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ROURKELA – 769008








ROURKELA – 769008


This is to certify that the thesis entitled, “Study of Strata Behaviour in Blasting Gallery
Panel in Coal Mines” submitted for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
(Mining Engineering) in National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, is a record of
original research work carried out by Sri B.N.V. Siva Prasad under our supervision. The
context of this thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree to the best
of my knowledge.

(Dr. Debi Prasad Tripathy) (Dr. Singam Jayanthu)

Professor Professor
Department of Mining Engineering Department of Mining Engineering
NIT Rourkela NIT Rourkela
Date : Date :


Sincere thanks and deep respect to my guides, Dr. Debi Prasad Tripathy and Dr. Singam
Jayanthu, Professors, Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology,
Rourkela for their valuable suggestions, focused guidance and continuous help with moral
support to complete the thesis within the stipulated time frame.

I am thankful to the management of the Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., AP, for allowing me to
collect the requisite information/data for the purpose of my research work. I am also thankful
to the mine managers, safety officers and other staffs of SCCL especially of GDK-10 incline,
RG-III area for providing necessary permission and data on Blasting Gallery method and also
sharing their valued experience on BG working which has undoubtedly improved the quality
of this thesis.

My special thanks to the authority of National Institute of Technology, Rourkela for

rendering permission to use their most modern and updated library in connection with the
literature survey of the Project work.

Date : B.N.V. Siva Prasad

Department of Mining Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela – 769008

A Abstract Vi
B List of Tables viii
C List of Figures Ix


1.1 Problems Of Strata Behaviour Characteristics With 3
Respect To Indian Coal Seams
1.2 Objectives of the Project 3
2.1 Blasting Gallery Method 5
2.2 Strata Behaviour 6
2.3 Theories of Mechanics of Strata Behaviour 6
2.4 Strata Pressure Redistribution in Bord & Pillar Workings 6
2.5 Convergence in Blasting Gallery Workings 7
2.6 Indian Scenario 7
2.7 International Scenario 9
3.1 Overview 12
3.2 Problem Solving With FLAC 13
3.3 Recommended Steps For Numerical Analysis In 13
3.4 Steps in Numerical Modelling 13
4.1 Selection Of Sites 18
4.2 Instrumentation 18
4.3 Modelling parameters 21
4.4 Sequence of Modelling 21

4.5 Experimentation 22
4.5.1 Sample Preparation 22
4.5.2 Triaxial Testing 23
5.1 Strata Behaviour Observations in BG Panel 3A, GDK 10 29
Incline, SCCL
6.1 Numerical Modelling Outputs : Convergence 49
7.1 Comparison of Modeling Results with Field 55
Investigation Data
8.1 Conclusions 58
8.2 Suggestions 58
8.3 Limitations 59
Appendix I - Details of the Panel 64
Geo-Mining Conditions Of The Panel – 3A 64
Support system in the BG-3A panel 66
Additional support 67
Measures against strata control problems 67
Measures adopted to prevent strata control problems 67
Appendix II – Numerical Modelling Code of BG 3A 68
PANEL, GDK 10 Incline, SCCL


In mining industry, the challenging task of a mining professional comprises of the extraction
of maximum natural resources with utmost safety of the miners. This task becomes more
problematic when the thickness of coal seam is larger. “Blasting Gallery” method is a unique
technique of depillaring thick seams for higher recovery of coal. The extensive literature
survey clearly helps to understand that the ultimate potentiality of the method is yet to be
explored. Though a number of researchers, academicians and other stake holders attempted to
work on it but impact of many significant parameters are still to be analyzed.

The Blasting Gallery operation in a mechanized underground mine system depends upon
many decisions influenced by the geo-technical parameters which are often interspersed with
inherent strata configurations. The present study has been aimed to examine thoroughly BG
method operational systems in Indian geo-mining conditions such as:

 Study of roof convergence with respect to face advancement during different

stages of extraction of coal in Blasting Gallery panels in SCCL mines.
 Simulation of field conditions in the numerical model generated using FLAC.
 Interpretation of strata behaviour through numerical modeling using FLAC.

In order to study the strata behaviour of such coal mines with thick seams, GDK 10 incline,
3A panel of Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL), Ramagundam was selected. This
mine has a thick coal seam of 11m and is at depth of 350mtr, practicing Blasting Gallery
method to the maximum extent. Convergence behaviour with respect to goaf edge distance
(GED) was monitored with the help of high state-of-the-art equipment (calibrated)
throughout the life of BG panel. An over emphasis was given on the field study where data of
BG mine specially related to natural falls, induce blasting etc. were recorded. Convergence of
roof strata in mm, corresponding goaf edge distance (GED) in meter (m), corresponding
distance from face in meter (m) and depth of panel in meter (m) were measured to know the
significant impact of different layers with varying overburden pressure which leads us to
think some logical sequence of interrelated operations.

The coal sample was collected from the mine and was tested for determination of the rock
mass parameters. The geo-technical conditions of the mine were simulated and Numerical
Modelling was carried out by using the most sophisticated software – FLAC. The output
results obtained from the mine data was compared with that of model data and distance from
goaf edge was considered as a sensitive variable so that the validation would represent the
system in totality. The different conclusions drawn from this work is enumerated as follows:

 The maximum rate of convergence and cumulative convergence recorded in field was
about 4mm/day and 61mm respectively, measured at convergence station C-5 in 68
 From the triaxial testing, the major principal stresses of 22, 32 and 41.5 MPa were
obtained at confining stresses of 0, 2 and 3 MPa respectively.
 The results obtained from the RocLab software indicated the Cohesion, Friction
Angle, UCS and Tensile Strength values to be 1.1MPa, 30.840, 1.314 MPa and
0.32MPa respectively.
 The model predicted maximum cumulative convergence to be 70mm while that
observed in field is 61mm.
 The results obtained by FLAC when compared with that of the Field data, the
predicted value were within an approximation of 10% for stages I, III, IV & V
whereas for stages VI and VII, its in 20% approximation except for that of Stage II
which showed a higher value of cumulative convergence measurements due to
occurrence of natural fall.


NO. Table
4.1 Results of Triaxial Test 26
4.2 Properties of Coal 27

5.1 Convergence Observation up to the end of the Month of June 11 31

5.2 Convergence Observation Up To the End of the Month of July 11 32

5.3 Convergence Observation Up to the End Of The Month Of August 11 33

5.4 Convergence Observation Up to the End Of The Month Of September11 34

5.5 Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month of October 11 35

5.6 Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month Of November 11 36

5.7 Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month of December 11 37

5.8 Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month of January 12 38

Maximum deformation of roof in advance workings (Galleries and Splits)

6.1 53
for various stages of extraction in BG panel in the numerical models
7.1 Comparison of FLAC Results & Field Investigation Data 56
10.1 Details of working BG Panel No. 3A of No. 3 Seam, Block – C 64



2.1 Blasting Gallery Method 6
3.1 A general flow sheet of modelling procedure 16
4.1 Typical Instrumentation Set Up for Strata Behaviour Study 19
4.2 Convergence Indicator 19
4.3 In Situ Measurement Of Convergence 20
4.4 Instrumentation Layout in BG 3A Panel of GDK 10 Incline, SCCL 20
4.5 Coal Core Sample for Triaxial Testing 23
4.6 Laboratory Setup for Triaxial Testing 24
4.7 Enclosure of Triaxial Specimen 25
4.8 Triaxial Specimen in Pressure Chamber 25
4.9 Stresses Acting on Triaxial Specimen 25
4.10 Gage Length for Measurement of Strain on Triaxial Specimen 25
4.11 Deformation of Triaxial Specimen Under Load 26
4.12 Deviator vs. Confining Stress 26
4.13 Triaxial Reuslts using RocLab software 27
5.1 Convergence observations in level 66A 39
5.2 Convergence observations in Level 66B 40
5.3 Convergence observations in Level 67A 41
5.4 Convergence Observations in Level 67 B 42
5.5 Convergence observations in Level 67 43
5.6 Convergence observations in Level 68A 44
5.7 Convergence observations in Level 68B 45
5.8 Convergence observations in Level 68 46
5.9 Convergence observations in 70L 47
6.1 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Development of Pillars 49
6.2 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Splitting of Pillars 50
6.3 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 1 Stook 50
6.4 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 2 Stooks 51
6.5 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 3 Stooks 51

6.6 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 4 Stooks 52
6.7 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 5 Stooks 52
6.8 Grid Generation in Final Stage 53
7.1 Convergence Results: FLAC Results vs. Field Investigation Data 55
A1 BG Panel #3A, GDK 10 Incline, SCCL Layout 65
A2 Borehole Section of BH No. 441 At GDK 10 Incline, SCCL 66



Strata control or roof control implies the control of the strata to facilitate mining operation to
be done efficiently and safely. Not only we are concerned with the roof falls and uncontrolled
failure of strata or structure in the rock but also with the harnessing of the strata pressure to
advantage so that there is ease in coal getting. There is less emission of gas and less
production of dust and also the caved strata fills the goaf solid so that the risk of spontaneous
heating is minimized. Obviously, the strata on the face, and in the adjoining area, i.e. in front
and behind, must require attention so that no uncontrolled failure of the ground takes place.
In order to design satisfactory strata control measures it is essential first to have a clear
understanding of the mechanics of the movement of the ground as a result of mining

In thick coal seams, coal bed forms the roof of the lower slices. A coal layer at the roof
normally forms a good roof. But coals with joints and cleats are prone to fail without
warning. Some seams have coal balls, nodules or rounded fragments, and these may fall
unnoticed and cause fatalities. When coal bed is undermined, it may also develop induced
cleavages and fractures and in such situations roof falls are common. So for complete or
maximum extraction of such coal seams, the Blasting Gallery method is introduced.

First Blasting Gallery method of extraction was introduced in SCCL in 1989 at GDK No.10
Incline and being worked successfully. Although, first BG in India was introduced in East
Katras Colliery of Jharia Coal Fields, BCCL and Chora Colliery of Raniganj Coal Fields,
ECL in 1987, the workings were abandoned in East Katras Colliery due to Strata Control
Problem, and were discontinued in Chora Colliery due to premature Spontaneous heating
problem. GDK-10 Incline mine falls in Godavari Valley Coal Fields of Singareni Collieries
Company Limited and is situated in Andhra Pradesh.

This technology has become successful and popular at some mines of The Singareni
Collieries Company Limited, Andhra Pradesh and Chirimiri colliery of South Eastern
Coalfields Ltd, India. Thick seam ranging from 7 to 15 m is developed and a panel is found
suitable to extract within incubation period. Diagonal line of extraction is followed in
sequence to extract total thickness of coal by ring holes drilling and blasting and by using of
remote control load haul dumpers (LHD). This method of pillar extraction in a rib-less
method does not require any goaf edge support.

1.1 Problems of Strata Behaviour Characteristics with Respect to Indian Coal Seams

The BG working is not suitable for higher degree of gassiness with irregular seam
characteristics. BG method if applied in irregular seam will cause unblasted waste rock
mixture with the coal. Overriding of galleries may be a regular phenomenon if a attention in
not paid on the extraction pattern in time. Chances of air blast with consequent possibilities of
spontaneous heating in the goaf seem to be a major problem in this working. The increasing
roof pressure creates major difficulties with setting of goaf edge breaker line support. This
leads to more chances of coal losses with a significant reduction in overall performance of the

1.2 Objectives of the Project

The Blasting Gallery operation in a mechanized underground mine system depends upon
many decisions influenced by the geo-technical parameters which are often interspersed with
inherent strata configurations. The present study has been aimed to examine thoroughly BG
method operational systems in Indian geo-mining conditions such as:

 Study of roof convergence with respect to face advancement during different

stages of extraction of coal in Blasting Gallery panels in SCCL mines.
 Simulation of field conditions in the numerical model generated using FLAC.
 Interpretation of strata behaviour through numerical modeling using FLAC.



Blasting Gallery technology, the successful and popular method of extraction with a given set
of input, has been a good source of underground production in India. The moderate to high
overburden always poses a problem to tackle with the strata in day to day’s work. The
extensive literature survey has been a prime part of this system and has given a priority out of
all subroutines considered here for this purpose. Blasting gallery method is a unique
technique successfully developed in France, where it has been practiced in virgin thick seams
in Carmaux colliery. Blasting gallery method was earlier experienced at East Katras colliery
of the Bharat Coking Coal Limited and Chora colliery of the Eastern Coalfields Limited of
the coal India limited. Overriding at East Katras colliery and loss of supports as well as coal
had put some question marks on its further application in Indian coal Industry. But this
technology has become successful and popular at some mines of The Singareni Collieries
Company Limited, Andhra Pradesh and Chirimiri colliery of South Eastern Coalfields Ltd,
India. (Singh R.D. 1998)

2.1 Blasting Gallery Method

In this method a seam is developed into panels of about 100 m x 50 m. From the main
headings rooms are driven to the full width of the panel and the coal between the rooms is
blasted down to the full thickness of the seam and loaded by remotely controlled loaders. The
layout of a panel for working by Blasting Gallery method is shown in Figure 2.1. The life of
the rooms should be kept as short as possible so that they do not undergo excessive
convergence and the movement of the vehicles is not rendered any difficulty.

The advantage of this system of mining is that, it makes it possible to win narrow panels or
larger panels in which the seam conditions are unsuitable tor a longwall face. It does not
require highly experienced workers as a longwall face with 'Soutirage' working .It requires
substantially less investments than those required for a longwall with soutirage working and
the equipment required i.e., heading machines or jumbos and LHD can be easily transferred
to other roadways if the method is unsuccessful. Thick seams up to 15 m in thickness can be
extracted in one pass with percentage extraction ranging from 65 to 85%.The method is
highly flexible in that in a district with several units in operation, even if one of the units is
under breakdown, production from the district will continue to come. The time required for
preparation of a panel in relation to the total life of the panel if less than with other
mechanized methods. (Majumdar S et al. 2011)

Figure 2.1 Blasting Gallery Method (Jayanthu S. 2005)
2.2 Strata Behaviour
Strata control or roof control implies the control of strata to facilitate mining operations to be
done efficiently and safely. The strata in the face and in the adjoining area require attention
so that no uncontrolled failure of the ground occurs.

2.3 Theories of Mechanics of Strata Behaviour

The various common theories in this regard include the following:
Dome or Arch Theory
Beam or Plate Theory
Soil Mechanics Theory
Pseudo Plastic Theory
Hypothesis Based on Law of Deformation
Dynamic Rock Pressure Theory

2.4 Strata Pressure Redistribution in Blasting Gallery Workings

The development of pressure on pillars appears to be dependent on three factors, viz. Depth
from surface, Area of development, Ratio of areas of bord centers to area of pillar formed.
Full pressure on pillars due to the weight of overlying strata is experienced much sooner in
shallow mines than in deep mines. Research from SA report that the maximum pressure is
exerted about the center of the area developed, but is less on completed pillars, from this
point towards the direction of the solid undeveloped coal. The degree of pressure at the center
of any solid any developed area, nearly circular in plan, is approximately represented by thick
strata above the seam equal to radius multiplied by ratio of area of pillars to that of the bord
centers. Where the completed pillars in development are circular, the pressure operating
within that area may be likened in a diagram to a cone or parabola. If the developing are is
square in plan, the pressure is likened to be a pyramid.

2.5 Convergence in Blasting Gallery Workings

Convergence in development headings is influenced by the nature of roof and floor and width
of headings. Weak roof and floors and wide galleries gives more convergence than that with
strong roof and floor and narrow galleries. In Indian coal mines, as the immediate roofs are
generally strong, hardly any convergence is observed. In depillaring and sequence of
extraction, besides the nature of roof and floor and whether the goaf is caved or stowed.
Because of the stooks and remnants left, the convergence does not follow any predictable
pattern. When the goaf is stowed, the convergence is less than what would occur if the goaf is

2.6 Indian Scenario

Banerjee (2006) in his paper stated that Blasting Gallery method has been a popular method
in SCCL and 800-to 1000 tpd production has been obtained from many panels at a much
lower investment than in PSLW faces.

Jayanthu (2005) has given his view that in caving panels, the nether roof strata in goaf before
first major fall behaves as a simply supported beam fixed one end to the panel barrier with
the goaf edge support/rib adjoining the working face acting as other end. In view of extensive
qualitative observations and theory, the roof strata fail due to tensile fractures, while the sides
suffer with shear failures. Hence, using been analogy, critical span for a competent layer
clamped all around under uniformly distributed load can be derived on the basis of tensile
strength of the competent layer. However, the end conditions of clamped beam with change
to an edge supported beam due to development of tensely cracks on the upper surface near
the ends of the beam.

Ray, Singh and Banerjee (2005) assessed that the direction and magnitude of horizontal stress
has a significant influence upon caving of the rock mass. Horizontal stress impedes the
failure of rock mass as it provides a confinement to the rock mass subjected to underground
loading condition. Vertical stresses add to the development of tensile and sheer stresses. In
deeper workings where the vertical stress in considerably high, the roof cavability is better
compared to a shallow working having similar roof lithology.

Satyanarayana et al (2005) expressed their views that with decrease in the distance of the
monitoring point from the goaf edge, convergence is increased. This convergence attains its
maximum value at the goaf edge. Similar phenomena also happen for strata load.

Venkatanarayana (2004) stated that normally the goaf of long wall or of BG panel is
completely packed in the middle of the goaf and along the barrier goaf consolidation will be
less. Panel size had been reduced from 25,000 m2 to 16,000 m2. To induce the main fall
several induced basting were under taken in the panel. He found occurrences of several major
falls before closing of the panel.

While monitoring of strata movement during underground mining of coal, Rajendra Singh et,
al (2004) found that the value of mining induced stress over pillar and roof to floor
convergence during depillaring, generally, increases with decrease in distance of the
observation station with respect to the line of extraction. Similarly the values of other
parameters like bed separation, load on support etc. were also influenced by the face advance
of a depillaring panel.

Rajendra Singh et, al (2004) stated the most challenging job during implementation of the
blasting gallery method was to provide effective support to the high roof after wining of the
roof coal and they solved this problem simply by introducing cable bolting as a support
system for the high roof as well as for the overlying coal bed.

Jayanthu (2001) observed while investigating strata behavior in a Blasting Gallery panel
during extraction of bottom section pillars at greater depth that the rate of convergence
reached a maximum per value of about 3.5mm/ day during major roof fall in the panel.
Increasing rate of convergence may be attributed to the roof falls in the goaf associated with
about 60% to 80% filling of the goaf.

NIRM (2000) in their report of strata monitoring in BG panel at GDK-10 Incline described
that the area of extraction at the time of major roof falls was more than 12,000m2, without
any damage to the advance workings. Due to the influence of the barrier up to 25m alongside,

in general, induce blasting near the barrier may not contribute to the major roof fall. While
optimizing blast design and charge loading parameters in coal for ring hole blasting and in
stone for Induce blasting in degree –1 seam for Blasting Gallery method.

While Studying of weathering action on coal pillars and its effects on long term stability,
Biswas and Peng (1999) observed that if a coal pillar is exposed to moisture and if it has a
parting layer in it, structural deterioration takes place over time. This deterioration reduces
the load carrying capacity of the pillar.

During investigation in to the strata behavior of panel H in East Katras colliery, Raju et al
(1998) indicated the failure of the parting above junction of bottom section due to high tensile
abutment stresses and also suggested that the galleries of the two sections must be
superimposed and high support resistance is needed in junctions in top and bottom sections.

Samantha (1997) described in his paper that at Chora 10-pit colliery during working by
Blasting Gallery method the immediate roof was very brittle and quite difficult to control
above a freshly blasted area and this problem has been solved by leaving 0.6 m coal at roof.

Venkateswarlu and Raju (1993) stated that roof stability is a function of several factors such
as the inherent physico-mechanical character of the rock, presence of geological anomalies,
method of working and the mining environment and design of roof supports in coalmines
based on geomechanical classificatory.

Raju (1986) observed that first main fall took place after an area of exposure of 6600 sq.m in
goaf. Subsequently the main falls took palace regularly after every 5310 sq.m to 11000 sq.m
of area of exposes. At no time during the 18 months extraction period the support system
(roof bolts, channels and props), used in conjunction with LHDs had given any untoward

2.7 International Scenario

Khair and Peng (1985) expressed their views that it is very unlikely to have pillar failure due
to vertical stress alone. The major factors probably were the rupture of the roof due to abrupt
change in the topography of the coal seam and possible high horizontal stress.

From the studies conducted by Wen-Xiu L, Lan-Fang D, Xiao-Bing, H and Wen L (2007) the
prediction of ground surface movements was found to be important problem in rock and soil
mechanics in the excavation activities. Based on results of the statistical analysis of a large
amount of measured data in underground excavation engineering, the fuzzy genetic
programming method (FGPM) of ground surface movements is given by using the theory of
fuzzy probability measures and genetic programming (GP).

Unver and Yasitli (2006) stated that top coal, caving behind the face is the key factor
affecting the efficiency of production at thick coal seams. Their results included that in order
to decrease dilution and increase extraction ratio and production efficiency, the top coal
should be as uniformly fractured as much as possible. Hence, an efficient and continuous coal
flowing behind the face can be maintained. A special pre-fracture blasting strategy just
sufficient enough to form cracks in the top coal is suggested by means of comparing results
from numerical modelling.

Jialin Xu and Minggao (2005) observed that rock strata move upward from the coal seam to
the surface by groups and the breakage and movement of key stratum determine the dynamic
process of rock strata movement.

Cox (2003) suggested that the ground forces generated by a properly installed and tensioned
mine roof truss assembly can provide permanent mine roof support, even in severe ground
conditions. This can be accomplished either by direct suspension of the rock loads within the
potential failure zone above the mine opening or by indirect reinforcement of the natural rock
arch that tends to form within the immediate mine roof.

Tekook and Keune (1999) declared that in Indian deposits with shallow depths and thick
sandstone in the roof, strata control has the same importance as in deep mining. They have
stressed on measurements and observations in galleries and faces, inference of behaviour of
support and strata, verification of the planning and developing the prediction methods.

Garratt (1999) stated that the stresses acting on underground workings are pre-mining
stresses, interaction induced stresses caused by nearby workings and stresses caused by
current excavation.



3.1 Overview
FLAC16 is a two-dimensional explicit finite difference program for engineering mechanics
computation. This program simulates the behavior of structures built of soil, rock or other
materials that may undergo plastic flow when their yield limits are reached. Materials are
represented by elements, or zones, which form a grid that is adjusted by the user to fit the
shape of the object to be modeled. Each element behaves according to a prescribed linear or
nonlinear stress/strain law in response to the applied forces or boundary restraints. The
material can yield and flow and the grid can deform and move with the material that is
represented. The explicit, Lagrangian calculation scheme and the mixed-discretization zoning
technique used in FLAC ensure that plastic collapse and flow are modeled very accurately.
Because no matrices are formed, large two-dimensional calculations can be made without
excessive memory requirements. The drawbacks of the explicit formulation are overcome to
some extent by automatic inertia scaling and automatic damping that do not influence the
mode of failure.

Though FLAC was originally developed for geotechnical and mining engineers, the program
offers a wide range of capabilities to solve complex problems in mechanics. Several built-in
constitutive models that permit the simulation of highly nonlinear, irreversible response
representative of geologic, or similar, materials are available. In addition, FLAC contains
many special features including:
 Interface elements to simulate distinct planes along which slip and/or separation can
 Plane-strain, plane-stress and axisymmetric geometry modes
 Groundwater and consolidation models with automatic phreatic surface calculation
 Structural element models to simulate structural support
 Extensive facility for generating plots of virtually any problem variable
 Optional dynamic analysis capability
 Optional viscoelastic and viscoplastic models
 Optional thermal and thermal coupling to mechanical stress and pore pressure
modeling capability
 Optional two-phase flow model to simulate the flow of two immiscible fluids through
a porous medium

3.2 Problem Solving With FLAC
The problem is solved by using FLAC in the following sequence of steps :
 Grid generation
 Boundary and initial conditions
 Loading and sequential modeling
 Choice of constitutive model and material properties
 Ways to improve modeling efficiency
 Interpretation of results

3.3 Recommended Steps For Numerical Analysis In Geomechanics

The recommended steps for solving a real life situation can be modelled as follows:
Step 1: Define the objectives for the model analysis
Step 2: Create a conceptual picture of the physical system
Step 3: Construct and run simple idealized models
Step 4: Assemble problem-specific data
Step 5: Prepare a series of detailed model runs
Step 6: Perform the model calculations
Step 7: Present results for interpretation

3.4 Steps for Numerical Modelling

Step 1: Define the Objectives for the Model Analysis
The level of detail to be included in a model often depends on the purpose of the analysis. For
example, if the objective is to decide between two conflicting mechanisms that are proposed
to explain the behavior of a system, then a crude model may be constructed, provided that it
allows the mechanisms to occur. It is tempting to include complexity in a model just because
it exists in reality. However, complicating features should be omitted if they are likely to
have little influence on the response of the model, or if they are irrelevant to the model’s

Step 2: Create a Conceptual Picture of the Physical System

It is important to have a conceptual picture of the problem to provide an initial estimate of the
expected behavior under the imposed conditions. Several questions should be asked when
preparing this picture. Considerations will dictate the gross characteristics of the numerical
model, such as the design of the model geometry, the types of material models, the boundary

conditions, and the initial equilibrium state for the analysis. They will determine whether a
three-dimensional model is required, or if a two-dimensional model can be used to take
advantage of geometric conditions in the physical system.

Step 3: Construct and Run Simple Idealized Models

When idealizing a physical system for numerical analysis, it is more efficient to construct and
run simple test models first, before building the detailed model. Simple models should be
created at the earliest possible stage in a project to generate both data and understanding. The
results can provide further insight into the conceptual picture of the system. Step 2 may need
to be repeated after simple models are run. Simple models can reveal shortcomings that can
be remedied before any significant effort is invested in the analysis.

Step 4: Assemble Problem-Specific Data

The types of data required for a model analysis include:
• Details of the geometry (e.g., profile of underground openings, surface topography, dam
profile, rock/soil structure)
• Locations of geologic structure (e.g., faults, bedding planes, joint sets)
• Material behavior (e.g., elastic/plastic properties, post-failure behavior)
• Initial conditions (e.g., in-situ state of stress, pore pressures, saturation)
• External loading (e.g., explosive loading, pressurized cavern)

Since, typically, there are large uncertainties associated with specific conditions in particular:
state of stress, deformability and strength properties, a reasonable range of parameters must
be selected for the investigation. The results from the simple model runs can often prove
helpful in determining this range, and in providing insight for the design of laboratory and
field experiments to collect the needed data.

Step 5: Prepare a Series of Detailed Model Runs

Most often, the numerical analysis involves a series of computer simulations that includes
different mechanisms under investigation and span the range of parameters derived from the
assembled database. When preparing a set of model runs for calculation, several aspects, such
as those listed below, should be considered:

Step 6: Perform the Model Calculations
It is best to first make one or two model runs split into separate sections before launching a
series of complete runs. The runs should be checked at each stage to ensure that the response
is as expected. Once there is assurance that the model is performing correctly, several data
files can be linked together to run a complete calculation sequence. At any time during a
sequence of runs, it should be possible to interrupt the calculation, view the results, and then
continue or modify the model as appropriate.

Step 7: Present Results for Interpretation

The final stage of problem solving is the presentation of the results for a clear interpretation
of the analysis. This is best accomplished by displaying the results graphically, either directly
on the computer screen, or as output to a hardcopy plotting device. The graphical output
should be presented in a format that can be directly compared to field measurements and
observations. Plots clearly identify regions of interest from the analysis, such as locations of
calculated stress concentrations, or areas of stable movement versus unstable movement in
the model. The numeric values of any variable in the model should also be readily available
for more detailed interpretation by the modeler.

The software uses a particular module for carrying out the operations sequentially. Before
producing the final outputs, it undergoes several steps and reconsiders the parameters. If the
results are found satisfactory, then the final result is displayed and if not, then re modeling by
changing parameters is done. The entire procedure is shown in the form of a flowsheet in

Fig.3.1 A general flow sheet of modelling procedure



The extensive literature survey has shown that the BG method has been a proven technology
with a high potential to augment the production and productivity. The cross section of the
survey has also pointed out few areas which need to be stressed upon for the betterment of
the system. The pin pointed areas includes impact of depth on first major fall, convergence
trend, extent of convergence in a room, overburden stress pattern or behaviour etc. In order to
fulfill the study as well as findings of the research work as cropped out of the survey, the
following steps were taken:
An underground mine practicing BG method of working was chosen for detailed
study in this context.
Strata was monitored with the help of electronic gadgets or instruments.
Convergence data, Day wise reading and the position of convergence station with
respect to Goaf Edge Distance (GED) were recorded for every room of the panel.
The Geotechnical conditions of the mine were simulated in models.
Numerical Modeling was done and the strata behaviour was predicted
Results were validated by comparing the actual behaviour of strata with the results of
Numerical Modelling at various stages of extraction.

4.1 Selection of Sites

Study was conducted in the mines practicing Blasting Gallery method of working. As such
mine of Singareni Collieries Company Limited has been selected. For the study, GDK No. 10
incline’s 3A panel was selected. The brief description of the panel is shown separately in

4.2 Instrumentation
The instruments like telescopic convergence indicators were fixed in predetermined places to
get convergence. All the instruments as used for this purpose were calibrated prior to use in
the field. The fig.4.1 shows the typical instrumentation setup for general study of strata
behaviour in coal mines. The usage or installation points of the instruments were chosen

IB – Instrumented Bolt
BHE–Bore Hole Extensometer
M – Magnetic ring Anchor
C – Convergence Indicator
S – Stress Capsule
LC – Anchor Load Cell
P – Prop Support
R–Remote Convergence
Indicator in a grove
TT – Tell Tale Instrument

Fig.4.1 Typical Instrumentation Set Up for Strata Behaviour Study

Fig.4.2 Convergence Indicator

The figure 4.2 shows the instrument used to measure convergence in the field. The pointer
pointing to the number was initially noted while installing in the field and the reading was
taken once every day. The difference between the initial and final readings gives the

convergence observations for that day. The figure 4.3 shows the insitu measurement of
convergence by using the convergence indicator instruments.

Fig.4.3In Situ Measurement Of Convergence

Convergence indicators were installed in 66 AL, 66 BL, 67L, 67AL, 67 BL, 68L, 68AL,
68BL, and 70 Level in the 41 to 43 dips at an interval of 10 m along the levels. The figure 4.4
shows the instrumentation layout of the GDK 10 Incline’s BG-3A panel practicing the
Blasting Gallery Method.

Fig.4.4 Instrumentation Layout in BG 3A Panel of GDK 10 Incline, SCCL

4.3 Modelling parameters
Depillaring process in this numerical method includes different stages of division of pillars in
to stooks and extraction of stooks up to full seam thickness leaving some ribs in the goaf. For
two dimensional representation of full seam extraction in a seam, vertical section with four
galleries in an idealised panel was selected. A few parameters were kept constant for the
model, e.g. width of the pillar, development gallery, split gallery as 50 m, 4.2 m and 4.2 m
respectively. In the first stage of extraction, splits of 4.2 m width were provided. And the
second, third and fourth stages of extraction include high opening up to full seam thickness
with formation of ribs in the goaf. Strata behaviour via convergence or deformation in the
roof of galleries in these conditions was studied through numerical models.

Numerical models with different configuration of openings representing the range of

parameters in the field experiment trials were used. The parameters considered from the mine
conditions for convergence were considered to be of 11m seam thickness at a depth cover of

4.4 Sequence of Modelling

1. Development of the seam with three pillars and four galleries of 50m and 4.2m width
2. Development of two splits of 4.2m width in one Pillar.
3. Development of two splits of 4.2m width in second Pillar and extraction of Stook 1 to
full thickness.
4. Development of two splits of 4.2m width in third pillar and extraction of Stook 2 to
full thickness.
5. Extraction of Stook 3 to its full thickness.
6. Extraction of Stook 4 to its full thickness.
7. Extraction of Stook 5 to its full thickness.

To reduce the time to solve the model, the dimensions of the mesh elements increase
geometrically from the model to its outer edges. The model has plate elements with nodes
and the problem domain consist of approximate boundary conditions and grid pattern for 350
meter depth cover with development into extraction in plain strain conditions with Mohr
Coulomb material.

The top of model is free to move in any direction, and the bottom edge of the model is
restricted from moving vertically. Roller type boundary conditions for all the models are
placed along two edges of the models. In the absence of the in-situ stress measurement in the
coal field, the following norms were adopted for estimation of in-situ stress field prior to the
excavation of the area.
Vertical stress = ρ x H
Horizontal stress = 3.75 + 0.015 H
ρ = specific weight of the overlying rock mass and
H = depth cover

The model has induced internal stress that simulates gravity loading. To generate pre-mining
conditions before adding the mine openings to the input, the model goes through an initial
analysis to generate the insitu stresses. Gravitational and horizontal loading are forced on the
other two surfaces in order to account for insitu stresses. The displacements are reset to zero
and the mine openings were added. The model was then reanalyzed to obtain the final
deformation. The properties of Coal and Sandstone are shown in the Table no. 4.1.

4.5 Experimentation
4.5.1 Sample Preparation
For the purpose of determining the rock mass parameters, it is highly essential to go for
experimentation in laboratory. For this purpose, Coal samples were brought from the Grab
samples from the BG Panel of Singareni Collieries Company Limited, Ramagundam.

After obtaining the requisite amount of coal sample, the core is created using the coring
machine in the Geomechanics Laboratory of Mining Department of National Institute of
Technology, Rourkela. Three core samples were prepared, of 54mm diameter and 108mm in
length, having an L/D ratio of 2:1. This core sample is tested for obtaining the essential

L/D = 2:1

108 mm

Fig. 4.5 Coal Core Sample for Triaxial Testing

4.5.2 Triaxial Testing17

A triaxial shear test is a common method to measure the mechanical properties of many
deformable solids, especially soil and rock, and other granular materials or powders.
Although the name triaxial test suggests that the stresses would be different in three
directions, this is not true in the test as is usually done. In this test with oil or water as
confining medium, the confining pressures are equal in all directions. Only in a true triaxial
test the stresses in all three directions can be different (i.e. σ1 ≠ σ2 ≠ σ3).

The principle behind a triaxial shear test is that the stress applied in the vertical direction
(along the axis of the cylindrical sample) can be different from the stresses applied in the
horizontal directions perpendicular to the sides of the cylinder, i.e. the confining pressure). In
a homogeneous and isotropic material this produces a non-hydrostatic stress state, with shear
stress that may lead to failure of the sample in shear. In homogeneous and anisotropic
samples failure may occur due to bending moments and, hence, failure may be tensile. Also
combinations of bending and shear failure may happen in inhomogeneous and anisotropic

From the triaxial test data, it is possible to extract fundamental material parameters about the
sample, including its angle of shearing resistance, apparent cohesion, and dilatancy angle.
These parameters are then used in computer models to predict how the material will behave
in a larger-scale engineering application. Different types of triaxial tests include Consolidated
Drained, Consolidated Undrained and Unconsolidated Undrained.
The following is a basic outline of the triaxial test procedure:
The specimen is a cylindrical sample normally 54 mm in diameter by 108 mm length.
The sample is generally compacted in the laboratory (Fig. 4.5).
The specimen is enclosed vertically by a thin "rubber" membrane and on both ends by
rigid surfaces (platens) as sketched in Figure 4.7.
The sample is placed in a pressure chamber and a confining pressure is applied (σ3) as
sketched in Figure 4.8.
The deviator stress is the axial stress applied by the testing apparatus (σ1) minus the
confining stress (s3). In other words, the deviator stress is the repeated stress applied
to the sample. These stresses are further illustrated in Figure 4.9.
The resulting strains are calculated over a gauge length, which is designated by "L"
(Figure 4.10).
Basically, the initial condition of the sample is unloaded. When the deviator stress is
applied, the sample deforms, changing in length as shown in Figure 4.11. This
change in sample length is directly proportional to the stiffness.

Fig. 4.6 Laboratory Setup for Triaxial Testing

Fig. 4.7 Enclosure of Triaxial Specimen Fig. 4.8 Triaxial Specimen in Pressure

Fig. 4.9 Stresses Acting on Triaxial Fig. 4.10 Gage Length for Measurement of
Specimen Strain on Triaxial Specimen

Fig. 4.11 Deformation of Triaxial Specimen Under Load
The results obtained from the triaxial testing include the following:
Table 4.1: Results of Triaxial Test
Core Sample No. Confining Stress ( 3 in MPa) Deviator Stress ( 1 in MPa)
1 0 22.0
2 2 32.0
3 4 41.5

Fig. 4.12: Deviator vs. Confining Stresses

The results obtained from the laboratory testing that of 1 & 3 was used as an input
parameters in the RocLab software and the following results were obtained.

Fig. 4.13 Triaxial Results using RocLab software

One of the major obstacles which is encountered in the field of numerical modeling for rock
mechanics, is the problem of data input for rock mass properties. The usefulness of elaborate
constitutive models, and powerful numerical analysis programs, is greatly limited, if the
analyst does not have reliable input data for rock mass properties. The obtained sigma values
from the triaxial test is taken by the RocLab18 - rock mass strength analysis software as the
Lab Analysis data and follows a particular failure criterion and provides the results of the
rock mass parameters, which are used in the numerical models for prediction of the strata

Table 4.2: Properties of Coal

Property Coal
Density (D) 1427 kg/m3
Tensile Strength (T) 0.32 MPa
Cohesion (c) 1.1 MPa
Friction Angle ( ) 30.840

UCS 1.314 MPa



To form the data base, the information of Blasting Gallery method of work have been
collected and processed through some stages. The respective mine was visited and experience
is gained on the system of operation. Data has been collected from instruments installed in
the BG panels and through log books and registers of the mine concerned. The data has been
checked and authenticated by the strata control officers of those mines.

Data was collected from office records maintained daily shift wise basis. Different strata
monitoring instruments and their functions were taken from manuals supplied by
manufacturers. The data of natural falls, induced blasting etc. were also collected from mine
records and they were checked with respective mine strata monitoring in charge. Again the
data collected were verified at Regional Strata Control Cell. The strata monitoring data and
different information collected from Blasting Gallery panel was synthesized to evaluate the
behaviour of strata.

5.1 Strata Behaviour Observations in BG Panel 3A, GDK 10 Incline, SCCL

For safe operation of depillaring by Blasting Gallery method, it was mandatory to record
convergence at each room daily. It was major indicative of the movement of strata and gives
well in advance indication of impending fall in goaf or weighting on pillars. Telescopic
convergence indicator was used to observe the convergence behaviour. Data collected were
shown in the following tables for BG 3A panel, GDK 10 incline of Singareni Collieries
Company Limited.

Convergence stations were installed at about 10 m interval along the levels and sublevels
70L, 68BL, 68AL, 68L, 67BL, 67AL, 67L, 66BL and 66AL in the BG panel 3A.
Convergence observations at C9-70L indicated no perceptible roof movement. About 4 mm
cumulative convergence was noticed at this station. Less convergence at this station maybe
attributed to the barrier effect.

Comparatively more convergence of workings was observed at C9-68BL. About 18 mm

cumulative convergence was noticed at this station up to the end of 31st August’2011. Sounds
were observed in 68BL followed by stone fall in pre-shift on 10th August 2011, with
convergence of 1 mm only at the station C9 – 68BL.At 68AL, it was observed that station C-
7 has the cumulative convergence of 22 mm. Maximum rate of convergence of about 2

mm/day was observed when the station was nearer to the goaf edge i.e., 4 m (Table-5.3).
Sounds observed and followed by stone fall in pre-shift on 10th August 2011.

At station C6 in 68L about 38 mm cumulative convergence was noticed up to the end of 31 st

August’2011. Maximum convergence about 3 mm was observed when the station was nearer
to the goaf edge i.e., 3 m. Stone fall took place on 20th August 2011 in third shift. The
station C5-67AL was installed on 05thAugust’2011 at a distance of about 16 m from the goaf
edge and maintained up to 31st August 2011. Maximum of 13 mm cumulative convergence
was observed for the last five days as it was very nearer to the goaf edge. Total cumulative
convergence at this station was 23 mm (Table-5.3). A fall took place after indicating 3 mm
convergence on 27th August 2011 in first shift.

The station C3-67AL was installed on 10th August’2011 at a distance of about 22 m from the
goaf edge and it is observed that maximum daily convergence recorded when the goaf edge
was 8 m from the station. Total cumulative convergence at this station is 17 mm. Maximum
convergence was observed when station nearer to goaf edge. Total cumulative convergence at
the station C4-66AL is 26 mm. Maximum convergence observed when station nearer to goaf

The station C6-67AL was installed on 1st October’2011 at a distance of about 4 m from the
goaf edge and it was observed that maximum daily convergence recorded when the goaf edge
was 16 m from the station. Total cumulative convergence at this station was 32 mm (Table-
5.5). Maximum convergence was observed when station nearer to goaf edge. At the station
C9-68AL, it was observed that maximum daily convergence recorded when the goaf edge
was 10 m away from the station. Total cumulative convergence at this station was 27 mm.
Maximum convergence was observed when station nearer to goaf edge. Total cumulative
convergence at C11-67L was 36 mm. Total cumulative convergence at C10-66AL was 15

Table 5.1: Convergence Observation up to the end of the Month of June –11

Convergence observation
Cumulative Max. convergence change in a Stone fall
convergence day details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
Natural fall
occurred on 07-
2mm (C4) on 2mm (C4) on
17mm 11mm 06-11 and
1. 70L 06-06-2011 06-06-2011
(C4) (C4) induced
GED 2 m GED 2 m
blasting done
on 17-06-11.
2.0 mm(C4) 2.0 mm(C4) Natural fall
26mm 16 mm on 28-06-11 on 28-06-11 occurred on 07-
2. 68BL
(C4) (C4) GED 2 m GED 2 m 06-11 and on
2.0 mm(C3) 2.0 mm(C2) Natural fall
28 mm 20 mm
3. 68AL on 29-06-11 on 29-06-11 occurred on 30-
(C3) (C3)
GED 4 m GED 4 m 06-11.
blasting done
2.0 mm(C3) 2.0 mm(C3)
26mm 18mm on 26-06-11
4. 68L on 25-06-11 on 25-06-11
(C3) (C3) and Natural fall
GED 4 m GED 4m
occurred on 27-
Natural fall
2.0 mm(C2) 2.0 mm(C2)
23 mm 18 mm occurred on 27-
5. 67BL on 26-06-11 on 26-06-11
(C2) (C2) 06-11 and on
GED 2 m GED 2 m
2.0 mm(C1) 1.0 mm(C1)
12 mm 9 mm
6. 67AL on 17-06-11 on 26-06-11 No fall
(C1) (C1)
GED 5m GED 2 m

1.0 mm(C1) 1.0 mm(C1)
11 mm 8mm
7. 67L on 26-06-11 on 30-06-11 No fall
(C1) (C1)
GED 4 m GED 2 m
GED- Goaf Edge Distance

Table 5.2: Convergence Observation Up To the End of the Month of July –11

Convergence observation
Cumulative Max. convergence change in a Stone fall
convergence day details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
Natural fall
1mm(C6) on 1mm(C6) on
9mm 8mm occurred on
1. 70L 19-07-2011 19-07-2011
(C6) (C6) 18-07-11 and
GED 6m GED 2 m
on 19-07-11.
Natural fall
3 mm(C5) 3 mm(C5)
30mm 27 mm occurred on
2. 68BL on 09-07-11 on 09-07-11
(C5) (C5) 10-07-11 and
GED 3 m GED 3 m
on 18-07-11.
Natural fall
3 mm(C5) 2 mm(C5) occurred on
32 mm 26 mm
3. 68AL on 09-07-11 on 09-07-11 10-07-11,18-
(C5) (C5)
GED 10 m GED 10 m 07-11 &
Natural fall
3 mm(C5) 3 mm(C5)
41mm 33mm occurred on
4. 68L on 28-07-11 on 28-07-11
(C5) (C5) 18-07-11 and
GED 6 m GED 6m
on 29-07-11.
2.0 mm(C4) 2.0 mm(C4) Natural fall
25 mm 22 mm
5. 67BL on 23-07-11 on 23-07-11 occurred on
(C4) (C4)
GED 4 m GED 4 m 08-07-11.
2 mm(C3) 1 mm(C3)
34 mm 18 mm
6. 67AL on 18-07-11 on 18-07-11 No fall
(C3) (C3)
GED 8m GED 8 m

2 mm(C2) 2 mm(C2)
31 mm 23mm No fall
7. 67L on 20-07-11 on 20-07-11
(C2) (C2)
GED 3 m GED 3 m
2 mm(C1) 1 mm(C2)
18 mm 7mm No fall
8. 66BL on 12-07-11 on 12-07-11
(C1) (C1)
GED 6 m GED 6 m
2 mm(C1) 1 mm(C1)
10 mm 8mm No fall
9. 66AL on 29-07-11 on 29-07-11
(C1) (C1)
GED 6 m GED 6 m

Table 5.3 Convergence Observation Up to the End Of The Month Of August –11

Sl Convergence observation
No Cumulative Max. convergence change in a Stone fall
convergence day details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
1mm(C8) on 1mm(C8) on Natural fall
12mm 8mm
1. 70L 24-08-2011 23-08-2011 occurred on 10-
(C8) (C8)
GED 3m GED 3 m 08-11.
Natural fall
3 mm(C8) 2 mm(C8) occurred on 03-
21mm 11 mm
2. 68BL on 09-08-11 on 09-08-11 08-11,
(C8) (C8)
GED 12 m GED 12 m 10-08-11 and on
2 mm(C7) 2 mm(C7) Natural fall
22 mm 20 mm
3. 68AL on 28-08-11 on 28-08-11 occurred on 10-
(C7) (C7)
GED 4 m GED 4 m 08-11.
Natural fall
3 mm(C6) 3 mm(C5)
35mm 28mm occurred on 18-
4. 68L on 30-08-11 on 30-08-11
(C6) (C6) 07-11 and on
GED 3 m GED 3 m

Natural fall
3 mm(C6) 3 mm(C6) occurred on 01-
36 mm 21 mm
5. 67BL on 26-08-11 on 26-08-11 08-11,
(C6) (C6)
GED 4 m GED 4 m 03-08-11 and on
Natural fall
3 mm(C5) 3 mm(C5) occurred on 01-
23 mm 14 mm
6. 67AL on 27-08-11 on 21-08-11 08-11,
(C5) (C5)
GED 3 m GED 5 m 03-08-11 and on
Natural fall
3 mm(C5) 3 mm(C5) occurred on 12-
24 mm 22mm
7. 67L on 30-08-11 on 30-08-11 08-11
(C5) (C5)
GED 10 m GED 10 m and on
Natural fall
2 mm(C3) 3 mm(C3) occurred on 17-
34 mm 30mm
8. 66BL on 27-08-11 on 27-08-11 08-11
(C3) (C3)
GED 3 m GED 3 m and on
2 mm(C3) 2 mm(C3)
12 mm 11 mm No fall
9. 66AL on 29-08-11 on 29-08-11
(C3) (C3)
GED 10 m GED 10 m

Table 5.4 Convergence Observation Up to the End Of The Month Of September –11

Sl Convergence observation
No Cumulative Max. convergence change in a Stone fall
convergence day details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
2mm on 2mm on
7 8 3,10/9/11 2,8/9/11
1 68BL No fall
(C10) (C10) GED 17,11m GED 17,13m
respectively respectively

1mm on 1mm on
Natural fall
5 5 4,5,12/9/11 4,5,12/9/11
2. 68AL occurred on
(C9) (C9) GED 14,12,6m GED 14, 12m
respectively respectively
1mm on 1mm on
Natural fall
15 12 11,12,29/9/11 18,19,30/9/11
3. 68L occurred on
(C8) (C8) GED 16,12,10m GED 16,16,10m
respectively respectively
2mm on 2mm on 2,
23 19 4,13/9/11 15/9/11
4. 67BL No Fall
(C7) (C7) GED 10,6m GED 6, 12m
respectively respectively
1mm on 1mm on
47 41
5. 67L 23,24/9/12 21,24/9/12 No fall
(C5) (C5)
GED 4m GED 4m
2mm on 2mm on
30 28 4,5,6/9/11 2,7/9/11
6 66BL No fall
(C4) (C4) GED 6,4,4 m GED 8,4m
respectively respectively

26 21 3mm on 9/9/11 2mm on 12/9/11

7 66AL No fall
(C4) (C4) GED 10M GED 8m

Table 5.5: Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month of October –11

Sl Convergence observation
No Cumulative Stone fall
Location Max. convergence change in a day
convergence details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
1mm on 1mm on Natural fall
30 25
1 68L 12,19,24/10/12 12,18,24/10/12 occurred on
(C8) (C8)
GED 12m GED 12,12,10m 28,31-10-11

1mm on 5, 1mm on Natural fall
28 24
2 67BL 9,23,24/10/12 5,9,15,29/10/12 occurred on
(C8) (C8)
GED 14m GED 14m 27-10-11

32 28 2mm on 22/10/12 2mm on 22/10/12

3 67AL No fall
(C6) (C6) GED 16m GED 16m

Natural fall
51 40 1mm on 21/10/12 1mm on 21/10/12
4. 67L occurred on
(C6) (C6) GED 4m GED 4m
33 29 2mm on 25/10/12 2mm on 22/10/12
5. 66BL No fall
(C5) (C5) GED 2m GED 8m
14 11 2mm on 22/10/12 2mm on 27/10/12
6. 66AL No fall
(C5) (C5) GED 25m GED 23m

Table 5.6: Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month Of November –11

Sl Convergence observation
No Cumulative Max. convergence change in a Stone fall
convergence day details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
3mm on 3mm on Natural fall
27 24
1 68L 10, 11/11/11 10, 11/11/11 occurred on
(C9) (C9)
GED 10,8m GED 10,8m 5,13,23-11-11
2mm on 2mm on
10 10
2 67BL 11,12/11/11 12,13/11/11 No fall
(C9) (C9)
GED 7, 5m GED 5m
2mm on 10, 11,
2mm on Natural fall
19 9 13, 20/11/11
3 67AL 12, 20/11/11 occurred on
(C9) (C9) GED 13, 12,
GED 12, 43m 13-11-11

3mm on
3mm on Natural fall
28 25 24, 26, 28
4. 67L 20,24/11/11 occurred on
(C9) (C9) /11/11
GED 12,17m 28-11-11
GED 12, 12, 9m
3mm on 3mm on Natural fall
17 16
5. 66BL 11/11/11 13/11/11 occurred on 3-
(C7) (C7)
GED 8m GED 5m 11-11
3mm on
18, 20, 24, 3mm on Natural fall
38 30
6. 66AL 27/11/11 18/11/11 occurred on
(C4) (C4)
GED 15, 13, 8& GED 15m 3,23-11-11
4m respectively

Table 5.7: Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month of December –11

Sl. Convergence observation

No. Cumulative Max. convergence change in a Stone fall
convergence day details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
2mm on 2mm on 1,
33 30 1,2/12//11 7/12//11
1 67BL No fall
(C10) (C10) GED 5m GED 5m
respectively respectively
3mm on 2, 2mm on 3,
25 24 10/12//11 12/12//11
2 67AL No fall
(C11) (C11) GED 7, 5m GED 7, 5m
respectively respectively
4mm on 3mm on
36 33
3 67L 17/12//11 17/12//11 No fall
(C11) (C11)
GED5m GED 5m

3mm on 4,
2mm on
38 34 17/12//11
4 66BL 14,15/12/11 No fall
(C10) (C10) GED 14, 7m
GED 8m
3mm on 3mm on Natural fall
36 35
5 66AL 17/12//11 17/12/11 occurred on
(C9) (C9)
GED 15M GED 15m 10,23-12-11

Table 5.8 Convergence Observation Up to the End of the Month of January–12

Sl Convergence observation
No Cumulative Max. convergence change in a Stone fall
convergence day details
(0.5m) (2.5m) (0.5m) (2.5m)
2mm on 2,
15 13 2mm on 3/1/12
1. 66AL 3/1//12 No fall
(C10) (C10) GED 8m

Before the occurrence of main fall on 2nd September, 2011, rate of convergence at a distance
of about 10, 15m and 20 m was 2-3 mm/day for five days, 1 mm/ day for four days, 1 mm/
day for three days, respectively. Goaf Edge Distance (GED) was about 21 m at the time of
installation of the convergence station C-10 in 66 B Level. Maximum convergence of 38 mm
was recorded when the station reached goaf edge i.e at a distance of about 3 m from the goaf
edge, beyond which the monitoring of convergence with manually was not possible.

Graphical Representation of the daily Convergence observations at different convergence

stations in different levels like 70, 68, 68A, 68B, 67, 67A, 67B, 66, 66A, 66B is shown below
in the figures 5.1-5.9.

Fig. 5.1.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.1.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.1.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.1.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.1.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.1.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.1.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.1.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.1.9 Convergence Station C 9 Fig. 5.1.10 Convergence Station C 10

Fig.5.1 Convergence observations in level 66A

Fig. 5.2.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.2.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.2.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.2.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.2.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.2.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.2.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.2.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.2.9 Convergence Station C 9 Fig. 5.2.10 Convergence Station C 10

Fig.5.2 Convergence observations in Level 66B

Fig. 5.3.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.3.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.3.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.3.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.3.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.3.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.3.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.3.8Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.3.9 Convergence Station C 9 Fig. 5.3.10 Convergence Station C 10

Fig. 5.3 Convergence observations in Level 67A

Fig. 5.4.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.4.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.4.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.4.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.4.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.4.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.4.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.4.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.4.9 Convergence Station C 9 Fig. 5.4.10 Convergence Station C 10

Fig. 5.4 Convergence Observations in Level 67 B

Fig. 5.5.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.5.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.5.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.5.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.5.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.5.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.5.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.5.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.5.9 Convergence Station C 9 Fig. 5.5.10 Convergence Station C 10

Fig.5.5Convergence observations in Level 67

Fig. 5.6.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.6.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.6.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.6.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.6.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.6.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.6.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.6.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.6.9 Convergence Station C 9

Fig.5.6 Convergence observations in Level 68A

Fig. 5.7.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.7.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.7.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.7.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.7.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.7.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.7.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.7.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.7.9 Convergence Station C 9 Fig. 5.7.10Convergence Station C 10

Fig.5.7 Convergence observations in Level 68B

Fig. 5.8.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.8.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.8.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.8.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.8.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.8.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.8.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.8.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.8.9 Convergence Station C 9 Fig. 5.8.10 Convergence Station C 10

Fig. 5.8 Convergence observations in Level 68

Fig. 5.9.1 Convergence Station C 1 Fig. 5.9.2 Convergence Station C 2

Fig. 5.9.3 Convergence Station C 3 Fig. 5.9.4 Convergence Station C 4

Fig. 5.9.5 Convergence Station C 5 Fig. 5.9.6 Convergence Station C 6

Fig. 5.9.7 Convergence Station C 7 Fig. 5.9.8 Convergence Station C 8

Fig. 5.9.9 Convergence Station C 9

Fig. 5.9 Convergence observations in 70L




Extensive application of numerical modeling was done for understanding the stability of
workings for extraction of pillars in thick coal seams. Depillaring process in the BG panel
includes different stages of division of pillars into stooks and extraction of stooks with ring
drilling or blasting up to full seam thickness. For two dimensional representation of full seam
extraction in 11m thick seam, vertical section with four galleries in an idealized panel was
selected. A few parameters were kept constant for the models, e.g. width of pillar,
development gallery and split gallery as 50 m, 4.2 m, and 4.2 m, respectively.

The problem domain consists of appropriate boundary conditions and grid pattern with
development of three pillars of 50 m and 4.2 m wide galleries. The models simulated pillar
extraction in plain strain conditions with Mohr Coulomb material. The model has its outer
boundary located 150 m away from the mine panel. The top is free to move in any direction,
but the bottom edge of the model is restricted from moving vertically and horizontally. Roller
type boundary conditions for all the models were placed along two edges of the models. 204
models were simulated by using the most sophisticated software of geo-technics – FLAC, so
as to calibrate to the field conditions.
6.1 Numerical Modelling Outputs
The roof deformation with respect to goaf edge distance is considered to be the criterion of
the study. Hence the roof deformation in openings like galleries, splits, etc. during various
stages of extraction is shown in the below figures. The maximum deformation is recognized
by the coloured zone and its corresponding values displayed in meters.

Fig. 6.1 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Development of Pillars

Fig. 6.2 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Splitting of Pillars

Fig. 6.3 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 1 Stook

Fig. 6.4 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 2 Stooks

Fig. 6.5 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 3 Stooks

Fig. 6.6 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 4 Stooks

Fig. 6.7 Maximum Deformation of Roof after Extraction of 5 Stooks

Fig. 6.8 Grid Generation of Final Stage after Extraction of 8 Stooks

The predicted values of the roof deformation is shown in the below Table 6.1

Table 6.1 Maximum deformation of roof in advance workings (Galleries and Splits) for
various stages of extraction in BG panel in the numerical models
Stage of Extraction Location (Deformation in mm)
G1 S1 S2 G2 S3 S4 G3 S5 S6 G4
I Development 7.5 - - 7.5 - - 7.5 - - 7.5
II 2 Splits 8 8 8 8 - - 8 - - 8
III 4splits,1stook extraction - - 21 12 12 12 12 - - 12
IV 6splits,2 stooks extraction - - - 30 25 15 15 15 15 15
V 3 stooks extraction - - - - 40 25 25 20 20 20
VI 4 stooks extraction - - - - - 55 35 30 30 30
VII 5 stooks extraction - - - - - - 70 45 40 40
*G – Gallery, **S – Split



7.1 Comparison of Modeling Results with Field Investigation Data
The Numerical modeling results were compared with that of the field observations. The
various stages of extraction of thick coal seam was taken on X axis corresponding to the Goaf
Edge Distance and Cumulative Convergence was taken on Y axis in figure 7.1. The modeling
results and field observations indicated a maximum cumulative convergence of 70mm and
61mm respectively.

The different stages in the extraction of the coal block by Blasting Gallery panels in GDK 10
Incline include:
Stage I: Development of galleries
Stage II: After splitting
Stage III: After extraction of one stook
Stage IV: After extraction of two stooks
Stage V: After extraction of three stooks
Stage VI: After extraction of four stooks
Stage VII: After extraction of five stooks

Fig.7.1 Convergence Results: FLAC Results vs. Field Investigation Data

Table 7.1 Comparison of FLAC &. Field Investigation Data
Stage of Cum. Convergence Cum. Convergence Percentage
Extraction in mm (Field) in mm (FLAC) Variation (%)
Dev. of galleries 7 7.5 7.1
Dev. of Splits 15 8 46.6
Extraction of 23 21 8.7
Stook 1
Extraction of 28 30 7.1
Stook 2
Extraction of 37 40 8.1
Stook 3
Extraction of 45 55 22.2
Stook 4
Extraction of 61 70 14.7
Stook 5

The results so obtained by FLAC when compared with that of the Field data, the model
prediction is within an approximation of 10% for stages I, III, IV & V whereas for stages VI
and VII, it is in 20% approximation. During the development of splits, there was a greater
amount of developed insitu stresses which gave rise to consecutive natural falls. As a result,
the cumulative convergence measured at the convergence station by the convergence
indicator has been high at Stage II. As the area of extraction increased, the area of exposure
of roof has also simultaneously increased letting the suspended roof from the goaf edge to act
as a suspended cantilever beam. Since the area of exposure increased to a greater extent than
which is preferable before goaf settlement, there occurred a continual increase in the
cumulative convergence measurements.



Based on the study of strata behaviour during extraction of pillars by BG method in 3A panel
of GDK 10 Incline, the following conclusions were drawn:

8.1 Conclusions

Maximum rate of convergence and cumulative convergence recorded in field was

about 4mm/day and 61mm respectively, measured at convergence station C-5 in 68
Before the occurrence of main fall, rate of convergence showed a continuously
increasing trend for five days. This may be considered as warning for impending main
From the triaxial testing, the major principal stresses of 22, 32 and 41.5 MPa were
obtained at confining stresses of 0, 2 and 3 MPa respectively. The plot between the
major and minor principal stresses had shown a trend line having an equation, y =
4.875x + 22.083 with an R2 value of 0.9998
The results obtained from the RocLab software indicated the Cohesion, Friction
Angle, UCS and Tensile Strength values to be 1.1MPa, 30.840, 1.314 MPa and
0.32MPa respectively.
Numerical modeling results indicated absolute roof deformation of about 7.5 and 8
mm in the gallery and development splits, and also a maximum cumulative
convergence of 70mm at the time of major roof fall respectively.
The results obtained by FLAC when compared with that of the Field data, the
predicted values were within an approximation of 10% for stages I, III, IV & V
whereas for stages VI and VII, its in 20% approximation except for that of stage II
which showed a comparatively higher cumulative convergence values due to the
occurrence of natural fall.

8.2 Suggestions

There is a lot of scope in this study for future work. The study can be carried out more
efficiently in the following manner:
More number of panels can be studied so as to better understand the strata behavior
and simulate the conditions in models.
Instead of two dimensional models, three dimensional modeling can predict strata
behavior of the panel more efficiently.
8.3 Limitations of the present work

Calculation of the insitu stresses acting upon the pillars. Theoretical stress has been
considered in this work whereas insitu stresses can be found by hydraulic fracturing
Consideration of all the parameters leads to an erroneous results in numerical
modelling. It may be tempting to consider all the parameters into account but it is
advisable to consider the minimum and most important parameters only.
The inability of installing instruments at all points in a panel leads to certain
limitations in the study.



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Appendix I - Details of the Panel
At GDK 10 Incline of Adriyala project area SCCL, it is proposed to adopt Blasting Gallery
method in panel # 3A of III Seam in Block C. Average depth cover and thickness of the seam
in the proposed panel are about 350 m and 11 m, respectively. Geotechnical properties of the
strata and observations in the previously worked panels were also considered with particular
reference to strata control problems and occurrence of spontaneous heating/fire and
associated sealing of some of the previous panels in the mine.

The coal formations of Ramagundam area is of Kamthi and Barakar series. A typical
borehole section in the mine area is shown in Fig 10.2. Five workable coal seams occur in the
Barakar stage – II, IIIB, IIIA, III and IV seams. The top most seam I is being worked by
GDK 10A Incline. Seams IA and IIIB are inconsistent, and therefore could not be worked.
The lower most seams IIIA, III and IV are being worked by GDK 10 Incline. Two major
faults are running through the property. One of that has up throw of about 53 m while another
is a down throw fault with a throw of about 24 m. The mine property is divided into three
blocks: Block A, Block B and Block C, demarcated by the fault running across the property.

Geomining Conditions of the Panel – 3A

The coal measure formations observed in borehole # 441 within GDK-10 Incline area are
shown in Fig 10.2. Thickness of #3 seam is about 11 m with an average gradient of 1 in 5.5.
The strata overlying the coal seam are composed of white sandstone with carbonaceous clay
bands. Coal face mechanization in the panel consists of jumbo drills and remote controlled
Load Haul Dumpers (LHD) loading on to chain conveyors in the levels.

Table T1: Details of working BG Panel No.3Aof No.3 Seam, Block-C

Incubation period 9 months
Overlying Seam 1 Seam goaf by 10A Longwall
Underlying Seam 4Seam virgin
Thickness of seam 11 m
Width of the development gallery 4.2 m
Height of the development gallery 3.0 m
Size of the Panel 150m x 120m
Area of the Panel 16000 m2
No. of Pillars 6

No. of Rooms 9
Depth Min: 323 m
Max: 352 m
Average size of pillars 60 X 50
Gradient of the seam 1 in 5.5
North 3 seam virgin.
East 3 seam virgin.
West 3 seam 2A panel sealed off area.
3 seam bottom section B&P
South developed area, standing on
Total Coal in the Panel 283000 T

Fig A1: BG Panel #3A, GDK 10 Incline, SCCL Layout


Fig: A2: Borehole Section Of BH No. 441 at GDK 10 Inc, SCCL

10.1.2 Support system in the BG-3A panel

The support system in the district consists of I-section MS cross girders of 200 x 200 mm, set
on 40 ton hydraulic props at each end . In each row there are two props and a girder, with a
row spacing of 1.0 m. Additional supports including chocks and props are being provided
wherever required. The split galleries are supported with 1.8 m long roof bolts with 1m
spacing and row is 1.2m apart. Advance supports are installed up to 40m in all the rooms.
Junctions are supported by two sets of skin to skin MS girders of 150mm x 150mm and
supported by two No. of 40T hydraulic props on each side. In addition to the above cable
bolting was done at 1.5m interval in grid pattern anchored up to a length of 1.0 m above the
coal seam into sand stone roof. Corners and Sides supporting is being done with 1.5 m length
bolts with 1m grid pattern whenever required.

10.1.3 Additional support

Entries to the central dip rise galleries of panel immediately out bye of the goaf edges was
kept supported by cogs set at an interval of 0.25 m. Before commencing drilling by jumbo
drills, the goaf edge of gallery was kept supported by a row of props erected at interval of 0.5
m. Wire meshing is fixed where ever the height of gallery made was more than 4m.

10.1.4 Measures against strata control problems

Density of supports was increased by decreasing the span between girders. Grouting of 4
rows of 1.8 m. roof bolts was done at 1 m. grid. Side bolting is done in all the galleries.
Regular induced blasting is being carried out up to 1.5 m. in the Sand stone roof. Frequent
re-setting of hydraulic props is being done due to probability of disturbance of vertical
supports by moving machinery

10.1.5 Measures adopted to prevent strata control problems

Diagonal line of extraction was ensured to avoid strata control problems. Additional OC
props were erected up to 5m in each room. All the OC props within 10m distance were
retightened before drawing goaf edge girders for ring blasting. Regular induced caving was
ensured by blasting the stone. Leaving of stooks inside the goaf was minimized to prevent
transfer of strata pressures on working area. Faster and regular rate of retreat was ensured
with working on holidays.

Appendix II – Numerical Modelling Code
BG 3A PANEL, GDK 10 Incline, SCCL
GR 147 44
GEN 0,0 0,150 60,150 60,0 R .8 .8 I 1 12 J 1 15
GEN 60,0 60,150 64.2,150 64.2,0 R 1 .8 I 12 16 J 1 15
GEN 64.2,0 64.2,150 114.2,150 114.2,0 R 1 .8 I 16 52 J 1 15
GEN 114.2,0 114.2,150 118.4,150 118.4,0 R 1 .8 I 52 56 J 1 15
GEN 118.4,0 118.4,150 168.4.2,150 168.4,0 R 1 .8 I 56 92 J 1 15
GEN 168.4,0 168.4,150 172.6,150 172.6,0 R 1 .8 I 92 96 J 1 15
GEN 172.6,0 172.6,150 222.6,150 222.6,0 R 1 .8 I 96 132 J 1 15
GEN 222.6,0 222.6,150 226.8,150 226.8,0 R 1 .8 I 132 136 J 1 15
GEN 226.8,0 226.8,150 286.8,150 286.8,0 R 1.2 .8 I 136 148 J 1 15
GEN 0,150 0,161 60,161 60,150 R .8 1 I 1 12 J 15 22
GEN 60,150 60,161 64.2,161 64.2,150 R 1 1 I 12 16 J 15 22
GEN 64.2,150 64.2,161 114.2,161 114.2,150 R 1 1 I 16 52 J 15 22
GEN 114.2,150 114.2,161 118.4,161 118.4,150 R 1 1 I 52 56 J 15 22
GEN 118.4,150 118.4,161 168.4.2,161 168.4,150 R 1 1 I 56 92 J 15 22
GEN 168.4,150 168.4,161 172.6,161 172.6,150 R 1 1 I 92 96 J 15 22
GEN 172.6,150 172.6,161 222.6,161 222.6,150 R 1 1 I 96 132 J 15 22
GEN 222.6,150 222.6,161 226.8,161 226.8,150 R 1 1 I 132 136 J 15 22
GEN 226.8,150 226.8,161 286.8,161 286.8,150 R 1.2 1 I 136 148 J 15 22
GEN 0,161 0,511 60,511 60,161 R .8 1.2 I 1 12 J 22 45

GEN 60,161 60,511 64.2,511 64.2,161 R 1 1.2 I 12 16 J 22 45
GEN 64.2,161 64.2,511 114.2,511 114.2,161 R 1 1.2 I 16 52 J 22 45
GEN 114.2,161 114.2,511 118.4,511 118.4,161 R 1 1.2 I 52 56 J 22 45
GEN 118.4,161 118.4,511 168.4.2,511 168.4,161 R 1 1.2 I 56 92 J 22 45
GEN 168.4,161 168.4,511 172.6,511 172.6,161 R 1 1.2 I 92 96 J 22 45
GEN 172.6,161 172.6,511 222.6,511 222.6,161 R 1 1.2 I 96 132 J 22 45
GEN 222.6,161 222.6,511 226.8,511 226.8,161 R 1 1.2 I 132 136 J 22 45
GEN 226.8,161 226.8,511 286.8,511 286.8,161 R 1.2 1.2 I 136 148 J 22 45
PROP S=4.E9 B=6.67E9 D=2300 T=9.E6 C= 12.E6 FRIC=45 I 1 147 J 1 14
PROP S=4.E9 B=6.67E9 D=2300 T=9.E6 C=12.E6 FRIC=45 I 1 147 J 22 44
PROP S=2.2E9 B=3.67E9 D=1427 T=0.32E6 C=1.1E6 FRIC=30.84 I 1 147 J 15 21
SET GRA 9.81
FIX X I 148
INI SYY -11.5E6 VAR 0 11.5E6
INI SXX -3.77E6 VAR 0 3.77E6
HIS XDIS I 148 J 17
HIS YDIS I 148 J 17
********************OPENING OF GALLERY 1***********
MOD NULL I 12 15 J 15 16
********************OPENING OF GALLERY 2***********
MOD NULL I 52 55 J 15 16
********************OPENING OF GALLERY 3***********
MOD NULL I 92 95 J 15 16
********************OPENING OF GALLERY 4***********
MOD NULL I 132 135 J 15 16
S = 100

********************OPENING OF SPLIT 1**********
MOD NULL I 119 121 J 15 16
********************OPENING OF SPLIT 2**********
MOD NULL I 106 108 J 15 16
S = 100
********************OPENING OF SPLIT 3**********
MOD NULL I 79 81 J 15 16
********************OPENING OF SPLIT 4**********
MOD NULL I 66 68 J 15 16
********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 1
MOD NULL I 126 135 J 15 22
MOD NULL I 114 126 J 15 22
S = 100
********************OPENING OF SPLIT 5**********
MOD NULL I 39 41 J 15 16
********************OPENING OF SPLIT 6**********
MOD NULL I 26 28 J 15 16
********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 2
MOD NULL I 101 113 J 15 22
********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 3
MOD NULL I 87 100 J 15 22
********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 4
MOD NULL I 74 86 J 15 22

********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 5
MOD NULL I 61 73 J 15 22
********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 6
MOD NULL I 47 60 J 15 22
********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 7
MOD NULL I 34 46 J 15 22
********************EXCAVATION FROM STOOK 8
MOD NULL I 21 33 J 15 22


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