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Policy Guidelines

 The laboratory shall maintain specimen test results supported by data and are reported in
accordance with the written guidelines
 Procedures must be in placed to ensure confidentiality of records
 All specimens submitted should have a corresponding laboratory results issued within 15
 A positive screening result shall be subjected to confirmatory analysis. The final report
shall be based on the confirmatory results.
 The screening laboratory shall be the only one authorizes to release the final report
 All laboratory report shall bear the signature of the Analyst and head of the laboratory.
 Confirmatory Laboratory Reports- signature of Analyst, Chief Chemist and Head of the
 Screening Laboratory Reports- signature of Analyst and head of the Laboratory
 All confirmatory drug test results should specify the concentration of the limit of
detection ( LOD) of the drug method or metabolites. However, the clinical or the
therapeutic purposes, the concentration shall be quantified.
 The Laboratory shall report all test results using the DOH standard electronic laboratory
report form. The electronic report must be transmitted in a manner that ensures the
confidentiality and security of the information.
 Report of an adulterated or substituted test results must be based on an initial and
confirmatory validity test.
 The laboratory must report the specific validity test results for a specimen that is reported
adulterated or substituted.
 No results can be relayed through phone


Analyst/ Medical Technologist

 Make written reports using the DOH standard electronic laboratory report form
 Signs the corresponding reports
 Produces 4 copies of results.

Statistical Summary of the laboratory Report

- The drug test laboratory must have a summarized statistical report of the total number of
specimens received and examined.
- The number of specimens that reported as
o Negative for each drug
o Positive for each drug
o Adulterated
o Substituted
o Rejected for Testing
o Invalid Result
- The number of specimens sent for confirmatory testing
- The report must be submitted to the BHFS within 10 working days after the end of the year.

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