Guillain Barre Syndrome (G5)
Guillain Barre Syndrome (G5)
Guillain Barre Syndrome (G5)
Faculty of Nursing
Critical and Emergency Department
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Prepared by:
Asala hasan
Asala mohamed
Afnan elkenz
Alaa ahmed
Alaa maray
Alaa rasmy
Alaa gaber
Alaa zaki
➢ Defination
➢ Pathophysiology
➢ Causes
➢ Medical management
➢ Nursing management
➢ Referance
❖ Plasma exchange
involves being attached to a machine that removes blood from a vein and
filters out the harmful antibodies that are attacking your nerves before
returning the blood to your body, and people need treatment over the course
of around 5 days.
7-Evaluate the need for assistive devices and provide a safe environment .
2-Monitor intake and output every 4 to 8 hours and palpate bladder every 2
hours; assess for cloudy, foul-smelling urine.
2-Encourage parents to stay with the child and in the care of the child.
5- Allow the child to participate in own care depending on ability and degree
of paralysis.
7. Clarify any information and answer questions in lay terms and utilize visual
aids for reinforcement if helpful
2- Encourage parents to express feelings and unmet needs and ability to meet
and develop selfexpectations.
4-Continue to inform and support parents during the recovery period (provide
telephone numbers)