MTP 1 Suggested Answers AA
MTP 1 Suggested Answers AA
MTP 1 Suggested Answers AA
According AS 7, when it is probable that total contract costs will exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss
should be recognised as an expense immediately.
(b) Contract work-in-progress i.e. cost incurred to date are Rs 605 lakhs(Rs in lakhs)
= (Contract costs + Recognised profits –Recognised Losses)–(Progress payments received + Progress payments to be
= Rs 35 lakhs
Working Note:
1.Employee Compensation Expenses = Discount between Market Price and option price
3.Securities Premium Account = Rs 50 – Rs10 = Rs 40 per share + Rs 90 per share on account of discount of option
price over market price = Rs 130 per share = Rs 130 x 4,800 = Rs 6, 24,000/- in total.
Form B-RA (Prescribed by IRDA)Metro General Insurance CompanyRegistration no. and date of registration with
IRDARevenue Account for the year ended 31st March, 20X2
Commission 3 1,57,000
ParticularsAmount (` )
Particulars Amount (` )
Schedule 3: Commission
Particulars Amount (` )
Particulars Amount (` )
1. Claims incurred
Particulars Direct Business (` ) Re-insurance accepted (` ) Re-insurance Ceded (`)
Paid / received 49,70,000 5,10,000 3,95,000
Add: Outstanding
at the end of
the year 7,38,000 70,000 1,25,000
Expenses in
with settlement
of claims
(45,000 + 55,000) 1,00,000
Outstanding at
the beginning
of the year (6,85,000) (95,000) (75,000)
51,23,000 4,85,000 4,45,000
(a) If Insurance Company does not wish to bear the whole of risk of a policy, then it will reinsure a part of risk with
some other insurer. In such a case the insurer is said to have ceded (given) a part of its business to other insurer .i.e.
the risk of the insurance is being underwritten by another Insurance Company. In other words, in Re-Insurance
business transaction is defined as an agreement between the Ceding Company and the Reinsurer, where the former
agrees to cede (give) and the later agrees to accept certain specified share of risk in return for a share of the
premium. In such a case, on a claim arising, the claim will be shared between the two companies in the proportion
they had agreed to underwrite the risk.
Date Particulars Dr Rs Cr Rs
31/3/11 Employees Compensation Expense Account Dr. 12000
To Employees Stock Option Outstanding Account 12000
(Being compensation expense recognized in respect
of 1,000 options granted to employees at discount
of Rs 30 each, amortized on straight line basis over
2½ years)
Profit and Loss Account Dr. 12000
To Employees Compensation Expense Account 12000
(Being employees compensation expense of the year
transferred to P&L A/c)
31/3/12 Employees Compensation Expense Account Dr. 12000
To Employees Stock Option Outstanding Account 12000
(Being compensation expense recognized in respect
of 1,000 options granted to employees at discount
of `30 each, amortized on straight line basis over 2½
Profit and Loss Account Dr. 12000
To Employees Compensation Expense Account 12000
(Being employees compensation expense of the year
transferred to P&L A/c)
31/3/13 Employees Compensation Expense Account Dr. 12000
To Employees Stock Option Outstanding Account 12000
(Being balance of compensation expense amortized
Rs30,000 lessRs.24,000)
Profit and Loss Account Dr. 12000
To Employees Compensation Expense Account 12000
(Being employees compensation expense of the year
transferred to P&L A/c)
31/7/13 Bank Account (`60 × 1,000) Dr. 60000
To Equity Share Capital Account 50000
To Securities Premium Account 10000
(Being exercise of 1,000 options at an exercise price
of Rs 60)
31/7/13 Stock Option Outstanding A/c (’30 x 1,000) Dr 30000
To Securities Premium Account 30000
(Being the balance in the Employees Stock Option
Outstanding Account transferred to Securities
Premium A/c)
Working Notes:
2. Employees compensation expense has been written off during 2½ years on straight line basis as under: I year = Rs
12,000 (for full year) II year = Rs 12,000 (for full year) III year = `6,000 (for half year)
(a) For the purpose of accounting AS 19 ‘Leases’ classify the lease into two categories as follows:
The asset given on lease to lessee is of specialized nature and can only be used by the lessee without major
modification. Operating Lease: It is lease, which does not transfer all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership.
Lease payments under an operating lease should be recognised as an expense in the statement of profit and loss on
a straight line basis over the lease term unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern of
the user’s benefit.
(b) Calculation of cost of software (intangible asset) acquired for internal use
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 114A of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938), the Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority in consultation with the Insurance Advisory Committee prescribed the new formats for
the financial statements of Insurance Companies i.e. preparation of Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report of
Insurance Companies Regulations, 2000. Therefore, the above revenue account can be prepared as:
Working Notes: