EM Waves and Its Application

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Electromagnetic waves were first postulated by James Clerk Maxwell
and subsequently confirmed by Heinrich Hertz. Electromagnetic waves
are created as a result of vibrations between an electric and a magnetic
field. In this article, we will explore the definition and formation of
electromagnetic waves along with the graphical and mathematical
representations of electromagnetic waves in detail.

Electromagnetic waves are also known as EM waves. Electromagnetic

radiations are composed of electromagnetic waves that are produced
when an electric field comes in contact with the magnetic field. It can
also be said that electromagnetic waves are the composition of
oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves are
solutions of Maxwell’s equations, which are the fundamental equations
of electrodynamics.

Electromagnetic waves are invisible forms of energy that travel though

the universe. However, you can "see" some of the results of this energy.
The light that our eyes can see is actually part of the electromagnetic

In this article , we will see the different types of electromagnetic waves,

Electromagnetic spectrum , their properties ,source and nature of EM
Waves, properties of EM waves and their application in day to day life
and their effects on humans.
Source and nature
of EM Waves
Electromagnetic waves are the combination of electric and magnetic
field waves produced by moving charges. The creation of all
electromagnetic waves begins with a charged
particle. This charged particle creates an electric field. When it
accelerates, the charged particle creates ripples, or oscillations, in its
electric field, and also produces a magnetic field (as predicted by
Maxwell's equations).
Once in motion, the electric and magnetic fields created by a charged
particle are self-perpetuating. This means that an electric field that
oscillates as a function of time will produce a magnetic field, and a
magnetic field that changes as a function of time will produce an electric
field. Both electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave will
fluctuate in time, one causing the other to change.
Let’s consider a charge oscillating at a particular frequency. Remember,
an oscillating charge is an example of an accelerating charge. This
charge produces an oscillating electric field which results in an
oscillating magnetic field which in turn is the source of an electric field
and so on.

In simple words, the oscillating electric and magnetic fields regenerate

each other propagating the wave through space. The frequency of the
electromagnetic wave equals that of the oscillation of the charge. The
energy required to propagate the wave through space comes at the
expense of the accelerated charge.
The first logical thought is that it will be easy to test the prediction that
light is an electromagnetic wave. Right? After all, we merely need to set
up an AC circuit in which the current oscillates at the frequency of visible
light, like the yellow light. However, that is simply not possible. Here’s

The frequency of yellow light is around 6 x 1014Hz

The frequency available with most modern electronic circuits is around
Hence, the experimental demonstration of electromagnetic waves can
happen only in the low-frequency region (radio wave region). This was
done by Hertz in an experiment in 1887.

From Maxwell’s equations you can observe that in an electromagnetic

wave, the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other
and to the direction of propagation.

In the figure above, you can see that the

direction of the electric field inside the plates of
the capacitor is perpendicular to the plates. This
causes a displacement current and gives rise to a
magnetic field along
the perimeter of a circle parallel to the capacitor
plates. So, B and E are perpendicular to each
In the figure above,
The electric field (Ex) is along the x-axis and varies sinusoidally with z at
a given time.
The magnetic field (By) is along the y-axis and also varies sinusoidally
with z.
Ex and By are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of
propagation (z).

Ex = E0 sin (kz–ωt)

By = B0 sin (kz–ωt)

Where magnitude of the wave vector (or propagation vector) k = 2π/λ …

(λ is the wavelength of the wave) and ω is the angular frequency. The
direction of k determines the direction of propagation of the wave. Now,
you have already learned last year that

ω = ck, where, c = 1/ √μ0ε0

This relation is often written in terms of frequency, ν (=ω/2π) and
wavelength, λ (=2π/k) as

2πv = c(2π/λ)

Or, vλ = c

According to Maxwell’s equations, the magnitude of electric and

magnetic fields have the relation,

B0 = E0/c
Electromagnetic waves are self-sustaining oscillations in free
No material medium is involved in the vibrations of the fields.
Properties of EM
Electromagnetic waves consist of magnetic fields and vibrating
electricity. This is where they transmit energy across space or through
matter. There are three main properties you should know about
electromagnetic waves:
• Speed: All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed. This
known as the speed of light, is around 300 million metres per second.
These waves are neither deflected by a magnetic field or an electric field,
but are capable of showing diffraction or interference.
• Frequency: Also known as ‘wave frequency’, this is the number of
that passes a fixed point in any given amount of time. The frequencies of
electromagnetic waves can range between thousands of waves per
second, to trillions of waves per second.
• Wavelength: The distance between adjacent waves and their
corresponding peaks. The wavelengths of an electromagnetic wave can
range between the length of a soccer field, to being shorter than the
diameter of an atom.
Electromagnetic waves can travel through all mediums, but can also
propagate through the absence of a medium (that is, in a vacuum). All
electromagnetic waves are also known as transverse waves, in which
particles do not move, but rather oscillate up and down on their
individual equilibrium positions.
To have better understanding of relation between them, we can simplify
the relationship of wavelength, frequency and the speed of light
to this equation:
Wavelength × frequency = speed of light
The electromagnetic spectrum, in simple terms, is defined as the range of all
types of electromagnetic radiation.
The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of frequencies, wavelengths and
photon energies covering frequencies from below 1 hertz to above 1025 Hz,
corresponding to wavelengths which are a few kilometres to a fraction of the
size of an atomic nucleus in the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Generally,
in a vacuum, electromagnetic waves tend to
Type of Frequency Wavelength
travel at speeds which is similar to Radiation Range Range
that of light. However, they do so at a wide
range of wavelengths, frequencies
Gamma- 1020 – 1024 < 10-12 m
and photon energies. rays
The electromagnetic spectrum consists of a
span of all electromagnetic X-rays 1017 – 1020 1 nm – 1
radiation which further contains many
subranges, which are commonly
Ultraviolet 1015 – 1017 400 nm – 1
referred to as portions. These can be further nm
classified as infrared radiation,
visible light or ultraviolet radiation. Visible 4 x 1014 – 750 nm –
7.5 x 1014 400 nm
The entire range (electromagnetic spectrum)
is given by radio waves,
Near- 1 x 1014 – 2.5 μm –
microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, infrared 4 x1014 750 nm
ultra-violet radiation, X-rays,
gamma rays and cosmic rays in the Infrared 1013 – 1014 25 μm –
increasing order of frequency and 2.5 μm

decreasing order of wavelength. The type of

radiation and their frequency and Microwaves 3 x 1011 – 1 mm – 25
1013 μm
wavelength ranges are as follows:
Radio < 3 x 1011 > 1 mm
The electromagnetic spectrum can be depicted as follows:

Significance of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic waves in these different bands have different
characteristics depending upon how they are produced, how they interact with
matter and their practical applications. Maxwell’s equations predicted the
existence of an infinite number of frequencies of electromagnetic waves, all
travelling with the speed of light. This is the first indication of the existence of
the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

Nonetheless, the main significance of the electromagnetic spectrum is that it

can be used to classify electromagnetic waves and arrange them according to
their different frequencies or wavelengths.
Types of
Radio: A radio basically captures radio waves that are transmitted by radio
stations. Radio waves can also be emitted by gases and stars in space. Radio
waves are mainly used for TV/mobile communication.

Microwave: This type of radiation is found in microwaves and helps in cooking

at home/office. It is also used by astronomers to determine and understand the
structure of nearby galaxies and stars.

Infrared: It is used widely in night vision goggles. These devices can read and
capture the infrared light emitted by our skin and objects with heat. In space,
infrared light helps to map interstellar dust.

X-ray: X-rays can be used in many instances. For example, a doctor can use an
X-ray machine to take an image of our bones or teeth. Airport security
personnel use it to see through and check bags. X-rays are also given out by hot
gases in the universe.

Gamma-ray: It has a wide application in the medical field. Gamma-ray imaging

is used to see inside our bodies. Interestingly, the universe is the biggest
gamma-ray generator of all.

Ultraviolet: The Sun is the main source of ultraviolet radiation. It causes skin
tanning and burns. Hot materials that are in space also emit UV radiation.

Visible: Visible light can be detected by our eyes. Light bulbs, stars, etc., emit
visible light.
Spectroscopy: Spectroscopy is used to study the way different electromagnetic
waves interact with matter.

We can learn about a substance by analysing the EM spectrum given by it.

When light scatters or passes through matter, it tends to interact with
molecules and atoms. Since atoms and molecules have resonance frequencies,
they directly interact with those light waves having the exact frequencies.
When collisions occur in an excited state, the atoms and molecules emit light
with a certain set of characteristic frequencies. This further results in a line
spectrum. Here, only light with detached wavelengths is produced. The
spectrum is also not continuous, but it consists of a set of emission lines.

In cases where light with continuous wavelengths passes through a low-density

material, the atoms and molecules of the material will absorb light waves with
the same set of characteristic frequencies. This results in the production of the
absorption spectrum, which is a nearly continuous spectrum with missing lines.
Application of
• cordless telephones (DECTs): this is the most common type of

cordless telephone in our houses. They use the 1900 MHz

frequency band. They consist of a base and a handset that emit

low energy radio waves.

• Wi-Fi boxes: Wi-Fi is used in the home to connect various

household devices (computers, TV…) to each other or to the

internet by using radio waves. Boxes regularly emit a very weak

and very short ‘beacon’ signal and also when they receive or send

• hairdryers, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, hair removers…

the electric current running through the motors in these devices

generates an electromagnetic field of about 50 Hz, the equivalent

of what we find in a plug.

• micro-wave ovens: they use the heating properties of

radiofrequencies: water molecules in the food are reheated by

absorbing the energy generated by very powerful radiation in a

confined space.
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRIs are more suitable for imaging soft tissues, making them
more accurate in imaging principal anatomical structures, such as
the heart, brain, and muscles, and detecting various types of
cancer. MRIs are used in radiology to give doctors a view of a
patient’s internal structures through three different EMF fields.
MRIs work by electromagnetic waves


X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to visible

light. Unlike light, however, x-rays have higher energy and can pass

through most objects, including the body. Medical x-rays are used

to generate images of tissues and structures inside the body.

• Electromagnetic therapy

Electromagnetic therapy, which is an alternative form of medicine

that aims to treat disease by applying pulsed electromagnetic
fields or electromagnetic radiation to the body. This type of
treatment is used for a wide range of diseases such as nervous
disorders, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, ulcers, asthma, etc.
• Radio, Television, etc

Lowest frequency waves, radio waves are used in the

communication industry. They are used to carry the signals.

Radio waves can travel centimetres or thousands of meters, and

they are most often used for communications. Devices such as car

radios, radar, televisions, and cell phones use radio waves to carry


• Satellite
microwaves are far-traveling radio waves, so aside from being

used for cooking food, they are often used to extend the range of

communication signals.

Devices such as satellites and remote sensors use microwaves

to carry information at great distances.

• Wireless communication

The most common wireless technologies use electromagnetic

wireless telecommunications, such as infra-red signals. With

infra-red waves, distances are short while radio waves can reach

as far as thousands or even millions of kilometres. It

encompasses various types of fixed, mobile, and portable

applications, including two-way radios, cellular telephones,

personal digital assistants (PDAs), and wireless networking.



We all know the visible light rays. The light visible to the naked eye

or the light emitted by natural sources like the sun or artificial

sources is mostly visible light. We see objects when they absorb

light of a specific wavelength and emit light of another wavelength.


• Electromagnetic radiations can transmit energy in a vacuum or

using no medium at all.

• UV rays are used to detect forged bank notes. Real banknotes

don’t turn fluorescent under UV light.

• Infrared radiation is used for night vision and is used in security

Effects of
Electromagnetic radiation can cause many effects to living things and
objects, including our body cells and body tissues. Let’s take a closer
look at how this happens:
• Ionisation
Ionisation is the process where an electron is given enough energy to
break away from an atom. This process then results in the formation of
two charged ions or particles,. Ionising radiation can be produced from
artificial or natural sources.
On the electromagnetic spectrum, X-rays, gamma rays and the higher
ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum are ionising. Non-
ionising radiation are waves with lower frequency, longer wavelength and
lower energy.
While non-ionising radiation does not penetrate deep into the tissues,
they can cause damage to our skin and eyes. Ionising radiation, on the
other hand, is known to cause damage to living tissues as they can
cause chemical changes through the breaking of chemical bonds.
• Damage to living cells and tissue
The sun’s rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, which
encompasses a large range of frequencies in the spectrum. Ultraviolet
rays from the sun are what causes effects like suntan and sunburn, as
the rays can penetrate the surface layers of our skin. Radiation-caused
cellular damage may also lead to cancer.
Electromagnetic waves which have higher energy, such as x-rays, can
penetrate deeper into our bodies. For instance, they can pass through
soft tissues, but not through hard tissues such as bone. If we are
exposed to x-rays for an extended period, they could cause DNA damage
as well.
• Heating
Heating involves heat transfer and absorption of electromagnetic waves,
whereby any material exposed to the electromagnetic radiation will heat
up. One such example is microwave heating
Electromagnetic waves and the application of electromagnetic waves
cover an essential aspect of physics. Numerous things use
electromagnetic waves (as covered under the applications of EM
waves). Electromagnetic waves are composed of photons that pass
through a material medium or vacuum. When these waves pass through
the medium, some waves are reflected, whereas others are absorbed.
These are just some of the key concepts, applications, and effects that
you need to know about electromagnetic waves and the electromagnetic
spectrum! Not only can they help to broaden your physics learning, but
you’ll get to learn more about how our world operates.
• https://tuitionphysics.com/oct-2020/electromagnetic-waves-
• https://byjus.com/physics/electromagnetic-waves/
• https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/spectrum/overview/
• https://unacademy.com/content/jee/study-
• https://www.healthline.com/health/emf#emf-definition
• https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z9rqsrd/revision/2

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