Social Studies Ryan Abogado - 041140
Social Studies Ryan Abogado - 041140
Social Studies Ryan Abogado - 041140
2. Rights possessed by every citizen without being granted by the state for they are given to
men by god.
Natural rights
6. The process of removing from office certain top officials of the government such as the
President, the Vice President and memebers of the supreme court.
7. The agency with the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment is the _____.
Sandigan Bayan
11. A proposed or suggested law introduced by a member of the congress for enactment.
12. A direct vote of the people om wether they accept or reject a constitution.
25. The minimum number of members that must be present if a legislative body is to be
able to conduct business.
Benigno Ramos
9. Section 6, Article XIV states that the national language of the Philippines is
10. SECTION 3, Article XIV states that “ALL educational institutions shall include that
study of
_____________ as part of curriculum.”
11. Who has the power of declare the existence of the state of war?
-Article VI of the 1987 Constitution
12. “ The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at
all levels.”Which government program is in support of this?
Free elementary and secondary education
– Section 2, Article XIV of the 1987 constitution
13. The old name of EDSA during early part of American occupation
19 de junio
18. How long can an elected President of the Philippines serve under the 1987
One term for 6 years
– Section 4, Article VII
19. Historically, Why does the Philippines have a claim over sabah?
The sultan of Sulu, who received the territory as a gift, has given the Philippines
Power to reclaim his territory.
20. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Government employees
and officials.
RA 6713
21. Which of the following describes the Battle of Manila Bay between American and
Spanish naval
The Americans ships outnumbered those of the Spaniards.
22. What right and duty do Filipinos exercise when they participate in ratifying a
proposed constitution ?
24. Who was the first president of the Republic of the Philippines when independence
from America was granted on july 4, 1946.
Pres. Manuel Roxas
- Pres. Manuel Roxas was the last president of Commonwealth and the first
president of the third Republic
25. According to him President “... this Nation will be great again...!
Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
26. He had promised sweeping economic changes, and he did make progress in land
reform, opening new settlements outside crowded Luzon island. His death in an
airplane crash in March 1957, was a seriousblow to national morale.
Pres. Ramon Magsaysay
The President of the “Common Tao”
27. Martial law remained in force until 1981 under Proclamation # _________
– From September 21, 1972 to 1981
33. Section 5 (5), Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution mandates the Government to give
the highest budgetary to:
Department of Education
39. The Republic Act that requires us to teach Rizal and other Filipinos patriots to
tertiary students
RA 1425
42. The mountain that separates the continents of Asia and Europe
Ural mountain
3. It is perceived as the most important need and most pressing problem of the Filipino
Unemployment or financial problem
7. The most important and central message of the Moral Recovery Program.
10. It mandates the blending of coco methyl ester (CME) in all diesel fuel and ethanol in
gasoline sold across the country.
Biofuel Act of 2006
12. The “Asean +3” was recently expanded with 3 new partner –countries during the
2006 APEC in Vietnam to foster broader regional free trade in the region. These
countries are?
Australia, New Zealand and India
13. Refers to a diesel- equivalent, processed fuel derived from biological sources.
Vegetable oils
16. It is the power of the State to command and enforce obedience to its’ will form
people within its’ jurisdiction and to have freedom from foreign control.
18. Policy of the State to promote social justice in all phase of national development and
give preferential attention to the welfare of the less fortunate members of the society.
Social Justice
19. It is declaration and enumeration of the individual rights and privileges which the
Constitution is to protect against violations by the government, by groups or by
Bills Rights
20. It signifies that “all persons subject to legislation shall be treated alike, under like
circumstances and conditions both in the privileges conferred and liabilities imposed”
“Equal Protection of Law”
21. These are the rights of the citizens which give them power to participate, directly or
indirectly, in then establishment or administration of the government, suffrage and
information in matters of public concern.
Political Rights
22. The rights of the citizens which the law enforce at the government, suffrage and
information in matters of public concern.
Constitutional Rights
23. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well-being and economic security
of individuals. Among them are the rights against involuntary servitude, etc.
Constitutional Rights
24. They are rights which are intended to ensure the well –being and economic security
of individuals. Among them are the right property and just compensation.
Police Power
25. It is the power of the State to impose charge or burden upon persons, property or
property or rights for the use and support of the government and to enable it to
discharge its’ appropriate functions.
26. It is the power to apply the law to contest or disputes concerning legally recognized
rights or duties between the State and private persons brought before the judiciary.
Judicial Powers
27. Under the 1987 Constitution, which among it’s basic principles embody the
sociological aspects of life?
Recognition of Family as basic social institution
28. The measurement of the total value of the country’s economic production
Gross National Product (GNP)
29. The major purpose of taxation.
provides State Income
2. The term of office for the President under the 1987 Constitution
6 years
3. It embodies the national policy on information technology and serves as a guide to all
government agencies in the effective utilization of information technology resources.
National Information Technology Plan (NITP)
7. Program designed to solved the social ills of the Filipino society through social
renewal and transformation and to strengthen the moral fiber of the Filipino people.
People Initiative
8. The integration of national markets into a single world place where goods, services,
financial capital and technology flow unhampered between countries.
9. World body with 143 member – countries that set governing rules in economic
relationsand trade.
World Trade Organization
10. Refers to the increasing reliance on markets, not governments to guide economic
11. It is global financial body which imposes sanctions on countries who fail to act
against money – laundering.
The Financial Action Task Force
13. This law allows college students to choice among 3 component programs of national
service namely ROTC, literacy training service or civic welfare training.
National Service Training Program Act (NSTP Act)
14. It is the corporate mind of the pupils and teachers organized around principles of
knowledge in which all minds are thinking as one.
social mind
15. It is outmost educational importance that the social basis of human nature should be
habitual when?
man rearranges social circumtances to let self – restraint give way to social
16. Which of the following situation would hasten the changes the social quality of
a. making education an instrument for social change
b. making our selves open to change
c. letting the institutions be the agents of change
d. allowing freedom to adopt a more critical attitude towards change
Ans: b
17. They ware the first to regard the school as an instrument of social development.
a. the advocates of progressive education
b. the advocates of conservative education
c. those who see violence or terrorism as the ultimate to hasten social change
d. those who are content with the status quo.
Ans: a
18. These are values which are basic, urgent and obligatory in character in man’s life
and activities.
a. religious values
b. ethical values
c. cultural values
d. social values
Ans: b
19. Social stratisfaction is the system used in assigning men their respective ranks in
the society based on?
a. one’s social stratum to another laterally, horizontally or vertically
b. acquired social and cultural heritage of his society
c. factors such as income on his social position in the society
d. The person’s view on his social position in th society
Ans: b
20. A society that gives importance and adopts the democratic view of education,
places great emphasis by
a. requiring compulsory schooling for all its citizens
b. choosing excellent people to run the educational system
c. requiring the use of excellent textbooks
d. recognizing the dignity of al individuals
Ans: a
Ans: b
Ans: c
23. The secret society Jose Rizal establized designed to promote civic and patriotic
among the Filipinos.
a. La Liga Filipina
b. Companerismp
c. Propaganda
d. La Juventud
Ans: b
Ans: a
Ans: c
26. The cognitive aspect of the valuing process wherein the individual has a full
understanding of the consequences of each option being considered.
a. choosing from the alternatives
b. choosing reflectively
c. choosing freely
d. imagining and cherishing.
Ans: b
27. Value – laden ideas that indicates the learner’s behavior such as his attitudes,
interest, aspirations, beliefs, etc/
a. behavior indicators
b. attitude indicators
c. aptitude indicators
d. value indicators
Ans: d
28. The teachers become a director of values learning and enriches the learnings
through cognitive and affective inputs.
a. activity
b. abstraction
c. analysis
d. application
Ans: b
29. To develop the value of self – reflection and analysis educational methods should?
a. focus on note learning and analysis
b. inculcate the value and habit of self reflection starting from childhood
c. condict a series of activities on self – reflection
d. encourage conversion as a proof of personal transformation
Ans: a
30. Is an ongoing process of using one’s innate capabilities and potential in full, creative
ways which is the core of the valuing process.
a. self- actualization
b. introspection
c. value processing
d. self – direction
Ans: a
1. Inclusive teaching approaches enable ___________ learners in the class to take part
in learning opportunities.
a. all
b. disabled
c. special
d. selected
Ans. : A
6. EXCEPT for the ___________ aim, these comprise the pillars of ASEAN community
integration by 2015.
a. economic
b. political security
c. ideological
d. socio-cultural
Ans. : C
8. Among ASEAN nations, which has a political system closest to that of the U.S.?
a. Philippines
b. Singapore
c. Malaysia
d. Thailand
Ans. : A
10. What economic policy in China propelled it to becoming the second industrialized
nation in the world today?
a. Welfare socialism
b. Industrialism
c. Socialist capitalism
d. Maoist communal ownership
Ans. : C
11. EXCEPT for the ___________ factor, these are the facets of "inclusivity" identified
for eradicating extreme poverty in the Philippines.
a. sectoral
b. spatial
c. locational
d. temporal
Ans. : D
12. For spatial inclusivity, the__________ program can limit the population to widen
habitation space for people.
a. planned parenthood
b. contraceptives
c. sterilization
d. free condoms
Ans. : A
13. In terms of funding resources what can the federal system contribute to eliminate
extreme poverty?
a. Nationalization
b. Decentralization
c. Urbanization
d. Privatization
Ans. : B
14. The 1987 Constitution protects the unborn and prohibits _________.
a. use of contraceptives
b. medical abortion
c. induced abortion
d. voluntary sterilization
Ans. : C
16. China's aggressive global commerce has created _________ tension in trade and
commerce especially for the incoming Trump U.S. administration.
a. ideological
b. economic
c. political
d. sociological
Ans. : B
17. From a global threat arises from suspicion rather than concrete evidence?
a. U.S. democratic advocacy
b. South Korean security
c. world peace
d. South China Sea commercial zone
Ans. : C
18. Which incidence of global threat arises from suspicion rather than concrete
a. Iran's nuclear arms
b. North Korea's militarization
c. ISIS' terrorism
d. Hamas rockets upon Israel
Ans. : A
19. What is the religious divide within Islam that causes a conflict between Saudi Arabia
and Iran?
a. Iran against Hamas
b. Saudi Arabia against Al Queda
c. Hamas against ISIS
d. Shiites against Sunnis
Ans. : D
20. What methodology is used for research on political and social issues by pollsters,
such as SWS and Pulse Asia?
a. Field research
b. Survey
c. Case study
d. Experiment
Ans. : B
21. What initiative can make the Philippine government system closer to the federal
system of the U.S.?
a. Charter Change
b. People's Initiative
c. Referendum
d. Election Recall
Ans. : A
22. What is the basis in the 1987 Constitution for prohibiting the teaching of Religion in
public schools?
a. Focus on Basic Education subjects
b. Values Education in the basic education curriculum
c. Freedom of religious conscience
d. Separation of church and state
Ans. :D
23. An approach that is __________ is the needed response to extreme poverty in the
a. multi-dimensional
b. multi-lateral
c. multi-diverse
d. multi-national
Ans. : A
26. The setting up of ______ is a key issue facing Israel and Palestinians in the Gaza
a. anti-rocket missile
b. border wall
c. population growth of Palestinians
d. state of Palestine
Ans. : D
29. All, Most, Some is a curriculum planning model conceived by Schumm, Vaugh and
Leavell (1994). Why is it an inclusive model?
a. It is designed to cater to all learners in a class.
b. It is designed to cater for learners with disabilities.
c. It is designed to cater for gifted learners.
d. It is designed to cater for the hearing impaired.
Ans. :A
30. Facets of _________ personality of a people may explain the paradox that the
Philippines is rated by Transparency International as one of the most corrupt in Asia,
and yet 80% of its population profess the Catholic religion.
a. political
b. cultural
c. ideological
d. economic
Ans. : B
1. Among industrialized countries which is the biggest remitter of CO2 (by 31%) that
cause global warming of the globe?
a. United States
b. India
c. China
d. France
Ans. : C
2. Providing long-term food aid to poor countries, e.g. Ethiopia disadvantageous due to
the negative effect of _______.
a. dependence
b. malnutrition
d. anarchy
Ans. : A
3. Created in 2008 was a new legal framework for Southeast Asian nations known as
the ASEAN_______
a. Document
b. Charter
c. Principles
d. Declaration
Ans. : B
6. In which situation do we insist on belonging to a group thus resisting the risk of being
a. Conformism
b. Radicalism
c. Anarchism
d. Pessimism
Ans. : A
10. The two essential dimensions in teaching Social Science are __________ and
a. observing and inferring
b. seeing and listening
c. searching and imparting
d. knowing and thinking
Ans. : A
13. The type of evaluation which examines outcome and comes up with a synthesis that
the overall impact and relative costs of an activity or program is ___________.
a. normative evaluation
b. summative evaluation
c. formative evaluation
d. causative evaluation
Ans. : B
14. What method of thinking-and-learning draws the general qualities of a person from
particular traits?
a. Problem solving
b. Inductive
c. Deductive
d. Discovery
Ans. : B
15. To which group do we belong if we don't accept the truth because we insist on
belonging to a group or resist the risk if being different?
a. Change agents
b. Radicals
c. Anarchists
d. Conformists
Ans. : D
18. What are the studies conducted on social change over a period of time?
a. Trend studies
b. Cohort studies
c. Panel studies
d. Case studies
Ans. : A
20. In which part of the research do you find the answers to the research problems?
a. Recommendation
b. Conclusion
c. Hypothesis
d. Theoretical Framework
Ans. : B
22. What type of evaluation examines the effects or outcomes of some object they
summarize it by describing what happens subsequent to delivery of program or
technology; assessing whether the object can be said to have cause the outcome;
determining the overall impact of the casual factor beyond only the immediate target
outcomes; and, estimating the relative costs association with the object?
a. Summative Evaluation
b. Normative Evaluation
c. Formative Evaluation
d. Complicated Evaluation
Ans. : A
24. Generalizing extreme perception about people places and ideas, e.g. white people
are biased
about colored people is untruth of fallacy by ________.
a. localizing
b. stereotyping
c. standardizing
d. summarizing
Ans. : B
Ans. : A
1. There are fundamental ideas that distinguish Social Science from other ways of
explaining social events but _________ is NOT one of them .
a. data
b. theory
c. belief
d. analysis
Ans. : C
2.Which comprises what the researcher wants to discover and the best way to do it?
a. Paradigm
b. Hypothesis
c. Methods
d. Research design
Ans. : D
5. A study was conducted on how engaged the Filipino Youth are in the dimension of
participation. Base on the data graph above, with activity
are they most engaged?
a. Online political
b. Offline political
c. Offline sociocivic
d. Online sociocivic
Ans. : A
7. What is a deliberate deception used by advertisers when they say, "Join the thousand
who have chosen to switch to the better network."
a. Bandwagon
b. Circular thinking
c. Falsehood or the Big Lie
d. Personal attack
Ans. : A
9. Which fallacy generalizes extreme perception about people, places and ideas (e.g.
Englishmen Have no sense of humor, etc. )?
a. Globalizing
b. Localizing
c. Stereotyping
d. Standardizing
Ans. : C
10. A good research is one that can be repeated to obtain similar, if not, identical
results. Which attribute of a research is explained?
a. Replicability
b. Parsimony
c. Precision
d. Falsifiability
Ans. : A
11. Which is referred to as the cause variable?
a. Dependent variable
b. Moderator variable
c. Independent variable
d. Extraneous
Ans. : C
13. Which is a short (about 100-500 word) summary of the entire research paper that
includes goals and objectives, result, and conclusions?
a. Abstract
b. Synopsis
c. Conclusion
d. Precis
Ans. :A
15. Which is arrived at by way of a thinking process that puts together several parts to
form a complex whole?
a. meaning
b. relationship
c. synthesis
d. deduction
Ans. : C
16. There is need to adopt __________ sampling for research on academic problem
encountered by indigenous children in a school.
a. stratified
b. purposive
c. random
d. trend
Ans. : B
17. The appropriate participant in a research on needed outreach activities which the
school can engage is the ___________ .
a. teacher
b. students
c. community
d. parents
Ans. : C
18. Which data do anthropologists use in a descriptive inquiry on the cultural life of an
ethnic community through data drawn from myths, stories, songs and experiences
gathered through field
a. Unobtrusive
b. Quantitative
c. Documentary
d. Qualitative
Ans. : D
19. Applying the conflict theory, what element induced Hispanic authorities during the
colonial period not to teach native Filipinos the Spanish language?
a. Need to secure the dominant status of Spaniards over natives
b. Lack of adequate funding to support Spanish instruction.
c. Native were already pacified even without teaching them the language
d. Friars want evangelical teaching, not language teaching
Ans. : A
20. You will study within the population issue of corruption of public official under the
different regimes. Which study will you engage in?
a. Cross- sectional study
b. Trend study
c. Cohort study
d. Longitudinal study
Ans. : B
21. You want to examine specific sub-populations, which as those who played part in
the EDSA revolution with focus on how their attitudes have changed. Which study will
you do?
a. Longitudinal study
b. Trend study
c. Cohort study
d. Cross-sectional study
Ans. : C
22. For which of the following issues or concerns would a sociologist likely do an
empirical inquiry?
a. Crowd behavior during rallies
b. Medical effect of contraceptives o health
c. Advantages and disadvantage of democracy as an ideology
d. Church doctrine behind Pope Francis wanting priests to forgive abortion sinners
Ans. : A
23. What is the appropriate research method in a field study on a cultural group, e.g.
way of life of Badjaos who have settled inland in Zamboanga province?
a. Documentary research
b. Open-ended interviews
c. Standardized survey
d. Ethnographic observation
Ans. : D
24. Research leader Edna insisted that student researches appreciate the value of
_________ data or evidence for scientific study above mere speculation or opinion.
a. authority
b. empirical
c. tradition
d. logical reasoning
Ans. : B
27. What should the researcher do when he/she is not clear yet familiar with the
a. Set assumptions
b. Explore the topic
c. Chronicle activities
d. Draw up hypothesis
Ans. : B
28. What should the researcher do when he/she is clear about his subject and methods
and is ready of the tasks of research?
a. Chronicle activities
b. Explore the topic
c. Set assumptions
d. Draw up hypothesis
Ans. : A
29. To further clarify the subject, what can be done to ensure that it does not overlap
with irrelevant matters?
a. Perform pilot testing
b. Formulate a hypothesis
c. Consult experts
d. Set limitations and delimitations
Ans. : D
1. How does a hypothesis support inquiry?
a. They refer to evidence already proven.
b. They restate the thesis question.
c. They are tentative answers to what is true of false.
d. They provide body of literature.
Ans. : C
2. In order to protect participants on serious issues like use of drugs, researcher can
adopt__________ of respondents.
a. custody
b. anonymity
c. open testimony
d. subpoena
Ans. : B
5. When social researchers "speak out" the truth on social issues, they perform the role
of scientific
_________ .
a. journalism
b. experts
c. writers
d. commentators
Ans. : B
6. Which term is used for researchers predisposed to arriving at the same conclusion for
a series of researches on the same topic?
a. Labeling
b. Time dimension
c. Reductionism
d. Echoing
Ans. : C
7. Which did researcher Ana conduct on kinds of worship among similar Christian
a. Trend
b. Cross-sectional
c. Cohort
d. Longitudinal
Ans. : C
8. Which type of study and researcher Pete conduct on the popular use among
millennial youths of Facebook accounts?
a. cohort
b. trend
c. longitudinal
d. cross-sectional
Ans. : B
11. What is the unit studies about churches, colleges, agencies, army r navy?
a. Social interactions
b. Individuals
c. Social artifacts
d. Organizations
Ans. : D
12. A researcher committed _________ fallacy by concluding that young voters due to
their age voted for young candidates.
a. ecological
b. branding
c. time dimension
d. reductionist
Ans. : A
14. Participants may be willing to be interviewed but there should the right of ________
need to be ensured by telling them the nature of a specific research.
a. non-coercion
b. informed consent
c. privacy
d. protection from harm
Ans. : B
15. Participants not willing to be interviewed for a research should not be subjected to
__________such that they become reluctant respondents.
a. coercion
b. harm
c. ignorance
d. public disclosure
Ans. : A
16. As a researcher, you employ the inductive approach? Which do you do?
a. Generate new theory emerging from the data and then test the validity the theory
b. Test the validity of the theory
c. Generate new theory emerging from the data
d. The validity of the theory then come up with conclusion
Ans. : C
17. What is expected of the researcher in the Methods/Procedure part of the research?
I. Describes what s/he did, how s/he did it
II. Gives strategies, sample calculations
III. Describes tools and instruments
a. I, II and III
b. I and III
c. II and III
d. I and II
Ans. : A
19. You should like to research an academic problems met by Indigenous Peoples'
children in your school, which sampling will you use?
a. No sampling
b. Stratified sampling
c. Purposive sampling
d. Random sampling of all school children
Ans. : C
22. Which kind of data includes descriptive field notes, narration of informants, myths,
stories, song and sagas as gathered by anthropologists?
I. Qualitative data
II. Quantitative data
III. Inferential data
a. II only
b. III only
c. I only
d. I, II and III
Ans. : A
23. In my research, I use basic classical ethnographic field methods. Which ones do I
I. observations
II. asking questions
III. interpretation
IV. participant observation
a. I,II and III
b. II, III and IV
c. I, II, III and IV
d. I, III and IV
Ans. : C
24. If a design for evaluating a Community Support Program is being evaluated for its,
relevance, what is the most significant question to consider?
a. Does the range of information to be provided include all the important aspects of the
b. Does the information to be provided adequately serve the evaluation needs of the
c. Is the information to be provided timely enough to e of use to the audiences?
d. Does the intended evaluation strictly follow ethical principles?
Ans. : B
25. How does one avoid bias when administering a teacher questionnaire to determine
the pulse on
a new performance evaluation system?
a. Give priority to those who volunteer to fill out the questionnaire.
b. Make sure the sample of what you'll measure is most likely to present varied
c. Select sample from those getting high performance ratings.
d. Exclude as respondents teachers who are 60 or over.
Ans. : B
27. If you conduct a phenomenological research, what key ingredients do you expect?
I. A research question driven by curiosity informs the design of a study.
II. Participants need to be interested in and committed to exploring their livedexperience
to generate good quality data.
III. An effective analytical framework which can increase the quality of the findings.
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. I, II and III
Ans. : D
28. An experimental research might compare accident rates in those who text and drive
versus those who do not text and drive. Which would be the independent variable?
a. The outcome ( accident or no accident)
b. The behavior of texting and driving
c. Gender of drivers who text and drive
Ans. : B
29. Research Z conducted a correlational research on texting while driving and rate of
accidents.Which is a possible finding?
a. Younger drivers have an increased rate of accidents while texting and driving.
b. Older drivers have less cell phones
c. Younger drivers are more techno savvy.
d. Accidents are caused by texting.
Ans. : A
30. I like to find out if integrity of public officials has been improving. Which study will I
a. Cohort Study
b. Cross-sectional study
c. Trend study
d. Longitudinal study
1. Which affects the validity of research results due to external events, e.g. popularity
decline of a senator accused of illegal drug involvement?
a. Testing
b. Maturation
c. History
d. Statistical regression
Ans. : C
2. If it rains, the ground gets wet. Today, the ground is wet. Therefore, it rained. Is this a
correct thinking?
a. Yes, what else will make the ground wet if not rain itself.
b. Yes, because if it rains, the ground surely gets wet.
c. Yes, because the ground is wet today and so it must have rained yesterday.
d. No, because the ground may have been wet by something else other than rain.
Ans. : D
4. Is the validity of research results affected due to people continually changing e.g.
getting older, more wealthy, etc.? Yes, because of ________?
a. experimental mortality
b. testing
c. selection biases
d. maturation
Ans. : D
5. Is the validity of research results affected due to participants dropping out of the e.g.
experimental or control group? Yes, because of _________?
a. history
b. instrumentation
c. experimental mortality
d. testing
Ans. : C
6. Is the validity of research results affected due to what happens to people over time,
e.g. participants in class achievement getting worse?
a. Testing
b. Statistical regression
c. History
d. Diffusion
Ans. : B
8. What pattern results from your data that show, e.g. how often child abuse committed
in a region?
a. Processes
b. Frequencies
c. Magnitude
d. Consequences
Ans. : B
9. What pattern results from you data that show e.g. levels of child abuse in community?
a. Processes
b. Frequencies
c. Magnitude
d. Consequences
Ans. : C
10. What is part of instruction which gives due consideration to differences interests,
abilities and
needs of learning?
a. Remedial
b. Experimental
c. Adaptive
d. Experiential
Ans. : C
14. The east-west _________ line encircles the earth and divides it into two equal parts
or hemispheres.
a. longitude
b. equator
c. meridian
d. latitude
Ans. : C
20. If the tarsiers are found in Bohol, the tamaraws are found in _________?
a. Mindoro
b. Davao
c. Cagayan
d. Palawan
Ans. : A
21. Which is the Mindanao province that is known as the first seat of Islam in
a. Zamboanga
b. Tawi-Tawi
c. Sulu
d. Basilan
Ans. : C
23. Prior to the Amazon River being recognized as the longest river in the world, which
was known as the world's longest river artery in the world?
a. Cagayan river
b. Yangtze river
c. Yellow river
d. Nile river
Ans. : D
24. William Shakespeare was from England, while Edgar Allan Poe was from
a. United States
b. Great Britain
c. France
d. Ireland
Ans. : A
25. What was the name of our islands as it first appeared in a rare map published in
1554 at Venice
by Giovanni Battista Ramusio an Italian geographer?
a. Philippines
b. Filipinas
c. Philippines Islands
d. Philippine archipelago
Ans. : B
26. In a land area of 115,707 square miles, the Philippines is almost as large as
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. United States
d. Greece
Ans. : A
27. In its land area of 115,707 square mile, the Philippines is twice as big as
a. Italy
b. Britain
c. Greece
d. Germany
Ans. : C
28. On a sunny day, what island i visible from Y'Ami, the northernmost isle of the
a. Japan
b. Taiwan
c. Hong Kong
d. South Korea
Ans. : B
30. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea designated a
_________ Exclusive Economic Zone of water around the Philippine archipelago for
sovereign right to explore, conserve and manage natural resources of ocean, seabed
and subsoil.
a. 1000-mile belt
b. 100-mile belt
c. 500-mile belt
d. 200-mile belt
Ans. : D
1. Which affects the validity of research results due to external events, e.g. popularity
decline of a senator accused of illegal drug involvement?
a. Testing
b. Maturation
c. History
d. Statistical regression
Ans. : C
2. If it rains, the ground gets wet. Today, the ground is wet. Therefore, it rained. Is this a
correct thinking?
a. Yes, what else will make the ground wet if not rain itself.
b. Yes, because if it rains, the ground surely gets wet.
c. Yes, because the ground is wet today and so it must have rained yesterday.
d. No, because the ground may have been wet by something else other than rain.
Ans. : D
4. Is the validity of research results affected due to people continually changing e.g.
getting older, more wealthy, etc.? Yes, because of ________?
a. experimental mortality
b. testing
c. selection biases
d. maturation
Ans. : D
5. Is the validity of research results affected due to participants dropping out of the e.g.
experimental or control group? Yes, because of _________?
a. history
b. instrumentation
c. experimental mortality
d. testing
Ans. : C
6. Is the validity of research results affected due to what happens to people over time,
e.g. participants in class achievement getting worse?
a. Testing
b. Statistical regression
c. History
d. Diffusion
Ans. : B
8. What pattern results from your data that show, e.g. how often child abuse committed
in a region?
a. Processes
b. Frequencies
c. Magnitude
d. Consequences
Ans. : B
9. What pattern results from you data that show e.g. levels of child abuse in community?
a. Processes
b. Frequencies
c. Magnitude
d. Consequences
Ans. : C
10. What is part of instruction which gives due consideration to differences interests,
abilities and
needs of learning?
a. Remedial
b. Experimental
c. Adaptive
d. Experiential
Ans. : C
14. The east-west _________ line encircles the earth and divides it into two equal parts
or hemispheres.
a. longitude
b. equator
c. meridian
d. latitude
Ans. : C
20. If the tarsiers are found in Bohol, the tamaraws are found in _________?
a. Mindoro
b. Davao
c. Cagayan
d. Palawan
Ans. : A
21. Which is the Mindanao province that is known as the first seat of Islam in
a. Zamboanga
b. Tawi-Tawi
c. Sulu
d. Basilan
Ans. : C
23. Prior to the Amazon River being recognized as the longest river in the world, which
was known as the world's longest river artery in the world?
a. Cagayan river
b. Yangtze river
c. Yellow river
d. Nile river
Ans. : D
24. William Shakespeare was from England, while Edgar Allan Poe was from
a. United States
b. Great Britain
c. France
d. Ireland
Ans. : A
25. What was the name of our islands as it first appeared in a rare map published in
1554 at Venice by Giovanni Battista Ramusio an Italian geographer?
a. Philippines
b. Filipinas
c. Philippines Islands
d. Philippine archipelago
Ans. : B
26. In a land area of 115,707 square miles, the Philippines is almost as large as
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. United States
d. Greece
Ans. : A
27. In its land area of 115,707 square mile, the Philippines is twice as big as
a. Italy
b. Britain
c. Greece
d. Germany
Ans. : C
28. On a sunny day, what island i visible from Y'Ami, the northernmost isle of the
a. Japan
b. Taiwan
c. Hong Kong
d. South Korea
Ans. : B
30. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea designated a
_________ Exclusive
Economic Zone of water around the Philippine archipelago for sovereign right to
explore, conserve
and manage natural resources of ocean, seabed and subsoil.
a. 1000-mile belt
b. 100-mile belt
c. 500-mile belt
d. 200-mile belt
Ans. : D
1. The coastline of islands in the Philippines is twice that of the ________.
a. Africa
b. Caribbean Islands
c. United States
d. Europe
Ans. : C
4. Intervening the dry and wet seasons in the Philippines are months from__________
known as the Philippine springtime, the most delightful season of the years.
a. November to February
b. April to June
c. June to August
d. January to March
Ans. : A
5. The largest flower in the world is the one-foot diameter ______ which grows wild in
the forests of Mindanao.
a. kamuning
b. banaba
c. kakawate
d. pungapung
Ans. : D
11. The national tree and queen of the Philippine trees is the _________.
a. Kawayan
b. taguili
c. narra
d. molave
Ans. : C
12. The Arabs, who where excellent geographers and navigators, perfected the
________ a navigation instrument to determine the altitude of stars and planets.
a. astrolable
b. compass
c. telescope
d. sunglass
Ans. : A
13. Which is a Chinese-dominated former British colony Asian economic power which
serves as a financial center and a major harbor for trade because of its strategic
a. Japan
b. Taiwan
c. Philippines
d. Singapore
Ans. : D
14. Which one is an exemplary nation of tourism and a superpower of finances and
a. Canada
b. Great Britain
c. France
d. Switzerland
Ans. : D
15. About 85% of gigantic waves called tsunamis occur in the _________.
a. Pacific Ocean
b. China Sea
c. Atlantic Ocean
d. Indian Ocean
Ans. : A
16. The Philippines lies on the _______ an area where many volcanoes are active.
a. rift valley
b. tectonic zone
c. ring of fire
d. epicenter
Ans. : C
17. The continuous masses of land surrounded by big bodies of water on the earth's
surface is known as __________.
a. peninsula
b. continents
c. archipelago
d. hemisphere
Ans. : B
18. Of seven continents in the world, the largest is _______ and the smallest is
a. Africa :: Antartica
b. Asia :: Australia
c. North America :: South America
d. Europe : Oceania
Ans. : B
19. The largest and second largest of the world's island are ________.
a. Greenland and New Guinea
b. Borneo and Madagascar
c. Baffin and Sumatra
d. Honshu and Great Britain
Ans. : A
20. The fixed system of _________ time was developed in 1884 in order to follow new
and faster methods of communication and travel.
a. analog
b. local
c. standard
d. digital
Ans. : C
21. Due to similar birth and death rates, ________ has a zero rate of natural increase in
a. Philippines
b. United Kingdom
c. United States
d. Japan
Ans. : B
24. Environmentalists and linguists are in search of "Filipinizing" an unfamiliar term that
came up during typhoon Yolanda. What is the term?
a. Tsunami
b. Storm signal
c. Field research
d. Storm surge
Ans. : D
25. Nobel Prize Laureate Elinor Ostrom asserts a viable formula for getting people of
various backgrounds to work together for the common good. This is known as the
a. common goals/objectives
b. collective action
c. common pool resource
d. collective bargaining
Ans. : C
26. In the United Nations conference on the Law of the Sea, which group stood together
against the doctrine that the international seabed and their resource are the "common
heritage of mankind?"
a. Developing countries
b. Developed countries
d. Afro-Asian
Ans. : A
27. Geographers measure landforms by _______ or height above the surface of the
ocean and by _______ from the ocean depth.
a. range :: width
b. height :: depth
c. elevation :: sea level
d. altitude :: longitude
Ans. : C
28. Orographic _____ takes place when a moving mass of earth is forced to go up
because of topographic barriers, (ranges, mountains, hill, etc.)
a. freezing
b. cooling
c. warming
d. heating
Ans. : B
30. The largest ocean which covers more than a third of the earth's surface is the
_______ Ocean.
a. Indian
b. Atlantic
c. Pacific
d. Arctic
Ans. : C
1. The smallest ocean in the world is the ________ ocean.
a. Pacific
b. Indian
c. Atlantic
d. Arctic
Ans. : D
2. A great body of salty water smaller than an ocean, more or less landlocked is a
a. bay
b. gulf
c. sea
d. lake
Ans. : C
3. It is important that the South China Sea is not militarized by China or any other
country because it is a _________ between East Asian countries and Southeast Asia.
a. canal
b. sea-lane
c. channel
d. demarcation
Ans. : B
4. The warm ocean current that moderates surface temperatures of the cold waters of
the Pacific off the coast of Peru was called ________ because of occurs around
a. Paskua
b. La Nina
c. Monsoon Nino
d. Peru Current
Ans. : C
5. A condition when sea surface temperatures in the Pacific are low and the trade winds
are very strong is called _________.
a. El Nino
b. La Nina
c. Monsoon drift
d. Tropical Stream
Ans. : B
6. El Nino has bought economic disasters by the way of severe _______ over the
western tropical Pacific region and ________ over the eastern Pacific, as well as
unusual weather conditions in the world.
a. tsunamis :: flashflood
b. typhoons :: landslide
c. droughts :: floods
d. earthquake :: tremors
Ans. : C
7. The most common map used by geography is the ________ because it is a scale
model of the three dimensions of the earth.
a. Equal area map
b. Mercator map
c. Polar projections
d. Colored map
Ans. : D
8. An ideal tool for teachers and students of geography is the _______ because it is a
scale model of the three dimensions of the earth.
a. equal area map
b. Color map
c. Globe
d. World land mass map
Ans. :C
10. The pattern of changes of weather over a number of years is the __________ .
a. atmosphere
b. season
c. climate
d. temperature
Ans. : C
11. The number of daytime hours and night time hours is exactly equal all over the
world during the _________.
a. equinox
b. summer solstice
c. midnight sun
d. tropic of cancer
Ans. : A
12. In the northern hemisphere, the shortest day and longest night of he year is the
a. equinox
b. midnight sun
c. winter solstice
d. tropic of cancer
Ans. : C
13. The process of water constantly moving from ocean to air to land and back to the
ocean is called ____________.
a. transpiration
b. hydraulic cycle
c. evaporation
d. precipitation
Ans. : B
14. The change of water vapor to rain, snow or hail is known as ________.
a. transpiration
b. condensation
c. precipitation
d. evaporation
Ans. : A
15. Prevailing winds called __________ blow in special patterns that change with the
a. tropical winds
b. cross winds
c. seasonal winds
d. trade winds
Ans. : D
16. A storm is called __________ in the Atlantic region and ________ in the Pacific
a. cyclone :: monsoon
b. Atlantic storm :: Pacific storm
c. convergence :: divergence
d. hurricane :: typhoon
Ans. : D
19. These countries have year-round humid tropical climate with heavy rainfall and high
temperatures all year long EXCEPT _______.
a. Tanzania
b. India
c. Zaire
d. Central Africa
Ans. : B
20. These countries have very dry or arid climate with little or no rain falls during the
year EXCEPT ________.
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Sudan
c. Zaire
d. Gobi desert
Ans. : C
21. Half the sphere that divides the earth into two from north to south and from east to
west is the _________.
a. equator
b. hemisphere
c. meridian
d. tropic zone
Ans. : B
22. Worth preserving because they supply most of the world's supply of oxygen are
a. oceanic ecosystems
b. grasslands
c. rain forests
d. mountain ecosystems
Ans. : C
23. Only few groups of people have settled in arctic regions because environment is
a. harsh
b. unbalanced
c. nocturnal
d. cramp
Ans. : A
24. Which of these relationships between human activities and our natural resources
cause degradation and imbalance of the ecosystem? This one more directly relates to
reduction of biological habitat:
a. Unregulated irrigation :: agricultural products
b. Illegal logging :: forest cover
c. Unrestrained mining :: mineral resources
d. Use of banned pesticides :: farming
Ans. : B
25. Polluted air from smoke belching of vehicles and industries can fall to the earth as
a. ice sleets
b. hail storms
c. acid rain
d. drizzles
Ans. : C
26. Why didn't the United States and Australia sign the Kyoto Protocol to slash
greenhouse gasses by 5.2 percent before 2012?
a. Global warming is a myth.
b. It would hurt their economy.
c. Only non-industrialized countries can comply.
d. They are already cutting green house gas emissions.
Ans. : B
27. These can offset uneven distribution and growth of population in countries EXCEPT
a. recycling
b. conservation
c. production
d. alternative resources
Ans. : C
28. Earthquake prediction at early and short time periods today is on a __________
a. measured validity
b. scientific accuracy
c. hit-and-run
d. instrument reliability
Ans. : C
30. Why were the various regions of the country created as subdivisions of the nation?
a. economic groupings
b. cultural affinity
c. administrative convenience
d. similar language/dialect
Ans. : C
1. Among 17 regional subdivisions of the Philippines, which is unique in having its own
governor and legislative assembly?
b. Calabarzon
d. Davao Region
Ans. : A
2. These are reasons why our Muslim brothers in the Southern Philippines deserve
autonomy EXCEPT for their ________.
a. own cultural identify
b. traditional Muslim homeland
c. repelling Hispanic and American colonial incursions
d. animosity between mainland and Sulu archipelago Muslims
Ans. : D
275. Not among the World Heritage Sites in the Ilocos region is ________ :
a. Santa Maria Church
b. Paoay Church
c. Vigan
d. Hunderd Islands Nation Park
Ans. : D
276. With its agro-industrial business the province of ______ has the biggest
contribution to the economic development in the Ilocos region.
a. Pangasinan
b. Ilocos Norte
c. Ilocos Sur
d. La Union
Ans. : A
277. The Presidents of the Republic hailed from Ilocano provinces EXCEPT
a. Ferdinand Marcos
b. Elpidio Quirino
c. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
d. Fidel B. Ramos
Ans. C
278. Which province in Central Luzon can continue to advance the claim that the region
is the Rice Granary of the Philippines?
a. Bataan
b. Nueva Ecija
c. Tarlac
d. Zambales
Ans. : B
279. Which is NOT a right relationship between national figures and their province base
in Calabarzon region is _________ :
a. Emilio Aguinaldo : Cavate
b. Jose Rizal :: Laguna
c. Manuel Quezon :: Quezon City
d. Macario Sakay :: Mountain of Rizal
Ans. : C
280. The behavioral cause of the diminishing agriculture economy in the Calabarzon
region is the __________.
a. growth of manufacturing and light-tech industries
b. urbanization in lifestyle and occupation
c. focus on tourism promotion of historical sites
d. pollution unfavorable to crops
Ans. : B
281. Why are lush forest of the mountain ranges of Aklan, Antique and Capiz described
as "accessibility impaired?"
a. No travelers can pollute them.
b. Environment is green.
c. Cutters and poachers can't reach them.
d. Good for adventure sports.
Ans. : C
282. What is the long-term initiative that placed Western Visayas out of the "hotspot
areas" for illegal logging?
a. Surveillance and Monitoring
b. Confiscation of illegally cut trees.
c. Prohibition of possession of forest products
d. Reforestation
Ans. : D
283. Among advocacy materials posted in public places, which directly relate to health
a. No smoking
b. Barya lang po sa umaga
c. Priority Seats for Pregnant Women
d. PWD and Senior Citizen signs
Ans. : A
284. The ___________ reverly experience makes the Anti-Atihan pre-Lenten festival
popular even for foreign tourists.
a. Black Nazarene
b. Lenten
c. Mardi-gras
d. Marian
Ans. B
285. East Visayas Region VII is recognized as one of the ________ exporting regions in
the country.
a. handicraft
b. fish
c. coal
d. sinamay
Ans. : B
288. From East Visayas Region, which is NOT the right relationship in cultural
a. Kuratsa :: waray dance
b. Dandansoy :: balad
c. Tinikling :: bamboo pole
d. Irog nga Tuna :: partriotic song
Ans. : C
289. These are reasons why Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental were made into
one integrated region EXCEPT _________:
a. one dialect
b. holistic development
c. tourism promotion
d. peace and order management
Ans. : A
290. These are the cultural relationships in the Negros Region EXCEPT ________ :
a. Bacolod City :: Maskara festival
b. Cadiz City :: sugar central
c. Baiz City :: what and dolphin watching
d. Silay City :: ancestral houses
Ans. : B
292. Desiring to be third force in the balance of water between U.S. and Russia,
conferences in Bandung (1955), Belgrade (1961) and Cario (1964) advanced policy
positions for security and peace, EXCEPT ___________.
a. peaceful coexistence
b. new world order
c. general disarmament
d. anti-colonialism
Ans. : B
294. Which virtue of the Filipina was MOST congruent to the revolutionary ideals of the
Katipunan duing the Hispanic period?
a. Josephine Bracken :: martial devotion
b. Teodora Alonzo :: motherly move
c.Maria Clara :: purity
d. Tandang Sora :: self sacrifice
Ans. : D
295. Which has proven to be effective in lessening vehicle volume in the main
transportation arties in Metro Manila?
a. Efficient licensing
b. Color Coding
c. Prohibition against illegal parking
d. Apprehension and surveillance
Ans. : B
296. Prior to the advent of liberal values in the 1960s, who or what is the center of
authority in the Filipino family?
a. Father :: patriarchal society
b. Mother :: matriarchal society
c. Parents :: familial society
d. Family :: nuclear society
Ans. : A
297. The Churches do not totally oppose planned parenthood, but they limit birth control
methods through _______.
a. contraceptives
b. abstinence
c. sterilization
d. castration
Ans. : B
298. The stage of population growth with a natural increase in birth rate lower than one
(1) percent coupled with death rate power than the birth rate occurs in the following
situations EXCEPT through __________.
a. birth control
b. war
c. famine
d. epidemic
Ans. : A
299. Which layer of fertile soil is needed in order to grow crops in a vegetable garden?
a. clay-like
b. leached
c. humus
d. rocky
Ans. : C
300. These are major reasons why Northern Mindanao is the largest regional economy
in Mindanao EXCEPT ___________.
a. Multinational companies :: investments
b. white water surfing :: adventure sports
c. hydroelectric plants :: energy
d. airport and seaport terminals :: travel and commerce
Ans. : B
1. Among cities in Central Mindanao is the highly urbanized _________ and the
resource which gave it fame.
a. Tacurong :: bird sanctuary
b. Kidipawan :: spring in the highland
c. General Santos City :: yellow tuna
d. Koronadal :: sports mecca
Ans. : C
3. It is important that China does not militarize the South China Sea because it is a
_________ connecting East Asian countries with Southeast Asia.
a. sea lane
b. Philippine territory
c. fishery resource
d. natural oil reserve
Ans. : A
4. If the ozone layer in the stratosphere is destroyed, the earth will become _________
to support life.
a. too polluted
b. too cold
c. too hot
d. too cloudy
Ans. : C
5. One of the most destructive volcanic eruptions of the 20th century in the Philippines
is that of __________.
a. Taal Volcano
b. Mt. Pinatubo
c. Hibok-Hibok
d. Mt. Apo
Ans. : B
6. What in nature should we be ultimately thankful for fresh water in out faucets?
a. Meltwater
b. River water source
c. Rain water
d. Water reservoir
Ans. : C
8. When our farmers grow crops to feed themselves short of making profit, they are
known s _____ farmers.
a. tenant
b. small
c. subsistence
d. slash-and-burn
Ans. : C
9. Which country has recorded a rural population extremely higher (91%) compares with
the urban population (9%).
a. Brunei
b. Bangladesh
c. Burma
d. Australia
Ans. : B
10. Which city is at the center of the land hemisphere of the earth?
a. Melbourne
b. London
c. Washington D.C.
d. New Delhi
Ans. : B
11. Which country is closest to the center of the water hemisphere of the earth?
a. India
b. Indonesia
c. New Zealand
d. Philippines
Ans. : C
12. Asia, Africa and ________ belong to the eastern hemisphere of the earth.
a. Australia
b. North America
c. South America
d. Canada
Ans. : A
14. When the African government kept races apart, giving all economic and political
power to white citizens, it imposed _________.
a. clannishness
b. racial discrimination
c. apartheid
d. caste
Ans. : C
15. The three islands of the Philippines follow this order of rank from the largest to those
lesser in land area:
I. Luzon, Mindanao and Samar
II. Mindanao, Luzon and Cebu
III. Visayan islands, Luzon and Mindanao
IV. Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
Ans. : A
16. Among unfulfilled goals of Socialist Communism not achieved even today in Russia,
North Korea and China is __________.
a. dictatorship of the Communist Party
b. state power by revolutionist leaders
c. revolutionary struggle of a nation
d. prosperity of the working clas
Ans. : D
18. To what level do nations belong when their gross national product ( GNP) has risen
to higher levels but below level of industrialized nations?
a. Second World
b. First World
c. Third World
d. Fourth World
Ans. : C
19. To what level do nations belong when their annual per capita income is less than
a. Second World
b. Third World
c. Fourth World
d. First World
Ans. : C
20. The great power of tides rushing up arrow inlets of bays can be used produce
________ .
a. light
b. electricity
c. heat
d. water
Ans. : B
21. Sociologist and environmentalists predict that typhoons will be strong, even stronger
than Yolanda, as the atmosphere of the earth continues to heat up. Typhoon Yolanda,
as the atmosphere of the earth continues to heat up? Typhoon Yolanda had gusts of
________ kph making it the strongest typhoon in the country's history.
a. 573
b. 395
c. 735
d. 375
Ans. :D
23. Research-based knowledge about social and social patters can replace
a. traditional values
b. folk wisdom
c. superstition
d. conventional practices
Ans. : C
24. What do you call the diagrams of kinship relations and maps to show how the
people are in communities are related to one another?
a. Genealogies
b. Graphics
c. Organizers
d. Spider map
Ans. : A
26. One reason why we do not progress as a nation is due to management by exception
syndrome. What does management by exception syndrome mean?
a. The rules are for everybody except to the manager
b. Apply the rule selectively.
c. Applies the rule to all.
d. Change the rule. It is more of an exception.
Ans. : B
27. "He who does not know to look to the past will never reach destination." To which
Filipino trait does this point?
a. Pakikiisa
b. Manana Habit
c. Pakikipagkapwa-tao
d. Utang na loob
Ans. : A
29. One of the Filipino's favorite word is "kasi" (because). This word implies
I. making a scapegoat out of someone or something
II. evading responsibility
III. posting of action
a. I-II
b. I-III
d. I
Ans. : A
30. According to one another, we Filipinos do not learn because our messages create
what psychologist call cognitive dissonance. Which behavior demonstrates cognitive
a. Our Political leaders spend most of their time arguing.
b. Parents act as role models for their children.
c. Teacher tells students to some on time but comes late.
d. There is so much division in the country.
Ans. : C
1. Filipinos tend to look at the world and nature as peopled by supernatural being and
governed y forces above him. They manifest _________.
a. particularism
b. personalism
c. nonrationalism
d. rationalism
Ans. : C
3. Which are the shared rules of conduct that specify how people outh to think and act
a. Norms
b. Values
c. Sanctions
d. Subcultures
Ans. : A
4. Which when violated may cause the violator to be regarded as eccentric, weir, or
a. Folkways
b. Mores
c. Laws
d. Institutions
Ans. : A
5. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the true nature of culture?
a. Culture is learned from interaction with other people.
b. Culture is tell us how we ought to act and believe.
c. Culture is transmitted through biological inheritance.
d. Culture helps us solve problems and adapt to our environment.
Ans. : C
7. Which element of social structure refers to a set of norms specifying the rights and
obligations associated with a status?
a. value
b. culture trait
c. role
d. dysfunction
Ans. : C
8. What social process occurs when people work together to achieve shared goals?
a. Exchange
b. Conflict
c. Competition
d. Cooperation
Ans. : D
11. What do you call the feeling of disorganization and frustration that an overseas
contract worker may experience when he encounters entirely different patterns of
behavior, ideas, and artifacts at his destination in a foreign country?
a. Cultural integration
b. Cultural shock
c. Assimilation
d. Discrimination
Ans. : B
12. Punishment is form of social control. If death penalty is imposed to scare offenders
and the rest of society into following the rules, the purpose of punishment is
a. retribution
b. deterrence
c. reformation
d. prevention
Ans. : B
13. Emile Durcheim believed that major cause of suicide in industrialized nations was
situation where the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable to current
conditions. He called this situation __________.
a. taboo
b. anomie
c. tecnic way
d. deviance
Ans. : B
14. Wealth, prestige, and power- much unequally distributed in third world countries like
the Philippines- are the bases of divisions into social classes. This patterned inequality
called __________.
a. social movement
b. social stratification
c. social problem
d. social mobility
Ans. : B
15. Philippine social development efforts include anti- poverty and pro-poor programs.
In determining who are the poor and how poor are the poor, the government fixes the
amount of money a family would need to meet the minimum requirements of a decent
standard of living. What do you call this amount so fixed?
a. Relative poverty
b. Per capital income
c. Culture of poverty
Ans. : C
16. Legislations grating special privileges to senior citizens help to neutralize prejudice
and discrimination toward a social category based on ____________.
a. race
b. ethnicity
c. sex
d. age
Ans. : D
18. Which type of family is more prevalent in the third world than in industrialized
a. extended family
b. nuclear family
c. family of orientation
d. family of procreation
Ans. : A
20. There is a revival through cooperatives of social unity, neighborliness and mutual
helpfulness of Filipinos where they voluntarily work together and pool their resources to
achieve shared goals. This Filipino practice is known as :
a. compadre system
b. barangay
c. amor propio
d. bayanihan
Ans. : D
21. There forcible expulsion of a particular ethnic group from a certain territory is
termed as :
a. ethnic cleansing
b. ethnocentrism
c. genocide
d. racial prejudice
Ans. : A
22. Which of the following consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature?
a. Prostitution
b. Sex discrimination
c. Sexual harassment
d. Pornography
Ans. : C
24. For those who desire change, __________ should be the practical advocacy amid
social and political upheavals in the country and the world.
a. social reforms
b. religious conversion
c. cultural reformation
d. state alliances
Ans. : A
26. Human rights advocates clamor for various rights such as land, housing, lower oil
prices, etc. What should be taught as a counterpart of civil rights?
a. Bayanihan by citizens
b. Reconciliation among parties
c. Civic duties
d. Cooperative movement
Ans. : C
27. Under the Exchange Theory (work should be warded), what advance professional
work through the effort of the Professional Regulation Commission?
a. Board examination
b. Licensure examination
c. Examination produces computerization
d. Outstanding professional awards
Ans. : D
28. How can congressional hearings e.g. on drugs in the national penitentiary , be a
scientific approach to social legislation?
a. Seeking new approaches to public service
b. Allowing Congress to examine issues
c. Defining provisions of laws
d. Scrutinizing via TV coverage
Ans. : C
29. How can social research serve policy-makers in corporate and public sectors?
a. Redirect policies towards poverty alleviation
b. Provide data for social policies
c. Add professionalism among leaders
d. Advance social awareness among sectors
Ans. : B
30. What is the good argument that sociologists should not be purists and be ethnically
neutral to social problems e.g. poverty, human rights violations, etc.
a. To be neutral is to support the status quo
b. Sociology is the queen of social sciences
c. Advance the science of sciences
d. Sociologists are academicians
Ans. : A
1. Without becoming actively involved in social reform what can sociologists do to
advance social activism in their profession?
a. Increase social research studies
b. Improve scientific validity of researches
c. Urge more recent grants
d. Make their views known public issues
Ans. : D
2. Which area of sociology can be advanced so that it is not merely for speculative
thinking of theories and methods?
a. Population studies :: on planned parenthood
b. Applied sociology :: for social change
c. Human studies :: on social ills, e.g. drug use, crime, etc.
d. Sociological theory :: for social knowledge
Ans. : B
3. To select a topic for social research, personal _______ can ensure enthusiasm in
completing a selected study.
a. validity
b. feasibility
c. interest
d. relevant
Ans. : C
6.When you judge by results regardless of your relations to the people involved, which
Filipino trait do you counteract?
a. Particularism
b. Supernativalism
c. Personalism
d. Non-radionalism
Ans. : C
7. if you keep seeing your way of doing things as the right way and everybody else's as
the wrong way, you tend to have the attitude called __________.
a. cultural relativism
b. ethnocentrism
c. cultural pluralism
d. multiculturalism
Ans. : B
10. The Chinese minority group in the Philippines adopts the language, history, and
manners of mainstream Filipino culture as its own. What pattern of interaction occurs?
a. Alteration
b. Accommodation
c. Amalgamation
d. Acculturation
Ans. : D
12. Karl Marx divided industrial society into bourgeoisie and proletariat.
What was one of his major bases of classification?
a. Gender role and classification?
b. Racial and ethnic origins
c. Whether or not they have royal or noble blood
d. Whether or not they own the means of production
Ans. : D
13. Which of the following may result at the departure country when
Filipino professionals emigrate to other countries?
a. brain drain
b. ethnic diversity
c. population increase
d. culture shock
Ans. : A
17. what attitude is needed before one engages in data- gathering for research?
a. Prejudgment on result
b. Bias on hypothesis
c. Open-minded skepticism
d. Inadequacy in time
Ans. : C
20. Color, emblem, gestures, designs, words are part of __________ language that
makes man different from animals.
a. symbolic
b. material
c. denotative
d. abstract
Ans. : A
21. The value marker of ___________ is conveyed by the EDSA people power
a. human rights
b. justice
c. freedom
d. integrity
Ans. : C
22. What issue is controversial for church people but is a need of secular society?
a. Birth control
b. Social media
c. Human rights
d. Information bill
Ans. : A
23. Which can explain the fact that we still observe the nod of respect (mano po) to our
elders as our forebears?
a. Punishment for lack of respect
b. Modeling (gaya-gaya)
c. Folkways change slowly
d. Herd mentality
Ans. : C
24. What constitutional reform did Filipino constitutionalists including those who framed
the Malolos Constitution introduce to eliminate the dominance of the church over the
a. Expulsion of friars
b. Taxation on religious schools
c. Prohibiting religious from political meddling
d. Separation of church and state
Ans. D
25. What could you accept as true from the varied propositions of Herbert Spencer?
a. Societies complete by way of survival of the fittest
b. Societies develop from simplicity to complexity
c. Social development should not be interfered by legislators
d. Planned change will disrupt the evolution of society.
Ans. : B
26. The following facts show Emile Durkheim has reason to assume that individuals are
products, not creators of society EXCEPT __________.
a. laws impose conformity
b. man's behavior follows customs
c. moral codes declare
d. systems are made by man
Ans. : D
28. Fr. Reuter wrote : In a survey in Asia, they discovered that the happiest people in
Asia are the Filipinos. The most miserable are the Japanese. The Japanese have
We don't have money, but we have the smile, the warm embrace, the song, the
laughter, the joy of living." What does this prove?
a. That the Filipinos don't care are about material wealth.
b. That the Filipinos are happy-go-lucky people.
c. That the Filipinos are rich in the treasures of the spirit.
d. That the Filipinos are healthy and happy people.
Ans. : C
30. Arctic dwellers have ice and snow houses, and desert dwellers have animal skin
tents; in windy Batanes are heavy limestone shelters, and in other areas are light
bamboo and grass huts. The main reason for these cultural variations is ___________.
a. isolation
b. technology
c. environment
d. biological differences
Ans. : C
1. Over population resulting from high fertility and low mortality most likely will result in
a. women having more involvement in social structures outside the family
b. the population becoming younger
c. shortages in the labor force
d. more successful poverty reduction programs
Ans. : B
2.One of the Definitive trends today is women's political empowerment. Which are
indicators of political women empowerment?
I. General legislations have been enacted such as Anti-Sexual Harassment Act.
II. The proportion of women elected to various positions is on an upswing.
III. The women outnumber the men in the teaching profession.
IV. International summits or conferences include women and gender issues among the
priority development agenda.
a. I, II, III
b. II, III, IV
c. I, III, IV
d. I, II, IV
Ans. : A
John Dewey
9. The text refers to people, society, and culture affecting ___________ factors.
a. social
b. political
c. educational
d. spiritual
Ans. : D
10. Philippine society has turned secular away from culture of Hispanic religiosity? What
does this prove?
a. Culture is not static.
b. Culture is secular
c. Culture is not deeply rooted
d. Culture is folkloric
Ans. A
11. What influence made Filipinos today use utensils and not eat with their hands?
a. Hygienic need
b. Chinese tradition
c. American influence
d. Fast food culture
Ans. : C
12. Which can explain why the Ten Commandments are always observed?
a. Ten Commandments are a myth.
b. Mores are observed as they satisfy needs.
c. Observance is for the religious only.
d. Mores are difficult to follow.
Ans. : B
13. Which can serve as explanation as to why people feel guilty in not observing Church
a. We are human. (tao lamang)
b. People are onion-skinned
c. Filipinos are religious by nature
d. Guilt is central to religious belief.
Ans. : D
14. Culturally, why are state laws against killing similar to religious mores?
a. It is universal law not to kill.
b. Laws can grow out of folkways and mores.
c. Killing is a gruesome act.
d. Lawmakers are religious.
Ans. : B
15. Which can be one reason why it is difficult to pass the divorce law in the
a. It does not reflect old folkways and mores.
b. The Philippines is a patriarchal society.
c. Filipinos love family and children.
d. Divorce is expensive due to alimony.
Ans. : A
17. Why do men no longer wear bell-bottom pants and women the saya't baro?
a. People prefer ready-to-wear clothes.
b. People keep abreast with style.
c. These are convenient to wear.
d. These are economical.
Ans. : B
21. If you take a position of cultural relativism, which one do you observe?
a. Imposing culture change as an outsider
b. Respect for all cultural differences
c. Condoning instances mass suicide
d. Show ethnocentrism
Ans. : B, C
23. With rapid globalization and tough business competition, Filipino business
orientations are becoming more:
a. fatalistic
b. personal
c. manipulative
d. traditional
Ans. : C
24. With industrialization a must possible future Philippines political cultural scenario if
without interventions shall be :
I. erosive of family value
II. physical dislocation of families
III. preference to foreign ways and tastes
IV. insurgency
a. III, IV
b. II, III
c. I, II
d. I, IV
Ans. : C
25. During the Marcos regime, what shift in form of government was made that
introduced the new positions of a prime minister and single legislative body of
a. Constitutional
b. Federal
c. Parliamentary
d. Welfare state
Ans. : C
26. Which constitutional safeguard exists such that the executive can turn down
legislative measures and Congress can move to remove the President.
a. Check-and-balance
b. Boycott
c. Veto power
d. Welfare state
Ans. : A
27. Which privilege gives any person in the Philippines to be bodily presented in court
for charges of a crime for which he has right of counsel ad trial?
a. ex-post facto law
b. writ of habeas corpus
c. fourth amendment
d. writ of habeas data
Ans. : B
28. Which state gave the Philippines the first recognition as an independent republic
was formally inaugurated during World War II?
a. China
b. United States
c. Japan
d. Spain
Ans. : C
29. During the Hispanic era, who can directly check abuses of the governor general and
cause immediate punishment of corrupt Spanish officials?
a. Visitador or investigating officer
b. Viceroy of Mexico
c. Spanish friars
d. Royal Audiencia
Ans. : A
30. The tribute was a symbol of vassalage by families and unmarried native Filipinos,
who in the beginning paid reales equivalent to _____ in money or kind.
a. fifty pesos
b. one peso
c. ten pesos
d. hundred pesos
Ans. : B
1. Under whose presidency was the family Code Philippines promulgated?
a. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
b. Fidel V. Ramos
c. Corazon C. Aquino
d. Ramon Magsaysay
Ans. : C
3. Singapore's head of state is the _____ while the head of government is the _____ .
a. prime minister : king
b. prime minister :: president
c. king :: prime minister
d. president :: prime minister
Ans. : D
4. What is the legal age for entering marriage under the Family Code?
a. 16 for boys, 18 for girls
b. 24.
c. 18 for girls , 23 for boys
d. 18
Ans. : D
10. Which law promulgates a comprehensive policy and a national system for early
childhood care and development?
a. R.A. 7836
b. R.A. 7610
c. R.A. 8980
d. R.A. 9238
Ans. : C
11. Which law institutionalizes the kindergarten education into the basic education
a. R.A. 10167
b. R.A. 10148
c. R.A. 10165
d. R.A. 10157
Ans. : D
12. What national policy establishes an describes national standards and levels for
outcomes of education and training?
a. Education for All
b. Millennium Development Goals
c. Philippine Qualifications Framework
d. Inclusive Education
Ans. : C
13. Which Republic Act mandates that the curriculum shall be culture-sensitive,
contextualized and global?
a. R.A. 10523
b. R.A. 10157
c. R.A. 10533
d. R.A. 10154
Ans. : C
14. To ensure the sustainability of public and private educational institutions during the
transition from 10 years basic education to 12 years, which agencies formulated
guidelines for the full protection of rights, welfare and benefits of affected academic and
non-academic personnel?
Ans. : B
16. Essentially, the Spanish encomienda was a grant for receiving _________ from the
people but not ownership of land of the land.
a. tenancy
b. labor services
c. tribute
d. servitude
Ans. : C
17. Among the greatest achievement of the American military government in the
Philippines was pacification of the islands and laying down the foundation of a civil
regime that introduced various measures EXCEPT ________.
a. local election with Philippine flag raised
b. free elementary schools
c. civil courts including the Supreme Court
d. local towns and provinces
Ans. A
18. In 1900 the Federal Party was established by R. H. Pardo de Tavera and other
leaders to work for several measures EXCEPT _________.
a. Federal Party as first political party
b. recognition of first Philippine republic
c. restoration of peace
d. Philippines as state in the U.S. Union
Ans. : B
19. By 1900 some patriots with Apolinario Mabini did not reconcile with American rule
and did not accept any positions in civil government, prompting the American
government to _________ them to Guam.
a. incarcerate
b. execute
c. exile
d. emigrate
Ans. : C
20. While the Royal Audiencia was the powerful Supreme Court during the Hispanic
regime, its power was supreme in _________.
a. restricting Chinese immigration
b. ordering people to comply with religious duties
c. acting as governor-general during vacancy of the position
d. auditing expenses of the colonial government
Ans. : C
21. The tribute became very onerous owing to various excess by collectors EXCEPT
a. paying in kind (e.g. rice, honey) at a low price
b. increasing amount of peso tax
c. cheating through tampered weight
d. abusive torture and plunder
Ans. : B
23. For the Family Code which is the legal foundation of the Filipino family?
a. Marriage
b. Parents
c. Children
d. Both parents and children
Ans. : A
24. Who can solemnize marriage on board a ship or plane during travel?
a. Stewardess
b. Steward
c. Captain of ship
d. Senior passenger
Ans. : C
25. What does a priest need in order to solemnize marriage legally in the Philippines?
a. Bishop's approval
b. Civil authority
c. Ordination
d. Couple's parental approval
Ans. : B
26. The female spouse who conceals her pregnancy with a man other than be spouse
marriage commits a crime of ___________.
a. lying
b. concealment
c. fraud
d. injustice
Ans. : C
27. These are ground for legal annulment of marriage EXCEPT _________.
a. repeated physical violence or abuse
b. sexual infidelity or perversion
c. lesbianism or homosexuality
d. drug use or alcohol drinking
Ans. : D
28. These are the right relationships in environmental law that protects the nation's
natural resources EXCEPT ____________.
a. air quality :: air pollution
b. mining :: impact on miners
c. water quality :: water pollutants
d. chemical safety :: harmful chemical products
Ans. : B
29. What is the extent of the impact of environmental laws that protect natural
a. Worldwide
b. Countrywide
c. Region- wide
d. Hemisphere- wide
Ans. : A
30. The democratic government of Malaysia differs from that of the Philippines because
it is a ___________ government..
a. republican-federal
b. federal-monarchy
c. constitutional monarchy
d. federal representative
Ans. : B
1. Criticism on the past administration in Malaysia was its being _________ such as in
suppressing the press.
a. laissez faire
b. autocratic
c. fascistic
d. authoritarian
Ans. : D
3. With the dominant People's Action Party Singapore has de-facto _________.
a. rigged
b. multi-party
c. party-free
d. fraudulent
Ans. : C
7. U.S. Government is much alike that of the Philippines with few exceptions such as
presidential elections won by ________ votes.
a. congressional
b. populist
c. electoral college
d. parliamentary
Ans. : C
8. The government of Indonesia is much alike that the Philippines except for _________
presidential elections during Suharto's regime.
a. parliamentary
b. direct
c. popular
d. indirect
Ans. : D
9. Until it recovered after the Asian financial crisis, the Indonesian Yudhoyano
administration was beset by several issues EXCEPT __________.
a. corruption
b. social unrest
c. extreme poverty
d. terrorism
Ans. : C
10. Prior to the sixties, massive manhunt against rebels in Indonesia cause the killing of
500 thousand to one million people suspected of communism comprised by several
groups EXCEPT _________.
a. Christians
b. leftists
c. communists
d. ethnic Chinese
Ans. : A
13. What most basic human right is violated by alleged extra-judicial killings such as by
a. Right to life
b. Freedom of conscience
c. Freedom o assembly
d. Freedom and justice
Ans. : A
15. Through what highest organ of the state does China remain representative of its
people under its accepted national leadership?a. National People's Congress
b. Communist Party cadre
c. Communist politburo
d. Secretary General of the Communist Party
Ans. : A
16. In China the _________ government builds the consensus among party leaders,
influential party members and the people.
a. local
b. district
c. central
d. provincial
Ans. : C
17. China's National People's Congress build is the highest organization of the state
government which meets every __________.
a. week
b. month
c. year
d. day
Ans. : C
18. No one is above the law. Ours is a government of laws and not of men. Which
principle is referred to ?
a. Right of the minority
b. Rule of law
c. Sovereignty of the people
d. Democracy
Ans. : B
19. When Joseph concealed the fact during marriage that he was a homosexual, he
committed the crime of __________.
a. concubinage
b. adultery
c. fraud
d. no crime
Ans. : C
20. When the court granted Pete and Jerry separation from bed and board this frees the
from _______.
a. sleeping in one bed and one house
b. conjugal relations and same domicile
c. care or children
d. share in financing
Ans. : B
21. How is marriage considered if a spouse discovers that the person he/she married
has psychological incapacity?
a. Void from the beginning
b. Void after the discovery
c. Valid until annulled
d. Valid and licit
Ans. : A
22. These area cases when marriage is not allowed under the Family Code of the
Philippines, EXCEPT _________.
a. grandparent with grandchild
b. collateral blood relations to 5th degree
c. step-parent with step-child
d. parent-in-law and children-in-law
Ans. : B
23. What is the human rights violation in mind by the 1995 UN Committee on Economic
and International Rights when it reprimanded entrenched conservative religious
a. Freedom of religious conscience
b. Freedom of speech
c. Freedom to travel
d. Right to planned parenthood
Ans. : D
24. The political parties in Malaysia re viewed as being not modern because they are
comprised by _________ individuals and groups.
a. conservative
b. elitist
c. interest
d. religious
Ans. : C
25. The Hispanic Governor General ruled like a monarch in the Philippines and
Marianas, Carolines and Palaus then part of the Hispanic Philippines for many reason
a. act as president of the royal audiencia
b. directly appoint parish priests and settle religious controversies
c. appoint and receive ambassadors from other countries
d. exercise Cumplase veto power over Hispanic law in the Philippines
Ans. : B
26. Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Histen Loong's salary which is six times higher than
that of the U.S. president in justified by the need for a __________ state.
a. corruption-free
b. religious
c. autocratic
d. Confucian
Ans. : A
27. Despite many successful reforms, President Obama wass described as a " lame-
duck" president because of _________ by the Republican Party.
a. ban control
b. power politics
c. veto power
d. denial plot
Ans. : B
28. These were the effects of Thailand's 2014 National Council of Peace and Order
military junta EXCEPT ______.
a. ban on political gatherings
b. nationwide curfew
c. cessation of economic life
d. arrest of politicians
Ans. : C
29. What can be done to temper the effects of massive employment of foreign Filipino
labor overseas that endanger family intergration?
a. Limit overseas deployment
b. Provide loans to OFW families
c. Safeguard balikbayan boxes
d. Assist OFWs in overseas work
Ans. : D
30. What is feasible move to stop the conflict that endangers lives in the Southern
a. Peace talks
b. Federal autonomy to regions
c. Enlist Muslim fighters in the AFP
d. Reconciliation among religions
Ans. : B
1. How can domestic violence best be minimized?
a. Heavier tax on alcohol
b. Stronger anti-illegal drugs drive
c. Award for the Best Father and Mother
d. Effective education on family life
Ans. : D
4. How should the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights received by RP
a. Prevent intervention by the UN
b. Support the covenant
c. Reject criticism on human rights violations
d. Downplay UN reports on human rights violations
Ans. : B
6. China sees the stage of socialism that will lead to a system of _________ ownership
with _____________ ownership increasing.
a. public :: corporate
b. private : public
c. public :: private
d. Public :: state
Ans. : C
7. Faced with a democratizing world, the pressure of political change in China has
advanced political reform towards a ___________ dominated state.
a. elite
b. lower-class
c. middle- class
d. military
Ans. : C
8. China's global market economy finds the Communist Party lessening control of the
central government in _______ where majority of Mainland Chinese live.
a. rural areas
b. autonomous cities
c. autonomous regions
d. urban areas
Ans. : A
9. Among achievements of Mikhael Gobachev as Nobel Prize awardee for Peace, which
is most prominent in his effort to prevent a wide scale war using weapons of mass
a. End of 9-years long Russian occupation of Afghanistan
b. 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
c. Advocate of strengthening private economy in the Soviet Union
d. Fall of Berlin Wall and Reunification of East and West Germany
Ans. : B
10. Among pedagogical aids that supplement textbooks the most modern is ________.
a. bulletin board displays
b. graphs, charts and maps
c. transparency cutout to duplicate
d. computer software
Ans. : D
13. The chancellor of Prussia who successfully united Germany and made it a republic
was ________.
a. Adolf Hitler
b. Otto von Bismark
c. Lev Caprivi
d. Prinz Max Von Baden
Ans. : B
14. Christians engaged Muslims during the ________ in order to win back the Holy
Land to Christendom.
a. Holy Wars
b. War of Roses
c. Crusade
d. Punic Wars
Ans. : C
15. Know as Virgin Queen who gave England's most prosperous years in wealth and
culture was ________.
a. Queen Victoria
b. Queen Elizabeth II
c. Queen Elizabeth I
d. Queen Marie Antoinette
Ans. : C
16. The fearless head of the Huns from Mongolia who became the King of Hungary was
a. Genghis Khan
b. Attila
c. Kubla Khan
d. Odoacer
Ans. : B
17. Among the great teachers and philosophers of the Chou dynasty, ________ wrote
the Tao Te Ching.
a. Mencius
b. Confucius
c. Lao Tzu
d. Chou en Lai
Ans. : C
19. Among English kings ______ broke off with the Roman Catholic Church in 1534 and
established himself as the head of the Church of England.
a. King Richard the Great
b. Kin James I
c. King Charles I
d. King Henry VIII
Ans. : D
20. Among great navigators of the world, _________ first completed the
circumnavigation of the earth.
a. Sebastian el Canol
b. Vasco de Gama
c. Christopher Columbus
d. Amerigo Vespucci
Ans. : A
21. Which of the following, did NOT belong to the original states of the United State of
a. North America
b. Connecticut
c. California
d. New Hampshire
Ans. : C
22.Who was the son of Philip of Macedonia who led his powerful army for successful
conquest across Persia up to the western border of India?
a. Alexander the Great
b. Charles Martel
c. Ivan the Great
d. Cyrus the Great
Ans. : A
23. From Sung Dynasty sources in 982 A.D. how did early Chinese traders and
geographers call our islands?
a. Malilu
b. Ma-yi
c. Mintolang
d. Lusung
Ans. : B
24. What new name was proposed for the islands during the Marcos regime to eliminate
the colonial connotation of the country's present name?
a. Maharlika
b. Egyptian
c. Babylonian
d. Assyrian
Ans. : A
25. Hammurabi the greatest of early kings who published a great code of law belonged
to the ______ empire.
a. Persian
b. Egyptian
c. Babylonian
d. Assyrian
Ans. : C
26. The Chaldean King _____________ made Babylon to be the most splendid city in
the ancient world. (REM
a. Ptolemaios
b. Hammurabi
c. Cyrus
d. Nebuchadnezzar
Ans. : D
28. The ziggurat towers of the Sumerians were used for ________.
a. palace
b. military post
c. worship
d. watchtower
Ans. : C
29. Who was one of the earliest Greek statesman whose laws gave all classes of
citizens some voice in government?
a. Alexander
b. Solon
c. Pericles
d. Philip
Ans. : B
30. Who is known in history as the "greatest king" who conquered for Persia (550 B.C.)
the Median Empire, Lydia, Babylonia and subject state?
a. Cyrus
b. Darius
c. Xerxes
d. Philip
Ans. : A
1. The national weapon of Persians (500 B.C.) was the ______ an their cavalry was the
main strength of their armies.
a. sword
b. spear
c. bow
d. ax
Ans. : C
2. In imperial Athens (429 B.C.) _________ was the outstanding figure in public life who
believed that every citizen should have equal opportunity in the state.
a. Cyrus
b. Solon
c. Philip
d. Pericles
Ans. : D
3. Among the finest and most splendid public construction an Ancient Athens was the
_____ temple of Athena.
a. acropolis
b. citadel
c. parthenon
d. persepolis
Ans. : C
4. The far-sighted Greek statesman Pericles had beauty of face and bearing such that
he was often compared to the Olympian _________.
a. Adonis
b. Zeus
c. Mars
d. Mercury
Ans. : B
5. When Alexander died (325 B.C.) his huge empire broke into large kingdoms including
the Saleucids which did NOT cover _________.
a. Africa
b. Persia
c. Mesopotamia
d. Syria
Ans. : A
6. Where did women (200 B.C. ) enjoy full property of rights and could manage their
own business affairs?
a. Italy and Sicily
b. Athens and Sparta
c. Egypt and Babylonia
d. Near East and Middle East
Ans. : C
7. What method is used by historians to learn the truth about past ages in man's life?
a. Exploring tradition
b. Interviewing people
c. Uncovering recorded evidence
d. Viewing historical films
Ans. : C
8. Which is most crude among ways civilizations recorded thoughts and deeds after the
art of writing was invented five, six thousand years ago?
a. On papyri paper
b. On leather skin
c. On wood
d. On stone or pottery
Ans. : C
9. The earlier period of which we have no written evidence of written records (letters,
contracts, accounts, etc.) that comprise people's literature is technically known as
a. prehistoric
b. primordial
c. pristine
d. predated
Ans. : A
10. These people belong to the great Mongolian or yellow EXCEPT __________.
a. Japanese
b. Chinese
c. American Indians
d. Arabs
Ans. : D
11. Which buildings believed to be symbols of American economic power, was attached
by Islamic fundamentalists on September 11, 2011.
a. Empire State Building
b. Bubonic Plague
c. World Trade Center
d. The Cold War
Ans. : C
12. The "lightning war" that Hitler introduced in World War II is called ____________.
a. The Greatest War
b. Scharnhorst
c. Lebensraum
d. Blitzkrieg
Ans. : D
13. Asia is said to be the "cradle of civilization" while ___________ is said to be the
"birthplace of the Human species."
a. Australia
b. Africa
c. South America
d. Antarctica
Ans. : B
14. The only Southeast Asian country never colonized by European power is
a. Japan
b. Thailand
c. Korea
d. Malaysia
Ans. : B
17. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de
Janeiro underscored the vital role in sustainable development of these people due to
their tradition, identity and culture. Who are they?
a. Indigenous people
b. Immigrants
c. Urban folks
d. Rural folks
Ans. : A
18. What was declared as the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and
Nonviolence for the Children of the World by the United Nations?
a. 1995-2005
b. 2005- 2015
c. 1990-2000
d. 2001-2010
Ans. : D
19. Which country first hosted the International Congress which promoted the Culture of
a. Brazil
b. America
c. Africa
d. Germany
Ans. : C
20. Sumerian tales like the Gilgamesh story of creation and the flood are __________
a. prophetic
b. epic
c. poetic
d. romantic
Ans. : B
21. Among the national god of Egypt of early dynasties was believed to have incarnated
in the form of a ________.
a. crocodile
b. cat
c. jackal
d. ram
Ans. : D
22. Egyptians mummified the bodies of their dead because of their belief in the
_______ of the soul.
a. spirituality
b. sanctity
c. immortality
d. personality
Ans. : C
23. While Ancient Egypt maintained medical schools for practice of medicine, surgery
treatment was not always scientific because these used ___________ and magical arts.
a. ointments
b. herbs
c. charms
d. drugs
Ans. : C
24 In the world, the Phoenicians were known for many skills but NOT as ___________
a. keen traders
b. mercenary soldiers
c. expert shipbuilders
d. skillful craftsmen
Ans. : B
25. The greatest contribution of the Phoenicians to the progress of the ancient world
was their adoption of _________.
a. alphabet
b. mercenary soldiers
c. expert shipbuilders
d. skillful craftsmen
Ans. : A
26. The greatest contribution of the Israelites to civilization that culminated in Solomon's
temple to the god Jehovah was _____ in nature.
a. economic
b. religious
c. political
d. artistic
Ans. : B
27. These were the advantages of the world's first coins issued by Lydian kings
a. stamp of rulers guaranteed their value
b. easy to bring around
c. no weight process was needed
d. made of natural alloy of gold or silver
Ans. : B
28. The Ancient Greeks valued the education of the __________ to think, to talk and to
a. soldier
b. state
c. individual
d. mercenary
Ans. : C
29. These were the most important languages of the ancient Indo-European languages
(from India across Europe to the Atlantic Ocean around 30 B.C.) EXCEPT )________.
a. Greek
b. English
c. Latin
d. Celtic
Ans. : B
30. These are among the modern languages in Europe EXCEPT _________.
a. Latin
b. English
c. French
d. German
Ans. : A
1. In ancient Greek, the form of government was aristocracy which was the "rule of the
best" meaning ___________.
a. slaves
b. nobles
c. soldiers
d. senators
Ans. : B
2. From a feeling of unity in 750 B.C. for their race against colonies, ancient Greeks
called their land ______ and themselves _______.
a. Olympus :: Olympians
b. Greece :: Grecians
c. Helas :: Hellenes
d. Athens :: Athenians
Ans. : C
3. Greek women of the Dorian race in Sparta were strong like men and had the spirit of
courage and duty to the state accordingly given training in __________.
a. gymnastics
b. soldiery
c. chivalry
d. public service
Ans. : A
4. The Helots formed majority (180,000) of conquered subjects of Sparta and closely
watched for possible conspiracy by a system of _________.
a. civil registry
b. conscription
c. secret police
d. public service
Ans. : C
5. Most liberal, just and humane Cyrus allowed religious freedom giving the following
privileges to exiled Jews EXCEPT ________.
a. return to Judea
b. worship of one god Ahura-Mazda
c. rebuild the temple in Jerusalem
d. set up a vassal state led by a high priest
Ans. : B
6. For official communication with their subjects in Mesopotamia and Syria, the Persians
used ________ later adopting this as their own language.
a. Aramaic
b. Cuneiform
c. Greek
d. Persian
Ans. : A
7. Who was the one supreme god of the Persians Zoroastrian religion who was believed
to be the creator of all life and the god of light and truth?
a. Isis
b. Jehovah
c. Ahura-Mazda
d. El Shaddai
Ans. : C
8. After World War II, which country was occupied and administered by the United
States with the emperor assuming a primarily symbolic role as the head of the
monarchial state?
a. Cambodia
b. Japan
c. Thailand
d. Korea
Ans. : B
11. Which was NOT in keeping with Mao Tse Tung's Great Leap Forward in 1958?
a. Development of backyard factories
b. Establishment of huge agricultural consumers
c. Raising of agricultural and industrial output
d. Distribution of lands to the landless
Ans. : D
12. China's Cultural Revolution was Mao Tse Tungs attempt to ___________.
a. revive revolutionary zeal among the people
b. destroy all capitalist forces within society
c. modernize China
d. revive revolutionary zeal among the people and destroy all capitalism forces within
Ans. : D
13. Which statement(s) wrongly tell(s) something about the history of Korea?
a. After Japan's defeat in World War II Soviet Troops occupied Northern Korean while
United States military occupied the South.
b. China annexed Korea for many centuries
c. In 1948 2 separate government were found
d. After several border clashes, North Korea invaded South Korea in 1980.
Ans. : B
14. Which is (are) TRUE of Kuwait?
I. Kuwait's oil wealth is removable.
II. Kuwait allied itself with Iraq in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.
III. Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990
IV. Kuwait allied itself with Iran in the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.
a. I, II, III
b. II, III, IV
c. I, III, IV
d. I, II, IV
Ans. : A
15. What was the communist forces in Cambodia that increased in number there to the
relentless bombing by US military and which was overtaken in a River Republic in
a. National United Front of Kempucher
b. Khmber Rouge
c. Red Gerards
Ans. : B
17. Japan can pride itself with each of the following EXCEPT ____________.
a. high productivity
b. negligible inflation
c. low crime with
d. nuclear capability
Ans. : A
18.The next century is said to be the Age of the Pacific. Two factors that make it so are:
A. Japan one of the world's most industrialized nations, will dominate the economic
development of the region.
B. Hongkong, a British colony, was reverted to Chinese rule.
C. China, the most popular nation will dominate the political development of the region.
D. In the Pacific are many ethnic groups.
a. B & D
b. A & B
c. A & C
d. A & D
Ans. : B
20. Historically, what document apportioned the seats of the House of Representatives
in the Philippine Congress and appended in the 1987 Constitution?
a. Legislation
b. Resolution
c. Ordinance
d. Constitution
Ans. : C
22. What should allow increased U.S. Military presence in the Philippines?
a. Visiting American Forces Agreement
b. Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement
c. Philippine-US Treaty
d. Subic Base Treaty
Ans. : B
24. In 1972 the Tobacco monopoly was established and there was massive cultivation
of Tobacco EXCEPT in this province.
a. Nueva Ecija
b. Batangas
c. Cagayan
d. Marinduque
Ans. : B
25. By the end of the 19th century the most notable land owners in the Philippines
owning up to a total of 172,000 hectares were ________.
a. mestizos
b. Spanish hacenderos
c. Spanish friars
d. natives
Ans. : C
26. The ASEAN National Qualification Framework shall be implemented by the member
countries in _________.
a. 2015
b. 2018
c. 2015
d. 2020
Ans. : A
28. Foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the Philippines is the lowest in the ASEAN
according to a report of the Foundation for Economic Freedom. Which provision in the
Constitution is planned to be amended by Congress?
a. Open door policy on the use of natural resources
b. Economic growth based on consumption-driven
c. Restrictions on foreign ownership and investments
d. Restriction on borderless competition
Ans. : C
29. The concept of ___________ was NOT part of Deng Xiaopeng's 1984 market
revolution in China.
a. market prices
b. private business
c. capital market
d. free play of market forces
Ans. : C
1. Which concept is NOT an acceptable assumption for the building of a democratic
a. Common good
b. Enterprise
c. Private capital
d. State control
Ans. : D
3. Which does NOT apply as an economic issue relating to the science of economics?
a. High unemployment
b. High prices of foods
c. Use of digital gadgets
d. Low food production
Ans. : C
4. For Adam Smith, the ___________ of a free market economy will keep prices low
that guides the economy to prosperity.
a. invisible hand
b. beacon of consumers
c. common interest
d. automatic check
Ans. : A
5. These pieces of evidence disprove the hypothesis that Filipinos are lazy or indolent
EXCEPT _______.
a. farmers toil till dawn
b. indulgences in digital toys and gadgets
c. scavengers dig scrap in garbage dumps
d. OFWs work overseas sacrificing family life
Ans. : B
6. Population control economic development is not done through immoral means
exemplified by _____________.
a. ligation
b. abstinence
c. ultra-uterine device
d. abortion
Ans. : D
11. Needs are created by commercial advertising but some goods can be harmful such
as ________.
a. fast-foods
b. condos
c. cigarettes
d. beverages
Ans. : C
12. The Engel theory is that "as income increases the percentage of income spent on
non-food items also increase". To what sector will this principle not apply?
a. Entrepreneurs
b. Middle Class
c. Unemployed
d. Corporate managers
Ans. : C
13. Which is privatized by government along the principle of easing budget burden on
social programs?
a. Public education system
b. Waterworks system
c. Electricity distribution services
d. Mass media outlets
Ans. : A
14. There are non-conventional sources of energy that can be harnessed to soften
adverse consequences on the economy but ________ is NOT one of them.
a. wind-turbines
b. geo-thermal
c. fossil fuel
d. solar panels
Ans. : C
16. What did Adam Smith see as an outcome of competition and profit-seeking?
a. Prosperity
b. Business security
c. Honestly in enterprise
d. Rich get richer
Ans. : A
17. These were the new corps introduced by Spanish missionaries to the natives during
early Hispanic days EXCEPT ________.
a. watermelons and peas
b. cocoa and wheat
c. squash and coffee
d. Rich gets richer
Ans. : D
18. Few landholdings and millions of peasant farmers characterized the Hispanic
agricultural economy a situation described as _________ in land ownership.
a. monism
b. monopolism
c. dualism
d. altruism
Ans. : C
19. Which paradox argued that the faucet water is a most useful commodity but is
priced lower than diamonds disproves the principle that price of commodities is based
on how useful it is or utility?
a. Water-diamond
b. Useful-not useful
c. price-priceless
d. liquid- solid
Ans. : A
20. Adding to the suffering of the _____ is the greatest evil of inflation.
a. wealthy
b. poor
c. middle class
d. businessman
Ans. : B
21. The Consumer Price Index measures changes in prices of goods and commodities
these affect the standards of living of _______ family.
a. typical
b. rural
c. urban
d. peasant
Ans. : A
22. The shrinking peso refers to the decrease in the ___________ power of the peso.
a. potential
b. actual
c. purchasing
d. hidden
Ans. : C
23. To counter the law of diminishing return (same input decreases output), the
following are applied EXCEPT _________.
a. improve technology
b. watch the market
c. apply more capital
d. equip labor with greater skill
Ans. : B
25. The following are the elements that make possible nations to produce goods and
services EXCEPT one :
a. Labor force
b. Capital
c. National resources
d. Geographical locations
Ans. : D
30. Adam Smith believed that the desire of business people to earn a profit, when
regulated by competitive would produced what consumers want. Hence, government
should not interfere. Smith's philosophy is known as ________.
a. democratic socialism
b. socialism
c. laissez faire
d. modified free enterprise
Ans. : C
1. In communist country, the following holds true EXCEPT __________.
a. productive resources are owned by government
b. the citizens vote on some economic policies
c. the government determines what shall be produced and in what quantity
d. the government sets wages and prices
Ans. : B
2. What is that economic situation where one company controls the supply of a unique
kind of product?
a. Inflation
b. Monopoly
c. Equilibrium
d. Economic stability
Ans. : B
3. The growth of a free economy follows the path of a roller coaster. Which one is
referred to as the belief and small decline in business activity?
a. Depression
b. Recession
c. Boom
d. stability
Ans. : B
4. A free economy has its glorious and not so glorious periods. Which one is referred to
as the period of above average business activity?
a. depression
b. recession
c. boom
d. stability
Ans. : C
5. The growth of a free economy follows the ups and downs of a roller coaster. Which
one is a referred to as large drops in economic growth for a comparatively longer period
of time?
a. Stability
b. Recession
c. Boom
d. Depression
Ans. : D
7. Two most important methods used by nations to restrict world trade are:
I. tariff
II. import quota
III. monopoly
IV. cartel
a. I and II
b. I and III
c. I and IV
d. II and IV
Ans. : A
8. Which economic principle states that each country should concentrate in producing
those goods it can make most efficiently and buy from other countries those goods it
cannot produced as efficiently?
a. Comparative advantage
b. Economic stability
c. Competition
d. Monopoly
Ans. : A
9. Nations create world trade barriers for which healthy reason?
I. To protect local enable to complete with foreign more efficient producers.
II. To discourage dependence on foreign sources of supply in the event
III. To protect infant industries
IV. For local industries to gain monopoly over certain products.
a. II, III, IV
b. I, II, IV
c. I, III, IV
d. I, II, III
Ans. : D
10. The value of all goods and services produced by a country in a given period refers
_________ .
a. National income
b. Gross national product
c. Net income
d. Per capita
Ans. : B
11. The law which state that the opportunity cost of each additional unit of output of a
good over a period increases as more of that good is produced is the law of
a. increasing cost
b. diminishing marginality
c. supply and demand
d. supply
Ans. : A
12. When the government discuss to spending or increase taxes or both it engages in
a. expansionary fiscal policy
b. concretionary fiscal policy
c. fiscal policy
d. monetary policy
Ans. : B
13. An action taken by Central Bank to influence the money supply and stabilize the
economy is called ___________.
a. stabilization policy
b. interest roles policy
c. fiscal policy
d. monetary policy
Ans. : D
14. The trend in international trade is the promotion of worldwide trade liberalization.
This is the function of
c. IMF
d. UN
Ans. : A
15. The law which states that as more and more of one commodity is consumed
additional or extra satisfaction decreases as :
a. marginal utility
b. diminishing marginal utility
c. diminishing return
d. law of downward sloping demand
Ans. : B
16. Which economic system upholds the unlimited right to private property and pursuit
of profit to the exclusion of the considerations?
a. Exaggerated capitalism
b. Moderate capitalism
c. Socialism
d. Communism
Ans. : A
21. For economic knowledge which does NOT apply as a scientific process?
a. Understanding
b. Analysis
c. Common sense
d. Evaluation
Ans. : C
22. Dr. Jose Rizal's observation that Filipinos are lazy because we were influenced by
Spaniards to "take it easy" is a/an _________ that has to be proven empirically.
a. truth
b. fact
c. nonsense
d. opinion
Ans. : D
24. These are examples of what economists refer to as "capital" that can produce other
goods EXCEPT _____________.
a. fishing implements
b. production machinery
c. household furniture
d. marketing transport vehicles
Ans. : C
25. These are household capital resources that support productivity but the LEAST
useful is the ____________.
a. cooking stove
b. bath tub
c. sewing machine
d. desktop computer
Ans. : B
26. Why does the United State demand that China, an exporter of vast quantities of
commercial exports, lower or devalue its yuan local currency?
a. Increase value of yuan in the world market.
b. Make yuan competitive with the dollar
c. Build up china's economy
d. Dampen China's goods production.
Ans. : D
27. These are the best ways we can deal with scarcity of resources EXCEPT
a. making right choices in capital goods
b. keeping resources as unused reserve
c. using resources efficiently
d. distributing resources equitably
Ans. : B
28. Manager Jose wants equality and so he pays all workers with the same pay. Why is
this not advisable?
a. Workers will ask increase of pay.
b. Disincentive to good workers.
c. Rank-and-file will not like it.
d. Workers will resign.
Ans. : B
29. There are disadvantages to the Filipino extended family culture (one house for
grandparents, nieces, etc.) EXCEPT ___________ .
a. available baby sitters
b. more people to feed
c. relationship
d. lower life quality
Ans. : A
30. What is an unacceptable problem with the Filipino tradition of having household
a. Treatment as second-hand humans
b. inefficient services
c. Difficult to manage
d. Disciplinary problem
Ans. : A
1. These are traditional values that should be eliminated in private and public sectors
EXCEPT ____________.
a. Siesta time up to 2 p.m. (Spanish-owned firm in Makati)
b. "Paki-time in mo ako" (government agency)
c. Paggalang sa boss (private companies)
d. Palakasan sa pwesto (public offices)
Ans. : C
2. In the Comprehensive Land Reform Program, what aspect shows that traditional
forces were very much around to curtail rights of tenants to the land they till?
a. Making tenants share holders not owners
b. Not applying land reform at all
c. Abolishing the land reform program
d. Not providing inputs for productivity support to farmers
Ans. : A
3. What core principle has remained unfulfilled in socialist countries like Russia and
a. State ownership of industries
b. Revolutionary conflict
c. Rule of the working class
d. Class struggle
Ans. : C
4. What is the main disadvantage of simply following the market economy especially for
peasant economies?
a. Producers don't cater to the poor who can't buy.
b. There is production surplus for in industries.
c. Advertising gains from commercial ads.
d. Country stagnates in economic growth.
Ans. : A
5. Arrange the chronological evolution of the market economy that led to the industrial
I. Antiquity's cities and farm countryside
II. Towns an guilds
III. Feudal lords and serfs in manors
IV. Mercantilism through commerce
V. Industrial revolution and self- sustaining growth
a. I, II, II, IV and V
b. II, I, II, IV and V
c. III, II, IV and V
d. I, II, III, IV, V
Ans. : A
6. Even during early Hispanic days, the _______ were the oil of the machinery of
commerce throughout the archipelago.
a. Creoles
b. native
c. Chinese
d. Peninsulares
Ans. : C
7. Which theory of Marx states that the difference between the price of commodity and
cost of production belongs to the workers.
a. Theory of exploitation
b. Theory of economic difference
c. Theory of labor rights
d. Theory of price control
Ans. : A
8. In 1984, the price of chicken continued to go down despite government removing the
price ceiling for chicken and other products. This was because ____________.
a. chicken was abundant
b. people had no purchasing power
c. adobo was favorite dish
d. few liked to eat chicken
Ans. : B
9. Inflation is always with us but it is bad when the rise of prices of goods and products
is exceptionally _____________.
a. staggered
b. low
c. severe
d. regular
Ans. : C
11. In the U.S. prices of goods and services are forty to fifty times higher than those in
the Philippines but Americans do not feel the impact of high prices because the
__________ of the dollar is similarly high.
a. currency float
b. exchange value
c. dividend return
d. stock exchange
Ans. : B
12. Innovation as a key to growth is done through various means EXCEPT ________ .
a. inventing new method
b. keeping organizational structure
c. introducing new product
d. opening new markets
Ans. : B
13. The following are among the elements to gauge a country's economic growth
EXCEPT ___________.
a. national income
b. gross national product
c. Population Growth
d. gross domestic investment
Ans. : C
14. What is needed to build confidence among employers and protect the rights of
a. Benchmark of qualifications
b. Quality assurance of qualifications
c. Internal protection to workers
d. Assurance from companies
Ans. : B
16. Mang Pido said he does not need the highway built by An Australian Aid program in
Samar because he still rides a carabao. What is wrong with the highway?
a. Too expensive to construct
b. Not relevant to individual needs
c. Hidden interest by donor
d. Wrong choice of route
Ans. : B
17. The worker' rights to form unions or to strike can be suppressed during times of
national emergency. On what is this based?
a. Nobler person - God before man
b. Higher law - inalienable rights before alienable
c. Wider social order the family- the family before the individual
d. Clearer title- the certain before the title
Ans. : C
18. When teacher Jackie asks History questions on names of different historical
personages she is asking _________ questions.
a. high level
b. moderate
c. low level
d. superior
Ans. : C
20. High level questions have the following characteristics EXCEPT ________ .
a. stimulating
b. advanced
c. factual
d. challenging
Ans. : C
21. In Bloom's cognitive taxonomy, rote learning corresponds to the knowledge category
of ___________.
a. applying
b. understanding
c. analyzing
d. recall
Ans. : D
22. Which of the following demonstrates divergent questioning use by teacher Karla in
her History class?
a. Who were the other founders of the Katipunan other than Andres Bonifacio?
b. Between Rizal and Bonifacio who is more deserving to be our national hero?
c. During the Philippine independence celebration in Kawit, Cavite which band played
national anthem?
d. How was Gregorio del Pilar killed the Tirad Pass?
Ans. : B
23. How do you arrange the logical ordering of pivotal questions that lead to valuing on
the issue of drug use among youths?
I. What are illegal drugs?
II. Will you try illegal drugs as a student?
III. How can illegal drugs reach and attract you?
IV. What would be the effects of illegal drugs on you?
a. I, III, IV, and II
b. II, II, IV and I
c. IV, I, II and II
d. III, II, I and IV
Ans. : A
25. In what probing question was teacher Ana stimulating valuing in her Socio-cultural
a. How do you feel about the slay of Ninoy Aquino in the airport tarmac?
b. What events led to the Ninoy Aquino slay?
c. Was the Ninoy slay connected with People Power?
d. How was Ninoy Aquino as politician?
Ans. : A
26. Teacher Bong is teaching the use and abuse of social media, e.g. Facebook. Which
question is NOT relevant to ask?
a. Why is social media so attractive to high school students?
b. What mobile phones do you use for social media?
c. What do you get out of Facebook postings?
d. What bad experiences were reported about Facebook users?
Ans. : B
27. Teaching social change can make effective use of instructional aids, but which of
the following has emotional impact such as on the issue of extreme poverty?
a. Graphs on impoverished regions
b. Photo language pictures of poor people
c. Newspaper news on poor communities
d. Entertainment film on Robin Hood heroes
Ans. :B
28. The drawback of textbooks is that these are boring and not readable especially
among many students who don't enjoy reading. While using textbooks as reference and
background there are other valuable sources of learning EXCEPT __________.
a. audio-visual materials
b. hands-on activities
c. marvel comics
d. technology sources
Ans. : C
29. Teacher Egay wants to enhance reading kills of his students and _________ is the
most useful for integrating ideas of text through analysis, deduction and expansion of
main thoughts.
a. underlining
b. note taking
c. copying
d. discussion
Ans. : D
30.Teacher Judy assigned her students to develop short skits of life in slums which they
shall act out with costumes in class. How do you classify Teacher Judy's activity?
a. Role-playing
b. Games
c. Simulation
d. Group dynamics
Ans. : C
1. ESD involves topics on peace education, global citizenship and human rights in
addition to environmental education. What teaching-learning approach is recommended
for ESD?
a. Project-based
b. Outcome-based
c. Problem-based
d. Concept-based
Ans. : C
2. In teaching ESD what kills are considered essential for integrating effective
participation in both work and society?
a. Assertiveness and mediation
b. Social and emotional skills
c. Negotiation and conflict management
d. Stress and time management
Ans. : B
5. In grade distribution of a class the _____ is basic numerical data as the average of
a. median
b. mode
c. mean
d. measure
Ans. : C
10. In the test-retest method for reliability if the ordering of the two tests is exactly the
same they the correlation co-efficient is 1.00 for ________ reliability.
a. doubtful
b. imperfect
c. perfect
d. invalid
Ans. : C
11. It is natural for parents to want to get involved in their children's school work but
teachers need to be __________ about skills and subjects for which students need to
assisted or reinforced.
a. specific
b. general
c. extensive
d. broad
Ans. : A
12. Which is the middle value in a set of grades representing the point of distribution
where one-half of 50% fall or are above the grade distribution of the whole class?
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Measure
Ans. : B
14. Teacher-made-test can help determine progress of student for remedial instruction if
needed. This test is for __________ purposes.
a. diagnostic
b. placement
c. formative
d. summative
Ans. : A
15. These are correct types of evaluation and tools used, EXCEPT ___________.
a. diagnostic :: observations, interviews
b. formative :: teacher-made tests and checklists
c. placement :: teacher made tests
d. summative :: standardized tests and rating scales
Ans. :C
21. What skills are being recognized to prepare students for increasingly complex life
and work in the 21st century?
a. Information literacy skills
b. Learning and innovation skills
c. Media literacy skills
d. Global awareness and communication skills
Ans. :B
22. Despite many successful reforms, President Obama wass described as a " lame-
duck" president because of _________ by the Republican Party.
a. ban control
b. power politics
c. veto power
d. denial plot
Ans. : B
23. These were the effects of Thailand's 2014 National Council of Peace and Order
military junta EXCEPT ______.
a. ban on political gatherings
b. nationwide curfew
c. cessation of economic life
d. arrest of politicians
Ans. : C
24. What can be done to temper the effects of massive employment of foreign Filipino
labor overseas that endanger family intergration?
a. Limit overseas deployment
b. Provide loans to OFW families
c. Safeguard balikbayan boxes
d. Assist OFWs in overseas work
Ans. : D
25. What is feasible move to stop the conflict that endangers lives in the Southern
a. Peace talks
b. Federal autonomy to regions
c. Enlist Muslim fighters in the AFP
d. Reconciliation among religions
Ans. : B
28. What can be done to prevent detention of juveniles with adult prisoners?
a. Separate cells of juveniles and adults
b. Lesson years of detention for juveniles
c. Alternative learning system in prisons
d. Upgrade juvenile penology program
Ans. : D
29. How should the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights received by RP
a. Prevent intervention by the UN
b. Support the covenant
c. Reject criticism on human rights violations
d. Downplay UN reports on human rights violations
Ans. : B
30. How can Deng Xiaoping be described by advancing liberal industrialization in China
as leader without holding president, premier or secretary general positions?
a. Fascistic
b. Autocratic
c. Democratic
d. Authoritarian
Ans. : D