This document outlines several digital marketing plan options for a newly opened restaurant ranging from basic to advanced packages. The basic package for Rp. 1,500,000 includes daily social media posts and ads for one month. The all-in-one package for Rp. 9,500,000 incorporates additional features like influencer collaborations and unlimited social media reposts. Individual social media and advertising services are also available separately for flexible monthly budgets.
This document outlines several digital marketing plan options for a newly opened restaurant ranging from basic to advanced packages. The basic package for Rp. 1,500,000 includes daily social media posts and ads for one month. The all-in-one package for Rp. 9,500,000 incorporates additional features like influencer collaborations and unlimited social media reposts. Individual social media and advertising services are also available separately for flexible monthly budgets.
This document outlines several digital marketing plan options for a newly opened restaurant ranging from basic to advanced packages. The basic package for Rp. 1,500,000 includes daily social media posts and ads for one month. The all-in-one package for Rp. 9,500,000 incorporates additional features like influencer collaborations and unlimited social media reposts. Individual social media and advertising services are also available separately for flexible monthly budgets.
This document outlines several digital marketing plan options for a newly opened restaurant ranging from basic to advanced packages. The basic package for Rp. 1,500,000 includes daily social media posts and ads for one month. The all-in-one package for Rp. 9,500,000 incorporates additional features like influencer collaborations and unlimited social media reposts. Individual social media and advertising services are also available separately for flexible monthly budgets.
- Daily Instagram Story (1x/day) - Daily Instagram Story (1x/day)
(unlimited repost) (unlimited repost) - Daily Instagram Post (1x/day) - Daily Instagram Post (1x/day) - Daily Facebook Story - Daily Facebook Story - Daily Facebook Post - Daily Facebook Post - Daily tiktok video - Tiktok video (4x a week) - Free simple restaurant website with - Free simple restaurant website with online menu including domain and online menu including domain and hosting for 1 year hosting for 1 year - Instagram & Facebook Ads for 1 - Instagram & Facebook Ads for 1 month (standard budget Included) month (budget notIncluded) - Google Ads for 1 month (standard - Google Ads for 1 month (budget not budget included) included) - Google business and analytic - Google business and analytic handling handling - Social Media administration & - Social Media administration & engagement (comment reply, engagement (comment reply, messages and more) messages and more) - Work with Influencer for jumpstart (on grand opening and promotion time) (2x/month)
Price : Rp. 9.500.000 Rp. 7.500.000 Rp. 4.000.000
Advanced Package Basic Plus Package
- Daily Instagram Story (1x/day) - Daily Instagram Story (1x/day)
(unlimited repost) (unlimited repost) - Instagram Post (4x/week) - Instagram Post (4x/week) - Daily Facebook Story - Daily Facebook Story - Facebook Post (4x/week) - Facebook Post (4x/week) - tiktok video (2x/week) - tiktok video (2x/week) - Free simple restaurant website with - Instagram & Facebook Ads for 1 online menu including domain and month (budget notIncluded) hosting for 1 year - Google Ads for 1 month (budget not - Instagram & Facebook Ads for 1 included) month (budget notIncluded) - Google business and analytic - Google Ads for 1 month (budget not handling included) - Social Media administration & - Google business and analytic engagement (comment reply, handling messages and more) - Social Media administration & engagement (comment reply, messages and more)
Price : 3.000.000 Rp. 2.000.000
Basic Package Social Media Only
- Daily Instagram Story (1x/day) - Daily Instagram Story (1x/day)
(unlimited repost) (unlimited repost) - Instagram Post (4x/week) - Instagram Post (4x/week) - Daily Facebook Story - Daily Facebook Story - Facebook Post (4x/week) - Facebook Post (4x/week) - tiktok video (2x/week) - tiktok video (2x/week) - Instagram & Facebook Ads for 1 - Social Media administration & month (budget not Included) engagement (comment reply, - Social Media administration & messages and more) engagement (comment reply, messages and more)
Price : 1.500.000 Rp. 1.100.000
Pay per services :
Instagram & Facebook Story (1x/day) for 1 month Rp. 400.000
Instagram & Facebook Post (4x/week) for 1 month Rp. 350.000
Instagram & Facebook Post Daily (1x/day) for 1 month Rp. 500.000
Tiktok Video 2x/week for 1 month Rp. 250.000
Tiktok Video 4x/week for 1 month Rp. 500.000
Daily Tiktok Video (1x/day) for 1 month Rp. 700.000
Social Media Manager for 1 month Rp. 400.000
Free for plan that reach Rp. 1.000.000 exc website purchase)
Simple Restaurant Website incl Domain(.com) and Hosting 1 Rp. 1.500.000
Instagram/Facebook Ad Manager (Exclude ad Budget) for 1 Rp. 500.000
Google Ads Manager (Exclude ad budget) for 1 month Rp. 500.000