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Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

• The Uncertainty Principle is an important consequence
of the wave-particle duality of matter and radiation
and is inherent to the quantum description of nature

• Simply stated, it is impossible to know both the exact

position and the exact momentum of an object
A fact of Nature!
Heisenberg realised that ...
⚫ In the world of very small particles, one cannot
measure any property of a particle without
interacting with it in some way
⚫ This introduces an unavoidable uncertainty into
the result
⚫ One can never measure all the
properties exactly

Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)

Measuring the position and momentum
of an electron
⚫ Shine light on electron and detect reflected
light using a microscope
⚫ Minimum uncertainty in position
is given by the wavelength of the
⚫ So to determine the position
accurately, it is necessary to use
light with a short wavelength
⚫ In order to see the electron, at least one photon must
bounce off it
⚫ During this interaction, momentum is transferred
from the photon to the electron
⚫ Therefore, the light that allows you to accurately
locate the electron changes the momentum of the
Fundamental Trade Off …
⚫ Use light with short wavelength:
⚫ accurate measurement of position but not
⚫ Use light with long wavelength:
⚫ accurate measurement of momentum but not
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

⚫If a measurement of position of a particle is made with precision Δx

and a simultaneous measurement of linear momentum is made with

precision Δp then the product of the two uncertainties can never be
smaller than h/4
The more accurately you know the position (i.e.,
the smaller Dx is) , the less accurately you know the momentum
(i.e., the larger Dp is); and vice versa
⚫ It is impossible to know both the position and
momentum exactly, i.e., Dx=0 and Dp=0

⚫ These uncertainties are inherent in the physical world

and have nothing to do with the skill of the observer

⚫ Because h is so small, these uncertainties are not

observable in normal everyday situations
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
involving energy and time

⚫ The more accurately we know the energy of a body,

the less accurately we know how long it possessed
that energy
Derivation for uncertainty in energy and time
position momentum relation D xD p x 
m  p h
 
multiply and divide above eqn. by m & p Dx Dp x   
 p  m  4

From Einstein’s equation E = p2/2m (since E = ½ mv2 and p = mv)

∆ E = ∆ p 2p/2m
= ∆ p (p/m)
Further ∆ x (m/p) = ∆ x / v = ∆ t since p = mv
Substituting for ∆ x (m/p) and ∆ p (p/m) in position –
momentum equation we get h
DEDt 
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

Position & momentum h

DxDp x 
Energy & time DEDt 
Some consequences of the Uncertainty
• The path of a particle (trajectory) is not well-
defined in quantum mechanics

• Electrons cannot exist inside a nucleus

• Atomic oscillators possess a certain amount of

energy known as the zero-point energy, even at
absolute zero.
Applications of the uncertainty principle

⚫ The non-existence of electron in the nucleus can be


⚫ The binding energy of the hydrogen atom can be


⚫ Strength of the nuclear force can be estimated

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