Mech Eng ENME362 - Synopsis

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Course Outline: Semester 2 – synopsis

ENME362: Aerospace Design Principles 15 points

Course Code | Waehere Akoranga : Title of Course | Ingoa Akoranga
Department of Mechanical Engineering | Te Tari Pūhanga Pūrere
Course Description | Whakamahuki
This course covers more in-depth engineering design methods than ENME301 and covers procedures that are not
included in the engineering science subjects. The subject matter has an Aerospace design focus and will cover:
Aerospace conceptual design and step-by-step design development; cost and weight estimation; configuration and
layout; basic aircraft performance; aircraft subsystems; lifecycle topics, e.g. environmental issues (pollution, energy,
etc.); safety and reliability certification requirements, risk analysis and management.
Overall students are brought to a level where they can undertake a substantial Aerospace engineering design problem
in a methodical manner, and can produce a professional quality design report.

Learning Objectives | Hua Ako

• Course topics: with Learning Objectives (and Washington Accord (WA) and UC Graduate Attributes) identified;

1. Aerospace conceptual design and step-by-step design development

1.1. Ability to perform conceptual design of different types of aircraft (WA1, WA3, WA10, EIE2, EIE3)
Range: Overview of the design process; sizing from a conceptual sketch; engineering drawings,
dimensioning, and tolerancing
1.2. Understand the method of preparation of design tasks and technical reports (WA3, WA5, WA10, EIE2)
2. Cost and weight estimation, and configuration and layout
2.1. Able to calculate total weight and weight features of an aircraft, and perform and understand sizing of an
aircraft (WA1, WA2, WA3, WA5, EIE3)
Range: Airfoil and wing/tail geometry selection; thrust-to-weight ratio and wing loading; initial sizing;
configuration layout and loft; special considerations in configuration layout; crew station, passengers, and
3. Basic aircraft performance and aircraft subsystems
3.1. Able to calculate performance characteristics of an aircraft (WA1, WA2, WA11, EIE3)
Range: propulsion and fuel system integration; landing gear and subsystems; step-by-step development of a
new design; aerodynamics; propulsion; structures and loads; weights; stability, control, and handling
qualities; performance and flight mechanics; cost analysis; sizing and trade-off studies; fatigue design; joining
4. Lifecycle topics, e.g. environmental issues (pollution, energy, etc.); safety and reliability certification requirements,
and risk analysis, ethics and management
4.1. Understand design responsibilities regarding risk, reserve/safety factors, environmental, and ethical
considerations (WA6, WA7, WA8, EIE3)
Range: risk assessment, certification, regulatory bodies and use of standards; lifecycle, environmental and
ethical issues

Course Structure
Lectures: 4 x 1 hr lectures weekly

Course Assessment | Aromatawai

Assessment Type Classification

Test x 2 Individual test
Design Project Individual assignment and report
Final Examination Individual exam

Academic Policies (e.g. special consideration, dishonest practice) | Herenga Akoranga

All information can be found on the ENME-Undergraduate LEARN page.

Last Printed: 12/01/2022 11:51 AM Last Saved: 12/01/2022 11:51 AM by Tania Shuker Page 1 of 1

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