Apply For A Payment Fin Hardship PDF
Apply For A Payment Fin Hardship PDF
Apply For A Payment Fin Hardship PDF
How to apply
Follow the instructions on this form to apply for a payment from your super.
You generally need to be permanently retired from work and have reached a certain age to access your super savings.
If you’re struggling financially, you may be able to get some or all of your super to meet your immediate needs.
The fastest way of accessing your super due to financial hardship is to apply online. Not only is it simple
and secure, but when applying online we can match your identity document details (e.g. driver’s licence
number) against secure databases.
Simply log into your account at and complete the online form.
Use this table to find your preservation age • Please ensure you complete the application in full
and provide all the necessary documents, properly
Date of birth Preservation age certified. We can’t process your application if it’s not
Before 1 July 1960 55 complete and you haven’t included the necessary
1 July 1960 to 30 June 1961 56
1 July 1961 to 30 June 1962 57 • Once we receive your completed form and proof of
identity, it usually takes around five business days to
1 July 1962 to 30 June 1963 58
process your request.
1 July 1963 to 30 June 1964 59
1 July 1964 or after 60
Issued by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987 AFSL 233788 Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898. 1264.8 11/22 ISS16 page 1 of 6
Before applying for a payment…
It’s important to consider: HM Revenue & Customs in the UK. And if the UK
• how it will impact your retirement Government considers you to be a UK tax resident at the
time of payment or at anytime during the preceding ten UK
• if you’ll need to pay more tax
tax years, you may have to pay tax to the UK Government.
• any impacts it will have on benefits you’re receiving The UK Government will contact you regarding any tax you
i.e. Centrelink, Work Cover etc have to pay.
Former UK pension funds transferred into your For more information on UK tax, contact HM Revenue &
account Customs directly at or on 001144 3000 533 148.
If you’ve transferred a pension fund from the UK into Please have your UK National Insurance number on hand.
your AustralianSuper account within the last ten years,
we’re required to report any payments or transfers to
If you can’t get to a police station, a number of other people can certify your ID for you.
Go to for more information.
Issued by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987 AFSL 233788 Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898. 1264.8 11/22 ISS16 page 2 of 6
Apply for a payment (financial hardship)
Complete this form to apply to withdraw money from your super for immediate financial needs.
Please complete in pen using CAPITAL letters and print (✗) to mark boxes. You should read the Privacy Collection
Statement on page 2 of this form to see how AustralianSuper uses your personal information.
For how we use your TFN, go to Without your Centrelink Customer
Reference Number, we can’t process your request.
Street address
2 / 2 7 b e l m o r e t c e
Suburb State Postcode
W o o d v i l l e p a r k
s a
5 0 1 1
Postal address (if different)
Telephone (business hours) Telephone (after hours) Mobile
0 4 3 1 9 7 8 3 0 1 0 4 3 1 9 7 8 3 0 1 0 4 2 0 6 6 4 8 9 6
Yes – This will close your account and any insurance cover will end. Investment returns, tax and insurance and management
costs will change the final amount paid.
Please check that any final contributions have gone into your account before you complete this form. If we receive any late
contributions, we need to open a new account for you.
Do you have Member Direct (MD) investments?
If you’re withdrawing your whole account balance you should sell your MD investments and close your MD account before
you lodge your request, so we can process your withdrawal as soon as possible. Otherwise, we’ll sell your MD investments
and close your MD account for you, which will lead to a delay and may incur additional fees. We’ll sell your investments at
market value on the day of the sale. Refer to the Terms and Conditions for using the AustralianSuper Member Direct online
platform document and the Member Direct investment options guide for more information.
Now complete step 3.
Issued by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987 AFSL 233788 Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898. 1264.8 11/22 ISS16 page 3 of 6
2 Provide withdrawal details (continued)
2. Which investment option/s should be used to fund the payment?
Complete this section ONLY if you’re invested in Complete this section ONLY if you’re invested in the
Pre-mixed and DIY Mix option/s. Member Direct option
Write the percentage you want to withdraw from each If you have super invested in AustralianSuper’s Member
investment option below. If you leave this blank, your Direct option, do you want to sell these holdings to
withdrawal will be made from your selected future make this withdrawal?
contribution investment choice/s. If you don’t have (Please choose (7) one option only)
enough money in one or more of your selected options,
the balance of your withdrawal will be pro-rated in X Yes – I will sell my Member Direct holdings.
proportion to the balance in each option.
You need to complete the sell down and transfer the
High Growth proceeds to your other investment options prior to
submitting this form. If you wish to redeem a Term
Balanced % Deposit before its maturity date, early redemption
costs may apply. Refer to the Member Direct
Socially Aware % investment option: Terms and Conditions or the
Indexed Diversified Member Direct investment option guide available for
download from
Conservative Balanced % for more information.
Stable % X No – I don’t want to sell my Member Direct holdings.
Australian Shares You must maintain a minimum total account balance
to continue using Member Direct. If your total
International Shares % super account balance falls below $10,000, or your
pension account balance falls below $30,000, your
Diversified Fixed Interest % Member Direct account may be closed.
Cash %
TOTAL MUST ADD UP TO 100% 1 0 0 %
TOTAL DEBTS $ , , . 00 $ , , . 00
Issued by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987 AFSL 233788 Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898. 1264.8 11/22 ISS16 page 4 of 6
6 Provide details of your assets
Please provide details of assets (other than your family home) owned by you or your spouse. Don’t list business assets.
Estimate current market value
Property other than your family home – for example, an investment property $ , ,
0 . 00
Bank accounts $ ,
0 . 00
Bonds $ ,
0 . 00
Shares $ ,
0 . 00
Other investments $ ,
0 . 00
TOTAL $ , ,
0 . 00
Country of birth (not shown on your passport)
X Electronic verification if the paper copies of my proof of identity documents are incorrectly certified or can’t be read
I authorise the use of my personal details for the purpose of electronic data verification if the paper copies of my certified
documentation are incorrectly certified or unable to be read. I understand that my information will be subject to an
information match request in relation to relevant official record holder information and a corresponding information match
result will be provided via the use of third party systems.
Issued by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987 AFSL 233788 Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898. 1264.8 11/22 ISS16 page 5 of 6
8 Benefit payment checklist
X Have you checked you are eligible for payment or rollover?
X Have you completed Section 7 Proof of ID?
X Are you claiming a tax deduction for any personal contributions? If so, refer to page 1 for more information.
X Have you completed all the required sections and signed this form?
Sign here
1 D
5 M
0 M
3 Y
2 Y
0 Y
2 Y
Print name
A n t h o n y M i c h a e l p i p p i g