Anover View of Renewable Energy Potential in Palestine

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An overview of renewable energy potential in Palestine

Article  in  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews · November 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2016.07.052


65 6,975

4 authors:

Adel Juaidi Francisco G. Montoya

Universidad de Almería Universidad de Almería


Imad Ibrik Francisco Manzano-Agugliaro

An-Najah National University Universidad de Almería


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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

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An overview of renewable energy potential in Palestine

Adel Juaidi a, Francisco G. Montoya a, Imad H. Ibrik c, Francisco Manzano-Agugliaro a,b,n
Department of Engineering, CEIA3, Universidad de Almeria, 04120 Almeria, Spain
CIAIMBITAL (Research Center on Mediteranean Intensive Agrosystems and Agrifood Biotechnology), Universidad de Almeria, 04120 Almeria, Spain
Energy Research Centre, An-Najah National University, Palestine

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The energy sector situation in Palestine is highly different compared to other countries in the Middle East
Received 20 May 2015 due to many reasons: non-availability of natural resources, unstable political conditions, financial crisis
Received in revised form and high density population. Furthermore, Palestine depends on other countries for 100% of its fossil fuel
9 May 2016
imports and for 87% of its electricity imports. In addition high growth of population, increasing living
Accepted 8 July 2016
standards and rapid growth of industrial have led to tremendous energy demand in Palestine in recent
Available online 26 July 2016
years. The total energy consumption per habitant in Palestine is the lowest in the region (0.79 MW h/
Keywords: inhabitant) and costs more than anywhere else in the Middle East countries. The primary goal of this
Renewable energy paper is to analyze the current energy sector situation in Palestine and to highlight the status of the
Developing countries
potential of renewable energy as an essential future energy source sector in Palestine. Regarding the
Policy and assessment
main possibilities of RE, the wind speed averages (m/s) for main 5 cities were: Tubas 4.97, Salfeet 4.26,
Electricity consumption
Sustainable development Ramallah 3.09, Hebron 2.90 and Jericho 1.32. With these data, Palestine can be considered as a country of
Palestine moderate wind speeds. By the other hand, Palestine has a high solar energy potential about 3000 sun-
shine hours per year with a solar radiation (kW h/m2/day) for year 2013 of 8.27 in Ramallah, 7.51 in
Hebron, 6.86 in Salfeet and 6.15 in Tubas. These values are encouraging to exploit the solar energy for
different applications. This study highlights that the main renewable energy sources in Palestine are solar
energy, wind energy and biomass, thereby the energy dependence on neighbouring countries may
significantly decrease, when Palestine uses the available renewable energy sources. The renewable en-
ergies in Palestine open new perspectives for energy sector in order to prompt practices for sustainable
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944
2. Geographical and demographic conditions in Palestine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
2.1. Governorates, localities and demographic conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946
3. Energy structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946
3.1. Energy sector profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946
3.2. Energy demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
3.3. Electric power sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948
4. Renewable energy sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950
4.1. Solar energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950
4.2. Wind energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 952
4.3. Biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953
4.4. Geothermal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
4.5. RE projects in Palestine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955
4.6. Renewable energy scenarios in 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 958
5. Analysis of the strengths and drawbacks of the current situation of RE in Palestine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 958
5.1. Strengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 958

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Juaidi), (F. Manzano-Agugliaro).
1364-0321/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
944 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

5.2. Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 958

6. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 958
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959

1. Introduction contributed to the continuous deterioration of the political, eco-

nomic, social, and environmental conditions and hindered devel-
Energy is a continuous driving force for economic develop- opment initiatives. One of the main characteristics of the Palesti-
ment, sustainable development, social improvements, and im- nian situation is the political instability with direct and indirect
proved quality of life [1]. So, energy plays a significant role in consequences for the energy sector and the local economy. In
economic and social development, and constitutes a major threat addition, the high electric dependency on Israel can be considered
to the environment and sustainable development. Rapid techno- as a major obstacle for economic development in the West Bank.
logical developments, improvement in standards of living, and There is no physical continuity between Gaza Strip and West Bank
increased population density have increased the interests to use and East Jerusalem. Gaza's isolation presents technical and poli-
the RE resources [2]. The importance of energy for the processes of tical challenges for transporting, storing and importing energy
production and manufacturing is also a key element of sustainable [13]. Almost all petroleum products are imported through Israeli
development for this the increasing attention is going to the companies. So, Israel controls energy imports into Palestine and
sources of energy that are renewable in the sense that they can be thus prevents open trade in electricity and petroleum products
used without exhausting the source of the energy [3]. In addition, between Palestine and other countries that hindered the devel-
climate change issues and fossil fuel depletion are the main drivers opment initiatives [14]. Abu Hamed et al. [13] found that the costs
for the recent focus on finding alternative energy resources [4]. It of energy are more expensive than anywhere else in the region.
is well known that burning of fossil fuels (Coal, oil, and natural The national and comprehensive energy policy is still not clear,
gas) generates pollutant harmful gases (SO2, CO, NOX, HC, and CO2) weak and fragmented institutional framework and the incomplete
that causes environmental pollution problems [5]. The reserves of framework of Palestine. RE market is strongly affected by the po-
fossil fuels are limited and their large scale use is associated with litical stability in the region, and the economic situation of the
environmental deterioration [6]. The use of Renewable Energies people rises the demand on energy and availability of indigenous
(RE's) instead of fossil fuels provides many important advantages resources. The environment of the political risk and uncertainty
to the developing countries, including an increase of energy ser- has inhibited investors from making large scale energy or in-
vices in remote, rural areas, and is associated with general im- dustrial investments [13]. So, RE in Palestine can play a key role in
provement of economic sector, social sector and environmental the transition to a truly sustainable energy development sector in
issues [7]. The reliance on RE resources around the world is linked the long term [15]. Then, Availability, affordability and sustain-
with effective approaches to sustainable development: they have a ability of energy supply are interlinked facets of overall energy
high potential to be cost efficient, not damaging the environment security in Palestine [16]. The lack and need of stable conditions,
and designed to be suitable for local conditions [8,9]. RE technol- reliable and sufficient energy system is one reason that Palestinian
ogies as clean energies continue to grow in the fields of residential, community development and economic development are cur-
commercial, agriculture and industrial applications [10,11]. RE can tailed even before accounting for expected population growth and
help countries to meet their policy goals to secure, reliable and economic potential [13]. The important conditions such as: eco-
affordable energy, promote development and reduce energy price nomic, political, environmental, geographic, social and infra-
volatility [12]. The energy sector situation in Palestine is highly structural make clear the necessity and advantages of RE over
different compared to other countries in the Middle East. Palestine fossil fuels. Palestine features promising capacities in the potential
is divided into two geographic areas: West Bank (Including East use of solar, wind and biomass energies. Almost the whole country
Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip. Nowadays (2014), according to Pales- has high sunshine hours throughout the year; the total annual
tinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) the population of Pales- sunshine hours exceed 3000 h [17]. Global solar radiation is the
tine is 4,550,368 inhabitants for an area of 6020 km2, being the sum of the beam or direct radiation and the diffuse solar radiation
population density 756 people/km2, distributed as follows: West on a surface, where the former is radiation received from the sun
Bank 494 people/km2 , and Gaza Strip 4822 people/km2, one of the without having been scattered by the atmosphere and the latter is
highest population density in the world. The complex geographical radiation received from the sun after its direction has been
and administrative situation of Palestine can be seen in its ad- changed by atmospheric scattering. For Palestine, the average solar
ministrative divisions made by the Oslo II Accord in 1995, that resource ranges from 5.4 kW h/m2/day to6 kW h/m2/day [18].
divided West Bank into three administrative divisions: the Areas A, Photovoltaic and thermal systems (e.g. solar water heating)
B and C (See Fig. 1. So, the Areas are not contiguous. Area A in- without concentrators use the entirety of global solar radiation,
dicates that full civil and security control belongs to the Palestine. that is, both beam and diffuse radiation. However, solar con-
Area B indicates that Palestine has civil control but security control centrating systems can only use beam solar radiation [19]. This
is joint Israel and Palestine. Area C indicates that full civilian and energy is very promising if it is compared to other places in the
security control is made by Israel. Approximately 60% of the land world like Spain-Madrid (4.88 kW h/m2/day) [20], USA- Denver CO
regions in the West Bank are classified as Area C. So, Israel control (4.95 kW h/m2/day) [21], Australia -Sidney (4.64 kW h/m2/day)
of these divisions therein severely hinders and affects the potential [22], Mexico-Gulf of Mexico (4.78 kW h/m2/day) [19]. Biomass
development of a traditional energy sector's infrastructure and represents an abundant carbon-neutral renewable resource for the
regulations and policies, also hinders development initiatives [13]. production of bio-energy and biomaterials, and its enhanced use
As shown Fig. 1, there is a complex geographical distribution of would address several societal needs [23]. Biomass supplies ap-
these areas, e.g there are 253 different enclosures for area B. proximately 50 EJ globally, which represents approximately 10% of
Palestine is facing a critical situation concerning the achieve- the global annual primary energy consumption [24]. This percen-
ment of sustainable development. Several problems have tage is almost the same as the one used in Palestine, where
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 945


(Oslo II Accord, 1995)

Area A
Area B
Area C




20020 10 km

Fig. 1. Map of Palestine, Oslo II Accord (1995). Administrative Divisions: Areas A, B and C.

biomass energy generated by burning wood and agricultural waste the energy demand.
is limited to cooking and heating purposes in rural areas and Some previous reviews exist in the specialized literature deal-
constituted 9% of the total energy consumption [25]. ing the energy situation in Palestine. Thus in 2007, Abualkhair [27]
The energy demand increases rapidly in Palestine because of evidenced the precarious energy situation in Palestine in 1995,
high growth of population. Besides, most of energy is imported from setting the example of there were 65 localities not connected to
abroad. Therefore, finding alternative of energy recourses is a vital public electricity network; this author highlighted that for West
subject for future generation concentrating on the clean energy. As a Bank region, the electricity consumption was estimated at
start, a detailed insight has been pursued to explore the existing 890 GW h/year, with an average consumption of 496 kW h per
energy situation that depends on the non-renewable resources. capita, while in the Gaza Strip it was 47.91 GW h/year, which was
Several challenges and difficulties face the power generation in considered to be the lowest in the region. In 2012, Abu Hamed
Palestine, starting from political situation on ground, economic et al. [13], for year 2009, got similar conclusions, although the
crisis, shortfall of infrastructure connectivity and ending by lack of electricity consumption was increased to 3808 GW h in the West
supply and demand side management strategies across the country. Bank and 1606 GW h in the Gaza Strip, still was the lowest con-
Furthermore, from the economic point of view, Palestine ex- sumption rates in the region and the costs are more expensive
periences big challenges to import the electricity and fuel [26]. than anywhere else in the region and it constitutes a higher pro-
And accordingly, it has to start depending on its recourses to portion of household expenditure [13]. By the other hand, the
generate the power. These circumstances push Palestinian Gov- energy dependence from Israel was shown in previous reviews
ernment to depend on the existing resources to produce energy. [27,13] and some literature present the renewable energy as a
These energy sources shall be rely on the sustainability dimen- possibility for reducing the reliance on external energy sources
sions to improve the environmental quality, economy, and human [28,18]. This manuscript aims to follow monitoring the energy
wellbeing. situation in Palestine as previous literature was done each 5 years,
In Palestine 100% of the fossil fuels and 89% of the electricity in order to study whether the situation is improving or not.
supply are imported from Israel. This condition does not provide a
flexible diversity of the energy resources. The aim of this study is
to discuss the challenges facing the Palestinian energy sector. On 2. Geographical and demographic conditions in Palestine
the other side, this paper aims to asses the Renewable Energy
potential to be considered in the energy supply contribution, so Palestine has two geographical areas separated from each
the main renewable energy sources in Palestine: solar, wind bio- other. Gaza Strip is located on the western side of Palestine ad-
mass and geothermal, will be evaluated. In summary, this work jacent to the Mediterranean Sea. West Bank extends from the
make a compressive overview in the Energy sector in Palestine Jordan River in the east to Israel in the west. Climatic conditions of
and how the contribution of RE can help to solve the situation of Palestine vary widely [29]. Palestine is located between
946 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

Beit Lahia
Jabalia Hanoun
Gaza Tulkarm Tubas
an-Nusirat Johr al_Diek
az-Zawida al-Burij Qalqiliya Nablus
Deir al-Balah al-Msadar Salfit
al-Qarara SEA
Khan Younis
Bani Suhaila Abasan al-Sagira Jericho
Ramallah and Al-Bireh
Abasan al-kabira
Ga'a al-Grain
Rafah al-Fukhari
al-Bayuk Jerusalem




20 10 0 20 km

Fig. 2. Regions of Palestine.

34°20′– 35°30′ E and 31°10′– 32°30′ N (See Fig. 2). Palestine's ele- West Bank (2,790,331,408 inhabitants) and Gaza Strip (1,760,037
vation ranges from 350 m below sea level in the Jordan Valley, to inhabitants). These means a population density for the whole
sea level elevation along the Gaza Strip seashore and exceeding Palestine of 756 inhabitants/km2, and 494 inhabitants/km2 for
1000 m above sea level in some locations in West Bank. The West Bank, and 4822 inhabitants/km2 for Gaza Strip (See Fig. 3).
coastal climate in Gaza Strip is Mediterranean with humid and hot The Fig. 4 presented the Palestinian Population in 2014 by Gov-
during summer and mild during winter [30]. This area has low ernorate. Fig. 5 shows the communities inhabitants in Palestine,
heating loads, while cooling is required during summer to achieve where the spot size indicates the size of the population.
thermal comfort. The daily average temperature and relative hu-
midity vary in the ranges of 13.3 °C to 25.4 °C and 67% to 75%,
respectively. West Bank areas have cold winter conditions and 3. Energy structure
mild summer weather. The daily average temperatures and re-
lative humidity vary in the ranges of 8 °C to 23 °C and 51% to 83%, Palestine is a developing country in great need of all types of
respectively. In some areas the temperature declines below 0 °C. energy for economic growth. Not all Palestinian people have access
Hence, high heating loads are required, while little cooling is to electricity the whole day. However, there are unusual con-
needed during summer. In Jericho and the Jordan Valley, due to straints on energy development in West Bank and Gaza Strip.
their special climate conditions almost no heating is needed dur- Palestine has not developed domestic energy resources and relies
ing winter while high cooling during summer is needed. heavily on imports from Israel. Furthermore, energy insecurity is
further reinforced by the fact that Israel controls the quantity and
2.1. Governorates, localities and demographic conditions condition of energy imported into Palestine. For example, the Is-
raeli control of Palestinian borders prevents open trade in elec-
The area under consideration in this paper is Palestine. Its tricity and petroleum products between Palestine and other
general characteristics and features pertinent are illustrated in countries. Israel is therefore able to impose non-competitive en-
Fig. 2, where localities, governorates, population, and geographical ergy prices and tariffs on Palestine. Due these socio-political
coordinates are shown. Palestine is divided into two geographic conditions, RE's play special importance for this country [31].
areas: West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip. The
total area (West Bank and Gaza Strip) is 6020 km2, the West Bank 3.1. Energy sector profile
has 5655 km2 and Gaza Strip 365 km2. There are 557 localities,
distributed as follows: 524 in West Bank and 33 in Gaza Strip. Energy sources consist of: first energy generated by petroleum
These are administrated by 379 local authorities, which in turn and natural gas derivatives, second electricity and third RE which
into 124 municipalities, 10 local councils and 245 village Councils. (including solar power, wind power, and biofuels [25]. The energy
Palestine has 4,550,358 inhabitants in year 2014, distributed in balance in Palestine is highlighted in Fig. 6 by a Sankey diagram. In
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 947


(Inhabitants/km2 )
50762 89.2 Qalqiliya

62627 150.2
69179 335.8
108049 341.7
178774 401.4 MEDITERRANEAN
Ramallah and Al-Bireh
210484 551.9 SEA
217758 594.3 Jericho
255705 654.8
303565 657.3
331017 679.6 Jerusalem
338383 1149.8
348808 2929.3
372621 3512.2
411640 4408.7 Bethlehem
606749 5625.9
684247 North Gaza Hebron DEAD

Deir Al Balah

Khan Yunis

20020 10 km

Fig. 3. Population density in Palestine.

Fig. 4. Palestinian population in 2014 by governorate.

addition, energy conservation in utilities has played a vital role in 3.2. Energy demand
improving energy efficiency in the industrial, commercial and re-
sidential sectors [32]. The objectives of the Palestinian energy Palestine is a net importer of oil and petroleum derivatives. The
sector so far have been to ensure the security of supply and total imported energy in Palestine by type of energy for year 2013
minimizing the dependence upon foreign sources [16]. According is presented in Table 1. This Table highlights the high dependency
to Palestinian National Plan (2011–2013), Energy Sector Strategy for external energy supply in Palestine. It can be noted that almost
has presented that energy sector is distinctive of scarce sources any type of energy must be imported. Even so, the total energy
and inability to fully exploit currently available ones, causing it to consumption is considered the lowest in the region. Table 2 shows
largely depend on importation from Israel [25], with the exception the average annual prices of different energy types in year 2013 for
of RE. Therefore RE strategy sets targets to increase the generation West Bank and Gaza Strip. The cost of sources of energy are the
for energy mix and enhance energy independence. higher than neighbouring countries. The energy consumption by
sectors is illustrated in Fig. 7, where the residential and commer-
cial sector spent the largest energy consumption (71%), here a big
948 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

33°30'E 34°0'E 34°30'E 35°0'E 35°30'E


Beit Lahia
SEA Gaza

al-Mograga Nablus Tubas

an-Nusirat Johr al_Diek Qalqiliya
az-Zawida al-Burij MEDITERRANEAN
al-Maghazi SEA
Deir al-Balah al-Msadar


Ramallah and Al-Bireh
Khan Younis
Bani Suhaila Jericho
Abasan al-Sagira
Abasan al-kabira
Ga'a al-Grain Khuza'a
al-Bayuk al-Fukhari



0 - 500
500 - 1000
100 - 10000
10000 - 50000
50000 - 100000
100000 - 449221
20020 10 km
33°30'E 34°0'E 34°30'E 35°0'E 35°30'E

Fig. 5. Communities inhabitants in Palestine.

amount is used for water heating 18% (Fig. 8). Solar energy (solar agreements were done, one with Egypt to supply Rafah (South of
flat collectors) is used only by an amount of 65% of households Gaza) by 33 KV power line 17 MW, and with Jordan to connect
(see Fig. 9). Jericho through a 33 KV power line power line 20 MW via King
Husein Bridge, JDECO submitted a new request to upgrade the
3.3. Electric power sector power line to 132 KV, which is compatible with the voltage sup-
plied by the Jordanian electricity company.
This section summarizes an overview of Palestinian electric The number of localities in Palestine with availability of elec-
power sector, which depends on importation. Palestinian Energy tricity network by governorates in year 2013 is shown in Fig. 11.
Authority plays the role of regulator in Palestine in zones under Hebron and Tubas are governorates with problems for availability
their control (areas A and B). The electricity imported in Palestine of electricity network. Fig. 12 shows the amount of electricity
by country in year 2013 is shown in Table 3, with a total amount of supplied in Palestine by governorate in this year. The Table 4 pre-
4,484,808 MW h, distributed in 3,365,597 MW h for West Bank sents the distribution of localities related to electricity source by
and 1,119,211 MW h for Gaza Strip. The total consumption is governorate in 2013; this highlights the complex situation in the
5,136,861, so these mean that more than 87% is imported from electricity supplied in Palestine, where more than 7 companies are
Israel, while less than 8% is from Palestine Electric Company. Egypt involved. But not all the localities have electricity network, and
supplies some electricity for Gaza Strip and Jordan for West Bank. have to supply it with generators. Table 5 presented that dis-
Fig. 10 summarizes the electrical energy overview by a Sankey tribution of localities by governorate in 2013, which need to be
Diagram. West Bank depends almost entirely on Israel Electrical supplied by generators. On the other hand there are some few RE
Corporation (IEC) for electricity supply; it is mainly supplied by resources for electricity generation. It exists only 1 wind farm and
three substation (161/33 KV): one in the south in Area C close to 10 facilities of solar energy in whole Palestine.
Hebron, a second in the north in the Ariel settlement Area C close Table 6 presents the distribution the connected localities to
to Nablus, and a third in Atarot industrial Area C near Jerusalem. electricity in Palestine by average hours of electricity availability
Electricity is supplied to the centre of West Bank largely through per day and governorate. Figs. 13 and 14 show the distribution of
Jerusalem Distribution Electrical Company (JDECO) via 33 KV and connected localities to electricity in Palestine by average hours of
11 KV distribution power lines at several connection points with electricity availability per day by governorates in 2013 at summer
the IEC including, Ramallah, Jericho, Bethlehem and the eastern and winter. There are 557 localities in whole Palestine. As it is
part of Jerusalem. The maximum capacity of electricity supply to shown in Table 6, 118 localities are classified as “Not Stated” and 24
the West Bank is 600 MVA; 40% directly by IEC which supplies localities without Electricity Network, being the main problems for
electricity to 215 towns and villages, and 60% indirectly by IEC the governorates of Tubas and Jericho. This last governorate, Jer-
through JDECO which supplies electricity to East Jerusalem [27] icho, has also the main problems derivate to this not Electricity
and 165 towns and villages in West Bank. At the end of 2006, two Network, and most of the localities have not access to electricity
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 949

Fig. 6. Sankey Diagram of Energy Balance in Palestine.

Table 1
Imported energy in Palestine by type of energy in year 2013 (Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2014).

Region Type of Energy

Electricity Gasoline (1000 Diesel (1000 Kerosene (1000 LPG (Ton) Bitumen (Ton) Oils and Lubricants Wood & Coal
(MWh) Liter) Liter) Liter) (Ton) (Ton)

Palestinian Territory 4,734,254 237,545 556,780 1648 132,464 17,507 2110 10,150
West Bank 3,406,998 217,409 437,316 1577 93,432 17,441 2078 10,073
Gaza Strip 1,327,256 20,136 119,464 71 39,032 66 32 77

the whole day. The Fig. 15 summarizes the main electricity pro- Table 2
blems in Palestine, being classified as: Electrical current weakness Average of annual prices of energy for year 2013 in Palestine (Source: Palestinian
Central Bureau of Statistics, 2014).
(28%) Electrical current disconnection (26%), Old Electricity Net-
work (24%), Non served areas (17%), and others (5%). Liquefied Petro- Kerosene Coal Gasoline (Israeli Diesel
The only Palestinian electricity production is from the Gaza leum Gas (LPG) 95 gasoline)
($/Kg) ($/l) ($/Kg) ($/l) ($/l)
power plant; with 140 MW of production total capacity installed
which covers a part of Gaza city and other surrounding areas. The West Bank 1.42 1.56 1.82 1.75 1.56
Palestinian Electric Company was established in 1999, with 33% of Gaza Strip 1.32 1.56 1.94 1.75 1.56
its assets for public shareholders and 67% for private shareholders
and with cost of USD 60 million. The IEC is considered the
monopoly of electricity production in West Bank with a main 6.29, Lebanon 3.50, Jordan 2.29. It is concluded that Palestine has
production capacity of more 10 GW. In fact, Palestine is completely the lowest value, in an order of 5 times lowest than Lebanon or 10
dependent on the IEC for their electricity needs. The consumption times to Israel. Furthermore, the cost of electricity is very high;
for Palestine is equal to 0.79 MW h/inhabitant. If we compare this Table 7 illustrates the electricity tariffs for residential, commercial
data with neighbouring countries in year 2011: Kuwait 16.12, Qatar and industry sectors in West Bank. Table 8 illustrates electricity
15.75, Bahrain 10.02, United Arab Emirates 9.39, Israel 6.93, Oman residential tariffs in West Bank and Gaza Strip in year (2014).
950 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

Fig. 7. Energy consumption by sectors, 2013.

Fig. 8. Total primary energy consumption in Palestine, 2013. Fig. 9. Distribution of energy consumption for water heating, 2013.

4. Renewable energy sources Table 3

Electricity distribution (MW h) in Palestine by country in year 2013 (Source: Pa-
The interest in Renewable Energies (specially in solar energy), lestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority, 2013).

are motivated to give flexibility to the system power supply, re- Israel Electric Jordan Egypt Gaza Electricity Total
duce external dependence and reduce problems caused mainly by Company (IEC) Distribution Co.
the environmental impact of using fossil fuels and depletion of its
reserves. Also RE can play an important role in energy supply in West Bank 3,365,597 41,401 0 0 3,406,998
Gaza Strip 1,119,211 0 208,045 402,607 1,729,863
remote and isolated areas of Palestine where no electricity is
Palestine 4,484,808 41,401 208,045 402,607 5,136,861
available during 24 h a day. (Total)

4.1. Solar energy

middle part of the West Bank and Hebron in south part of the
Palestine has high solar energy potential about 3000 sunshine West Bank in year 2010. The highest solar radiation average for
hours per year and high annual average of solar radiation year 2010 in Salfeet is 5.65 kW h/m2/day, then Ramallah is
amounting to 5.4 kW h/m2/day on horizontal surface. The solar 5.5 kW h/m2/day, Hebron is 5.14 kW h/m2/day, and Tubas is kW h/
radiation on horizontal surface varies from 2.63 kW h/m2/day in m2/day. For Ramallah the highest solar radiation is 8.27 kW h/m2/
December to 8.4 kW h/m2/day in June. Fig. 16 presents the day in August, Hebron is 7.51 kW h/m2/day in June, Salfeet is
monthly average of solar radiation in four cities in Palestine: Sal- 6.86 kWh/m2/day in June and Tubas is 6.15 kW h/m2/day in June.
feet and Tubas in the north part of West Bank, Ramallah in the These values are encouraging to exploit the solar energy for
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 951

Fig. 10. Sankey Diagram of the Electric Energy Overview.

Fig. 11. Availability of electricity network by governorate in Palestine (2013).

different applications such as water heating, drying of crops ve- economically profitable, and more feasible than using diesel gen-
getables and fruits, water desalination, water pumping [33–35] erators or extension of high voltage electric grid [36]. These results
and electrification of remote locations isolated from the electrical are helpful to encourage energy sector planers and decision makers
networks. On the other hand, the yearly evolution of solar radia- in Palestine to use PV systems to reduce the impact to the environ-
tion is very promising. Fig. 17 presents the monthly and yearly ment by reducing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere when comparing
averages of solar radiation in Salfeet in 4 years, from 2010 to 2013. with diesel generators. Then, a considerable potential for PV appli-
The highest solar radiation average is 5.65 kW h/m2/day for 2010, cations in Palestine is available that relies on the following facts:
then year 2011 is 4.51 kW h/m2/day, year 2012 is 4.38 kW h/m2/
day, and the lowest value in year 2013 is 3.52 kW h/m2/day.  High average of solar radiation intensity and sunshine hours of
Fig. 18 presents the monthly and yearly averages of solar radiation about 3000 h per year.
in Tubas in these years 2010–2013. The highest solar radiation  Availability of a large number of rural villages, settlements and
average is 4.81 kW h/m2/day for year 2010, then year 2011 is public utilities isolated from the electric grid that will not be
4.23 kW h/m2/day, year 2013 is 4.15 kW h/m2/day, and the lowest connected to it in the near future.
solar radiation value is 3.74 kW h/m2/day in year 2012.  High fuel cost in Palestine makes PV more feasible than diesel
The previous study results present that utilizing of PV systems for powered electric generators in supplying power to different
electrification of rural and remote villages in Palestine is applications in rural areas.
952 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

Fig. 12. Amount of electricity supplied in Palestine by governorate (2013).

Table 4
Distribution of localities in Palestine by the main source of electricity and governorate, 2013.

Governorate There is No Elec- Main Electricity Source

tricity Network
Jerusalem District An Israeli Source (Is- Local Southern Elec- Another Local Gaza Electricity Dis- Others
Electricity Co. raeli National Authority tricity Company Authority tribution Co.

Jenin 1 0 37 16 0 4 0 22
Tubas 6 0 6 4 0 0 0 5
Tulkarm 0 0 15 15 0 1 0 4
Nablus 0 0 40 8 0 0 0 16
Qalqilia 2 0 19 7 0 4 0 2
Salfit 1 0 15 4 0 0 0 0
Ramallah and Al- 1 62 7 5 0 0 0 0
Jericho and Al- 1 3 5 5 0 0 0 0
Jerusalem 0 31 2 11 0 0 0 0
Bethlehem 1 39 2 3 0 0 0 0
Hebron 11 0 29 33 15 2 0 2
North Gaza 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1
Gaza 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3
Deir Al-Balah 0 0 4 3 0 0 1 3
Khan Yunis 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 1
Rafah 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1
West Bank (Total) 24 135 177 111 15 11 0 51
Gaza Strip (Total) 0 0 16 7 0 0 1 9
Palestine (Total) 24 135 193 118 15 11 1 60

4.2. Wind energy how wind could supply 20% of the entire US electricity demand by
2030, being actually the wind power installed capacity in USA
The renewable wind power type offers a feasible and cheap 47 GW. In the same way, another study demonstrated that the
solution to distribute power generators over wide areas world- wind electricity potential in Canada is many times the current
wide [37]. So, it became one of the most convenient and en- total electricity demand [41], being actually the wind power in-
vironmental friendly path of electricity generation [38]. Previous stalled capacity in Canada 5.27 GW. In other countries like Spain,
study showed that the worldwide capacity of wind power gen- at the end of 2012, the wind had generated approximately
erators was 94 GW (About 1% of worldwide electricity use) [29], 22,622 MW, with an electrical output more than 48,212 GWh and
not only for large scale energy production but also for stand-alone met approximately 18% of the total national electricity demands,
systems [39] so; wind power has the potential to satisfy both types having occasionally surpassed 21% of monthly demands [42]. Ki-
of systems [40]. In addition, some agencies (European Wind En- taneh showed that the shortage of natural energy resources is
ergy Association and the German Aerospace Centre) have pro- strongly requiring Palestinian to search for renewable, green and
posed scenarios that have RE sources, including wind farms, sup- sustainable energy sources like wind energy [29]. Recent studies
plying 80% of Europe's entire electricity demand by 2050. The show the wind energy resource mapping of Palestine, where the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the USA (NREL) assessed main conclusion was that wind potential all over Gaza is
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 953

Table 5 wind speeds varying in the range of 4–8 m/s. The Jordan Valley,
Distribution of localities in Palestine by existence of subscribers needs to be sup- represented in Jericho, has very low wind speeds of an annual
plied with electricity by generators and governorate, 2013.
average of about 2–3 m/s. So, the wind energy potential seems to
Governorate Existence of subscribers need to be Not Stated Total be limited to the mountains with heights about 1000 m above sea
supplied with Electricity by level. This would include regions of Nablus, Ramallah and Hebron
Generators where the speed reaches 5 m/s, which is suitable for operating a
wind turbine [29]. E.g. Al-Ahli hospital is located in the south
No Yes
western part of Hebron at 1000 m above the sea level, where an
Jenin 71 4 5 80 average wind speed at 10 m above the ground level reaches 6.2 m/
Tubas 12 1 8 21 s, based on the previous values the proposed and required wind
Tulkarm 28 1 6 35 turbines to be installed at Al-Ahli hospital are expected to be
Nablus 57 2 5 64
around 700 kW total power production capacity [29]. Energy Re-
Qalqilia 30 0 4 34
Salfit 15 2 3 20 search Centre (ERC) at An Najah National University has been
Ramallah and Al- 55 11 9 75 carrying out measurements of wind speed and direction using
Bireh modern meteorological stations equipped with automatic data
Jericho and Al- 8 1 5 14 loggers. Fig. 19 illustrates the monthly averages of wind speed in
Jerusalem 28 2 14 44
year 2013 at different cities in West Bank. Tubas, Jericho, and Ra-
Bethlehem 36 1 8 45 mallah have the maximum of wind speed in summer months:
Hebron 51 4 37 92 June, July and August, instead Salfeet has its maximum in winter:
North Gaza 4 0 1 5 December, January, February and March. Table 9 summarizes the
Gaza 4 0 1 5
wind speed averages in years 2011 and 2013 for these cities. It can
Deir Al-Balah 7 0 4 11
Khan Yunis 6 1 1 8 be seen that the behaviour is quite similar in these years. Tubas is
Rafah 2 1 1 4 4.80 m/s and Salfeet is 4.18 m/s, Ramallah is 3.08 m/s, Hebron is
West Bank (Total) 391 29 104 524 2.68 m/s and Jericho is 1.41 m/s. With these data, Palestine can be
Gaza Strip (Total) 23 2 8 33 considered as a country of moderate wind speeds, these conclu-
Palestine (Total) 414 31 112 557
sions were also reached by other authors for Palestine [29] where
the hilly regions had annual average speed of 4–6 m/s. The values
unfortunately not enough to be considered at any level [43], but of wind speed are encouraging to use small wind turbines to
Basel and Yaseen showed the utilization of wind energy could be electrify sites located far from the grid and have high potential of
feasible in many locations in Palestine for cutting-off electricity wind speeds. In addition another feasible application for small
wind turbines is to use them for water pumping, especially for
production by Petroleum [14]. Electricity generation by using wind
rural areas where diesel generators are used for this purpose.
energy requires studying wind speed based on the available data
and topographical features of the land in different locations. The
4.3. Biomass
coastal strip region (Gaza Strip) is characterised by a very low
wind speed throughout the year, with an annual average of about The technical potential from available annual supplies of re-
2.5–3.5 m/s. Related to West Bank, the hilly regions are Nablus, sidues and wastes has been estimated in energy terms at over
Ramallah, Jerusalem, and Hebron, which have an annual average 100 EJ per year at delivered costs of two to three U.S. Dollars per

Table 6
Distribution the connected localities to electricity in Palestine by average hours of electricity availability per day by governorate in 2013 at summer and winter.

Governorate Average Hours of Electricity Availability Per Day

Average Hours of Electricity Availability per Day Average Hours of Electricity Availability per Day There is No Electricity Not Stated
During Winter During Summer Network

All Day (16–23) (6–15) Less than (All Day) (16–23) (6–15) Less than
Hours Hours (5 h) Hours Hours2 (5 h)

Jenin 66 4 4 1 67 3 4 1 1 4
Tubas 13 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 6 2
Tulkarm 28 1 0 0 28 1 0 0 0 6
Nablus 51 5 0 3 51 5 0 3 0 5
Qalqilia 26 1 1 1 28 0 1 0 2 3
Salfit 15 1 0 1 15 1 0 1 1 2
Ramallah and Al- 47 10 1 9 54 3 1 9 1 7
Jericho and Al- 1 7 0 0 1 7 0 0 1 5
Jerusalem 19 5 2 5 23 2 1 5 0 13
Bethlehem 29 2 1 3 31 0 1 3 1 9
Hebron 41 4 0 4 43 1 0 5 11 32
North Gaza 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Gaza 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
Deir Al-Balah 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 10
Khan Yunis 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
Rafah 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
West Bank 336 40 9 27 354 23 8 27 24 88
Gaza Strip 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 30
Palestine 336 41 11 27 354 24 10 27 24 118
954 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

Fig. 13. Average Hours of Electricity Availability per day in summer (2013).

1GJ in the world [44]. Palestine can be considered as an agri- date palm, figs, guava, loquat, nuts, olives, peach, pear, plum. There
cultural country. In addition, the Agricultural Sector is a pillar of are also works that predicting the heating value of these kind of
the Palestinian national economy, and a principal driver of eco- biomass [51]. Also waste and the organic portion of municipal
nomic growth, yielding large contributions to GDP, including di- waste can be used possible to produce biofuel from them with
vidends from commodity exports, and employing thousands of negligible additional land requirements or impacts on food and
Palestinian. Palestine has different types of plant products that can fibber crop production [3]. Recently, studies show that about 1.3%
be used as energy sources. Due to evapotranspiration conditions of all electricity consumption in Palestine can be produced by
[45,46], there are 49 major crops planted in West Bank and Gaza combustion of olive cake, referred to year 2009 [26].
Strip. These can be classified as fields' crops (wheat and Barley),
vegetables, and fruit trees [47]. Agricultural residue and food 4.4. Geothermal
processing wastes from Agro-Industry represent an important
source of biomass with widespread availability. The main vege- Geothermal energy is considered as a clean source of energy,
tables are: broad beans, parsley, cabbage, peas, carrot, pepper, when compared with other energy sources due to reduction in
cauliflower, potatoes, corn (sweet), pumpkins, cowpeas, radish, greenhouse gas emissions [52]. It is a renewable, green, reliable,
cucumber, snake cucumber, eggplant, spinach, garlic, squash, jews and a cheap domestic energy resource that needs development
mellow, sugar beet, lettuce, thyme, musk melon, tomato, okra, studies and investments in the geothermal sector which should be
turnip, onion, water melon, beans. There are some studies that encouraged and supported [53]. Geothermal resources offer en-
provided energy potential and models for the prediction of the ergy that is constant, and available on demand, providing an im-
higher heating value of vegetables residues [48], and others that portant alternative to fossil fuels [54]. So, the main advantages for
show that this type of energy can be extracted for electricity Geothermal system essentially uses the stable temperature of the
production through biomass gasification [49]. Besides the gasifi- ground at specific depth for heating in winter and cooling in
cation process, the production of biofuels from agricultural residue summer, providing clean energy and reduction in energy costs.
(Lingo-Cellulosic-Feedstock) can be achieved through a biochem- The use of geothermal energy and its associated technologies has
ical process to produce ethanol or through a biomass to liquid by been increasing worldwide, eg. Australia [55], China [56], or Tur-
thermo-chemical process to generate biodiesel. Typically, the key [57]. There is little information mentioned in literature about
biomass to liquid route yields up to 2001 of synthetic diesel per geothermal energy potential in Palestine compared to other RE
dry ton of residue, which means 22,800 tons of diesel can be sources, it has been shown that geothermal has enormous po-
generated for the agricultural residues [50]. This could account for tential as a source of energy for cooling and heating [58]. It has
nearly 5% of the national diesel consumption [50]. Regarding to been found that the Palestinian land is attractive for geothermal
fruit trees, they can be used as lignocellulosic feedstocks. In Pa- energy utilization, mainly there are two of the very high sources,
lestine these are: almond, apple, apricot, avocado, banana, citrus, these are Gaza strip and north of Palestine [59]. The only known
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 955

33°30'E 34°0'E 34°30'E 35°0'E 35°30'E






16 - 23 HOURS

Ramallah and Al-Bireh
6 - 15 HOURS

NOT STATED Jerusalem




Deir Al Balah

Khan Yunis


20020 10 km
33°30'E 34°0'E 34°30'E 35°0'E 35°30'E

Fig. 14. Average Hours of Electricity Availability per day in winter (2013).

Table 8
Electricity residential tariffs in West Bank and Gaza Strip (2014).

Range (kW) Gaza Strip ($/kW h) West Bank ($/kW h)

1.0–160 0.126 0.151

161–250 0.128 0.159
251–400 0.128 0.179

project in Palestine is related to a residential building at Ramallah

in West Bank executed by (MENA Geothermal) company that
provided evidence of the major reduction in energy costs which
paid for heating and cooling by more than 70% with a payback
period of 4.5 years [14].

4.5. RE projects in Palestine

The Palestinian National Energy Plan (2011–2013) [25] presents

that in addition to wood, coal and peat, RE is used for heating
Fig. 15. Main electricity problems in Palestine (2013).
water in residential buildings. Exploitation of RE sources com-
prises approximately 18% of the total energy consumption in Pa-
Table 7
lestine. So, the annual growth of the solar power use is almost 1%.
Electricity tariffs in West Bank (2011).
However, this Plan highlights that the use of solar energy is very
Electricity Tariffs Currency Exchange 2011 low in comparison to available capacities of the total energy
consumption, only 8% of solar power is used. It should be noted
Description Prices (NIS/kW h) ($/kW h)
that this percentage have declined over the past years. Further-
Residential 0.55–0.7 0.141–0.179
Commercial 0.55–0.68 0.141–0.174
more, it has not kept pace with the general growth and expansion
Industry 0.55–0.65 0.141–0.167 of other sectors, nor has it met the energy demand. The previous
report has shown that the projects which were implemented in
West Bank are small scale pilot solar power for generating and
supply electricity to outpatient clinics, schools and Bedouin re-
sidential areas or small villages, which were remote from public
956 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

Fig. 16. Monthly averages of solar radiation in different cities in West Bank in year 2010.

Fig. 17. Solar Radiation (kW h/m2/day) for Salfeet, years (2010–2013).

electricity networks, these are stand alone systems. E.g the pro- utilization. The main barriers for investment in RE in Palestine are
jects of Imneizil village in the southern Hebron governorate and presented are:
Atuf village in northern West Bank. Total capacity of solar power
projects is close to 50 kW. Another project is based on an initial a) High initial investment, weak capacity of local assembly and
agreement reached between Palestine and Japan to implement a manufacturing, distribution, installation and maintenance of
solar tender based electricity generation project with a 300– RE technologies,
500 kW capacity to supply the Industrial-Agricultural zone in the b) Low consumer awareness leading to low market demand,
Jericho area. The most important project is a solar facility of c) Lack of market intermediaries, private sector associations or
100 MW for electricity generation in Jericho. This plant will be other institutions for promotion of RE technologies,
built over several stages, the first stage will provide 10–20 MW d) Low awareness of local banking sector, and consequently lack
[25]. Palestine has quite small remote communities that are far of proper financing schemes, and
from the grid. People living in these remote communities use e) RE has very high expensive cost investment.
diesel generators to power their homes for a limited period of
time, mainly after sunset. Furthermore, about 34.7% of Palestinian Positive externalities of RE generation in Palestine are not being
households experience interrupted power supply [60]. To electrify considered. There is a general lack of consideration of the external
these remote communities will help to solve the problem of power costs in society derived from human health, environmental avoi-
supply shortage. The implementation of a hybrid system that is ded costs and other issues regarding to the climate change that
based upon Photovoltaic (PV) to supply power to remote and may be highly reduced with the implementation of this generation
isolated locations is considered a viable option. This is especially sources. So, Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority
true for areas that receive sufficient amounts of annual solar ra- will have to solve the following barriers to RE development in
diation [61]. RE has not reached yet a satisfactory level of Palestine: absence of clear financing mechanisms, legal and
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 957

Fig. 18. Solar Radiation (kW h/m2/day) for Tubas, years (2010–2013).

Fig. 19. Monthly wind speed in different cities in West Bank in year 2013.

Table 9 regulatory barriers. In addition, the development of RE needs re-

Wind speed averages in 2011 and 2013 for Tubas, Salfeet, Ramallah, Hebron and search on data related to RE sources and make the National la-
boratories internationally accredited for RE technologies, and in-
Governorate Wind Speed (m/s) crease the professional skills related to the RE sector [16]. RE re-
sources present a strategic goal for the Palestinian Energy Au-
Avg. (2011) Avg. (2013) thority in order to achieve some degree of economic independence
[62]. Recently, after the evolution of increasing oil prices, energy
Tubas 4.80 4.97
Salfeet 4.18 4.26
has become another major challenge to sustainable development
Ramallah 3.08 3.09 for Palestinian [63]. Thus, the other main goal to achieve is to
Hebron 2.68 2.90 reduce the energy consumption in Palestine, these can be done by
Jericho 1.41 1.32 the development of a clear energy conservation and regulation
policy [28]. Both goals can significantly reduce the energy reliance
958 A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960

Table 10 h) Significant potential contribution to cover the future energy

Scenarios and expected MW installed. demand increase - Electricity energy demand increases yearly
for about 6%. RE can help to cover this annual increment.
Scenario RE Technology 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Solar intensive Solar 13 17 26 32 38 54

5.2. Drawbacks
Wind 3.5 6 8 10.5 13 17

Wind intensive Solar 3.5 10 13 15.5 18 26 Drawbacks are factors that are within the Region's control
Wind 9.5 15 20 26.5 33 41
which detract from our ability to investment in RE in Palestine, or
areas needing improvement. The foreseeable weaknesses for the
deployment of RES in Palestine are listed below:
on neighbouring countries and improve the Palestinian popula-
tion's access to energy sources and to achieve a better quality of
a) No specific RE regulations defined. Since there are no regula-
tion in the RE market, it is very difficult to create new com-
panies and make investors establish their projects in the
4.6. Renewable energy scenarios in 2020
b) Energy dependency. Palestine depends on the energy imports
According to PEA (Palestinian Energy Authority) two possible
mostly from Israel.
scenarios are mentioned by the year 2020 for the government
c) Poor infrastructure. Currently the grid in Palestine it is divided
plans: solar intensive and wind intensive. Estimations indicate a
into several isolated groups. It's being working for connect the
contribution of 5% to the whole electricity consumption. This in-
different groups, and so have less points of connection with
dicator gives a vision for the expectations of private market in the
Israel and more managing capability of the energy in Palestine.
following years. With these scenarios, it tried to fulfill the RE
d) Small of land surface availability. This is an issue for large scale
target for the year 2020 and established 240 GW h the energy
RE installations. Palestine lacks of terrain, in most of its area it
needs. Table 10 illustrates these scenarios and MW expected to be
is not possible to build installations or it is needed for
installed. The solar intensive scenario gives a higher development
of solar technologies (CSP, PV-on the ground and small scale PV)
e) Poor conditions to develop local industry. Due to the lack of
and wants to reach 71 MW for 2020, instead the wind intensive
energy it is difficult to develop industry.
considers a major development of the wind technologies (wind
f) Government policy. Government does not have plans to solve
farms and small scale), the latter seeks to achieve only 67 MW.
the increasing demand of electricity problems neither to solve
the shortcuts problems.
5. Analysis of the strengths and drawbacks of the current si-
tuation of RE in Palestine
6. Conclusions
The analysis of the strengths and drawbacks provides a fra-
mework for reviewing strategy, position and direction. This ana- This work offers a compressive review of energy sector in Pa-
lysis compares internal and external factors and yields a range of lestine. It is highlighted that renewable energy plays an important
strategic alternatives or choices. Based on these alternatives, the key for sustainable development and achieving environmental
strategies, which match the resources and capabilities to the Pa- benefits resulting from reduction of CO2 emissions in Palestine.
lestinian environment, are identified. The external factors can be The Palestinian government had the goal to generate 10% of
divided into six main areas that influence on the development of electricity through renewable resources by the year 2020. The
the investment in RE in Palestine. These areas are political, eco- possible RE technologies to be used are mainly solar and wind
nomic, social, technological, legal and environmental areas. The energy, but also others like geothermal or biomass. Solar energy is
internal analysis, on the contrary, is focused upon identifying the already extensively utilized in domestic water heating but it is not
organization's resources, capabilities and competencies. widespread use in the commercial feasibility for producing elec-
tricity especially considering that Palestine has 3000 sunshine
5.1. Strengths hours per year and an annual average of solar radiation of
5.4 kW h/m2/day. Wind energy resource is moderate therefore;
Strengths are the positive tangible and intangible attributes
microturbines can be used where as backup sources instead of
available in the Palestinian's region and in the RE sector. The
diesel generators for PV hybrid systems, which renders the utili-
foreseeable strengths for the deployment of RES in Palestine are
zation of such hybrid systems more attractive for remote areas.
listed below:
Wind speed in Gaza Strip is considered very low; therefore, po-
tential wind applications are restricted partially to mechanical
a) High solar radiation.
water pumping, also it is not possible to install wind facilities due
b) Palestine is geographically situated in an area with very good
solar conditions. It has an average of solar irradiation of to the high population density. High oil prices and the desire for
5.4 kW h/m2/day. national energy sovereignty have recently led to a reconsideration
c) Awareness of the Palestinian government about renewable of the potential for RE in at least meeting part of growing Pales-
energies. tinian energy needs and requirements. The importance and the
d) Palestine government is in the way to develop the RE law and needs for the commercial RE applications in Palestine, addressing
also creating a wind map. the potential and possibility of adopting RE resources, in particular
e) Local experience using RE. for many sectors with high energy consumption and also for
f) Solar thermal is widely used by around the country. About 70% electrify remote communities are far from the grid. Using renew-
of hot water is produced by solar thermal technology, which able energy sources may significantly reduce the energy reliance
means people already know and rely on RE technology. on neighbouring countries in a long-term and will improve the
g) Entrepreneurship character of the private sector. Palestinian population's access to energy sources.
A. Juaidi et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 65 (2016) 943–960 959

Acknowledgements cited By 7 URL 〈

ward/record.url?eid ¼ 2-s2.0-
82355180916&partnerID ¼ 40&md5 ¼ 5b84a5326486e74f1b64f157ad028659〉.
The authors would like to acknowledge: The staff of Palestinian [14] Yaseen B. Renewable energy applications in Palestine. Palestinian energy and
Meteorological Department in Palestine (Mr. Yousef Abu-Asad and environment research center (pec)–energy authority, technical department,
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