RPT Form 3 2022
RPT Form 3 2022
RPT Form 3 2022
Week 2
28 Mac -
1 Apr
1.1.2 Understand
Week 2 independently specific 4.1.1 Explain simple content Understand specific
28 Mac - Lesson 5 1.1, 4.1 information and details in from what they have read or Family details when listening to page 10
1 Apr Listening 2 longer texts on an increased heard texts on familiar topics
range of familiar topics
2.1.5 Express and respond to Words and expressions for Communicate feelings
Lesson 6 common feelings such as 4.2.2 Spell written work with
Speaking 1 2.1, 4.2 happiness, sadness, surprise moderate accuracy showing emotions / clearly page 11
and interest Prepositions of position
3.1.6 Recognise with support 4.2.2 Spell written work with Recognise typical 14-15 April
Week 4 Lesson 11 typical features at word, moderate accuracy features of texts on Good Friday
11 - 13 3.1, 4.2 sentence and text levels of a An Oil For Life familiar topics page 17-19
Apr Reading 3 range of genres
14-15 April
Week 4 Good Friday
11 - 13
3.2.1 Read, enjoy and give a 2.1.5 Express and respond to Read and understand a
personal response to fiction common feelings such as variety of fiction and
Lesson 12 or happiness, sadness, surprise non-fiction texts with
3.2, 2.1 non-fiction and other suitable and interest An Oil For Life confidence and page 18-19
Reading 4
print and digital texts of enjoyment
Lesson 13 NOT
Language EXPLICITLY N/A N/A Past continuous vs. past N/A page 21
Awareness 2 COVERED
23 - 27
1.1.4 Understand
Week 9 Lesson 26 2.1, 1.1
2.1.2 Ask about and explain independently longer Expressions for explaining Find out about and
page 37
13 - 17 Speaking 5 simple processes sequences of classroom processes
Jun instructions
information clearly
Lesson 33 NOT
Language EXPLICITLY N/A N/A Relative clauses N/A page 47
Awareness 4 COVERED
1.1.1 Understand 2.1.5 Express and respond to MALAYSIA
Week 17 independently the main ideas Understand the main
12 - Lesson 55 1.1, 2.1 in simple longer texts on an common feelings such as Emotions idea when listening to page 74 DAY
15 Sept Listening 12 increased range of familiar happiness, sadness, surprise
and interest texts on familiar topics
3.1.1 Understand the main 3.1.4 Use independently Understand the main
Lesson 63 points in longer texts on an familiar print and digital
Reading 14 3.1, 3.1 increased range of familiar resources to check meaning Survival in the Andes idea in a variety of text page 85
topics and extend understanding types on familiar topics.
1.1.1 Understand
independently the main ideas Understand the main
Lesson 75
Listening 15 1.1, 2.1 in simple longer texts on an 2.1.4 Explain own point of view Free Time Activities idea when listening to page 100
increased range of familiar texts on familiar topics
Week 23
11 Nov
4.1.5 Organise, sequence and
develop ideas within short
Lesson 80 4.2.1 Punctuate written work texts on familiar topics Punctuate texts
Writing 16 4.2, 4.1 with moderate accuracy Linking Words and phrases appropriately page 105
Week 23
11 Nov 5.3.1 Respond imaginatively
and intelligibly through
creating power points, visuals,
posters, blogs and *Literature in Action (LiA)
Lesson 81 webpages. Other imaginative is assessed through the
Literature in 5.3 responses as appropriate - Moby Dick four skills; Listening, NTB
Action 8 Speaking, Reading and
Week 24
14 - 3.1.4 Use independently Use dictionary skills
18 Nov Lesson 83 3.1, 2.1 familiar print and digital 2.1.4 Explain own point of view They're Watching You appropriately to check page 111
Reading 18 resources to check meaning and extend
and extend understanding understanding
Lesson 84 NOT
Language EXPLICITLY N/A N/A The passive voice N/A page 113
Awareness 9 COVERED
Week 26
16 - 3.1.1 Understand the main
Understand the main
19 Jan Lesson 92 3.1, 2.1
points in longer texts on an
2.1.4 Explain own point of view Music and Instruments idea in a variety of text
page 121-
Reading 19 increased range of familiar types on familiar topics. 123
3.1.3 Guess the meaning of 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in
unfamiliar words from clues longer exchanges by asking a
provided by other words and speaker to slow down, speak PL2: Guess the meaning
Lesson 93 3.1, 2.3 by context on an increased up or to repeat what they have Music and Instruments of unfamiliar words in a page 123
Reading 20 range of familiar topics said variety of text types on
familiar topics
Lesson 94 NOT
Language EXPLICITLY N/A N/A Reported Speech N/A page 125
Awareness COVERED
Week 27
9 - 13
1.1.4 Understand
independently longer Understand classroom
Lesson 95 1.1, 2.1 2.1.4 Explain own point of view Theatre instructions about page 126
Week 27 Listening 19 sequences of classroom
9 - 13 instructions familiar topics
3.1.3 Guess the meaning of
unfamiliar words from clues
1.1.2 Understand provided by other words and
Lesson 96 independently specific by context on an increased School Music and Dance Understand specific
Listening 20 1.1, 3.1 information and details in range of familiar topics Competition details when listening to page 126
longer texts on an increased texts on familiar topics
range of familiar topics