MCWP 3-35.7 Navy Metoc
MCWP 3-35.7 Navy Metoc
MCWP 3-35.7 Navy Metoc
30 June 1998
Marine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP) 3-35.7, MAGTF Meteorological and Oceano-
graphic Support, provides the information needed by Marines to understand, plan, and conduct
Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) meteorological and oceanographic (METOC) operations.
The focus of MCWP 3-35.7 is METOC effects on operations and missions. It addresses METOC
planning requirements, command relationships, METOC support capabilities, and external support
requirements. Detailed information is provided on:
Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps
Commanding General
Marine Corps Combat Development Command
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
A Glossary A-1
B References and Related Publications B-1
C METOC Support Organization and Structure
D Support Products and Services D-1
MCWP 3-35.7
Chapter 1
“Know the enemy, know yourself;
Your victory will never be endangered.
Know the ground, know the weather;
Your victory will then be total.”
— Sun Tzu, The Art of War
(1) Direct Support. Direct weather support oc- increase the requirement for thoroughly integrated
curs when a MAGTF METOC unit is organized air, ground, logistic, and command and control
under the operational control of the supported operations; and slow the movement of supplies
commander. Traditionally, most MAGTF ME- and reinforcements. Therefore, commanders must
TOC support has been located within the aviation be aware of and prepare for general and specific
combat element (ACE) and focused on providing effects of the weather and oceanographic condi-
meteorological support. Other MAGTF units re- tions on enemy and friendly major weapons sys-
quiring METOC support for tactical operations tems and operations. This includes evaluating
would request support through the chain of com- plans to minimize adverse METOC effects on
mand to the MAGTF command element (CE). If friendly forces and to maximize the effects on the
directed, METOC forces would be provided on enemy. Timely and accurate METOC estimates
the basis of mission priorities, or other support ar- enable commanders to effectively plan and exe-
rangements would be established. cute the operations.
weather and oceanographic conditions will vary, commanders to optimally employ their forces. As
opening and closing windows of opportunity and such, the requirement for on-scene dedicated ME-
vulnerability. TOC support cannot be overstated. Weather and
changing oceanographic processes can affect all
1006. Conclusions types of Marine Corps operations, including op-
erational maneuver across the range of military
The weather and oceanographic conditions affect operations. Each element of a MAGTF, as well as
military operations. Each has different effects on each echelon of command, has a wide range of
various types of forces and, in some cases, dic- functions and responsibilities with many unique
tates the types of forces that can be employed ef- METOC information and support requirements.
fectively. METOC data is part of the intelligence MAGTF METOC operations, products, and serv-
required by MAGTF commanders and staffs to ices must support them all.
plan and execute operations. That intelligence re-
sults from analyzing weather data, identifying
weather effects, and assessing the impact of
weather on Marine Corps systems, tactics, and
operations to provide vital information for
Chapter 2
Organization (WMO). It is responsible for gener- provide accurate, timely, and comprehensive ME-
ating and distributing basic and applied numerical TOC support that enhances MAGTF mission ac-
(computer) METOC products for use by regional complishment through tactical exploitation of the
centers and other users throughout the fleet and environment.
the DOD. The Navy Oceanographic Data Distri-
bution Expansion System (NODDES) is the pri- 2005. Marine Corps Staff
mary means of distributing the center’s products.
METOC Personnel
c. Naval Oceanographic Office
a. Commandant of the Marine Corps,
The Naval Oceanographic Office (NAV-
OCEANO), located at Stennis Space Center, Deputy Chief of Staff, Aviation,
plans, organizes, and executes multidisciplinary Aviation Logistics Support Branch
ocean surveys and geospatial information and This position is staffed by the senior weather serv-
services (GI&S) programs in support of DOD and ice officer in the Marine Corps. This special staff
Department of the Navy (DON) operational re- officer acts as the 6800 occupation field specialist
quirements and other assigned technical programs and action officer. This is the cognizant officer for
by using assigned ships, aircraft, and other plat- Marine Corps METOC support requirements.
forms, including spacecraft. It is the primary
oceanographic production center for the Navy b. Space and Naval Warfare Systems
and is responsible for receiving and processing Command
satellite data in support of fleet operations. The This external billet is responsible for ensuring that
NAVOCEANO also provides near-real-time validated U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) METOC
oceanographic products, including detailed front requirements are satisfied. This officer also pro-
and eddy analysis, and guidance to naval regional vides technical assistance regarding USMC opera-
METOC centers and command centers worldwide tions to other METOC project officers within and
in support of fleet operations. external to the METOC Systems Office. The ME-
TOC Systems Office plans and manages the de-
2004. Marine Corps METOC sign, development, procurement, and life-cycle
support of hardware and software systems that
Support System measure, transmit, distribute, and process ME-
TOC data.
The Marine Corps METOC Support System is
designed to readily deploy and operate in an aus-
c. Marine Liaison, Commander, Naval
tere expeditionary environment. It is intended to
provide comprehensive METOC support to all
METOC Command
elements of a MAGTF, as well as to the bases and This special staff officer acts as the liaison for
stations of the supporting establishment. This sys- METOC programs and policies between the Navy
and the Marine Corps. This officer is responsible
tem is designed to interconnect and maximize the
support available from naval, joint, and other ME- for advising the commander on issues that affect
TOC sources. The system will be augmented by littoral and expeditionary warfare operations; the
data that is observed, collected, modeled, and re- Marine Corps’ METOC support requirements for
ported by organic Marine Corps METOC assets the CE, ACE, ground combat element (GCE),
and other Marine Corps assets, such as the topo- and combat service support element (CSSE); and
interaction with joint command staffs. This billet
graphic platoons, MAGTF all-source fusion cen-
ter (MAFC), and ground and aviation is located within the joint operations division of
reconnaissance units. The primary function of the the operations directorate (N-3).
Marine Corps METOC Support System is to
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support 2-3
(2) Coordinates with the MARFORPAC/MAR- (3) Provides METOC effects information with
FORLANT METOC officer on METOC-related particular attention to critical weather threshold
matters. values that limit systems, operations, or tactics.
(3) Maintains liaison with other-Service counter- (4) Advises commanders of METOC support
parts and represents the commanding general at capabilities and limitations and coordinates effec-
joint Service METOC meetings. tive methods of providing support to plan and
carry out MAGTF operations.
(4) Maintains staff cognizance and management
coordination for METOC-related matters. (5) Prepares METOC annexes to operation
plans and orders and reviews METOC annexes of
(5) Provides METOC support to intelligence senior and subordinate commands to ensure that
and staff studies directly related to improving stated responsibilities are coordinated and met.
MAGTF warfighting capabilities.
(6) Prepares climatological studies and analyses
(6) Provides staff support in planning for the in support of planned exercises, operations, and
employment and utilization of organic METOC commitments.
assets, equipment, and capabilities.
(7) Provides METOC support to elements of
(7) Provides climatological, meteorological, the MAGTF other than the ACE as directed.
tidal, astronomical, and other METOC data for
planning. (8) Assists in determining METOC support data
(8) Develops, prepares, and updates the ME-
TOC annex (Annex H) for operation plans/orders (9) Coordinates METOC training.
and provides input into the communications and
information systems annex (Annex K), the intelli- d. Marine Wing Support Squadron
gence annex (Annex B), and other annexes, as METOC Officer
necessary, regarding METOC issues. This officer is responsible for training and carry-
ing out the plans and missions as prepared by
(9) Serves as the joint METOC officer (JMO) higher HQ. Responsibilities include:
during joint operations/exercises when the MEF
CE is assigned the role and responsibilities of joint (1) Receiving, monitoring, and analyzing ME-
task force (JTF) HQ. TOC data to produce tailored, value-added infor-
mation for supported units.
c. Marine Wing Support Group
METOC Officer (2) Operating all METOC equipment, including
The Marine wing support group (MWSG) ME- satellite receivers, radar, or other available
TOC officer: weather display equipment used as the basis for
(1) Coordinates all METOC assets that reside in weather forecasting and observing.
the ACE.
(3) Preparing and disseminating forecasts. Fore-
(2) Provides METOC briefings to ACE com- cast services include providing:
manders and their staffs to support current and fu-
ture operations.
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support 2-5
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Chapter 3
The GCE requires METOC support in the form of weather elements required by the GCE, the ACE
estimates and graphic products that can be used requires precise aviation-related weather elements
for planning and decisionmaking. There is also a such as:
requirement for general weather forecasts that
cover the following 24 - 48 hours and are focused Altimeter settings
on ground combat-related weather elements and Ceiling height
coastal and sea data such as: Pressure altitude (PA) and density altitude
Tidal, current, and surf data Cloud base/cloud top height
Beach slope, water depth, surf zone, and Upper-air temperatures, winds, and heights
surf breaker description In-flight icing and turbulence conditions
Severe weather warnings Severe weather briefings.
Horizontal visibility and obstructions to
vision d. The Combat Service Support
Astronomical data (sunrise, sunset, Element
beginning of morning nautical twilight The CSSE’s operations are heavily influenced by
(BMNT), end of evening nautical twilight extreme weather conditions. Both extreme heat
(EENT), moonrise, moonset, lunar and cold can put added stress and strain on
illumination) MAGTF equipment and create additional require-
Precipitation rate and type ments for maintenance and spare parts. Heavy
Ambient air temperature and humidity precipitation can make outside storage difficult.
Extreme heat or cold Severe weather can degrade the existing road sys-
Surface wind speed and direction tem, thereby affecting trafficability, mobility, and
Cloud cover construction efforts and, in the case of heavy icing
Freeze/thaw depth or snow buildup, making it impassable. Unfavor-
Ice/snow depth able sea state conditions can make landing sup-
Wet bulb globe temperature index port and logistics over the shore operations much
(WBGTI)—an index used to determine heat more difficult. Generally, the CSSE’s specific
stress conditions weather and oceanographic information require-
Windchill index ments are the same as those of the GCE.
Barometric tendencies
Upper-air refractivity indices (used in
3004. Tasks and
providing tactical decision aids (TDAs) for
detection ranges and radars) Responsibilities
Upper-air temperatures, winds, and heights.
a. The Command Element
c. The Aviation Combat Element The CE has no organic METOC data collection
The ACE requires precise current weather infor- assets or forecasting capability. It depends on the
mation for every aircraft flight and forecasts for ACE or external units for operational METOC
the following 72 - 96 hours for the entire area of support. Such support will be coordinated and ob-
operations. Aviation units are concerned with tained by the SWO within the MEF intelligence
weather conditions at widely dispersed departure section. The MAGTF commander’s responsibili-
airfields, weather conditions en route to destina- ties are to:
tions and targets, and conditions at the arrival air-
field or over the target areas. In addition to the Coordinate with the ACE commander to
ensure that the ACE’s METOC support
requirements are met
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support 3-3
METOC capability. Instead, during operations ensure that time-perishable METOC information
they get METOC products from the nearest de- may be obtained, processed, and disseminated
ployed METMF or other METOC support or- when needed. Each mission and situation is
ganizations to satisfy the supported units’ unique and, therefore, requires some modifica-
METOC information requirements. tions to the supporting communications and infor-
mation systems architecture. Detailed planning
3006. METOC Communications and close coordination between the SWO, the
MAGTF G-2/S-2, and the G-6/S-6 are critical for
and Information Systems establishing a reliable and effective METOC com-
Requirements munications and information systems architecture.
Specific systems and technical architectures
An area of METOC operations that is currently (equipment, frequencies, communications nets, lo-
undergoing substantial change is METOC com- cal area networks/wide area networks, and sys-
munications and information systems architec- tems) are addressed in Marine Corps Warfighting
tures. The efforts of METOC personnel depend Publication (MCWP) 6-22, Communications and
heavily on a secure, reliable, and fast communica- Information Systems.
tions and information systems architecture to ex-
change METOC information with the joint
METOC forecast unit (JMFU), other component
METOC units, METOC regional and production
centers, and MAGTF elements. Integration of
METOC communications and information sys-
tems requirements into MAGTF communications
planning will provide the conduit for reliable ex-
change of situational and forecast information and
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Appendix A
Section I. Acronyms
Note: Acronyms change over time in response to AMCI . . . . . . Air Mobility Command instruction
new operational concepts, capabilities, doctrinal AOAFCST . . amphibious objective area forecast
changes, and other similar developments. The fol- AR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Army regulation
lowing publications are the sole authoritative ARTYMET . . . . . . . . . . . . artillery meteorological
sources for official military acronyms: ASLTFCST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assault forecast
ATC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . air traffic control
1. Joint Pub 1-02, DOD Dictionary of Military AUTODIN . . . . . . . . . Automatic Digital Network
and Associated Terms. AVWX . . . . . . . . . aviation route weather forecast
AWDS . . . . . . . . Automated Weather Distribution
2. Fleet Marine Force Reference Publication System
(FMFRP) 0-14, Marine Corps Supplement to the AWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automated Weather Network
DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated AWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Weather Service
Terms. (This publication is being updated and will
be published during fiscal year 1998 with the new BDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . battle damage assessment
designator of Marine Corps Reference Publication BKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . broken
(MCRP) 5-12C.) BMCT . . . . . . beginning of morning civil twilight
BMNT . . . beginning of morning nautical twilight
55SXS . . . . . . . . . . 55th Space Weather Squadron BSSG . . . . . . . . . . . brigade service support group
Note: Definitions of military terms change over berm—The nearly horizontal portion of a beach
time in response to new operational concepts, ca- or backshore having an abrupt fall and formed by
pabilities, doctrinal changes, and other similar de- deposition of material by wave action. Marks the
velopments. The majority of METOC terms are limit of ordinary high tides. (Joint Surf Manual)
not defined in Joint Pub 1-02. Accordingly, the
following publications are the authoritative breaker—A wave tripped by shoaling water.
sources for official definitions of METOC terms Categorized as spilling, plunging, or surging.
used within this publication: (Joint Surf Manual)
1. Joint Pub 3-59, Joint Doctrine for Meteoro- breaker angle—The angle at which a breaker
logical and Oceanographic Support. makes the beach. (Joint Surf Manual)
3840.1B, Joint Surf Manual.
ceiling—The height of the lowest layer of clouds
A when the weather reports describe the sky as bro-
ken or overcast.
absolute humidity—The mass of water vapor in
a given volume of air. It represents the density of clear air turbulence (CAT)—Turbulence en-
water vapor in the air. countered by aircraft flying through cloudless
skies. Thermals, wind shear, and jet streams can
aerosols—Tiny suspended solid particles (dust, be factors in producing CAT.
smoke, etc.) or liquid droplets that enter the at-
mosphere from either natural or human (anthro- climatological forecast—A weather forecast,
pogenic) sources, such as the burning of fossil usually a month or more in the future, that is
fuels. based on the climate of a region rather than on
current weather conditions.
air pressure (atmospheric pressure)—The pres-
sure exerted by the weight of air above a given contrail (condensation trail)—A cloud-like
point, usually expressed in millibars or inches of streamer frequently seen forming behind aircraft
mercury. flying in clear, cold, humid air.
dew—Water that has condensed onto objects inversion—An increase in air temperature with
near the ground when their temperatures have height.
fallen below the dewpoint of the surface air.
isobar—A line connecting points of equal
dewpoint temperature—The temperature to pressure.
which air must be cooled (at constant pressure
and constant water vapor content) for saturation isotach—A line connecting points of equal wind
to occur. speed.
diffraction—The bending of light around objects, isotherm—A line connecting points of equal
such as a cloud of fog droplets, producing fringes temperature.
of light and dark or colored bands. .
joint meteorological and oceanographic fore-
environmental services—The various combi- na- cast unit—A flexible, transportable, jointly sup-
tions of scientific, technical, and advisory activi- ported collective of METOC personnel and
ties (including modification processes, i.e., the equipment formed to provide the JTF and joint
influence of manmade and natural factors) re- force METOC officer with full METOC services.
quired to acquire, produce, and supply informa- Also called JMFU. (Joint Surf Manual)
tion on the past, present, and future states of
space, atmospheric, oceanographic, and terrestrial joint meteorological and oceanographic offi-
surroundings for use in military planning and deci- cer—Officer designated to provide direct ME-
sionmaking processes, or to modify those sur- TOC support to the JTF commander. Also called
roundings to enhance military operations. (Joint JMO. (Joint Surf Manual)
Pub 1-02)
knot—A unit of speed equal to one nautical mile
fetch—The area over which ocean waves are per hour. One knot equals 1.15 miles per hour.
generated by a wind with a constant direction and
speed. (Joint Surf Manual) L
plunging breaker—A breaking wave that ex- swell—Ocean waves that have traveled out of
pends its energy suddenly. Characterized by a their fetch. Swell characteristically exhibits a more
wave peaking into an advancing vertical wall of regular and longer period with flatter crests than
water. The crest curls far over and descends vio- sea waves. (Joint Surf Manual)
lently into the preceding trough. Easily identified
by its explosive sound. (Joint Surf Manual) W
precipitation—Any form of water particle, liquid wave crest—The highest part of a wave. (Joint
or solid, that falls from the atmosphere and Surf Manual)
reaches the ground.
wave height—The vertical distance between a
wave trough and a wave crest. (Joint Surf
R Manual)
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support A-7
wave steepness—The ratio of wave height to wind wave—A wave resulting from the action of
wave length. (Joint Surf Manual) wind on a water surface. While the wind is acting
on it, it is a sea wave; thereafter, it is a swell.
wave trough—The lowest part of a wave be- (Joint Surf Manual)
tween successive wave crests. (Joint Surf
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Appendix B
CJCSM 3122.03 Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Vol. II,
Planning Formats and Guidance
Navy Publications
CNMOC METOC CONOPS Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command ltr 3140 ser
3/255 of 22 Oct 96
B-2 MCWP 3-35.7
Army Publications
FM 100-5 Operations
Several METOC products and services are avail- MAGTF Standard Tactical
able to aid MAGTF commanders and planners.
Tailored products can be provided upon request
METOC Support Plan
to accommodate many missions and situations. A
This plan provides a common baseline of stan-
brief discussion of some of the more common
dardized products and services to be provided at a
products and services follows.
minimum during MAGTF operations. These tacti-
cal support products are tailored or modified as
Solar/Lunar Almanac necessary by on-scene METOC forces to meet
specific operational requirements and tactical
This almanac provides monthly or daily summa- situations. The METOC support plan is based on
ries of ephemeral data for the sun and moon for the Navy’s Operational Task (OPTASK) ME-
locations worldwide. These summaries include TOC, which uses North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
times for sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset, tion (NATO) APP-4 standards to provide a
beginning/ending times of nautical and civil twi- standard for the coordination of tactical METOC
light, total daylight in percent illumination, phases services and reporting responsibilities within a
of the moon in percent illumination, time and alti- MAGTF. Support consists of the following three
tude of sun/moon meridian passage, night vision areas:
goggle illumination data, and 24-hour solar/lunar
positions (altitude and azimuth). This can be pro- OPTASK METOC
duced in tabular or graphical format. This involves operational tasks and uses NATO
APP-4 standards to provide a standard message
Weather Effects Matrix for the coordination of tactical METOC services
and reporting responsibilities within a MAGTF.
Weather elements and their associated impact on This is the Navy’s equivalent to the MAGTF An-
operations are the primary focus of the weather nex H.
effects matrix. It is part of the IPB process and
will assist commanders and planners in making Standard Tactical Summaries
go/no go and other tactical decisions. The impact These summaries are designed to provide ME-
of weather on specific mission areas will be de- TOC information and support to MAGTF ele-
fined as favorable, marginal, or unfavorable. This ments during routine operations. They include the
product can be tailored or adapted to meet spe- MAGTF daily weather forecast (WEAX) and tac-
cific operational criteria or mission parameters. A tical atmospheric summary (TAS). These support
weather effects matrix is developed by intelligence products are normally transmitted daily or as
personnel by using meteorological parameters required.
provided by METOC personnel. See figure D-1
(page D-2) for an example of the weather effects Daily Weather Forecast. The WEAX pro-
matrix. vides a plain-language meteorological situation, a
D-2 MCWP 3-35.7
24-hour forecast, and a 48-hour outlook for each (EM) sensor performance predictions, infrared
METOC or operational zone of interest. Astro- sensor detection range predictions, and communi-
nomical data is included, and a radiological fore- cation range predictions. See Appendix G for an
cast is appended as required. See Appendix G for example of a TAS.
an example of a WEAX.
Special Tactical Summaries
Tactical Atmospheric Summary. This sum- These summaries are designed to provide ME-
mary provides an atmospheric refractive sum- TOC information and support for specific
mary, a tactical assessment, electromagnetic MAGTF operations and/or functions. They
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support D-3
diagram will alert units to potential “shadow jammers by using the coverage display. Figure
zones” in their radar coverage against attacking D-4 (page D-6) provides examples of tactical
aircraft or missiles. When used for threat surface- uses/applications of the COVER diagram.
to-air missiles (SAMs), the COVER diagram will
show the threat radar’s area of coverage on a Path Loss
curved earth and will plot range versus height. This IREPS product shows one-way path loss in
COVER incorporates the effects of the atmos- decibels versus range due to spreading, diffrac-
phere on a threat system and therefore compli- tion, scattering, and anomalous propagation. It
ments the Tactical Aviation Mission Planning can be used for long-range air-search radar (sur-
System (TAMPS) data. Figure D-3 provides a face based or airborne), for surface search radar
sample COVER display. when employed against low-flying targets, and to
determine the intercept range of radar or commu-
Another tactical use of COVER is for attack air- nications systems by an electronic warfare support
craft positioning. Knowledge of the existence and (ES) receiver. In fact, once an altitude is specified
the height of a surface-based duct would enable for the path-loss curve, it is simply a slice of the
the mission planner to select the optimum altitude COVER display at the specified altitude. Figure
for penetration. By flying below a duct, attack air- D-5 (page D-7) provides a sample path-loss
craft can maximize the element of surprise and re- display.
main undetected by enemy radar. In a similar
situation, electronic attack aircraft can adjust their Platform Vulnerability
position to maximize the effectiveness of onboard
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support D-5
Platform Vulnerability (PV) is useful in evaluating ranging from overhead transparencies to com-
electronic emission control posture. This IREPS puter/ electronic presentations. Prior planning and
product assesses the relative vulnerability of vari- coordination with the G-2/S-2 and G-3/S-3 are
ous emitters within the Marine air control group recommended to ensure consistency, continuity,
(MACG) versus their value in surveillance or and appropriateness of the type of brief to be con-
communication. A bar graph shows the maximum ducted. Two common METOC briefings are dis-
range at which a specified receiver can detect cussed below.
these emitters under given atmospheric condi-
tions. From this display, it is immediately obvious Climatology Briefs
which emitter within the MACG is most vulner- These briefs can be conducted for any geographi-
able to interception. By selectively silencing vari- cal area or location of interest for any time of
ous emitters, the command, control, and year. They are normally conducted as part of pre-
communications mission planner can customize an deployment workups to normal operations, exer-
emission control (EMCON) plan to a particular cises, or actual contingencies. Climatological
mission. PV is normally employed against aircraft briefs should be requested before initial planning
flying at altitudes higher than 10,000 feet. Figure sessions to allow all planners time to consider the
D-6 (page D-7) provides a sample PV display. historical environmental effects.
propagation, electro-optical climatology (infrared value information. TDAs allow the operator to
band only), astronomical information, specific enter system information, terrain data, and
weather elements, and assessment/impact on weather conditions, either manually or automati-
planned operations. A sample brief is provided as cally. TDAs describe the exact impacts expected
figure D-7 on pages D-9 through D-17. and the resulting estimated performance degrada-
tion. When such an analysis is done for both
METOC Operational Briefs friendly and threat systems, the commander can
This type of brief is normally conducted twice determine the tactical advantage. TDAs have the
daily (morning/evening) or as necessary to sup- potential to give the commander another tactical
port actual combat operations and exercises. ME- advantage by comparing systems before a battle,
TOC support objectives and information thus allowing additional reaction time to make ad-
requirements are established for this type of brief justments before the enemy is engaged in battle.
based on the combat element being supported, the Application steps include:
level of command, and the mission to be accom-
plished. This brief will normally cover, but is not The specific weather and environmental
limited to, an analysis of the current METOC elements causing a potential impact on the
situation, forecast conditions out to 96 hours, as- system platform, its subsystems, operations,
tronomical data, and an impact assessment of and logistics
planned COAs/operations. Figure D-8 on pages The critical values or ranges of each of
D-18 through D-23 gives an example of a typical these weather elements
brief that may be provided to the ACE com- The resultant effects of correlating each of
mander and staff planners during a MEF-sized these critical values or ranges with the
operation. observed or forecasted weather conditions
that are occurring, or expected to occur, in
Radiological Fallout the area of operations
The critical values or ranges that cause a
Forecast patterns of radiological fallout may be marginal or unsatisfactory capability
used to determine unit maneuvering in the event The impact of weather, the exact cause, and
of a nuclear burst. The output diagram reflects the duration that the event is forecasted to
variable levels of radiation during a user-defined continue
time period. The levels of radiation may also be The effects of weather on threat systems
set by the user. (using the same process)
The tactical advantages presented to both
sides by weather conditions.
Vapor Liquid Substance Tracking
Program In addition to tactical tailoring, the commander
can simulate outcomes by using a range of opti-
This program assists in forecasting patterns of mistic and pessimistic forecast values to show the
chemical fallout, which may be used to determine tactical advantages of each set of conditions.
unit maneuvering in the event of chemical
Several oceanographic products and services are executive summary to highlight significant
available to aid MAGTF commanders and plan- features.
ners. Tailored products can be provided on re-
quest to accommodate many missions and Sea Surface Conditions
situations. Some of the more common products
and services are listed below. Surface conditions in the operating area can affect
both divers and other reconnaissance personnel.
Tides These conditions are influenced by time of year,
wind, waves, tides, current, cloud cover, tempera-
This product provides a summary of tidal range, ture, visibility, and the presence of other ships.
heights, and times of high and low tides. Exact
site location is required for accurate output. Out- A significant factor is the sea state. Wave action
put is available in tabular or graphical format. can affect everything from the stability of the
moor to the vulnerability of the crew to seasick-
Annotated Imagery of Littoral ness or injury. Unless properly moored, a ship or
Areas boat drifts or swings around an anchor, fouling
lines and dragging divers. In addition, surface
Images obtained from land satellite, the French waves may become a problem when the diver en-
satellite pour l’observation de la terre (SPOT), ters or leaves the water and during decompression
or other national technical means are analyzed to stops near the surface. Table D-1 provides a sam-
extract oceanographic parameters. Detected ob- ple sea state chart.
structions, reefs, shoals, nearshore currents, water
clarity, and sea surface temperatures are typically Hydrographic Survey
The purpose of a hydrographic survey is to sys-
tematically collect information about the fore-
Special Tactical Oceanographic shore and nearshore sea approaches to a
Information Chart designated landing beach. This information will be
transferred to a hydrographic sketch, which may
This is a 1:25,000-scale special-purpose chart de- be used by the commander, landing force (CLF),
picting nearshore hydrographic conditions, with to plan landing(s). The survey normally encom-
data appropriate for mine warfare, amphibious passes the nearshore area from the three-fathom
operations, or special operations displayed along line to the water’s edge; the foreshore, backshore,
the chart border. These products are produced by and hinterland for about 100 yards; and the length
the NAVOCEANO Warfighting Support Center. of the beach as designated by CLF. The hydro-
Requests will be coordinated by the MAGTF graphic survey and beach survey overlap in that
SWO to avoid duplication of requirements. they both cover the foreshore.
Ripples with the appearance of scales are 1 Light air 1-3 2 0.05
formed, but without foam crests.
1 Small wavelets, still short but more pronounced, 2 Light breeze 4-6 5 0.18
form; crests have a glassy appearance but do
not break.
2 Large wavelets form; crests begin to break. 3 Gentle 7 - 10 8.5 0.6
Foam of a glassy appearance forms; there may breeze 10 0.88
be scattered whitecaps.
3 Small waves form, becoming longer; whitecaps 4 Moderate 11 - 16 12 1.4
are fairly frequent. breeze 13.5 1.8
14 2.0
16 2.9
4 Moderate waves appear, taking a more 5 Fresh 17 - 21 18 3.8
pronounced form; there are many whitecaps breeze 19 4.3
and a chance of some spray. 20 5.0
5 Large waves begin to form; white foam crests 6 Strong 22 - 27 22 6.4
are more extensive everywhere. There is some breeze 24 7.9
spray. 24.5 8.2
26 9.6
6 The sea heaps up and white foam from 7 Moderate 28 - 33 28 11
breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks gale 30 14
along the direction of the wind. Spindrift begins. 30.5 14
32 16
7 Moderately high waves of greater length form; 8 Fresh gale 34 - 40 34 19
edges of crests break into spindrift. The foam is 36 21
blown in well-marked streaks along the direction 37 23
of the wind. Spray affects visibility. 38 25
40 28
8 High waves form. Dense streaks of foam 9 Strong gale 41 - 47 42 31
appear along the direction of the wind. The sea 44 36
begins to roll. Visibility is affected. 46 40
The air is filled with foam and spray. The sea is 12 Hurricane 64 - 71 > 64 > 80
completely white with driving spray. Visibility is
very seriously affected.
Appendix E
This appendix describes common weather ele- operations. Weather elements can drastically alter
ments and weather effects on specific types of terrain features and trafficability. Conversely, ter-
units and selected operations. rain features may exert considerable influence on
local weather. The relationship between weather
Common Effects and terrain must be carefully correlated in terrain
studies to produce accurate terrain intelligence.
Although environmental elements tend to have This planning is an integral part of the IPB
different effects on different types of units and op- process.
erations, many can be identified as having similar
effects on a majority of combat elements and Weather Elements
Terrain features affect weather, climate, and
Many of the common effects can be derived for weather elements such as:
planning purposes from the climate of the theater
of operations. Special attention must be given to Visibility
those elements of weather that may limit opera- Temperature
tions or preclude them altogether. For instance, Humidity
operations in the tropics must be planned to con- Precipitation
sider the recurring cycle of the monsoon season. Wind
In continental Europe, strategies must consider Clouds.
severe winters and the annual autumn freezes and
spring thaws, which affect trafficability and cross- Specific elements vary with the geographical area,
country movement. time, and season. A description of the climate of a
large area considers terrain influences only in gen-
Very early in the planning process, planners must eral terms, whereas a description of a small area
relate the possible COAs to weather expectancies such as a single valley can be specific. It is impor-
derived from climatological studies. There must tant that commanders and staffs understand and
be an acceptable likelihood that the weather con- consider weather in their tactical planning. They
ditions required for any proposed COA will oc- must recognize the tactical significance of weather
cur. It is imperative for an operation to be effects on intended operations and the risks or op-
meteorologically feasible at the operational level portunities that they present. The effects of
of warfare and for planning for seasonal weather weather are integrated with enemy and terrain
changes to be considered early in the planning analysis through IPB. Factors that must be con-
process. sidered include:
necessitate special clothing, equipment, and sur- communications and both communication and
vival training. noncommunication use of the EM spectrum.
Severe Weather
Severe weather hampers debarkation and landing craft operations, creates unacceptable surf conditions,
may preclude landing, and interferes with construction support.
Wind (Surface)
Surface wind may cause postponement of landings. It affects the state of the sea and handling of landing
Windchill may cause a requirement for special equipment and rigging for landing and for special supplies and
equipment to support operations afloat and ashore.
Temperature (Surface)
Extreme surface temperatures may cause a requirement for special equipment and rigging for landing and
for special supplies and equipment to support operations afloat and ashore.
Tide conditions may cause postponement of landings and may conceal beach obstacles.
Cloud and sky cover may hamper air support operations and landing craft navigation and may offer conceal-
ment from air reconnaissance.
Fog reduces visibility and increases landing craft navigation problems and water and terrain hazards. It may
provide concealment.
Lunar Phase
Freeze or thaw depth may hamper movement over the beach and construction support.
State of the sea may preclude landing or resupply of landing forces and may cause debarkation to be can-
celed. It may endanger the use of landing craft. Severe conditions can degrade naval gunfire support.
Temperature (Water)
Cold temperatures decrease survivability of personnel in the water. Survival in sea water temperatures in ex-
cess of 70 °F depends more on fatigue factors than on hypothermia.
Visibility may affect visual acquisition and may degrade laser range finding and target designation. Poor visi-
bility increases the survivability of light infantry.
Precipitation degrades trafficability and the effectiveness of target acquisition and weapon control systems
and limits visibility.
Wind (Surface)
High crosswinds cause degradation of trajectory data and first-round hit capability and cause smoke to dis-
perse quickly.
Windchill influences the type of lubricants to be used, determines engine warm-up periods, and affects the
sustained rate of fire for weapons as well as personnel effectiveness and safety.
Temperature (Surface)
Extreme temperatures decrease the habitability of vehicles and reduce personnel effectiveness. Low tem-
peratures degrade the ballistics of main guns and require frequent starting of vehicles.
When coupled with high temperatures, humidity decreases the effectiveness of crews in closed vehicles and
the stamina of unmounted Marines.
Barometric Pressure
Cloud and sky cover affect target acquisition and terminally guided munitions.
Visibility affects target acquisition and fire adjustment as well as electro-optical target designation.
Refractive Index
Wind (Surface)
Wind (Aloft)
Altimeter setting and atmospheric pressure are important factors in ensuring altitude accuracy, in barofuzing,
and in making fire control calculations.
Density Profile
Pressure Profile
The pressure profile is used for baroarming and barofuzing techniques and for calculating densities.
Temperature (Surface)
Surface temperature information is used in making fire control surface density determinations and in
estimating ballistic atmosphere pressure and densities aloft.
Temperature Profile
The temperature profile is used to calculate ballistic temperature and air density.
Moisture Profile
The moisture profile is used to determine virtual temperature and atmosphere ducting conditions. It affects
electro-optical target designation.
Cloud and sky cover limit operations in which aircraft are required to operate clear of clouds, may preclude
landings or increase danger in takeoffs, and may preclude close air support missions.
Visibility affects landing and takeoff capabilities, reconnaissance and target acquisition, electro-optical target
designation, and terminally guided munitions. Low visibility increases flight hazards.
Electrical storms are hazardous to in-flight operations, refueling operations, and rearming operations.
Precipitation affects visibility, flight safety, and density altitude. Powdery snow may preclude hover
Snow Depth
Refractive Index
Refraction affects optical, radar, laser, and infrared range finding techniques.
Turbulence affects reconnaissance and surveillance; shear affects systems performance. Turbulence may
cause aircraft structural damage and affect aircraft control. Severe turbulence may cause cancellation of
Wind (Surface)
Surface wind affects aircraft control near the ground. It affects landing and takeoff as well as ground speed
for low-level flights.
Blowing dust and sand may affect hydraulic systems and windscreens.
Wind (Aloft)
Wind aloft affects navigation and ground speed at higher flight altitudes.
Density Altitude
DA affects lift capabilities and reciprocating engine performance. It also limits fuel and weapons load.
Pressure Altitude
Pressure Profile
Temperature (Surface)
High temperatures reduce lift capabilities. Cold temperatures increase maintenance requirements and
time to perform. Temperature extremes can also reduce the number of personnel carried because of
weight and bulk of protection gear.
Dewpoint affects engine efficiency calculations and serves as a warning of possible fog formation or icing
Electrical storms interfere with radio and wire communications and may disrupt synchronization for data
Blowing Snow
Ionospheric Disturbance
Refractive Index
Icing may damage cable lines and antennas; it decreases the efficiency of microwave systems.
Wind (Surface)
Surface wind may damage antennas and transmission lines, may cause cable blowdown, and interferes with
antenna installation.
Temperature (Surface)
High temperatures adversely affect electronic circuits and may increase maintenance requirements. Ex-
treme cold may snap cable lines. Cold decreases the life of battery-operated equipment.
Humidity may cause fungal growth within circuits; this can result in premature system failure.
Refractive Index
Refraction degrades target acquisition and radar tracking performance, especially during superrefraction.
Precipitation degrades or prevents visual acquisition and tracking and infrared homing. It may weaken ra-
dar signals.
Surface Pressure
Electrical Storms
Light Data
High temperatures degrade the effectiveness of electronic systems. Very low temperatures may affect
mechanical devices. Extreme cold can produce detectable ice-fog exhaust trails from certain weapons
systems and vehicles.
Precipitation influences river current, water depth, and bridge construction; complicates construction and
maintenance operations; and affects flooding, river crossing operations, and soil bearing strength.
Snow Depth
Snow depth affects site selection and construction, flood prediction, and mobility and countermobility
Freeze or thaw depth affects site selection and construction and complicates excavation.
Temperature (Water)
Water temperature affects the survivability of troops in the water during port construction, river crossings,
and beach operations.
The tide affects site selection and port and beach operations, including the timing of beach operations.
Wind (Surface)
Surface wind affects river crossings, port and watercraft operations, smoke operations, and structural
strength requirements. It also hinders certain construction operations.
Temperature (Surface)
Surface temperature affects trafficability, flood potential, ice thickness, and river crossing capabilities. It may
affect the use of certain construction materials.
Cloud and sky cover may affect aerial infrared and photographic collections systems, restrict use of UAVs,
and increase the effectiveness of illumination devices.
Visibility may affect visual, photographic, infrared, and electronic data collection systems.
Electrical storms affect the efficiency of electronic systems and dissemination through radio and wire com-
munications systems.
Precipitation obstructs vision, degrades photographic and infrared collection systems, and may degrade ra-
dar collection systems.
Severe Weather
Severe weather may prevent employment of aerial collection systems and may damage or prevent installa-
tion of collection system antennas.
Ionospheric Disturbances
Ionospheric disturbances may degrade electronic collection and communications and radar collection
Light Data
Light data is required for planning collection operations and for long-range planning.
Ice may degrade the performance of aerial collection systems if permitted to coat antennas.
Wind (Surface)
Surface wind may affect the employment of aerial collection systems and may damage or prevent the instal-
lation of electronic collection system antennas.
Temperature (Surface)
Reduced visibility may slow ground movement of munitions and supplies forward, may preclude aerial re-
supply operations, and may conceal ground transportation operations.
Electrical storms endanger storage, handling, and transportation of munitions and fuels; may interrupt com-
puterized inventory operations; and can damage storage facilities and stored material.
Precipitation may affect storage of munitions and supplies and may preclude ground transportation over un-
paved surfaces.
Snow Depth
Snow depth affects the ability to move supplies forward and affects the forward deployment of maintenance
Freezing Precipitation
Freezing precipitation has a severe impact on logistical and maintenance support (air and surface).
Surf and tide conditions affect the movement of supplies ashore and amphibious operations.
Temperature (Surface)
Cold may affect vehicle starting and warm-up periods and may increase maintenance requirements (as a
result of temperature-induced failures). It creates ice, which may preclude the use of waterways for trans-
portation. Temperature affects the storage of perishable supplies; affects snow melting, which can cause
flooding, reduce trafficability, and hinder ground transportation; and affects freeze or thaw depth, which
may determine the use of supply routes. Temperature information is required for calibration of artillery
Humidity affects the storage of munitions and other supplies and may increase equipment failure rates and
affect maintenance operations.
Precipitation affects available water supply, influences hospital site selection, and may damage unprotected
Severe Weather
Temperature (Surface)
Extreme temperatures may require special protection of medical supplies, increase patient load because of
heat and cold injuries, and affect seasonal diseases.
Severe Weather
Wind (Surface)
Information on cloud and ground albedo, sky cover, and visibility are required to estimate thermal levels re-
sulting from nuclear bursts.
Precipitation affects the persistence of chemical agents. Snow may cover and render ineffective certain liquid
agents. Precipitation may produce radioactive rainout and hot spots.
The state of the ground influences the effectiveness of chemical agents and affects fallout concentration lev-
els. Wet soil degrades the effectiveness of smoke munitions.
Turbulence affects the length of time that chemical agents and smoke will remain in the target area.
Wind (Surface)
Wind measurements from the surface to 98,424 ft (50,000 m) or higher are needed for fallout pattern predic-
tion (nuclear weapons). Wind affects chemical/biological agent dispersion and may decrease chemical agent
Wind (Aloft)
Wind aloft affects the aerial delivery of chemical/biological agents and may degrade the effectiveness of
smoke operations.
A high level of humidity increases the effectiveness of smoke and some chemical agents. Combined with high
temperatures, it reduces the time in which troops in protective gear are effective. High humidity levels destroy
some chemical agents. Humidity affects biological agents; the effect varies depending on humidity level and
the type of agent.
Cloud and sky cover may affect aerial loudspeakers and leaflet delivery by restricting visibility and access to
the target.
The delivery of leaflets by aircraft may be hampered when the pilot cannot see the target.
Electrical storms and thunder reduce the audibility of loudspeakers and interfere with radio broadcasts.
Precipitation may force the target audience under cover, where they are not receptive to leaflet drops or loud-
speaker broadcasts. It reduces the audibility of loudspeakers and destroys leaflets.
Wind (Surface)
High winds will reduce the audibility of loudspeakers. Wind speed and direction will affect the distribution of
leaflets by air or artillery.
Meteorological critical values are those values Weather information is frequently color coded to
that significantly reduce the effectiveness of op- help the decisionmaker quickly assess the impact
erations, equipment, and weapons systems. Sig- of weather on impending operations and deci-
nificant variations above or below critical values sions. This person normally is the tactical unit
can prevent the successful completion of a mis- commander to whom the weather service person-
sion. Therefore, the MAGTF SWO must be in- nel provide support. The following color code is
cluded in the planning stages of all operations. suggested for consistency within the operational
Commanders must be aware of meteorological commands:
critical values and consider them in all planning.
Green (favorable)—there are no weather
This appendix provides tables of critical values for restrictions.
specific operations. It does not, however, provide Amber (marginal)—weather degrades or
absolute values for every operation or weapons limits.
system in the battlespace. Critical values must be Red (unfavorable)—weather significantly
weighed against the tactical situation and the mis- affects or prohibits.
sion. Although weather personnel forecast and
call attention to critical factors, only commanders The following tables provide meteorological criti-
decide which values are critical for each opera- cal values for a variety of military operations and
tion. Additional input from NAVOCEANO, ter- functions.
rain analysis teams, and other sources and the
criticality of the mission are weighed by the com-
mander in reaching a decision. Tables within this
appendix show some meteorological critical val-
ues for specific and branch operations.
F-2 MCWP 3-35.7
Amphibious Operations
Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling—cloud and sky cover [ 1,000 ft Concealment; close air support
Visibility (surface) [ 1 mi Target acquisition
Wind (surface) m 7 kt Personnel landing and smoke
m 35 kt Wave and surf limits
Temperature (surface) > 90 °F Personnel and equipment support
Intelligence Operations
Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling—cloud and sky cover [ 200 ft Engagement range
[ 1,000 ft Aerial observation
Surface visibility at the following < 1 mi Determination of enemy’s ability
wavelengths: 1.06 m, 3 - 5 m, to conceal actions; location and
8 - 12 m identification of targets
Wind (surface) > 60 kt Equipment damage
Precipitation > 0.1 in/h liquid Audio sensors and radar
> 0.5 in/h liquid Speed of personnel and
equipment movement
> 2 in within a 12-h period Speed of personnel and
equipment movement;
trafficability and storage of
Snow depth and cover > 6 in Trafficability
Thunderstorms and lightning Any occurrence within 3 mi Troop and equipment safety;
false alarms and false readings
Temperature (surface) >122 °F Emplacement site selection
< -58 °F
Temperature (ground) < 32 °F Trafficability assessment
Wet bulb globe temperature > 85 °F Troop safety
EM propagation Subrefraction and superrefraction Ducting of radar transmission and
Effective illumination < 0.0011 lx Target acquisition
River stage and current strength > 6-ft depth Enemy’s ability to cross rivers or
F-4 MCWP 3-35.7
Engineer Operations
Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling—cloud and sky cover [ 500 ft Area of operations and location of
facilities; personnel safety; aerial
reconnaissance; camouflage
Visibility (surface) [ 0.25 mi Mission planning; concealment
and cover
Wind (surface) m 13 kt Construction and stability of
bridges and structures
Precipitation > 0.5 in/h liquid Need for mines (reduced);
loading and offloading operations
Snow depth and cover > 2 in within a 12-h period Some areas of operations and
locations of facilities; stability of
bridge structures; types of
demolitions to be used and size
and charge; blast from trigger
mechanisms (may render mines
Freeze and thaw depth < 6 in Trafficability determination
Thunderstorms and lightning Any occurrence within 1 mi of site Equipment and personnel safety;
munitions protection
Temperature (ground) < -32 °F Freeze or thaw depth
determination; construction
material; operations, personnel,
and structures (threatened as a
result of precipitation at or below
32 °F)
Humidity > 35% Comfort, equipment operations,
and site selection planning
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support F-9
Airborne Operations
Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling—cloud and sky cover [ 300 ft (90 m) flat terrain Mission planning (day)—jump
altitude, aircraft penetration
[ 500 ft (150 m) flat terrain Mission planning (night)—jump
altitude, aircraft penetration
[ 500 ft (150 m) mountain terrain Target acquisition (day)
[ 1,000 ft (300 m) mountain terrain Target acquisition (night)
[ 10,000 ft mountain terrain Mission planning for landing zone
or drop zone
Surface visibility at the following [ 0.25 mi (400 m) Mission planning—infrared
visible wavelengths: 1.06 m, 3 - 5 sensors; navigation and target
m, 8 - 12 m acquisition—rotary wing
[ 1 mi (1,600 m) Day mission planning—minimum
takeoff or landing, minimum fixed
[ 3 mi (4,800 m) Night mission planning—
minimum takeoff or landing,
minimum fixed wing
Wind (surface) m 13 kt Troop safety for paradrop
operations; limiting value for
operations during training
m 15 kt (m 21 kt for C-12 and Mission planning and aircraft
U-21) safety and recovery
m 25 kt (OV-1) Mission planning and aircraft
m 30 kt and/or gust speeds safety and recovery
Wind (aloft) m 40 kt Jump point; planning for flight
route and duration
Precipitation Any intensity or type Rate of troop fall and target
Thunderstorms and lightning Any occurrence Aircraft performance; aircraft
refueling; reliability of
communications systems;
predetonation of certain
Temperature (surface) [ 32 °F (0 °C) Ground conditions
PA < 100 ft Parachute opening altitude
DA: variable with aircraft, weight, > 6,900 ft Planning; cargo limits
power, and temperature
> 4,000 ft Weight limits for attack and
> 2,000 ft OH-58 troop configuration
Effective illumination < 0.0011 lx Planning of night missions;
navigation safety
NBC Operations
Element Critical Value Impact
Ceiling—cloud and sky cover [ 5,000 ft Aerial deployment agents;
thermal effects (enhanced if burst
is below clouds); thermal and
electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
effects (reduced if burst is above
Wind > 3 kt but < 7 kt NBC operations (favorable)
> 10 kt NBC operations (unfavorable)
> 15 kt First-round munitions accuracy
Precipitation Any intensity or type Washing of agents and smoke
out of the atmosphere; nuclear
hot spot creation
Thunderstorms and lightning Any occurrence within 3 mi Troop and munitions storage
Temperature (surface) > 95 °F Rate of evaporation of liquid
chemical agents; dispersion of
aerosols (high risk of injury in
> 68 °F Risk of heat illness in persons in
MOPP IV (moderate)
< 32 °F Type of shelter (determined by
climate extremes); troop
vulnerability to nuclear radiation
(indirectly affected); thermal
radiation effect (indirect) due to
type of troop clothing
Temperature (vertical gradient Reversal from stable to unstable Time agents or smoke will remain
profile) in an area (reduced)
Reversal from unstable to stable Time agents or smoke will remain
in an area (increased)
Humidity > 60% Agent effectiveness and
dispersion for blister agents (very
effective in hot, humid weather)
Effective illumination < 0.0011 lx Night operation of NBC
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support F-11
Logistic Operations
Element Critical Value Impact
Snow depth and cover > 2 in Trafficability
Freeze and thaw depth < 6 in Site and equipment selection;
Thunderstorms and lightning Any occurrence within 3 mi Equipment, personnel, and
munitions safety
Temperature (surface) > 122 °F Storage and required temperature
< -25 °F control for movement of
medicines; munitions storage
Humidity > 70% Storage of selected supplies and
Table F-13. Critical Values for the Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV).
Note: Criteria are applicable to the AAV, personnel model (AAVP)-7A1; AAV, command model (AAVC)-7A1;
and AAV, recovery model (AAVR)-7A1. Criteria are based on the following three load conditions: combat
load—10,000 lb; troop load—5,600 lb; combat equipped—no load.
Planning for combat operations should be predicated on the AAVP-7A1’s demonstrated capability of negotiating
10-ft plunging waves in combat-load and troop-load conditions and 8-foot plunging waves in combat-equipped
(reverse blank)
Appendix G
Annex H (METOC Services) to I MEF Operation Order 2-98 (Operation Backup) (U)
(b) (U) Joint Pub 3-59, Joint Doctrine for Meteorological and Oceanographic Support
(c) (U) Joint Pub 3-59.1, JTTP for Meteorological and Oceanographic Support
(d) (U) NAVMETOCCOMINST 3140.1K, United States Navy Meteorological & Oceanographic
Support System Manual
Time Zone: T
a. (U) Concept of METOC Support. METOC support under this annex includes collection, process-
ing, derivation, and dissemination of information describing past, present, and future atmospheric,
oceanographic, and terrestrial conditions. USMC METOC personnel who are organic to the ACE will
provide METOC support to forward-deployed elements/units of I MEF/Blue Force. A JMFU, com-
posed of USMC and Blue Force METOC personnel, will be established to support the JTF HQ, I
MEF, Marine Aircraft Group (MAG)-39, 1st Marine Division, and Brigade Service Support Group
(BSSG)-5. The JMFU will be under the direction of the JMO.
b. (U) Assumptions
(2) (U) Meteorological satellites will be available to provide imagery and data to forces in and out
of the theater of operations.
G-2 MCWP 3-35.7
(3) (U) METOC observations from all areas under military and political control of the enemy will
be denied.
(4) (U) METOC data of all types may continue to be made available by friendly and neutral coun-
tries under WMO agreements.
c. (U) Planning Factors. In March, the Pacific Ridge begins to move northward and gradually intensify
as a thermal trough (heat low) begins to form over northwestern Mexico, western Arizona, and south-
eastern California. Due to the influx of warm air, resulting from the migration and development of these
pressure systems, the high-pressure center located over the northwestern U.S. has weakened and al-
most disappeared, allowing Nevada low-pressure systems to affect the local area. A “Nevada low” is a
local name given to the surface reflection of an upper-level closed low or deep trough over Nevada.
The Nevada low is typically a “cold” low that develops during the February-to-April period, producing
strong pressure gradients over western Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and southern California. The primary
concern with a Nevada low is the strong winds associated with the pressure system. With a well-
developed Nevada low over southern Nevada, Yuma can expect southwesterly winds in advance of the
associated cold front and westerly to northwesterly winds sustained at 15 - 20 knots with gusts of 30 -
40 knots following frontal passage. As with any lower desert region, blowing sand and dust can be a
significant problem for flight operations. The sand dunes, located west-northwest of Yuma, become a
factor with a sustained surface wind of 22 knots or greater from the west through northwest. Reduced
visibility to less than 3 miles in blowing dust or sand will result. (See Appendix 1.)
2. (U) MISSION. Provide METOC services for I MEF and other designated units
supporting/participating in operations under all situations of the basic order.
a. (U) Concept of Operations. The METOC support organization will be directed by the JTF com-
mander, with recommendations and advice from the JMO. The HQ Air Force Weather Agency
(AFWA) and the FNMOC, which comprise the two primary METOC production centers, will provide
routine centralized METOC support as required or special METOC support as tasked for the area of
operations. In addition, the AFWA and FNMOC will provide initial METOC support until METOC
communications are established and the JMFU is operational. Once established, the JMFU will be the
primary METOC forecast agency for military forces in BLUELAND and will provide tailored theater-
level products for the area of operations. (See Appendix 2.) METOC personnel at all echelons will fur-
ther tailor these products, as necessary, to support their customers.
(1) (U) The I MEF SWO is responsible for providing/arranging METOC support to HQ, I MEF
(Forward) (MEF(FWD)), and for coordinating and directing overall METOC support for opera-
tions in BLUELAND.
(2) (U) The SWO is responsible for providing METOC support to all forces in theater, as outlined
by references (a) - (d). The JMO will develop the MEF METOC plan and will coordinate METOC
support during implementation of the OPORD.
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support G-3
(3) (U) When directed by the commanding general of I MEF, MWSS 372 and Blue Force METOC
personnel will combine to form the JMFU.
(b) (U) MWSS 372’s METMF, forward deployed to Auxiliary II, BLUELAND, will be the al-
ternate JMFU. The alternate JMFU is responsible for producing and disseminating JMFU
(2) If connectivity with the primary JMFU is lost for a period of six hours.
(4) (U) MWSS 372 will provide METOC support to all forward-deployed units located in the vi-
cinity of Auxiliary II, BLUELAND.
(5) (U) When directed by the JMO, MWSS 372 will provide a fully equipped MEF weather sup-
port team, capable of rapid redeployment, to accompany operational commanders and to provide
on-scene METOC services.
(6) (U) The HQ AFWA and the NAVMETOCCOM will, through their centralized facilities, pro-
vide centralized products.
(7) (U) The 55th Space Weather Squadron (55SXS) will provide specialized space METOC
(8) (U) Units at all echelons will follow the steps below to determine and fill METOC support re-
quirements. Higher echelon units receiving shortfalls will look within their resources for the re-
quired capability.
(b) (U) To the extent possible, provide resources from organic organizations to satisfy their
(c) (U) When unable to satisfy their requirements, notify the next highest echelon of the
(9) (U) Intelligence units at all echelons of command will ensure that all TARWI and Forward Area
Limited Observing Program (FALOP) inputs are passed to the JMFU in a timely manner.
(10) (U) Pilot reports received by METOC/ATC personnel will be forwarded to the JMFU in a
timely manner.
(a) (U) All METOC units with forecast requirements will issue a METOC terminal aerodrome
forecast (TAF) every six hours or as directed by the JMFU.
(b) (U) All METOC units will take and disseminate surface observations every hour and upper-
air soundings every 12 hours or as directed by the JMFU.
(1) Direct coordination is authorized and encouraged between all echelon SWOs. SWOs will coor-
dinate special METOC support requirements with the JMO.
(2) The I MEF(FWD) WEAX is the official forecast for the area of operations. (See Appendix 2,
Tab A.) METOC units may tailor the I MEF(FWD) WEAX to meet specific operational require-
ments. Coordinate significant deviations from the I MEF(FWD) WEAX with the JMFU officer in
charge, except to satisfy an immediate operational need or under conditions affecting the safety of
personnel or equipment. In these cases, coordinate with the JMFU officer in charge after the fact.
4. (U) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS. Logistics of METOC equipment and supplies will be
conducted as outlined in unit standing operating procedures and Annex D. METOC units are expected to
deploy with enough materials to last until resupply can be reasonably expected. Report problems with lo-
gistic support for METOC units through the operational chain of command.
5. (U) COMMAND AND CONTROL. Use theater and tactical nets in addition to established METOC
circuits to pass data and forecast guidance. (See Annex K.)
a. (U) METOC command and control includes normal METOC services augmented with tailored fore-
casts to support the operational and tactical commanders. Regional METOC data streams provide ob-
servations, general forecasts, and special products as requested. Exploit all other data sources,
including U.S. and foreign satellite, teletype, and facsimile broadcasts.
b. (U) Loss of METOC communications circuits will critically degrade the control of METOC services.
Copy joint Service, allied, or other nations’ data sources to continue accurate and consistent support.
Supplement data with local observations taken by tactical units in theater.
c. (U) METOC services are available to echelons where special circuits are not available. Commercial
telephone lines, unclassified weather broadcasts sent in the blind, and computer bulletin boards will be
used to provide information. MEF weather support teams are available to accompany operational com-
manders to provide on-scene METOC support.
d. (U) Dissemination of METOC data will be in accordance with applicable operations security instruc-
tions. (See Annex C.)
BGen, U.S. Marine Corps
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support G-5
G-6 MCWP 3-35.7
Appendix 1 (Astronomical and Climatological Data) to Annex H (METOC Services) to I MEF Op-
eration Order 2-98 (Operation Backup) (U)
Astronomical and Climatological Data (U)
1. All times are listed as local times or Mountain Standard Time (MST). Local time (Tango) is -7 hours
from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (Zulu). BLUELAND remains in MST throughout the year.
Terms and definitions include:
a. Sunrise/Moonrise. The instant when the upper edge of the sun/moon appears on the sea-level
b. Sunset/Moonset. The instant when the upper edge of the sun/moon disappears below the sea-level
c. Nautical Twilight. When the center of the sun’s disk is 12 degrees below the sea-level horizon.
BMNT = beginning of morning nautical twilight. EENT = end of evening nautical twilight.
d. Civil Twilight. When the center of the sun’s disk is 6 degrees below the sea-level horizon. BMCT =
beginning of morning civil twilight. EECT = end of evening civil twilight.
e. Lunar Illumination (% LUM). Given in percentage of the “actual” lunar disk visible at midnight of
each given day.
Sun Moon %
Mar 1 0612 0641 0706 1836 1901 1929 1536 0435 89
Mar 2 0611 0640 0704 1837 1902 1930 1630 0513 94
Mar 3 0610 0639 0703 1838 1902 1931 1725 0550 98
Mar 4 0609 0637 0702 1838 1903 1932 1820 0625 98
Mar 5 0608 0636 0701 1839 1904 1932 1916 0700 100
Sun Moon %
Apr 1 0532 0601 0626 1859 1924 1953 1706 0458 95
Apr 2 0531 0600 0625 1900 1924 1954 1803 0533 99
Apr 3 0529 0559 0623 1900 1925 1954 1902 0609 99
Apr 4 0528 0557 0622 1901 1926 1955 2002 0646 100
Apr 5 0527 0556 0621 1902 1927 1956 2104 0727 99
3. All climatological data is based on observations from 1948 through 1994. Terms and definitions
a. Temperatures. Listed in degrees Fahrenheit for conversion to Celsius: (°F - 32)/1.8 = °C.
b. Sky Condition. CLR = clear (absence of clouds or obscuring phenomena). SCT = scattered (1/10 -
5/10 sky coverage). BKN = broken (6/10 - 9/10 sky coverage). OVC = overcast (10/10 sky coverage).
c. Field Condition. VFR = visual flight rules (ceiling 1,000 ft or greater and/or visibility 3 mi or
greater). IFR = instrument flight rules (ceiling below 1,000 ft and visibility below 3 mi).
d. Visibility. The greatest visibility equaled or exceeded throughout at least one-half of the horizon cir-
cle (not necessarily continuous).
e. Ceiling. The height ascribed to the lowest broken or overcast layer aloft that is predominately
opaque or the vertical visibility into an obscuring phenomena.
Appendix 2 (MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC Support Plan) to Annex H (METOC Services)
to I MEF Operation Order 2-98 (Operation Backup) (U)
MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC Support Plan (U)
1. Upon the employment of a MAGTF (MEU/MEF(FWD)/MEF) as part of a larger naval, joint, or com-
bined force, responsibility for the provision of tactical METOC support will transition from garrison-
based to on-scene METOC support assets under the direction and control of the ACE commander. Naval
METOC centers will retain responsibility for the provision of weather facsimile support; METOC field
data; wind, sea, and tropical cyclone warnings/advisories; area oceanographic support; and detailed local
forecasts/tactical support products for naval units operating independently.
2. Tailored on-scene METOC support is available from METOC assets organic to the ACE. The
MWSSs, equipped with a METMF complex, are normally deployed to a FOB in direct support of that
airfield. MEF weather support teams from the MWSSs are assigned to provide direct support to
commanders/staffs of MAGTF elements other than the ACE, that is, the CE, GCE, and CSSE. MAGTF
elements should forward unique tactical METOC support requirements via the chain of command to the
ACE instead of requesting personnel and equipment directly.
3. The MAGTF ACE commander shall coordinate all tactical METOC support requirements for each ele-
ment; designate MWSSs to provide MEF weather support teams; provide for the timely dissemination of
local warnings/advisories, observations/forecasts, and tactical support summaries/products; and maintain
liaison with naval METOC centers for special tactical support requirements. To provide a common base-
line within each MAGTF, tailored tactical METOC support should be developed in accordance with this
4. The MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC Support Plan consists of the following:
b. Standard Tactical Summaries. These summaries are designed to provide minimum levels of tactical
METOC support to MAGTF elements during routine operations. They include the WEAX and TAS.
These support products are normally transmitted daily or as required.
(1) The I MEF WEAX is based on the standard NAVMETOCCOM WEAX/aviation route weather
forecast (AVWX) format and shall include a meteorological situation, 24-hour forecast, and out-
look to 48 hours for each METOC zone of interest. Astronomical data and a radiological fallout
forecast should be appended as required. (See Enclosure (1) to Tab A of this appendix for METOC
G-12 MCWP 3-35.7
(2) The TAS shall include an atmospheric refractive summary, a tactical assessment, EM sensor
performance predictions, infrared sensor detection range predictions, communication range predic-
tions, and an M-unit summary. Radiosonde calibration data should be appended when air-capable
units are operating in proximity.
c. Special Tactical Summaries. These summaries are designed to provide minimum levels of tactical
METOC support for specific operations and/or functions of Marine aviation. They include the
(1) The AOAFCST is designed to provide support for exercise/real-world amphibious landings and
rehearsals. It shall include a meteorological situation, a 24-hour forecast for the amphibious objec-
tive area/landing area, a surf forecast for target beaches, a tactical assessment, an abbreviated at-
mospheric summary, and astronomical data. A radiological and chemical fallout forecast should be
appended as the tactical situation dictates. The initial forecast should be issued at least 24 hours be-
fore the beginning of amphibious operations.
(2) The STRKFCST is designed to provide a coordinated forecast whenever multiple strike
(OAAW/SEAD/DAS) platforms (VMFA/VMA/VMAQ) are operating as an integrated force under
one tactical commander. It shall include a meteorological situation, a 24-hour forecast of en route
and target weather, an outlook to 48 hours, a tactical assessment, and electro-optical sensor per-
formance predictions.
(3) The ASLTFCST is designed to provide a coordinated forecast whenever multiple assault sup-
port platforms (VMGR/HMH/HMM/HMLA) are operating as an integrated force under one tacti-
cal commander. It shall include a meteorological situation, a 24-hour forecast of en route
FARP/RGR and landing zone weather, an outlook to 48 hours, a tactical assessment, and electro-
optical sensor performance predictions.
5. Tabs A through E of this appendix include drafting guides for each of the tactical summaries discussed
in this plan. They provide METOC forecasters with a baseline for development of tailored tactical sup-
port summaries that meet minimum support requirements. On-scene tactical support products should be
modified as required to meet specific operational requirements and tactical situations. Additionally, ME-
TOC forecasters should strive to maintain a balance between full-spectrum support to MAGTF elements
and communications efficiency. Under normal conditions, tactical summaries should not exceed 2 - 3
pages in length.
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support G-13
Tab A (WEAX) to Appendix 2 (MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC Support Plan) to Annex H
(METOC Services) to I MEF Operation Order 2-98 (Operation Backup) (U)
b. Visibility (NM)
g. WBGTI/Flag Condition
h. Aviation Parameters
(5) Icing
(6) Contrails (ft)
G-14 MCWP 3-35.7
a. Sunrise/Sunset/Sunrise
c. Moonrise/Moonset/Illumination (%)
(Note: Radiological fallout forecast should be included for actual/exercise defense readiness condition
(DEFCON) 3 or MOPP level 2; otherwise at senior forecaster’s discretion.)
Enclosure 1 (METOC Zones) to Tab A (WEAX) to Appendix 2 (MAGTF Standard Tactical ME-
TOC Support Plan) to Annex H (METOC Services) to I MEF Operation Order 2-98 (Operation
Backup) (U)
METOC Zones (U)
2. ( ) TACTICAL ASSESSMENT (Note: 1. Expand on the guidance contained in the propagation condi-
tions summary (PCS) module. Specifically, discuss the atmospheric impact on MAGTF EM systems with
respect to sensor-target-duct geometry (i.e., aircraft positioning; optimum altitudes for jamming, attack,
EM surveillance, etc.). Highlight those sensors that are significantly degraded/enhanced. Focus on tactical
guidance that will enable the tactical air coordinator, sector antiair warfare coordinator, and combat mis-
sion planners to effectively exploit a given atmospheric environment. 2. As feasible, include an
analysis/forecast of atmospheric refractivity conditions in the projected operating area.)
a. Air Search Radar Ranges (NM) for (Missile)/(Fighter Bomber) Square Meter Targets at Various
Altitudes, Based on 90% Probability of Detection
(Note: Radar cross sections should be tailored to the expected threat. Naval Oceanography Systems
Command Technical Document (NOSC TD) 1195, Selected Electromagnetic System Parameters for Use
in the Tactical Environmental Support System/Air Force Tactical Training Publication (AFTTP) 3-1,
Threat Manual, provide representative values of typical U.S./threat platforms. Include all air-search ra-
dars organic to or in support of the MAGTF.
b. Electronic Support Measure (ESM) Intercept Ranges (NM) for Various Emitters
ESM Receiver
Emitter (AN/ALQ-99 - ft)
(Note: A representative set of emitters tailored to the expected threat is preferable to listing every emitter
AN/AAS-38A / / / / / /
(Note: Include FLIR sensors available within the MAGTF. Target types should be tailored to expected
threat. Flight levels should be consistent with platforms supported.)
G-18 MCWP 3-35.7
(Note: Include enough significant levels to enable MEF weather support teams to generate representative
coverage diagrams using IREPS.)
7. ( ) MINI-RAWINSONDE SYSTEM (MRS) CALIBRATION DATA (Note: Include this section only
if MRS-capable units are operating in proximity.)
Tab C (Strike Forecast) to Appendix 2 (MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC Support Plan) to An-
nex H (METOC Services) to I MEF Operation Order 2-98 (Operation Backup) (U)
Strike Forecast (U)
a. En Route Weather to to
(1) Sky/Weather
(6) Turbulence
(8) Icing
(1) Sky/Weather
(7) Turbulence
(9) Icing
(11) D-Values
Tab D (Assault Forecast) to Appendix 2 (MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC Support Plan) to
Annex H (METOC Services) to I MEF Operation Order 2-98 (Operation Backup) (U)
Assault Forecast (U)
a. En Route Weather to to
(1) Sky/Weather
(6) Turbulence
(8) Icing
(1) Sky/Weather
c. Assault Landing Zone Weather (Note: Repeat for each assault landing zone.)
(1) Sky/Weather
(8) Turbulence
(10) Icing
(12) D-Values
MAGTF Meteorological and Oceanographic Support G-23
Tab E (Amphibious Objective Area Forecast) to Appendix 2 (MAGTF Standard Tactical METOC
Support Plan) to Annex H (METOC Services) to I MEF Operation Order 2-98 (Operation
Backup) (U)
Amphibious Objective Area Forecast (U)
a. Sky/Weather
b. Visibility (NM)
h. Aviation Parameters
(3) Turbulence
(5) Icing
3. ( ) SURF FORECAST FOR (RED)/(BLUE) BEACH (Note: Output format included in Mobile Ocean-
ography Support System surf module.)
h. MSI
j. Beach Conditions (Note: Provide summary of hydrographic reconnaissance data, including bottom
type, beach slope/type/trafficability, and significant obstacles (locations) ashore and in shallows. Marine
METOC personnel will be unable to provide without external assistance from reconnaissance units or
d. Radar PCS
G-26 MCWP 3-35.7
(1) Surface-to-Surface Radar Ranges (Note: Expand on the guidance contained in EM PCS
a. Sunrise/Sunset
c. Moonrise/Moonset/Percent Illumination
b. Distance (NM)
METOC Centers
AFCAT 15-152, Volume 5, for a detailed product Primary Mission. The primary mission of the
listing. General product types include: AFCCC is to collect and store global environ-
mental observations in its climatic database. It
Alert notification of events (solar flares, analyzes and applies information from the data-
radio bursts, geomagnetic storms, and base, the HQ AFWA technical library, and other
proton events) sources to prepare tailored environmental studies
Tailored support to exercises and and analyses for DOD forces worldwide.
contingencies, as required (radio propa-
gation forecasts, solar and geomagnetic Capabilities. The AFCCC can prepare tailored
forecasts, and corrections for ionospheric environmental studies on almost any facet of me-
refraction) teorology affecting military operations from the
Routine observation, analysis, and Earth’s surface through 400,000 feet above mean
prediction of the space environment sea level. All studies and analyses are tailored to
(planetary geomagnetic indices, solar flux, user requests. See AFI 15-118 to request support.
and radio propagation) Special product request procedures are provided
Anomaly assessments (communications and in Chapter 2 and Appendix A of
satellite operations). USAFETAC/TC-95/001, Catalogue of Air Force
Weather Technical Publications (1992 - 1995).
Communications Connectivity. Access to Contingency support needed before JMFU activa-
the worldwide METOC database is gained tion should be requested from the AFCCC direc-
through connectivity to the FNMOC. Data and tor of operations. After normal duty hours,
product dissemination are provided through a land- contact the command post. Air Force and Army
line to the FNMOC; Automatic Digital Network requests for Navy METOC support will be coor-
(AUTODIN) to users, as required; standard Navy dinated between the AFCCC and the FLTNUM-
command, control, communications, computers, METOC DET. Responses are provided through
and intelligence (C4I) systems; the Joint Opera- the AFCCC in accordance with the AWS and the
tional Tactical System (JOTS); and dial-in com- CNMOC memorandum of agreement. See AF-
puter access through modem. Database CAT 15-152, Volume 4, for a detailed product
summaries are available on CD-ROM. listing. Additionally, a complete listing is pub-
lished periodically as an AFCCC technical
General Product Types. General product catalog.
types include:
Communications Connectivity. Communi-
Three-dimensional oceanographic analyses cations connectivity includes DSN and commer-
Ocean front and eddy analyses cial phone (both secure telephone unit III (STU-
Bathymetric profiles and databases III) and nonsecure), nonsecure and secure facsim-
Enclosed ocean basin circulation analyses ile, and the Defense Message System (DMS)
and forecasts through Scott Air Force Base.
Mine drift predictions
Oil spill dispersion predictions General Product Types. General product
Tactical oceanographic summaries types include:
Specialized exercises and mission support
Specialized oceanographic publications. Airfield summary packages
Air Force Combat Climatology Center Surface observation climatic summaries
The AFCCC is located at Scott Air Force Base, Climatic briefs
Illinois. Specialized precipitation and temperature
H-4 MCWP 3-35.7
(reverse blank)
Appendix I
products are to be included depending on the mis- reveal the threat COA being executed. This per-
sion, geographical region, climate, and influence mits focusing intelligence collection and produc-
that the potential weather conditions could have tion efforts on those areas/events defined as
on the planning and execution of the mission. Re- named areas of interest (NAIs). Weather events,
gardless of the subject or means of presentation, both actual and anticipated, are critical in deter-
the G-2/S-2 ensures that these products focus on mining the location of these NAIs and in estimat-
the effects of the battlespace environment. ing their effectiveness and reliability.
Step 3: Evaluate the Threat The enemy COA models developed in step 4 are
In step 3, the G-2/S-2 and staff analyze the com- the products that the staff uses in the planning
mand’s intelligence holdings to determine how and decisionmaking processes to enhance effec-
the threat normally organizes for combat and con- tiveness. The G-2/S-2 cannot produce these mod-
ducts operations under similar circumstances. els and accurately predict the threat COAs
When facing a well-known threat, the G-2/S-2 without having:
can rely on historical databases and well-
developed threat models. When operating against Adequately defined and analyzed the
a new or less well-known threat, the G-2/S-2 may friendly mission throughout the estimated
need to develop the intelligence databases and duration of the operation; clearly identified
threat models concurrently. the physical limits of the area of operations
and the area of interest; and identified every
The G-2/S-2’s evaluation is portrayed in a threat characteristic of the battlespace environ-
model that includes doctrinal templates that de- ment that might affect the operation (These
pict how the threat operates when unconstrained characteristics are also quantified by
by the effects of the battlespace environment. Al- objective means, when possible, or by
though these usually emphasize graphic depic- subjective means if qualitative assessments
tions (doctrinal templates), threat models are not available (step 2).)
sometimes emphasize matrices or simple narra- Identified the opportunities and constraints
tives. The SWO provides the expected range of that the battlespace environment offers to
METOC parameters to allow the G-2/S-2 staff to adversaries and friendly forces (Again, such
evaluate limitations of threat capabilities and po- information is also quantified by objective
tential threat actions. It is important for the SWO means, when possible, or by subjective
to be an integral part of the G-2/S-2 staff and means if qualitative assessments are not
know as much as possible about threat and available (step 2).)
friendly forces, capabilities, and systems and how Thoroughly considered what the threat is
weather and oceanographic conditions affect capable of and prefers to do in similar
these systems. situations if unconstrained by the
battlespace environment (step 3).
Step 4: Determine Threat COAs
Step 4 integrates the results of steps 1 through 3 In short, the enemy COA models that drive the
into intelligence estimates and supporting prod- decisionmaking process are valid only if the
ucts. Given what the threat normally prefers to do G-2/S-2 establishes a good foundation during the
and the effects of the specific operating environ- first three steps of the IPB process.
ment, the threat’s likely objectives and available
COAs are analyzed. In step 4, the G-2/S-2 devel- IPB identifies facts and assumptions about the
ops COA models that depict these threat COAs battlespace environment and the threat. It is im-
and prepares event templates and matrices in an perative that these facts and assumptions are pre-
effort to identify or estimate indicators that will sented as separate entities. This permits objective
I-4 MCWP 3-35.7
decisions to be made regarding facts and identi- work to integrate METOC support into all sup-
fies where subjective decisions need to be made porting and follow-on steps and procedures
regarding assumptions. The SWO helps the throughout the command. For example, the fire
G-2/S-2 define weather conditions and uses support and communications and information
TDAs, either manual or electronic, to show po- systems plans can be greatly affected by METOC
tential effects of the weather and oceanographic conditions. The SWO should ensure that weather
conditions and how these could affect the COAs products in the IPB process meet all of the com-
of both threat and friendly forces. IPB is the basis mand’s requirements.
for synchronization. Weather and oceanographic
conditions affect the timing of operations and are Although a standard analysis process is used to
an essential part of the overall battle synchroniza- conduct a METOC analysis for the step describ-
tion. The G-2/S-2 completes the initial intelli- ing battlespace effects, it is adapted to the spe-
gence estimate, and other staff members build cific tactical situation. Weather and
their estimates based on this information. oceanographic condition analysis cannot be
Weather information integrated into the intelli- viewed as a single step within the IPB process;
gence estimate is provided to other staff users, ei- rather, it is included at many steps throughout this
ther in the same format or in another format iterative process. The SWO must understand the
designed for more effective use by that functional IPB process to provide effective support to the
area. The information provided for the initial in- command’s METOC information requirements.
telligence estimate is only the starting point and The initial METOC analysis plays a large part in
may require extensive efforts for application to describing effects anticipated in the battlespace.
other users. The terrain influences on the battlespace also help
to shape the forecast. Weather and terrain must be
The intelligence estimate includes five standard considered when analyzing the battlespace be-
paragraphs defining the mission, areas of opera- cause they complement each other and enhance
tion, enemy situation, enemy capabilities, and the IPB process.
conclusions. The results and products of IPB,
conveyed in the intelligence estimate, are essen-
tial elements of the Marine Corps Planning Proc-
ess. Accordingly, the major IPB effort occurs
before and during the six steps of the planning
process. The steps are:
Mission analysis
COA development
COA analysis
COA comparison/decision
Orders development