NICL - Information Finance Module
NICL - Information Finance Module
NICL - Information Finance Module
Market sizing
As of 31st December 2022, PKR 2,759,206 Million in Islamic Banks Saving + Current Deposits
If 10% is the risk appetite of the account holders, then almost 276 Billion is the total market size
that can be acquired in the beginning which is still untapped.
Selling style
Through the Largest Jamias / Madrassah having well known Ulema and their students
As above.
6 Months
18 Months
Service evolution
Anyone above 18 have a bank account in Islamic Bank as mentioned above: 70%
The categories are interlinked so the percentages are not independent of one another
Cost structure broken down
Our main target age of premium customers is 35+ which goes upto 70 years on average.
So within 35 years we will be making 4% of 60K per month over 35 years = 0.04 x 60,000 x 12 x 35
= almost 1 Million per customer over the useful life.
Once the customer enters the service, financial advisory and knowledge will be provided for free.
Free news and buying selling tips regarding the right time will be provided.