UNIV321 Practice 2
UNIV321 Practice 2
UNIV321 Practice 2
a. False
b. !True
3. This Greek goddess039;s name was chosen for the dwarf planet responsible for
discord on Pluto039;s classification amongst astronomers.
a. Ceres
b. !Eris
c. Charon
d. Dysnomia
5. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the serpent which eats the roots of the
ash tree Yggdrasil?
a. !Nidhogg
b. Odin
c. Bragi
d. Ymir
10. What animal did Queen Pasipahe sleep with before she gave birth to the Minotaur
in Greek Mythology?
a. !Bull
b. Horse
c. Pig
d. Ox
1. Talos, the mythical giant bronze man, was the protector of which island?
a. Sardinia
b. Cyprus
c. Sicily
d. !Crete
9. Which greek godgoddess tossed a golden apple with the words quot;for the
fairestquot; into the middle of the feast of the gods?
a. !Eris
b. Ares
c. Hades
d. Artemis