2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines Change Log
2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines Change Log
2021 BJCP Beer Style Guidelines Change Log
This document describes the more substantive changes between the 2015 and 2021 versions of the BJCP
Beer Style Guidelines. The 2021 update was minor in the sense that we did not make many changes to the
overall organization of the guidelines, or to the structure and naming of beers styles. While these changes
were minor, each individual style description was reviewed, edited, and updated to remove outdated or
redundant material. Duplication was eliminated when Aroma and Flavor descriptions matched exactly.
Consistent language, grammar, and usage was introduced, and the guidelines read as written with a single
voice. The Introduction and Glossary have been expanded, and better cross-referencing of styles was
introduced. A completely new Introduction to Specialty Beers section was written.
Let’s look at a couple of examples of what we mean by rewriting and editing for simplicity and precision. A line
in mouthfeel in the 2015 edition for one style stated “Very light, smooth alcohol warming not a fault if it does not
intrude into overall balance.” In the 2021 edition, this now reads “Low warmth optional.” The three words in the
2021 edition have the same meaning and intent as the 16 words used in the 2015 edition. Another example
would be editing “Low yeast-derived fruitiness is acceptable but not required” to “Low esters optional.” Again,
the meaning is the same but the language is more precise and consistent across the guidelines.
● The Introduction and Glossary have been expanded, and better cross-referencing of styles has been
introduced. A completely new Introduction to Specialty Beers section has been written.
● We updated some vital statistics, primarily SRM ranges, after a review for internal consistency between
the association of SRM values to approximate colors. Sometimes, the SRM range we stated did not
align to the color description, so we made minor adjustments for internal consistency. This was not the
result of any scientific analysis.
● The History sections have been updated based on the latest references, and were reviewed by beer
historian Ron Pattinson. This document attempts to point out major changes to history sections.
● The Characteristic Ingredients sections have been rewritten to read less like recipes. This document
will not discuss these changes since this section of most styles was rewritten or significantly edited.
● For many lager styles, you may notice references to an acceptable sulfur character or acceptable
DMS/corny character was removed from the guideline. This is now covered in the “common attributes
of all beers styles” section of the beer introduction. This section notes that lagers may have fleeting
sulfur notes as long as they are not foul sulfur-based aromas such as rotten eggs. It also notes that
styles with large amounts of Pilsner malt may have low DMS. Because this information is assumed, it
was removed from individual style guidelines for brevity.
● For styles that allow dry-hopping as a technique, we have removed grassiness as an acceptable
characteristic. Our review of modern hopping techniques and evaluation of hoppy beers styles lead to
this change.
● For German Wheat styles, we now state that a bubblegum character is a fault (it was previously listed
as acceptable at low levels). Discussions with German beer experts and evaluations of modern
examples of these styles led to this change.
● Throughout the guidelines, some styles previously included references to intensity levels that started
with “no” or “none.” For example, “No to low hop aroma.” We have changed these ranges to state that
those characteristics are “optional” up to the stated intensity level. For example, “Low esters optional.”
Part of this change is to discourage judges from using ranges like “no to moderate” when describing
beer, as a perceived characteristic either exists or does not exist. Because this is only a change in how
we describe the intensity levels and not the actual acceptable ranges, we do not include these changes
in this document.
● Sour Beers received major attention. There are expanded fault and descriptive terms in the Glossary
for sour beers, and consistent terminology has been adopted throughout the style descriptions.
Brettanomyces is worded to not always imply a funky character. Berliner Weisse allows fruity Brett.
Flanders Red and Brown ales allow balanced acetic character. A new Straight Sour Beer style has
been added to allow use as a base style in other beers, such as fruited kettle sours.
● Sweet Beers also received attention, with lactose being allowable in specialty styles previously
mentioning only fermentable sugars. The definition of sweeteners in beers has been loosened to cover
additional products. A Specialty Spice Beer style has been added in a similar manner to the existing
Specialty Fruit Beer style.
● There are a few name changes and style moves. Gose moves from Historical to European Sour,
reflecting its new popularity. Kellerbier moves to Historical and is rewritten to cover Pils, Helles, Amber,
and Dark base versions, and is more of a specialty-type style now. Grape Ale has been added to fruit
beer. Italian Grape Ale remains unchanged as an Italian style of beer having originated in Italy. The
Trappist Ale category is now named Monastic Ale, and the Trappist Single style is now Belgian Single.
Clone Beer has been renamed to Commercial Specialty Beer, and the style description rewritten.
● Some styles moved from web-only Provisional Styles into the main guidelines. New England IPA was
renamed Hazy IPA and joins the IPA Category. A new Brut IPA style was added to Specialty IPA.
Catharina Sour and New Zealand Pilsner move into the Local Styles section for Brazil and New
Zealand, respectively.
Because most overall impression sections and characteristic ingredient sections were completely or
significantly rewritten for consistency and voice, we do not list those changes in this document (since we would
be listing them all). Overall, we strongly encourage judges to read the new guidelines as time permits. You
can send any questions related to styles to styles@bjcp.org.
Introduction to the Guidelines
1B. American Lager
● Comments: Added “With little malt or hop flavor, the yeast character is what most frequently
differentiates brands.”
● Vital Stats: Adjusted SRM range from 2-4 to 2-3.5.
● Commercial Examples
○ Added: Old Style
2. International Lager
2A. International Pale Lager
● Aroma: Changed “low levels of yeast character are not a fault” to “Clean fermentation profile.”
● Entry Instructions: Added “Entrant may specify regional variations, if desired (Mexican lager, Dutch
lager, etc.).”
● Vital Stats: Changed ABV from 4.6-6.0% to 4.5-6.0%
3. Czech Lager
3A. Czech Pale Lager
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Pivovar Kout na Šumavě Koutská 10
○ Added: Bernard světlé pivo 10, Primátor Antonín světlé výčepní, Radegast Rázna 10
4. Pale Malty European Lager
4A. Munich Helles
● Appearance: Changed lower end of color range from “medium yellow” to “pale yellow.”
● Style Comparison: Added that Munich Helles is “less crisp” than German Pils. Added “Less body and
alcohol than a Festbier.”
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Bürgerbräu Wolznacher Hell Naturtrüb, Paulaner Premium Lager, Spaten Premium
○ Added: Paulaner Münchner Lager, Schönramer Hell, Spaten Münchner Hell
○ Revised: Weihenstephaner Original to Weihenstephaner Original Helles
4B. Festbier
● Appearance: Changed “Most commercial examples are medium gold in color” to “Most commercial
examples are pale gold in color.”
● Flavor: Changed “soft sweetness” to “soft malty richness.”
● Comments: Added “May be called Helles Märzen.”
● Style Comparison: Changed comparison with Munich Helles to “Stronger than a Munich Helles, with a
bit more body, and hop and malt flavor.”
● Vital Stats: Adjusted SRM from 4-7 to 4-6.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Hofbräu Festbier, Paulaner Wiesn, Schönramer Gold
○ Added: Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier, Paulaner Oktoberfest Bier
5B. Kolsch
● Aroma: Removed “Some yeast strains may give a slight winy or sulfury character (this characteristic is
also optional, but not a fault).”
● Flavor: Specified malt intensity as “medium to medium-low.” Added “Finish is soft, dry, and slightly
crisp, not sharp or biting.” Added “While the balance between the flavor components can vary, none are
ever strong.” Removed “May have a slightly winy, minerally, or sulfury accent that accentuates the
dryness and flavor balance. A slight wheat taste is rare but not a fault.”
● Mouthfeel: Changed “Smooth and generally crisp and well-attenuated.” to “Smooth and soft, but well-
attenuated and not heavy. Not harsh.”
● Comments: Emphasized that judges should be alert to oxidation as the style does not age well.
● Commercial Examples
○ Added: Päffgen Kolsch
6B. Rauchbier
● Aroma: Specified the optional hop character can be “floral or spicy.”
● Appearance: Changed color range from “medium amber/light copper to dark brown” to “Deep amber to
coppery-brown in color, often a little darker than the underlying Märzen style.”
● Flavor: Added “The quality and character of the smoke is important; it should be cleanly smoky.”
● Comments: Added note that “The smoke character and intensity varies by maltster and brewery.”
● History: Added “While smoked beers certainly were made long ago, the origins of this specific style are
unclear but must have been developed after Märzen was created.”
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Eisenbahn Rauchbier, Kaiserdom Rauchbier, Victory Scarlet Fire Rauchbier
○ Added: Cervejaria Bamberg Rauchbier, Göller Rauchbier, Rittmayer Rauchbier
6C. Dunkles Bock
● Flavor: Specified the malt intensity range as “medium to medium-high.”
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Great Lakes Rockefeller Bock, New Glarus Uff-da Bock
○ Added: Lindeboom Bock, Schell’s Bock
7B. Altbier
● Comments: Clarified that “Stronger sticke and doppelsticke beers should be entered in the 27
Historical Beer style instead.”
● History: Updated to: “Developed in the late 19th century in Düsseldorf to use lager techniques to
compete with lager. Older German styles were brewed in the area but there is no linkage to modern
● Style Comparison: Added “Less alcohol, less malty richness, and more bitterness than a Dunkles
Bock. Drier, richer, and more bitter than a Vienna Lager.”
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 11-17 to 9-17.
7C. Kellerbier
This style was moved to the Historical Beer category and condensed into a single style description that
encompasses both pale and amber versions, while also being expanded to include dark and Pilsner versions.
8B. Schwarzbier
● Aroma: Changed the optional hop aroma intensity from “low” to “moderately-low.”
● Comments: Changed “don’t expect strongly roasted, porter-like flavors” to “Strongly roasted, Porter-
like flavors are a flaw.”
● Vital Stats: Changed IBU range from 20-30 to 20-35. Changed SRM range from 17-30 to 19-30.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Einbecker Schwarzbier, Eisenbahn Dunkel
○ Added: Chuckanut Schwarz Lager, pFriem Schwarzbier
○ Revised: Mönchshof Schwarzbier to Kulmbacher Mönchshof Schwarzbier
9B. Eisbock
● Aroma: Specified the malt character as “bready, toasty, qualities, with some caramel or faint chocolate,
often with dark fruit notes like plums or grapes.” Added “Clean fermentation profile.”
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 18-30 to 17-30.
10. German Wheat Beer
10A. Weissbier
● Aroma: Specified that the esters and phenols are “typically stronger than the malt.” Added “doughy” as
a potential malt characteristic. Changed intensity of optional vanilla aromatics from “light to moderate”
to “light.” A bubblegum character is now considered a fault. Specifically added mention of sourness and
smoke as faults.
● Flavor: Specified malt intensity as “low to moderate” and can include a “doughy” character and is
“supported by the slight Pils malt grainy sweetness.” Added “Bubblegum, sourness, or smoke are
faults. While the banana-and-clove profile is important, it should not be so strong as to be extreme and
unbalanced.” Removed reference to an acceptable faint bubblegum character, as bubblegum is now
considered a fault.
● Comments: Added “Also known as hefeweizen or weizenbier, particularly outside Bavaria.” and “In
Germany, lower-alcohol light (leicht) and non-alcoholic versions are popular.”
● Style Comparison: This section was missing from the 2015 edition. Added: “Compared to American
Wheat, has a banana and clove yeast character and less bitterness. Compared to a Dunkles Weissbier,
has a paler color and less malt richness and flavor.”
● Vital Stats: Changed OG from 1.044-1.052 to 1.044-1.053. Changed FG from 1.010-1.014 to 1.008-
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Paulaner Hefe-Weizen Naturtrüb
○ Added: Distelhäuser Hell Weizen, Hofbräuhaus Münchner Weisse
○ Revised: Schneider Weisse Unser Original to Schneider Weisse Original Weissbier
10C. Weizenbock
Much of the text of this style was reorganized to better differentiate between pale and dark version, but the
overall text is substantively the same.
● Flavor: Added “Bubblegum, sourness, or smoke are faults.”
● Comments: Added “Pale versions, like their doppelbock cousins, have less rich malt complexity and
often more hop-forward. However, versions that have significant late hops or are dry-hopped should be
entered in 34B Mixed-Style Beer.”
● History: Added “Pale versions are a much more recent invention.”
● Vital Stats: Added SRM for pale and dark versions: pale (6-9) and dark (10-25)
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Eisenbahn Weizenbock (Dark), Plank Bavarian Heller Weizenbock (Pale)
○ Added: Schalchner Weisser Bock (Dark), Ayinger Weizenbock (Pale), Distelhäuser Weizen
Bock (Pale), Ladenburger Weizenbock Hell (Pale)
○ Revised: Schneider Unser Aventinus to Schneider Weisse Aventinus (Dark)
12C. English IPA
● Aroma: Specified malt character as “Medium-low to medium bready or biscuity malt.”
● Comments: Added “The beers were shipped in well-used oak casks, so the style shouldn’t have an
oak or Brett character.”
● History: Revised and refined the details of the history.
● Vital Stats: Changed OG from 1.050-1.075 to 1.050-1.070. Changed FG from 1.010-1.018 to 1.010-
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Freeminer Trafalgar IPA, Ridgeway IPA, Summit True Brit IPA
○ Added: Berkshire Lost Sailor IPA, Marston’s Old Empire IPA
○ Revised: Meantime India Pale Ale to Meantime London IPA
14B. Scottish Heavy
● Flavor: Rewritten for clarity and consistency. Added that “a wide range of caramelized sugar and
toasted bread type of flavors are possible, using similar descriptors as the aroma.”
● Comments: Refers to new category introduction. Added “Do not mis-perceive the light roasty dryness
as smoke; smoke is not present in these beers.”
● History: Refers to new category introduction.
● Style Comparison: Revised to “Similar to other Scottish Ales in flavor profile, lighter in color and
stronger than a Scottish Light. Similar in strength to Ordinary Bitter, but with a different flavor profile and
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 13-22 to 12-20. Changed ABV from 3.2-3.9% to 3.3-3.9%.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Broughton Greenmantle Ale, Caledonia Smooth, Tennent’s Special Ale
17. Strong British Ale
Added to the category introduction: “Covers the style space above bitters, milds, and brown ales while
excluding porters and stouts.”
19B. California Common
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 10-14 to 9-14.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Flying Dog Old Scratch Amber Lager, Schlafly Pi Common
21. IPA
21A. American IPA
● Aroma: Removed reference to “minimal” grassiness being acceptable as grassiness from dry hopping
is now considered a fault. Changed the description of the malt character from being “in the background”
to “supports the hop presentation”
● Appearance: Changed reference to haziness to “light haze allowable.”
● Flavor: Removed “May be slightly sulfury, but most examples do not exhibit this character.”
● Comments: Rewritten to emphasize entry instructions for different variants and styles related to
American IPA. For example, “an India Pale Lager (IPL) can be entered as an American IPA if it has a
similar character, otherwise 34B Mixed-Style Beer.”
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Alpine Duet, Lagunitas IPA, Stone IPA
○ Added: Cigar City Jai Alai, Maine Lunch
Also specified placement for Session IPA and Double IPA: “A Session IPA is a 21B Specialty IPA with a base
style of 21A American IPA with Session strength. A Double IPA is Category 22A not 21B.”
21B. Specialty IPA: Brown IPA
● Comments: Revised to “separated from American Brown Ale to better differentiate stronger, highly
hopped examples from more balanced, standard-strength beers.”
● Style Comparison: Added “Has less of a roasted flavor than Black IPA, but more chocolate flavors
than a Red IPA.”
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 11-19 to 18-35.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Grand Teton Bitch Creek
22. Strong American Ale
22A. Double IPA
● Aroma and Flavor: Removed reference to “minimal” grassiness being acceptable as grassiness from
dry hopping is now considered a fault.
● Comments: Rewritten to “Rarely called Imperial IPA. Many modern versions have multiple dry-hop
● History: Added “Russian River Pliny the Elder, first brewed in 2000, helped popularize the style.”
● Vital Stats: Changed IBU from 60-120 to 60-100.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Avery Maharaja, Firestone Walker Double Jack, Three Floyds Dreadnaught, Stone
Ruination IPA
○ Added: Columbus Brewing Bohdi, Stone Ruination Double IPA 2.0, Wicked Weed Freak of
22C. Wheatwine
● Flavor: Removed “Some oxidative or vinous flavors may be present, as are light alcohol notes that are
clean and smooth but complex. A complementary, supportive oak character is welcome, but not
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 8-15 to 6-14.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Rubicon Winter Wheat Wine, Smuttynose Wheat Wine, Portsmouth Wheat Wine
○ Added: The Bruery White Oak, Castelain Winter Ale, Perennial Heart of Gold
○ Revised: Two Brothers Bare Trees Weiss Wine to Two Brothers Bare Tree
23. European Sour Ale
23A. Berliner Weisse
● Flavor: Added that THP is not acceptable.
● Comments: Added note that “Aged examples can show a cider, honey, hay, or gentle wildflower
character, and sometimes increased acidity.” Added note that “Fruited or Spiced versions should be
entered as 29A Fruit Beer, as 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer, or as 29B Fruit and Spice Beer.”
● Style Comparison: Added “Compared to Straight Sour Beer and Catharina Sour, is lower gravity and
may contain Brett.”
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Nodding Head Berliner Weisse, The Bruery Hottenroth
○ Added: Brauerei Meierei Weiße, Lemke Berlin Budike Weisse, Schell's Brewing Company
Schelltheiss, Urban Chestnut Ku’damm
○ Revised: Berliner Berliner Weisse to Berliner Berg Berliner Weisse
23D. Lambic
● Aroma: Added “The fruit character can take on a light citrus fruit, citrus rind, pome fruit, or rhubarb
quality, getting more complex with age. Malt can have a light bready, grainy, honey, or wheat-like
quality, if noticeable.”
● Comments: Added “Lambic sweetened with raw sugar at service time is known as Faro.”
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 3-7 to 3-6.
23E. Gueuze
● Aroma: Specified that funkiness can be “moderate to strong.” Specified intensity of fruitiness as “light to
moderate.” Added description of malt character: “Malt is supportive, and can be lightly bready, grainy,
honey, or wheat-like, if noticeable.”
● Flavor: Added “The beer should not be one dimensionally sour; a balanced, moderately sour
presentation is classic, with the funky and fruity notes providing complexity. May be aged.”
● History: Added “Same basic history as Lambic, but involves blending, which may be performed outside
the brewery. Some of the best examples are produced by blenders, who ferment, age, blend, and
package the final product.”
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 3-7 to 5-6. Changed OG from 1.040-1.060 to 1.040-1.054.
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Boon Oude Gueuze Mariage Parfait, De Cam Gueuze, De Cam/Drei Fonteinen
Millennium Gueuze, Drie Fonteinen Oud Gueuze, Mort Subite (Unfiltered) Gueuze, Oud Beersel
Oude Gueuze
○ Added: 3 Fonteinen Oud Gueuze
○ Revised: Boon Oude Gueuze to Oude Gueuze Boon, Cantillon Gueuze to Cantillon Classic
Gueuze 100% Lambic, Girardin Gueuze (Black Label) to Girardin Gueuze 1882 (Black Label)
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Boon Framboise Marriage Parfait, Boon Kriek Mariage Parfait, Cantillon Kriek,
Cantillon Lou Pepe Kriek, Cantillon Rose de Gambrinus, Cantillon St. Lamvinus, De Cam Oude
Kriek, Drie Fonteinen Kriek, Girardin Kriek, Oud Beersel Kriek, Mort Subite Kriek
○ Added: 3 Fonteinen Schaerbeekse
○ Revised: Boon Oude Kriek to Oude Kriek Boon,
23G. Gose
This style moved from the Historical Beer category to category 23.
● Flavor: Specified intensity of sourness at “medium-low to medium-high.” Changed hop bitterness level
from “low” to “very low.” Specified “No THP.”
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Döllnitzer Ritterguts Gose
○ Added: Original Ritterguts Gose, Westbrook Gose
25. Strong Belgian Ale
25A. Belgian Blond Ale
● Aroma: Specified missing upper ends of intensity ranges for malt (“light to moderate”) and yeast
character (“subtle to moderate”). Added that a “Light perfumy alcohol and suggestions of a light malty
sweetness can give a slight honey- or sugar-like character.”
● Flavor: Specified that “the malt [is] slightly more prominent in the balance.” Specified yeast intensity
level of “moderate to low.”
● History: Added: “Despite claims of links back to 1200, the beer style was created after World War II
and first popularized by Leffe.”
● Vital Stats: Changed SRM from 4-7 to 4-6.
● Commercial Examples
○ Added: Corsendonk Blond
25B. Saison
● Aroma: Specified spice intensity range as “low to moderately-high.”
● Comments: Added: “Brettanomyces is not typical for this style; Saisons with Brett should be entered in
the 28A Brett Beer style. A Grisette is a well-known type of Saison popular with miners; enter Grisette
as 25B Saison, Session Strength, Comment: Grisette with wheat as the character grain.”
● Entry Instructions: Added “The entrant may identify character grains used.”
● Commercial Examples
○ Removed: Fantôme Saison, Saison Regal
○ Revised: Ellezelloise Saison to Ellezelloise Saison 2000, Saison Dupont Vieille Provision to
Saison Dupont, Boulevard Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale to Boulevard Tank 7
None of the guidelines for historical styles substantively changed in the 2021 version. As with other styles,
minor edits and rewording for consistency and clarity were made. Kellerbier, which was category 7C in the
2015 guidelines, was moved to the Historical Beer category and condensed into a single style description that
encompasses both pale and amber versions.
The introduction was largely re-written to provide clarity based on feedback from competition organizers,
judges, and entrants. We encourage all judges and entrants to revisit and reread this introduction when
entering or judging specialty-type beers. Some major highlights:
● When a Base Style for Specialty-Type Beers is required, either a Classic Style or a broad style family
(e.g., IPA, Blond Ale, Stout) may be used. In general, Specialty-Type beers may not be used as a Base
Style for other Specialty-Type beers unless the Entry Instructions for the style specifically allow it. A few
Specialty-Type Beer styles do not require a Base Style to be declared – read the Entry Instructions
section of each style description carefully.
● Placing a beer with a single Specialty-Type Ingredient and a Classic Base Style is obvious. Selecting
the best style for a beer with a combination of Specialty-Type Ingredients takes some thought. When
selecting a style in which to enter your Specialty-Type Beer, look for the best fit from the possible
alternatives where the combination of ingredients is allowed. Select a style representing the dominant
ingredient, or if the ingredients are equally balanced, select the first Specialty-Type style where it
● Judges should be aware that a creative element exists in brewing these styles, and that strange-
sounding combinations should not be prejudiced. Keep an open mind because some unusual flavor
pairings can be surprisingly delicious. Unusual does not necessarily mean better, however. Taste
should always be the final deciding factor, not perceived creativity, difficulty in brewing, or rarity of
● The old proverb about not missing the forest for the trees is quite applicable. Do not judge these styles
as rigidly as Classic Styles, as you might miss the successful synergy of ingredients.
● Judges do not need to taste every individual Specialty-Type Ingredient (such as spices) when multiple
are declared. Often it is the resulting combination that contributes to a greater character, so allow for
these ingredients to be used in varying intensities to produce a more pleasant tasting experience.
● Not every beer will fit a style perfectly. Some beers with multiple ingredients could be entered as
several styles. Be lenient when evaluating these beers. Reward those beers that are well-made and are
pleasant to drink rather than lecturing the entrant about where they should have entered it.
● If an entrant declares a potential allergen in the beer, do not deduct points if you cannot perceive it.
The styles in this category are differentiated by the types of yeast and bacteria used – see the preamble to
each style for more information. We use the conversational shorthand terms used in the brewing industry: Brett
for Brettanomyces, Sacch for Saccharomyces, Lacto for Lactobacillus, and Pedio for Pediococcus. See the
Glossary for additional information. The Wild Specialty Beer style is for beers for other styles within this
category when Specialty-Type Ingredients are added. Background levels of oak may be used in all styles
within this category, but beers aged in other woods with unique flavors or barrels that contained other alcohol
products must be entered in the Wild Specialty Beer style.”
28A. Brett Beer
Added style note: “Intended for beer with or without oak aging that has been fermented with Sacch and Brett,
or with Brett only.”
Added clarifications on placement of beers into this style: “Fruit Beers based on a Classic Style should be
entered in this style, except Lambic – there is a special style for Fruit Lambic (23F). Fruited sour or mixed
fermentation beers without a Classic Style base should be entered in the 28C Wild Specialty Beer. Fruited
versions of sour Classic Style beers (e.g., Flanders Red, Oud Bruin, Gose, Berliner Weisse) should be entered
in 29A Fruit Beer. Fruit-based versions of Classic Styles where spices are an inherent part of the Classic
Style’s definition (e.g., Witbier, Gose) do not count as a Spice Beer for entering purposes.”
30. Spiced Beer
30A. Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
Added judging note that “The description of the beer is critical for evaluation; judges should think more about
the declared concept than trying to detect each individual ingredient. Balance, drinkability, and execution of the
theme are the most important deciding factors.”
32. Smoked Beer
32A. Classic Style Smoked Beer
Added a style introduction to clarify how to use this category: “Intended for smoked versions of Classic Style
beers, except if the Classic Style beer has smoke as an inherent part of its definition (of course, that beer
should be entered in its base style, such as Rauchbier).”
This style is intended for beers that can’t be entered in previously-listed styles first, including (and especially)
the declared Base Style of beer. However, if the unusual method, process, or ingredient results in a beer that
now fits within another defined style, the beer should be entered there. Note that some styles already allow for
different strengths (e.g., IPAs, Saisons), so those variations should be entered as the appropriate Base Style.
Bear in mind that a poorly-made, faulted beer should not be used to define a new style. Drinkability should
always be maintained, while allowing for creative new concepts.”