Energies 14 01852 v2
Energies 14 01852 v2
Energies 14 01852 v2
The Impact of Smart Prepaid Metering on Non-Technical Losses
in Ghana
Gideon Otchere-Appiah 1,2 , Shingo Takahashi 2 , Mavis Serwaa Yeboah 3 and Yuichiro Yoshida 2,4, *
1 Engineering Services Department, Northern Electricity Distribution Company, P.O. Box TL 77 Tamale, Ghana;
2 Department of Development Policy, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation,
Division of Development Science, Hiroshima University, Higashihiroshima 739-8511, Japan;
3 Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology, Sunyani Technical University,
P.O. Box 206 Sunyani, Ghana; mavisotchere@ymail.com
4 Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS), Hiroshima University,
Higashihiroshima 739-8511, Japan
* Correspondence: yuichiro@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Abstract: The high incidence of electricity theft, meter tampering, meter bypassing, reading errors,
and defective and aged meters, among others, increases utility losses, especially non-technical losses
(NTL). A utility in Ghana piloted a non-technical loss reduction program in 2019 to replace postpaid
meters with anti-tamper, anti-fraud, and anti-theft smart prepaid meters. By using customer-level
residential billing panel data from 2018 to 2019 obtained from the utility, we assess the effectiveness
of this program using the difference-in-differences fixed-effect approach. On average, the results
indicated that the reported amount of customers’ monthly electricity consumption increases by 13.2%
when any tampered postpaid meter is replaced with a smart prepaid meter, indicating the NTLs
Citation: Otchere-Appiah, G.; by customers. We further employed quantile difference-in-differences regression and observed that
Takahashi, S.; Yeboah, M.S.; Yoshida, reported energy consumption has increased for all households except those at the lower quantile
Y. The Impact of Smart Prepaid (25th quantile). We conclude that smart prepaid metering could be a remedy to reduce NTLs for the
Metering on Non-Technical Losses in electricity distribution sector in areas where electricity theft is rampant.
Ghana. Energies 2021, 14, 1852.
https://doi.org/10.3390/en14071852 Keywords: smart meters; electricity theft; non-technical losses; difference-in-differences; quan-
tile regression
Academic Editor: Jesús
Manuel Riquelme-Santos
Similarly, Ghana continues to struggle with high reported cases of electricity theft
and other illegal activities, leading to approximately 30% loss of electricity supplied by
the utilities [34]. Nunoo and Attachie [20] argued that Ghana’s utilities lose over $1 billion
because of electricity theft. Electricity theft is the fundamental cause of the financial crisis
facing distribution companies in Ghana, and the high rate of electricity theft is worrisome
and needs to be curbed. It is noted that the high NTL is commonly associated with
customers using a postpaid metering system [35].
Detecting electricity theft involves conducting regular on-site visual inspections to
identify illegal meter connections. Doing so is a very tedious exercise and is very expensive
for utilities. Most residential consumers indulge in unlawful connections at night when
utility workers are not working. Another method of checking electricity theft involves
studying a consumer’s consumption patterns to identify very low or zero energy recordings
and then following up at the consumer’s premises to ascertain what the cause may be.
These approaches and many others used to detect electricity theft are cumbersome, and the
expected gains or results are unsatisfactory.
In response, to address this problem, the Northern Electricity Distribution Company
(NEDCo) implemented an NTL reduction program in 2019, which sought to replace post-
paid meters with anti-tamper, anti-fraud, and anti-theft smart prepaid meters. The purpose
of the implementation of smart prepaid meters is to curb electricity theft and retrieve
lost energy.
In recent years, smart metering has gained popularity in the energy sector, especially
in electricity and gas, as it eliminates NTLs by inhibiting customers’ cheating behaviors
that are common with conventional meters. Often, the introduction of smart metering aims
to change customers’ consumption behavior toward energy saving [36–41]. For example,
Qui et al. [42] employed the matching approach and a difference-in-differences method
to estimate the impact of a prepaid electricity plan with smart metering on residential
electricity consumption in metropolitan Phoenix in the USA. They recorded a 12% reduction
in electricity usage upon switching to a prepaid program. Jack and Smith [43] examined
the effect of prepaid metering on residential consumption and returns to the electricity
utility in South Africa. The study employed the fixed-effect strategy and concluded that
electricity usage fell by 13% as a result of the switch from postpaid to prepaid. Similarly,
Bager and Mundaca [44] examined the relationship between loss aversion and consumer
behavior in a nonprice policy intervention through smart meter technology in Copenhagen,
Denmark. The study also used the difference-in-differences strategy. The results suggest
that the control group reduced their daily consumption by an average of 7%, while the
treatment group reduced their daily consumption by an average of 18%.
Conversely, in developing countries where electricity cheating is common, the intro-
duction of this technology tends to benefit utilities through electricity theft management
rather than energy saving management. These suggest that any increase in the reported
amount of electricity consumption from smart metering constitutes (the lower bound of)
the reduced NTLs. We review some of the literature to elaborate on this point. Several stud-
ies have highlighted the use of smart meters or prepaid meters as a major option to curb
electricity theft [45–49]. However, such studies failed to use a causal inference approach to
estimate the quantity of electricity that could be retrieved or recovered using smart meters.
There is a lack of empirical studies that quantitatively estimate the causal impact of smart
meter programs on NTLs, of which electricity theft constitutes approximately 80%. Thus,
our paper makes the methodological contribution to the existing body of knowledge in the
literature by applying the difference-in-differences with fixed effects to evaluate the impact
of smart prepaid metering on NTL.
In this paper, we try to investigate the impact of smart prepaid metering on NTL
in Ghana. It focuses on 1666 residential customers in NEDCo. We used their monthly
electricity consumption reports for 24 months (from 2018 to 2019) for the study. A total
of 46.3% of these residential customers were switched to smart prepaid meters in 2019
and were compared with the remaining 53.7% of residential customers who continued
Energies 2021, 14, 1852 4 of 16
using postpaid meters. Compared to the existing research in this area, this study is novel
and contributes to two aspects. Firstly, to the best of our knowledge, the paper is the first
causal-inference study of smart meters’ impact on non-technical losses, controlling both the
other macro shocks and unit-intrinsic heterogeneities by using a difference-in-differences
approach. Secondly, we employ quantile DID regression to estimate the impact at the
various customer categories, such as low-demand and high-demand customers, to give a
policy direction for the utility. The study analyzes the heterogeneous effects of electricity
theft for various customer categories. It provides policy directions to utilities and the
government about customer behavior regarding electricity cheating and measures to adopt
to resolve these problems. Finally, it provides vital policy significance for utility companies
and energy policies.
However, there are a number of limitations to our research. As the installers installed
the smart meters “as if” random, a notable limitation of our research stems from the
strong assumption of unconfoundedness of our treatment assignment that is not perfectly
random, as indicated by the balance test. In addition, the limitation of this paper is a lack of
demographic and other characteristics data on the customers. Unfortunately, the utility did
not have this information. We could not control for other variables, and further research is
needed to examine its impact on the treatment effect. Finally, further research is needed to
verify the validity of our result by comparing it to a direct measure of non-technical losses
that are possibly observed through capturing the daily consumption of customers using
advance nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) devices.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a brief background
on the smart prepaid metering program. Section 3 lays out the discussion of our data and
identification strategies. Section 4 presents the estimation results and discussion. Finally,
Section 5 concludes.
FigureFigure 1. Flowchart
1. Flowchart diagram.diagram.
Power ofisthe customers
distributed to in
theNEDCo, especially
municipality at the NEDCo
by NEDCo. municipal andthe
serves district levels,
including Berekum, use the postpaid metering system (conventional
with 34.5 kV (kilovolt) and 11.5 kV, and the majority of the people in the municipality metering system).
access tometering,
grid-basedan electricity.
energy meter is installed
Ghana at the
Statistical customer’s
Services (GSS)premises, andthat
[50] asserts at the
end of every month, the customer’s meter is read by the utility’s meter
rate of access to electricity in the municipality is 78.1%, with urban Berekum having an reader to capture
access consumption.
rate of 84.0%. The The utility
recorded hasreading
a districtis office
used toin generate
Berekuman electricity
with bill for both
staff to handle the
customer [35].
technical and commercial activities.
This kind of metering system has some challenges, such as reading errors, accumulated
Most of the customers in NEDCo, especially at the municipal and district levels, in-
bills, and delays in bill payments [35]. Additionally, the location of the postpaid meters at
cluding Berekum, use the postpaid metering system (conventional metering system).
the customers’ premises allows the customers to tamper with the meter and steal power. In
With postpaid metering, an energy meter is installed at the customer’s premises, and at
2018, the rates of electricity theft, meter bypassing and meter tampering were alarming,
the end of every month, the customer’s meter is read by the utility’s meter reader to cap-
informing the decision of the utility to switch to the smart prepaid metering system [51].
ture energy consumption. The recorded reading is used to generate an electricity bill for
Smart prepaid metering is convenient for both the utility and the customer. The
the customer [35].
utility is able to generate revenue in advance, as customers are supposed to purchase units,
This kind of metering system has some challenges, such as reading errors, accumu-
i.e., kilowatt-hour (kWh), before use. Thus, it eliminates the issues of late electricity bill
lated bills, and delays in bill payments [35]. Additionally, the location of the postpaid me-
payment and nonpayment by defaulting customers. The burden of hired meter readers
ters at the customers’ premises allows the customers to tamper with the meter and steal
for meter reading and sending customer bills are eliminated with the use of smart prepaid
power. In 2018, the rates of electricity theft, meter bypassing and meter tampering were
meters [35]. For the customer, it helps in planning electricity consumption, as he receives a
daily informing
notification of histhe decision
energy of the utility
consumption. Per to
meter to the smart
design, it gives prepaid metering
notification of
system [51].
when the units (kWh) will be exhausted to enable the customer to plan ahead [52–54].
The prepaid
utility metering
introduced theis convenient
smart prepaid for both the utility
metering and the
program customer.
in May 2019 The
ity is able to generate revenue in advance, as customers are supposed
customer education process. The utility purchased a limited quantity to pilot because to purchase units,
the kilowatt-hour
of the smart(kWh),
prepaid before
TheThus, it eliminates
first batch the issues of
of approximately 1000latesmart
prepaid bill
payment and nonpayment by defaulting customers. The burden
meters was installed in Berekum “as-if” randomly on top of the service pole. The smart of hired meter readers
for meter
prepaid reading
meters wereand sending
initially customer
loaded withbills
10 kWhare eliminated with supply
units to ensure the use continuity
of smart prepaid
meters [35]. For the customer, it helps in planning electricity consumption, as he receives
a daily notification of his energy consumption. Per the meter design, it gives notification
of when the units (kWh) will be exhausted to enable the customer to plan ahead [52–54].
Energies 2021, 14, 1852 6 of 16
if the customers were not at home, but these units (kWh) were deducted at the instant of
customer first purchase. The decision to install the meter on the pole top was made to
prevent the customer from obtaining access to the meter. The customer only has access
to the meter keypad, where he can key his units (kWh) in the event that the meter is not
loaded automatically from the vending point.
The meter is the sole property of the utility in Ghana. It is not sold to the customer
whenever the customer request for service. The service is in the form of a new service
connection, temporal connection, separate meter connection, and meter transfer connection.
The utility delivers these services with the type of meter available at the instant of customer
service request and within the permitted time stipulated by the Public Utility Regulatory
Commission of Ghana (PURC). The cost of the meter replacement is borne by the utility. The
intent of the smart prepaid meter pilot program by the utility was to derive the usefulness
and the benefit that comes with the smart prepaid meter technology for both the customer
and the utility.
The utility further hoped to expand the program if the objectives are met. It is against
that background that only a subset of customers were provided with the smart meters,
primarily due to their costs. The utility generated a list of customers capturing all the
various customer categories in the program area. The list of customers generated for the
meter installation was more than the smart prepaid meters available. It was given to
meter installers to install the meters “as-if” randomly at the program location provided the
customer’s information is found in the list.
where Consumptionit is the outcome that captures the reported energy consumption
amount of customer i in month-year t; Treated is the treatment dummy; Policy is the
two periods (i.e., month-year) dummy, and uit is the error term. The coefficient β 1 captures
the difference in energy consumption between the control and treatment groups in period
one (2018), the coefficient β 2 captures the temporal change in energy consumption for the
control group, and the coefficient δ1 is the interaction that captures the effect of the treat-
ment, that is, how the treatment group changed in period two (post-May 2019) compared
to the control group.
To accommodate any heterogeneity across units and time, we add unit and time fixed
effects to the above standard DID. That is, we include fixed effects ai and vt using the within
regression estimator. The fixed effect (ai ) captures any omitted variable that is constant or
relatively constant over time. Thus, all time-invariant terms in the treatment (Treatedi ) are
dropped by this time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity term [53]. Similarly, Policyt must
Energies 2021, 14, 1852 8 of 16
be replaced by time-fixed effects. Therefore, our model (Equation (3)) is reduced to the
following explanatory variables:
Qq (yi ) = β 0 (q) + β 1 (q) Treatedi + β 2 (q) Policyt + δ1 (q) Treatedi ∗ Policyt + uit (5)
where Qq (yi ) is the qth quantile of the electricity consumption and δ1 (q) is the treatment
effect of the customer at the qth quantile, while β i (q) for i = 0, 1, 2 are parameters for the
other covariates for the customer at the qth quantile.
Robustness Checks
We conducted the following robustness checks to confirm the superiority of our chosen
model. They are as follows:
(a) Statistical tests to confirm common trend assumption
R-squared 0.025
Robust standard errors are in parentheses. Statistical significance at 1% is indicated as ***. The
model uses the entire sample size of 24 months: January 2018 to December 2019.
Robustness Checks
Energies 2021, 14, 1852 9 of 16
We conducted the following robustness checks to confirm the superiority of our cho-
sen model. They are as follows:
(a) Statistical tests to confirm common trend assumption
Figure 2 depicts the average electricity consumption pattern i.e., the electricity con-
Figure 2 depicts the average electricity consumption pattern i.e., the electricity con-
sumption in kWh/month of the residential customers in Berekum municipality for both
sumption in kWh/month of the residential customers in Berekum municipality for both
the control and treatment groups.
the control and treatment groups.
Figure Averageconsumption
The consumptionpatternpatternof ofthe
Berekumwas wasaffected
affectedby by
seasonality anda aproject
project that
that Ghana
Ghana Grid
Grid Company
Company (GRIDCo)
(GRIDCo) andand NEDCo
NEDCo werewere embark-
ing upon
upon during
during the smart
the smart prepaid prepaid metering
metering program.
program. There
There are twoare twoweather
main main weather
the in the Berekum
Berekum municipality:
municipality: hot and
hot and cool. The cool. The hot
hot season season
mainly mainly
starts starts in
in January andJanuary
inand ends while
March, in March, while
the cool the cool
season season
starts starts
at the endatofthe end
June of June
and ends and ends in September.
in September. During
the samethe sameofperiod
period of the program,
the program, the majorthe majortransmitter
power power transmitter
(GRIDCo) (GRIDCo) and the
and the power
power distributor
distributor in the northern
in the northern part of(NEDCo)
part of Ghana Ghana (NEDCo) constructed
constructed a bulk
a bulk power power
supply sup-
(BSP) and 161
ply point (BSP)kVandline161
line fromtoSunyani
Berekum. The construction
to Berekum. of this project
The construction resulted
of this project
some planned
in some outages
plannedand may and
outages havemay
have customers’ consumption
affected customers’ patterns,pat-
consumption as
terns, asin Figure 2.inHowever,
depicted Figure 2. we observed
However, wethat the planned
observed outages
that the affected
planned the control
outages affected
the treatment
control and groups equally
treatment and at
groups the same
equally andtime,
at thesince
samethey aresince
time, all onthey
the are
same allfeeder
on the
and in the same community. Indeed, Figure 2 shows that the unobserved factors that have
affected the control group have also equally affected the treatment group, since these two
groups share a common trend over time before treatment. This presence of the parallel
trend in the consumption pattern of residential customers suggests the robustness of DID
as the identification strategy.
We further conducted a robustness test on pre-trends to ascertain the validity of
our identification [65–67]. Using the DID-FE model, we checked whether the coefficients
were statistically significant when we perturb the treatment timing to other time points.
The coefficients of these falsification tests for the placebo treatment timing starting from
February 2018 up to May 2019 were not statistically significant, indicating that there
were no heterogeneous trends in the pre-treatment period and that the parallel trend
assumption was satisfied. However, the coefficients of the post-trends for the interaction
terms from June 2019 to December 2019 were statistically significant, indicating the causal
effect of the smart prepaid metering program. This is shown in an event study plot of the
average treatment effects of the coefficient estimates and their confidence intervals for the
interaction terms in Figure A1 of Appendix A.
(b) Simple comparison of post-treatment values between treatment and control groups
Energies 2021, 14, 1852 10 of 16
Based on the “as if” randomness of the smart meter installations performed by the
installers, we conducted a naive comparison between treatment and control, i.e., those
installed with smart meters and those who stay with the conventional meters. We first
conduct a two-sample test to evaluate whether there are statistically significant differences
between the control and treatment groups in their post-test electricity consumption. Table 3
presents the results that show that the p-value is significant at the 1% level, and this is an
indication that the treatment and control customers had statistically significant differences
in their electricity usage after the treatment customers switched to smart meters.
Treatment Control
Dependent Variable Obs. Mean Obs. Mean Diff S.E t_Value p_Value
Electricity consumption
6168 101.305 7160 90.571 10.734 1.497 −7.15 0.000 ***
Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p < 0.01.
Treatment Control
Dependent Variable Obs. Mean Obs. Mean Diff S.E t_Value p_Value
Electricity consumption
12,334 85.567 14,320 87.481 −1.914 1.071 1.8 0.074 *
Robust standard errors in parentheses * p < 0.1.
Figure Histogramof of electricity
electricity consumption
consumption by month
by month of theoftreatment,
the treatment,
before before and
and after theafter the
Table 5.To difference-in-differences
this end, the results from the(DID) regression
quantile results.
DID regression are presented in Table 5. As
a referencing benchmark, column 1 shows the average treatment effect (ATE) estimated
Dependent Variable:
using the entire
(2)sample, which
(3)tells that the recovered
(4) energy
(5)is 12.648 kWh/month
(6) at
Electricity Consumption
1% significance.
(kWh/month) ATE q10 q25 q50 q75 q90
Treatment Effect Table ***
12.648 5. Quantile4.370 *** −1.810 (DID) regression
difference-in-differences 6.650 *** results. 20.600 *** 27.900 ***
(2.372) (1.075) (1.601) (1.675) (2.804) (5.385)
Observations Dependent Variable:
39,982 39,982 39,982 39,982 39,982 39,982(6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
R-squared Electricity
0.004 Consumption
0.002 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.003
(kWh/month) ATE q10 q25 q50
ATE stands for the average treatment effect. Robust standard errors in parentheses; *** p < 0.01.
q75 q90
Treatment Effect 12.648 *** 4.370 *** −1.810 6.650 *** 20.600 *** 27.900 ***
For instance, the quantile (2.372) (1.075)in column
DID result (1.601)3 shows(1.675)
that at the(2.804) (5.385)
25th quantile, the
treatment Observations
effect is −1.81039,982kWh/month 39,982and not39,982 39,982
significant. Therefore,39,982
one would39,982
a poor decision if it is based0.004 0.002 estimation
on the overall 0.006 only.0.006
The results0.004 0.003
of the coefficients
10th for the average
quantile treatment
(column 2) andeffect.
50thRobust standard
quantile errors
(column 4) in
areparentheses; *** p < 0.01.
4.37 kWh/month and
6.65 kWh/month, respectively, at 1% significance; however, a comparison with the overall
result For instance,
(column the quantile
1) shows that theDID result
latter in column 3 shows
is overestimated that
for these at the 25th
categories of quantile,
Similarly, comparing the results of the coefficient for the recovered energy in the over- a
treatment effect is −1.810 kWh/month and not significant. Therefore, one would make
(columnif 1)
it is based on
indicates thethe
that overall
ATE is estimation only. Theforresults
underestimating of thecustomers
residential coefficients
for the 10th quantile (column 2) and 50th quantile (column 4) are
at the 75th quantile (column 5) and 90th quantile (column 6): 20.60 kWh/month and 4.37 kWh/month and
6.65 kWh/month,
27.90 kWh/month, respectively,
respectively. at 1% significance; however, a comparison with the overall
result (column
Figure 1) shows
4 provides thethat the latter
treatment is overestimated
effect for these
of smart metering by thecategories
demand of customers.
intensity of
the consumers. Horizontal dotted lines are the average treatment effect and its confidence
intervals. From the figure, it is clear that the recovered NTL is different across the quantiles.
Additionally, in the quantile DID, it was observed that the treatment effect decreases from
the lowest to lower quantiles (10th to 25th quantiles) and increases at higher quantiles
(toward the 90th quantile) with opposite signs across the quantile. This indicates that
only those households around the 25th quantile (i.e., the 1st quartile) did not conduct the
cheating, or they are the only honest customers. That is, electricity theft was rampant in
most of the customer categories in Ghana.
Figure 4 provides the treatment effect of smart metering by the demand intensity of
the consumers. Horizontal dotted lines are the average treatment effect and its confidence
intervals. From the figure, it is clear that the recovered NTL is different across the quan-
tiles. Additionally, in the quantile DID, it was observed that the treatment effect decreases
from the lowest to lower quantiles (10th to 25th quantiles) and increases at higher quan-
Energies 2021, 14, 1852 tiles (toward the 90th quantile) with opposite signs across the quantile. This indicates that 12 of 16
only those households around the 25th quantile (i.e., the 1st quartile) did not conduct the
cheating, or they are the only honest customers. That is, electricity theft was rampant in
most of the customer categories in Ghana.
Figure 4. Treatment effect by the quantile of the monthly electricity consumption measured in
Figure 4. Treatment effect by the quantile of the monthly electricity consumption measured
in kWh/month.
5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions
To address the utility losses arising from electricity theft, meter tampering, and other
cheating behaviorsthe
To address ofutility
the customers, Northern
losses arising from Electricity
electricity Distribution
theft, meter Company
tampering, and other
(NEDCo), a utility in Ghana, piloted a non-technical loss (NTL) reduction program in 2019
cheating behaviors of the customers, Northern Electricity Distribution
to replace postpaid meters with anti-tamper, anti-fraud, and anti-theft smart prepaid me-
Company (NEDCo),
This paper assessed the effectiveness of this program using the difference-in-differ-in 2019 to replace
in Ghana, piloted a non-technical loss (NTL) reduction program
postpaid meters(DID-FE)
ences fixed-effect with anti-tamper, anti-fraud,
approach. Through and anti-theft
the DID-FE, we obtainedsmart prepaid meters. This
an average
causal assessed
paper impact across
residential customer
of this categories
program of 12.656
usingkWh/month. This con-
the difference-in-differences fixed-
cludes that smart prepaid metering could be a remedy to reduce NTL for the electricity
effect (DID-FE) approach. Through the DID-FE, we obtained an average causal impact
distribution sector in Ghana.
across all residential
Policymakers need tocustomer categories
be aware of of 12.656
the heterogeneity kWh/month.
of customer consumption This concludes that smart
prepaid metering
ior to formulate could
policies. be a remedy
Consequently, toestablish
to fully reducewhere NTLcheating
for theorelectricity distribution sector
energy recov-
is more profound in the residential customer categories and to propose a policy direc-
tion, Policymakers
we also conducted a quantile
need to be regression
aware of coupled with DID. The
the heterogeneity ofresults of ourconsumption
customer study behavior
showed that the energy loss is more profound with very low-demand customers and me-
formulate policies. Consequently, to fully establish where cheating or energy recovery is
and high-demand customers. These results provide insightful policy implications
more profound
for utilities. in the
The smart residential
prepaid meteringcustomer categories
policy for NTL and
reduction to propose
should focus on a policy direction, we
also conducted
high-demand a quantile
customers regression
(75th quantile coupled
and 90th with
quantile) fromDID.
whom The results
it can ofthe
retrieve our study showed
that lostenergy
energy before
loss isinstalling for other customers.
more profound with very Onlow-demand
the other hand,customers
the very low-and medium- and
demand customers (10th quantile) are prone to cheating, suggesting that they are unable
high-demand customers. These results provide insightful policy implications for utilities.
The smart prepaid metering policy for NTL reduction should focus on those high-demand
customers (75th quantile and 90th quantile) from whom it can retrieve the most lost energy
before installing for other customers. On the other hand, the very low-demand customers
(10th quantile) are prone to cheating, suggesting that they are unable to afford the little
electricity they consume. The government of Ghana should consider tariff reforms other
than life-line customer subsidies (set by the Public Utility Regulatory Commission of Ghana
at 50 kWh/month) to address their needs.
However, there are a number of limitations to our research. As the installers installed
the smart meters only “as if” randomly, a notable limitation of our research stems from the
strong assumption of unconfoundedness of our treatment assignment that is not necessarily
perfectly done as indicated by the balance test. In addition, the limitation of this paper is
the lack of demographic and other characteristics data on the customers. Unfortunately,
the utility did not have this information. We could not control for other variables, and
further research is needed to examine its heterogeneity on the treatment effect. Finally,
further research is needed to verify the validity of our result by comparing it to direct
measure of non-technical losses, which are possibly observed through capturing the daily
consumption of customer using advance nonintrusive load monitoring (NILM) devices
(see [68–70] for example).
Energies 2021, 14, 1852 13 of 16
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.O.-A. and S.T.; methodology, S.T.; software, G.O.-A.
and S.T.; validation, S.T. and Y.Y.; formal analysis, S.T. and Y.Y.; investigation, S.T.; resources, G.O.-A.
and M.S.Y.; rata curation, G.O.-A.; writing—original, draft preparation, G.O. and M.S.Y.; writing—
review and editing, S.T. and Y.Y.; supervision, S.T.; project administration, S.T. and Y.Y.; funding
acquisition, Y.Y. and S.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work is partly supported by the Ministry of Education of Japan Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research 16H03610.
Data Availability Statement: Due to the sensitive nature of this study, we assured the utility that
data provided would remain confidential and would not be shared.
Acknowledgments: We thank JDS, NEDCo and David Adomako Mensah for support. We are grate-
ful to Osei Peter, Isaac Appiah, and Naaman for helping with data collection and generation. The
authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers and the editors of Special Issue, Innovation, Policy,
and Regulation in Electricity Market; Section—Energy Economics and Policy for their valuable sug-
gestions. However, any shortcomings that remain in this research paper are solely our responsibility.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interests.
ATE Average Treatment Effect
BSP Bulk Supply Point
CBMS Customer Billing Management System
DID Difference-in-Differences
DID-FE Difference-in-Differences with Fixed Effects
FE Fixed Effects
GEDAP Ghana Energy Development and Access Project
GoG Government of Ghana
GRIDCo Ghana Grid Company
kV kilovolt
KVA kilovolt-amperes
kWh kilowatt-hour
kWh/month Electricity Consumption
NES National Electrification Scheme
NILM Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
NTL(s) Non-Technical Losses
OLS Ordinary Least Squares
PURC Public Utility Regulatory Commission of Ghana
SHEP Self Help Electrification Project
Energies 2021, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 16
SLTs Special Load Tariffs
Appendix A
Appendix A
Figure A1. Average effects with 95% confidence intervals for the coefficients of placebo falsifica-
tion tests,A1. Average
where effects
the horizontal with 95%
axis represents confidence
the time intervals
of placebo treatment, forfor
except thethecoefficients
18th of placebo falsification
month where
tests, which is the
thetrue treatment timing.
horizontal axis represents the time of placebo treatment, except for the 18th month
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