Urban PLanning Notes
Urban PLanning Notes
Urban PLanning Notes
1. Economic Development is the creation of wealth from which community benefits are
realized. It is more than a jobs program, it’s an investment in growing your economy and
enhancing the prosperity and quality of life for all residents.
Economic development means different things to different people. On a broad scale, anything a
community does to foster and create a healthy economy can fall under the auspice of economic
From a public perspective, local economic development involves the allocation of limited
resources – land, labor, capitol and entrepreneurship in a way that has a positive effect on the
level of business activity, employment, income distribution patterns, and fiscal solvency.
2.Economic development is a concerted effort on the part of the responsible governing body in
a city or county to influence the direction of private sector investment toward opportunities
that can lead to sustained economic growth. (insert commentary) Sustained economic growth
can provide sufficient incomes for the local labor force, profitable business opportunities for
employers and tax revenues for maintaining an infrastructure to support this continued growth.
How can economic development be measured? Economists use different types of economic
development indicators and indices or metrics, to assess the growth and development of a
country or a region.
Some of the most popular types of economic development indicators or indices available are as
Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the most popular types of economic development
indicators and indices that help to measure the average achievements of a country. It takes into
consideration three variables related to human development standard of living, knowledge and
longevity. The HDI measures standard of living by GDP per capita income, knowledge by
combining literacy rate of adults and total tertiary, secondary and primary gross enrolment
ratio and longevity by life expectancy at birth. This composite indicator keeps track of changes
in the level of economic development of a country over time.
GDP per capita is a type of economic development indicator and indices that can be calculated
by dividing domestic product with midyear population. This global prosperity measure is used
by economists to find and analyze the economic productivity and prosperity of a country. It is
easy-to-use as its components can be tracked on a global scale.
The UN has created the Gender-Related Development Index (GDI) and the
Gender Empowerment Index (GMI) to measure gender equality of a country. Both are common
types of economic development indicator and indices that were introduced in the 1995 UNDP
Human Development Report.
The GDI measures the gender gap in human development achievements by accounting for
disparities between women and men in 3 basic dimensions of human development: a long and
healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living. The ratio is calculated as female HDI to
male HDI.
This index is important because it can help policymakers identify areas where more work needs
to be done in order to improve the lives of women and girls. Countries that rank high on the
GDI tend to have less gender inequality, while countries that rank low often have high levels of
gender inequality.
5. Gender Empowerment Measure
The GEM puts the focus on professional, political and economic gains made by females. This
type of economic development indicator and indices know about gender inequalities through
variables like a share of parliamentary seats, share in managerial and professional jobs and
income-earning power.
Economic empowerment aims to raise the capacity of women and men to participate in,
contribute to and benefit from growth processes in ways which recognise the value of their
contributions, respect their dignity and make it possible to negotiate a fairer distribution of the
benefits of growth.
6. Modern transportation
Economists have argued in favour of transportation networks and believe that these networks
like high-speed rail structure are an important type of economic development indicator and
indices of the economic advancement of a country. Some important and related modern
transportation network indicators and indices are BRTI Index (Basic Transportation
Infrastructure Index) and RTI (Rail Transportation Infrastructure Index).
Transportation plays a vital role in the economy; it makes economic activity possible (e.g.,
connecting producers to raw materials) and is a major economic activity in its own right.
These ties to production and consumption make transportation a useful indicator about the
status of the economy.
Features and Characteristics of Economic Development
Every developing economy tries to put in place economic plans and programs for economic
growth and economic development. It is not a onetime deal but a continuous process for long
term as it will lead to better using of financial and human resource,
increased demand and supply of goods and services, a better quality of life and growth in
national income.
An important characteristic of economic development is that it will help to raise per capita
income that will result in a boost of national income. It is a fact that when the income of a
person will increase the national income of a country will also increase.
An economy that believes in economic development is the one that will exploit national
resource property to its fullest and keep up with the world economies. It will use human,
natural and physical resources to the fullest potential and would provide its people and
communities incentives and opportunities like best education, labor support, business
expansion and more jobs.
An important characteristic of economic development is that the process will help in structural
changes and more opportunities from agriculture to manufacturing to the service sector. There
was a time when agriculture was the dominant occupation of a developing country but with
new jobs and opportunities in business, it has been replaced by the services sector which
contributes to more than half of total national income.
Development in the economy has resulted in both social and economic equality in income,
wealth, status, quality of life and standard of living of people
1. Market imperfection
Economists find that ignorance of market condition, not enough labor support, no clear plans of
expansion and not enough jobs often result in market imperfection and is one of the most
important obstacles in economic growth and development
2. Underutilization of resource
Some economies are not using their national resource to the fullest potential and this becomes
an important obstacle to economic growth and development
3. Lack of demand
Poor income, small purchasing power and low standard of living will prove an obstacle to
economic growth and development.
The economic structure of a city, region or country is continuously changing. Shifting economies
at a global scale, increasing competition between regions and technological and labor market
developments within economic sectors accelerate these changes and raise new challenges for
policy makers.
So, economic renewal and a tailor-made economic development strategy are essential for
regions and cities to cope with all these challenges. The key starting point for such a strategy is
a profound understanding of the changes ahead in relation to the specific cluster capabilities
and qualities of the region or city. A successful local or regional economic development strategy
consists of a mix of policies. This mix includes improvement of the economic structure (key
sectors and actors), development of attractive business and living environments, building
(ecological and energy) sustainability and human capital development (talent and education).
Next, six groups of trends can be identified which have an impact in the future on the economic
performance of a city or region:
Here in the Philippines for us to attain , ED, Economic development practitioners generally work
in public offices on the state, regional, or municipal level, or in public–private partnerships
organizations that may be partially funded by local, regional, state, or federal tax money. These
economic development organizations function as individual entities and in some cases as
departments of local governments for example in the Philippines, NEDA. Their role is to seek
out new economic opportunities and retain their existing business wealth.
NEDA is involved in the formation of national and sub-national policies, plans and programmes.
The agency reviews, monitors and evaluates infrastructure projects, in addition to undertaking
short-term policy reviews that provide critical analyses of development issues and policy
alternatives to decision-makers. NEDA has also been instrumental in stimulating the generation
and use of evidence in policy-making. It plays a central role in mobilising and coordinating other
government departments in stimulating impact evaluation.
During the Duterte Administration, October 11,2016, Pres. Digong Signed the EO. # 5
AmBisyon Natin 2040 represents the collective long-term vision and aspirations of the Filipino
people for themselves and for the country in the next 25 years. It describes the kind of life that
people want to live, and how the country will be by 2040. As such, it is an anchor for
development planning across at least four administrations.
• The NEDA through a series of nationwide public consultations composed of focus group
discussions and survey, has concluded that the Filipinos’ vision for themselves is
"In 2040, we will all enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle, secure in the knowledge that we
have enough for our daily needs and unexpected expenses, that we can plan and prepare for
our own and our children's future. Our family lives together in a place of our own, and we have
the freedom to go where desire, protected and enabled by a clean, efficient and fair
On the Section3 of the executive order, it is stated that the four medium term Philippine
Development Plans, hereafter to be referred to as Philippine Development Plans (PDPs), to be
crafted and implemented until 2040, shall be anchored on the Ambisyon Natin 2040 and overall
goals. The PDPs shall ensure sustainability and consistency of strategies, policies programs and
projects across political administrations.
The Philippine government through economic development and urban planning practitioners
have come up with this 25 year long plan to achieve economical growth and development by
the year 2040, this is something that we can look into.
Every government in the world work towards achieving economic development for its country.
It is a long term goal that will help emerging economies to become developed countries one
day. The year 2020 has proved a challenge because of the pandemic covid 19 but it is a fact that
despite so much turbulence the world has managed to stay strong and move towards further
growth and development.
Amartya Kumar Sen, an Indian economist and philosopher, who received the Nobel Memorial
Prize in Economic Sciences, once said:
“Economic development is about creating freedom for people and removing obstacles to
greater freedom. Greater freedom enables people to choose their own destiny.”
Let’s suppose there are two countries, Fairland and Unfairland. The two countries have exactly
1,000 people each. These countries are fictitious extremes.
Looking just at GDP
Unfairland’s GDP is $40 million, while that of Fairland is $21 million.
Unfairland’s and Fairland’s GDP per capita are $40,000 and $21,000 respectively.
If we just look at GDP per capital, Unfairland appears to be a richer country. However, we do
not know whether it is more economically developed.
If we take out the richest person in each country, GDP per capita is:
Unfairland: $1,000
Fairland: $20,000
In Fairland, 99% of the population is literate, while in Unfairland it is 60%. Fairland has free
universal healthcare. In Unfairland, on the other hand, only half the population has access to
affordable health care.
For every mile of road and railway track in Unfairland, Fairland has 6 miles and 11 miles
There are numerous other organizations whose primary function is not economic development
that work in partnership with economic developers. They include the news media, foundations,
utilities, schools, health care providers, faith-based organizations, and colleges, universities, and
other education or research institutions.
Economic Development Planning: Where To Start
Economic development planning starts with a look at your community to answer the following
Public-private partnership
Below is a description of each of these economic development models and the general
advantages and disadvantages associated with each.
Public Model
Public model organizations are part of a local, regional, or First Nations government. These
organizations can be:
A government department
A cluster of government departments
An arm’s-length public entity including:
o Commissions
o Societies
o Corporations
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Advantages of the Public Model
Disadvantages of the Public Model
Public Model BC Ideas Exchange Success Stories
Private Model
Private model organizations are not a part of or directly linked to local government. They are
often set up as societies or corporations. They are flexible organizations and are usually
designed to address specific local economic development needs.
In a public-private partner model, the costs, governance, and operations for the organization
are shared between a local, regional, or First Nations government and the private sector. In this
model, the organization is not part of the government and has some degree of independence
but is still linked to local government.
This model can reduce some of the disadvantages found in the private and public models by
sharing strengths from each. For this to work, all partners must have a clear, agreed-upon
understanding of the organization’s purpose and how it will operate.
Organization Structure
Once you decide on a model for the foundation of your economic development organization,
you can choose a structure to help set the shape, powers, and functions of the organization.
Structures have different legal and operational considerations. Common structures include:
Service Agreements
When making the decision on what model and structure to choose you should ask the following
Development finance is the efforts of local communities to support, encourage and catalyze
expansion through public and private investment in physical development, redevelopment
and/or business and industry.
So in other words, Development Finance, this is when financial insitutions grants local
communities raise to invest in businesses, industries in order to encourage development.
Whatever development projects that they have planned for, development finance would make it
happen by granting financial supports.
It is the act of contributing to a project or deal that causes that project or deal to materialize in a
manner that benefits the long-term health of the community.
So in larger scope, development finance is when financial instiruions grant loans and capitals to
the government for the implementation of infrastructure projects, properties, establishments that
would benefit the local community.
Development finance requires programs and solutions to challenges that the local business,
industry, real estate and environment creates.
o Development projects
o Low income countries relied on external financing for just under one-half of
their total development financing, and the share gets progressively lower as
countries get richer;
o About half of CDA goes to low income countries; but even upper middle-
income countries receive substantial amounts of CDA ($11 billion in 2011);
o Public and publicly guaranteed loans from all international financial institutions
and other sources are comparatively small in every income category.
Government revenues are the
largest source of development
financing and prospects for
continued increases are good.
Important Functions of
Development Banks
Development banks have been started with the motive of increasing the pace of
industrialization. The traditional financial institutions could not take up this challenge
because of their limitations. In order to help all round industrialization development
banks were made multipurpose institutions. Besides financing they were assigned
promotional work also. Some important functions of these institutions are discussed as
Development banks do not provide medium-term and long-term loans only but they
help industrial enterprises in many other ways too. These banks subscribe to the bonds
and debentures of the companies, underwrite to their shares and debentures and,
guarantee the loans raised from foreign and domestic sources. They also help
undertakings to acquire machinery from with in and outside the country.
Developing countries lack entrepreneurs who can take up the job of setting up new
projects. It may be due to lack of expertise and managerial ability. Development banks
were assigned the job of entrepreneurial gap filling. They undertake the task of
discovering investment projects, promotion of industrial enterprises, provide technical
and managerial assistance, undertaking economic and technical research, conducting
surveys, feasibility studies etc. The promotional role of development bank is very
significant for increasing the pace of industrialization. Tagan opportunity mag
encourage entrepreneurial
3. Commercial Banking Business
4. Joint Finance
5. Refinance Facility
6. Credit Guarantee
The small scale sector is not getting proper financial facilities due to the clement of risk
since these units do not have sufficient securities to offer for loans, lending institutions
are hesitant to extend them loans. To overcome this difficulty many countries including
India and Japan have devised credit guarantee scheme and credit insurance scheme. In
India, credit guarantee scheme was introduced in 1960 with the object of enlarging the
supply of institutional credit to small industrial units by granting a degree of protection
to lending institutions against possible losses in respect of such advances. In Japan
besides credit guarantee, insurance is also provided. These schemes help small scale
concerns to avail loan facilities without hesitation.
7. Underwriting of Securities
Development banks have become world wide phenomena. Their functions depend upon
the requirements of the economy and the state of development of the country. They
have become well recognized segments of financial market. They are playing an
important role in the promotion of industries in developing and underdeveloped