This document contains a list of 6 sound effects and songs with their corresponding YouTube references. The sounds include a thump sound effect, car hitting body sound effect, opening song, closing song, break sound effect, and swoosh sound effect. Each reference provides the YouTube link to the specific audio file.
This document contains a list of 6 sound effects and songs with their corresponding YouTube references. The sounds include a thump sound effect, car hitting body sound effect, opening song, closing song, break sound effect, and swoosh sound effect. Each reference provides the YouTube link to the specific audio file.
This document contains a list of 6 sound effects and songs with their corresponding YouTube references. The sounds include a thump sound effect, car hitting body sound effect, opening song, closing song, break sound effect, and swoosh sound effect. Each reference provides the YouTube link to the specific audio file.
This document contains a list of 6 sound effects and songs with their corresponding YouTube references. The sounds include a thump sound effect, car hitting body sound effect, opening song, closing song, break sound effect, and swoosh sound effect. Each reference provides the YouTube link to the specific audio file.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2023]. Car hitting body sound effect (n.d.). Heavy object Hit and body thud sound effect. [online] Available at: Opening song (n.d.). [dream]. [online] Available at: v=tuWbPQG23Nc [Accessed 19 May 2023]. Closing song (n.d.). Horn. [online] Available at: v=9absJQoPCX8 [Accessed 19 May 2023]. Break sound effect (n.d.). Car break sound effect no copyright music drama. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2023]. Swoosh sound effect (n.d.). Whoosh Sounds effects No copyright. [online] Available at: