Extended Use of Transdermal norelgestromin-EE PDF
Extended Use of Transdermal norelgestromin-EE PDF
Extended Use of Transdermal norelgestromin-EE PDF
OBJECTIVE: To compare bleeding profiles and satisfaction fewer episodes of withdrawal bleeding. (Obstet Gynecol
among women using a norelgestromin/ethinyl estradiol 2005;105:1389 –96. © 2005 by The American College of
(E2) transdermal contraceptive patch in an extended regi- Obstetricians and Gynecologists.)
men to those among women using a traditional 28-day LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: I
patch regimen.
METHODS: Healthy, regularly menstruating women (N ⴝ Combined estrogen plus progestin contraceptives have
239) were randomly assigned (2:1 ratio) to receive the traditionally been administered in cycles of 21 days of
norelgestromin/ethinyl E2 transdermal patch in an ex- active hormone followed by a 7-day hormone-free inter-
tended regimen (weekly application for 12 consecutive val that results in withdrawal bleeding in most women.
weeks, 1 patch-free week, and 3 more consecutive weekly Use of extended regimens (ie, administration of active
applications, n ⴝ 158) or a cyclic regimen (4 consecutive hormones for an interval ⬎ 21 days) of combined oral
cycles of 3 weekly applications and 1 patch-free week, n ⴝ contraceptives is common among women wishing to
81). Subjects recorded bleeding data daily and completed delay or prevent withdrawal bleeding for reasons such as
satisfaction questionnaires. Subjects and investigators pro-
athletic participation or vacation.1– 4 In addition to the
vided overall assessments of the regimens.
convenience of reducing the frequency of withdrawal
RESULTS: Extended use of the norelgestromin/ethinyl E2 bleeds, elimination of the hormone-free interval report-
transdermal patch resulted in fewer median bleeding days edly reduces many menstrual-related symptoms (eg,
(6 compared with 14, P < .001), bleeding episodes (1
headaches, dysmenorrhea) that occur at a greater fre-
compared with 3, P < .001), and bleeding or spotting
quency during the hormone-free interval than during the
episodes (2 compared with 3, P < .001) compared with
cyclic use during days 1– 84; median numbers of bleeding
rest of the cycle.1– 6
or spotting days were similar between regimens (14 com- Many women prefer extended hormonal contracep-
pared with 16, P ⴝ .407) during this time. Extended use tive regimens over traditional cyclic regimens.7 Ex-
delayed median time to first bleeding to 54 days compared tended regimens are well tolerated and efficacious for the
with 25 days with cyclic (P < .001). Subjects were highly prevention of pregnancy and reduction in menstrual-
satisfied with both regimens. Although not statistically related symptoms.3,5,6,8 The traditional oral contracep-
significant, slightly more adverse events were reported tive cycle of 21 days of active pills and 7 days of inactive
with the extended than with the 28-day regimen. pills is not based on evidence of superiority and may
CONCLUSION: Compared with cyclic use, extended use of have important disadvantages for some women. Many
the norelgestromin/ethinyl E2 transdermal patch delayed of the cyclic symptoms that women complain of occur
menses and resulted in fewer bleeding days. This regimen during the hormone-free period.6 Hence, for some
may represent a useful alternative for women who prefer women, reducing the number of days off active hor-
mones may provide a significant benefit. In addition, it
* For a list of other investigators for the ORTHO EVRA Extended Regimen Study
Group, see the Appendix.
From the University of California San Francisco, Center for Reproductive Health
Research & Policy, San Francisco, California; University of Florida Health Science Financial Disclosure
Center, Jacksonville, Florida; Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc., Raritan, New Drs. LaGuardia and Fisher and Ms. Karvois are employed by
Jersey; and Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc., which funded this study. Dr.
Raritan, New Jersey. Friedman is employed by Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Re-
search and Development.
This study was supported by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.
VOL. 105, NO. 6, JUNE 2005 Stewart et al Extended Transdermal Contraceptive Therapy 1391
Table 1. Reasons Cited for Withdrawal Prior to Study Com- ting, time to first bleeding, and time to discontinuation
pletion for Subjects Assigned to Extended or Cyclic due to bleeding were summarized by Kaplan-Meier esti-
Regimens of Norelgestromin/Ethinyl Estradiol mates, with the statistical significance of treatment group
Norelgestromin/Ethinyl differences assessed by the log-rank test. The perfect
Estradiol Contraceptive compliance rate per 28-day reference period for the 2
Regimen groups was compared with generalized estimating equa-
Extended Cyclic tion methodology, using Proc GENMOD from SAS 9.1
Reason for withdrawal (n ⫽ 155) (n ⫽ 80) (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).
Limiting adverse event* 16 (10) 4 (5) The sample size was chosen to detect, at the 5%
Lost to follow-up 3 (2) 3 (4) significance level with 80% power, a 5-day difference
Subject choice 4 (3) 3 (4)
Protocol violation 1 (1) 1 (1)
during the 84-day reference period in the mean total
Bleeding 6 (4) 0 (0) number of bleeding or spotting days, assuming a stan-
Other 2 (1) 1 (1) dard deviation of 12 days. All statistical tests were per-
Values are n (%). formed at a 2-tailed, 5% level of significance.
* Limiting adverse events (those that led to study discontinuation)
for the extended regimen group were application site reaction, breast
discomfort (defined as “exacerbated breast tenderness, breast tender-
ness, and exacerbation of breast tenderness”), depression, emotional This study was initiated on May 30, 2002, and com-
lability, esophageal stricture, headache, hypertension, migraine, nau-
sea, urticaria, and vomiting. For the cyclic group, they were breast pain
pleted on March 13, 2003. Two hundred thirty-nine
(defined as “sharp breast pains and mastalgia”), dizziness, emotional subjects were randomly assigned to extended regimen
lability, hypertension, nausea, sweating, and vomiting. Subjects could norelgestromin/ethinyl E2 (n ⫽ 158) or cyclic regimen
have discontinued due to 1 or more adverse events.
norelgestromin/ethinyl E2 (n ⫽ 81) (Fig. 2). Four sub-
jects (3 extended, 1 cyclic) either never received the drug
the bleeding profile variables (including duration of men- or were lost to follow-up with no information after
ses), the overall satisfaction and bleeding questionnaire, randomization. Of those 235 women with information
and the overall assessments by the subject and investiga- after randomization, 191 (81%) completed the study: 123
tor. Fisher exact test was used to compare the propor- of 155 (79%) assigned to the extended regimen and 68 of
tions of subjects in the treatment regimens for categorical 80 (85%) assigned to the cyclic regimen. Reasons cited
demographic variables, adverse events, and the variable for withdrawal before study completion and adverse
“no bleeding days.” The t test was used for continuous events that led to discontinuation are outlined in Table 1.
demographic variables. Time to first bleeding or spot- The demographic and baseline characteristics of the
Table 2. Demographics and Baseline Characteristics of Subjects Assigned to Extended or Cyclic Regimens of
Norelgestromin/Ethinyl Estradiol
Norelgestromin/Ethinyl Estradiol Contraceptive Regimen
Extended (n ⫽ 155) Cyclic (n ⫽ 80)
Mean age 关y (⫾ SD)兴 29.1 (⫾ 6.2) 28.0 (⫾ 5.9)
Race (%)
White 54 61
Hispanic or Latina 24 20
African American 18 10
Asian 3 5
Other 1 4
Smoker (%) 12 13
Mean height 关cm (⫾ SD)兴 163.8 (⫾ 6.8) 164.0 (⫾ 7.1)
Mean weight 关kg (⫾ SD)兴 70.1 (⫾ 16.0) 67.2 (⫾ 14.0)
Mean body mass index 关kg/m2 (⫾ SD)兴 26.2 (⫾ 6.0) 25.0 (⫾ 5.1)
Previous hormonal contraceptive use* (%)
Fresh start 43 45
Direct switch 45 49
Indirect switch 11 6
Unknown 1 0
SD, standard deviation.
* “Fresh start” means subject took no hormonal contraceptive for more than 60 days before screening, “Direct switch”means subject switched
from another form of hormonal contraceptive to study contraceptive within 10 days before screening, and “Indirect switch” means subject switched
from another form of hormonal contraceptive to study contraceptive between 11 and 60 days before screening.
study groups were statistically comparable (Table 2). measured using the first menstrual cycle for the extended
Subjects were generally compliant with patch applica- regimen group and the third menstrual cycle for the
tion. Perfect compliance by 28-day reference periods cyclic regimen group, was significantly longer in the
over the initial 84 days was numerically higher in the extended regimen group than in the cyclic regimen
extended regimen group compared with the cyclic regi- group (6.9 compared with 5.2 days, P ⬍ .001).
men group (85% compared with 78%, P ⫽ .322). Rela- Overall satisfaction, evaluated on day 84, was similar
tively few patches were reported as having fallen com- between groups; 86.3% (107/124) of subjects in the ex-
pletely off (approximately 3% of patches per 28-day tended regimen group and 88.6% (62/70) of subjects in
reference period). the cyclic group were very or somewhat satisfied. Sub-
For the primary reference period, days 1– 84, there jects in the extended regimen group indicated a percep-
was no significant difference between the extended and tion of lighter or no bleeding flow compared with their
cyclic regimens in the median number of bleeding or pretreatment menstrual flow. On day 84, 35% (43/124)
spotting days (Table 3). However, there were significant of the subjects in the extended regimen group reported
differences in bleeding or spotting episodes, bleeding that they had not bled, compared with 3% (2/70) of cyclic
days, bleeding episodes, and incidence of amenorrhea subjects.
during this time. During days 1–56, all bleeding vari- For the overall global assessment of the study drug
ables were significantly lower in the extended compared regimen, ratings of “excellent” or “good” were given
with the cyclic regimen group. For those subjects who by 87% (70/80) and 79% (122/155) of subjects in the
received the extended regimen, the incidence of amenor- cyclic and extended treatment regimens, respectively,
rhea was over twice as great during days 1–56 (28%) as
it was during days 1– 84 (12%).
The median time to first bleeding was 54 days for the
extended regimen group and 25 days for the cyclic
regimen group (P ⬍ .001; Fig. 3). The extended regimen
group had significantly (P ⬍ .001) fewer bleeding days
per 28-day interval than the cyclic group through day 84.
The median number of bleeding days in the extended
regimen group was 0, 0, and 2 for the 28-day intervals of
days 1–28, 29 –56, and 57– 84, respectively, whereas the
median number of bleeding days in the cyclic regimen
group was 4, 6, and 5 for the same intervals (Fig. 4). Fig. 3. Kaplan-Meier analysis of time to first bleeding for
Overall, in each 28-day interval studied, the extended the extended and cyclic regimens. Data collected during
regimen group had fewer bleeding days but more spot- the first week (during menses) were excluded; hence, the
ting days than the cyclic regimen group. In general, the study started with 100% of subjects with no bleeding.
differences between the 2 groups were most apparent Median day: extended, 54; cyclic, 25 (P ⬍ .001).
through 56 days of use. The mean duration of menses, Stewart. Extended Transdermal Contraceptive Therapy. Obstet Gynecol 2005.
VOL. 105, NO. 6, JUNE 2005 Stewart et al Extended Transdermal Contraceptive Therapy 1393
Fig. 4. Median bleeding or spotting
days (A), median bleeding days (B),
and incidence of amenorrhea (C) for
extended (black line with diamonds)
(n ⫽ 155) and cyclic (black line with
squares) (n ⫽ 80) regimens, by cycle.
*P ⬍ .001.
Stewart. Extended Transdermal Contraceptive
Therapy. Obstet Gynecol 2005.
(P ⫽ .111). The investigators cited the treatment regimen in the cyclic regimen group discontinued due to bleed-
as “excellent” or “good” in 86% (69/80) of subjects in the ing. In the extended regimen group, the mean time to
cyclic regimen group, compared with 79% (123/155) of discontinuation due to bleeding was 107 days, and no
subjects in the extended regimen group (P ⫽ .217). subjects discontinued due to bleeding before day 62.
Both regimens of norelgestromin/ethinyl E2 were well One pregnancy occurred during the study in a subject
tolerated. The adverse event profiles were similar with assigned to the extended regimen. The pregnancy was
respect to the types of adverse events. Adverse events discovered at the final clinic visit (day 112), and the
that occurred with an incidence of at least 5% for either subject subsequently had a spontaneous pregnancy loss
regimen included application site reaction, upper respi- later, at approximately 8 weeks gestation. An ultrasound
ratory tract infection, breast discomfort, headache, nau- indicated a blighted ovum. This was the only serious
sea, vaginitis, and emotional lability (Table 4). Although adverse event that occurred during the study. Changes
not statistically significant, there were more reports of in hemoglobin and hematocrit levels from baseline to the
headache, nausea, and breast discomfort in the extended end of the study were small and clinically insignificant in
group compared with the cyclic group. A total of 20 both groups. Changes in vital signs from baseline to the
subjects, 16 (10%) in the extended group and 4 (5%) in end of the study were also unremarkable. Mean body
the cyclic group, discontinued the study due to adverse weight changes in both treatment groups were small
events (Table 1). Six (4%) subjects in the extended (.35 ⫾ 2.31 kg in the extended regimen group and .47 ⫾
regimen group discontinued due to bleeding; no subject 2.22 kg in the cyclic regimen group).
Table 4. Adverse Events That Occurred With an Incidence of at Least 5% in Either Extended or Cyclic Regimen
Norelgestromin/Ethinyl Estradiol Subjects
Norelgestromin/Ethinyl Estradiol Contraceptive Regimen
Adverse Event Extended (n ⫽ 155) Cyclic (n ⫽ 80) P*
Application site reaction 28 (18) 12 (15) .589
Upper respiratory tract infection 21 (14) 9 (11) .684
Breast discomfort 23 (15) 5 (6) .058
Headache 18 (12) 3 (4) .054
Nausea 16 (10) 4 (5) .220
Vaginitis 10 (7) 5 (6) 1.000
Emotional lability 8 (5) 3 (4) .754
Values are n (%).
* P values were calculated using the Fisher exact test.
VOL. 105, NO. 6, JUNE 2005 Stewart et al Extended Transdermal Contraceptive Therapy 1395
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