Public Finance Management (Amendment) Act, 2015
Public Finance Management (Amendment) Act, 2015
Public Finance Management (Amendment) Act, 2015
Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development,
10 the Uganda Gazette No. 56, Volume eVIl!, daled 28th September, 2015.
Prin(ed by UPPC, Entebbe by Order of the Government.
Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
Public Finance Mwwgement
Hill No. 25 (Amer.dment) Bill 2015
· .
(a) by substituting for subsection (13) the following 5. Amendment of section 22 of the principal Act.
Section 22 of the principal Act is amended
"(13) The Minister or other person responsible for a
vote, as the case may be, shall base on the priorities (a) by substituting "Minister" in subsection (I) with "Secretary
identified in the Budget Framework PapeI of the sector of to the Treasury";
the vote, cause to be prepared for the vote, a policy
statement for the vote, for the proceeding financial year and (b) by substituting for subsection (2) (a) the following
shall submit the policy statement to Parliament by the 15th
of March, "; and "(a) be more than ten percent of the budget of the vote;".
(b) by repealing subsection (15) (g),
6. Amendment of section 25 of the principal Act.
3. Amendment of section 17 of the principal Act. Section 25 of the principal Act is amended
Section 17 of the principal Act is amended
(a) by substituting "through a Supplementary Appropriation
(a) by substituting for subsection (2) the foll owing Bill" appearing at the end of the subsection with, "within
"(2) .A vote that. does not expend money that was
appropriated to the vote for the financial year shall by the .
.../ four months after the money is spent."
"(3) The authority given by the Secretary to the "(4a) Where the funds in the Contingencies Fund are
Treasury under subsection (2) shall be valid up to 31st of, not sufficient to finance the supplementary budget, the
October of the financial year." supplementary budget shall be finanoced by a reallocation of
the funds of the annual budget."
4. Amendment of section 20 of the principal Act.
Section 20 of the principal Act is substituted with the following 7. Amendment of section 36 of the principal Act;
Section 36 of the principal Act is amended by inserting imrr\ediately
"(1) The functions of a vote may be transferred to another after subsection (5) the following
vote or a vote may be assigned additional functions.
"(Sa) In adcJition to subsection (5), a loan raised by the
(2) Where the functions 'of a vote are transferred 'to another
vote or where a vote is assigned additional functions, the Government as u tCltlp()rnry advance by the Bank of Uganda,
functions of the vote shall be financed in accordance with which does not exlend beyond a financial year shall not require
section 25." to be approved hy ?nrliHl11cnt."
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Public Finance Manag ement Public Finance Management
Bill No. 25 (Amendment) Bill 201S Bill,No. 25 (Amendment) Bill 2015
(a) by substituting for subsection (13) the following 5. Amendment of section 22 of the principal Act.
Section 22 of the principal Act is amended
"(13) The Minister or other person responsible for a
vote, as the case may be, shall base on the priorities (a) by substituting "Minister" in subsection (I) with "Secretary
identified in the Budget Framework PapeI of the sector of to the Treasury";
the vote, cause to be prepared for the vote, a policy
statement for the vote, for the proceeding financial year and (b) by substituting for subsection (2) (a) the following
shall submit the policy statement to Parliament by the 15th
of March, "; and "(a) be more than ten percent of the budget of the vote;".
(b) by repealing subsection (15) (g),
6. Amendment of section 25 of the principal Act.
3. Amendment of section 17 of the principal Act. Section 25 of the principal Act is amended
Section 17 of the principal Act is amended
(a) by substituting "through a Supplementary Appropriation
(a) by substituting for subsection (2) the foll owing Bill" appearing at the end of the subsection with, "within
"(2) .A vote that. does not expend money that was
appropriated to the vote for the financial year shall by the .
.../ four months after the money is spent."
"(3) The authority given by the Secretary to the "(4a) Where the funds in the Contingencies Fund are
Treasury under subsection (2) shall be valid up to 31st of, not sufficient to finance the supplementary budget, the
October of the financial year." supplementary budget shall be finanoced by a reallocation of
the funds of the annual budget."
4. Amendment of section 20 of the principal Act.
Section 20 of the principal Act is substituted with the following 7. Amendment of section 36 of the principal Act;
Section 36 of the principal Act is amended by inserting imrr\ediately
"(1) The functions of a vote may be transferred to another after subsection (5) the following
vote or a vote may be assigned additional functions.
"(Sa) In adcJition to subsection (5), a loan raised by the
(2) Where the functions 'of a vote are transferred 'to another
vote or where a vote is assigned additional functions, the Government as u tCltlp()rnry advance by the Bank of Uganda,
functions of the vote shall be financed in accordance with which does not exlend beyond a financial year shall not require
section 25." to be approved hy ?nrliHl11cnt."
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Public Finance Management
Bill No. 25 (Amendment) Bill ·2015
8. Amendment of section 82 of the principal Act.
Section 82 of the principal Act IS amended by substituting for
subsection (1) (b) the following