB p. 127. Can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

Reroll 1d20 on a PER tests once per scene and reduce difficulty and complication increases due to
bright light by 1. Goggles can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

Grognak Costume
This costume resembles the costume worn by the comic character Grognak, a furry loincloth and
boots, some leather straps with metal plates and a metal headband. Wearing it allows the wearer to
channel his inner warrior. Once per scene you may reroll 1d20 on a melee attack. If the wearer has
the Barbarian perk, increase the DR gained from that perk by 1.

Hawaiian Shirt
These colourful shirts are emblazoned with various tropical patterns and were a popular choice
among pre-War tourists. Wearing one decreases the difficulty of CHA checks by 1. Hawaiian shirts
can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Junk armor
Junk armor is assembled from various junk, crudely stitched together with straps of cloth or leather,
chains, wires or similar bonds. While it provides good protection against physical damage, it is very
uncomfortable to wear, and any AGI checks made while wearing the have their difficulty and
complication range increased by 1. Junk armor deteriorates easily and any hit to the wearer covered
by the armor reduce the overall protection by 1. If reduced to 0 the armor is destroyed leaving
behind 4CD pieces of junk. Junk armor is easy to assemble even without a workbench. A junk armor
has a complexity of 1 and requires 1 hour and 8 pieces of junk to craft. Crafting a junk armor without
a workbench is one difficulty higher than normal. Crafting the armor uses Repair+INT.

Marine wetsuit

The wetsuit was designed for night-time reconnaissance operations. Wearing a Marine wetsuit
allows the wearer to reroll 1d20 on athletics checks made to swim and sneak checks in dark or
shadowy areas and in the water. It’s also waterproof. The Marine wetsuit can’t be upgraded with
ballistic weave but can be worn with armor.

Miner’s hat
A miner’s at comes with a headlamp (equal to a flashlight).

Mirelurk Carapace armor

This armor is a hollowed out mirelurk carapace modified to fit around the body of a human. Wearing
the carapace allows the wearer to disguise themselves as a mirelurk with a Survival+CHA check
opposed by the enemy’s PER+Survival. The difficulty of enemies to see through this disguise is
increased by 1.

Mr. Fuzzy mascot costume

A costume resembling the iconic cartoon character Mr. Fuzzy complete with a huge helmet
resembling the cat’s head. The suit is uncomfortable to wear and hard to see through, all
complication ranges for PER and AGI checks are one higher when wearing the costume. While
wearing the costume you can make the rally action for free once per scene. The Mr. Fuzzy costume
can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

N.C.R Combat helmet

This helmet comes with a mouth wrap and goggles to protect against the sun and dust. It reduces
the complication range and difficulty of checks due to bright light or dust by 1.

N.C.R fatigues
Once per scene reroll 1d20 on an END or AGI check in desert terrain. Can be upgraded with ballistic

N.C.R Ranger helmet

This military helmet is favoured by N.C.R rangers. It comes with built-in low light optics, a
combination IR/white light lamp and gas mask. It reduces the difficulty and complication range due
to bright light or darkness by 1 but the glow of the lamp increase the difficulty and complication of
sneak checks in dark or shadowy areas by 1.

N.C.R Trooper fatigues

The official combat uniform of N.C.R troopers consists of a khaki field jacket with bellowed hip
pockets and khaki breeches, worn with a desert face wrap, black leather fingerless gloves, arm
wraps, brown combat boots, and khaki gaiters. An armoured breastplate emblazoned with the
emblem of the NCR is worn in combat environments, attached via leather straps and buckles.
Without the breastplate the DR is reduced to 1. The armours camouflage allows the wearer to reroll
1d20 on sneak checks to hide in desert terrain. This outfit can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

N.C.R ranger hat

Reduce complication and difficulty increases due to weather and bright light by 1. Reduce the
difficulty of Speech and Barter tests with N.C.R by 1. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

N.C.R ranger outfit
This outfit consists of a pair of sturdy jeans, a khaki shirt, solid combat boots and a heavy leather
duster with the N.C.R faction symbol. Once per scene, wearing the outfit allows you to reroll 1d20 on
END checks in desert terrain. The outfit can’t be upgraded with ballistic weave but can be worn with
N.C.R armor. If the wearer also wears N.C.R armor and an N.C.R rangers hat or ranger helmet, the
wearer can reroll 1d20 on all Speech and Barter checks when interacting with other members of the

Night vision goggles

These massive military-grade goggles allow the wearer to see perfectly in the dark ignoring any
penalties on checks due to darkness, but regular vision is hampered so all PER checks made in
normal daylight or brighter has it’s difficulty and complication range increased by 1 while worn.

N.S.C army cap

Reduce complication range increases due to bright light 1. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

N.S.C fatigues
Once per scene reroll 1d20 on a check to resist fatigue from physical exertion. Can be upgraded with
ballistic weave.

N.S.C officer’s cap

Reduce complication range increases due to bright light 1. Reduce the difficulty of Speech and Barter
tests with N.S.C by 1. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

N.S.C officer’s uniform

Once per scene you may use the Rally action to command an N.S.C member of lower rank as a minor
action. Reduce the difficulty of Speech and Barter tests with N.S.C by 1. Can be upgraded with
ballistic weave.

Nuka Cola T-shirt

This red shirt bears the Nuka Cola logo. If you drink a Nuka Cola while wearing this shirt you heal 1
HP. The shirt can be upgraded with Ballistic fibre.

Reading glasses
Reroll 1d20 on INT tests once per scene. Reading glasses can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

Shaman mask

You may reroll 1d20 on CHA checks to intimidate or terrify others. Once per session when you spend
a Luck point roll 1CD. On an effect that Luck point isn’t lost.

Ski mask
Reduce difficulty and complication range increases due to wind, snow or cold by 1. Can be upgraded
with ballistic glass.

Slocum Joe’s T-shirt

This T-shirt is usually found covered in grease and food stains. Wearing it allow you to heal 1
additional HP when eating preserved and sugary food.

Reduce difficulty and complication increases due to bright light by 1. Sunglasses can be upgraded
with ballistic glass.

Swimming outfit
Reroll 1d20 on athletics checks to swim. Can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

The Unstoppables shirt

These shirts feature one or more of the characters from the Unstoppables series of comics. Wearing
this shirt is the sign of a true fan. While wearing one of these shirts, if you read one of the magazines
featuring any of the Unstoppables characters, you may use the granted perk one additional time.
This shirt can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Tribal mask

You may reroll 1d20 on CHA checks to intimidate or terrify others.

Tribal outfit
Once per scene reroll 1d20 on a STR check.

Uncle Sam shirt

This shirt is covered in the American starts and stripes and prominently features Uncle Sam on the
front. Wearing the shirt fills you with patriotism. If you’re subjected to the rally action you may reroll
up to 2d20. The shirt can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Vault Tec T-shirt

This blue T-shirt carries the logo of the Vault Tec corporation. It makes the wearer feel like an
ambassador for humanity’s future. Once per scene the wearer may reroll 1d20 on a science skill
check. The shirt can be upgraded with ballistic weave.

Voodoo Mask

You may reroll 1d20 on CHA checks to intimidate or terrify others. Once per session when you spend
a Luck point roll 1CD. On an effect that Luck point isn’t lost. If worn with a Voodoo outfit roll 2CD

Voodoo outfit
Once per session when you spend a Luck point roll 1CD. On an effect that Luck point isn’t lost. If
worn with a Voodoo mask roll 2CD instead.

Welding visor
As CRB p. 128. Can be upgraded with ballistic glass.

Eyewear upgrades
Eyewear upgrades
Mod Effects Weight Cost Perks
Ballistic Ballistic +1 DR against first attack that hits head each - +10 Armorer
glass turn 1


Automaton armor
Personal armor made from the ruined shells of destroyed robots. Strong and sturdy, some of the
connective ports even still work and the internal power still works to run its machinery. Automatron
armor can’t be upgraded with normal armor mods, instead, for every two pieces of armor you wear
from this set, you may install a single robot mod into your armor. Additionally, each piece of
Automaton armor can accept one material mod from the metal armor material table (see CRB.) for
mods applied to torso armor, double the weight and cost. All automaton armor material mods are
applied with the repair skill.
Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Locations Wt. Cost Rarity
Automaton armor
Automaton 2 1 - - Head 4 20 2
Automaton 2 1 - - chest 8 50 2
chest piece
Automaton 2 1 = - leg 3 20 2
Automaton 2 1 - - Arm 3 20 2
Sturdy 3 2 - - head 8 75 3
Sturdy 3 2 - - Torso 16 125 3
chest piece
Sturdy 3 2 - - leg 8 75 3
Sturdy 3 2 - - Arm 8 75 3
Heavy 4 3 - - head 12 135 4

Heavy 4 3 - - chest 23 205 4
chest piece
Heavy 4 3 - - leg 12 135 4
Heavy 4 3 - - arm 12 135 4

Marine armor

An advanced model of combat armor designed for the United States Marine Corps, the Marine
armor pulls no stops when it comes to providing protection for the user, above even that of the
heavy combat armor. Outclassed only by power armor, every piece was designed to provide
exceptional protection in nearly every battlefield scenario.
Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Locations Wt. Cost Rarity
Marine armor
Assault 5 5 5 IMMUNE inhaled Head, 14 260 4
Marine gases and poisons only Eyes
Tactical 4 4 4 - Head, 14 210 4
Marine Eyes
Recon helmet 6 6 6 IMMUNE inhaled Head, 14 350 6
gases and poisons only Eyes
Marine arm 5 5 - - Arm 14 190 4
Marine leg 5 5 - - Leg 14 190 4
Marine chest 5 5 - - Torso 25 350 4
Recon chest 6 6 - - Torso 30 610 6
Recon arm 6 6 - - Arm 16 280 6
Recon leg 6 6 - - Leg 16 280 6

Tactical marine helmet
The tactical marine helmet includes integrated night vision googles allowing the wearer to see in
darkness. The visor also protects against bright light and flashes reducing any complications or
difficulty modifiers due to such effects by one step. The helmet also includes integrated earphones
and transmitters allowing for short distance communication and a rebreather allowing the wearer to
breathe under water for up to an hour. The rebreather refills after an hour spent on land. Tactical
marine helmets can’t have material upgrades.

Assault marine helmet

The assault marine helmet has all the properties of a tactical helmet but also includes an integrated
gas mask to protect against radiation and chemical weapons. Assault marine helmets can’t have
material upgrades.

Recon helmet
The recon helmet has all the functions of an assault marine helmet but also has an integrated HUD
allowing you to replicate the effect of VATS. You may also reroll 1d20 of a single PER or AGI roll
made each turn. Recon helmets can’t have material upgrades.

Recon torso
As a minor action each turn, if you don’t move, you gain +2 DR and ER to the torso. Recon armor
can’t have material upgrades.

Recon arm
Once per turn gain 1 AP each time you suffer 5 or more damage. If you have both arms, you gain 1
AP when you suffer 3 or more damage. Recon armor can’t have material upgrades.

Recon leg
Reduce the cost of moving through difficult terrain by 1. If you wear both legs, you generate one
additional AP for AGI+Athletics checks you succeed at. Recon armor can’t have material upgrades.

Marine armor material upgrades

Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Effects Wt. Cost Perks
Material upgrades
Assault +1 +2 - - - +1 Armorer 4, Science!
Inquisitor +2 +1 - - - +1 Armorer 4, Science!

Marine armor arms, legs and torso can accept all normal upgrades in the CRB but modifying marine
armor is one higher difficulty then normal or 2 higher difficulty for Recon armor.

N.C.R Ranger armor (Black armor)

A military-grade armor originally used by L.A.P.D. riot squads, this combat outfit is typically worn
with a matching military helmet with built-in low light optics, a combination IR/white light lamp and
gas mask. It is often worn with a heavy duster (with the NCR Rangers' insignia on the left flap) and a
set of rodeo jeans (see the N.C.R ranger outfit in the Apparel section).

Its creation was based on the Desert Ranger combat armor for the NCR Veteran Rangers after the
merge between the Desert Rangers and the NCR Rangers in 2271. It is often referred to as the "Black
Armor," and is considered to be one of the most valuable and awe-inspiring items in the entire

The armor lacks any protection for the arms and legs allowing for greater mobility but is often worn
with other kinds of armor for greater protection. Most rangers prefer to wear the armor with the
N.C.R ranger outfit however (see the N.C.R ranger outfit in the Apparel section).

The N.C.R ranger helmet is similar to the Riot gear armor helmet. It is detailed in the Apparel section.
Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Locations Wt. Cost Rarity
N.C.R Ranger armor
Ranger patrol chestpiece 2 1 - - Torso 25 49 3
Ranger combat armor 3 2 - - Torso 30 150 4
Desert ranger armor 4 3 - - Torso 30 230 5

Unique ranger armor upgrades

Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Other effects Wt. Cost Perks
N.C.R ranger armor upgrades
Bandoleer - - - - Increase carrying +5 +15 Armorer
capacity by 15 1
Ranger armor material upgrades
Shadowed +3 +3 - - See CRB p. 133 +1 +20 Armorer
ranger armor 1

Wearing a full set of N.C.R ranger armor allows you to reroll 1d20 on one AGI check each scene.

Riot gear armor

An advanced design fielded in limited quantities before the Great War, riot gear was a specialized
model of combat armor used by the United States Marine Corps, Army units in the American West,
and select law enforcement agencies, such as the Los Angeles Police Department.

The torso assembly is a flexible vest of rigid impact plates, worn with adjustable straps on the sides
and shoulders. One of its most notable additions is a prominent throat protector mounted on the
vest, used by military operators to display tactical numbers or the owner's identifying information,
such as the name, rank, and blood group, allowing for easy casualty management. Later models of
riot gears may include heavier protection, including armored plating on shoulders and forearms.
Military coats designed for use with the armor will also typically include some form of bullet-
resistant reinforcement.
Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Locations Wt. Cost Rarity
Riot Gear armor
Riot gear armor 2 1 - - Torso 10 80 4
Riot gear armor 1 - - - Arm 3 20 4
Riot gear armor leg 1 - - - Leg 3 20 4
Riot gear armor 2 2 2 2 against inhaled Head, 5 95 4
helmet and airborne Eyes
Advanced riot gear 3 2 - - Torso 15 150 5
armor chestpiece
Advanced riot gear 2 1 - - Arm 7 110 5
armor arm
Advanced riot gear 2 1 - - Leg 7 110 5
armor leg
Advanced riot gear 3 3 3 3 against inhaled Head, 5 125 5
armor helmet and airborne Eyes
Elite riot gear 4 3 - - Torso 12 270 6
armor chestpiece
Elite riot gear 3 2 - - Arm 5 160 6
armor arm
Elite riot gear 3 2 - - Leg 5 160 6
armor leg

Elite riot gear 4 4 4 4 against inhaled Head, 5 175 6
armor helmet and airborne Eyes
Riot gear helmet
The most characteristic element of this model is the helmet. A rounded shell protects the head from
incoming gunfire, while the lamps on the right side of the helmet (including infrared and visible light
projectors) provide illumination. The armored mask designed to be worn with the helmet is
necessary to use the IR lamp, due to the low-light optics integrated into the lenses. The mask also
incorporates a locking mechanism to properly join it together with the helmet shell, ear covers with
membranes that do not inhibit hearing while maintaining its protective qualities, and air filters. The
illumination allows the wearer to see in the dark reducing the complication range and difficulty of
checks due to darkness and poor illumination by 1, but if the light is on the difficulty and
complication range of sneak checks to avoid being spotted is increased by 1. The advanced and elite
models also include communications gear and upgraded filtering apparatus. The communications
gear allows the wearer to communicate with other communication devices at a range of up to 1
kilometre. The elite helmet also includes advanced targeting optics allowing the wearer to reroll the
hit location of one attack each turn. If worn without the mask reduce the DR and ER of the armor by
1 and the helmet lose any special properties and resistances against poison and radiation. The value
of a helmet without the face mask is halved. Riot gear helmets can’t have material upgrades.

Riot gear
Riot gear armor features heavier padding on the torso while sacrificing armor on the legs and arms
allowing for greater mobility. If all pieces of a riot armor is worn together the wearer may reroll 1d20
on an AGI check once per scene.

Advanced riot gear

Advanced riot armor features blast absorbing padding increasing the DR against blast weapons by +2
or +4 if it hits the torso. This armor can’t be upgraded with the padded or dense armor upgrades.

Elite riot gear

Elite riot gear was only given to high-ranking operatives. If all pieces of an Elite riot gear armor is
worn together, the wearers intimidating presence allows them to reroll 1d20 on one CHA check once
per scene.

Tribal armor

Tribal armor can be constructed from various junk, hides, wood, seashells, and animal parts and often
incorporating pieces of other armor. They are usually adorned with feathers, beads, horns, fangs, claws, and
other ornaments and painted in bright colors or patterns representing the tribal affiliation of the wearer. Tribal
armor are sometimes worn with tribal masks, but many tribes choose to wear no headgear apart from some
simple ornaments to show off their impressive warpaints. If someone outside of the tribe wears tribal armor,
the affiliated tribe usually try to reclaim the armor by any means necessary.

Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Locations Wt. Cost Rarity

Tribal armor
Tribal arm 1 1 1 1 against injected Arms 1 15 2
Tribal leg 1 1 1 1 against injected Legs 1 18 2
Tribal torso 1 1 1 1 against injected Torso 4 35 2
Sturdy tribal 2 2 2 2 against injected Arms 2 30 3
arm poison
Sturdy tribal leg 2 2 2 2 against injected Legs 2 36 3
Sturdy tribal 2 2 2 2 against injected Torse 5 70 3
torso poison
Heavy tribal 3 3 3 3 against injected Arms 3 45 4
arm poison
Heavy tribal leg 3 3 3 3 against injected Legs 3 54 4
Heavy tribal 3 3 3 3 against injected Torso 6 105 4
torso poison

Tribal armor upgrades
Tribal armor can accept the following upgrades from the CRB in addition to the ones listed below: Padded,
Brawling, Muffled

Unique Tribal armor material upgrades

Item Physical Energy Radiation Poison Other effects Wt. Cost Perks
Tribal armor upgrades
Ornamented +2 +2 +2 +2 against Reroll 1d20 on +2 +20 Armorer
tribal armor injected one CHA test 1
poison per scene
Shadowed +3 +3 - - See CRB p. 133 +1 +20 Armorer
tribal armor 1
Warrior tribal +4 +4 - - Unarmed +2 +40 Armorer
armor attacks gain 1


Item HP Other effects Irradiated Weight Cost Rarity

Absinthe 0 Alcoholic, Reroll 1d20 on one CHA or PER check next scene - <1 20 4
Aged wine 0 Alcoholic, immediately gain +2 AP - <1 100 5
Applejack 0 Alcoholic, Reroll 1d20 on next STR check, +1 AP - <1 27 4
Aloha Cola 4 +2 Luck points, +1 PER for the rest of the scene - <1 41 4
Atomic Cocktail 0 Alcoholic, +2 Energy DR, Immune to persistent Energy damage 1CD 1 25 1
Ballistic Bock 0 +1 CD for one physical ranged attack - 1 10 2
Berry wine 0 Alcoholic, +2 AP - <1 15 3
Bloody raider 4 Alcoholic, gain 1 ap at the start of next scene, counts as food - <1 75 4
Boiled water 2 As dirty water but don’t count as a source of disease 1CD <1 3 0
Champagne 0 Alcoholic, immediately gain 1CD AP, reroll 1d20 on one CHA - <1 50 4
test next scene
Cider 0 Alcoholic, +1 AP - <1 6 1
Coffee 0 Gain +3 AP 1CD <1 6 1
Cuba libre 0 Alcoholic, +1 AP, Reroll 1d20 on one AGI check - <1 15 3
Deadshot 3 Alcoholic, you can take one aim action without using a minor - <1 60 3
Daquiri action
Der Wunderfizz 0 Read Description 1CD 1 100 5
Double-Tap 2 +1 Fire rate for weapons with a fire rate of 1 or more. - 1 30 2
Root Beer
Electric Cherry 1 +1 CD for energy weapons. 1CD 1 40 3
Elemental Pop 0 Read description 1CD 1 120 5
Gin 0 Alcoholic, +2 PR - 1 10 2
Grog 0 Alcoholic, Ignore next complication on an AGI check - <1 7 3
Hard Lemonade 4 Alcoholic, group AP pool can hold 1 AP more than normal. - <1 20 2
Irradiated 1 As dirty water 3CD <1 5 2
Juggernog 20 +5 max HP - 1 30 2
Lead 0 Alcoholic, +1 Radiation DR. 1CD <1 50 3
Lemonade 4 +1 AP - <1 10 1
Limoncello 3 Alcoholic, Cures 2 Rads - 1 35 3
Liquid courage 0 Alcoholic, Reduce Difficulty of all STR and AGI tests, and you - <1 100 5
are immune to Fear effects (such as a wendigo colossus’
uncontrollable fear ability) until the end of the current Scene
Long Island iced 0 Alcoholic, +2 AP, +2 ER, +2 DR, +2 PR, counts as 2 alcoholic - <1 75 4
tea beverages when consumed
Mead 2 +1 AP, +1 RR for one scene - <1 50 4
Mojito 0 Alcoholic, +1 ER, Cures 2 Rads - <1 38 3
Mule Kick 3 If you take a second minor action, and use it to for the Draw - 1 65 3
Item action, the additional minor action is free.
Newka-Cola 5 Immediately gain +4 AP - <1 20 5
Nuka-Berry 5 Immediately gain +4 AP; cures 5 rads - <1 20 4
Nuka- 0 Reroll 1D20 on one STR, AGI and END roll next scene - <1 20 5
Nuka-Buzz 2 Immediately gain +6 AP - <1 20 5

Nuka-Cide 15 Immediately gain +6 AP; Max AP +2, Max HP +5, Rad - <1 20 5
resistance +2, Carry capacity +35 for one scene
Nuka Colada 0 Reroll 1d20 on CHA checks and +2 ER and RR for one scene, - <1 55 4
Nuka-Cola Dark 0 Reroll 1d20 on STR and END checks for one scene, Alcoholic - <1 50 3
Nuka-Cola 4 Immediately gain +4 AP; Rad resistance +2 for one scene - <1 24 3
Nuka-Cola 3 Immediately gain +1 AP, +2 ER and RR for one scene - <1 37 4
Nuka-Cola 0 Immediately gain +6 AP 1CD <1 40 4
Nuka-Cola 6 - 1CD <1 40 4
Nuka-Cola Wild 2 Immediately gain +2 AP 1CD <1 20 3
Nuka-Cooler 12 Immediately gain +6 AP; Max AP +2, Max HP +5 for one scene 1CD <1 100 5
Nuka-Fancy 5 Immediately gain +5 AP - <1 30 4
Nuka-Free 5 - - <1 20 3
Nuka-Frutti 10 Immediately gain +3 AP; Rad resistance +2 for one scene, - <1 80 5
Cures 10 rads
Nuka-Grape 7 Immediately gain +2 AP; Cures 4 rads - <1 32 2
Nuka-Hearty 7 Immediately gain +2 AP; +25 carry capacity for one scene - <1 24 4
Nuka-Lixir 4 Rad resistance +2 and Damage resistance +3 for one scene - <1 28 5
Nuka-Love 4 Immediately gain +3 AP - <1 35 4
Nuka-Power - Carry weight +60 for one scene - <1 20 4
Nuka-Punch 4 Immediately gain +1 AP; Max AP +2, Max HP +3 for one scene, - <1 99 5
cures 5 rads
Nuka-Ray 15 Rad resistance +2 for one scene - <1 30 4
Nuka-Rush 15 Immediately gain +1 AP - <1 32 4
Nuka-Sunrise 4 Immediately gain +1 AP; Rad resistance +2 for one scene - <1 25 4
Nuka-Twin 4 Immediately gain +1 AP - <1 24 3
Nuka-Void - Max AP +1, Max HP +3, Carry weight +25 for one scene, cures - <1 60 5
5 rads
Nuka-Weird See See below See <1 100 6
below below
Nuka-Xtreme - Max AP +1, Max HP +3 for one scene, cures 5 rads - <1 56 5
Nukashine 12 Alcoholic, +6 AP 2CD 1 90 5
Ph.D. Flopper +2 DR Vs. Attacks with the Blast quality. 1CD 1 75 3
Pickaxe Pilsner - Alcoholic - <1 3 1
Pick’r-up’r 1 Alcoholic, automatically succeed first End+Survival test of the 1CD 1 250 6
scene to avoid dying, and automatically become stabilized.
Pre-war 0 Alcoholic, Reroll 1d20 on one CHA or PER check next scene - 1 40 5
Pre-war aged 0 Alcoholic, +2 AP - 1 200 6
Pre-war 0 Alcoholic, reroll 1d20 on END checks - 1 14 3
Pre-war Gin 0 Alcoholic, +2 PR - 1 20 4
Pre-war Rum 0 Alcoholic, reroll 1d20 on AGI checks - 1 16 3
Pre-war Tequila 0 Alcoholic, reroll up to 2 1d20 on END checks next scene (2 in - 12 4
Pre-war Vodka 2 Alcoholic - 1 10 4
Pre-war 0 Alcoholic, reroll up to two 1d20 on STR checks (in total) - 1 10 4
Pre-war Wine 0 Alcoholic, +1 AP - 1 10 4
Rot Gut 0 Alcoholic, increase difficulty of PER tests by 1, and decrease 1CD 1 5 1
difficulty of PER tests by 1 next scene.
Screwdriver 2 Alcoholic, +1 AP, Cures 2 Rads - <1 50 4
Sierra Madre 0 Alcoholic, +3 Max HP 1CD >1 5 1
Speed Cola 3 All attacks gain Reliable, or remove Unreliable. - 1 25 2
Spiced rum 0 Alcoholic, Reroll 1d20 on AGI tests, +1 Rad resistance - <1 12 3
Spiced wine 0 Alcoholic, +1 AP, +1 ER - <1 8 4
Stamin-Up 2 +1 AP, group AP pool can hold 3 AP more than normal. 1CD 1 90 3
Sunset 3 Gain +1 AP and 1 Cap 1CD <1 10 2
Swamp water 1 As dirty water but counts as two sources of disease. 2CD <1 1 1
Sweetwater 0 Alcoholic, decrease difficulty of PER tests by 1. - 2 30 2
Special Blend
Tea 1 +1 PR for one scene 1CD <1 7 1

Tequila 0 Alcoholic, reroll up to 2 1d20 on END checks next scene (2 in - <1 6 3
Tombstone 1 Temporarily heal one injury. - 1 20 1
Toxic water 0 As dirty water but deals 2CD Poison damage to drinker 1CD <1 3 2
Vim 1 Gain +1 AP and 1 Cap 1CD <1 5 2
Vulture Aid 2 Alcoholic, reroll 1d20 when scavenging. - <1 35 4
Whiskey sour 0 Alcoholic, +1 AP, Ignore the next complication on a STR check - <1 50 3
White Russian 4 Alcoholic, Cures 2 Rads - <1 25 3
Who’s Who 2 Increase difficulty on PER tests relating to identifying the 1CD 1 80 4
drinker by 1, -1 PER.
Widow Wine 1 Alcoholic, weapons with the Blast quality gain the Persistent - >1 90 5

Beverages are best served cold and grants additional benefits if chilled. An Ice-cold beverage
consumed before the end of the current scene grants +1 AP when consumed. An Ice-cold
beverage lose this feature after one scene but can be re-cooled.

Der Wunderfizz
The final mutative soda created by a group of drink-obsessed Russian chemists, made by mixing
multiple sodas in a brewery and striking it with intense amounts of electricity and radiation. It’s
constantly warping and mixing within its unique tesla-coil shaped bottle.

Roll 2d20 on the table below. Der Wunderfizz acts as the beverage rolled.

Roll 2d20 Beverage

2-3 Pick’r-Up’r
4-6 Double-Tap
7-9 Stamin-Up
10-12 Mule Kick
13-15 Speed Cola
16-18 Juggernog
19-21 Who’s Who
22-24 Widow Wine
25-27 Electric Cherry
28-30 Ph.D. Flopper
31-33 Vulture Aid
34-36 Deadshot Daquiri
37-39 Tombstone
40 Nothing

Elemental Pop
Roll 1d20, your attacks now deal the damage type rolled instead of its normal type for your next
Roll Damage Type
1-10 Physical
11-16 Energy
17-18 Radiation
19-20 Poison

Nuka weird
A chemist named Frank Holger created the formula for the Nuka Weird by blending the original Nuka
Cola recipe with unstable isotopes and various unknown reagents. The result is a beverage with
highly random effects. The beverage was never released and only exists in an extremely limited
quantity at an unknown Nuka Cola corporation lab somewhere in the wasteland.

Roll 2d20 on the table below. The drink has the effect of the beverage rolled.

Roll 2d20 Beverage

2-10 Nuka Cola
11 Nuka-Berry
12 Nuka-Bombdrop
13 Nuka-Buzz
14 Nuka-Cherry
15 Nuka-Cide
16 Nuka Colada
17 Nuka-Cola Dark
18 Nuka-Cola Orange
19 Nuka-Cola Paradise
20 Nuka-Cola Quartz
21 Nuka-Cola Victory
22 Nuka-Cola Wild
23 Nuka-Cooler
24 Nuka-Fancy
25 Nuka-Free
26 Nuka-Frutti
27 Nuka-Grape
28 Nuka-Hearty
29 Nuka-Lixir
30 Nuka-Love
31 Nuka-Power
32 Nuka-Punch
33 Nuka Cola Quantum
34 Nuka-Ray
35 Nuka-Rush
36 Nuka-Sunrise
37 Nuka-Twin
38 Nuka-Void
39 Nuka-Weird
40 Nuka-Xtreme

Item HP Effect Radiation? Wt. Cost rarity
Abraxolurk egg 3 Deals 5CD poison damage if 1CD 1 10 5
consumed raw. Can be used
as a grenade (see explosives
for details)
Aged mirelurk Queen steak 9 You may reroll 1d20 on all 1CD <1 44 5
END checks next scene
Amazing wasteland bacon 4 You may ignore the effects 1CD <1 22 3
of one injury until the end of
your next scene
Angler meat 3 - 1CD <1 10 4
Angler stalk 6 - 1CD <1 32 4
Ant meat 2 - 1CD <1 3 1
Ash rose 1 Herb 1CD <1 8 1
Aster 1 Herb 1CD <1 5 1
Awesome Opossum bacon 3 You may reroll 1d20 on the 1CD <1 12 3
next LCK check you make.
Bird egg 3 - 1CD <1 10 0
Bird meat 2 - - <1 6 0
“Birthday Cake” 10 Gain 1 extra d20 when 1CD 2 115 4
rolling END + Survival
against disease. Preserved.
Blackberry honey crisp 9 Gain +1CD AP at the start of 1CD <1 23 4
each turn in the next
combat to a maximum of 6
Black bloodleaf 1 Herb 1CD <1 12 5
Blight 1 Forage 1CD <1 5 3
Bloatfly loaf 6 Gain +3 RR - 1 25 3
Bloodbug pepper steak 10 Gain +1 AP at the start of - 1 24 3
each turn the next combat
to maximum of 3 AP.
Blue cornbread muffins 7 Heals 1CD rads - <1 17 4
Boar meat 3 - 1CD 1 18 2
Boar steak 6 +2 Max HP - 1 32 2
Bobrov brothers’ cabbage soup 8 Soup - 1 15 5
Boiled bird egg 3 - - <1 12 0
Brahmin baked tatos 5 Counts as two portions of - 1 12 1
Brahmin burgers 12 - - <1 38 3
Brahmin cheese 6 +2 RR - <1 17 1
Brahmin fries 6 Gain a bonus 1d20 on all - <1 20 1
END checks until the next
Brahmin and vegetable roast soup 11 +2 maximum health until - 1 30 3
the end of the next scene,
Brain bombs 9 +3 AP, Reduce the difficulty 1CD 1 31 4
of all INT checks by 1 until
the end of the next scene
Bubblegum 1 The next three times the 1CD <1 5 0
hunger track would move
down roll 1CD, on an effect
the hunger track stays in its
current position, Preserved
Buffout macaroons 4 Remove one point of 1CD <1 15 1
fatigue. Preserved.
Cabbage 3 Vegetable 1CD 1 5 0
Cajun rice & beans 5 Preserved 1CD 1 14 2

Carol’s mystery meat stew 8 +2 DR until the end of the 2CD 1 37 5
next scene, Soup
Carrot flower 1 Herb - <1 6 1
Cat meat 7 Double disease chance - 1 8 3
Cat meat steak 5 Half falling damage until the 1CD 1 8 3
end of the next scene
Cave cricket meat 7 - - 1 3 2
Cecil’s spicy Andouille 4 +2 ER until the end of the - <1 42 5
next scene and heal 2 rads
Chew stick 2 Use LCK instead of another 1CD <1 5 3
attribute once until the end
of the next scene.
Chitlins con carne 9 Reroll 1d20 on one END - 1 6 3
check until the next scene.
“Chocolate” chip cookies 3 - - <1 10 1
Cooked angler meat 3 - - <1 15 4
Cooked ant meat 1 - - <1 3 1
Cooked bird meat 2 - - <1 8 1
Cooked boar meat 3 - - 1 26 2
Cooked equidae meat 3 - - <1 47 1
Cooked gatorclaw meat 9 - - 1 30 5
Cooked mantis egg 3 - - <1 11 2
Cooked mantis leg 3 - - <1 9 1
Cooked radrat meat 1 - - <1 4 0
Cooked radstork meat 3 - - <1 12 1
Cooked radtoad egg 3 - - <1 9 2
Cooked varmint meat 1 - - <1 2 0
Cooked viper meat 2 - - <1 9 3
Corn Maque Choux 6 +2 Max AP - 1 17 4
Corn pone 9 Reroll 1d20 on one CHA 1CD 1 6 5
check made before ethe end
of the next scene
Corpse flower 1 At the end of next scene -- <1 6 3
heal 1 HP, Herb
Cotton candy bites 1 +1 AP, Preserved 1CD 1 7 2
Crambalaya 12 +5 Max HP to the end of the - 1 32 4
next scene
Cramburger 6 +20 Carry capacity until the 1CD 1 6 4
end of the next scene
Cranberries 2 Fruit - <1 3 0
Cranberry cobbler 3 If the next scene is a combat 1CD 1 5 2
roll 1CD at the start of each
turn. On an effect gain 1 AP.
Cranberry jam 9 +2 DR until the end of the 1CD 1 12 2
next scene
Cranberry meatball grinder 15 +4 Max HP until the end of 1CD 1 45 4
the next scene
Dandy boy apples 3 Preserved. 1CD <1 7 1
Equidae meat 3 - 1CD <1 30 4
Equidae sausage 5 +1 DR until the end of the 1CD <1 38 4
next scene
Equidae steak 10 +2 Max HP next scene - <1 34 4
Firecracker berry 1 Any complication while 1CD <1 8 3
harvesting firecracker
berries will result in the
berries exploding dealing
1CD energy damage for
every berry that explodes in
this way. This destroys the
berries. Fruit
Fortune cookie 4 Recover 1 Luck point 1CD <1 44 4

Gatorclaw gumbo 16 +2CD on melee damage - 1 49 5
next scene, Breathe under
water next scene
Gatorclaw meat 9 - 1CD 1 30 5
Ghoul’s feast - Ghouls gain +1 AP, +2 DR 5CD 1 41 5
and +2 ER and heals twice
the amount from any rads
this food item causes.
Counts as a soup.
Glowing cheese 7 Heal 1 rad at the start of 1CD 1 23 4
each turn next scene
Glowing fungus 2 Vegetable 1CD <1 6 2
Glowing fungus puree 6 +2 ER, Soup - 1 22 3
Glowing fungus soup 4 Soup, +2 RR for one scene 1CD <1 6 3
Granny’s gumbo 10 Breathe under water for - 1 67 5
one scene, +2 RR
Gulper innards 4 - 1CD <1 37 4
Gulper slurry 12 Stealth as stealth boy first - <1 72 4
turn of next scene
Hermit-crab meat stuffed cave fungus 9 +50 carry capacity until the 1CD <1 40 3
end of the next scene
Honeycomb 2 +1 AP at the start of the 1CD <1 10 2
next scene
Honey 5 +1 AP at the start of next 1CD <1 15 2
Honey-glazed smokey ham 8 +3 Max HP, Ignore the 1CD 3 56 4
effects of any injury and
stun until the end of the
next scene
Joe's spuckies meatball spuckie 6 Decrease difficulty of AGI 1CD <1 5 1
tests by 1. Preserved.
Mantis Marlasa 6 -2 difficulty to all tests - 1 63 4
related to climbing.
Mantis egg 3 - 1CD <1 9 2
Mantis egg omelette 4 +2 Initiative until end of - <1 22 2
next scene
Mantis leg 3 - 1CD <1 7 1
Mirelurk belly croquettes 8 - - <1 15 3
Mirelurk boil 11 +3 RR - 2 25 3
Mirelurk claw cakes 12 +1CD damage on unarmed - <1 3 4
attacks until the end of the
next scene
Mississippi quantum pie 14 +1 max AP in group pool 1CD 1 1k 6
until end of quest.
Moldy cheese 5 Heals 1 rad - <1 9 2
Moldy food 3 Counts as two sources of 1CD <1 2 1
Mole rat manicotti 8 Decrease difficulty of AGI - 1 23 2
tests by 1 until end of next
Mole rat wonder meat dip 8 +1 max AP in the groups 1CD <1 28 4
pool until the end of the
next scene
Mulled gourd 7 Gain +4 AP immediately - <1 55 4
Mushroom cloud 5 Heal 1CD radiation damage. - <1 8 3
Mutfruit crumble 9 Gain +3 AP immediately - <1 45 3
Mutfruit and glowing mushroom 10 +2 R DR until end of scene. 1CD 1 19 3
Mutton chops 15 Next combat your melee 1CD <1 130 5
attacks deal +2CD additional

Radhog meat-wrapped Nukalurk 14 Gain +6 AP at the start of 2CD 1 50 5
the next scene
Peculiar pumpkin soup 5CD +1CD max AP, 1CD max HP, 1CD 1 99 5
+1CD RR, +1CD PR and +1CD
AP until the end of the next
scene. Each effect rolled
cause 1CD Rads, Soup
Pipers special soda bread 6 Start the next scene with 1CD 1 38 5
1CD AP and your max HP for
the next scene is increased
by 1CD
Pork belly poppers 7 If the next scene is a combat - <1 29 4
roll 1CD at the start of each
turn, unless the result is an
effect heal that amount of
HP, on an effect instead
suffer 1 Rad
Powdered coffee - +2 AP 1CD <1 22 2
Predator and prey pie 10 If the next scene is a combat 1CD 1 75 5
scene, you may reroll up to
3 CD on damage rolls until
the end of the scene and
once during the combat you
may increase your defence
against one attack by 1
(chosen before the attack
Radgull power noodles 7 Soup - <1 19 3
Radrat meat 1 - 1CD <1 2 0
Radrat steak 4 Reroll 1d20 on PER rolls - <1 12 0
next scene
Radroach Boudin 8 +2 Max HP and +2 RR next - <1 33 4
Radscorpion en croûte 12 +2 CD to attacks that deal - 1 70 3
poison damage at the start
of the next scene
Radstag jerky 4 Increases thirst by 1 step, - <1 55 2
counts as preserved food,
+1 ER until the end of the
next scene
Radstork egg 3 - 1CD <1 9 1
Radstork filet 6 +2 Initiative next scene - <1 36 2
Radstork meat 3 - 1CD <1 9 1
Radstork omelette 7 +1 Max AP next scene, +1 - <1 49 1
Initiative next scene
Radtoad egg 3 - 1CD <1 12 2
Radtoad egg omelette 6 +2 Energy resistance for - <1 48 2
next scene
Roasted mantis leg 5 Reroll 1d20 on AGI tests for - <1 37 2
next scene
Rolled deathclaw egg omelette 11 If the next scene is a combat - <1 70 4
regain 2HP at the start of
each turn
Royal jelly 7 +2 AP at the start of the 1CD <1 50 3
next scene
Scrambled bird eggs 5 +1 Max HP next scene - <1 15 0
Scrambled egg surprise 10 Reroll 1d20 on any one 1CD 1 70 5
check each turn until the
end of the scene
Slow-roasted leg of Yao Guai 11 +1 All damage resistance 1CD 1 92 4
until the next scene.

Spiced mirelurk meat 10 Increase defence by - <1 210 5
1(Maximum of 2) until the
next scene.
Spore pod 4 +1 Poison resistance for 1CD <1 25 2
next scene. Vegetable
Spore pod soup 5 +2 Poison resistance next - <1 35 2
scene, Soup
Sugar-bombed carrots 7 +1AP 1CD <1 20 1
Swamp plant 1 Vegetable 1CD <1 1 0
Swamp Tofu 3 Heal 1 HP at the start of 1CD <1 12 2
every turn for the next
Swamp Tofu Soup 6 Heal 1 HP at the start of - <1 36 3
every turn for the next
scene, Soup
Tarberry cream pie 11 - - <1 90 4
Tasso cram 3 +1 RR, Preserved 1CD <1 25 2
Tato fries 5 +2 Max HP until the end of - <1 10 1
the next scene
The Captain's Feast 7 +10% Experience until end - 1 1k 6
of next scene.
Tato soup 5 +2 PR until the end of the - 1 25 2
next scene, Soup
Varmint meat 1 - 1CD <1 3 0
Varmint stew 3 Max HP +1 following scene, - <1 15 0
Viper meat 2 - 1CD <1 8 3
Viper skewer 7 +2 PR next scene - <1 49 3
Wasteland cram 4 +1 max HP 1CD <1 20 1
Wild Blackberry 2 Fruit 1CD <1 8 2
Xander root 1 Herb 1CD <1 9 3
Xander root Miso soup 10 Soup - <1 23 2

Food qualities:
Preserved: This food may come preserved in which case it doesn’t cause any rads when consumed.
Preserved food items have a rarity 1 higher than normal. The following food items from the core
rulebook can be preserved: Blamco brand Mac and Cheese, Fancy lads snack cakes, Instamash,
Perfectly preserved pie, Salisbury steak, Sugar bombs

Herb: This item can be used to brew tea and as seasoning in various dishes. Herbs can be harvested
for 2CD seeds +1CD seeds for every AP spent, this expends the item. Growing crops is detailed in the
settlement chapter.

Fruit/Vegetable: Fruits and vegetables can be harvested for 2CD seeds +1CD seeds for every AP
spent, this expends the item. The following items from the core rulebook counts as
fruits/Vegetables: Brain fungus, Carrot, Corn, Gourd, Melon, Mutfruit, Razorgrain, Silt bean,
Tarberry, Tato. Growing crops is detailed in the settlement chapter.

Soup: This dish replenishes thirst as well as satiate hunger.

Item Effects Duration Addictive? Wt. COST RARITY
Adapted Biogel Heals 8 HP, grants random effect (See Brief No 1 300 6
After-Burner Decrease difficulty of STR and PER tests by 1. Brief Yes 1 >1 70 4
Gum Gain 1 AP immediately (lost if not spent)
Alien Biogel Heals 2 HP, grants random effect (See Brief No 1 250 6
Ant Nectar Re-roll 1d20 on STR tests. +1 difficulty for Lasting Yes 3 >1 10 1
CHA and INT tests.
Ant Queen Decrease difficulty of CHA tests by 1 Lasting No >1 15 3
Pheromones (Minimum of 0). +1 difficulty for INT and PER
Antivenom Removes Persistent (Poison) Instant No >1 25 1
Auto-Inject Heals 4 HP once when below 50% HP (See Lasting No 1 70 3
Stimpak description)
Auto-Inject Heals 2 HP once when below 50% HP (See Lasting No 1 50 2
Stimpak(Dil.) description)
Auto-Inject Heals 8 HP once when below 50% HP (See Lasting No 1 110 4
Super Stimpak description)
Auto-Inject Heals 12 HP once when below 50% HP (See Lasting No 1 200 6
Ultra Stimpak description)
Blood Shield +6 Poison damage resistance, heals 3 HP Lasting No >1 50 2
(See description)
Cateye Ignore Poor Lighting/ Darkness Lasting No >1 20 1
environmental conditions. +1 difficulty to
PER tests while in light.
Cave Fungus Heals 1 HP and radiation damage (See Instant No 1 2 1
Coyote Tobacco Reduce the difficulty of all PER and AGI tests Brief Yes 3 >1 3 1
Chew by 1(Minimum of 0).
Datura Hide +1 all damage resistance. Lasting No >1 70 4
Fire Ant Nectar Re-roll 1d20 on AGI tests, +1 difficulty to INT Lasting No >1 15 2
tests, +1 fire damage resistance.
Fixer Remove all addictions. +1 difficulty to PER Lasting No >1 40 2
Hydra Heal one injury. Instant Yes 3 1 55 2
Jet Patch Removes Jet Addiction Instant No >1 30 1
Joy Innate success on CHA tests. +2 difficulty for Lasting Yes 1 >1 115 3
INT tests.
Panacea Cures all illnesses and addictions, removes Instant No >1 1000 6
all radiation, heals all injuries and HP (See
Party Time Re-roll 1d20 on CHA tests. Reduce difficulty Brief Yes 2 >1 55 2
Mentats of PER and INT tests by 1.
Rad-Xtra Ghoulification (See Description) Desc. No >1 500 6
Rad Shield +9 Radiation damage resistance Lasting No >1 80 3
Rebound Gain 1 free AP at the start of each turn. Lasting Yes 2 >1 40 4
Rocket Group AP pool can hold 1 AP more than Brief Yes 1 >1 30 3
normal, gain 1 AP immediately (lost if not
Slasher +2 CD damage to all attacks, +6 Physical damage Lasting Yes 2 >1 110 3
Spice Melange One innate success and one additional d20 Brief Yes 1 >1 1K 6
on PER tests. -1 difficulty for Pilot tests.

Steady Aim minor action lets you re-roll two Brief Yes 1 1 20 3
additional d20.

Ultra Stimpak Heals 12 HP (See description) Instant No >1 180 5

Venom Reduce the difficulty of all STR and END Brief Yes 1 >1 130 3
tests by 2(Minimum of 0). Use an extra d20
for STR and END tests.
Verbaluce Reroll one d20 on CHA tests. -1 difficulty for Lasting Yes 2 1 100 2
PER tests.
Voodoo Next action that requires luck points costs Brief Yes 2 1 30 4
X-111 Heal 8 Radiation damage (See description) Instant No >1 40 3

Adapted Biogel
Alien Biogel handled by a doctor experienced with aliens to be more effective on humans.

Roll 1d20, and take the effect rolled until the end of duration.

1d20 Effect
1-2 +6 AP
3-4 Decrease difficulty of STR tests by 1.
5-6 Decrease difficulty of AGI tests by 1.
7-8 Heal +4 HP
9-10 Heal 4 radiation damage
11-12 Receive 1 CD radioactive damage, ignoring resistances.
13-14 Increase difficulty of INT tests by 1.
15-16 Increase difficulty of PER tests by 1.
17-18 Increase difficulty of AGI tests by 1.
19-20 Increase difficulty of END tests by 1.

After-Burner Gum
Found around the Midwest, also known as cocaine gum. It stimulates the central nervous system,
giving a short-lived endorphin kick.

After-Burner Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to After-Burner. You increase
the difficulty of all INT and PER tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of After-Burner

Alien Biogel
Foreign gel found on zetan spaceships, which grants odd effects.

Roll 1d20, and take the effect rolled until the end of duration.

1d20 Effect
1-2 +6 AP
3-4 Decrease difficulty of STR tests by 1.
5-6 Decrease difficulty of AGI tests by 1.
7-8 Heal +4 HP
9-10 Heal 4 radiation damage
11-12 Receive 1 CD radioactive damage, ignoring resistances.

13-14 Increase difficulty of INT tests by 1.
15-16 Increase difficulty of PER tests by 1.
17-18 Increase difficulty of AGI tests by 1.
19-20 Increase difficulty of END tests by 1.

Ant Nectar
Harvested from giant ants, it temporarily enhances your body while inhibiting your mind.

Ant Nectar Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Ant Nectar. You increase the
difficulty of all STR tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of Ant Nectar.

Ant Queen Pheromones

A vial of giant ant queen pheromones which you spray on yourself, making you more attractive, but
bringing with it the same brain inhibitors as Ant Nectar.

A common sight in the wasteland, antivenom is a mix of medicinal herbs in a small bottle used to
counteract various poisons and toxins.

Auto-Inject Stimpak
A Stimpak outfitted with a vital sensor, activating when it detects excessive damage.

Use: An Auto-Inject Stimpak can be used in one of two ways: it can be applied using the Take Chem
minor action, or it can be applied as part of a First Aid action.

Auto-Inject Stimpak(Diluted)
A diluted Stimpak outfitted with a vital sensor, activating when it detects excessive damage.

Use: An Auto-Inject Stimpak(Diluted) can be used in one of two ways: it can be applied using the
Take Chem minor action, or it can be applied as part of a First Aid action.

Auto-Inject Super Stimpak

A Super Stimpak outfitted with a vital sensor, activating when it detects excessive damage.

Use: An Auto-Inject Super Stimpak can be used in one of two ways: it can be applied using the Take
Chem minor action, or it can be applied as part of a First Aid action.

Auto-Inject Ultra Stimpak

An Ultra Stimpak outfitted with a vital sensor, activating when it detects excessive damage.

Use: An Auto-Inject Ultra Stimpak can be used in one of two ways: it can be applied using the Take
Chem minor action, or it can be applied as part of a First Aid action.

Blood Shield
A draught made from various herbal remedies, which simultaneously revitalizes you and enhances
your immune system.

Use: Blood Shield can be used in one of two ways: it can be applied using the Take Chem minor
action, or it can be applied as part of a First Aid action.

A light-purple pill that temporarily adapts your eyes to filter light more efficiently granting you
natural night-vision.

Cave Fungus
Unique mushrooms found across the wasteland, with natural healing properties, in both vitals and

Use: Cave fungus can be used in one of two ways: it can be applied using the Take Chem minor
action, or it can be applied as part of a First Aid action.

Coyote Tobacco chew

Raw leaves from the Coyote tobacco plant found in the Mojave Desert, commonly used to help stay
awake and sharpen senses.

Tobacco addiction: Increase difficulty and complication range of CHA and END checks by 1 while not
under the influence of tobacco. Any complications on END checks rolled while addicted to tobacco
deal 1CD poison damage.

Datura Hide
A concoction made from sacred datura root and glue, which can slightly strengthen your body

Fire Ant Nectar

Special nectar secreted by a giant fire ant. Unlike the standard ant nectar, it’s non-addictive and
grants you greatly enhanced speed, along with a greater awareness to fire, although it has a minor
numbing effect on your brain.

One of med-teks lesser-known pharmaceuticals, it’s a patch that rids you of all addictions, however
it leaves you nauseous and clouds your eyesight for a while after.

Developed from antivenom by the Caesars Legion as an alternative medicine. It instantly brings a
broken limb to life, although it may leave you weaker if overused

Hydra Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Hydra. You increase the difficulty of
all END tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of Hydra.

Jet Patch
A post-war herbal poultice created to counteract the effects of jet. Said to have been invented by a
Californian tribal.

A psychedelic pill that makes you view the world as a joyous wonderland, although it releases frontal
lobe dampeners, giving users amnesia.

Joy Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Joy. You increase the difficulty of all
INT and CHA tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of Joy.

A legendary “Cure-All” medicine in the form of a red pill. It’s said there’s only one in the whole

Party Time Mentats

Mentats drowned in honey and whiskey, granting them an alcoholic effect with increased charisma.

Mentat Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Mentats. You increase the
difficulty of all CHA tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of a type of Mentat (ordinary
Mentats, or the Berry, Grape, Party Time, or Orange versions).

An incredibly rare experimental drug, made of an unknown concoction involving radiation. The high
is “So worth it” and lasts a full 24 hours. During the resulting hangover, if you’re a human, you’ll
become a ghoul, permanently. This grants you the Necrotic post-human trait. This effect is

Rad Shield
A UV bag filled with a green fluid developed by Ella Ames, utilizing a strangler hearts bloom to
enhance its radiation-counteracting abilities.


Multiple pharmaceuticals tied to a flask with a hypodermic needle. It gives whoever uses it a boost in
speed and reaction time.

Rebound Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Jet. You increase the difficulty of
all AGI tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of a type of Jet (Jet, Rebound, Rocket, or
Jet Fuel; Ultra Jet has a different addiction effect).

A variant of Jet that gives you a burst of extra stamina.

Rocket Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Jet. You increase the difficulty of all
AGI tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of a type of Jet (Jet, Rebound, Rocket, or Jet
Fuel; Ultra Jet has a different addiction effect).

Psycho and Med-X mixed together via several tubes, which strengthens the body immensely. Banana
Yucca and a Stimpak can be used as a substitute for Med-X.

Psycho Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Psycho. You increase the difficulty
of all STR tests by +1 and suffer +1 CD damage from all physical attacks whenever you are not under
the effects of a type of Psycho (ordinary Psycho, Slasher, Psycho Jet, Psychobuff, or Psychotats).

Spice Melange
A reddish, rare spice found mostly in dry, open deserts and packaged into small vials. It’s commonly
snorted by pilots before exceedingly dangerous missions. It gives frequent-users bright blue irises.

Spice Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Spice. You increase the difficulty of
all END tests by +2 whenever you are not under the effects of Spice Melange.

Several chemicals mixed inside a standard bottle, with a tube extending out the neck. It’s often
huffed by sharpshooters for its ability to grant hyper-focus.

Steady Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Steady. You increase the difficulty
of all AGI and STR tests by +1 whenever you are not under the effects of Steady.

Ultra Stimpak
A standard Super Stimpak mixed with several healthy chemicals and herbs, granting vitality like
never before.
Use: An Ultra Stimpak can be used in one of two ways: it can be applied using the Take Chem minor
action, healing 12 HP or treating up to three Injuries.

A pre-war black-market drug that, when placed on the body as a patch, grants intense levels of
testosterone for a short time. It’s still created, albeit rarely, by mixing concentrated Psycho with
radioactive material.

Venom Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Venom. You increase the difficulty
of all STR and END tests by +1, and suffer +2 CD damage from all physical attacks whenever you are
not under the effects of Venom.

A small, blue tab that you put on your tongue that enhances your articulation and perception. Found
on many politicians and leaders.

Verbaluce Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Verbaluce. You increase the
difficulty of all CHA tests by 1 when you are not under the effects of Verbaluce.

A concoction made of several animal parts that has gone through a ritual from the tribe of brahmin
woods. When drank, it seems to give you fortune.

Voodoo Addiction: A failed addiction roll renders you addicted to Voodoo. You increase the
difficulty of all CHA, INT and LCK tests by 1 while not under the effects of Voodoo.

X-111 Compound
Created by Scribe Neriah on the Prydwen with the help of a vault dweller. It largely enhances the
body's resistance to radiation.

Item Effect Weight Cost Rarity
Accordion Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 4 30 2
Banjo Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 3 30 2
Beartrap Trap that deals 4CD vicious physical damage, debilitating to a leg 5 75 3
Binoculars Reduce difficulty of PER checks at long and extreme ranges by 1. 1 50 2
Boardgame, - 1 20 2
Boardgame, - 1 100 5
Bobblehead Reroll 1d20 on a check of corresponding type once per session. <1 250 5
collectible (S, P,
E, C, I or A)
Bobblehead Regain one spent LCK point once per session. <1 500 6
collectible (L)
C.A.M.P See below 50 1500 6
Caltrops If stepped into deals 3CD piercing 1, stun damage to leg location with <1 35 2
the debilitating quality.
Camera Allows you to spend 1 Rare component to take a picture 3 250 5
Cigar Increase difficulty of all END tests by 1 for one scene but reroll 1d20 on a <1 10 4
CHA check.
Cigarette Increase difficulty of all END tests by 1 for one scene but heal 1 Rad. <1 5 1
Cigarette pack Contains 10 cigarettes <1 50 3
Cigarette Contains 50 cigarettes 1 250 4
Cooler Keeps food fresh for twice as long 3 50 2
Detonator Detonates all explosives with the Triggered quality armed by the user <1 250 4
within a mile radius.
Drums Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 10 30 2
Film projector Can be used to project film reels onto a canvas or screen. 30 1000 6
Film reel Play or record movies 1 100 5
Fishing net Reduce Survival skill checks for fishing by 2 and double the number of 1 50 2
fish caught.
Fishing rod Reduce survival checks to fish by 1 2 30 1
Fuel Fuel. Allows a vehicle or generator to run for 3 hours and can be used as 3 10 1
flamer fuel yielding 10 shots.
Gramophone Can play records 8 350 5
Guitar Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 6 100 2
Ham radio Allows long-range communication 10 500 3
Lobster trap Put in water for 1 hour. Then roll a CD. On an effect you have caught a 6 50 2
mirelurk hatchling.
Microphone Can be used to sing for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 8 60 3
Mr. Handy fuel Can keep a generator or engine running for 5 hours. Can be used as 18 180 4
flamer fuel yielding 30 shots or a Mr. Handy can use it to gain the effect
of Jet Fuel (no addiction).
Piano Can play for 30 minutes to gain well-tuned 400 550 3
Poisoned As caltrops but also gain the persistent (poison) damage effect <1 50 4
Portable still Brew alcoholic beverages while traveling at one higher difficulty. 40 100 2
Plunger & wire Ties explosives together and detonates them.
Rat poison Deals 2CD poison damage if ingested. Can be used as a rare component <1 17 3
when crafting chems.
Record Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned <1 50 3
Record player Can play records 6 400 5
Saxophone Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 4 80 3
Scuba gear Reduce all Athletics difficulties for swimming by 1 and you can hold your 10 120 4
breath for twice as long while under water.
Sleeping bag Protects against elements and allows for comfortable sleep outside. 3 15 1

Solar charger Charge special solar batteries with sunlight 8 260 6
Survival tent Protects against the elements and allow for a good night’s sleep even in 70 500 4
hazardous environments.
Tent, Small Grants shelter from the elements for up to 3 people. 12 30 1
Tent, Large Grants shelter from the elements for up to six people. 24 60 2
Toilet paper A wasteland essential. Highly sought after. One roll can keep you going <1 5 2
for a week (or less if you’ve eaten something nasty.)
Trombone Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 4 80 3
Tripod Stabilize heavy weapons to remove the inaccurate quality and increase 35 30 2
fire rate
Trumpet Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 1 50 2
Tuba Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 6 70 3
Ukulele Play for 30 minutes to become well-tuned 3 40 4
Water filter Turn dirty water into purified water <1 20 3

A character with the entertainer perk can Play an accordion for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene

A character with the entertainer perk can Play a banjo for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene

Can be placed and camouflaged outside of combat with a D0 survival+PER check. Requires a D1
survival+PER to spot. You can increase the difficulty by spending AP, for every AP spent the difficulty
is increased by 1. If stepped into a bear trap deals 4CD vicious damage to leg location with the
debilitating quality and traps the targets leg counting as stunned until the trap can be removed with
a D1 STR+Athletics or INT+Repair check.

Binoculars reduce the difficulty of spotting things at long or extreme range by 1.

A popular pastime, complete sets are almost impossible to find and highly sought after.

Bobblehead collectible
Each bobblehead corresponds to a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. As long as you have a bobblehead in your personal
collection you can reroll a die of the corresponding type once per session. The Luck bobblehead
instead allows you to regain a spent Luck point once per session. You can only gain the benefit of
one of each bobblehead in your collection per session. Your collection is personal to you so others
can’t benefit from your collection unless you give them your bobbleheads or they are stolen.

A C.A.M.P is a portable device built by Vault tec, that’s the size of a large backpack. It comes with
straps to be carried like a backpack. The C.A.M.P allows you to make advanced camp items in the
field. It reduces the time to build a camp by half and reduce any difficulties to build a camp by 1. The

C.A.M.P is powered by an in-built fusion core but requires very little power to operate. You can
deploy the C.A.M.P as a major action. When deployed the C.A.M.P folds up like a small table and
lights up. It has an in-built screen similar to a Pip-boy with internal lighting and even a built-in radio.
It contains instructions on how to build a camp and instructions on how to operate the C.A.M.P all
presented in the typical Vault Tec fashion. Extra information like blueprints or survival guides can be
uploaded into the C.A.M.P with a holotape or a plugged in Pip-boy or terminal. The C.A.M.P also has
a lamp that’s connected to an extendable pole. A drawer on the side holds a toolkit with simple tools
needed to build camps such as pitons, a hammer, a hatchet, a small saw, a ball of 30 meters of
string, and a multitool. The C.A.M.P has space to store up to 50 weight worth of items and usually
comes with tent canvas equal to a small tent, a sleeping bag, a non-powered cooler for storing food,
five water bottles, cooking utensils and 20 meters of nylon rope. The folded-out C.A.M.P can also be
used as a table or small work area. Finally, the C.A.M.P includes an in-built hot plate for cooking
allowing it to be used as a cooking station without expending any fuel.

Can be placed and camouflaged outside of combat with a D0 survival+PER check. Requires a D1
survival+PER to spot. You can increase the difficulty by spending AP, for every AP spent the difficulty
is increased by 1. If stepped on, caltrops deal 3CD piercing 1, stun damage with the debilitating
quality to a leg location. Caltrops can be poisoned gaining the Persistent (poison) quality.

A functioning camera is a rare treasure highly sought after by many wastelanders. Taking and
developing a photograph requires 2 uncommon materials and 1 hours of work in a dark room.

A cigar can’t be used in combat. After smoking a cigar increase difficulty and complication range of
END checks by 1 for one scene. Smoking cigars make you seem dignified and important, and you
reroll 1d20 on one CHA check for one scene after smoking a cigar. Smoking cigars can make you
addicted to tobacco and has an addiction rating of 3.

Tobacco addiction: Increase difficulty and complication range of CHA and END checks by 1 while not
under the influence of tobacco. Any complications on END checks rolled while addicted to tobacco
deal 1CD poison damage.

Cigarettes are popular all over the wasteland and highly sought after. Inhaling the toxic smoke can
help cleanse the body of radiation but is highly addictive and unhealthy. Most places accept
cigarettes as currency. Cigarettes can’t be used in combat. Increase difficulty and complication range
of END checks by 1 for one scene when smoking a cigarette. Smoking a cigarette cures 1 Rad but can
cause tobacco addiction and has an addiction rating of 3.

Tobacco addiction: Increase difficulty and complication range of CHA and END checks by 1 while not
under the influence of tobacco. Any complications on END checks rolled while addicted to tobacco
deal 1CD poison damage.

A cooler runs on an internal fusion cell or by using ice packs. Food placed in a functioning cooler lasts
twice as long before spoiling. A cooler can hold 5 weight or 10 beverages and or/food items
weighing less than 1. A beverage that’s been in a cooler for at least 1 hour becomes Ice cold. An Ice-
cold beverages consumed before the end of the current scene grants +1 AP when consumed. An Ice-
cold beverage lose this feature after one scene but can be re-cooled.

A handheld device with a trigger on its side, most often found in military bases and gun stores. When
pressed it activates all explosives with the trigger quality within 1 mile, that are tuned to the
detonators frequency.

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the drums for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

Film projector
A film projector is a device that can play film reels projected onto a wall or canvas. It is required to
watch film reels.

Film reel
Finding complete, undamaged films are very difficult and are highly sought after in the wasteland.
Most film reels that are still intact are propaganda movies or commercials and it is rare to find a
complete Hollywood movie so such films can be sold for twice the price.

Fishing net
Reduce the difficulty of Survival checks to fish by 2.

Fishing rod
Reduce the difficulty of Survival checks to fish by 1. Requires 1 food item as bait.

A gramophone is a device used to play records. It precedes the more modern record player and is
seen as an antique object and the sound quality is much worse but in the wasteland any music is
welcomed even in monochrome.

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the guitar for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

Lobster trap
You can put a lobster trap in the water. After 1 hour you may roll a CD. On an effect you have caught
a mirelurk hatchling in the trap. While in the trap the hatchling’s defence is 0 and it can’t attack. A
lobster trap can only hold one hatchling at a time.

A character with the entertainer perk can sing in the microphone for 30 minutes to become well-
tuned, increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

Mr. Handy fuel

A full tank of Mr. Handy fuel can keep a generator or engine running for 5 hours. Alternatively, it can
be used as flamer fuel yielding 30 shots or a Mr. Handy can use it to gain the effect of Jet Fuel (no

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the piano for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

Portable still
The portable still can be used as a brewing station. Brewing items in a portable still is done at one
difficulty higher than normal. Setting up or packing away a portable still takes 10 minutes.

Plunger & wire

A portable plunger box with two ports to its sides that connect to spools of wire. It takes a PER +
Explosives test of 0 and 1 foot of wire to tie an explosive. A plunger comes with 10 feet of wire,
however more wire can be added.

Rat poison
If ingested Rat poison deals 2CD Poison damage to the target. Rat poison can be used instead of a
rare component when crafting Chems.

A record is a consumable item that can make any character listening to it well-tuned if listened to for
30 minutes. Each record can only make a creature well-tuned the first time a character listens to it.
You need a record player or gramophone to play a record. Once you’ve listened to a record you can’t
become well-tuned from listening to that record again. Regardless of how many people that are
listening to the record, the party’s max AP is only increased by 1.

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the ukulele for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

Scuba gear
Scuba gear includes a snorkel, swimming goggles and a set of flippers. Wearing flippers on land
means you have to pay 1 additional AP to move and all movement-based tests have their
complication range increased by 2.

Solar charger
The solar charger is a highly advanced device used to recharge special solar batteries used by the
Japanese during the war. The device can hold up to six such batteries at one time. If left out in the
sun any solar batteries inside will recharge in six hours. A solar charger can’t be used to recharge any
other form of power source but can be scrapped as junk.

Survival tent
A survival tent is an advanced one-man tent kit that comes with an inflatable mattress,
environmental protection, an internal power source allowing for heat and light and an integrated
cooking station. Deploying the tent takes 20 minutes or 10 minutes if you have a C.A.M.P. Resting
inside a sealed tent provides 10 poison and Rad resistance from environmental effects and protects
you from extreme heat or cold. Sleeping for at least 5 hours in the tent grant you the well-rested
condition. You must sleep alone in the tent to gain this benefit. You can squeeze up to 4 human-
sized creatures inside a tent in an emergency.

Toilet paper
Toilet paper provides valuable comfort and luxury and is hard to come by in the Wasteland. It’s a
highly sought out commodity. Once per scene you can spend a roll of toilet paper to reduce the
chance of disease by 1.

A tripod is a portable three-legged frame or stand, used as a platform for supporting the weight and
maintaining the stability of some other object. The three-legged (triangular stance) design provides
good stability against gravitational loads as well as horizontal shear forces, and better leverage for
resisting tipping over due to lateral forces can be achieved by spreading the legs away from the
vertical centre. A big gun weapon can be mounted on a tripod as a major action. A big gun mounted
in this way lose the inaccurate and gain +1 fire rate. Setting up a tripod requires a major action and
mounting the weapon a second major action with an equal time needed to dismount the weapon
and disassemble the tripod. Firing a weapon with a tripod attached while moving increase the
difficulty and complication range of such attacks by 1.

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the trombone for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the trumpet for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the tuba for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

An Ukulele is a small stringed instrument popular on Hawaii.

A character with the entertainer perk can Play the ukulele for 30 minutes to become well-tuned,
increasing the max AP of the party’s pool by 1 until the end of the next scene.

Water filter
Outside of combat you can filter a bottle of dirty water, toxic water, or Boiled water to turn it into
purified water, a process that requires an empty container and takes 10 minutes. Water filters can
be crafted at the Chemistry station.

Tinkers workbench
Ammo is crafted at the tinker’s workbench. You may spend AP to create one batch of additional ammo for
every AP spent with a single crafting skill check each batch adds another crafted amount. Materials must be
spent for each batch crafted. A character crafts 4+ his ranks in repair ammunition for each batch.
Ammo type Complexity Perks Skill Rarity
Gunpowder 1 - Repair or Science Common
7.62x39mmB 2 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
20mmB 4 Hand loader 3 Repair Rare
.22LR round 1 - Repair Common
.38B 1 - Repair Common
.38 Special rounds 1 - Repair Common
.308B 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Common
.357 Magnum 2 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
9mm 1 - Repair Common
10mmB 1 - Repair Common
Arrow/Crossbow 1 - Repair Common
Blunderbuss shot 1 - Repair Common
BB round 1 - Repair Common
Chem canister 4 Science! 2, Science Uncommon
Cannonball 1 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
FlareB 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Common
Shotgun shellB 1 - Repair Common
Shotgun slugB 1 Hand loader 1 Repair Common
.45B 1 Hand loader 1 Repair Common
.45-70 Gov’t round 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
12.7x108mm round 2 Hand loader 3 Repair Uncommon
50. calibre ball 1 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
Flamer fuel 2 Science! 1 Repair or Science Common
Fusion cell 2 Science! 1 Science Common
Gamma round 4 Science! 2 Science Uncommon
Harpoon 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
Rad canister 5 Science! 3 Science Rare
Radium shell 7 Hand loader 3, Science Rare
Science! 3
Railway spike 2 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Speargun bolt 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
.44 MagnumB 2 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
.50B 2 Hand loader 3 Repair Uncommon
5.56mmB 1 Hand loader 1 Repair Common
5mmB 1 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Fireworks rocketB 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
Fusion coreA 7 Science! 3 Science Rare
MissileAB 5 Science! 3 Repair Rare
Nails 1 - Repair Common
Plasma cartridge 5 Science! 2 Science Rare
2mm EC 5 Science! 3 Science Rare
Mini-Nuke1A 7 Science! 3 Science Rare

1A complication while crafting will trigger the nuke unless the crafter pays a Luck point.
A: AP can’t be spent to increase the amount crafted. Only 1 Ammo is crafted per batch.
B: Requires 1 Gunpowder per complexity in addition to other components.

Special ammunition
Ammo type Complexity Perks Skill Rarity
.45 +P*B +1 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
.45 Super*B +2 Hand loader 3 Repair Uncommon
9mm +P*B +1 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Acid canister 3 Science! 2, Science Rare
Armor piercing +1 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
Arrow/Crossbow 1 - Repair Uncommon
bolt, Armor piercing
Arrow/Crossbow 1 - Repair Uncommon
bolt, Barbed
Arrow/Crossbow 2 Hand loader 1 Science Uncommon
bolt, Cryo*
Arrow/Crossbow 3 Hand loader 3 Repair Rare
bolt, Explosive*
Arrow/Crossbow 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
bolt, Flaming*
Arrow/Crossbow 3 Hand loader 2 Science Uncommon
bolt, Plasma*
Arrow/Crossbow 1 - Repair Uncommon
bolt, Poison
Arrow/Crossbow 4 Science 3 Science Rare
bolt, Pulse*
Arrow, Signal 1 - Repair Common
Arrow/Crossbow 4 Science 3 Science Rare
bolt, Stun pack*
Arrow/Crossbow As syringer ammoi As syringer ammo As syringer ammo Rare
bolt, Syringer*
Arrow/Crossbow 4 Hand loader 4 Repair Rare
bolt, Ultracite*
Arrow/Crossbow 4 Hand loader 4 Repair Rare
bolt, Uranium
Atomic canister 7 Science! 3, Science Rare
Barbed harpoon 2 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Barbed spear 2 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
Bean bags* 1 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
Crossbow bolt, 3 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Crossbow bolt, 3 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Dragon’s breath 3 Hand loader 4 Repair Rare
Explosive rounds*B 5 Hand loader 4 Repair Rare
Explosive 6 Hand loader 4 Repair Rare
cannonball *****B
Exterminator 4 Science! 2, Science Rare
canister Chemist
Flechette shell*B 3 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Flechette spear 3 Hand loader 3 Repair Rare
Gas canister 3 Science! 2, Science Rare
HalluciGen canister 5 Science! 3, Science Rare
Harpoon, 5 Hand loader 4 Repair Rare
Hollow point +1 Hand loader 1 Repair Uncommon
Incendiary +3 Hand loader 3 Repair Rare
JFP rounds*B +2 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
JHP rounds*B +3 Hand loader 3 Repair Uncommon
JSP rounds*B +2 Hand loader 2 Repair Uncommon
Pesticide canister 3 Science! 1, Science Rare

Pulse slug*B +3 Hand loader 1, Science Rare
Science! 3
Solar charge 7 Science! 3 Science Rare
Surplus**B -1 (minimum 1) - Repair ***

*The amount of ammo crafted is half the normal amount for a weapon of that caliber.
** The amount of surplus ammo is twice the normal amount of the base ammo. Every AP spent to increase the amount of
ammo made makes 2 ammo instead of one.
*** Surplus ammo is one step less rare than the base ammunition.
*****You can only craft one of this ammo at a time
B Requires 1 Gunpowder per complexity in addition to other components.

Chemistry bench
Item Materials Complexity Perks Skill Rarity
Antivenom Glowing fungus x2, Purified water x1, Uncommon 3 Chemist Science Uncommon
materials x1, Antibiotics x1
Auto-inject stimpak Rare material x1, Stimpak x1, Common materials x1, 4 Chemist Science Rare
Uncommon materials x2
Auto inject diluted Rare material x1, Diluted Stimpak x1, Common 3 Chemist Science Rare
stimpak materials x1, Uncommon materials x2
Blood shield Bloodleaf x2, Honey x2, Uncommon materials x2, 3 Science Rare
Antibiotics x1
Fixer Glowing blood pack x1, Radaway x1, Whiskey x1, 4 Chemist Science Rare
Uncommon material x2
Hydra Herbs x1, Honey x2, Bloodleaf x2, Blood pack x1, 5 Chemist Science Rare
Uncommon materials x1, Purified water x1
Jet patch Jet x1, Rad-X x1 2 Chemist Science Rare
Rad shield Rad-X x5, Rare materials x1, Glowing blood pac 6 Chemist Science Rare
After-Burner gum Bubblegum x1, Flamer fuel x2, Uncommon materials 3 Chemist Science Rare
x2, Common materials x1
Ant nectar Honey x1, Brain fungus x1, Uncommon materials x3 3 Chemist Science Uncommon
Cateye Glowing fungus x2, Berry Mentats x1, Uncommon 4 Chemist Science Rare
material x2
Coyote Tobacco Cigarettes x5, Ash rose x1, Herbs x2, Uncommon 4 - Survival Rare
chew materials x2
Datura Hide Herbs x2, Rare material x1 5 - Survival Rare
Fire ant nectar Honey x1, Firecap x1, Uncommon materials x3 3 Chemist Science Rare
Joy Brain fungus x2, Nuka Cola x1, Mentats x1 3 Chemist Science Rare
Party time mentats Mentats x1, Joy x1, Gum drops x1, Whiskey x1, 3 Chemist Science Rare
Honey x1
Rebound Radaway x1, Mentats x1, Rare materials x1 4 Chemist Science Rare
Rocket Flamer fuel x2, Firecracker berries x2, Jet Fuel x1 5 Chemist Science Rare
Slasher Blood pack, Psycho x2, Fury x1, Rare materials x1 4 Chemist Science Rare
Steady Brain fungus x1, Mentats x1, Uncommon materials x1 2 Chemist Science Uncommon
Venom Med-X x1, Psycho x1, Rare materials x1, Rat poison 4 Chemist Science Rare
Verbaluce Mentats x2, Uncommon materials x2 4 Chemist Science Rare
Voodoo Brain fungus x2, Blood pack x2, Glowing fungus x1, 5 - Survival Rare
Rum x1
Fuel Common materials x1, Uncommon materials x1 1 - Science Common
Gunpowder Common materials x1, Uncommon materials x1 1 - Science or Common
Mr. Handy fuel Fuel x4, Flamer fuel x1, Jet Fuel x1 5 Chemist Science Rare
Water filter Rare materials x1, Uncommon materials x3, Glowing 3 Chemist Science or Rare
fungus x1 Survival

Cooking station


Coffee Powdered 1 - Survival Common
coffee x1, Boiled
or purified water
Tea Any herb x1, 1 - Survival Common
Boiled or
purified water
Aged mirelurk Queen steak Boiled or 3 - Survival Rare
purified water
x2, Mirelurk
Queen meat x2,
Mirelurk egg x2,
material x2
Amazing wasteland bacon Boar meat x3, 3 - Survival Uncommon
Ash rose x2,
materials x3
Awesome opossum bacon Varmint meat 1 - Survival Uncommon
x2, Common
material x1
Blackberry honey crisp Purified water 4 -- Survival Rare
x2, Razorgrain
x2, Royal jelly
x3, Wild
blackberry x3
Bloatfly loaf Bloatfly meat x2, 4 - Survival Uncommon
Boiled or
Purified water
x2, Glowing
fungus x2,
materials x2
Bloodbug pepper steak Bloodbug meat 4 - Survival Rare
x2, Bloodleaf x2,
Boiled or
Purified water
x2, Common
material x2
Blue cornbread muffins Corn x2, Wild 2 - Survival Uncommon
blackberry x2,
ingredient x3
Boar meat steak Boar meat x2, 1 - Survival Common
ingredients x2
Bobrov brothers’ cabbage soup Cabbage x2, 1 - Survival Uncommon
ingredients x2,
Boiled or
purified water
Boiled bird egg Bird egg x2, 1 - Survival Common
Boiled or
purified water
Brahmin and vegetable roast Brahmin steak 3 - Survival Rare
soup x2, Boiled or
purified water
x2, Common
materials x2,
Herbs x1, Tato

x1, Carrot x1,
Siltbean x1
Brahmin baked tatos Brahmin meat 2 - Survival Uncommon
x2, Tato x2
Brahmin cheese Brahmin milk x2, 2 - Survival Common
material x1
Brahmin fries Bramin meat x2, 2 - Survival Uncommon
material x3
Brain bombs Brain fungus x3, 5 - Survival Rare
Purified water
x2, Sugar bombs
x3, Rare
material x2
Carol’s mystery meat stew Potted meat x2, 4 - Survival Rare
berries x1,
ingredients x2,
Glowing fungus
x2, Boiled or
purified water
Cat meat steak Cat meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cecil’s spicy Andouille Boar meat x1, 4 - Survival Rare
berries x2, Ash
rose x1,
material x2,
material x3
Chew stick Lure weed x2 1 - Survival Common
Chittins con carne Glowing resin 3 - Survival Common
x1, Mongrel
meat x3, Boiled
or purified water
x1, Common
material x2
Cooked angler meat Angler meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked ant meat Ant meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked bird meat Bird meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked boar meat Boar meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked equidae meat Equidae meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked gatorclaw meat Gatorclaw meat 1 - Survival Common
Cooked Mantis egg Mantis egg x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked Mantis leg Mantis leg x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked radrat meat Radrat meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked radstork meat Radstork meat 1 - Survival Common
Cooked radtoad egg Radtoad egg x2, 1 - Survival Common
Boiled or
purified water
Cooked varmint meat Varmint meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Cooked viper meat Viper meat x2 1 - Survival Common
Corn Maque Choux Tato x1, Corn x2, 4 - Survival Rare
Cram x1, Boiled
or purified water
x1, Common
materials x2
Corn pone Boiled or 3 - Survival Uncommon
purified water
x1, Corn x2,
Mirelurk egg x2,
material x2

Crambalaya Tato x1, Carrot 4 - Survival Rare
x1, Cram x1,
Cajun rice &
beans x1, Bird
meat x1,
mirelurk meat
x1, Common
ingredients x3,
berries x1
Cramburger Boiled or 3 - Survival Rare
Purified water
x1, Cram x1,
Mirelurk egg x2,
Tato x2
Deathclaw rolled omelette Bloodpack x1, 4 - Survival Rare
Deathclaw egg
x2, Varmint
meat x3
Equidae steak Equidae meat x1 2 - Survival Uncommon
Equidae sausage Equidae meat 3 - Survival Rare
x1, Uncommon
material x1,
material x2
Gatorclaw gumbo Gatorclaw meat 5 - Survival Rare
x1, Tato x2,
mirelurk meat
x1, Swamp plant
x1, 2x
Ghoul’s feast Irradiated water 5 - Survival Rare
x1, Rare
materials x1,
Glowing fungus
x3, Corpse
flower x1
Glowing cheese Brahmin milk x2, 4 - Survival Rare
Glowing fungus
x2, Uncommon
material x1,
material x1
Glowing fungus soup Boiled or 1 - Survival Common
Purified water
x1, Glowing
fungus x1
Glowing fungus puree Boiled or 2 - Survival Uncommon
Purified water
x2, Common
material x3,
Glowing fungus
Granny’s gumbo Softshell 4 - Survival Rare
mirelurk meat
x1, Tato x1,
Carrot x1,
Swamp plant x1,
Cajun rice &
Beans x1, 2x
Gulper slurry Gulper innards 5 - Survival Rare
x3, Purified
water x1,
material x3,
Rare material x1

Hermit crab-stuffed cave fungus Mirelurk meat 3 - Survival Rare
x3, Cave fungus
x3, Common
materials x3
Honey glazed smokey ham Radboar meat 4 - Survival Rare
x4, Honey x2,
Ash rose x3,
ingredient x2
Mantis egg omelette Mantis egg x2 2 - Survival Common

Mirelurk belly croquettes Softshell 3 - Survival Uncommon

mirelurk meat
x2, Common
material x2,
Mirelurk egg x2
Mirelurk boil Mirelurk meat 4 - Survival Rare
x2, Boiled or
Purified water
x2, Corn x1, Tato
x1, Common
ingredients x3
Mirelurk claw cakes Mirelurk meat 4 - Survival Rare
x2, Herbs x3,
ingredients x3,
Boiled or
purified water
Moldy cheese Brahmin cheese 3 - Survival Uncommon
x1, Moldy food
Mole rat wonder meat dip Mole rat meat 3 - Survival Rare
x3, Brahmin milk
x1, Common
ingredients x3
Mutfruit and mushroom Mutfruit x2, 2 - Survival Uncommon
casserole Glowing fungus
x1, Cave fungus
Mystery meat-wrapped Softshell 4 - Survival Rare
Nukalurk mirelurk meat
x2, Potted meat
x2, Boiled or
purified water
x2, Nuka cola
Quantum x1
Peculiar pumpkin soup Vim x1, Nuka 3 - Survival Rare
cola x1, Gourd
x2, Boiled or
purified water
x2, Glowing
fungus x1
Pipers special soda bread Glowing fungus 3 - Survival Rare
x1, Carrot x1,
Razorgrain x1,
Corn x1, Nuka
Cola x1
Pork belly poppers Boar meat x2, 3 - Survival Rare
berries x2,
Razorgrain x2,
Brahmin milk x1
Predator and prey pie 1x Radstag 5 - Survival Rare
meat, 1x Boar
meat, 1x Yao
guai meat, 1x
Deathclaw egg,
2x Razorgrain,
1x Brahmin milk

Radgull power noodles Bird meat x2, 1 - Survival Uncommon
Noodle cup x2,
Boiled or
purified water
Radroach Boudin Cajun rice and 4 - Survival Rare
beans, Radroach
meat x2,
berry x2,
materials x3
Radrat steak Radrat meat x1 1 - Survival Uncommon
Radstag jerky Radstag meat 3 - Survival Uncommon
x1, Common
material x2
Radstork filet Radstork meat 1 - Survival Uncommon
Radstork omelette Radstork egg x2 2 - Survival Uncommon
Radtoad egg omelette Radtoad egg x1 1 - Survival Uncommon
Roasted mantis leg Mantis leg x1 1 - Survival Common
Scrambled bird eggs Bird egg x3 1 - Survival Common
Scrambled eggs surprise Bird egg x1, 3 - Survival Rare
Mantis egg x1,
Mirelurk egg x1,
Deathclaw egg
Spore pod soup Spore pod x2, 2 - Survival Uncommon
Boiled or
purified water
Sugar-bombed carrots Sugar bombs x1, 1 - Survival Uncommon
Carrots x2
Swamp Tofu Swamp plant x1, - Survival Uncommon
material x1
Swamp Tofu soup Boiled or 3 - Survival Rare
purified water
x2, Gourd x1,
materials x2,
Swamp plant x1
Tato fries Tato x3, 2 - Survival Uncommon
ingredients x2
Tato soup Tato x3, Boiled 1 - Survival Common
or purified water
Varmint stew Varmint meat x3 1 - Survival Common
Viper skewer Viper meat x2 2 - Survival Common
Wasteland cram Potted meat x1, 1 - Survival Uncommon
Boar meat x1,
material x1
Xander root miso soup Xander root x3, 3 - Survival Uncommon
Boiled or
purified water
x2, Siltbean x1

Brewing station

The brewing station allows you to make alcoholic beverages. In addition to the normal
ingredients, you need a container (1 piece of junk) to bottle the finished product. Crafting a
beverage takes 20 minutes. A character can craft multiple beverages of the same type at
once without increasing the crafting time. The number of beverages they can craft at one
can’t exceed their ranks in Survival. Each additional beverage increases the complexity by 1.
Brewing time is how long the beverage needs to sit in the brewing station before it’s ready.
Some beverages have a brewing time of instant meaning they are finished immediately after
they are crafted. Keeping a still going requires 1 Common materials per hour of crafting
time. Beverages with a crafting time of less than one hour don’t require any materials to
keep the brewing station active. A beverage brewed at the brewing station is worth half the
cost of a pre-war beverage of the same type due to the inferior quality and taste but is one
rarity less. A brewing station can have 10 beverages brewing at once while a portable
distillery can have 5. All the beverages being brewed must be of the same type.
Item Materials Complexity Brewing Perks Skill Rarity
Brewing stations
Brewing station 10x Common 4 - Brewer Repair Uncommon
materials, 5x
Portable 5x Common 5 - Brewer 2 Repair Rare
distillery materials, 3x
materials, 1x
Rare materials
Absinthe 1 Siltbean, 2x 5 2 Weeks Brewer 2 Survival Rare
Purified water,
1 Brain fungus,
1 Uncommon
material, 3x
Aged wine 1 Wine, 2x 3 2 Months Brewer 2 Survival Rare
material, 1
Applejack 1 Cider, 1 4 Instant Brewer Survival Uncommon
Dandy boy
apples, 1
Whiskey, 1
Atomic Cocktail 1 Mentats, 1 3 Instant Brewer 2 Survival Rare
Nuka Cola
Victory, 1

Beer 1 Razorgrain, 1 2 Weeks - Survival Common
2x Purified
water, 1 Brain
Berry wine 1 Wine, 2x 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Rare
Bloody raider 1 Vodka, 1 Tato 4 Instant Brewer 2 Survival Rare
juice, 1 Carrot,
1 Iguana on a
Bourbon 1 corn, 1 3 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
purified water,
1 uncommon
material, 1
brain fungus, 2
Champagne 1 Dandy boy 4 2 Weeks Brewer 2 Survival Rare
apples, 1
Tarberry, 2x
Purified water,
2x Brain
fungus, 2x
Cider 1 Dandy boy 1 2 Weeks - Survival Common
apples, 2x
Purified water,
1 Common
Cuba libre 1 Rum, 1 Nuka 1 Instant - Survival Common
Cola, 1
Gin 1 Tarberry, 2x 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
Purified water,
1 Brain fungus,
1 Uncommon
material, 1
Grog 1 Rum, 1 Beer, 2 Instant Brewer Survival Uncommon
1 Common
Hard lemonade 1 Lemonade, 1 2 Instant Brewer Survival Uncommon
Moonshine, 1
Limoncello 1 Lemonade, 1 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
Brain fungus,
2x Common
Liquid courage 1 Coffee, 1 5 Instant Brewer 2 Survival Rare
Moonshine, 1
Brahmin milk,
4x Rare
Long Island Iced 1 Tequila, 1 4 Instant Brewer 2 Survival Rare
tea Vodka, 1 Rum,
1 Gin, 1 Nuka
Cola, 1 Tea, 2x
Mead 1 Razorgrain, 1 4 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
Honey, 2x
Purified water,
1 Brain fungus
Mojito 1 Rum, 1 2 Instant Brewer Survival Uncommon
Lemonade, 1

Moonshine 1 Corn, 2x 2 2 Weeks - Survival Common
Purified water,
1 Uncommon
material, 2x
Nuka Colada 1 Nuka Sunrise, 3 Instant Brewer Survival Rare
1 Nuka Cola
dark, 1
Nukashine 1 Nuka cola, 1 5 Instant Brewer 2 Science Rare
corn, 1 Brain
fungus, 1
material, 4x
rare materials

Pick’r-Up’r 1 Moonshine, 1 5 Instant Brewer 2 Survival Rare

Tequila, 1
Vodka, 1
Whiskey, 1
Rum, 1
Rum 1 sugar bombs, 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
2x purified
water, 1 brain
fungus, 1
material, 2x

Screwdriver 1 Vodka, 1 1 Instant - Survival Common

Nuka cola
Orange, 1
Spiced rum 1 Rum, 3 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
berry x1, 2x
Spiced wine 1 Wine, 3 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
berry x1, 2x
Tequila 1 Mutfruit, 2x 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
Purified water,
1 Uncommon
material, 1
Brain fungus
Vodka 1 Tato, 2x 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
Purified water,
1 Uncommon
material, 1
Brain fungus
Wine 1 tarberry, 1 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
purified water,
1 brain fungus.
1 common
Whiskey 1 Razorgrain, 2 2 Weeks Brewer Survival Uncommon
2x Purified
water, 1
material, 1
Brain fungus
Whiskey sour 1 Whiskey, 1 2 Instant Brewer Survival Uncommon
Lemonade, 1

White Russian 1 Vodka, 1 2 Instant Brewer Survival Uncommon
Coffee, 1
Brahmin milk,
1 Common

Optional rules
When a character performs an unarmed attack, they may try to grapple the target instead of making
a normal attack. To grapple a target, you must succeed at an opposed Unarmed+STR opposed by
the targets Body+Melee, Unarmed+STR or Athletics+STR, whichever is higher. The target reduces
the difficulty by 1 for every defense above 1 and by an additional 2 if they have the Big trait. A
grappled target suffers unarmed damage as normal, but all the qualities and traits of the attack is
replaced by the stun trait.

Dual wielding
When wielding a weapon in each hand and you spend AP to make an additional major action to
attack, if your attack is with a weapon held in your off hand, you reduce the AP cost of that attack by

Holding your breath

A character can hold their breath for a number of turns equal to his END score. After that they must
succeed at an END+Athletics skill check with a difficulty of 1, +1 for every consecutive turn. On a
failure the character suffers 2CD damage to the torso, ignoring DR.

Underwater combat
Fighting underwater increase the difficulty and complication range of all attacks by 2. All ranged
weapons have their range reduced to close unless they have the aquatic weapon quality. Characters
with the Aquaboy trait reduce these penalties by 1 for every rank in that perk.

Loot tables
This chapter replaces the loot tables in the CRB and GM kit to include the new items in this
supplement. Furthermore, the items here are listed according to rarity to provide a more balanced
distribution of loot. Any results rolled on these tables are at the GM’s discretion and the GM can opt
to choose a result from the table to better suit what makes sense for their Campaign.

Roll on loot table for rarity 0 and add the location level (use the pc’s level as default). Each time the
players roll on the table, one player may choose to spend one Luck points to add or subtract up to
their Luck score from the result. For vendors the available items are based on the vendors level.
Items of rarity 6 or higher are never found randomly and should only be given out at the GM’s

When searching for ammunition the players may spend AP to find one additional quantity of
ammunition of that type for every AP spent in this way. The pc’s can’t spend AP in this way to
increase the amount of ammo found if that ammunition is marked with an *.

Rarity 0 Ammunition
Roll 2d20 Item Quantity
2-8 .22 10+5CD
9-15 9mm 10+5CD
16-23 .38 10+5CD
24-31 10mm 8+4CD
32-39 Surplus 9mm 15+8CD
40 Roll on rarity 1 ammunition -
Rarity 1 Ammunition
Roll 2d20 Item Quantity
2-5 .308 6+3CD
6-9 Flare 2+1CD
10-13 Shotgun shell 6+3CD
14-17 .357 Magnum 8+4CD
18-21 .38 Special 8+4CD
22-25 Nails 10+5CD
26-29 Hollow point .22 5+3CD
30-33 Hollow point 9mm 5+3CD
34-37 Hollow point 10mm 5+3CD
38-39 Shotgun slug 4+2CD
40 Roll on rarity 2 ammunition -
Rarity 2 Ammunition
Roll 2d20 Item Quantity
2-4 .45 8+4CD
5-7 Flamer fuel 12+6CD
8-10 Fusion cell 14+7CD
11-12 Gamma round 4+2CD
13-14 Railway spike 6+3CD
15-16 Syringer ammo 4+2CD
17-18 40mm grenade 4+2CD
19-21 Arrow 6+3CD
22-23 Gunpowder 5+3CD
24-25 Signal arrow 4+2CD
26-27 Bean bags 4+2CD
28-29 Hollow point .357 Magnum 4+2CD
30-31 Armor piercing .308 3+2CD
32-33 Surplus 5.56 12+6CD
34-35 Surplus 5mm 15 x12+6CD
36-37 Poison arrow 2+1CD
38-39 Poison crossbow bolt 2+1CD
40 Roll on rarity 3 ammunition -

Rarity 3 Ammunition
Roll 2d20 Item Quantity
2-3 .44 Magnum 4+2CD
4-5 .50 4+2CD
6-8 5.56mm 8+4CD
9-11 5mm 10x 12+6CD
12 Fusion core 1*
13-14 Missile 1+1CD*
15-16 Surplus 7.62x39mm 12+6CD
17 .50 Calibre ball 6+3CD
18 BB 20+10CD
19 Cannonball 2+1CD
20-21 Crossbow bolt 5+3CD
22 Harpoon 2+1CD
23 Speargun bolt 2+1CD
24 9mm +P 2+1CD
25 40mm Incendiary grenade 2+1CD
26 Armor piercing arrow 3+2CD
27 Armor piercing crossbow bolt 3+2CD
28 Barbed arrow 3+2CD
29 Barbed crossbow bolt 3+2CD
30 Flaming arrow 2+1CD
31 Flaming crossbow bolt 2+1CD
32 Barbed speargun bolt 2+1CD
33 Flechette crossbow bolt 2+1CD
34 Shotgun crossbow bolt 2+1CD
35 Weighted speargun bolt 2+1CD
36 Armor piercing .50 2+1CD
37 JSP .308 3+2CD
38 JHP 10mm 4+2CD
39 JHP 9mm 5+3CD
40 Roll on rarity 4 ammunition -
Rarity 4 Ammunition
Roll 2d20 Item Quantity
2-4 Plasma cartridge 10+5CD
5-6 12.7x108mm 6+3CD
7-8 .45-70 Gov’t 6+3CD
9-10 7.62x39mm 8+4CDCD
11 Blunderbuss shot 2+1CD
12 Chem canister 2+1CD
13 Cryo Cell 2+1CD
14 Firework rocket 2+1CD
15 .45 +P 3+2CD
16 40mm Toxic gas grenade 2+1CD
17 Acid canister 6+3CD
18 Cryo arrow 2+1CD
19 Cryo crossbow bolt 2+1CD
20 Plasma arrow 2+1CD
21 Plasma crossbow bolt 2+1CD
22 Pulse arrow 2+1CD
23 Pulse crossbow bolt 2+1CD
24 Stun pack arrow 2+1CD
25 Stun pack crossbow bolt 2+1CD
26 Syringer arrow 2+1CD
27 Syringer crossbow bolt 2+1CD
28 Barbed harpoon 2+1CD
29 Dragon’s breath shells 3+2CD
30 Flechette shell 3+2CD
31 Flechette speargun bolt 2+1CD
32 Gas canister 6+3CD
33 JFP rounds 4+2CD
34 Pesticide canister 6+3CD
35 Armor piercing .50 2+1CD
36-37 Hollow point 5.56mm 4+2CD
38-39 Hollow point 5mm 10x 6+3CD
40 Roll on rarity 5 ammunition -
Rarity 5 Ammunition
Roll 2d20 Item Quantity
2-3 JSP 5mm 10x 6+3CD

4-5 JHP 5mm 10x 6+3CD
6-7 JSP 12.7x108mm 3+2CD
8-9 .45 Super 3+2CD
10-11 40mm Nuke grenades* 2+1CD
12-13 Explosive arrow 2+1CD
14-15 Explosive crossbow bolt 2+1CD
16 Ultracite arrow 2+1CD
17 Ultracite crossbow bolt 2+1CD
18 Uranium tipped arrow 2+1CD
19 HalluciGen canister 6+3CD
20 Radium shell 2+1CD
21 Rad canister 6+3CD
22-23 Uranium tipped crossbow bolt 2+1CD
24-25 Atomic canister 6+3CD
26-27 Explosive rounds 2+1CD
28-29 Explosive cannonball 1+1CD*
30-31 Exterminator canister 6+3CD
32-33 Pulse slug 2+1CD
34-35 Hollow point 12.7x108mm 3+2CD
36-37 2mm EC 6+3CD
38-39 Hollow point .45-70 Gov’t 3+2CD
40 Mini-Nuke 1*

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this project: Triple M (A.k.a the Unwashed
sheriff), Courier 6 Creations, Mortagon, Dirt290, DarkSunRebel, Discord96 and our
awesome Fallout2d20 community
All the art was found through a google image search and all credits go out to their
respective artists, if any of you see this document and want your art removed or your
name credited please don’t hesitate to contact me at mortagon@hotmail.com
This is a living document so expect frequent updates. If you want to contribute to this
project you can find me at the e-mail listed above and out the Fallout2d20 discord or the
official Fallout2d20 Modiphius forums under the name Mortagon or the Fallout Reddit
under the name UpNdwn1978.
We’re currently looking for someone who can do layout, editing or original art.


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