7447 0401 Eng TM PDF
7447 0401 Eng TM PDF
7447 0401 Eng TM PDF
4CR Spray Paint for Plastic is a top quality elastic finishing paint for direct coating of plastic parts or for overcoating
of 4CR Structure Spray in the original shade.
V.O.C. Value
EU limiting value for the product (cat. B/e): 840 g/l (2007)
This product contains max. 690 g/l VOC (5.75 lbs/gal)
Tech Tip
Substrate: clean, free of grease and parting agents. Very good adhesion to metal, wood and hard plastic.
Pretreatment/Cleaning: Pre-cleansing either with 4CR silicone remover.
All substrates must be clean, dry and free of grease. Shake can vigorously for approx. 3 min. prior to use. Spraying
distance approx. 20 - 30 cm. Apply several thin layers with a flash-off period of approx. 3 - 5 minutes. After use,
turn can upside down and spray until the valve is clean, this prevents the valve from clogging up.
black (6.7447.0401)
medium grey (6.7447.0402),
graphit grey (6.7447.0403)
dark grey (6.7447.0404)
basalt grey (6.7447.0405)
Technical Data
Gloss matt
This data sheet is for information purpose only. To our knowledge the data provided complies with
the latest standard and is based on years of experience in the manufacturing of our products.