DLP 2 Characteristics of A Star
DLP 2 Characteristics of A Star
DLP 2 Characteristics of A Star
Department of Education
Region II-Cagayan valley
Schools Division of Isabela
Magsaysay, Naguilan
A. Content Standards:
The relationship between the visible constellation in the sky and
earths position along its orbit.
B. Performance standard:
Discuss whether popular beliefs and practices with regards to
constellation and astrology have scientific basis.
C. Learning competency
Show which constellation may be observed at different times of the year using.
models (S9ES-111e-35)
C. Web resources:
A. Greetings
Good morning class Good morning Ma’am
B. Prayer
Lets bow our heads and feel the presence of As it was in the beginning is now and ever
the almighty God,glory be to the father and shall be word without end AMEN
to the son and to the holy spirit ,
C. Checking of attendance
Earlier, I have given you a green and red star Yes Ma’am
am right?
Alright kindly raised them up please ? The student raised their stars
Alright !!
Q1. Which star is the hottest? Which star is Ma’am the coolest star is Betelgeuse.and the
the coolest? hottest is Rigel
Q2. Which color indicates highest Ma'am blue indicates highest temperature
temperature? Which color indicates lowest and red is the coolest temperature .
Q3. How do you compare the temperature of The temperature of the stars can vary
the sun to the other stars? depending on their size,age and chemical
composition. For example,blue super giants
are among the hottest stars,with surface
temperatures that can exceed 50,000 degree
celsius (90,000) degrees Fahrenheit) while
red dwarfs are among the coolest stars
stars,with surface temperatures below 3,500
degrees,celcius (6,332 degrees Fahrenheit )
Stick here Approximat color
the image of e surface
the star. temperature
Arrange (k)
them in
order of
Q4. Which flashlight appear to be brighter? Answer : the small flashlight appear to be
brighter because even if it is small but it is
Q5. Why do flashlights have different Because they have different size,different
brightness? batteries .
2. Replace the small flashlight at the back of
the bigger flashlight. Compare the apparent
brightness of the two flashlights.
Q7. Why do flashlights have different The two flashlight emit different brightness of
brightness? light or commonly known as luminosity,first
reason could be the batteries inside the two
flashlight have now different capacities .
Q9. What do you call biggest star? The Super Giant and dwarf star
smallest star?
Q10. Compare the size of the sun to the Yellow dwarf star
other star? What type of star is the sun?
Yes ma’am
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Are ready for your presentation class?
Group 2 presenting
Group 1 kindly present your outputs now?
Next Group 2
Group 3 presenting
Last Group 3
Kindly read the direction?yes steven ? Directions: Color the stars based on the
stated characteristics and answer the
Sequencing Stars”
What was the most important thing you The important thing I have learned from the
learned from the lesson? lesson is that without stars especially the sun
we are nothing.
What is still unclear about the lesson? (Students answer may vary )
What questions do you still have in
What is one thing about the topic that (Student answer may vary )
you like most?
G. Evaluating learning.
Kindly bring out 1 whole sheet of paper
and answer the following questions .
With your parents’ assistance, in a clear
night sky, look at the stars from 7 pm to
11 pm. Look for a group of stars forming
a pattern; you may refer to the
constellation map below. Focus on the
one or two constellations like Leo and
Ursa Major which are best seen in the
month of April. Observe the stars clearly
every hour, 7pm to 11 pm. Answer the
guide questions in your notebook.