Human Nature
Human Nature
Human Nature
1. Definition
Human nature is the characteristic that characterize that differentiate between
human and animal; though in biology human and animal have similarities. Some
expert like Socrates says that human is sociable animal. And Charles Darwin in his
evolution theory trying to find that human is from primates, but he cannot prove it.
Therefore human cannot equated with animal,
Human have characteristic that make it different from animals as a human nature.
It’s just simple like human have thought and animal doesn’t have it or human have
sense of heart and animal doesn’t have it.
2. Form
For the clearer differentiate between human and animal. Umar tirtaharja take
existentialism and set out eight form of human nature,
1. Self-awareness ability
Human have a sense to know their potency and develop that to be their strength
so they can develop towards self-perfection.
2. Existence ability
Human have a sense to know their potency so it will useful for them self, their
environment, and also for world citizens. Human have to know opportunity so
they can survive in future.
3. Have a conscience
Human has ability to know the right and wrong, they tend to have deep thought
to decide is this the right thing to do or not. Conscience is the guide to morals
and act. Conscience can show through their emotional sensitivity in their way to
decide what things they have to do.
4. Have morals
Conscience is about the thoughts but in morals is about the action. Morals are
the realization of the conscience. Morals are human values, because morals have
tight relation with conscience decision. Morals can equate with ethics, and the
ethics has relation with politeness. So, human must have morals to live in
5. Responsible ability
Responsible is ability to accept all the consequences of everything that has been
done. The form of responsibility is responsibility to God, also to society and
themselves. Consciences, morals and responsibility, all of that is linked.
Conscience in charge to decide what have to do and morals is the action, after
that responsibility will follow the action.
6. Have sense of freedom
Sense of freedom is a feeling of not bound by something. This freedom is the
freedom to do anything but doesn’t interfere with the others freedom and
doesn’t conflict with human nature.
7. Have awareness of their rights and obligation
Right and obligation is things that cannot to separate. When someone needs
their rights of course they have to fulfill the obligations. To growing the ability to
carry out obligations, discipline is needed. Fulfillment of rights and obligations is
needed to achieve justice in society.
8. Ability to sense happiness
Happiness is a term of human life in living life. There are also who state that
happiness is a combination of all emotions felt by humans. Happiness is self-will
in living the process of life that is passed and is summarized in three things,
namely, effort, norms and destiny. Happiness can reach when we put effort in all
of thing that we do and do it with all norms and society rules. After all efforts we
will reach the happiness by leave the result to fate after we do it with our best.
So in our live we have no pressure and can feel the true happiness. Happiness
can upgrade by ability development and the ability to appreciate the result of
your efforts.