Course Code PCA20C01J Course Name PROGRAMMING USING JAVA Course Category C Professional Core Course
3 0 2 4
Multicultural Competence
Level of Thinking (Bloom)
CLR-3 : Create and understand the Java program structure
Community Engagement
Expected Attainment (%)
Disciplinary Knowledge
Self-Directed Learning
CLR-4 : Understand the Java packages and Interfaces
Analytical Reasoning
Scientific Reasoning
Reflective Thinking
CLR-5 : Use the multithreading programming scenario
Leadership Skills
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
CLR-6 : Create applet and use AWT tools
Research Skills
Team Work
ICT Skills
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 7
Multithreaded, Architecture Constructors -Using this Keyword AdjustmentListener
SLO-1 Neutral, Interpreted and high Introduction to Garbage Collection Understanding Dynamic method Creating multiple threads Working with ContainerListener,
performance, Distributed, dispatch - Introduction to Abstract ItemListener, ComponentListener
Dynamic keyword
SLO-2 Evolution of Java Using Finalize() method Working with Abstract class and Assigning Thread priorities Working with KeyListener &
Method & Using final with MouseListener
S-4 SLO-1 Lab1: Learning to work with Lab 4: Classes and Objects Lab 7: Inheritance, Method Lab 10: Multithreading Lab 13: Event Handling
to Java IDE and Writing Simple Overriding, Abstract classes
S-5 Conversion Programs and methods
SLO-1 Introduction to Object Oriented Overloading methods- Introduction to Package - Creating Applying Synchronization- Inter- Introduction AWT Controls -
Concepts of Java Overloading constructors a Package thread communication Working with Label controls
SLO-2 Understanding Encapsulation, Using objects as parameters- Understanding Access Protection- Introduction to Legacy Classes- Working with Buttons controls-
Polymorphism, Inheritance Argument Passing Importing packages Working with Vector class Working with CheckBoxes
SLO-1 Introduction to Lexical Issues of Returning Objects- Introduction to Interfaces- Examples using Vector class Working with CheckBoxGroup
Java Defining an interface controls
S-7 SLO-2 Understanding Whitespaces, Recursion Implementing Interfaces Understanding Stack class Working with Choice controls
Identifiers,Literals Comments, controls
Separators, Keywords
SLO-1 Introduction to Data types of Java, Introducing Access Control How Interfaces are extended? Examples using Stack class -
Introduction to Legacy Interfaces Working with Lists controls
Understanding byte,short,int,long,
S-8 SLO-2 What is variable?, Declaring a Understanding Static variables What is Exception? Understanding Enumeration Working with TextField controls
variable, dynamic initialization of and methods Interface- Examples using
variables, Scope and lifetime of Enumeration interface
S-9 SLO-1 Lab2: Operators Lab 5: Overloading Methods Lab 8: Packages and Interfaces Lab 11: Legacy Classes and Lab 14: AWT Controls
to and Constructors, finalize() Interfaces
S-10 method
SLO-1 Introduction to Operators, Understanding Final variables and Understanding Exception Types- Introduction to Utility classes Introduction to Layout Manager-
methods Introduction to Exception handling Understanding Flow Layout
S-11 SLO-2 Working with Arithmetic, Working with Nested Class Working with try and catch Working with StringTokenizer Understanding Border Layout-
Relational, Logical, Bitwise, Understanding Grid Layout
Conditional, Assignment operators
SLO-1 What is Array?, Initialization of Understanding Inner Class Using multiple catch clauses Working with Date class- Working Introduction to I/O Streams
S-12 Arrays, Understanding Types of with Calendar
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 8
SLO-2 Introduction to Control Statements Introduction to String Class Working with Finally, Throw and Working with GregorianCalendar- Byte Streams classes
- Working with Selection throws Working with Random Class
Statements- All forms of if &
SLO-1 Introduction to Iterative Working with String Handling Understanding Built-in Exceptions Working with Scanner Class
Statements, Working with while, Methods Character Streams classes
do-while, for, for each statements
SLO-2 Introduction to Jump Statements- Command Line arguments Creating user defined Exceptions Examples using utility classes
Examples using Byte and
Working with break, continue and
Character Streams
return statements
S-14 SLO-1 Lab 3: Arrays, Control Lab 6: String Class, Command Lab 9: Exception Handling Lab 12: Utility Classes Lab 15: Layout Managers, Byte
to Statements Line Arguments and Character Streams
1. Herbert Schildt (2007), Java: The Complete 1. Horstmann S., Gray Cornell (2001), Core Java 2 Volume In, Fundamentals, Addition Wesley, New York.
Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill, Seventh 2. Amold and Gosling, J. (2000), The Java Programming Language, Addition Wesley, 2 nd Edition, New Delhi.
Learning Resources
Edition, New Delhi. 3. Art Gittleman (2002), Ultimate Java Programming, Wiley Publications, New York.
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage) Final Examination
Bloom’sLevel of (50% weightage)
Level CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (10%) CLA – 3 (20%) CLA – 4 (10%)#
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 20% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20%
Level 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Level 3 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10%
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
Mr.G.Muruganandam, Group Project Manager, HCL Technologies,
Dr.S.Gopinathan, Professor, University of Madras, Chennai 1. Dr. Agusthiyar Ramu SRMIST
Mr.M. Hemachandar, Tech Lead, Wipro Limited, Chennai 2. Dr.S.Albert Antony Raj, SRMIST
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 9
Course Code PCA20C02J Course Name OPERATING SYSTEM Course Category C Professional Core Course
3 0 2 4
Multicultural Competence
Level of Thinking (Bloom)
Expected Proficiency (%)
Community Engagement
Expected Attainment (%)
CLR-3 : Emphasize the importance of Memory Management concepts of an Operating system
Disciplinary Knowledge
Self-Directed Learning
CLR-4 : Realize the significance of Device Management part of an Operating system
Analytical Reasoning
Scientific Reasoning
Reflective Thinking
Leadership Skills
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Research Skills
CLR-6 : Explore the services offered by the Operating system practically
Team Work
ICT Skills
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Identify the need of an Operating system 2 85 80 H H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-2 : Know the Process management functions of an Operating system 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-3 : Understand the need of Memory Management functions of an Operating system 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-4 : Find the significance of Device management role of an Operating system 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-5 : Recognize the essentials of File Management part of an Operating system 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-6 : Gain an insight of Importance of an Operating system through practical 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
Duration (hour) 15 15 15 15 15
Operating System Objectives and
Overview of Process scheduling- Background, Critical section Memory Management: Logical Vs Mass storage structure –
SLO-1 functions- Gaining the role of
Understand the process concepts Problem Physical address space, Overview of Mass storage
Operating systems
S-1 Swapping structure – Magnetic Disks
Understanding the race
Operations on Process – Process Understanding the basics of Understanding the Basics in
SLO-2 The evolution of operating system conditions and the need for the
creation, Process termination Memory management storage management
Process synchronization
Understanding the evolution of Understanding the system calls – PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION Contiguous Memory allocation – FILE SYSTEM INTERFACE: File
S-2 SLO-1
Operatingsystems from early fork(),wait(),exit() : Peterson’s solution, Fixed and Dynamic partition concept, File access methods
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 10
batch processingsystems to Synchronization hardware
modern complex systems
Getting to know about Partition
Understanding the two-process
memory management and issues:
SLO-2 Architecture of OS Inter process communication solution and the benefits of the Understanding the file basics
Internal fragmentation and
synchronization hardware
external fragmentation problems
Process synchronization:
SLO-1 Understanding the architecture Thread Semaphores, usage, Paged memory management File sharing and Protection
S-3 Emphasis the need for the file
Gaining the knowledge of the Understanding the Paging
Understanding the importance of sharing and its protection- FILE
SLO-2 Operating system operations- usage of the semaphores for the technique.PMT hardware
Mutual exclusion mechanisms mechanism
File system structure
Lab 4 : Understanding various
S-4 to SLO-1 Lab 1 : Understanding the phases of compilation and Lab 7: Shell Programs – Basic Lab 10: Programs using file Lab13:Program to implement
S-5 booting processof Linux System admin commands – level system file system interface
Simpletask automations
Classical Problems of
Real time understanding of Segmented memory management
synchronization – Readers writers To get the basic file system
operations Inter process communication - -Understanding the users view of
S - 6 SLO-1 problem, Bounded Buffer structure- Directory
Learn the thread concepts memory with respect to the
problem- Good understanding of Implementation
primary memory
synchronization mechanisms
Classical Problems of
Inter Process communication : Understanding the various levels
SLO-1 Operating system services synchronization - Dining Paged segmentation Technique
Shared memory of directory structure
Philosophers problem (Monitor )
S-7 Understanding the
Understanding the users view of FILE SYSTEM
synchronization of limited
SLO-2 Learning of services Understanding the need for IPC memory with respect to the IMPLEMENTATION :Free space
resources among multiple
primary memory Management
DEADLOCKS: Necessary
Understanding the methods
conditions, Resource allocation VIRTUAL MEMORY – Basic
SLO-1 System calls message passing, Pipe() available for maintaining the free
graph, Deadlock prevention concepts – age fault handling
spaces in the disk
S-8 methods-
Understanding the deadlock Understanding , how an OS
Understand the message FILE SYSTEM
SLO-2 Examples scenario -Deadlocks : Deadlock handles the page faults-
passing, Pipe() IMPLEMENTATION
Avoidance Performance of Demand paging
S-9 to SLO-1 Lab 2:understand the behavior Lab 5: System admin Lab 8:Process Creation and Lab 11: Programs to implement Lab14: Understand the basic
S-10 of the OS and get the CPU type commands – Basics Overlay concept shared memory methods of free space
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 11
and model management
CPU Scheduling: Round robin, Understanding the relationship of
SLO-1 Types Multilevel queue Scheduling, Detection and Recovery effective access time and the Allocation methods
Multilevel feedback Scheduling page fault rate
Understanding the deadlock Understanding the pros and
Understanding the scheduling
SLO-2 Understanding of different types avoidance, detection and Thrashing Cons of various disk allocation
recovery mechanisms methods
Real Time scheduling: Rate
Monotonic Scheduling and FILE SYSTEM
SLO-1 System programs Deadlocks characterization ,Causes of Thrashing
Deadline Scheduling and IMPLEMENTATION :Free
S-12 Deadline Scheduling
Understanding the methods
Understanding the real time
SLO-2 Learn with examples Understand the characterization Understanding the Thrashing available for maintaining the free
spaces in the disk
System Design and Scheduling Algorithms,
SLO-1 Deadlock detection and Recovery Working set Model Disk Scheduling algorithms
implementation Multiprocessor Scheduling
S13 Understanding the working set
Implementation with design Understand the scheduling Killing the process and resource
SLO-2 model for controlling the Working Scheduling Algorithms
process criteria and algorithms preemption
set model
S-14 Lab15:programs to implement
Lab 3: Understanding the Linux Lab 9: File system and working Lab 12: understand the paging
to SLO-1 Lab 6 : Linux commands the various CPU Scheduling
file system with test programs operations
S-15 Algorithms
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 12
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage) Final Examination
Bloom’sLevel of (50% weightage)
Level CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (10%) CLA – 3 (20%) CLA – 4 (10%)#
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 20% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20%
Level 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Level 3 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10%
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
Mr.G.Muruganandam, Group Project Manager, HCL Technologies, Chennai Dr.S.Gopinathan, Professor, University of Madras, Chennai 1. Ms.D. Kanchana, SRMIST
Mr.M. Hemachandar, Tech Lead, Wipro Limited, Chennai 2. Dr.S.Albert Antony Raj, SRMIST
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 13
Course Code PCA20C03J Course Name DATABASE TECHNOLOGY Course Category C Professional Core Course
3 0 2 4
Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to, Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
To understand the basic concepts and terminology related to DBMS and Relational Database
CLR-1 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : To the design and implement Relational Algebra
Multicultural Competence
Expected Proficiency (%)
Expected Attainment (%)
Community Engagement
To understand advanced DBMS techniques to construct tables and write effective queries,
Disciplinary Knowledge
CLR-3 :
Self-Directed Learning
forms, and reports
Analytical Reasoning
Scientific Reasoning
Reflective Thinking
Leadership Skills
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Research Skills
CLR-5 : To understand Internet Applications & Database Tuning
Team Work
CLR-6 : To understandDatabase Administration & Database Recovery
ICT Skills
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
Acquire the knowledge of providing a reliable, consistent, secure, and availablecorporate-wide L H H H - H H L H L H M H H H
CLO-1 : 2 85 80
CLO-2 : Acquire the capabilities of distinguish database administration and dataadministration 3 85 80 M H H L L H M L L L - L H L H
CLO-3 : Acquire the skills of several database operation andmaintenance issues 3 85 80 M L H L M H H M M L L H L L H
CLO-4 : Obtain the knowledge of enabling the learner to become a Data Base technology Expert 3 85 80 M M H M M H H M M L L M - M H
Exposure for students to write complex queries including full outer joins, self-join, sub queries, H M H
CLO-5 : 3 85 80 M M H H L L L M M - H L
and set theoretic queries
Know-how of the file organization, Query Optimization, Transaction management, and database L H H H - M H H H L H L M H H
CLO-6 : 3 85 80
administration techniques
15 15 15 15 15
Introduction to Database
systems –Overview- File Accessing Databases From Oracle Server Architecture
SLO-1 Selection And Projection XML Documents
systems Vs DBMS- Advantages Applications
S-1 of DBMS
Database Design And ER
Connect Users to Servers
SLO-2 Diagrams -Entities, Attributes, Set Operations Embedded SQL Introduction to XML
And Entity Sets
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 14
Describing and storing data in a Declaring Variables and Processing queries,
SLO-1 Renaming XML DTDs
DBMS- Exceptions changes and commits
Relationships And Relationship Oracle Universal Installer
SLO-2 Joins Embedding SQL Statements Domain-Specific DTDs
Key Constraints -Participation Cursors- Basic Cursor Definition The Three-Tier Application Setting up OS and Password File
SLO-1 Condition Joins
Constraints,Weak Entities and Usage Architecture Authentication
S-3 Aggregation- Case Study: The
Properties of Cursors- Dynamic Single-Tier and Client-Server Starting and Shutting an
SLO-2 Internet Shop- Introduction To Equijoin- Natural Join- Division
SQL Architectures- Instance
The Relational Model-
Lab 10:Create an XML
S-4to SLO-1 Lab 1:Case study submission Lab 4: Execution of join Lab 7: Sample programs for Lab 13: Case study submission
document for employee
S-5 SLO-2 for ER Diagrams operations cursors for database administration
Creating And Modifying Advantages of the Three-Tier
S-6 SLO-1 The Form of A Basic SQL Query An Introduction To JDBC Architecture Logical Structure of the Database
Relations Using SQL
Example: create the Managing Database Use-
SLO-1 Examples of Basic SQL Queries Architecture Normal Forms
Students relation Creating Database Users
Integrity Constraints Over Altering and Monitoring Existing
SLO-2 Nested Queries JDBC Classes And Interfaces Third Normal Form
Relations- Users
Key Constraints- Foreign Key Properties of Decompositions Backup Considerations
SLO-1 Triggers And Active Databases JDBC Driver Management
S-8 Lossless-Join Decomposition-
Specifying Foreign Key Triggers And Active Databases- Recovery Considerations
SLO-2 Connections
Constraints in SQL Examples of Triggers in SQL Dependency
S-9to SLO-1 Lab 2: SQL queries for Lab 5: Practice of triggers-SQL Lab 11: Simple program for Lab 14: Case study submission
Lab 8: Case study for JDBC
S-10 SLO-2 students database Trigger | Student Database joins for recovery
Components for Backup and
SLO-1 General Constraints Constraints versus Triggers SQLJ Preserving Decomposition
Types of Failures
SLO-2 Example table Constraints versus Triggers Executing SQL Statements Normalization
SLO-1 Simple examples Querying Other Uses of Triggers Performing Offline backups
S-12 Writing SQLJ Code Decomposition into BCNF
SLO-2 Relational Data
SLO-1 Querying Relational Data Other Uses of Triggers SQLJ example Decomposition into 3NF Performing Online Backups
Lab 3: SQL queries for Lab 6: Practice of triggers-SQL Lab 9: Creating a Student Lab 12 :Study of normalization Lab 15:Case study submission
to SLO-3
employee database Trigger | Employee Database database techniques for database backups
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 15
1. R. Ramakrishnan, J. Gehrke, Database Management Systems, McGraw Hill, 2004
Learning Resources 2. A. Silberschatz, H. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database system concepts, 5/e, McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. Kevin Loney (Fifth RePrint-2007), Oracle Database 10G: The Complete Reference, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage) Final Examination
Bloom’sLevel of (50% weightage)
Level CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (10%) CLA – 3 (20%) CLA – 4 (10%)#
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 20% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20%
Level 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Level 3 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10%
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
Mr.G.Muruganandam, Group Project Manager, HCL Technologies, Chennai Dr.S.Gopinathan, Professor, University of Madras, Chennai 1. Mr.N.KRISHNAMOORTHY, SRMIST
Mr.M. Hemachandar, Tech Lead, Wipro Limited, Chennai 2.
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 16
Course Code PCA20D03J Course Name SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Course Category D Discipline Elective Course
3 0 2 4
Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to, Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Familiarize the software lifecycle models and software development process 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Understand the various techniques for requirements, planning and managing a technology
CLR-2 :
Examine basic methodologies for software design, development, testing, closure and
Multicultural Competence
Expected Proficiency (%)
Expected Attainment (%)
Community Engagement
CLR-3 :
Disciplinary Knowledge
Self-Directed Learning
Analytical Reasoning
Scientific Reasoning
Reflective Thinking
Leadership Skills
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Research Skills
Acquire the latest industry knowledge, tools and comply to the latest global standards for
CLR-5 :
Team Work
project management
ICT Skills
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Identify the process of life cycle model and process project 3 80 70 L H - H L - - - L L - H - - -
Analyze and specify software requirements through a productive working Relationship with M H L M L - - - M L - H - - -
CLO-2 : 3 85 75
project stakeholders
Design the system based on Functional Oriented and Object Oriented Approach for Software M H M H L - - - M L - H - - -
CLO-3 : 3 75 70
CLO-4 : Develop the correct and robust code for the software products 3 85 80 M H M H L - - - M L - H - - -
CLO-5 : 3 85 75 H H M H L - - - M L - H - - -
Perform by applying the test plan and various testing techniques
Duration(Hour) 15 15 15 15 15
Introduction to software
SLO-1 System Engineering Introduction to Testing Project Management Spectrum Risk Management
Components of System Definition , Characteristics of Reactive and Proactive Risk
SLO-2 Characteristics of software Four P’s
Engineering Testing Strategies
The Changing Nature of Requirements Engineering Testing Strategies for
S-2 SLO-1 The People and the Product Software Risks
software Tasks Conventional Software
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 23
Legacy Software and Software Process, Initiating and Eliciting Unit testing and Integration Risk Identification and Risk
SLO-2 Role of People
myths requirements. testing Projection
A Generic view of process
SLO-1 Building the Analysis Model Validation Testing The Process and the Project Risk refinement
S-3 Software Engineering
SLO-2 A layered Technology Analysis Modeling Approaches Verification Vs Validation Role of Process Risk Mitigation
Lab 13: Preparation of
S-4 to Lab 1:Identifing Project Lab 7: Function Oriented Lab 10:Test Case design for
SLO-1 Lab 4:Project Planning Timeline charts and Tracking
S-5 Objective and Scope Diagram unit testing
the Scheduling
Metrics for Process and
SLO-1 A process framework Data Modeling Concepts System Testing Monitoring and Management
Capability Maturity Model
SLO-2 Example Diagram Non-Functional testing LOC, FP, Object Oriented. Example
SLO-1 Process Models Scenario based Modeling Debugging Process Estimation Quality Concepts
SLO-2 Water fall , RAD model USE-CASE Diagram Testing Tactics Estimation models SQA Activities
White Box Testing, Basic-Path
SLO-1 Iterative Process Models Flow Oriented Modeling The Project Planning Process Software Reviews and FTR
Incremental ,Prototype and Cyclomatic complexity
SLO-2 Data Flow Diagram Resources Statistical Quality Assurance
Spiral calculation
Lab2:Selection of Suitable Lab 14: Estimation of Effort
S-9 to Lab 5:Performing Various Lab 11:Test Case design for
SLO-1 software process Model of the Lab 8:User’s View Analysis
S-10 Requirement Analysis Integration testing and Risk Identification
suggested system
The Software Configuration
SLO-1 Prescriptive models Design Engineering Black Box Testing Decomposition Techniques
calculations of Decomposition
SLO-2 Phases of the model Example Equivalence Partitioning SCM Repository
Business Process
SLO-1 Specialized Process Models Software Design Concepts BVA , Error Guessing Empirical Estimation Models
Cause-Effect Reengineering Diagram and
SLO-2 The Unified Process Model Example Diagrams COCOMO model
Graphing Example.
Testing for Specialized Reverse Engineering
SLO-1 An agile view of Process The Design Model Environments Project Scheduling Concepts
Case study on Best SDLC Preparation of Test case Plan
SLO-2 Examples for all designs Examples Forward Engineering
selection based on the Scenario and Report
Lab 6:Develop Software Lab 12:Perforing Testing and Lab 15:Software Quality
s-14 to Lab3:Problem Statement
SLO-1 Requirement Specification Lab 9:Structure view diagram
s-15 Preparation Debugging for a sample code Assurance Components.
Sheet (SRS)
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 24
1. Roger, S. Pressman (2004), Software Engineering: A 3. Rohit Khurana (2011), Software Engineering-Principles and Practices, Vikas
Practitioner Approach, McGraw Hill International Edition, Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Second Edition, New Delhi.
Sixth Edition, New Delhi 4. Chairperson, Counting Practices Committee, Valerie Marthaler, EDS, Troy,
Learning Resources 2. Waman, S Jawadekar (2004), Software Engineering: Michigan, Function Point Counting Practices Manual Release 4.1.1, The
Principles and Practice, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. International Function Point User Group, April 2000.
Limited, New Delhi. 5. Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayari, Dino Mandrioli (1991), Fundamentals of
Software Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage) Final Examination
Bloom’sLevel of (50% weightage)
Level CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (10%) CLA – 3 (20%) CLA – 4 (10%)#
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 20% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20%
Level 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Level 3 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10%
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
Mr.G.Muruganandam, Group Project Manager, HCL Technologies, Chennai Dr.S.Gopinathan, Professor, University of Madras, Chennai Mrs.J.Shobana, SRMIST
Mr.M. Hemachandar, Tech Lead, Wipro Limited, Chennai
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 25
Course L T P C
Course Code PCA20S01L Course Name IT INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT S Skill Enhancement Course
Category 3 0 2 4
Multicultural Competence
Expected Proficiency (%)
Expected Attainment (%)
Community Engagement
Disciplinary Knowledge
CLR-3 : To reduce the financing burden on governments
Self-Directed Learning
Analytical Reasoning
Scientific Reasoning
CLR-4 : To protect user’s interests
Reflective Thinking
Leadership Skills
Problem Solving
CLR-5 : To allow early benefits of new technologies
Critical Thinking
Research Skills
Team Work
ICT Skills
Course Learning Outcomes To facilitate access to funding for long-term investment needs
CLO-1 : Understand the design factors and challenges in IT Infrastructure Management. 2 85 80 L H H H H M - H M H - H - - -
CLO-2 : Understand service delivery and associated processes. 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-3 : Understand storage and security management related to IT Infrastructure 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-4 : Understand performance and tuning processes and associated case studies. 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
On-line workshops of leading-edge North American practitioners to fine tune the case studies 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-5 : accessible to the public;
CLO-6 : Database of key innovators focusing especially on infrastructure investors. 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
15 15 15 15 15
Introduction, Difference Asset Network Corporation
S1 SLO1 Introduction Service Level Management Backup and Storage
between case,
Challenges in IT Infrastructure Performance and Tuning
S2 SLO1 Incident Management Disaster Radio Shack case
Management processes
SLO1 Business Process
S3 Design Factors for IT Financial Management Space Management other Infrastructure processes
SLO2 Outsourcing (BPO),
Definition Preferred
S4 SLO1 Organizations IT Service Bare Machine Infrastructure Planning
S5 SLO1 IT Infrastructures Continuity Management Recovery (BMR) Performance Management e-Commerce
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 26
tuning applied to major Business Infrastructure
S6 SLO1 IT Systems Capacity Management Data Retention
resource environments Planning
Assessing an Infrastructure’s
S7 SLO1 Service Management Process Configuration Management Computer Security Management Enron case
Information systems Design
S8 SLO1 Availability management Identity Management tuning process Tycocase
Access control,system- Measuring and streamlining
S9 SLO1 IT Infrastructure Library Release Management Worldcom case
Intrusion Detection the P and T process
S10- Lab 1: Case Study and Lab 2: Case Study and Lab 3: Case Study and Lab 4: Case Study and Lab 5: Case Study and
SLO1 Hands-on training. Hands-on training. Hands-on training. Hands-on training.
S15 Hands-on training.
1.P.Gupta, “ IT Infrastructure and Its Management” 2nd Reprint, 2010, Tata McGraw
1.Rich Schiesser, “ IT Systems Management”, 2nd edition, 2010, Hill, ISBN: 978-0070699793
Pearson Education,I SBN: 978-0137025060 2.SjaakLaan , “IT Infrastructure Architecture : Infrastructure Building Blocks and
Learning Resources
Concepts”,2011 , Lulu Press Inc, ISBN 978-1-4478-8128-5.
3.Leonard Jessup, Joseph Valacich,“Information System Today: Managing Digital
World”, 3rd Edition, 2007, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-233506-9.
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage) Final Examination
Bloom’s Level
Level CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (10%) CLA – 3 (20%) CLA – 4 (10%)# (50% weightage)
of Thinking
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 20% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 40% -
Level 2 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 40% -
Level 3 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 20% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
Mr.G.Muruganandam, Group Project Manager, HCL Technologies, Chennai Dr.S.Gopinathan, Professor, University of Madras, Chennai Dr. J.Dhilipan , SRMIST
Mr.M. Hemachandar, Tech Lead, Wipro Limited, Chennai
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 27
Course Code PCA20L01J Course Name CAREER ADVANCEMENT– I Course Category L Life Skill Courses
2 0 1 2
Pre-requisite Courses Nil Co-requisite Courses Nil Progressive Courses Nil
Course Offering Department Career Guidance and Development Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil
Course Learning Rationale
The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Demonstrate various principles involved in solving mathematical concepts 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Develop interest and awareness in students regarding profit/ loss, interest calculations and
CLR-2 :
Critically evaluate basic mathematical concepts related to mixtures and alligations,
CLR-3 :
permutation and combination and Statistics
Fundamental Knowledge
Application of Concepts
CLR-4 :
Communication Skills
Professional Behavior
CLR-5 : Enable students to understand reasoning skills
Analytical Skills
CLR-6 :
reasoning skills and also its importance in various competitive exams
ICT Skills
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Understand, analyze and solve questions based on numbers, logarithms. 3 80 70 H H M H L M - H - H - H M - H
Create, solve, interpret and apply basic mathematical models which are applicable in our day to M H M H - M - H - H - H M - H
CLO-2 : 3 80 75
day life
Understand the concepts of mixtures and alligations, permutation and combinations, probability, M H M H - M - H - H - H M - H
CLO-3 : 3 85 70
time and work and to approach questions in a simpler and innovative method
CLO-4 : Understand the concept in Word Series, Number Series, Symbol Series and Direction Sense 3 85 80 M H M H - M - H - H - H M - H
CLO-5 : Ability to solve the problems on Logical Reasoning 3 85 75 M H M H - M - H - H - H M - H
CLO-6 : Able to face different competitive exams 3 80 70 M H M H - M - H H M - H M - H
Duration (hour) 9 9 9 9 9
Permutation –Introduction& Word problems on Line
SLO-1 Classification of numbers Profit and Loss-Introduction Number Puzzles
S-1 Basics equations-Introduction
Word problems on Line
SLO-2 Tests of divisibility Profit and Loss- Basic Problems Permutation – Problems Number Puzzles - Problems
equations- Basic problems
S-2 SLO-1 Unit digit Statistics-Introduction Syllogisms - Basics Number Puzzles - Problems
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Number Puzzles – Tricky
SLO-2 Tailed zeroes Statistics-Mean, Median, Mode Combination- Problems Syllogisms - Problems Problems
SLO-1 Series Formulae Averages-Introduction & Basics Probability- Introduction &Basics Word series - Introduction Logical Puzzles
S-3 Arithmetic Progression
SLO-2 Averages- Problems Probability- Basics Word series – Problems Logical Puzzles - Problems
Geometric Progression
Highest Common Factor (HCF) Logical Puzzles –Problems
SLO-1 Greatest Common Measure Averages- Problems Probability- Problems Number series - Introduction
S-4 Averages-Tricky Problems Logical Puzzles - Tricky
SLO-2 Least Common Multiples (LCM) Probability- Tricky Problems Number series - Problems
SLO-1 HCF, LCM Averages-Tricky Problems Set Theory Introduction Symbol Series - Introduction Sequential output tracing- Basics
S-5 Averages-Tricky Problems Sequential output tracing-
SLO-2 HCF, LCM - Solving problems Set Operation Symbol Series - Problems
Sequential output tracing-
SLO-1 Simplification Ratio – Basics and Formulas Set - Problems Direction Sense - Introduction
Sequential output tracing- Tricky
SLO-2 Simplification - Problems Ratio - Problems Set - Tricky Problems Direction Sense - Problems
Proportions – Basics and
SLO-1 Virnaculum Time and work-Introduction Blood relation-Introduction Inductive, Logical, Abstract
Inductive, Logical, Abstract-
SLO-2 Virnaculum - Problems Proportions - Problems Time and work-Men and Work Blood relation-Problems
Logarithm –Introduction of log Mixtures and Alligations-
SLO-1 rules Time and work - Problems Coding – Decoding-Introduction Diagrammatic Reasoning
Mixtures and Alligations- Coding – Decoding-Different Diagrammatic Reasoning-
SLO-2 Logarithm – Problems Time and work - Tricky Problems
Problems types Problems
Logarithm –Applications of log
SLO-1 rules Boats and Streams Pipes &Cisterns- Introduction Coding – Decoding - Problems Spatial Reasoning
S-9 Logarithm Application – Coding – Decoding – Tricky
SLO-2 Problems Boats and Streams- Problems Pipes &Cisterns-Problems Spatial Reasoning- Problems
1. Abhijit Guha, Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, Tata McGraw 4. Edgar Thrope, Test Of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th
Hill, 5th Edition Edition
Learning 2. Dr. Agarwal.R.S, Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations, S. Chand 5. Dinesh Khattar, The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for competitive
Resources and Company Limited, 2018 Edition examinations, Pearson, 3rd Edition
3. Archana Ram, PlaceMentor: Tests of Aptitude for Placement Readiness, Oxford 6. P A Anand, Quantitative Aptitude for competitive examinations, Wiley publications,
University Press, Oxford, 2018 e book, 2019
SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Academic Curricula – (M.C.A Regulations 2020) 29
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (100% weightage)
Level Bloom’s Level of Thinking CLA-1 (20%) CLA-2 (20%) CLA-3 (30%) CLA-4 (30%) ##
Theory Theory Theory Theory
Level 1 10% 10% 30% 15%
Level 2 50% 50% 40% 50%
Level 3 40% 40% 30% 35%
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA-1, CLA-2 and CLA-3 can be from any combination of these: Online Aptitude Tests, Classroom Activities, Case Studies, Poster Presentations, Power-point Presentations, Mini Talks, Group Discussions,
Mock interviews, etc.
## CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Short Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Internal Experts
1. Dr P Madhusoodhanan, HoD, CDC, E&T, SRMIST
1. Ajay Zener, Director, Career Launcher
2. Dr M Snehalatha, Assistant. Professor, CDC, E&T, SRMIST
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