The Patriarchs (Sunday School Lessons - 2021)
The Patriarchs (Sunday School Lessons - 2021)
The Patriarchs (Sunday School Lessons - 2021)
Lesson 07
Topic: Patriarchs (Faith in God’s plans)
Key points:
The patriarchs are the early fathers (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) to whom God gave His
They were not special people but they had faith in God’s promises
So, God fulfilled His promises through them as they trusted God
Key bible verses (get children to read!) and Explaining the lesson to Children
God calls Abram and gives him a promise (Gen: 12:1-3)
God chose Abram (he was later named Abraham) and said that He will ‘make him in to a great
nation’. Now Abraham was an old man, his wife Sarah was also barren, but he believed in God
that he will give him a son (Gen 15:4-5). Abraham left his father’s household and left for
Canaan because he believed God. God made Abraham a righteous person because of his faith
in God (Gen 15:6).
Abraham also made mistakes and he was not perfect (Gen 12: 14-20)
Abraham was afraid although God had given him a promise that he will live to have a son. But
he was afraid and lied to Pharaoh about his wife. But God made sure that Abraham and Sarah
were safe. In the same way Isaac and Jacob also made mistakes. Isaac disregarded God’s
selection and tried to bless Esau. Jacob was a deceiver and he tricked both his brother and his
All patriarchs believed in God
Although they made many mistakes, they believed that God will fulfil His promises. Through
Abraham, came Isaac the son promised to him. From Isaac came Jacob the father of Israel. His
sons became the 12 tribes of Israel. From Israel came the Messiah or Jesus who would one day
give His life for the sins of the world. This is how God used the patriarchs to bless all nations
just like he promised to Abraham in Gen 12.
Contemporary topics:
God also promised to Abraham that He will give his offspring, that means Israel, the land of
Canaan as an eternal inheritance (see Gen 15:18 and Psalms 105: 8-11). This is an unconditional
Abraham believed in God’s promises. He was from Ur of the Chaldeans. This area was full of idol
worship. But when God called Abraham he left his father’s household and followed God in