This document provides writing prompts to help students practice travel writing skills. It includes prompts asking students to describe destinations using their five senses, describe people they know using adjectives, reflect on past travel photos, discuss conversations from travel experiences, describe challenging weather or landscapes experienced during travel, and recount memorable food experiences. The prompts are intended to help students be inspired in creating stories, explore past events to write about, and spark future story ideas from both travel and everyday life experiences.
This document provides writing prompts to help students practice travel writing skills. It includes prompts asking students to describe destinations using their five senses, describe people they know using adjectives, reflect on past travel photos, discuss conversations from travel experiences, describe challenging weather or landscapes experienced during travel, and recount memorable food experiences. The prompts are intended to help students be inspired in creating stories, explore past events to write about, and spark future story ideas from both travel and everyday life experiences.
This document provides writing prompts to help students practice travel writing skills. It includes prompts asking students to describe destinations using their five senses, describe people they know using adjectives, reflect on past travel photos, discuss conversations from travel experiences, describe challenging weather or landscapes experienced during travel, and recount memorable food experiences. The prompts are intended to help students be inspired in creating stories, explore past events to write about, and spark future story ideas from both travel and everyday life experiences.
This document provides writing prompts to help students practice travel writing skills. It includes prompts asking students to describe destinations using their five senses, describe people they know using adjectives, reflect on past travel photos, discuss conversations from travel experiences, describe challenging weather or landscapes experienced during travel, and recount memorable food experiences. The prompts are intended to help students be inspired in creating stories, explore past events to write about, and spark future story ideas from both travel and everyday life experiences.
Be inspired in creating new story ideas.
Explore past events as something to write about. Spark a few ideas for future stories, articles and journal stories. For your first prompt, let's open up the senses. Write no more than three sentences about one of your favorite destinations. Include all five senses in your desccription. Before you write about them, it might be easier to desccribe someone you know. Write out 10 words you'd use to describe them. LOOKING BACK, DO YOU THINK YOU CHOSE THE BEST ADJECTIVES? HAVE ANY OTHERS POPPED INTO YOUR HEAD TODAY, MAYBE THAT WOULD BE SUITED TO DESCRIBING THE PEOPLE YOU MET ON THE ROAD? WRITE THEM DOWN TO KEEP THEM SOMEWHERE YOU CAN LOOK BACK ON. Whether print or digital, pull out your last ( pre-lockdown ) travel photo. DID YOU FIND IT EASIER TO WRITE WHEN YOU IMAGINED TELLING THE STORY TO SOMEONE? OR HARDER? SENTENCE STARTER CONVERSATIONS An engaging first line and When we're travelling for paragraph is important for ourselves, we don't often think hooking the reader's attention. to make a note of the conversations we have. Up and downs are still part of our travel experience, whether we like it or not.
Picture the worst weather you've
experienced on your travels. Packing for your trip is essential. Today's prompt is all about turning that unavoidable constant into something a bit more creative. Your challenge is to write a few lines, a short paragraph, about a particularly enjoyable foodie experience you've had.
describe the most breathtaking, awe-
inspiring landscape you've ever witnessed, putting our travel writing tips into practice. Your writing prompt today isn't about writing. It's about reading, which is incredibly important if you want to be a travel writer. Simply begin a short ( or long - up to you ) piece of writing about your life, leading on from: The kindest thing anyone has ever done for me is... Reflect: How did this prompt go down? And was your experience connected to travel, or was it something happened in your home life, we'd love to know. Keeping it simple with another sentence starter. Don't hesitate to ask any questions!
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