LESSON PLAN Ranuuuuuuuuu's
LESSON PLAN Ranuuuuuuuuu's
LESSON PLAN Ranuuuuuuuuu's
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of the class the women are able to understand about the prevention
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the class the women are able to understand about the
- Meaning of osteoporosis
- Enumerate the causes and risk factors of osteoporosis
- Enlist the types of osteoporosis
- Point out the sign and symptoms
- Understand the prevention of osteoporosis
- Explain the foods to be avoided to prevent osteoporosis
S.No Time Specific Teaching A,V aids Evaluation
objective Content Learning
Eating disorder
Excessive caffeine consumption.
Insufficient physical activity.
Excess physical activity. Lecture cum
Poor health discussion
Types of Osteoporosis
Primary osteoporosis
These occur in 5% to 20% women because of the
sudden postmenopausal decrease in oestrogen
levels which results in a rapid depletion of calcium
from the skeleton.
Secondary osteoporosis
4. 3min Point out the Secondary osteoporosis’ is caused by certain
sign and medical conditions or treatments that interfere with What are the
symptoms the attainment of peak bone mass and may cause sign and
bone loss. symptoms?
Prevention of Osteoporosis
Ideally, osteoporosis is a condition that should be
prevented from occurring. But this is unrealistic given our
present state of knowledge and ability to influence it.