Physics Practical Skills Workbook Answers
Physics Practical Skills Workbook Answers
Physics Practical Skills Workbook Answers
a i ± 0.1 °C [1]
ii ± 0.01 g [1]
iii ± 0.01 mm [1]
iv ± 1 ° [1]
b ××2.58
a Reading in Figure 2.10a: 7.60 mm [1]
b Reading in Figure 2.10b: 4.57 cm [1]
Use a top pan balance to find the mass: [1] make sure the pan is clean/tare the balance, place cube on the pan
and record the mass [1] ± 0.1 g/± 0.01 g [1]
Calipers/ruler/micrometer (if it were a small cube) [1]
1 mark for correct description of chosen instrument:
Calipers: place the cube between the external jaws. Close slowly using the dial. Stop as soon as you feel
any resistance.
Ruler: place against the edge and read the ruler looking perpendicular to the edge.
Micrometer: place the cube in the gap and tighten using the ratchet at the end. When you hear a click stop
Caliper ± 0.1 mm/ruler ± 1 mm/micrometer ± 0.01 mm [1]
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a Measurements:
diameter of ball using micrometer/calipers [1]
distance ball falls through using metre ruler [1]
temperature of oil using a thermometer [1]
time for ball to fall using a stopwatch [1]
b Maximum 3 marks; any 3 from:
reaction time
knowing when to start and stop watch
difficulty of taking diameter measurements
parallax errors reading thermometer/ruler
changing temperature of oil during the experiment
oil not all being at the same temperature
c Number of measurements 6–9 [1]
range – suggestion 10 °C ≤ to ≥ 60 °C [1]
repeats – at each temperature (at least 2) [1]
diameter of ball (at least 2) [1]
a Each column has the correct heading with quantity and units; [1] units for 1/s2 correct. [1]
d/mm or diameter/ V/V or Potential R/Ω or
mm difference/V I/A or Current/A Resistance/Ω 1/d2 /mm−2
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AS Level practical skills
Sensible scales chosen [1]
Plotted points must occupy at least half the grid in both the x- and y-direction [1]
Both axes must be labelled with quantity and units [1]
Points plotted correctly [1]
Line of best fit drawn with an even distribution of points above and below the line [1]
a Large triangle drawn (hypotenuse at least half as long as line) [1]
Gradient calculated = 4.9 ± 0.1 [1]
y-intercept calculated using value of gradient and pair of coordinates [1]
c = y − mx = 16 ± 6
b i Large triangle drawn (hypotenuse at least half as long as line) [1]
Gradient calculated = 3.0 ± 0.1 [1]
y-intercept calculated using value of gradient and pair of coordinates [1]
c = y – mx = −0
OR by extrapolating trendline
y-intercept = −1.4 ± 0.9 [must be a negative sign]
ii A = 3.0 ± 0.1 and B = −1.4 ± 0.9 [1]
Units of A Ω A (V) [1] Units of B Ω [1]
Mean diameter = 0.26 [1] (Diameter must be quoted to 2 decimal places)
Absolute uncertainty = (0.30 mm − 0.22 mm)/2 = ± 0.04 mm [1]
a Current = 2.4 + 5.5 = 7.9 A [1]
Absolute uncertainty = 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3 A [1]
Current = 7.9 ± 0.3 A
RA 20 × 3.1 × 10−4
b ρ = = = 0.103 Ω m [1]
l 0.06
Total percentage uncertainty = 0.5 + 12 + 1.7 = 14.2 % [1]
Absolute uncertainty = (14.2/100) × 0.103 = 0.01 Ω m [1]
ρ = 0.10 ± 0.01 Ω m [1] ρ must be quoted to 2 decimal places.
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V = 5.25
c R = = 25 Ω [1]
I 0.21
% uncertainty in p.d. = (0.07/5.25) × 100 = 1.3%
% uncertainty in I = (0.02/0.21) × 100 = 9.5% [1]
Total % uncertainty = 1.3 + 9.5 = 10.8% [1]
Absolute uncertainty = (10.8/100) × 25 = 2.7 = 3 Ω [1]
d V = 4 π r 3 = 4 π 2.5 = 8.18 mm3 [1]
3 3 2
% uncertainty in d = (0.01/2.5) × 100 = 0.4% [1]
% uncertainty in V = 3 × 0.4 = 1.2% [1]
Absolute uncertainty = 1.2/100 × 8.18 = 0.1 mm3 [1]
V = 8.2 ± 0.1 mm3 [1] Volume must be quoted to 1 decimal place
e g = 22s = 2 × 25 = 12.3 ms−2 [1]
t 0.9
% uncertainty in s = (0.1/5) × 100 = 2.0%
% uncertainty in t = (0.2/0.9) × 100 = 22.2% [1]
Combined uncertainty = 2 + (2 × 22.2) = 46.4% [1]
Absolute uncertainty = (46.4/100) × 12.3 = 6 [1]
g = 12 ± 6 ms−2 [1] must be to nearest whole number
a i ρ =
RA = 4.8 × 2.04 × 10−7 = 1.22 × 10 −6 Ω m [1]
l 0.8
ii % uncertainty in R = (0.1/4.8) × 100 = 2.1%
% uncertainty in l = (0.001/0.800) × 100 = 0.13% [1]
Combined uncertainty = 4 + 2.1 + 0.13 = 6.2% [1]
iii Percentage difference = [(1.22 × 10 −6 − 1.1 × 10 −6)/1.1 × 10 −6] × 100% = 10.9% [1]
The percentage difference is greater than the experimental uncertainty. Therefore the data does not
support this. [1]
a Limitations: Maximum of 2 from:
– The pendulum does not always swing along the ruler.
– The amplitudes may be too close together to judge different readings from the marks.
– It is difficult to judge the maximum amplitude of the pendulum as the pendulum is always moving/
moving too quickly.
b Improvements: Maximum of 2 from:
– Increase the size of the cone on the pendulum to make the difference in amplitude greater.
– Increase the length of the pendulum so that the period of oscillation is greater.
– Film the pendulum from above with the ruler in view so that the amplitude measurements can be
made using the playback.
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AS Level practice questions
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AS Level practice questions
3 a Value of x given to the nearest mm and approximately equal to 40.0 cm, e.g. 39.5 cm [1]
b Value of θ recorded in the range 60–100° [1]
c There are 10 marks available for this section
Six marks for the data collected:
– Six or more pairs of data for θ with changing x. [5] If you have 5 pairs this mark decreases to [4].
If help is needed from the teacher this also reduces the mark. If you are genuinely stuck and cannot
work out what to do it is better to ask for help and lose marks here.
– A suitable range for values of x e.g. at least 20 cm between maximum and minimum. [1]
Four marks for the presentation of the data:
– Correct column headings: x/cm, θ/°, cos θ (no unit) [1]
– All values of x and θ given to nearest mm and nearest degree, respectively. [1]
– Values of cos θ correctly calculated. [1]
– Values of cos θ given to the same number of significant figures as the corresponding value of θ (or 1
e.g. θ = 45°, cos 45° = 0.71 or 0.707, θ = 110° [1]
d i There are 3 marks for plotting the graph:
– Scales must be sensible so that you can easily identify points (e.g. intervals of 1, 2, 5, 10)/the
plotted points must occupy at least half the graph in both the x and y directions/scales must be
labelled with the quantity and the unit. [1]
– Points plotted accurately/clear crosses or circled dots/diameter of plots must be within half a
small square. [1]
– Trend shows straight line graph with y-intercept/points are close to line of best fit. [1]
ii Line of best fit drawn with a ruler and with an even distribution of points above and below
the line. [1]
iii Gradient found [1] to gain the point:
– A large triangle needs to be drawn whose hypotenuse is at least half the length of the line of
best fit/measurements of Δy and Δx must be accurate/gradient calculated using = /same sign
as your graph.
– y-intercept [1] to gain the point:
The value of the y-intercept when x = 0 read directly from the graph OR for a pair of x and y
coordinates taken from the line of best fit and substituted into the equation y = mx + c. Equation
rearranged to find c using value of gradient as m.
e Value of a = gradient, value of b = y-intercept [1]
Unit of a = cm−1 and b has no units [1]
4 a i Value in the range 0.50 s to 1.00 s [1]
(Time at least 5 oscillations twice to find the time, T. Use a pointer placed at the centre of the
oscillation to identify start of each oscillation.)
ii Correct calculation of k using value of T (e.g. from sample data k = 25 N m−1) [1]
b Value of y to the nearest mm and within the range 0.050 m to 0.150 m [1]
(Use a 30 cm ruler to measure the height, y. Make sure to take readings at eye level.)
c Value of H [1]
Evidence of repeats [1]
(Use a fixed metre ruler to measure the distance, H. Release the mass and mark with a pen roughly
where the highest and lowest points are. Repeat and this time focus your attention on the marks to
take a more accurate reading. Repeat.)
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d Uncertainty = ± 5 mm [range of 4 to 8 mm] (acceptable to use half of the range from repeats but value
cannot be 0)
Percentage uncertainty calculated correctly, e.g. using 5 mm = [0.005/0.235] × 100 = 2.1 % [1]
e Second values for y and H [1]
Second H less than first value of H [1]
f i Correct values given to 3 or more significant figures [1]
Using sample data: Rearrange equation: c = H/ y
First value of c = 0.743
Second value of c = 0.805
ii Both H and y known to 3 significant figures [1]
iii Statement with reason, e.g using sample data
Calculate percentage difference = 8.3%/10%/8.0%
e.g. no, results are not consistent as percentage difference is 8.3%/10%/8.0%
and percentage uncertainty in H is 2.1%
total percentage uncertainty = 2.1 + 1 × % uncertainty in y (5%)
= 4.6% [1]
g Correct value of g calculated, e.g. value of g = 8.6 and unit N kg−1 [1]
h i Any four from:
– Need a greater range of results/more than two for a firm conclusion.
– Difficult to measure the maximum displacement/amplitude of the oscillation as it is moving.
– With oscillations the maximum displacement/amplitude is decreasing.
– Difficult to measure y as it is from the hanger to the centre of two masses not stuck together.
– Difficult to lift the masses to the same height each time.
– When trying to take two measurements for H it is hard to have eye level with the reading.
– The mass may swing from side to side as well as vertically.
ii Any four from:
– Take more readings and graph H versus y to determine c.
– Take more readings and graph T versus M to calculate k.
– Clamp a ruler behind the spring to get accurate measurements of H.
– Restrict movement to vertical by carrying out in a clear plastic tube.
– Use a motion sensor placed below the mass to get H.
– Use video motion and play back to measure H.
5 a Value given to the nearest mm [1]
(Use calipers or ruler to measure h. Repeat along the length and find mean value.)
b Value for weight given to the nearest 0.1 N [1]
(Suspend string from a hook so newton meter is hanging vertically down. Read value at eye level.)
c i Evidence that more than one measurement of diameter has been made and then used to find the
radius [1]
(Use calipers or ruler to measure the diameter. Repeat the reading and find mean diameter.)
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AS Level practice questions
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A Level practical skills
Circuit diagram showing a series circuit with metal wire, ammeter and power supply (circuit symbols correct).
Voltmeter connected in parallel across either wire or the power supply. Allow use of ohmmeter but no power
supply needed. [1]
A diagram is essential but the remaining marks are gained for each one of these statements up to a maximum of
– Measure the diameter of the wire using a micrometer. [1]
– Measure along the length at different orientations and find an average. [1]
– Connect the wire to the circuit using crocodile clips. Measure the length, L, using a ruler [1]
– from the middle of one crocodile clip to the middle of the next. [1]
– Use the same type of wire in each experiment so the resistivity is constant. [1]
– Switch on the circuit and record the readings on the voltmeter and ammeter. [1]
– Switch off and on and repeat to find mean values of voltage and current. [1]
– Repeat the experiment with a different diameter wire. [1]
– Calculate the resistance using R = V/I. [1]
Time period = 2.0 cm × 10 × 10 −3 = 0.02 s [1] (20 ms)
Frequency = f = 1 = 50 Hz [1]
Peak voltage = 0.7 cm × 5.0 V cm−1 = 3.5 V [1]
Position a metre ruler so the scale is clearly visible from above/side. [1]
Place the camera directly above/in front of the maximum amplitude. [1]
Film the oscillations and play back the film. Pause and measure the maximum amplitude from the film. [1]
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a Plot a graph with T 2 on the y-axis and l on the x-axis (or T on the y-axis and l on the x-axis) [1]
It will be a straight-line graph through the origin (for both) [1]
4π 2 4π4π2 2 [1]
g= or g
or g==
gradient gradient2 2
b Plot a graph with V on the y-axis and f on the x-axis [1]
It will be a straight-line graph with a y-intercept [1]
h = gradient × e [1]
ϕ = −y-intercept × e [1]
Need precaution and the reason for maximum marks.
Do not exceed 25 V as this is the rated voltage [1]
to prevent capacitor break down/explosion. [1]
Connect the capacitor correctly with the positive side to positive terminal of power supply [1]
to prevent capacitor break down/explosion. [1]
a ln (V/V) [1] = 2.35 (or 2.351) [1]
b T 2 x = 1.5 (or 1.49) [1] s2 m [1]
c log (m/g) [1] = −0.28 (or −0.284) [1]
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A Level practical skills
a i Fractional uncertainty = = 0.018 [1]
Percentage uncertainty = 0.4 × 100 == 1.8%1.8%[1]
ii Fractional uncertainty = = 0.032 [1]
8 × 100 = 3.2%
Percentage uncertainty = 100 3.2% [1]
5 × 25.67
b i Absolute uncertainty = = 1.28 W [1]
Power = 26 ± 1 W
ii Absolute uncertainty = 0.025 × 15.29 = 0.382 m s−2 [1]
Acceleration = 15.3 ± 0.4 m s−2 [1]
a Extension = 12.0 − 9.5 = 2.5 cm [1]
Uncertainty = 0.4 + 0.2 = 0.6 cm [1]
Extension = 2.5 ± 0.6 cm
b P = I 2R = 2.42 × 110 = 633.6 W
% uncertainty in I = (0.2/2.4) × 100 = 8.3% [1]
% uncertainty in P = (2 × 8.3) + 5 = 22% [1]
Absolute uncertainty = (22/100) × 633.6 = ± 139 W [1]
P = 600 ± 100 W [1]
c i Time for 10 oscillations/s Time for 1
Mass/g 1 2 Mean oscillation/s log (T/s) log (m/g)
100 ± 5% 2.5 3.3 2.9 ± 0.4 [1] 0.29 ± 0.04 [1] −0.538 ± 0.056 [1] 2.00 ± 0.021 [1]
Logs can be written to 2 or 3 decimal points. Value for uncertainties calculated using
logmax – logquantity.
ii 1 b−12 − 4 ac
T/ms /s
4.2 ± 0.2 238 [1] ± 11 [1]
a i Data points chosen at least half the length of the line apart. [1]
1.23 − 1.40
Gradient of line of best fit e.g. = = −0.425 (must have negative sign) [1]
0.67 − 0.27
1.24 − 1.40
Gradient of line of worst fit = = −0.38 [1]
0.67 − 0.25
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a i f = Am q
f = log A + q log m [1]
Gradient = q
Therefore q = 0.5 [1]
y-intercept = log A
A = 101.6 = 39.8 = 40 [1] [allow 2 or 3 s.f.]
ii f = 40 × 2.000.5 [1] = 57 Hz [1]
(using 3 s.f. value of f = 56.3 Hz)
b i A = pe −qt
A = ln p – qt [1]
gradient = −q
q = 0.0305 [1]
y-intercept = ln p
y intercept
p= e
p = 25.0 [1]
ii A = pe −qt
A = 25.0e −0.0305 × 20 [1]
A = 13.6 [1]
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A Level practice questions
mass attached to
string taped at point P
(Instead of a G-clamp you could use a heavy mass; the mass could be taped on top of the strip with centre
over point P; to ensure ruler is vertical you could suspend a plumb line.)
Variables: L is the independent variable; s is the dependent variable; and M, t, E and b are control
Method: Measure the thickness, t, and width, b, of the strip using a micrometer/calipers along the length
and find mean values. Keep these values constant by using the same strip throughout the experiment.
Clamp the strip to the bench using a G-clamp. Measure the length, L, using a ruler. Measure L on both
sides to ensure the strip is perpendicular to the bench.
Use a clamp stand to clamp the metre ruler in place vertically. Use a set square to ensure the ruler is
vertical by lining up to the strip when there is no load attached. Record the reading on the vertical ruler.
Measure the mass, M, using a balance and use the same mass throughout the experiment. Attach the
mass to the strip at point P using a piece of string taped at point P.
When the strip is stationary, read the reading on the vertical ruler and record. The value of s will be the
difference between this reading and the initial reading when the ruler was unloaded.
Remove the load and add again to make a repeat reading of s. Determine the average value of s.
Repeat the method for different values of L.
Safety: The strip may snap so wear goggles to protect your eyes.
The mass may fall so place a cushion under the hanging mass to catch it if it does and prevent you from
putting your feet underneath.
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timing card
light gate
start point
falling mass, P
on floor
[Instead of a light gate you could use a ticker tape timer to determine final speed or you could use a
stopwatch to measure the time taken for the trolley to travel distance, d, and determine average speed.
The final speed is 2 × average speed. To improve this measurement you would need to increase d or film a
stopwatch in view as the trolley moves.]
Variables: Independent variable is the mass, m; dependent variable is the speed, v; control variables are
the distance, d, and the mass, P.
Method: Check the surface is horizontal using a spirit level.
Mark the start and end points and measure the distance between them using a ruler. This is d. This will
remain the constant in each experiment. Place the light gate over the end point.
Use a ruler to measure the width of the timing card passing through the light gate. Attach the timing card
to the trolley. It must pass through the light gate and be taller than the mass m.
Use a balance to find the mass of P, and keep this constant throughout the experiment.
Tie a piece of string securely to the trolley and pass over the pulley on a clamp. Tie P to the string as
shown in the diagram.
Find the mass m using a balance and record the value. Secure m to the trolley using tape. Release the
trolley and record the time, t, from the light gate. Repeat the experiment. Determine an average value of t.
Repeat the experiment again with an increased mass, m.
The speed of the trolley, v, is determined using the equation v = width of time card/time from light gate.
Safety: Place cushions under the mass P to prevent it hitting the floor, or landing on your feet. Place a
barrier in front of the pulley to stop the trolley from coming off the end of the bench.
Analysis: Plot a graph with 1/v2 versus m [or m against 1/v2]
The relationship is correct if you get a straight-line graph with a y-intercept.
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A Level practice questions
A diagram showing the tube supported with a loudspeaker connected to a signal generator at one end and
a microphone in line with the edge of the tube and connected to an oscilloscope at the other. For example:
tube held
in clamp stand
connected microphone
to signal connected to
generator an oscilloscope
(If you do not remember symbols for oscilloscope, microphone and loudspeaker, a labelled drawing will
be sufficient.)
Variables: Independent variable is d; dependent variable is f; control variable is L.
Method: Measure the internal diameter of the tube using calipers. Measure at each end of the tube, in
more than one place in different directions along the length of the tube and calculate the mean value.
Measure the length, L, at several places around the circumference of the tube using a ruler. This must be
constant in each experiment.
Set up the experiment as shown with the loudspeaker and microphone in line with each other at either
end of the tube. Perform the experiment in a quiet room.
Start with a low frequency sound and increase frequency until a maximum amplitude sound is detected.
Continue to increase and then decrease frequency to make sure correct frequency is identified.
Once frequency is identified, use the oscilloscope to determine the time period. Identify one complete
wave and count the number of divisions. Time period, T = number of divisions × time base [s/div].
Calculate frequency, f, using f = 1/T.
Repeat with different diameter tubes.
Safety: Use a low volume of sound to prevent damage to hearing.
Analysis: Plot a graph of 1/f versus d (or d versus 1/f )
If the relationship holds this will be a straight line graph with a y-intercept.
v= (or v = gradient × k)
y -intercept
k = gradient × v or k = −
y -intercept
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Values of R as shown on the table can also be written to 1 decimal place. Calculated using
R = E/I = 9.4/I [1]
Values of log R as shown on the table – if values of R written to 1 decimal place, then values of log R
must be written to 2 d.p. [1]
Uncertainties for R as shown in table (these values are calculated using max − mean method (Rmax −
R)). [1] (Values using (Rmin − R) or 1 (Rmax − Rmin) will be slightly different.) [1] e.g. for first row ± 0.95
and ± 1.05, respectively, second row ± 0.41 and ± 0.43 etc. You could also determine the uncertainty by
adding percentage or fractional uncertainties and converting to absolute uncertainties.
Uncertainties for log R consistent with uncertainties for R (these values calculated using max − mean
method (log Rmax − log R)). [1]
c i Graph plotted correctly (each within half a small square and point must be smaller than half a
square so use dot). [1]
All error bars for log R plotted correctly. Each bar to within 1 small square and same length either
side of point. [1]
ii Line of best fit drawn and labelled. [1]
Line of worst fit drawn – steepest or shallowest line that passes through all the error bars. [1]
(You can only have this mark if all the error bars were drawn.)
iii Gradient of line of best fit calculated using measurements of Δy and Δx taken from data points
further than half the line apart/gradient calculated using = ∆ x/same sign as your graph so must
be negative (approximately −14.0). [1]
Gradient of line of worst fit found and uncertainty determined using
uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit − gradient of line of worst fit [1]
iv Pair of data points taken from line of best fit substituted in y = mx + c. Equation rearranged to find
c (approximately 36) [1]
d p determined using y-intercept, p = 10y intercept (approximately 1 × 1036) [1]
q is equal to the gradient of the line of best fit [1] answer given to 2 or 3 s.f.
e Substituting values of p and q into R = pT q
15 = 1 × 1036 T −14
T= −14
1 × 1036
T = 307 [1]
or substitute values for R, p and q into log R = log p + q log T and rearrange
log 15 = 36 − 14 log T
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T = (36 − log 15)/14
T = 307
Answer T approximately 310 to 2 s.f. Your answer will depend on your values for p and q.
5 a ln V = ln 0 − t
gradient =
y-intercept = ln 0 [1] (Both answers needed for mark)
b t/s V/V ln (V/V)
0 6.2 ± 0.2 1.825 ± 0.031
6 4.6 ± 0.2 1.526 ± 0.043
12 3.4 ± 0.2 1.224 ± 0.057
18 2.6 ± 0.2 0.956 ± 0.074
24 2.0 ± 0.2 0.693 ± 0.095
30 1.4 ± 0.2 0.336 ± 0.134
Gradient = −1
e.g. −0.05 = −1
C = 5.13 × 10 −4 [answer given to 2 or 3 s.f.] [1]
y-intercept = ln
e.g. 1.8 = ln
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e 1.8 =
Q0 = C × e1.8 = 5.13 × 10 −4 × e1.8
= 3.10 × 10 −3 [answer given to 2 or 3 s.f.] [1]
Correct units given: Q0 = 3.10 × 10 −3 C [1]
and C = 5.13 × 10 −4 F
ii Absolute uncertainty in C = (fractional uncertainty in R + fractional uncertainty in the gradient) × C
e.g. if absolute uncertainty in gradient is 0.02,
absolute uncertainty in C = [0.05 + (0.02/0.05)] × 5.13 × 10 −4
absolute uncertainty in C = 2 × 10 −4 F [1]
Q −t
e V = 0 e RC
V = e y intercept × e gradient × 60
e.g. V = e1.8 × e −0.05 × 60 = 0.301 V [1]
Q0 −t
ln V = ln
ln V = y-intercept – [60 × gradient]
or substitute values of Q0, R and C into the equation
6 a Au = (M + m + A)v
Rearrange equation:
Au = ( M + m) + A
1 = ( M + m) + 1
v Au u
Gradient = Au
y-intercept = u [1]
b Values of [M + m] and 1/v as shown in the table (1/v to 3 or 4 s.f.) [1]
Absolute uncertainties in (M + m), as shown in the table [1] calculated by adding the absolute
uncertainties in M and m.
e.g. (0.05 × 50) + (0.05 × 330) = 19 g
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A Level practice questions
c i Graph plotted correctly (each within half a small square and point must be smaller than half a
square so use dot). [1]
All error bars for [M + m] plotted correctly. Each bar to within 1 small square and same length
either side of point. [1]
ii Line of best fit drawn and labelled. [1]
Line of worst fit drawn – steepest or shallowest line that passes through all the error bars. You can
only have this mark if all the ln V error bars were drawn. [1]
iii Gradient of line of best fit calculated using measurements of Δy and Δx taken from data points
further than half the line apart/gradient calculated using = ∆ x /same sign as your graph so must
be positive (approximately 0.0004). [1]
Gradient of line of worst fit found and uncertainty determined using
uncertainty = gradient of line of best fit – gradient of line of worst fit [1]
iv Pair of data points taken from line of best fit substituted in y = mx + c. Equation rearranged to find
c (approximately c = 0.08) [1]
Pair of data points taken from line of worst fit substituted in y = mx + c. Equation rearranged to
find c for worst fit line.
uncertainty = y-intercept of line of best fit − y-intercept of line of worst fit [1]
d i y-intercept = u
e.g. u = 1/0.08 = 12.5 (answer given to 2 or 3 s.f. max) [1]
Gradient = 1
e.g. A = 1 = 1
gradient × 12.5 0.0004 × 12.5
A = 200 (answer given to 2 or 3 s.f. max) [1]
ii % uncertainty in A = % uncertainty in y-intercept + % uncertainty in the gradient
% uncertainty in A =
absolute uncertainty in y -intercept absolute uncertainty in gradient
+ × 100 [1]
y -intercept gradient
e Rearrange the equation to make m the subject and substitute A, u and v = 2.0 ms−1
e.g. Au = (M + m + A)v
Au − (M + A) = m
200 × 12.5 − (330 + 200)
m= = 720 g [1]
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