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MIT803 Assignment 6 Solutions

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MIT 8.

03 Fall 2004 – Solutions to Problem Set 6

Problem 6.1 — Phase and group velocity in your bathtub
The dispersion relation for deep-water waves is given approximately by
T 3
ω 2 = gk + k ,
where ω = 2π/λ.

(a) For very short wavelengths (λ « 1.7 cm), the k3 term dominates. Then ω 2 ≈ T /ρk 3 . Then, the phase
velocity is

ω Tk
vp = = .
k ρ

The group velocity is

dω 3 Tk
vg = = .
dk 2 ρ

Combining these two equations gives vg = 3/2vp .

(b) For very long wavelengths (λ » 1.7 cm), the k term dominates. Then ω 2 ≈ gk. Then, the phase
velocity is

vp = .
And the group velocity is

1 g
vg = .
2 k
Hence, vg = vp /2.

Problem 6.2 — Shallow-water waves (Home experiment)

This experiment was performed by Igor Sylvester.
(a) I made many measurements and finally concluded that it took about 3 s for a wave packet to travel
4 times the diameter (23 cm) of a pan with a depth of 9 mm. The uncertainty in this is about 0.5 s
(17% error). Even though I used a stopwatch that can measure time with an accuracy of 10 ms, the
error in my measurement is much larger because it’s not easy to tell precisely where the packet is.
(b) The speed of the wave packet based on my results is 31 ± 5 cm/s. This is in good agreement with the
predicted value of 29.7 cm/s.
Problem 6.3 — (French 7–20) Why are deep-water waves dispersive?
(a) The potential energy of the liquid is

U = mgh = (ρAy)gy = ρAgy 2 .

The kinetic energy is

1 1 dy
K= mv 2 = (ρAl) .
2 2 dt

Then, we can derive the equation of motion from conservation of energy:
= 0
= (2Aρgy + ρAlÿ)ẏ
⇒ ÿ + y = 0.
This is a simple harmonic oscillator. Hence, the period of oscillations is T = π 2l/g.

(b) We know that v = νλ. Assuming that λ ≈ 2l, v = 2νl = gλ/π.
(c) For λ = 500 m, v = 27 m/s ≈ 97 km/h ≈ 61 mi/h.
Problem 6.4 — Energy in waves
(a) Equation 7–38 in French gives the energy per wavelength in a traveling wave. Using v = T /µ and
ν = vλ, eq. 7–38 is
Wcycle = 2π 2 ν 2 A2 λµ = 2π 2 A2 .
The equation
π 2 A2 T
Eλ =
is the energy stored in one wavelength of a standing wave. Note that Wcycle = 2Eλ . This is cor­
rect because the energy per wavelength in a traveling wave is double that of a standing wave (same
(b) The following graph shows the deformed string (highly exaggerated).

If the tension remains approximately constant (for modest distortion) then the work needed to pick
up the string is
W = F (y) dy,

F (y) = 2T sin θ
≈ 2T
= y.
4T 2T A2
W = y dy = .
0 L 2


= n y dy
0 L/2n
2T n2 A2n
= .

(d) For the triangular wave, L = nλ/2 and

2 2T n2 A2n
Eλtriangle =
n nλ/2
8T A2n
= .
Then, the energy ratio is
Eλsine π2
Eλtriangle 8
≈ 1.25.

Problem 6.5 — Energy in traveling waves on a string

(a) A standing wave with amplitude A can be created by two traveling waves, moving in opposite directions,
each with amplitude 0.5A. Thus, the total energy (per wavelength λ) is half that of the standing wave
with amplitude A. When the standing wave stands still, all it energy is in the form of potential energy,
which is proportional to A2 . For one of the two traveling waves (amplitude 0.5A), the potential energy
is proportional to A2 /4 and it is independent of time. Thus, its kinetic energy (at any moment in time)
must also be A2 /4, so that its total energy per wavelength is half that of the standing wave.
(b) Let’s calculate the kinetic and potential energies in one wavelength explicitly. The wave is y(x, t) =
A sin(ωt − kx), where k = 2π/λ, ω = vk and v 2 = T /µ. The kinetic energy is
 λ  2
1 ∂y
K = µ dx
0 2 ∂t

µ λ 2 2
= A ω cos2 (ωt − kx) dx
2 0
µA2 ω 2 λ
2 2
T A2 π 2
= .
The potential energy is
 λ  2
1 ∂y
U = T dx
0 2 ∂x

T λ 2 2
= A k cos2 (ωt − kx) dx
2 0
T A2 k 2 λ
2 2
T A2 π 2
= .

As expected, the kinetic and potential energies are equal. The total energy in one wavelength of a
traveling wave is 2T A2 π 2 /λ.

Problem 6.6 — (Bekefi & Barrett 3.3) Electromagnetic plane waves

E = By ŷ. Hence, Bx = Bz = 0. We now proceed by applying Maxwell’s equations to
(a) First note that B
B and E. Gauss’ Law for electricity states that
E ·E
∇ E = 0
∂Ex ∂Ey ∂Ez
+ + = 0
∂x ∂y ∂z
E0x f ' kx + E0y f ' ky + E0z f ' kz = 0
E0x kx + E0y ky + E0z kz = 0
⇒E E · Ek = 0.
E · Ek = 0. Ampérè’s Law says that
Similarly, Gauss’ Law for magnetism gives B

1 ∂EE
E ×B
∇ E = 2
c ∂t
∂By ∂By 1 ∂EE
ẑ − x̂ =
∂x ∂z c2 ∂t
1 ∂EE
kx B0y f ' ẑ − kz B0y f ' x̂ = 2
c ∂t
Note here that Ey = 0 since the left side of the equation does not have a component along ŷ. Integrating
the former equation with respect to t gives

E c2 B0y E (Er)
E = (kx f ẑ − kz f x̂) + C
c2 E (Er),
= B0y f · (kx ẑ − kz x̂) + C

where CE (Er) is a constant of integration. You can quickly check that ∇

E ·E
E = 0 implies ∇
E ·CE = 0. Also,
we can use Faraday’s Law to show that ∇ E ×CE = 0. The details of the algebraic steps are left as an
exercise to the reader. It turns out that ∇ E ·C
E = 0 and ∇E ×C E = 0 imply CE = 0. Then, using ω = |k|c,

E c
E = B0y f · (kx ẑ − kz x̂)
kx kz
= B0y c f ẑ − f x̂
|k| |k|
= −c k̂ × B.
E = c|B
Consequently, |E| E | and Eˆ × B̂ = k.ˆ Thus, E E ⊥ Ek and EE ⊥ BE . Note that the direction of
propagation of the wave, k̂, equals the direction of the Poynting vector S
(b) If kz = 0 then Ek = kx and E
E = Ez ẑ since Ek ⊥ B
E ⊥ E.
E Using the equation derived in the previous
E = E
−ck̂ × B
= cB0z f Ek · Er − ωt + φ Ez.

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