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Sedimentology (2007) 54, 1245–1271 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00880.

Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform:

the Late Cenomanian–Mid Turonian at the southern margin
of the Spanish Central System
*Stratigraphy Unit, Departamento de Geologı́a, Universidad de Alcalá, 28871 Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid, Spain (E-mail:
Departamento de Didácticas Especı́ficas, Universidad Autónoma, 28049 Madrid, Spain


The Late Cenomanian–Mid Turonian succession in central Spain is composed

of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks deposited in a variety of coastal and marine
shelf environments (alluvial plain–estuarine, lagoon, shoreface, offshore-
hemipelagic and carbonate ramp). Three depositional sequences (third order)
are recognized: the Atienza, Patones and El Molar sequences. The Patones
sequence contains five fourth-order parasequence sets, while a single
parasequence set is recognized in the Atienza and El Molar sequences.
Systems tracts can be recognized both in the sequences and parasequence
sets. The lowstand systems tracts (only recognized for Atienza and Patones
sequences) are related to erosion and sequence boundary formation.
Transgressive systems tracts are related to marine transgression and shoreface
retreat. The highstand systems tracts are related to shoreface extension and
progradation, and to carbonate production and ramp progradation. Sequences
are bounded by erosion or emergence surfaces, whose locations are supported
by mineralogical analyses and suggest source area reactivation probably due to a
fall in relative sea-level. Transgressive surfaces are subordinate erosion and/or
omission surfaces with a landward facies shift, interpreted as parasequence set
boundaries. The co-existence of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments and
environments occurred as facies mixing or as distinct facies belts along the
basin. Mixed facies of coastal areas are composed of detrital quartz and clays
derived from the hinterland, and dolomite probably derived from bioclastic
material. Siliciclastic flux to coastal areas is highly variable, the maximum flux
postdates relative sea-level falls. Carbonate production in these areas may be
constant, but the final content is a function of changing inputs in terrigenous
sediments and carbonate content diminishes through a dilution effect.
Carbonate ramps were detached from the coastal system and separated by a
fringe of offshore, fine-grained muds and silts as distinct facies belts. The
growth of carbonate ramp deposits was related to the highstand systems tracts of
the fourth-order parasequence sets. During the growth of these ramps, some
sediment starvation occurred basinwards. Progradation and retrogradation of
the different belts occur simultaneously, suggesting a sea-level control on
sedimentation. In the study area, the co-existence of carbonate and siliciclastic
facies belts depended on the superimposition of different orders of relative sea-
level cycles, and occurred mainly when the second-order, third-order and
fourth-order cycles showed highstand conditions.
Keywords Central Spain, Cretaceous, mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sedi-
ments, parasequence stacking patterns, stratal architecture.

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1246 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

INTRODUCTION coastal and shelf depositional environments are

discontinuous over parasequence set scales. More
The sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology of complex facies patterns arise, when the geometry
several mixed siliciclastic and carbonate systems and stratal relationships on the building parase-
have been studied in detail in recent years (Evans quence sets rather than sequences are studied in
& Hine, 1991; Southgate et al., 1993; Tirsgaard, detail, with interdigitation of siliciclastics and
1996; Brooks et al., 2003). These systems corres- carbonates at different scales (as sediments in the
pond mainly to two different cases. Firstly, mixed same bed, as beds in the same environment, or as
shelves where carbonates develop on outer ramp distinct belts within the sedimentary basin). Con-
and shelf, usually at the platform margin, while sequently, the facies architecture and stacking
siliciclastics occupy the inner shelf and basinal geometry are crucial to an understanding of these
areas (Tirsgaard, 1996; Campbell, 2005). These systems, and the increasing use of outcrop infor-
mixed sediments are frequently interpreted as mation in the interpretation and modelling of
originated by reciprocal sedimentation in re- sedimentary sequences of mixed siliciclastic–
sponse to relative changes of sea-level (Schlager, carbonate systems demands more detailed and
1991; Campbell, 2005). According to this view, precise data to facilitate a correct sequence strati-
lowstand systems tracts (LST) are largely com- graphic breakdown and to predict the geometries
posed of siliciclastic rocks; meanwhile, transgres- of facies units.
sive and highstand systems generate tracts of The Hesperian coast of the Iberian Basin (IB)
carbonate rocks (Southgate et al., 1993). In these during the Upper Cretaceous provides excellent
systems, the presence of fine-grained siliciclastic examples of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sedi-
sediments inhibits carbonate production and mentation controlled by sea-level changes, and of
controls carbonate sedimentation (Tucker, 1990; carbonate deposition in the presence of an abun-
Schlager, 1991; Freiebe, 1993). Complete tran- dant supply of siliciclastic sediments of the
sects from coastal to outer shelf environments are nearby Hesperian Massif (Gil et al., 2006). Facies
rarely described (see Tirsgaard, 1996). Secondly, are arranged hierarchically into four scales of
a coastal mixed setting where a mixture of unconformity-bounded sequences (second to
siliciclastic sands, bioclastic sands, calcareous fifth-order) (Segura et al., 2006). These sequences
mudstones and mudstones in nearshore and are identified by widespread surfaces of exposure,
shoreface environments occurs (Evans & Hine, abrupt landward or basinward shifts in shoreface
1991; Holland, 1993; Zonneveld et al., 2001; sandstone, patterns of facies progradation and
Brooks et al., 2003). Detrital material is assumed retrogradation, and shoreline onlap (Garcı́a et al.,
to be derived from fluvial or aeolian environ- 1996). This region was characterized by generally
ments; meanwhile, in situ carbonate production low rates of subsidence (Segura et al., 2006), and
and storm-transported bioclasts are common the depositional systems here were very sensitive
sources for carbonate grains (Zonneveld et al., to even small-scale relative sea-level changes
2001). In this case, platform carbonates are absent (Garcı́a et al., 1996; Gil et al., 2006). The Late
and, when transition to outer platform facies is Cenomanian–Mid Turonian succession makes it
described, coastal bioclastic sands usually grade possible to reconstruct both the mixed coastal-
to offshore marine mudstones or carbonate shales mixed platform facies relationships and the
(Spalleti et al., 2001). sequence stratigraphic architecture in an intra-
The presence of fourth-order parasequence sets cratonic basin because of its facies variety. The
and fifth-order parasequences, and the minor- facies associations and their bounding surfaces
order falls in the relative sea-level that they are either physically traceable or correlatable
represent, are important mechanisms both in the throughout the studied area and offer an oppor-
formation of coastal sand bodies (Posamentier tunity to study in detail the record of relative
et al., 1988; Hunt & Tucker, 1992; Olsen et al., sea-level changes in mixed platforms.
1999), and in the development of mixed silici- In this paper, the consequences of the discon-
clastic–carbonate systems (Evans & Hine, 1991; tinuous, high-frequency behaviour of siliciclas-
Tirsgaard, 1996). Coastal sands appear to have tics and carbonates are examined. In this manner,
been deposited over a range of relative sea-level two issues that are important in understanding
conditions, from highstand (Hunt & Tucker, 1992), the coastal and shelf stratigraphic record are
to lowstand sea-levels (Posamentier et al., 1988). addressed. The first concerns the variability in
Due to these sea-level changes, the processes architecture, evolution and stacking pattern of
driving sediment accumulation along the mixed depositional mixed systems (sequences and
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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1247

parasequence sets). The second concerns the and parasequence set boundaries; (iv) describe
mineralogy and the origin and evolution of mixed the geometry and stratal architecture of this
sediments in relation to changes in the relative margin; and (v) illustrate the cycle stacking
sea-level. This sequence analysis provides a new patterns of individual stratigraphic sections,
understanding of siliciclastic and carbonate facies integrating these with stratigraphic and sedimen-
distribution in the coastal and shallow platforms tological features to identify and correlate depo-
and a broader perspective for future outcrop sitional sequences and parasequence sets across
studies. the study area.
Specific objectives of the study were to:
(i) describe and interpret the depositional envi-
ronments of the Late Cenomanian–Mid Turonian GEOLOGICAL SETTING
sediments at the southern margin of the Spanish
Central System; (ii) interpret their depositional During the Upper Cretaceous, the Iberian micro-
environments from mixed terrigenous–carbonate plate was dissected by a wide and shallow
coastal sediments, to fine-grained outer shelf seaway (Fig. 1) that was linked (discontinuously
sediments or carbonate platform deposits; (iii) over time) to the northern (Atlantic) and southern
characterize the temporal trends in mineralogy to (Tethyan) continental margins of the microplate.
investigate a possible relationship with sequence Two emergent areas bordered the seaway, the

Fig. 1. Geological and geographical framework of studied area showing palaeogeographical reconstruction of Iberian
microplate for Upper Cretaceous with the emerged areas (orange), the Iberian Basin (green) and the study area (grey
rectangle), and Upper Cretaceous outcrops (dark green) and studied sections (stars) along the southern Central
System (rectangles and numbers show the boundaries of the Spanish 1:50 000 geological maps and corresponding
numbers). Studied sections are: 1, Valdemorillo; 2, Soto del Real, 3; El Vellón; 4, Barranco de Guadalix; 5, El Molar; 6,
Arrebatacapas; 7, Barranco del Mortero; 8, Barranco de las Cuevas; 9, Valdentales; 10, Alpedrete; 11, Valdepeñas; 12,
Tortuero; 13, Barranco de la Concha; 14, Valdesotos; 15, Tamajón; 16, Almiruete; 17, Muriel; 18, Veguillas; 19,

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1248 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

Hesperian Massif to the west and the Ebro Massif Middle Turonian, UZA-2 in Fig. 2) is composed of
to the east (Fig. 1). On the Hesperian Massif six third-order depositional sequences (UZA-2Æ1 to
marine transgressions extended the seaways UZA-2Æ6 in Fig. 2). The upper megasequence
westwards, and Cretaceous sediments progres- (Upper Turonian–Lower Campanian) is composed
sively onlapped the Massif. Most of these sedi- of five depositional sequences. The boundary
ments are presently buried under the Cenozoic between both T-R megasequences is located at the
Duero and Tajo basins, but can be studied along base of the Somolinos sequence. The boundary is
the basin margins (Cantabrian Mountains, Central interpreted as an unconformity with palaeosoil and
System and the Montes de Toledo) and in oil lowstand sandstones interpreted as infill of incised
wells (Segura et al., 2006). valleys (Gil et al., 2006; Segura et al., 2006).
Gil & Garcı́a (1996) and Gil et al. (2004) provi- The studied interval comprises the top of the
ded a general stratigraphic architecture of the lower megasequence. In the study area, a major
Upper Cretaceous in the study area. These Atlantic transgression occurred during the Late
authors recognize several terrigenous, marly and Cenomanian, drowning the upper Cenomanian
carbonate units that correlate with former, well- Tethyan shelf. This transgression led to the
known, lithostratigraphic units of the Iberian deposition of deep-water marls of Atlantic origin
Ranges defined by Floquet et al. (1982) and Vilas (Picofrentes Formation; Fig. 2) resting on shallow
et al. (1982) (Fig. 2). marine carbonates of Tethyan origin (Villa de Ves
The Upper Cretaceous sea-level record in the Formation; Fig. 2) (Segura et al., 1993a,b). Sub-
Iberian Basin is composed of two major Transgres- sequent regression led to carbonate ramp devel-
sive-Regressive (T-R) megasequences (Segura et al., opment (Ciudad Encantada Formation; Fig. 2).
2001). The lower megasequence (Upper Albian– Towards the Hesperian Massif, however, sedi-

Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphic (right) and sequence stratigraphy and chronostratigraphy (left) charts for Upper Cretaceous
of the southern Central System (modified from Gil et al., 2004). Studied units and sequences are shown in colour (see
text for details). Second-order T-R megasequences and third-order sequences of the Iberian Basin based on Gil et al.
(2004). The proposed correlation with Haq et al. (1988) cycle chart is also shown and ages after Gradstein et al.
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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1249

mentation was mainly terrigenous, and several Mineralogical characterization was performed
mixed coastal, carbonate–terrigenous wedges by X-ray diffraction using a Philips PW 1130/90
(Castro de Fuentidueña Formation; Fig. 2) were diffractometer with CuKa radiation and a graphite
deposited; these grade farther west to the coastal monochromator. Random powder mounts were
sandy sediments of the Utrillas Formation used to study the whole samples, and oriented
(Fig. 2). The Atlantic transgression in the study aggregates of the fractions (<20 and <2 lm) were
area occurred on a palaeorelief that rises west- obtained by settling according to Stokes’ law to
wards towards the Hesperian Massif (Fig. 1). A study the clay minerals. When necessary carbon-
major palaeogeographical element, the Tortuero ates were eliminated following the method of
high, separates two areas with different thick- Moore & Reynolds (1989). Powders were scanned
nesses and sedimentary features (Figs 3 and 4). from 2° to 65° 2h and oriented aggregates air-
The entire succession has been divided into dried, ethylene glycolated and heated (550 °C for
three sequences: the Atienza sequence (Late 2 h) prior to scanning from 2° to 30° 2h at 0Æ02°
Cenomanian), the Patones sequence (the latest 2h sec)1 scan speed.
Cenomanian–Geslinianum biozone–Early Turo- Facies were defined by texture, diagnostic
nian–Nodosoides biozone) and the El Molar composition (relative abundance of characteristic
sequence (Mid Turonian) (Figs 2 and 3). Biostrati- components), sedimentary structures and fossils
graphic analyses of this interval were undertaken and/or trace fossil content (when present). The
in the more central areas of the Iberian Basin (east facies were grouped in facies associations, attrib-
of the study area) by Wiedmann (1975), Mojica & uted to specific depositional environments, and
Wiedmann (1977) and Segura & Wiedmann integrated into more general depositional settings
(1982), who proposed ammonite-based biozones. (from siliciclastic coastal to carbonate platform
Based on the work of these authors, the Cenoma- environments).
nian/Turonian boundary should be located at the Attention was paid to the recognition of major,
base of the Patones sequence (Fig. 2). Further regionally extensive, as well as local bounding
biostratigraphic discussion can be found in surfaces using the sequence stratigraphic con-
Segura et al. (1993a,b, 1999). This study focuses cepts of Van Wagoner et al. (1990). The working
on the coastal–carbonate transition of these three method consisted of: (i) environmental interpret-
sequences in the southern Central System. ation based on bedding pattern and facies analy-
sis; (ii) definition of different orders of
depositional sequences, their hierarchy and
METHODOLOGY stacking pattern; and (iii) correlation of the
sequences between the sections. Hierarchical
The Late Cenomanian–Mid Turonian sediments stacking patterns were determined by medium-
were studied and measured in 19 sections from scale and large-scale depositional parasequence
Valdemorillo (SW) to Alcorlo (NE) (Figs 1 and 4). sets and sequences: fourth-order parasequence
These sites were selected on the basis of acces- sets are the building blocks of large-scale third-
sibility and their continuity of exposure. Individ- order sequences (Van Wagoner et al., 1990;
ual beds were lithologically logged according to Strasser et al., 1999). This approach allows dif-
their colour, grain-size, sedimentary and biogenic ferentiation between autocyclic and allocyclic
structures, geometry and fossil content (Fig. 3). processes that control sedimentary evolution
The SW–NE correlation line (Fig. 4) provides a and sequence formation (Strasser, 1991).
two-dimensional control of the changes in thick-
ness and lithofacies in an approximately down-
The quality of the Arrebatacapas section (6 in ENVIRONMENTS
Fig. 1; see also Figs 3 and 4) provided a complete
stratigraphic section in which mineralogical Thirteen facies associations (Table 1) have been
study of the terrigenous sediments could be recognized and grouped into five generic deposi-
performed. Twenty-six samples were selected tional environments. The absence of a slope or a
according to the results of the sedimentological shelf-break was corroborated by a lack of resedi-
and stratal analysis of the section with the aim of mented lowstand deposits (see below). The de-
detecting compositional changes and of establish- positional environments recognized in this study
ing their relationships with the depositional were based on positions relative to fairweather
parasequences and sequences. and storm-wave bases. The actual water depths,
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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1251

in which these boundaries occur, vary in relation Facies association A2 (siltstones, mudstones
to local hydrodynamic/climatic conditions (Bur- and channelled sandstones)
chette & Wright, 1992). The depositional environ- This facies association mainly consists of sand-
ments – alluvial plain–estuarine (A), shoreface stones with a heterolithic alternation of silt-
(B), offshore-hemipelagic (C), lagoon (D) and stones and mudstones (Figs 4 and 5B) containing
carbonate ramp (E) (Fig. 4) – are described below. agglutinated benthic foraminifera. Lenticular
bedding, carbonaceous (black) muds, nodular
edaphic siltstones and root traces were also seen
Alluvial and coastal plain (estuarine) (A)
(Fig. 5B). Coarser-grained facies consist of either
Facies association A1 (channelled sandstones channelled or sheet sands. The channels are up
and conglomerates) to 1Æ5 m thick (Fig. 5C), of variable lateral extent
This facies association consists of planar (minor (tens to hundreds of metres), and are composed
trough) cross-bedded, medium to coarse-grained of poorly to well-sorted, medium-grained to
sandstones and conglomerates (Figs 4 and 5A). coarse-grained or granule sandstones. The bases
Cross-sets range from 0Æ1 to 3 m in thickness. of the facies are locally mantled by clast lags,
Quartzitic conglomerates dominate the lower part with quartzite clasts up to 3 cm long. Channel
of the unit; these are massively bedded pebble bases show local loading structures and limonit-
conglomerates with clasts up to 10 cm long. A ic concretions or cementation, whereas the tops
local, single set (3 m thick) showing inclined are generally iron-cemented. Some of these tops
stratification of medium-grained sandstones is are very irregular because of very common,
also present in the Tamajón section. Sets of centimetre-deep conical depressions. The dom-
cross-bedded sandstones contain lags of quartzite inant structure is one of unidirectional cross-
pebbles and show unidirectional, east-dipping bedding, although some beds are massive, and
foresets. Grey mudstone interbeds occur rarely, some channels show lateral accretion surfaces.
preserved as erosional relicts with limited lateral The sheet sands appear as massive to cross-
extent. Mudstone intraclasts are common in some laminated, mid-grained to fine-grained (minor
sandstone beds. dolomitic sandstones) intercalations in centi-
This facies is interpreted as in-channel deposits metre-thick beds. These sandy beds are some-
formed by vertical stacking of different gravel and times loaded, forming very discontinuous sandy
sand bedforms migrating along active channels. lenses.
Sandy and conglomeratic beds are usually inter- Channels with lateral accretion surfaces in
preted as part of braided fluvial complexes, which fine-grained sediments reveal meandering chan-
are well-documented in both modern and ancient nels. The presence of heterolithic units with
deposits (Hereford, 1977; Miall, 1978; Vos & lenticular bedding suggests a tidal influenced
Tankard, 1981). Shifting channels are character- marine environment (Reineck & Wunderlich,
istic of these environments. Rapid channel 1968), which is supported by the presence of
migration led to limited preservation of the agglutinant foraminifera in these facies. The
overbank mudstones in abandoned channels or sheet-like sandstones interbedded with mud-
scour pits. The fluvial origin of these facies was stones are interpreted as overbank crevasses-
deduced from the absence of fossils and bedding. play deposits. Loading structures suggest rapid
The geometry of the facies association, the sedimentation. Conical depressions at the top of
abundant erosion surfaces and the scarcity of some channels were interpreted as root traces;
overbank fine sediments point to a braidplain area the rooted horizons on top of the sandstones
(Rust & Gibling, 1990; Browne & Plint, 1994); it suggest a shallow sub-tidal to intertidal setting
can, therefore, be interpreted as a system of for the deposition of the channels. Siltstones
braided alluvial plain deposits. containing calcareous nodules, which are locally

Fig. 3. Stratigraphic cross-section showing lithology, facies and mineralogy along the studied area (see Fig. 1 for
location of sections). The Soto del Real section has a greatly reduced thickness and siliciclastic sandy facies. The
Arrebatacapas section has a predominant sandy facies, but siltstones, mudstones, dolomitic sands and minor
carbonate intercalations also occur. The Tortuero section represents a local high, where thickness is reduced, com-
posed of marly and carbonate facies with local sandy intercalations in mid and upper parts of the section. The Alcorlo
section is located close to central areas of the Iberian basin; it is the thickest studied section and facies grade from
siliciclastic sediments to marls and to carbonates. Location of the samples (arrows) studied for mineralogy in the
Arrebatacapas section. Each coloured rectangle represents 5%. AS, Atienza sequence, P1 Patones 1 parasequence set.

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1252 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

brecciated, can be interpreted as rhizobreccia-

Fig. 4. Oriented cross-section across studied area showing depositional environments (colours), sequences and parasequence sets boundaries. Location of
tion accompanied by some nodule formation
in calcrete deposits (Alonso-Zarza, 2003); this
suggests that intermittent sub-aerial exposure
occurred. The most likely origin of the
facies could be a low-relief, coastal plain–bay
setting with meandering channels affected by
tidal processes and pedogenesis to varying

Shoreface (B)
Facies association B1 (coarse cross-bedded
This facies consists of coarse to very coarse-
grained cross-bedded sandstones (Fig. 5D). Sedi-
mentary structures are parallel and low-angle
laminations, planar cross-bedding and trough
cross-bedding with asymptotic, sigmoidal,
bottomsets. The planar laminations show vari-
ation in grain-size. These sandstones form tabular
units up to 9 m thick with 20 to 50 cm thick beds
showing sharp or slightly erosional bases (some-
times channelled with scour-and-fill features).
Set boundaries are commonly marked by mud
drapes (Fig. 5D). Cross-strata are mainly oriented
eastwards, although local bi-directional palaeo-
currents are observed. Trace fossils are scarce;
only indeterminate burrows are seen. Thin inter-
bedded siltstones and mudstones are locally
common, and range from flaser and wavy bedded
heterolithics to massive mudstones. The mud-
stone interbeds commonly contain a large amount
of plant debris. Distinct cracks are seen in hetro-
lithic materials.
The presence of predominantly coarse-grained
facies indicates that this lithofacies formed in
high-energy environments with substantial vari-
ability in flow velocity and direction. The thick,
planar sets of parallel lamination, with low-angle
dips and truncations, are typical of foreshore to
upper shoreface deposition (Reineck & Singh,
1980; Seidler & Steel, 2001). Low-angle cross-
stratification is also typical of this zone (Reinson,
1992). The existence of local bi-directional
palaeocurrents and mud drapes suggests a tidal
sections is shown in Fig. 1.

influence in part of these sediments. Mud drapes

along sets and foresets are diagnostic features of a
tidal environment (Visser, 1980; Boersma &
Terwindt, 1981; Smith, 1988). The local bimodal
orientation of vertically adjacent foresets suggests
that channels might have developed flow revers-
als. The mud-rich, sigmoidal cross-strata provide
evidence that neap tides existed during depos-
ition, whereas the planar, sandier foresets suggest
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Table 1. Facies description and depositional environments interpretation.

Depositional Fossils and trace Environmental

environments Facies associations Description fossils interpretation
Alluvial and coastal plain Channelled sandstones and Cross-bedded, medium sandstones None Braided alluvial plain
(estuarine) (A) conglomerates (A1) and conglomerates; erosive chan-
nels, mudstone intraclasts
Siltstones, mudstones and Laminated to massive siltstones Root traces, burrowing, Coastal plain with
channelled sandstones (A2) and mudstones with lenticular agglutinant foraminifera meandering channels
bedding; and channelled, cross- (estuarine)
bedded to massive, medium to
coarse-grained sandstones, with
erosive bases mantled by clast
lags. Sheet (minor dolomitic)
sandstones, nodular edaphic silt-
stones and rare carbonaceous
Shoreface (B) Coarse cross-bedded Coarse to very coarse-grained Burrowing (rare), plant Upper shoreface with local
sandstones (B1) (granule), cross-bedded sand- debris tidally influenced estuarine
stones with sharp or slightly ero-
sive bases. Low-angle and planar
cross-bedding; trough cross-bed-
ding with asymptotic bottomsets
and mud drapes
Amalgamated cross-bedded Medium to coarse-grained, Bioturbation is rare to Shoreface
sandstones (B2) cross-bedded to massive, sandy absent. Plant debris
dolostones, dolomitic sandstones
and sandstones. Thin to thick
(amalgamated) beds with planar
and trough cross-bedding, locally
bimodal (herring bone), hum-
mocky cross-stratification, low-
angle cross-stratification and
horizontal lamination. Bases of
coarser beds are erosive or sharp.
Water-escape structures, convo-
lute bedding and muddy flaser
Fine sandstones and Massive, parallel, current or Bioturbation common with Lower, distal, shoreface
siltstones (B3) wave-laminated silty fine-grained Planolites, Teichichnus,
sandstones and muddy silts, Thalassinoides and rare
glauconite Rhizocorallium
Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform

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Table 1. (Continued)

Depositional Fossils and trace Environmental

environments Facies associations Description fossils interpretation
Offshore-hemipelagic Mudstones and siltstones Massive or poorly laminated Bioturbation is common to Offshore shelf
(C) (C1) mudstones and sandy siltstones, rare (Planolites). Bivalve
glauconite is common. Siltstones are fragments
rippled or massive, heterolithic
packages of finely laminated mud-
stones and siltstones with cross-lam-
inated fine-grained sandstones,
bioclastic dolomitic sandstones with
sharp bases
Marls (C2) Massive grey marls Ammonites, echinoderms, Mid-distal shelf,
J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

gastropods, bivalves hemipelagic

Lagoon (D) Mudstones and marls (D1) Green or black, massive, mudstones, Plant debris Protected lagoon and
silty mudstones and marls, contain- Bioturbation (scarce) mudflat
ing locally brecciated calcareous
beds. Heterolithic sandstones,
siltstones and dark mudstones.
Coarse laminae may be rippled,
massive planar laminae or lenses.
Soft sedimentation deformation is
Stromatolitic dolostones (D2) Gently undulated to planar Bioturbation (rare) Protected intertidal lagoon
laminated, locally massive, reddish
or brown dolostones. Mud cracks and
brecciation of some beds are common
Siltstones and sandstones Thin-bedded, massive, muddy silts Plant debris, bioturbation Storm washover, lagoon
(D3) and silty fine-grained sandstone beds
showing cross-lamination
Carbonate platform (E) Bioclastic dolostones and Centimetre-thick to metre-thick beds Ammonites, pelecypods, Mid to inner carbonate ramp
limestones (E1) of massive and fossiliferous, locally gastropods and rudists
bioturbated, marly dolostones, dolo-
stones and minor limestones (wacke-
stone–packstone, and grainstone)
Oolitic limestones (E2) Massive or cross-bedded oolitic grain- Bioturbation (scarce Shallow bars and shoals in a
stones and minor bioclastic pack- Thalassinoides), bivalve carbonate ramp
stones, some cross-bedded units are bioclasts
organized into up to 4 m thick mega
cross-bedded grainstones
Nodular dolostones (E3) Grey and green nodular dolostones Ammonites, pelecypods, Mid to outer carbonate ramp
and marly dolostones (mudstone– gastropods. Bioturbation
wackestone) (common)

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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1255




Fig. 5. Terrigenous facies. (A) Cross-bedded gravely sandstones (facies association A1), braided alluvial plain
deposits in Patones 1 parasequence set, Tamajón section (hammer for scale is 33 cm long). (B) Massive mudstones and
siltstones with vertical root traces (arrowed) (facies association A2) (see also Fig. 7 for longitudinal and cross-sections
of roots), coastal plain deposits near the top of Atienza sequence, Arrebatacapas section (rule for scale is 20 cm long).
(C) Channelled, cross-bedded sandstones with gravel lags embedded in fine-grained sandstones, siltstones and
mudstones (facies association A2), coastal plain deposits in Atienza sequence, Muriel section (hammer for scale is
33 cm long). (D) Cross-bedded, coarse-grained sandstones with tidal mud drapes (arrowed) (facies association B1),
upper shoreface deposits with tidal influence in Patones 3 parasequence set, Valdemorillo section (hammer for scale is
33 cm long). (E) Cross-bedded and massive sandstones (facies association B2), shoreface deposits in Patones 4 para-
sequence set, El Vellón section (scale bar, encircled, is 20 cm long). (F) Burrowed, fine-grained sandstones with mud
laminae (facies association B3), distal shoreface facies in Patones-2 parasequence set, El Vellón section, scale in cm.

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1256 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

a more rapid sand deposition during spring tides sediment colonization and is common in a
(Nio & Yang, 1991). shoreface environment (Zonneveld et al., 2001).
The interbedded mudstones and siltstones are
interpreted as having formed on tidal flats, and/or Facies association B3 (fine sandstones and
estuaries and/or muddy bays. The presence of siltstones)
flaser and wavy bedding is generally associated This facies consists of thin to medium-bedded,
with tidally influenced sedimentation (Reineck & massive, parallel, current or wave cross-lamin-
Wunderlich, 1968). The low diversity of trace ated, silty fine-grained sandstones and muddy silt
fossils suggests a brackish environment, which is packages (Fig. 5F) up to 4 m thick which typic-
consistent with estuarine settings where shifting ally coarsen upwards. The lower boundaries of
substrates and fluctuations in sedimentation rates coarser units are always slightly erosional,
and salinity are common (Clifton, 1983; Richards, whereas the upper boundaries are non-erosive
1994; Zonneveld et al., 2001). An upper shoreface but sharp. Detrital glauconite is common. Biotur-
with local tidal estuarine conditions is envisaged bation is rare to common (Fig. 5F), and several
as the depositional environment for this facies. trace fossils are observed. Planolites, Teichichnus
and Thalassinoides are common in this facies
Facies association B2 (amalgamated cross- association, however, Rhizocorallium is rare.
bedded sandstones) Some thick cross-beds are cut across by large,
This facies association consists of fine to coarse- sand-filled Thalassinoides burrows up to 60 cm
grained sandy dolostones, dolomitic sandstones long.
and sandstones in units up to 4 m thick. This The sedimentary structures and the fine-
facies is usually composed of amalgamated beds grained lithofacies, together with the presence of
with slightly erosive or sharp bases and planar bioturbation, indicate that these facies represent
and trough cross-bedding (Fig. 5E). Hummocky distal shoreface environments; this suggests that
cross-stratification (HCS), low-angle cross-strati- deposition occurred in an open platform with
fication and horizontal lamination are also com- storm or wave reworking of the shallower areas
mon. Bedsets range in thickness from 20 to 70 cm, (Hunter & Clifton, 1982). The generally high
and typically thicken upwards to be capped by degree of bioturbation indicates that the sedimen-
wave and current ripples. Cross-bedding some- tation rate was relatively low, allowing burrowing
times reveals locally opposite flow directions, organisms enough time to keep apace with
and convolute bedding is locally present. Plant sedimentation and rework any sediment depos-
debris is common at the bases of some beds, while ited (Howard & Reineck, 1981; Pemberton et al.,
muddy flasers are common at the tops of others. 1992). The presence of Thalassinoides cutting
The ichnofauna consists of a low-diversity trace across some beds suggests the existence of a
fossil assemblage, mainly composed of Planolites; sedimentary hiatus at the top of these beds (Philip
however, bioturbation is low to absent. et al., 1995; Zonneveld et al., 2001). The presence
The abundance of scour surfaces and trough to of detrital glauconite suggests the reworking of
planar cross-stratification are indicative of depos- authigenic glauconite from deeper areas, and
ition due to traction, frequent wave reworking redeposition in the more shallow zones.
and intermittent, high current velocities in high-
energy coastal environments. The sharp, locally
Offshore-hemipelagic (C)
erosive bases of the bedsets and the presence of
HCS are suggestive of storm-generated waning- Facies association C1 (mudstones and
flow transport, indicative of deposition above the siltstones)
storm-wave base on the shoreface (Hunter & This facies consists entirely of monotonous dark
Clifton, 1982; Walker & Plint, 1992). The presence grey or dark green mudstones and sandy silt-
of herring-bone cross-stratification and muddy stones. The mudstones are generally massive and
flasers indicates local tidal influence. Contorted homogeneous. Authigenic glauconite is common.
beds, similar to those described in this interval, Bioclastic, massive, dolomitic sandstones up to
have been attributed to reverse density loading 35 cm thick with sharp bases are intercalated. The
promoted by rapid deposition of partially lique- bioclasts are fragmented, and consist primarily of
fied sand (Owen, 1996). The trace fossils, highly abraded bivalve fragments. Packages (up to
although sporadic, suggest well-oxygenated bot- 6 m thick) of heterolithic muds, silts and fine-
tom waters. The presence of Planolites reflects grained sandstones are locally developed; the
shifting substrates that allowed little time for heterolithic muds and silts are finely laminated,
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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1257

and sands have millimetre to centimetre-thick mid-distal shelf environment, influenced by

laminae and beds with scoured bases and wavy minor terrigenous input, is suggested for this
cross-lamination. Bioturbation is abundant to facies.
poor, with Planolites being the only trace fossils
Lagoon (D)
The dominance of mudstones facies suggests a
low-energy offshore shelf environment in which Facies association D1 (mudstones and marls)
fine-grained, organic-rich detritus settled below This facies consists of green and grey (minor black)
the storm-wave base (Heinberg & Birkelund, massive mudstones and marls locally containing
1984). The fine-grained sediment is interpreted brecciated calcareous nodules and beds. These
as being brought into suspension during storms mudstones and marls form packages usually of 1 to
and deposited during fair weather (Potter et al., 2 m thick, with the exception of the upper part of
1980; Walker & Plint, 1992). The dark colours the studied section where they are up to 10 m thick
suggest a high organic matter content, and the (Fig. 6B). Millimetre-scale to centimetre-scale rip-
presence of glauconite tends to be associated with pled, planar laminae, or lenses of very fine sand-
low sedimentary rates in open platform settings stones and siltstones are less common. The
(Odin, 1988; Chafetz & Reid, 2000). The inter- successive sandy laminae commonly show op-
calated coarser lithofacies suggest that storms or posed palaeocurrent directions and frequently are
waves reworked shallower areas; these would separated by sub-millimetre-scale mud laminae.
have brought sediments into suspension, which Soft sedimentation deformation is common. The
were then deposited as storm beds (heterolithic dark mudstones are rich in organic matter, inclu-
silts and sands) during fair weather. The bioclas- ding plant debris. Only a few Planolites burrows
tic sandstones are interpreted as remobilized are observed in the muddy facies.
shell-debris-rich beds related to major storm The fine-grained, organic-rich muds would
events. When present, Planolites-type bioturba- have settled mainly from suspension, but the
tion represents the activity of substrate-feeding presence of calcareous nodules may indicate
organisms. episodic emergence. Laminated and blocky
homogeneous mudstone facies have been inter-
Facies association C2 (marls) preted as playa-lacustrine and emergent playa
This facies consists of poorly exposed, mono- mudflat deposits (Arthurton, 1980). These facies
tonous, massive or nodular, dark grey, marly typically occurred landward of the shoreface
clays and marls (Fig. 6A) in packages up to 20 m sandstone tongues or between them (facies associ-
thick, with minor interspersed shell beds. The ation B); they are consequently interpreted as
biofacies is dominated by an assemblage of open being deposited in shallow littoral areas of pro-
marine, benthic fauna (bivalves, gastropods, irre- tected mudflats or lagoons. The close association
gular echinoids) and nektobenthic ammonites. with organic dark mudstones suggests deposition
Basal contacts are sharp when resting on cross- within a marsh or lagoon environment with
bedded sandstones (B2, B3 facies association) or occasional establishment of coastal peat swamps
bioclastic limestones and dolostones (E1 facies (see Rahmani, 1988).
association). The top contacts are gradational to
nodular limestones and marls (E3 facies associ- Facies association D2 (stromatolitic dolostones)
ation); they grade laterally to mudstone facies (C1 This facies consists of gently undulating to planar
facies association). laminated, locally massive, reddish or brown
This facies represents a low-energy, open- dolostones (Fig. 6C) characterized by fenestral
marine setting. The common absence of storm- and microbialite laminae occurring as thin (0Æ5 to
generated or wave-generated structures suggests 20 cm) beds interbedded with facies association
that deposition was mainly below the storm-wave D1. Mud cracks and in-situ brecciation of some
base (Seidler & Steel, 2001). However, the inter- beds are commonly observed. Bioturbation is rare
calated shell beds, shell fragments and the throughout this lithofacies.
homogeneous aspect suggest reworking and This facies is interpreted as a stromatolite
homogenization of the sediments due to infre- facies. Undulatory or wrinkled laminae result
quent major storms. The common presence of from subtle variations in microbial growth rates
irregular echinoids suggests sediment homogeni- (Cadée, 1998). Fenestrae (‘birdseye’) structures
zation by intense burrowing as a result of low are the result of the shrinkage of microbial lam-
energy and low palaeoenvironmental stress. A inae during desiccation, and from gas generated
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Fig. 6. Carbonate and other facies. (A) Grey, massive, marls (facies association C2), with ammonites, echinoderms of
the Patones-3 parasequence set, near Alcorlo section (exposed section in road talus is 3 m high). (B) Alternation of
mudstones, marls and dolostones (facies association D1), interpreted as lagoon facies at top of Patones 5 para-
sequence, Arrebatacapas section (exposed section in road talus is 4Æ5 m high in the foreground). (C) Laminated
dolostones (facies association D2) and stromatolites of the lagoonal facies, El Molar sequence, Arrebatacapas section
(pen for scale is 14 cm long). (D) Bioclastic (Rudist) grainstone–packstone of facies association E1, interpreted as a
storm bed in inner ramp settings, Patones-4 parasequence set, Muriel section (coin for scale is 25 mm in diameter).
(E) Cross-bedded oolitic grainstones (facies association E2) sharply overlying bioclastic dolostones and marls (left),
interpreted as high-energy, large-scale bars (shoals) in carbonate ramp environments of the Patones-5 parasequence
set, Alcorlo section (grainstone facies is 9Æ5 m thick). (F) Nodular dolostones and limestones, consisting of bioclastic
wackestones and packstones (facies association E3), outer carbonate ramp deposits at the base of Patones-2 para-
sequence set, Alcorlo section (hammer for scale is 33 cm long).

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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1259

during microbial decay (Shinn, 1983). Stromato- stones–packstones (and rare grainstones) contain-
lites are found in restricted tropical environ- ing normal marine fauna (ammonites,
ments, such as the humid shores of Andros pelecypods, gastropods and rudists) are also
Island, where they pass laterally towards fresh- observed. Rudist debris is abundant, producing
water marshes with calcified cyanobacteria floatstones and rudstones (Fig. 6D). Bioturbation
(Monty, 1967; Monty & Hardie, 1976), and in is common in some intervals (Planolites-type).
evaporative sabkhas (Shinn, 1983). Microbial The presence of fossiliferous limestones and
mats also form in protected sub-tidal, intertidal marly limestones (commonly bioturbated) indi-
and supratidal settings, but they are most com- cates a low-energy marine setting. The lack of
monly preserved on intertidal flats (Hagan & classical peritidal facies suggests negligible tidal
Logan, 1974). The relationship of D2 with other activity. Although the beds lack sedimentary
facies suggests a shallow back barrier lagoon structures, the presence of broken fossils (mainly
environment. The absence of evaporites excludes Rudist shell debris) indicates that they were
sabkha environments. The presence of mud formed by wave or storm events on the platform.
cracks and the brecciation of some beds indicates This facies represents an open-marine setting in a
local sub-aerial exposure in accordance with mid to inner carbonate ramp sediment environ-
intertidal settings in a protected lagoon. ment (Read, 1985; Burchette & Wright, 1992).

Facies association D3 (silts and sandstones) Facies association E2 (oolitic limestones)

This facies consists of thin-bedded muddy silts, This facies consists of sharp-based or scoured-
and silty fine-grained sandstone beds showing based, centimetre to metre thick beds or packages
current ripple laminations and small trough cross- of massive or cross-bedded, oolitic grainstones
beds, plus horizontal to sub-horizontal laminae and minor bioclastic packstones (Fig. 6E). Some
which are commonly obscured by bioturbation. cross-bedded grainstones reach a thickness of up
Loading structures are common. The bedsets range to 4 m (Fig. 6E). Some beds have Thalassinoides
from 5 to 15 cm in thickness. This facies contains a burrows up to 40 cm long.
low-diversity trace fossil assemblage (largely Plan- This facies association represents high-energy
olites-type) and abundant plant debris. shallow bars and shoals, above fair-weather wave
The interlaminated sand, silt and mud suggest base in a carbonate ramp environment (Read,
alternate deposition from suspension and gentle 1985). The thick, cross-bedded units probably
traction currents. Soft sediment deformation sug- represent sub-tidal bars or sandwaves (Burchette
gests loading of overlying coarser sediments. The et al., 1990; Pomar et al., 2002). Unlithified,
lithofacies, sedimentary structures and the facies mobile substrates exposed to strong turbulence
relationship with D1 and D2, suggest that these and the rapid sedimentation of carbonate sand do
deposits probably represent washover fan/lagoon not favour the diversity of trace-marker organ-
deposits during storm washover events (Aigner, isms. Hence the low number and poor diversity of
1985). Alternatively, fine-grained clastic laminae ichnofossils (mostly characterized by deeply bur-
can represent deposition during periodic tidal rowing Thalassinoides).
flooding (Shinn, 1983). The low-diversity trace
fossil assemblage is dominated by trophic gener- Facies association E3 (nodular dolostones)
alists. This feature is diagnostic for deposition in This facies consists of grey and greenish dolo-
environments subject to periodic salinity and stones and dolomitic marls showing a very homo-
oxygenation stresses (Pemberton et al., 1992; geneous and nodular appearance, suggesting that
Gingras et al., 1999). original textures were completely destroyed by
bioturbation (Fig. 6F). A normal marine fauna
(ammonites, bivalves, gastropods) is common.
Carbonate ramp (E)
This facies reflects the slow and continuous
Facies association E1 (bioclastic dolostones and sedimentation under deep water, low-energy
limestones) conditions. The absence of storm-generated or
This facies typically comprises thin-bedded to wave-generated structures, its fossil content and
locally medium-bedded, heterogeneous dolo- the bioturbation observed suggest that deposition
stones, marly dolostones and minor bioclastic was mainly below the storm-wave base. The
(dolo)limestones. These lithofacies are crude to lithofacies is interpreted as having been depos-
well-stratified and structureless. Carbonate facies ited in a mid to outer ramp setting (Burchette &
were extensively dolomitized although wacke- Wright, 1992; Hernández-Romano et al., 1997).
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1260 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

DEPOSITIONAL SUMMARY AND Quantitative mineralogical analyses were under-

MINERALOGY taken in the Arrebatacapas section where silici-
clastic sediments predominate (Fig. 3). Quartz,
Cretaceous sedimentation started in the study clay minerals (illite and kaolinite, glauconite),
area with incised, braided alluvial deposits feldspars and carbonates (calcite and dolomite)
(facies association A1) that grade upwards to were identified in 26 samples (Fig. 3). Quartz was
sandstones, siltstones and mudstones of trans- found in all samples (ranging from 10% to 100%).
gressive coastal plain (estuarine) settings (facies Clay minerals were present in all samples except
association A2) (Fig. 4). two with high carbonate contents. In fact, an
These facies are overlain by mixed siliciclas- inverse relationship was found between carbon-
tic–carbonate sediments, with shoreface, off- ates and clays. The most common clay minerals
shore-hemipelagic, lagoon and carbonate were illite (55% to 70%) and kaolinite (45% to
platform environments. The shoreface deposits 30%); glauconite, which is part of the illite (5% to
show distinct retrogradational, aggradational 15%), is commonly found in the upper part of the
and progradational stacking patterns (Fig. 4). Patones sequence where it is carbonate-rich.
Towards landward pinch-out areas, the sand- The feldspar–kaolinite relationship was signi-
stones consist mainly of tidally influenced ficant. When feldspar was present, the kaolinite
estuarine or upper shoreface sandstones (facies content always made up less than 30% of the total
association B1), which interfinger with lagoon clays. This proportion increased when no feld-
deposits (D). Although the lithologies of the spar was present. However, feldspar was scarce
lagoonal facies associations (D1 to D3) clearly (5% to 15%), and was found in less than half of
are different, their trace-fossil assemblages are the samples (nine samples); this suggests that it
similar. The presence of shoreface deposits (B), was weathered to clay minerals (mainly kaolinite)
both landwards and basinwards (Fig. 4), clearly in the source area. The carbonate (calcite and
suggests that these facies associations represent dolomite) content varied in the analysed samples
lagoon deposits separated from open shelf and showed an inverse relationship with the clay
environments by shoreface barrier deposits and quartz content.
(Fig. 4). The stromatolitic laminites (D2 facies The coarser siliciclastic facies was composed of
association) probably represent low siliciclastic quartzarenites or sub-arkoses, mainly composed
input and environmental stress. Shoreface sedi- of quartz (65% to 100%) and feldspars (up to
ments grade basinwards to the proximal lower 15%). Clay minerals were absent, except in one
shoreface sediments (facies association B2); fur- sample where they made up to 20% of the total.
ther basinwards, they are developed as biotur- This sample was a heterolithic alternation of fine-
bated, finer sands and silts (facies association grained sandstones and mudstones. The mixed
B3) belonging to distal, lower, shoreface envi- coarse-grained facies was mainly a mixture of
ronments. Generally, the shoreface sands de- carbonates and quartz. Feldspars and clays were
crease in grain-size from the upper shoreface to present but scarce (<20%); some samples were
the distal lower shoreface. mainly composed of carbonates (60% to 70%).
In deeper marine areas, fine-grained offshore When not dolomitized, carbonate grains were
deposits prevailed (facies associations C1 and C2), mainly composed of bivalve bioclasts; they are,
which are interdigitated with shoreface facies (B) therefore, probably bioclastic sandstones. Finally,
landwards and carbonate facies basinwards (E). the fine-grained facies were mudstones and silty
Distinct carbonate ramps grew and extended in mudstones composed of more than 70% clay with
the mid shelf; locally, these ramps were isolated some silt quartz present (10% to 0%). The
and surrounded by siliciclastics. The carbonates presence of carbonates (up to 5%) was considered
are composed of bioclastic inner ramp sediments to be related to cementation.
(facies association E1), and oolitic and bioclastic
shoals and bars (facies association E2). The trans-
ition from mid shelf carbonates to hemipelagic SEQUENCES AND SYSTEMS TRACTS
marls (facies association C2) or nodular dolo-
stones and marls (facies association E3) of outer Both low and high frequency sequences appear to
shelf environments can only be seen locally. be present in the Upper Cretaceous coastal and
Normal, open marine biota (ammonites, gastro- marine sediments of the IB, independent of their
pods, echinoderms, bivalves) was present in all Tethyan or Atlantic origin. Metre to decametre
these carbonate facies. scale depositional sequences suggest systematic
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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1261

controls on accommodation space, terrigenous the marine sediments of the Atienza sequence
supply and carbonate sedimentation. (Fig. 8B), and reflects the presence of a sedimen-
Two major second-order T-R megasequences tary hiatus (sensu Kraus, 1999) and a relative fall
have been described for the entire Upper Creta- in sea-level. The onlap character of the overlying
ceous in central Spain (Segura et al., 2006). Each sediments of coastal plain (estuarine) and shore-
megasequence is composed of several third-order face on this surface also supports the interpret-
sequences. Both high-order and low-order eustatic ation of a relative fall in sea-level and subsequent
sea-level changes produce deepening-upwards rise in sea-level at the Atienza–Patones sequence
and shallowing-upwards megasequences, boundary (Figs 4 and 7A).
sequences and parasequence sets (second to The Patones–El Molar sequence boundary is
fourth-order) (Garcı́a et al., 1996; Strasser et al., interpreted as representing an erosional surface,
2000). Sequence and parasequence set boundaries as correlation suggests that the base of the El
are recognized at the basin margins because of the Molar sequence progressively truncates older
minor erosion, coastal onlap and toplap patterns parasequences (updip unconformity) in a land-
of the high-order sequences, and shifts in the ward direction (Fig. 7A). This erosional surface
facies belts (mainly basinwards in relation to falls can be followed for up to 50 km; it is well-defined
in sea-level). in the Arrebatacapas section (Fig. 3), by a slight
The following criteria were used to recognize angular unconformity with the underlying hetero-
sequence stratigraphic key surfaces and systems lithic lagoon sediments (Fig. 8C), and is onlapped
tracts: by shoreface sediments (Fig. 8D). Downslope, in
platform areas, the erosional surface becomes a
more conformable surface (paraconformity) with
Sequence boundaries
coastal sediments showing palaeosol develop-
The three studied sequences are bounded by ment lying on marine carbonates.
erosion or emergence surfaces (Fig. 7). Evidence The El Molar–Somolinos sequence boundary is
of exposure at the top of the sequences indicates a major unconformity in the landward part of the
that these surfaces correspond to sea-level falls and study area (Fig. 8E), and shows a similar updip
that they can be interpreted as sequence boundar- truncation as with the underlying Patones–El
ies. Even though there is no evidence of sub-aerial Molar sequence boundary. Detailed stratigraphic
exposure, the significant erosion of the underlying reconstruction shows that the Somolinos se-
strata is interpreted as a sequence boundary. quence lies unconformably over several units,
The base of the Atienza sequence is an erosion progressively resting on younger sequence and
surface overlying Triassic sediments in the north- parasequence sets westwards (Figs 4 and 7A).
eastern area (Figs 4 and 7A). In this area, fluvial Karstification and brecciation of the top of the
channels eroded Triassic mudstones and sand- underlying El Molar sequence basinwards
stones. To the south-west, the transgressive (Fig. 8F) support this interpretation. The over-
deposits of the Atienza sequence lie unconform- lying fluvial-coastal sands (in the Alpedrete and
ably over Hercynian metasediments (Figs 4 and Alcorlo sections; see Figs 1 and 4) have been
7A). The metasediments show fossil weathering recently interpreted as incised lowstand sands,
profiles, up to 3 m depth, always at the base of with a deltaic lowstand wedge located more than
Cretaceous sediments. The constant depth of this 100 km northwards (Gil et al., 2006). This major
alteration profile, roughly parallel to the uncon- basinwards shift in the facies belts also suggests a
formity, suggests that little or no erosion took relative fall in sea-level. The overall features of
place and that it represents a transgressive sur- this fall and correlation throughout the IB clearly
face. This transgressive surface is obviously suggest that this relative fall in sea-level corres-
younger than the sequence boundary. ponds to a major second order T-R megasequence
The Atienza–Patones sequence boundary, in the boundary (Gil et al., 2004, 2006).
north-east of the study area, shows incision of The mineralogical analysis supports the loca-
alluvial plain deposits at the base of the Patones tion of the sequence boundaries. The higher
sequence into the underlying Atienza sequence quartz contents (90% to 100% quartz) are clearly
sediments (Figs 4 and 7A). South-westwards related to the sequence boundaries (Fig. 3). The
(landwards), the sequence boundary forms a sub- basal beds of the overlying Somolinos sequence
aerial exposure surface that contains rhizoliths (not studied here), also contains up to 100%
(root traces, Fig. 8A); this suggests the presence of quartz. This finding suggests that source area
a coastal (mangrove) plant community at the top of reactivation occurred, probably due to a fall in
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1262 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1263

relative sea-level in relation to the sequence ary (see above). The presence of a distinct
boundaries. The high quartz content and the sequence with reduced thickness is also suppor-
updip unconformity at the base of the El Molar ted by the regional correlation with other areas of
sequence also suggest a fall in relative sea-level the IB, where such a sequence has been recog-
and source area reactivation. In contrast, the nized in the central (Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al., 1997;
parasequence set boundaries were not clearly Segura et al., 1999) and northern areas (Gräfe &
marked by mineralogical changes. Wiedmann, 1993) of the basin.

Transgressive surfaces Maximum flooding surfaces

Transgressive surfaces are subordinate erosion In the Patones sequence, the maximum flooding
and/or omission surfaces across which there is a surface (mfs) corresponds to the maximum south-
landward facies shift; occasionally, they are dif- westward extension of the marine offshore facies.
ficult to distinguish at the outcrop scale. In the These reached the El Vellón section (Figs 4 and
south-west of the study area, the transgressive 7C) in the Patones 2 parasequence set. From this
surface of the Atienza sequence coincides with section to the Tortuero high, the maximum
the basal unconformity (see above) where Her- flooding surface is located within offshore depos-
cynian rocks with deep palaeoweathering directly its in the Patones 2 parasequence set (Figs 4 and
underlie the Atienza marine sediments (Fig. 7B). 7B,C). Farther north-east of the Tortuero high,
To the north-east, transgressive deposits of the sedimentary facies were seen to change to hemi-
Atienza sequence are truncated by the overlying pelagic deposits along the basal parasequence
Patones sequence. sets. In addition, the maximum flooding surface is
The Patones sequence contains several trans- more difficult to locate as this area was charac-
gressive surfaces (Fig. 7B), which are interpreted terized by the continuous vertical accretion of
as parasequence set boundaries defining trans- carbonate mud. Therefore, maximum flooding
gressive systems tracts (TST)–highstand systems cannot be defined as a distinct surface (Figs 4
tracts (HST) stacking of the depositional para- and 7C), and is analogous to a maximum flooding
sequence sets (Figs 4 and 7B). The basal trans- zone sensu Wiese & Wilmsen (1999) for the
gressive surface of the Patones sequence towards interval of strata thought to represent the most
the north-eastern area probably represents the distal conditions within a sequence. In the
transgressive surface of the entire third-order Alcorlo section, the maximum flooding surface
sequence, and corresponds to the first shallow was seen where hemipelagic marls rest on
marine–estuarine deposits of the sequence over- nodular micritic dolostones that are interpreted
lying the Atienza sequence (Fig. 4). as mid ramp deposits (Figs 4 and 7C). In the El
The transgressive surface of the El Molar Molar sequence, the maximum flooding surface
sequence is also coincident with the basal for this sequence could not be determined.
unconformity (Fig. 7B). This sequence resembles
the individual parasequence sets of the Patones
sequence. However, the apparent presence of a PARASEQUENCE SET ANALYSIS
major hiatus and erosion related to this boundary
(Figs 4 and 8C,D) might indicate that this is a The Patones sequence is composed of fourth-
sequence rather than a parasequence set bound- order parasequence sets and shows a hierarchical

Fig. 7. Facies and systems tracts recognized in the sequence and parasequences set. (A) Lowstand systems tracts
(LST) are only recognized in Atienza and Patones 1 parasequence set north-west of Tortuero high, most likely
representing erosion related to lowstands with braided deposits (A1 facies association). (B) Transgressive systems
tracts (TST) are recognized in each sequence and parasequence set. Marine transgression and shoreface retro-
gradation are related to the base of TST (transgressive surface). Coastal plain sediments represent transgressive
deposits of the Atienza sequence and Patones 1 parasequence set. Distal carbonate ramp deposits at the base of
Patones 2 parasequence set are related to main Iberian Basin carbonate sedimentation. (C) Highstand systems tracts
(HST) represent the change from retrogradational to progradational trends in shoreface deposits; it is marked by the
maximum flooding surfaces for Patones sequence (P2) and parasequence sets. Carbonate growth and progradation
occur in this part of the cycle, and are separated from siliciclastic shoreface by offshore mudstones. (D) Forced
regressive systems tracts (FRST) are characterized by fast barrier progradation, being the carbonates suffocated by
siliciclastics. Facies colours as in Fig. 4.

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Fig. 8. Sequence boundaries. (A) Atienza-Patones sequence boundary at Arrebatacapas section developed at the top
of a coastal plain channel with root hollows. The presence of an extensive rooted horizon suggests a relative sea-level
fall related to this boundary (rule for scale is 20 cm long). (B) Longitudinal and cross-section of root traces. Coarse-
grained sandstones (dark) fill the root holes in fine-grained sandstones. (C) Patones–El Molar sequence boundary at
Arrebatacapas section. Basal sandstones and lagoonal sediments of El Molar sequence overlain by lagoonal sedi-
ments of Patones-5 parasequence set with an unconformity. Basal beds also show an onlap pattern on this boundary
(P5 parasequence is 7Æ5 m thick). (D) View of El Molar sequence at Barranco de las Cuevas section. This section is
located basinwards of the previous one and is mainly composed of shoreface sandstones (barrier), resting with an
erosive surface on Patones-5 parasequence set (El Molar sequence is 9 m thick). (E) Patones–Somolinos sequence
boundary at Valdemorillo section. Sandstones at the base of Somolinos sequence lie unconformably over sandstones
in Patones 4 parasequence. Patones 5 and El Molar sequence are absent (person for scale is 1.70 m high). (F) El Molar–
Somolinos sequence boundary at Barranco de las Cuevas section is a brecciated bed with an irregular base, inter-
preted as a karstified surface, and is a close up of Fig. 7D (hammer encircled for scale is 33 cm long).

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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1265

organization (Fig. 7). The architecture of the five carbonate sedimentation ended abruptly due to
parasequence sets can be correlated over 180 km siliciclastic deposition (Fig. 7D).
(see Figs 4 and 7). The orientation of the studied The parasequence sets of the late third-order
cross-section is roughly perpendicular to the HST (P3–P5) show a similar pattern (Fig. 7). The
palaeocoastline (Fig. 1), and detailed stratigraphic lower boundaries record marine transgression
correlation clearly reveals progradational and and shoreface retreat (Figs 4 and 7B). During
retrogradational geometries (Fig. 7). The LST/ transgression, a barrier (facies association B1) and
early TST part of the sequence is composed of a back-barrier lagoon (facies associations D1, D3
one parasequence set (P1; Figs 4 and 7), the late and locally D2) developed (Fig. 4). Fine-grained
TST/early HST part of the sequence is composed offshore deposits prevailed in deeper marine
of one (P2, Figs 4 and 7), and the late HST of the areas (facies associations C1 and C2) (Fig. 4). The
sequence comprises three parasequence sets (P3– fourth-order HST start with shoreface extension
P5, Figs 4 and 7). The Atienza and El Molar and progradation (facies associations B1 and B2)
sequences are composed of one parasequence set (Figs 4 and 7C). The back-barrier lagoons dis-
(A1 and M1; Figs 4 and 7). Each parasequence set appear, with the exception of the P5 para-
is composed of distinct fourth-order TST, HST sequence set, which shows lagoon facies with a
and forced-regressive systems tracts (FRST), in a progradational trend (Figs 4 and 7C). During
manner similar to third-order depositional fourth-order HST different carbonate ramps
sequences, suggesting that the parasequence sets developed and extended in the mid shelf. The
formed during a rise and fall of relative sea-level. transition from mid shelf carbonates to outer shelf
P1 parasequence set is characterized by low- environments can only be seen in P3 and P4
stand, incised, braided alluvial plain sedimenta- parasequence sets (Figs 4 and 7C).
tion (Fig. 7A) that grades upwards to In P4 and P5 parasequence sets, sandy shore-
transgressive coastal plain (estuarine) deposits face sediments (facies association B2) rest directly
(Fig. 7B). These, in turn, are overlain by high- upon carbonates (Figs 4 and 7D) which implies a
stand shoreface sediments (Fig. 7C). Erosion at rapid shoreface progradation and that carbonate
the base of the parasequence, as well as braided sedimentation is terminated and buried by sili-
alluvial plain deposition, suggests lowstand con- ciclastics because, during progradation of silici-
ditions at the base of the parasequence set clastic wedges, the increased nutrient flux and
(Fig. 7A). The full succession of alluvial plain to the decreased water clarity impact on the surviv-
estuarine to shoreface sediments records the ability of the carbonate factory (Schlager, 1991).
transgression in the parasequence set (Fig. 7B). Rapid shoreface progradation occurred in the late
P1 is then composed of the lowstand, transgres- highstand, marked by forced regressive wedges
sive and highstand parts of a sea-level cycle (Fig. 7D). These shoreface wedges grade basin-
(Fig. 7A–C). wards to burrowed sands and silts (facies associ-
A rapid marine transgression occurred at the ation B3) of the lower shoreface, and then to
base of P2 parasequence set. This transgressive offshore fine-grained sediments (facies associa-
surface marks the parasequence set boundary tion C1); landwards, they grade to lagoon mud-
(Fig. 7B). The shoreface sediments (facies associ- stones (facies associations D1 and D3) (Fig. 7D).
ation B1) are restricted to western sections with a The tops of some forced regressive wedges are
retrogradational stacking pattern. More open and capped by a firmground with Thalassinoides
deeper marine sediments (facies associations C1 burrows (P3 parasequence set); this suggests a
and C2) covered the entire study area (Fig. 4), and sedimentary break at the top of the forced regres-
represent the maximum deepening and/or flood- sive deposits, and indicates that these tops
ing (mfs) of the entire Patones third-order se- should be considered as parasequence set bound-
quence (Fig. 7B). Shoreface sediments exhibit aries. A renewed transgressive event resulted in
progradational geometries overlying the mfs, the deposition of offshore sediments resting upon
indicating the fourth-order HST (Figs 4 and shoreface sediments and marked the onset of a
7B,C). Locally, an isolated carbonate platform new parasequence set (Figs 4 and 7).
surrounded by siliciclastics developed in a mid Highstand shorefaces commonly have a grada-
platform setting (Figs 4 and 7C). At the top of P2, tional base while transgressive and forced regres-
the accommodation space decreased again and sive shorefaces have an erosive base.
forced regression took place, shown by the rapid The gradational profile and the minor basinward
basinward progradation of the shoreface (facies shift of the facies in the highstand shorefaces
associations B1 and B2) (Figs 4 and 7D), and suggest that the rate of relative sea-level rise was
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1266 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

decreasing and facies shifts were not abrupt. The Dolomite is the main carbonate mineral (Fig. 3).
forced regressive shoreface lies either abruptly on The pervasive dolomitization of the carbonate
the older shoreface sediments or erosive on facies, however, makes it difficult to identify
offshore muds representing shorefaces that were precisely the carbonate precursor. Potential
forced to prograde basinwards during times of sources of carbonate in the coastal shoreface
falling sea-level. The abrupt facies shift of the sediments are sea water, detrital shell material
overlying facies also suggests that these shoreface and detrital carbonates. Direct precipitation of
wedges represent forced regressive deposits at carbonates from sea water can be ruled out from
the top of parasequence sets and the entire the shoreface sedimentary environment. Detrital
sequence, rather than lowstand wedges of the carbonate grains from the hinterland can also be
overlying parasequence sets and El Molar excluded because the source area consists of
sequence. Based on the facies pattern, the metamorphic and igneous rocks. A basinal origin
advance of the shoreline (forced regression) and for carbonate grains cannot be completely ruled
its subsequent retreat (transgression) varied out, as erosion of stromatolites in lagoonal envir-
between 5 and 20 km (Figs 4 and 7). onments may be a potential source of detrital
The existence of a similar pattern within the carbonate grains. Stromatolites are, however, min-
individual parasequence sets also reflects high- or constituents of these facies and do not seem to be
frequency changes in relative sea-level (fifth an important source of carbonates. Shell material is
order). These changes commonly occurred in rare at present within the Patones sequence; the
fourth-order TST and HST. Retrogradational to presence of reworked bioclasts in the homogen-
progradational trends seen in the bedding pat- eous, massive, and thin-bedded bioclastic beds in
terns reflect rapid, fifth-order, changes from sho- the Patones 2 parasequence set suggests the exist-
reface to offshore and vice-versa, and from the ence of punctuated mixing sensu Mount (1984),
outer to mid shelf and back again. leading to bioclastic sands composed of skeletal
fragments and siliciclastic grains. This was prob-
ably due to high-energy events, perhaps storms.
CARBONATE AND TERRIGENOUS These sands were produced either from reworking
SEDIMENTATION of in situ fauna or by the transfer of carbonate clasts
from carbonate ramp settings where shell concen-
A major characteristic of the studied interval is trations are common (facies association E1). The
the co-existence of siliciclastic and carbonate occurrence of dolomitic sandstones in thick, cross-
sediments and environments; this occurs as facies bedded, high-energy shoreface deposits suggests
mixing or as distinct facies belts along basin that they are probably related to sub-
margins (sensu Mount, 1984, 1985). In situ mix- littoral biogenic carbonate production, as pres-
ing sensu Mount (1984) took place by stromato- ently occurs on the Brazilian shelf (Testa &
litic development alternating with siliciclastics in Bosence, 1999). The locally high carbonate con-
protected lagoon environments (facies D1 to D3); tent (up to 70%) also suggests a more or less
they occurred as distinct beds within the same uniform production at or near the shoreface. The
facies association. This process is of local import- carbonate platforms are relatively far apart and
ance in the study area and it will not be further have a low-energy facies belt between them
discussed here. (Fig. 4), and are less likely to be the source. A
Mixed facies are composed of textural mixtures simple mass balance calculation would suggest,
of terrigenous and carbonate grains (Fig. 3). The therefore, that if dolomites were derived from
terrigenous sediments are dominated by detrital detrital shell material, a similar amount of shell
quartz and clays, which reflects both the source material would need to have been present follow-
area (mainly composed of granites and gneisses, ing deposition.
with minor schists, slates and quartzites), and the Changes in mineralogy are also expected at
tropical climate that predominated over the Iber- sequence boundaries related to changes in sea-
ian microplate during these times. The presence level (Brunel et al., 1999; Tantawy et al., 2001);
of detrital quartz and clays can be used as minor changes can be expected within the para-
continental runoff proxies (John et al., 2003); sequence sets regarding carbonate production. In
thus, the variability of the siliciclastic fraction the study area, high quartz contents are always
is an indicator of terrigenous supply ultimately located above sequence boundaries, suggesting a
derived from the hinterland through fluvial direct relation to sea-level falls and renewed
input. erosion in the hinterland. The highly variable
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Internal anatomy of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform 1267

carbonate content in the Arrebatacapas section is Hesperian Massif was an area of active siliciclastic
a mirror image of the clay content, which suggests supply; each depositional sequence bears its coas-
that carbonate abundance in coastal areas is tal siliciclastic deposits (Gil et al., 2004).
mainly a function of changing flux in terrigenous The development of the carbonate ramp depos-
sediments; with high terrigenous inputs, carbon- its in the study area was related to fourth-order
ate content diminishes through a dilution effect, HST (Figs 4 and 7C). Mid platform carbonate
even if primary carbonate production remains facies are recorded immediately at the top of the
constant in these areas. As a result, the maximum parasequence set maximum flooding surfaces
siliciclastic flux into coastal environments typic- (Fig. 7C), suggesting the start of carbonate pro-
ally postdates relative sea-level falls. The con- duction in the carbonate factory of mid platform
tinuous supply of siliciclastic sediments during areas, and a time during which siliciclastic
highstands gave rise to the mixed siliciclastic– starvation probably occurred in these areas. Dur-
carbonate deposits in this area (facies mixing ing the late fourth-order HST, the shoreface
sensu Mount, 1984, 1985). tongues showed a progradational trend (Fig. 7C).
In summary, the coastal sedimentary suite of This was accompanied by a simultaneous, basin-
the Hesperian Massif may be viewed as a pre- ward shift of carbonate facies. In fact, the carbon-
dominantly terrigenous system, with sands and ate facies belt trends seem to be coupled with
clays derived from the uplands; however, a trends in the siliciclastic shoreface belt (see the
proportion of the carbonate sediments is derived P4 parasequence set in Fig. 7).
from local coastal sources. Sea-level changes A temporal trend can also be seen in the growth
controlled siliciclastic input and then the final and development of the carbonate deposits. Dur-
facies mixing through dilution of carbonates. ing third-order TST and early HST, carbonate
On the other hand, siliciclastic–carbonate alter- platforms were isolated and surrounded by sil-
nation is usually regarded as having formed iciclastic sediments (P2 and P3, Fig. 7). Mean-
during different parts of the relative sea-level while, during third-order late HST, large,
curve, with these materials belonging to different extensive ramps, directly related to the concurrent
systems tracts (Southgate et al., 1993). In the carbonate sedimentation in the central parts of
study area, siliciclastic deposits and carbonate the IB (P4 and P5, Fig. 7), were developed. In
facies co-existed within the same system tract as addition, there are striking similarities between
distinct facies belts (Fig. 4); these are coastal and the siliciclastic shoreface and the carbonate sedi-
shoreface sandstones (facies association B), off- ments in the fourth-order HST of P3 to P5
shore shelf muds and silts (facies association C) parasequence sets. Both facies thicken upwards
and carbonate ramp deposits (facies association over these sets. Thus, the shoreface and carbonate
E). The carbonates interfinger with the siliciclas- sediments of Patones 5 are the thickest ones
tics, being locally completely surrounded by (Figs 4 and 7C). Both facies belts also show the
them. Generally, maximum carbonate production, same progradational trend, with a narrow (5 to
through the carbonate factory, occurred in ramp 7 km) offshore facies belt separating them
settings during highstands when apparently (Fig. 7C). Thus, the carbonate facies belt in
coarse siliciclastic facies were absent (Schlager, Patones 5 is located in a more basinal location
1991) or restricted to narrow coastal belts (Tirs- than the underlying parasequences (Fig. 7C).
gaard, 1996), originating pure carbonate sedi- Finally, the shoreface belts of Patones 3 to 5 are
ments in mid platform areas. composed of two progradational shoreface
The development of carbonate platforms in the tongues separated by a minor offshore muddy
Patones sequence was very different, depending on interval. The maximum landward extent of the
the coastal margins of the Iberian Basin. The Ebro carbonate belts is roughly coincident with this
Massif margin and the Tethyan margin (Fig. 1) muddy interval in Patones 3 and 4 (Figs 4 and
lacked a siliciclastic supply (Segura et al., 1993a; 7C). This pattern was not observed in Patones 5;
Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al., 1998). Carbonate deposits however, the outcrops of this interval are usually
predominate in these areas, and the attached covered, and the presence of sediments of a
carbonate ramp environments grade landwards to carbonate belt in a similar stratigraphic position
carbonate tidal flat environments (Segura et al., cannot be completely ruled out.
1993a). The carbonates of the TST of the Patones 2 All the previous data suggest that carbonate
parasequence set (Fig. 4), at Alcorlo (Fig. 3) and in and siliciclastic environments may co-exist at
other north-eastern sections, are related to these different scales, from a single bed to distinct
Iberian Basin environments. On the contrary, the facies belts; this strongly depends on the super-
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1268 J. F. Garcı́a-Hidalgo et al.

imposition of different orders of relative sea- environments postdates relative sea-level falls.
level cycles. In the present case, this mainly Dolomite probably derived from bioclastic shell
occurred when the second-order, third-order and material in relation to sub-littoral biogenic carbon-
fourth-order cycles preferably recorded high- ate production. The locally high carbonate content
stand conditions. (up to 70%) suggests uniform production at or near
the shoreface. The carbonate content in coastal
sediments is ultimately a function of changing
CONCLUSIONS inputs in terrigenous sediments; carbonate content
diminishes through a dilution effect, even if
Late Cenomanian–Mid Turonian mixed siliciclastic– primary carbonate production remains constant.
carbonate sediments in central Spain were depos- Carbonate ramps were detached from the coas-
ited mainly in shoreface, offshore-hemipelagic, tal system and separated by a fringe of offshore,
lagoon and carbonate platform environments; fine-grained muds and silts as interfingered,
they form three different third-order depositional distinct facies belts. The growth of carbonate
sequences being composed of fourth-order para- ramp deposits was related to the HST of the
sequence sets. Sequences are bounded by erosion fourth-order parasequence sets. During the
or emergence surfaces. Mineralogical analysis growth of these ramps, some sediment starvation
supports the location of the sequence boundaries occurred basinwards. Progradation and retro-
and suggests that source area reactivation gradation of the different belts occur simulta-
occurred, probably due to a fall in relative sea- neously, suggesting a sea-level control on
level in relation to the sequence boundaries. sedimentation. In the study area, the co-existence
Shoreface deposits show distinct retrograda- of carbonates and siliciclastic facies belts depen-
tional, aggradational and progradational stacking ded on the superimposition of different orders of
patterns within the parasequence sets, which relative sea-level cycles, and occurred mainly
help to identify fourth-order TST, HST and when the second-order, third-order and fourth-
FRST. Transgressive surfaces are subordinate order cycles showed highstand conditions.
erosion and/or omission surfaces across which
there is a landward facies shift, which are
interpreted as parasequence set boundaries. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
These boundaries were not clearly marked by
mineralogical changes as sequence boundaries. This paper was funded by project CGL2004-
Parasequence sets were formed during a rise and 04113: ‘Análisis de los ritmos deposicionales de
fall of relative sea-level. alta frecuencia y cuantificación de la sedimenta-
Retrogradational shoreface sediments represent ción en el Cretácico Superior de la Cordillera
fourth-order TST. Shoreface sediments exhibit Ibérica’ of the D.G.I. (Ministry of Education and
progradational geometries overlying the maximum Science). We thank Adrian Burton for assistance
flooding surface, indicating the fourth-order HST. with the manuscript in English. Jim Hendry is
Mid platform carbonate ramps were developed warmly acknowledged for his invaluable and
during this systems tract, locally surrounded by thorough revision of this paper. The paper has
siliciclastic sediments. Forced regression is shown benefited greatly from the insight of and revision
by the rapid basinward progradation of the shore- by Christoph Lehmann, Tina Olsen and an
face and carbonate sedimentation ended abruptly unknown referee.
due to siliciclastic deposition. Highstand shore-
faces have in common a gradational base while
transgressive and forced regressive shorefaces REFERENCES
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