What Is Behind Capture and Handling of The Catch?: E. Graz Yna Daczkowska-Kozon
What Is Behind Capture and Handling of The Catch?: E. Graz Yna Daczkowska-Kozon
What Is Behind Capture and Handling of The Catch?: E. Graz Yna Daczkowska-Kozon
1.1 The Scope of the Book .....................................................................................1
1.2 What Is Seafood? ..............................................................................................2
1.3 Seafood and the Environment .......................................................................... 2
1.4 Marine Seafood Resources ...............................................................................3
1.5 Marine Seafood as a Diet .................................................................................3
1.6 Marine Seafood Quality Issues ........................................................................4
1.7 Hazards in Raw Seafood .................................................................................. 5
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................5
References ..................................................................................................................5
2 Environmental Effects on Seafood Availability, Safety, and Quality
It also constitutes a useful set of reference materials for professionals dealing with
seafood, including food suppliers, seafood technologists; quality control specialists;
veterinarians, seafood plant managers; local and state food regulatory agencies’ rep-
resentatives; dieticians, and physicians. The interdisciplinary character of the vol-
ume may also attract the attention of weekend fishers, seafood lovers, scuba divers,
and biologists interested in connections between the environment and the accessi-
bility and well-being of seafood resources and/or the environmental impact on the
quality attributes and safety of marine organisms at capture.
alternative to red meat products. In 2006, fish provided over 2.9 billion people with
at least 15% of their average per capita animal protein intake, with the per capita
food fish supply estimated at 13.6 kg (China excluded; FAO 2009).
Though commonly recognized as healthy because of its high nutritional value
and digestibility (see Chapter 7), seafood is also perceived as potentially hazardous
for its possible contamination with harmful microbes and toxic compounds (see
Chapters 8 and 12). These hazards associated with the consumption of seafood are
often exaggerated in some media, since the introduction of hazard analysis and criti-
cal control points (HACCP) in the seafood industry have significantly reduced the
health risks. Also, the allergenic potential (see Chapter 9) of seafood, when part of
a food product, has to be indicated on the list of ingredients (EC Directives 2003/89
and 2006/142).
I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Zdzisław E. Sikorski, editor of
the Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Components series for his support
during the entire process of the book manuscript preparation, for his friendly advice
whenever needed, and critical comments when necessary.
Directive 2003/89/EC of 10 November 2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council
amending Directive 2000/13/EC as regards indication of the ingredients present in food-
stuffs. Official Journal L 308/15, 25. 11. 2003.
Directive 2006/142/EC of 22 December 2006 amending Annex IIIa of Directive 2000/13/
EC of the European Parliament and of the Council listing the ingredients which
must under all circumstances appear on the labeling of foodstuffs. Official Journal L
368/110, 23. 12. 2006.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2009. The State of World
Fisheries and Aquaculture 2008 (SOFIA). Rome, Italy. ISBN 978-92-5-106029-2; ftp://
Huss, H.H., Ababouch, L. and Gram, L. 2003. Assessment and management of seafood safety
and quality. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 444, FAO, Rome.
Roberts, C.M. 2007. The Unnatural History of the Sea. Washington, DC: Island Press/
Shearwater Books, p. 435.