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GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of the class the women are able to understand about the prevention

of osteoporosis and able to apply their knowledge in their daily living.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the class the women are able to understand about the

- Meaning of osteoporosis
- Enumerate the causes and risk factors of osteoporosis
- Enlist the types of osteoporosis
- Point out the sign and symptoms
- Understand the prevention of osteoporosis
- Explain the foods to be avoided to prevent osteoporosis
S.No Time Specific Teaching A,V aids Evaluation
objective Content Learning

Introduction our self

1. 6min Introduce the Introduction

topic Women’s lives have changed over the centuries. Today Lecture cum
women’s health is coming to be viewed as a distinctive discussion
field. Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease when there
is accelerated bone loss. Normally, there is a loss of bone
mass with ageing, perhaps 0.7% per year in adults.
Osteoporosis is now recognized as global health care
problem. Osteoporosis is largely preventable for most of
the people. Prevention of this disease is very important
because, while there is currently no cure. This condition
especially afflicts post menopausal and elderly women.
2. 4min Meaning of
osteoporosis Meaning Lecture cum
Osteoporosis is a condition of decreased bone mass. It is discussion What do you
often called the “silent disease”. meant by
Incidence osteoporosis?
It is estimated that 30% of post menopausal women suffers
from this disease.
3. 13min Enumerate the Lecture cum
causes and risk Causes of osteoporosis discussion
factors of Osteoporosis occurs as a result of
osteoporosis 1) Immobilization: Immobilization following
fracture or bedridden situation results in
2) Hormonal imbalance: Gonadal hormones likes
estrogen and androgen are needed for the normal
process of bone formation. Deficiency of these
hormones renders bone brittle and weak susceptible
to fractures.
3) Nutritional deficiency: Generalized malnutrition
with deficiency of protein, calcium and phosphorus
can also cause osteoporosis. Flash card
Lecture cum What are the
Risk Factors discussion risk factors of
There are certain factors seem to play a role in the osteoporosis?
development of osteoporosis. Several of these factors have
been shown to be stronger predictors of bone loss than

Non-Modifiable Risk Factors

 Age 65 or older.
 Female sex (Oestrogen deficiency).
 Family history of osteoporotic fracture.
 Glucorticoid therapy
 Malnutrition
 Neoplasia
 Tendency to fall.
 Early onset of menopause (before age 45)

Modifiable Risk Factor

 Smoking
 Very low body mass index
 Lack of dietary calcium.
 Lack of sunlight exposure.

 Eating disorder
 Excessive caffeine consumption.
 Insufficient physical activity.
 Excess physical activity. Lecture cum
 Poor health discussion

Disorders associated with osteoporosis

There are many disorders associated with osteoporosis.
 Hypogonadal states
 Rheumatoid disorders
3. 4min Enlist the type  Endocrine disorders
of osteoporosis  Malignancy Lecture cum Pamphlet
 Nutritional disorder discussion

Types of Osteoporosis
 Primary osteoporosis
These occur in 5% to 20% women because of the
sudden postmenopausal decrease in oestrogen
levels which results in a rapid depletion of calcium
from the skeleton.
 Secondary osteoporosis
4. 3min Point out the Secondary osteoporosis’ is caused by certain
sign and medical conditions or treatments that interfere with What are the
symptoms the attainment of peak bone mass and may cause sign and
bone loss. symptoms?

Sign and Symptoms

 Unexplained bone and joint pain
5. 10min Understand the Flash card What steps can
 Loss of weight
prevention of  Loss of height or stooping Lecture cum you take to
osteoporosis  Limited mobility and possible disability discussion prevent

Prevention of Osteoporosis
Ideally, osteoporosis is a condition that should be
prevented from occurring. But this is unrealistic given our
present state of knowledge and ability to influence it.

Exercise and lifestyle

Healthy bones at least partially reflect healthy living:

taking regular exercise is the single most important action
anyone can take to improve the strength of their bones.
Changing your lifestyle could help to reduce your chances
of developing osteoporosis. A healthy diet and regular
exercise can increase bone mass. The National
Osteoporosis Society recommends jogging, aerobics,
tennis, weight-training, dancing and brisk walking.

Stopping smoking should be a priority for anyone

interested in enjoying a longer life and keeping away from
orthopedics wards. What is the
Alcohol consumption should also be kept within safe requirement
limits. during post
Diet period?
Calcium: A good calcium intake is essential throughout
life for healthy bones. The recommended intake of calcium
during post menopausal period is 1500 mg/ day. The
richest sources of Calcium are milk and dairy products
5min Flash card
6. Explain the like labneh, cheese, laban and yogurt. Other sources that and chart
foods to be have Calcium include spinach, okra, sardines and broccoli. What are the
avoided to foods to be
prevent Vitamin D: Your body also needs vitamin D to absorb avoided to
osteoporosis calcium properly. Vitamin D is produced naturally by your prevent
body when your skin is exposed to sunlight and can also be osteoporosis?
obtained from some foods, such as oily fish, cod liver oil
etc. It is also essential for the absorption of calcium.

Foods to Avoid With Osteoporosis

Consuming adequate amounts of calcium-rich foods and

getting vitamin D from sunshine or diet is necessary for
bone health, but just as important is avoiding or limiting
certain food substances that can harm bones. Some harm
bones by replacing more nutritious foods in the diet and
others, especially when consumed in excess, cause calcium
to be leached from the bones.

Excess Animal Protein: Excess animal protein leaches

calcium from bones. Studies show that countries in which
people eat primarily a plant-based diet have lower rates of
osteoporosis and fractures than do countries in which
people eat diets high in animal protein.

Excess Salt: Consumption of excess salt in foods is

detrimental to the body in many ways, including bone
health because excess sodium causes calcium to be
excreted by the kidneys.
Soft Drinks: The recommended daily allowance of
phosphorus for adults is 700 mg, but people eating a
typical Western diet often take in an excess due to heavy
consumption of meat, poultry and carbonated drinks. For
example, one serving of cola can contain as much as 500
mg of phosphorus. In order to maintain balance, the body
pulls calcium from the bones which can lead to loss of
bone mass. Reducing or eliminating consumption of soft
drinks is important in preserving bone density for people
with osteoporosis.

Alcohol and Caffeine: According to Columbia

University's Health Services, heavy consumption of
alcohol can lead to loss of bone density. This may be at
least partially due to the poor nutrition, lack of exercise
and lack of time spent outdoors in the sun that often
accompanies heavy alcohol intake. Caffeine is known to
leach calcium from bones. Another consideration is that
caffeinated drinks may replace milk and other calcium-rich
drinks in the diet.

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