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Moral Philosophy

 Ethics or moral philosophy studies morality and serves as a guide

for people in choosing the right path in life.
 The concept of what is good and evil can be confusing because
what one may conceive as bad may be conceive as acceptable to
 There are many factors that can afect how an individual views a
conduct or an act as good or evil.
 It is rooted deeply in how he is brought up and how he is
infuenced by his environment.
 The greatest factor that can afect one’s concept of right and
wrong is religion.
Right vs Wrong

 The word “right” comes from the Latin word “rectus” which
means “straight” or “right” and came to the English language
through the Old English word “riht” which means “just, fair,
proper, or good.”
 The word “wrong,” on the other hand, comes from the Latin word
“pravus” which means “crooked.” It developed its use to connote
a bad, immoral, or unjust behavior in the 1300s.
 Doing the right thing is an act that is in accordance with the law,
justice, and morality while doing the wrong thing is an act that is
not in accordance with morality or the law.
 The right way is one which is proper, appropriate, and suitable
while the wrong way is one which not suitable or appropriate.
 Doing the right or the wrong thing depends largely on the
individual and how he is brought up and how environmental
factors have afected the way he behaves or acts.
 Each man is born with the ability to choose which path to follow,
but deeply religious individuals tend to do the right thing more
often than those who are not.
Diference between ethics and
 Ethics and morals relate to “right” and “wrong” conduct. While
they are sometimes used interchangeably, they are diferent
 ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, e.g., codes of
conduct in workplaces or principles in religions.
 Morals refer to an individual’s own principles regarding right and
Ethics Morals
 The rules of conduct recognized  Principles or habits with respect
in respect to a particular class of to right or wrong conduct. While
human actions or a particular morals also prescribe dos and
group or culture don'ts, morality is ultimately a
personal compass of right and
 Social system – External
 Because society says it is the  Individual – Internal
right thing to do.
 Because we believe in something
 Ethics are dependent on others
being right or wrong.
for defnition. They tend to be
consistent within a certain  Usually consistent, although can
context, but can vary between change if an individual’s beliefs
contexts. change.
Ethics Morals
 A person strictly following Ethical  A Moral Person although perhaps
Principles may not have any bound by a higher covenant,
Morals at all. Likewise, one could may choose to follow a code of
violate Ethical Principles within a ethics as it would apply to a
given system of rules in order to system. "Make it ft“
maintain Moral integrity.  Morality transcends cultural
 Ethics are governed by norms
professional and legal guidelines
within a particular time and place

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