Dua Al Mashlool
Dua Al Mashlool
Dua Al Mashlool
came to Imam Ali and said that he had recited this
dua as advised and went to sleep. He saw the
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in a dream. The
Prophet gently touched his body with his hand and
asked him to always recite this dua for it contains
Ism-e-Azam (the greatest name of Allah).
َ ْٔ َال اٌِـَٗ اِالّ ا
َٛ ُ٘ َ ْؼٍَ ُُ ِب٠ ب َِ ْٓ ال٠ َٛ ُ٘ ب٠ ،ذ
There is no God but you. O he of whom no one has
knowledge of what he is
Laa ilaaha illa anta yaa huwa yaaman laa
yalamo maa huwa
َٛ ُ٘ ّ اِالَٛ ُ٘ ْش
ُ ١ال َدَٚ َٛ ُ٘ َف١ْ ال َوَٚ
Nor how he is, nor where he is, except HE
walaa kaifa huwa walaa aina huwa walaa
h'aitho huwa illa huwa
ب ُِزَ َىجِّ ُغ٠ ب َججّب ُع٠ ُؼ٠ب ػَؼ٠ ُٓ ِّ ١ْ َُِٙ ب٠
O the protector, O the mighty One; O the
compeller; O the one who is majestic.
yaa muhaiminu, yaa a'zeezu, yaa jabbaaru,
yaa mutakabir
ُصُٛ ب َِؼْج٠ ُصُّٛ ْب َِذ٠ ُصٚ ُصَٚ ب٠ ُض١ب ُِج٠
O the destroyer; O the Most loving: O the most
Praised; O the worshipped
yaa mubeedu yaa wadoodu yaa mah'moodu
yaa ma'bood
ُُ ٠ب َوغ٠ ُُ ١ٍب َد٠ ُُ ١ٍَب ػ٠ ُغ١ّب َؿ٠
O the one who hears everything, O the one who has
knowledge of everything, O the lenient one, O the
most noble
yaa sameeu, yaa aleemu, yaa haleemu, yaa
ًُ ١َب وف٠ ًُ ١وَٚ ب٠ ًُ ١ّب َج٠ ًُ ١ٍب َج٠
O the majestic. O the source of all beauty; O the all
trusting, O the guarantor
yaa jaleelu, yaa jameelu, yaa wakeelu, yaa
ب ػب ِص ُي٠ ٝب لبض٠ ُُ ب دب ِو٠ ُُ ٌِب ػب٠
O the all Knowing; O the all wise; O the giver of
justice; O the impartial one
yaa aalimu, yaa h'aakimu, yaa qaazi, yaa
ٌَ ْضُٛ ٠ ُْ ٌََٚ ٍَِ ْض٠ ُْ ٌَ ْٓ َِ ب٠
O the one who has not given birth to anyone, nor is
he born from anyone;
yaa man lam yalid walam yulad
ِ ٌَُٗ ْٓ ُى٠َ ُْ ٌََٚ
Nor does he have any companion;
Wa lam yakul lahu s'aahebatun
غ١َٙ ظٌِٝالَ ادْ زب َط اَٚ
Nor is there with him any supporter
Wa lahtaaja ila zaheerin
ب فَزّب ُح٠ ب ثب ِط ُر٠ ب شب ِِ ُز٠ ُّٝ ٍِب َػ٠
O the most high; O the most Lofty; O the all
towering; O the opener;
Yaa a'liyyo yaa shaamikhu, yaa baadikhu, yaa
ُ اعٚ
ُب غبٌِت٠ ُب طبٌِت٠ س ُ ب ثب ِػ٠
ِ ب٠ ش
O the one who resurrects; O the inheritor; O the
seeker; O the all conqueror
yaa baaithu, yaa waarithu, yaa taalibu yaa
ِ ُُٗرَُٛف٠ ب َِ ْٓ ال٠
O you from whom no fugitive can escape.
yaa man la yafawtahu haarib
ة ْ ِّت ا
ِ الؿْجب َ ب ُِ َـج٠ ُّ٘بةَٚ ب٠ ُّاةَٚب ا٠ ُاةّٛ َب ر٠
O the acceptor of repentance; O the one who
readily forgives, O the one who gives endlessly; O
the causer of all causes;
yaa tawwaabu, yaa awwaabu, yaa wahhaabu
yaa musabbibal asbaab
came to Imam Ali and said that he had recited this
dua as advised and went to sleep. He saw the
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in a dream. The
Prophet gently touched his body with his hand and
asked him to always recite this dua for it contains
Ism-e-Azam (the greatest name of Allah).
ب َِ ْٓ ثَطََٓ فَ َشجَ َغ٠ ،ه فَمَض ََع
َ ٍََِ ْٓ َِ ب٠
O The one who is the master and all powerful, O
The one who is hidden yet aware of everything;
yaa man malaka faqadara yaa man bat'ana fa
ب ُِمَض َِّع ُو ًِّ لَضَع٠ ق ْاٌجَ َش ِغ ِ ب٠ ، ِٗ اَصَغ١ْ ٍَ َػَٝ ْشف٠ الَٚ
َ عاػ
O the one from whom nothing is concealed, O the
one who provides sustenance to mankind, O the
one who is ordains every destiny.
walaa yakhfa alaihi athar yaa raaziq al bashar
yaa mukaddira kulle qadar
ِْ اٌـ ٍُّْطبَٚ ب َطا ْاٌ ِؼ َّؼ ِح٠ ِْ ال ِِدْ ـب
ْ اَٚ َِّّٓ ٌب َطا ْا٠
O you who is the possessor of favors and benefits;
O you the lord of Honor and authority
yaa dal manni wal ehsaan, Yaa dal izzati
َْْ ْش َغٍُُٗ َشبْْ ػ َْٓ َشب٠ ب َِ ْٓ ال٠ ْْ َشبَٝ فُٛ َ٠ ًِّ ُوَٛ ُ٘ ْٓ َِ
O the one who has a unique glory each day none of
which is erased by the prominence of another one.
yaa man huwa kulla yaumin fee shaan,yaa
man laa yashghalohu shaan an shaan,
ِ اَٛت اٌ َّضػ١ج
د ْ ب ؿب ِِ َغ ا٠
ِ اٛ ْالَِ ص
َ ُِ ب٠ د
O the listener of all voices; O the answerer of
yaa samea al sawt, yaa mujeebad dawaat
ِ ْاٌ َذ َـٕبَّٝ ٌَِٚ ب٠
ِ ب عافِ َغ اٌ َّض َعجب٠ د
O the one who protects good deeds. O the one who
raises men in rank and degree;
yaa waliy al hasanaat yaa, raafia al darajaat
ُ ٍُاٌظ
ّبد ُ َ ب َِ ْٓ ال رُضْ ِج ُغُٖ ْاٌ َّـْأ٠
ُّ ُٖال رَ ْغشبَٚ الد
O the one who is not agitated by a multitude of
requests; and whom no darkness can hide or cover;
yaa man laa tuzjirohul masalaat Walaa tagh
shaahu zulumat
ِ اٚاٌـِّّبٚ ض ْ َع اُٛٔ ب٠
ِ ْالَِ ع
O Light of the earth and the heavens
yaa nooral arzi was samaawaat
ُّ َٚ عٛ
ُِ ٍَاٌظ ِ ُّٕ ٌك ا
َ ٌِب سب٠ ُِ َ اٌ َّـمَٝ ِب شبف٠
O the healer of disease; O the creator of light and
yaa shaafiya alsaqam, yaa khaaleqal noor
َََطَأ ُ َػغْ َشٗ لَض٠ ب َِ ْٓ ال٠ َِ ْاٌ َى َغَٚ ِصُٛب َطا ْاٌج٠
O the lord of generosity and magnanimity; O the
one on whose throne no one else can sit!
Yaa dal joodi wal karam, yaa man laa yatau
arshahu qadam
َٓ١ب اَِبَْ ْاٌشبئِف٠ َٓ٠غ١ب جب َع ْاٌ ُّ ْـزَج٠
O the one who comes to the aid of those that call
out, O the one who gives shelter to the fearful
yaa jaaral mustajeereen, yaa amaanal
ض١دَٚ ًِ ؾ ُو
َ ِٔب ُِؤ٠ ت٠ت ُو ًِّ َغغ
َ ب صب ِد٠
O the one who is a companion to strangers; O the
one who is a friend of the lonely;
yaa saahiba kulu ghareeb, yaa munisa kullu
ض٠ ُوًِّ َشغْٜٚب َِب٠ ض٠ب َِ ٍْ َجب َ ُوًِّ طَغ٠
O the one who gives refuge to all outcasts; O the
one who is a sanctuary for the persecuted ones;
yaa maljaa kullu tareed yaa mawaa kulle
ِ َؾ ْاٌف
غ١م ِ ِ ْاٌجآئَٝ ِٕب ُِ ْغ٠ ،غ١ن ُوًِّ اَؿ
َّ ب فب٠
O the one who liberates prisoners; O the one who
enriches the miserable destitute
yaa faakka kullu aseer, yaa mughneyal baaesil
ِ َف ْاٌ ُّ ْـز
ُغ٠اٌزَّ ْمضَٚ ُغ١ب َِ ْٓ ٌَُٗ اٌزَّ ْضث٠ ،غ١ج ِ ِب ِػصْ َّخَ ْاٌشبئ٠
O the one who safeguards the ones who are
frightened and seeking protection, O the one who is
responsible for destiny and how it is disposed
yaa ismatal khaaefi almustajeer, yaa man
lahut tadbeeru wattaqdeer
غ١ رَ ْفـٌَِٝذْ زب ُط ا٠ ب َِ ْٓ ال٠ ،غ١َـ٠ ًْٙ ِٗ َؿ١ْ ٍَ ُغ َػ١ب َِِٓ ْاٌ َؼـ٠
O the one for whom all difficulty is easy; O the one
who does not need to give any explanation.
yaa manil aseero alaihi sahlun yaseer yaa man
laa yahtaaju elaa tafseer
َ ًِّ ِث ُىَٛ ُ٘ ْٓ َِ ب٠
غ١ء ثَصِْٞ ف
O the one who sees everything
yaa man huwa bikulli shayyin baseer
جبح ْ كا
ِ ْالص ِ ب ُِغْ ِؿ ًَ اٌغ٠
َ ٌِب فب٠ بح٠ِّ
O the one that makes the winds blow; O the one
that breaks the dawn;
yaa mursilar riyahi, yaa faaliqal isbah
ْ دَٛك ُوًِّ ف َ ًِّ ب ؿب ِِ َغ ُو٠
َ ِب ؿبث٠ ْ دٛص
O the one who hears all voices; O the one who was
present before in time than all that which have
since passed away;
yaa saameaa kulle s'awt, yaa saabiqa kulle
ُ ْاٌ َّظا ِ٘تِٕٝ١١َْٓ رُؼ١ دْٝفٙب َو٠
O the one who gives sanctuary when the journey
exhausts me
yaa kahfi heena tu'eeni almadaahib
ٌَُٗ ب ِدغْ َػ َِ ْٓ ال ِدغْ َػ٠ ،ٌَُٗ ب ُط ْس َغ َِ ْٓ ال ُط ْس َغ٠
O the one who provides to those who have no
provision stored ; O the one who shields those who
have no one to shield them
yaa dukhra man laa dukhra lah, yaa hirza man
laa hirza lah
َ ١ اٌٍَّصٜ
ك ِ ب٠ ،ٌَُٗ ب جب َع َِ ْٓ ال جب َع٠
َ جبع
O the neighbor of those who have no neighbor. O
my nearest neighbor
yaa jaara man laa jaara lahu yaa jaareyal
ِ َّ ٌك ْا
ِ ٍَ ِِ ْٓ َدٕٝفُ َّى
Liberate me from the chains that restrict me
Fukkani min h'alaqil mazeeq
ك١ ضَٚ ٍُّ َغَٚ ٍُّ َ٘ ًَّ ُوّٕٝف َػ
ْ اصْ ِغَٚ
Remove from me all sorrows, suffering and anxiety
was'rif anni kulla hammin waghammin wazeeq
ِصُٛ َٙ١ٌ ْاٜ ِض٠ْ ََُٗ ِِ ْٓ ا١ ُِ ْٕ ِجَٚ َُ َ٠ ْ ث ِْٓ َِغٝ َـ١ب عافِ َغ ػ٠
O the one who caused Isa to ascend and saved him
from the clutches of the Jews;
yaa raafia isa ibne maryam wa munjiyahu min
aedi alyahood
د ُّ ِٝؾ ف
ِ اٌظٍُّب َ ُٔٛ٠ ت ِٔضآ ِء١ج
َ ُِ ب٠
O the one who answered the prayer of Yunus made
from the darkness (of the whale)
yaa mujeeba nidaai yunos fizulumaat
ِ دب ً َِِٓ ْاٌ َغ َغُٛٔ ّٝب َِ ْٓ َٔج٠
O the one who saved Noah from drowning;
yaa man najaa noohan min algharaq
ْ ه ػبصاً ا
حُٛ ٔ ََ َْٛلَٚ ٝ َص فَّب اَثْمُّٛ َصَٚ ٌُٝٚ ال َ ٍَْ٘ َب َِ ْٓ ا٠
O the one who destroyed the ancient tribe of Aad
and did not spare the Thamud, and before that
destroyed the people of Noah,
yaa man ahlaka aad anil oola wa thamooda
famaa abqa Waqauma nooh
ْ َاَٚ َُ ٍَظ
ٝطغ ْ َا ُ٘ ُْ اُُٛٔ ُْ وبَِِِّٙٔ ْٓ لَ ْج ًُ ا
for clearly they were the most unjust and the most
min qablu inna hum kaanoo hum azlama wa
ْت١ْ َِ ُش َؼَٛ لٍَٝ َص ِْ َض ََ ػَٚ طُٛ ٌ َِ َْٛ لٍَٝب َِ ْٓ َص َِّ َغ ػ٠
O the one who destroyed the people of Lut; and
annihilated the people of Sho'aib;
yaa man dam mara a'laa qaume lut
Wadamdama a'laa qaume shuaib
ً جب١َٓ َدج١ ُْ اَجْ َّؼِٙ ١ْ ٍَ َػَٚ ِٗ ٌِآَٚ ِٗ ١ْ ٍَ هللاُ َػٍَّٝص
َ ًارَّ َش َظ ُِ َذ َّّضاَٚ
And chose Muhammad, blessings on him and his
family, as your Beloved;
Watakhad'a muhamadan sallaahu a'laihe wa
aalehi wa alaihim ajmaeen habeeba
ِال َدضَٝ ْٕجَغ٠ ّبَْ ُِ ٍْىب ً ال١ْ ٍَت ٌِ ُـ َ ِ٘ اٌٛ ْاَٚ َ ٌُ ْمّبَْ ْاٌ ِذ ْى َّخَٝ ِب ُِ ْؤر٠
ِٖ ِِ ْٓ ثَ ْؼ ِض
O the one who granted wisdom to Luqman; and
bestowed upon Sulaiman, a kingdom the like of
which shall not be earned by anyone after him;
yaa mutiya luqmaanal hikmata Wal waahiba li
sulaimaana mulkan laa yambaghi liah'adin min
َ ّْ ْ اٌ َّشُٛ ٔ ِٓ َش َغ ْثٛ١ٌِ َع َّصَٚ
ؾ ثَ ْؼ َضا
And brought back the sun after it had set -for
Yusha, the son of Nun,
Waradda le yooshaa' abne noo nish shamsa
bada ghurubiha
َ ْاَدَٚ
ِ ََٕ َُ ا ْث٠ ْصَٓ فَغْ َط َِغ
َْذ ِػ ّْغا
And protected the chastity of Mariam, the
daughter of Imran;
Wa ahsana farja Maryam abnati imraan
َّ ب َِ ْٓ َد٠
ّب٠ ْثَٓ َػ َو ِغَٝ١ َْذ٠ َٓص
O the one who fortified Yahya, the Son of Zakaria
against sin;
yaa man hass'ana yahya ibna zakariyya
ت َ ْاٌ َغٝ َؿُِٛ َْٓ َؿ َّىَٓ ػَٚ ت
َ ض َّ َِِٓ
ِ ْٔ اٌظ
And calmed Musa’s anger;
minad' d'anbe Wasakkana an moosal ghazaba
َ ٍَٝ َج َؼ ًَ اٌٍَّ ْؼَٕخَ ػَٚ ً١٘بث
َ َْب َِ ْٓ لَجِ ًَ لُغْ ثب٠
O the one who accepted the offering of Habeel and
placed the curse upon Qabeel.
yaa man qabila qurbaan haabil Wa ja'alal
la'anata a'la qaabil
ِٗ ٌِآَٚ ِٗ ١ْ ٍَ هللاُ َػٍَّٝص
َ ة ِي ُِِ َذ َّّض ْ ٘بػ ََ ا
ِ الَِ دْ ؼا ِ ب٠
O the one who defeated the armies who stood
against Muhammad - the blessings of Allah be
upon him and his Progeny –
yaa hazimal ahzaabi li muhamadin sallallaahu
alaihe wa aalihi
َٓ١ َِالئِ َىزِهَ ْاٌ ُّمَ َّغثَٚ َٓ١ٍغ ْاٌ ُّغْ َؿ١ّ
ِ َجٍَٝ ػَٚ
And upon all your Messengers and upon the
Angels who are close to you
wa ala jameeil mursalin Wa malaaikatekal
ِ اَٛت اٌ َّضػ١ج
د ْ ب ؿب ِِ َغ ا٠
ِ اٛ ْالَِ ص
َ ُِ ب٠ د
O the listener of all voices; O the answerer of
yaa samea al sawt, yaa mujeebad dawaat
ِ ْاٌ َذ َـٕبَّٝ ٌَِٚ ب٠
ِ ب عافِ َغ اٌ َّض َعجب٠ د
O the one who protects good deeds. O the one who
raises men in rank and degree;
yaa waliy al hasanaat yaa, raafia al darajaat
ُ ٍُاٌظ
ّبد ُ َ ب َِ ْٓ ال رُضْ ِج ُغُٖ ْاٌ َّـْأ٠
ُّ ُٖال رَ ْغشبَٚ الد
O the one who is not agitated by a multitude of
requests; and whom no darkness can hide or cover;
yaa man laa tuzjirohul masalaat Walaa tagh
shaahu zulumat
ِ اٚاٌـِّّبٚ ض ْ َع اُٛٔ ب٠
ِ ْالَِ ع
O Light of the earth and the heavens
yaa nooral arzi was samaawaat
ُّ َٚ عٛ
ُِ ٍَاٌظ ِ ُّٕ ٌك ا
َ ٌِب سب٠ ُِ َ اٌ َّـمَٝ ِب شبف٠
O the healer of disease; O the creator of light and
yaa shaafiya alsaqam, yaa khaaleqal noor
َََطَأ ُ َػغْ َشٗ لَض٠ ب َِ ْٓ ال٠ َِ ْاٌ َى َغَٚ ِصُٛب َطا ْاٌج٠
O the lord of generosity and magnanimity; O the
one on whose throne no one else can sit!
Yaa dal joodi wal karam, yaa man laa yatau
arshahu qadam
بُٖٙ ِثُٛ فَب ْصػْٕٝالَِ ؿّْآ ُء ْاٌ ُذـ
ْ هللِ اَٚ
And to Allah belong the most beautiful names -- so
call Him by them (7:180);
walil laahil asmaaul husna fadooho biha
َ ٍْ ُلَٚ
ُْ اَ ْؿ َز ِجتْ ٌَ ُىٝٔٛذ ا ُ ْص ُػ
And you have said "Call upon me and I shall
answer you;
Waqulta udo'ooni astajib lakum (40:60)
ِ َف ْاٌ ُّ ْـز
ُغ٠اٌزَّ ْمضَٚ ُغ١ب َِ ْٓ ٌَُٗ اٌزَّ ْضث٠ ،غ١ج ِ ِب ِػصْ َّخَ ْاٌشبئ٠
O the one who safeguards the ones who are
frightened and seeking protection, O the one who is
responsible for destiny and how it is disposed
yaa ismatal khaaefi almustajeer, yaa man
lahut tadbeeru wattaqdeer
غ١ رَ ْفـٌَِٝذْ زب ُط ا٠ ب َِ ْٓ ال٠ ،غ١َـ٠ ًْٙ ِٗ َؿ١ْ ٍَ ُغ َػ١ب َِِٓ ْاٌ َؼـ٠
O the one for whom all difficulty is easy; O the one
who does not need to give any explanation.
yaa manil aseero alaihi sahlun yaseer yaa man
laa yahtaaju elaa tafseer
ِبٝ فَب ْف َؼًْ ثَٕٝه َوّب اَ َِغْ ر
َ ُْ رَٛلَ ْض َصػَٚ
And I call upon you just as you have commanded
Wa qad daa utoka kamaa amartani Faf al bi