Appendix A2 - Detailed Foundation Design - Pedestal Support

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Concrete grade C30

Grout grade C20
Concrete strength fc 30.00 N/mm2
Grout strength fg 20.00 N/mm3
Characteristic strength of reinforcement fyk 410.00 N/mm2
Steel yield strength fy 275.00 N/mm2
Concrete density Ƴc 24.00 kN/m3
Foundation Base length Lb 1700.00 mm
Foundation Base width Bb 1700.00 mm
Foundation Base thickness Df 250.00 mm
Pedestal height above ground Hg 150.00 mm
Soil height above foundation base Ds 750.00 mm
Pedestal width BP 400.00 mm
Pedestal breath Lp 400.00 mm
Grout thickness Gd 25.00 mm
Depth of foundation Dg 1000.00 mm
Allowable soil bearing capacity P 67.00 kN/m2


Serviceability Limit State Reactions

Ultimate Limit State Reactions

Maximum vertical reaction FY 40.038 kN

Maximum transvers reaction FZ 0.418 kN
Maximum longitudinal reaction FX 0.418 kN
Maximum moment on the transvers axis MZ 0.417 kNm
Maximum moment on the longitudinal axis MX 0.417 kNm

Stanchion Steel section properties


Depth of section h 152.00 mm

Width of section b 152.00 mm
Section flange thickness tf 6.60 mm
Section web thickness tw 5.80 mm

Area of Base Plate

Steel designers'
Manual - 6th
Edition (2003),
sec. Bearing strength of concrete below base plate FRd 0.6*fg 12.00 N/mm2
minimum required Area Ab FY/FRd 3336.50 mm2
Provided base plate
Width of base plate B 350.00 mm
Length of base plate L 350.00 mm
Area of base plate provided Ap 122500.00 mm2

Area of base plate provided > minimum required area 350 x 350mm plate Ok

Base Plate Thickness Required


Using the below expression to determine C

Steel designers'
Manual - 6th
Edition (2003),
sec. 4C2+ (Column Perimeter) x C + Column area = Required area

Column Perimeter 4*b-2*tw+2*h 900.40 mm

Column Area 2*(b*tf)+(h-2*tf)*tw 2811.44 mm2
Subtituting in the above expresssion
4C2+944C+5232 = 8748.67
4C2+944C-3516.67 = 0


Using the above quadratic expression

C 3.67 mm
Use nominal value considering a weld length of 8mm
take C 8.00 mm

Steel designers'
Manual - 6th
Edition (2003),
sec. Minimum base plate thickness tpmin C*((3*FRd)/fy)0.5 2.89 mm
The thickness of the base plate should be greater than the
flange thickness of the column
Provide,thickness of base plate tp 20.00 mm
Hence provide 350mm x 350mm x 20mm base plate

Bolt Bearing Resistance
Use 4No. 16mm dia. Anchor bolts, grade 8.8
number of bolts n 4.00
diameter of bolt db 16.00 mm
diameter of bolt hole Db db + 2 18.00 mm
minimum bolt spacing bsmin 1.25*Db 22.50 mm
Take bolt spacing bs 250.00 mm

minimum edge distance ebmin 2.5*db 40.00 mm

Take edge distance eb 50.00 mm

Bs 5950-1:2000,
table 31 Bearing strength of bolts Pbb 1000.00 N/mm2

Bs 5950-1:2000,
sec. Bearing capacity of bolts Pb n*db*tp*Pbb 1280.00 kN
Utilisation ratio UC FX/Pb 0.000

Bearing capacity of bolt group, Pb > Maximum horizontal

load, Fz Bolt is OK in Bearing
Bolt Design for Shear
bolt effective diameter (excluding 4mm for shank) Dbeff 12.00 mm
effective bolt area As (∏*Dbeff2 )/4 113.11 mm2
Shear strenght of bolt Pss 375.00 N/mm2
Shear capacity of bolts Ps n*As*Pss 169.67 kN
Utilisation ratio UC FX/Ps 0.002

Shear capacity of bolt group, Ps > Maximum horizontal load,

Fz Bolt is OK in Shear

Bolt Design for Tension

bolt tension strength Ptt 560.00 N/mm2
tension capacity of bolt Pt 0.8*n*At*Ptt 202.70 kN
From the Staadpro analysis of the support steel, it shows
that there is no uplift, but we will compare tension capacity
with the maximum vertical reaction.
Utilisation ratio UC FY/Ps 0.20

Tension capacity of bolt group, Pt > Maximum vertical load,

Fy Bolt is OK in Tension

Combined Shear and tension

The combined shear and tension should be less than 1.4 (Fz/Ps) + (Fy/Pt) 0.200 OK


Pedestal height above ground Hg 150.00 mm

Pedestal height below ground Ds 750.00 mm
Total height of pedestal Hp Hg+Ds 900.00 mm
Pedestal width BP 400.00 mm
Pedestal breath Lp 400.00 mm
Cross-sectional area of pedestal Aplinth BP*Lp 160000.00 mm2

Length to width ratio Lp/Bp Lp/Bp 1.00


Bs 8110-1:1997,
table 3.20 End condition factor β 1.60
Effective height of pedestal Le βHp 1440.00 mm
Slenderness Le/h < 10 3.60 OK
Provide 400mm x 400mm x 900mm Pedestal

Since the foundation is supporting 2 stanchions, the total load will be twice the
maximum ultimate limite state load obtained from StaadPro

Weight of pedestal (adding a safety factor of 1.4) Pw 1.4*Aplinth*Hp*Ƴc 4.84 kN

Total design vertical load VL Pw+Fy 44.88 kN
Maximum transvers reaction FZp FZ 0.418 kN
Maximum longitudinal reaction FXp FX 0.418 kN
Maximum moment on the transvers axis MZp MZ 0.418 kNm
Maximum moment on the longitudinal axis MXp MX 0.418 kNm
moment due to transvers reaction MFZp FZp*Hp 0.38 kNm
moment due to longitudinal reaction MFXp FXp*Hp 0.17 kNm
Total transvers moment Mzz Mzp+MFZp 0.79 kNm
Total longitudinal moment MXX MXp+MFXp 0.59 kNm


Ratio of Moment on the longitudinal axis MZZ/BP 1.99 kN

Ratio of Moment on the transvers axis MXX/LP 1.46 kN

Bs 8110-1:1997,
table 3.22 VL/BP*LP*fc 0.009
β 1.00
Design moment M Mxx+β*(Bp/Lp)*Mzz 1.38


Bs 8110-3:1997,
Chart No. 28 VL/BP*LP 0.28
M/BP*LP2 0.02
Concrete cover, C 50.00
effective depth, deff LP- C-ø/2 344.00
deff/LP 0.86
100ASC/bh 0.40
Area of reinforcement required ASC 640.00 mm2
Provided daimeter of bar ø 12.00 mm2
Area of one bar A (∏ø2)/4 113.11 mm2
No. of bar provided N 8.00
Area provided ASprovided N*A 904.90 mm2
Utilisation ratio UC ASC/ASprovided 0.71
Area provided > Area required
Provide 8Y12 bars,
Provide 8Y12 bars & Y10-100mm c/c as links AS = 905mm2
Concrete grade C30
Concrete strength fc 30.00 N/mm2
Concrete density Ƴc 24.00 kN/m3
Foundation Base length Lb 1700.00 mm
Foundation Base width Bb 1700.00 mm
Foundation Base thickness Df 250.00 mm
Depth of foundation Dg 1000.00 mm
Allowable soil bearing capacity P 67.00 kN/m2
20.09 kN/m
Density of soil, Ƴs
Height of soil on concrete base He 750.00 mm


Serviceabillity reactions of steel support from STAADPro

Maximum vertical service reaction from above table FYT 26.746 kN

Maximum transvers service reaction from above table FZT 0.299 kN
Maximum longitudinal service reaction from above table FXT 0.299 kN
Maximum transvers service moment from above table MZT 0.298 kNm
Maximum longitudinal service moment from above table MXT 0.298 kNm

Weight of concrete base at SLS Wsb1 Lb*Bb*Df*Ƴc 17.34 kN

Weight of pedestal at SLS PW1 Lp*Bp*HP*Ƴc 3.46 kN
Weight of backfill on base at SLS WS1 (Lb*Bb-Lp*BP)He*Ƴs 41.13 kN
maximum vertical service reaction FYS FYT 26.746 kN
maximum transvers service reaction FZS FZT 0.299 kN
maximum longitudinal service reaction FXS FXT 0.598 kN
Maximum SLS transvers moment MZS MZT 0.298 kNm
Maximum SLS longitudinal moment MXS MXT 0.298 kNm
Resultant SLS Moment in transvers direction Mzsls FZS*Dg +MZS 0.597 kNm
Resultant SLS Moment in longitudinal direction MXsls FXS*Dg +MXS 0.896 kNm
Total serviceability Axial load Nsls Wsb1+PW1+WS1+FYS 88.68 kN

Maximum pressure PSLS1 Bb*Lb2)+(6MZsls/Bb2*Lb) 32.51 kN/m2

Minimum pressure PSLS2 (6MZsls/Bb2*Lb) 28.86 kN/m2
Utilisation ratio UC PSLS1/P 0.49
Allowable soil bearing capacity > Maximum pressure Soil Bearing Capacity OK

Assume reinforcement diamter ø 12.00 mm
Base concrete cover c 50.00 mm
Effective depth def Df-c-ø/2 194.00 mm


Ultimate state reactions of steel support from STAADPro

Maximum vertical ultimate reaction from above table FY 40.038 kN
Maximum longitudinal ultimate reaction from above table FZ 0.418 kN
Maximum transvers ultimate reaction from above table FX 0.418 kN
Maximum ultimate moment on the transvers axis MZ 0.417 kNm
Maximum ultimate moment on the longitudinal axis MX 0.417 kNm

Weight of concrete base at ULS Wsb2 Lb*Bb*Df*Ƴc*1.4 24.28 kN

Weight of pedestal at ULS PW2 Lp*Bp*HP*Ƴc*1.4 4.84 kN
Weight of backfill on base at ULS WS2 (Lb*Bb-Lp*BP)He*Ƴs 41.13 kN
Maximum vertical ultimate reaction FYU FY 40.038 kN

Maximum transvers ultimate reaction FZU FZ 0.418 kN

Maximum longitudinal ultimate reaction FXU FX 0.418 kN
Maximum ULS transvers moment MZU MZ 0.417 kNm
Maximum ULS longitudinal moment MXU MX 0.417 kNm
Resultant ULS Moment in transvers direction Mzuls FZU*Dg +MZU 0.835 kNm
Resultant ULS Moment in longitudinal direction MXuls FXS*Dg +MXS 0.835 kNm
Total Ultimate Axial load Nuls Wsb1+PW1+WS1+FYS 110.29 kN

Maximum pressure PULS1 Bb*Lb2)+(6MZuls/Bb2*Lb) 40.20 kN/m2

Minimum pressure PULS2 (6MZuls/Bb2*Lb) 36.12 kN/m2

The maximum pressure will be assummed to be uniform

Pressure due to self-weight of base Psel Df*Ƴc 6.00 kN/m2
Design load for 1m strip, uniformly distributed n PULS1-Psel 34.20 kN/m


Longitudinal reinforcement

Length from edge of column base to face of column Lf (Lb-Lp)/2 650.00 mm

Design Moment M nLf2/2 7.22 kN/m
take Z = 0.95def Z 0.95*def 184.30 mm
Area of reinforcement required Asrequred M/0.87*fyk*Z 109.90 mm2
Provided reinforcement diameter ø 12.00 mm
Provided spacing of reinforcement Sr 150.00 mm
No of reinforcement per 1m length N 7
Area of one reinforcement provided As ∏*ø2/4 113.11 mm2
Area provided per meter Asprovided N*As 754.08 mm2
Utilization ratio UC Asrequired/Asprovided 0.43

Minimum reinforcement area per 1m length Amin 0.13%*Df 325.00 mm2

Consider minimum reinforcement

Provide Y12@150mm c/c bars,

Area provided > Area required, Provide Y12 @150mm c/c bars at Top & Bottom AS = 754mm2

Transvers reinforcement
Provide Y12@150mm c/c bars,
Provide same as Longitudinal reinforcement AS = 754mm2


distance from edge of concrete base to column face a 650.00 mm

Critical distance dcrit 1.5*def 291.00 mm

a<dcrit, critical perimeter is within column base, therefore

check for punching
Critical perimeter Pcrit 2*(Lp+Bp) +8*1.5*def 3928.00 mm
Area within critical perimeter Acrit (LP+3def)*(BP+3def) 964324.00 mm2
Punching shear force PF PULS1(LP*BP-Acrit) 77.41 kN
Punching stress Ps PF/Pcrit*def 0.10 N/mm2
100*Asprovided/LP*def 0.23 N/mm2

Bs 8110-3:1997,
table 3.8 Ultimate shear stress vc 0.43 N/mm2
Utilisation ration UC Ps/vc 0.24
Concrete base is OK in
ultimate shear stress > Punching stress punching


Weight of concrete base at SLS Wsb1 Lb*Bb*Df*Ƴc 17.34 kN

Weight of pedestal at SLS PW1 Lp*Bp*HP*Ƴc 3.46 kN
Weight of backfill on base at SLS WS1 (Lb*Bb-Lp*BP)He*Ƴs 41.13 kN
Maximum vertical service reaction FYS 26.746 kN
Maximum transvers service reaction FZS 0.299 kN
Maximum longitudinal service reaction FXS 0.598 kN
Maximum SLS transvers moment MZS 0.298 kNm
Maximum SLS longitudinal moment MXS 0.298 kNm
Resultant SLS Moment in transvers direction Mzsls FZS*Dg +MZS 0.597 kNm
Resultant SLS Moment in longitudinal direction MXsls FXS*Dg +MXS 0.896 kNm
Total serviceability Axial load Nsls Wsb1+PW1+WS1+FYS 88.68 kN
Resultant horizontal reaction Rh SQR(FZS2+FXS2) 0.67 kN
Note: for worse case we will consider the force due to earth
pressure, assuming there is no counter effect
Assume coeficient of friction between concrete and soil µ 0.40
Take coeficient of active earth pressure Ka 0.33
Horizontal earth pressure along pedestal Php Ka*Ƴs*Hp 5.97 kN/m2
Horizontal earth pressure along concrete base Phb Ka*Ƴs*Df 1.66 kN/m2
Horizontal force due to earth pressure on pedestal Fep 0.5*Php*Hp*Lp 1.07 kN
Horizontal force due to earth pressure on pedestal Feb 0.5*Phb*Df*Lb 0.35 kN
Frictional resistance force FR µ*Nsls 35.47 kN
Sliding force with a 1.5 safety factor Fs (Rh+Feb+Fep)*1.5 3.35 kN
Utilisation ratio UC Fs/FR 0.09

Frictional resistance > Sliding force Foundation is Ok in sliding


Weight of concrete base at SLS Wsb1 Lb*Bb*Df*Ƴc 17.34 kN

Weight of pedestal at SLS PW1 Lp*Bp*HP*Ƴc 3.46 kN
Weight of backfill on base at SLS WS1 (Lb*Bb-Lp*BP)He*Ƴs 41.13 kN
Maximum vertical service reaction FYS 26.746 kN
Maximum transvers service reaction FZS 0.299 kN
Maximum longitudinal service reaction FXS 0.598 kN
Maximum SLS transvers moment MZS 0.298 kNm
Maximum SLS longitudinal moment MXS 0.298 kNm
Resultant SLS Moment in transvers direction Mzsls FZS*Dg +MZS 0.597 kNm
Resultant SLS Moment in longitudinal direction MXsls FXS*Dg +MXS 0.896 kNm
Total serviceability Axial load Nsls Wsb1+PW1+WS1+FYS 88.68 kN
Resultant horizontal reaction Rh SQR(FZS2+FXS2) 0.67 kN
Effective density of soil Ƴe 10.29 kN/m3

Taking moment at point B

Maximum horizontal load with a safety factor of 2 Fsh Rh*2 1.34 kN

depth of foundation La4 Dg 1000.00 mm
Overturning moment Mo Fsh*Dg 1.34 kNm
Weight of pedestal W1 PW1 3.46 kN
Weight of concrete base W2 Wsb1 17.34 kN
Weight of backfill at one side of foundation We1 (Lb*Bb-Lp*BP)He*Ƴe 21.07 kN
Weight of backfill at one side of foundation We2 (Lb*Bb-Lp*BP)He*Ƴe 21.07 kN
distance from W1 to point B La2 Lb/2 0.85 m
distance from W2 to point B La2 Lb/2 0.85 m
distance from We2 to point B La3 Lb-(Lb-LP)/4 1.38 m
distance from We2 to point B La1 Lb-La3 0.33 m

Restoring Moment MR *La1+We2*La3 76.23 m
Utilisation ratio UC Mo/MR 0.02
Foundation is Ok in
Restoring Moment > Overturning moment Overturning


Assume water level is at the ground level

Depth of water below ground level dwt 0.00 m
Volume of concrete submerged Vsc (LP*BP*He)+(Lb*Bb*Df) 0.84 m3
Volume of water displace Vw Vsc 0.84 m3
Unit weight of water Ƴw 9.81 kN/m3
Weight of water displaced (uptrust) Ww Vw*Ƴw 8.26 kN
Total serviceability axial load Nsls 88.68 kN

Total serviceability axial load > Weight of water displaced No uplift

Condition Partial Factor Chara,ø' Design ø'd
M2 1.25 30 24.00
M1 1 30 30.00

Ko 1

Table to be adopted for Approach 1, Combination 1 : A1 + M1 + R1 (813mm Bore Pile)

Soil Data

Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) Cu:d ø' Ƴ'

m m kN/m2 degree kN/m3
Sand 1.5 1.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 3 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 4.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 6 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 7.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 9 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 10.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 12 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 13.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 15 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 16.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 18 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 19.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 21 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 22.5 0 30.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 24 0 30.00 #REF!

Pile Data

Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) Dia. AS ASC

m m m m 2
Sand 1.5 1.5 0.813 1.916 1.916
Sand 1.5 3 0.813 1.916 3.832
Sand 1.5 4.5 0.813 1.916 5.748
Sand 1.5 6 0.813 1.916 7.663
Sand 1.5 7.5 0.813 1.916 9.579
Sand 1.5 9 0.813 1.916 11.495
Sand 1.5 10.5 0.813 1.916 13.411
Sand 1.5 12 0.813 1.916 15.327
Sand 1.5 13.5 0.813 1.916 17.243
Sand 1.5 15 0.813 1.916 19.158
Sand 1.5 16.5 0.813 1.916 21.074
Sand 1.5 18 0.813 1.916 22.990
Sand 1.5 19.5 0.813 1.916 24.906
Sand 1.5 21 0.813 1.916 26.822
Sand 1.5 22.5 0.813 1.916 28.738
Sand 1.5 24 0.813 1.916 30.653

Coefficient for lateral Earth Pressure

Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) KqO KcO Nc dcoo Kcoo Kqoo
m m
Sand 1.5 1.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 3 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 4.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 6 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 7.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 9 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 10.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 12 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 13.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 15 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 16.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 18 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 19.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 21 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 22.5 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Sand 1.5 24 4.75 6.97 15.67922 2.03 31.90 18.42
Bored Piles ø813mm Lateral Pressure
B 0.813 m
Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) αq αc KqD KcD qD eD
m m
Sand 1.5 1.5 0.20 0.88 8.45 22.42 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 3 0.20 0.88 10.57 26.05 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 4.5 0.20 0.88 11.95 27.67 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 6 0.20 0.88 12.91 28.59 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 7.5 0.20 0.88 13.63 29.18 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 9 0.20 0.88 14.18 29.59 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 10.5 0.20 0.88 14.61 29.89 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 12 0.20 0.88 14.97 30.12 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 13.5 0.20 0.88 15.26 30.31 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 15 0.20 0.88 15.51 30.46 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 16.5 0.20 0.88 15.72 30.58 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 18 0.20 0.88 15.91 30.69 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 19.5 0.20 0.88 16.07 30.78 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 21 0.20 0.88 16.21 30.85 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 22.5 0.20 0.88 16.33 30.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 24 0.20 0.88 16.44 30.98 #REF! #REF!

Bored Piles ø813mm Lateral Resistance


Lateral Pressure Horizontal Force
Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) eD ξ4 Resistance Rc;i=eD/ξ4 =Rc;iAsc
m m kN/m2 kN
Sand 1.5 1.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 3 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 4.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 6 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 7.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 9 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 10.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 12 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 13.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 15 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 16.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 18 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 19.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 21 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 22.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 24 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!

Table to be adopted for Approach 1, Combination 1 : A2 + M2 + R1 (813mm Bore Pile)

Soil Data

Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) Cu:d ø' Ƴ'

m m kN/m2 degree kN/m3
Sand 1.5 1.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 3 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 4.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 6 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 7.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 9 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 10.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 12 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 13.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 15 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 16.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 18 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 19.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 21 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 22.5 0 24.00 #REF!
Sand 1.5 24 0 24.00 #REF!

Pile Data

Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) Dia. AS ASC

m m m m 2
Sand 1.5 1.5 0.813 1.916 1.916
Sand 1.5 3 0.813 1.916 3.832
Sand 1.5 4.5 0.813 1.916 5.748
Sand 1.5 6 0.813 1.916 7.663
Sand 1.5 7.5 0.813 1.916 9.579
Sand 1.5 9 0.813 1.916 11.495
Sand 1.5 10.5 0.813 1.916 13.411
Sand 1.5 12 0.813 1.916 15.327
Sand 1.5 13.5 0.813 1.916 17.243
Sand 1.5 15 0.813 1.916 19.158
Sand 1.5 16.5 0.813 1.916 21.074
Sand 1.5 18 0.813 1.916 22.990
Sand 1.5 19.5 0.813 1.916 24.906
Sand 1.5 21 0.813 1.916 26.822
Sand 1.5 22.5 0.813 1.916 28.738
Sand 1.5 24 0.813 1.916 30.653

Coefficient for lateral Earth Pressure

Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) KqO KcO Nc dcoo Kcoo Kqoo
m m
Sand 1.5 1.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 3 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 4.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 6 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 7.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 9 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 10.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 12 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 13.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 15 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 16.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 18 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 19.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 21 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 22.5 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Sand 1.5 24 3.06 5.42 10.66932 2.03 21.71 18.42
Bored Piles ø813mm Lateral Pressure
B 0.813 m
Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) αq αc KqD KcD qD eD
m m
Sand 1.5 1.5 0.10 0.59 5.38 13.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 3 0.10 0.59 7.09 16.59 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 4.5 0.10 0.59 8.40 17.89 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 6 0.10 0.59 9.45 18.67 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 7.5 0.10 0.59 10.29 19.18 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 9 0.10 0.59 10.99 19.55 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 10.5 0.10 0.59 11.58 19.82 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 12 0.10 0.59 12.08 20.03 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 13.5 0.10 0.59 12.51 20.20 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 15 0.10 0.59 12.89 20.34 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 16.5 0.10 0.59 13.22 20.45 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 18 0.10 0.59 13.52 20.55 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 19.5 0.10 0.59 13.78 20.63 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 21 0.10 0.59 14.02 20.71 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 22.5 0.10 0.59 14.23 20.77 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 24 0.10 0.59 14.43 20.82 #REF! #REF!

Bored Piles ø813mm Lateral Resistance


Lateral Pressure Horizontal Force
Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) eD ξ4 Resistance Rc;i=eD/ξ4 =Rc;iAsc
m m kN/m2 kN
Sand 1.5 1.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 3 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 4.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 6 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 7.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 9 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 10.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 12 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 13.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 15 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 16.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 18 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 19.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 21 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 22.5 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 24 #REF! 1.4 #REF! #REF!

Soil Spring Stiffness Computation

pressure Soil Spring stiffness
surface =Rc;iAsc (kN/m)
area Lateral Pressure
Soil Type Thk. (Df) Depth (D) Asc Resistance Rc;i=eD/ξ4
m m m2 kN/m2
Sand 1.5 1.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 3 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 4.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 6 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 7.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 9 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 10.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 12 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 13.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 15 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 16.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 18 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 19.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 21 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 22.5 1.92 #REF! #REF!
Sand 1.5 24 1.92 #REF! #REF!





-6.405331197 2.59882E+27
Kq Kc Nc 12.888252432
3.35080151744 3.350802 3.350802
0.86602540378 0.866025

1.73205080757 1.732051 3
0.54629301587 -3.51175E+24
0.57735026919 1.732051 1.732051

#NAME? Tan 0.57735
sin 0.5

SIN 0.866025






7.344425 108127.949

-2.134896698 2.59882E+27
Kq Kc Nc 4.4923919596
2.42507036159 2.42507 2.42507
0.91354545764 0.913545
1.53986496381 1.539865 2.371184
0.59877664639 -3.64761E+18
0.6494075932 2.246037 2.246037

#NAME? Tan 0.445229
sin 0.406737

SIN 0.838671






7.344425 108127.949




7.344425 108127.949


N 1895.169 M

area 469359

AS 6868.669
2.59882E+27 1.48901E+29

2.59882E+27 1.48901E+29



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