GR 8 Term 2 2020 Ns Lesson Plan
GR 8 Term 2 2020 Ns Lesson Plan
GR 8 Term 2 2020 Ns Lesson Plan
Dear Teachers
This learning programme and training is provided by the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT)
on behalf of the Department of Basic Education (DBE)! We hope that this programme provides you with
additional skills, methodologies and content knowledge that you can use to teach your learners more
What is NECT?
In 2012 our government launched the National Development Plan (NDP) as a way to eliminate poverty
and reduce inequality by the year 2030. Improving education is an important goal in the NDP which
states that 90% of learners will pass Maths, Science and languages with at least 50% by 2030.
This is a very ambitious goal for the DBE to achieve on its own, so the NECT was established in 2015 to
assist in improving education.
The NECT has successfully brought together groups of people interested in education to work together
to improve education. These groups include the teacher unions, businesses, religious groups, trusts,
foundations and NGOs.
The programme began in 2015 with a small group of schools called the Fresh Start Schools (FSS).
Curriculum learning programmes were developed for Maths, Science and Language teachers in
FSS who received training and support on their implementation. The FSS teachers remain part of the
programme, and we encourage them to mentor and share their experience with other teachers.
The FSS helped the DBE trial the NECT learning programmes so that they could be improved and
used by many more teachers. NECT has already begun this scale-up process in its Universalisation
Programme and in its Provincialisation Programme.
Everyone using the learning programmes comes from one of these groups; but you are now brought
together in the spirit of collaboration that defines the manner in which the NECT works. Teachers with
more experience using the learning programmes will deepen their knowledge and understanding, while
some teachers will be experiencing the learning programmes for the first time.
Let’s work together constructively in the spirit of collaboration so that we can help South Africa eliminate
poverty and improve education!
2. Each week, there are three lessons, of the following notional time:
3 x 1 hour
1. The lesson plan starts with a CONTENTS PAGE that lists all the topics for the term, together with
a breakdown of the lessons for that topic. You will notice that lessons are named by the week and
lesson number, for example, Week 8 Lesson 8C.
2. Every topic begins with a 2 - 4 page TOPIC OVERVIEW. The topic overview pages are grey,
making them easy to identify. The topic overview can be used to introduce the topic to learners.
The topic overview includes:
a. A general introduction to the topic that states how long the topic runs for, the value of the
topic in the final exam and the number of lessons in the topic.
c. A sequential table that shows the prior knowledge required for this topic, the current
knowledge and skills that will be covered, and how this topic will be built on in future years.
Use this table to give learners an informal quiz to test their prior knowledge. If learners are
clearly lacking in the knowledge and skills required, you may need to take a lesson to cover
some of the essential content and skills. It is also useful to see what you are preparing learners
for next, by closely examining the ‘looking forward’ column.
a. Understanding the uses / value of science. It is very important to give learners a sense of
how science applies to their daily lives, and of the value that science adds to their lives. Hold a
brief discussion on this point when introducing the topic, and invite learners to elaborate on the
uses and value that this topic will have to their lives.
b. Personal reflection. At the end of every topic, come back to the topic overview, and
complete this table. In particular, it is important to note your challenges and ideas for future
improvement, so that you can improve your teaching the next year.
1. After the topic overview, you will find the INDIVIDUAL LESSONS. Every lesson is structured in
exactly the same way. This helps you and the learners to anticipate what is coming next, so that
you can focus on the content and skills. Together with the title, each lesson plan includes the
a. Policy and Outcomes. This provides you with the CAPS reference, and an overview of the
skills that will be covered in the lesson. You can immediately see the science process skills that
will be covered, and whether they are lower middle or higher order skills.
b. Possible Resources. Here, you will see the resources that you should ideally have for the
lesson. If you need to use the poster or pages from the Resourcepack, this will be listed here.
There is also a space for improvised resources, and you are invited to add your own ideas
c. Classroom Management. Every lesson starts in the same way. Before the lesson, you must
write a question that relates to the previous lesson on the chalkboard. Train your learners to
come in to the classroom, to take out their exercise books, and to immediately try to answer
this question. This links your lesson to the previous lesson, and it effectively settles your
Once learners have had a few minutes to answer, read the question and discuss the answer.
You may want to offer a small reward to the learner who answers first, or best. Get your
learners used to this roucane.
Next, make sure that you are ready to begin your lesson, have all your resources ready, have
notes written up on the chalkboard, and be fully prepared to start. Remember, learners will get
restless and misbehave if you do not keep them busy and focussed.
d. Accessing Information. This section contains the key content that you need to share with
learners. Generally, it involves sharing some new information that is written on the chalkboard,
explaining this information, and allowing learners some time to copy the information into their
exercise books. Train learners to do this quickly and efficiently. Learners must anticipate this
part of the lesson, and must have their books, pens, pencils and rulers ready.
e. Conceptual Development. At this point, learners will have to complete an activity to think
about and apply their new knowledge, or to learn a new skill. This is the most challenging part
of the lesson. Make sure that you fully understand what is required, and give learners clear
Checkpoint 2. Straight after ‘Conceptual Development, you will find two checkpoint questions.
These questions help you to check that learners understand the new concepts and skills that
they have engaged with.
f. Reference Points for Further Development. This is a useful table that lists the relevant
sections in each approved textbook. You may choose to do a textbook activity with learners in
addition to the lesson plan activity, or even in place of the lesson plan activity. You may also
want to give learners an additional activity to do for homework.
g. Additional Activities / Reading. This is the final section of the lesson plan. This section
provides you with web links related to the topic. Try to get into the habit of visiTing these links
as part of your lesson preparation. As a teacher, it is always a good idea to be more informed
than your learners.
4. At the end of the week, make sure that you turn to the TRACKER, and make note of your
progress. This helps you to monitor your pacing and curriculum coverage. If you fall behind, make
a plan to catch up.
5. POSTER AND ResourcePACK. You will have seen that the Possible Resources ection in the
lesson plan will let you know which resources you will need to use in a lesson.
Please note that you will only be given these resources once. It is important for you to manage and
store these resources properly. Do this by:
Have a dedicated wall or notice board in your classroom for Natural Sciences.
Train your learners to know and anticipate the roucane of Natural Sciences lessons. You will soon see
that a good knowledge of this roucane will improve time-on-task and general classroom discipline and
that you will manage to work at a quicker pace.
1. Classroom Management: settle learners by having two questions written on the chalkboard.
Learners take out their exercise books and pens, and immediately answer the questions. Discuss
the answers to the questions, and reward the successful learner.
2. Accessing Information: have key information written on the chalkboard. Explain this to learners.
Allow learners to copy this information into their books.
6. Reference Points for Further Development: links to textbook activities – you may choose to use
these activities as additional classwork activities, or as homework activities.
7. Tracker: fill in your tracker at the end of the lessons to track your progress.
Teaching Natural Sciences can be exciTing and rewarding. These lesson plans have been designed
to guide you to implement the CAPS policy in a way that makes the teaching and learning experience
rewarding for both the teacher and the learners.
To support the policy’s fundamentals of teaching Natural Sciences, these lesson plans use the CAPS
content as a basis and:
These lessons plans have been developed to comply with CAPS in respect of both content and time
allocation. In developing these lesson plans, consideration of the realities of teachers was taken and to
this end, some simple adjustments were made, without deviaTing from policy, to make the teaching of
these lesson plans more achievable. The kinds of adjustments made include using some of the practical
tasks in the lesson plans for assessment purposes; and building in time for revision and exams during
terms 2 and 4.
CAPS assigns one knowledge strand to form the basis of content in each term. These strands are as
Life and Living Matter and Materials Energy and Change Planet Earth and Beyond
Photosynthesis and respiration Atoms Static electricity The Solar System
The time allocation by topic is summarised in the table below.
Remember that one week equates to 3 hours or three lessons of 1 hour each.
It is important to reflect on your teaching. Through reflection, we become aware of what is working and
what is not, what we need to change and what we do not. Reflecting on your use of these lesson plans
will also help you use them more effectively and efficiently.
These lesson plans have been designed to help you deliver the content and skills associated with CAPS.
For this reason, it is very important that you stick to the format and flow of the lessons. CAPS requires a
lot of content and skills to be covered – this makes preparation and following the lesson structure very
Use the tool below to help you reflect on the lessons that you teach. You do not need to use this for
every lesson that you teach – but it is a good idea to use it a few times when you start to use these
lessons. This way, you can make sure that you are on track and that you and your learners are getting
the most out of the lessons.
1. What preparation was done?
Classroom Management
Yes No
5. Was the question written on the board?
6. Was the answer written on the board?
7. Was the answer discussed with the learners in a meaningful way?
8. Overall reflection on this part of the lesson:
What was done well?
What could have been done better?
Yes No
9. Was the text and/ or diagrams written on the chalkboard before the
lesson started?
10. Was the work on the board neat and easy for the learners to read?
12. Was the information on the board used effectively to help with the
13. Was any new vocabulary taught effectively? (in context and using
strategies like PATS)
14. Were the learners actively engaged? (asked questions, asked for
their opinions and to give ideas or suggestions)
15. Were the checkpoint questions used effectively?
Yes No
17. Was the information taught in the ‘Accessing Information’ part of the
lesson used to foreground the activity?
18. Were clear instructions given for the conceptual development
19. Were the outcomes/answers to the activities explained to the
20. Could the learners ask questions and were explanations given?
21. Was a model answer supplied to the learners? (written or drawn on
the board)
21. Were the checkpoint questions used effectively?
22. At the end of the lesson, were the learners asked if they had
questions or if they needed any explanations?
23. Overall reflection on this part of the lesson:
What was done well?
What could have been done better?
● A mixture is made up of two ● All matter is made up of ● The elements can be
or more substances with atoms classified into metals, non-
different physical properties ● An element is made up of metals and semi-metals
● The physical properties of atoms of the same kind and ● Each element on the
the materials in a mixture cannot be broken down Periodic Table has an
determine the separation ● The nucleus consist of atomic number, mass
method positively charged protons number, name and symbol
● The Periodic Table is a and neutral neutrons ● A formula is a ratio of the
classification system for the ● Negatively charged symbols of the elements
elements which make up electrons move around the and number of atoms for
matter and materials nucleus each symbol in a compound
● The Periodic Table was ● Atoms react chemically to ● No atoms are lost or gained
devised by Mendeleev. form molecules in a reaction; they are
He arranged the elements ● A compound consists of simply rearranged
according to their properties atoms of different elements
● Each element has its own bonded together in a fixed
name, symbol, atomic number ratio
and position on the Periodic
Ensure that you teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
1. atom An atom is the smallest particle of matter that can exist on its own.
4. diatomic molecule It is a molecule that consists of two atoms of the same kind.
6. pure substance A pure substance consists of atoms or molecules of the same kind.
7. chemical bond A chemical bond is the force that holds atoms together in a molecule.
Reflect on your teaching at the end of each topic:
Date completed:
Lesson successes:
Lesson challenges:
• describe matter
• explain what an atom is
• describe the atoms of an element
• explain why atoms differ.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard. Always try to do this before the lesson starts.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is matter?
b. What are the smallest building blocks of matter?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. Matter is everything that we can see, living or non-living.
b. Although surfaces of objects look smooth, they are all made up of particles called
c. We cannot see these atoms because they are too small.
d. We can only see atoms when there are enough of them together in one place and if we
have a microscope.
e. A single grain of salt contains about 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 (a trillion) atoms.
f. The word 'atom' means indivisible, which means that an atom cannot be cut into
smaller pieces.
2. Use the Periodic Table from the Resource Pack to explain the following to the learners:
a. Atoms of one element are different from atoms of another element.
b. When we look at the Periodic Table, copper atoms (point to the symbol Cu) are
different from zinc atoms (point to the symbol Zn) because they have different chemical
properties and masses.
Use the beads/ dried lentils/ dried peas, glue and paper plate that the teacher gave you to
make the following two-dimensional model. Your teacher will tell you which model to make. Tick
it off.
4. Tell the learners that models are made specially of things that we cannot see. We can then
understand them better.
a. Hand out 10 beads/ dried lentils/ dried peas, glue and a paper plate to each learner.
b. One half of the class must make a two-dimensional model of the atoms of the element
c. They must stick the beads/ lentils/ peas onto the plate so that they represent helium
d. The other half of the class has to make a two-dimensional model of the atoms of the
element oxygen.
e. They must stick the beads/ lentils/ peas onto the plate so that they represent diatomic
molecules of oxygen.
5. Give the learners enough time to make the models.
6. Let each learner stand up and show his/her model to the class.
7. The two models should look as follows (but not identical):
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Are all the atoms the same?
b. What are two identical atoms called that exist together?
8. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
Step-by-step Atoms 46
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following information on the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What are the two sub-atomic particles that are found in the nucleus of the atom?
b. What is the charge of an electron?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. How do we know what an atom looks like when we cannot see it, even with the
strongest microscope? Scientists have developed a model of the atom based on the
results of experiments that they did on the behaviour of atoms.
b. An atom consists of protons, neutrons and electrons. They cannot exist on their own.
c. The positively charged particles, called protons, and electrically neutral particles called
neutrons, are tightly packed in the nucleus. The nucleus has an overall positive charge.
Protons and neutrons together are called nucleons.
d. The nucleus is a positively charged sphere in the centre of the atom. It consists of
positively charged protons and neutral neutrons.
e. The electrons move at very high speeds in orbits around the nucleus. They form an
electron cloud that is much larger than the nucleus.
f. Atoms are neutral because the number of negatively charged electrons is equal to the
number of positively charged protons. The overall charge of an atom is zero.
g. The simplest atom is a hydrogen atom. It has only one proton, one electron and no
h. A carbon atom has six protons, six neutrons and six electrons. Show the learners the
carbon atom on Resource 2.
Use the beads/ lentils/ peas, glue and paper plate that the teacher gave you to make a
model of a nitrogen atom. A nitrogen atom has seven protons, seven neutrons and seven
electrons. Each type of sub-atomic particle should be a different colour.
Label each sub-atomic particle.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is the overall charge of the nucleus of an atom?
b. How many electrons does a neutral atom with 17 protons have?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
• define an element
• list the names and symbols of the first 20 elements in the Periodic Table
• explain how the atoms of all the elements are different.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
Atoms have the same number of positive protons and negative electrons.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard and copy the diagram onto the chalkboard as well.
Always try to do this before the lesson starts.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What does an element look like on the atomic level?
b. Which table summarises in an orderly way all the elements known to us?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. All the atoms of a specific element are identical. For example, the element sulfur
consists only of sulfur atoms.
b. Even when an element consists of diatomic molecules, the atoms of the molecules are
still identical. For example, the atoms of the diatomic molecules of chlorine are both
chlorine atoms.
c. There are seven diatomic molecules: nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H2), oxygen (O2), fluorine
(F2), chlorine (Cl2), iodine (I2) and bromine (Br2).
d. Each element has its own particular symbol and own unique properties. For example,
the symbol for sulfur is S and sulfur is a yellow, non-metal powder.
e. Scientists all over the world use the same symbols for the elements that are listed in
the Periodic Table.
f. You might think that because there are so many materials in the world there must
be millions of different elements. However, all materials are made up of only a small
number of elements.
g. There are 118 known elements of which 93 elements occur naturally, while 25 elements
are made by scientists in laboratories.
h. Elements are arranged in the Periodic Table according to their atomic numbers, which
are the number of protons in the nucleus.
i. The first element is hydrogen because a hydrogen atom has one proton in its nucleus.
The second element is helium because a helium atom has two protons in its nucleus.
Using this system, we can go on listing the elements.
2. Draw the following table on the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts).
Show the learners Resource 1. Ask them to complete the table for the first 20 elements by
using the Periodic Table.
Copy the table on the chalkboard in your book. Use the Periodic Table to complete the table for
the first 20 elements.
Helium He 2
Lithium Li 3
Beryllium Be 4
Boron B 5
Carbon C 6
Nitrogen N 7
Oxygen O 8
Fluorine F 9
Neon Ne 10
Sodium Na 11
Magnesium Mg 12
Aluminium Al 13
Silicon Si 14
Phosphorus P 15
Sulfur S 16
Chlorine Cl 17
Argon Ar 18
Potassium K 19
Calcium Ca 20
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. How are the atoms of one element different from the atoms of another element?
a. How many protons and electrons does a neutral magnesium element have?
Step-by-step Atoms 53
• define a compound
• explain how a compound is formed
• define a molecule
• explain how a compound can be decomposed.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
What are the symbols for the elements potassium and aluminium?
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
The symbol for potassium is K and the symbol for aluminium is Al.
1. Write the following information on the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson
1. A compound is a material that consists of atoms of two or more different elements that
are chemically bonded together.
2. The atoms in a given compound are always combined in a fixed ratio to form mole-
3. A molecule is the smallest part of a compound and consists of two or more different
atoms that are bonded together.
4. A compound consists of molecules of the same type.
5. A chemical bond is the force that holds atoms together in a compound.
6. The properties of a compound are different from the properties of the elements that it is
made of.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. How are the atoms held together in a molecule?
b. What do we call molecules of the same type?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. A compound is formed by a chemical reaction of two or more different elements. An
example is water (H2O).
b. Show the learners Resource 4 and tell them that the diagram shows a model of water
molecules. The circles represent the different atoms.
c. Water molecules are very small. In one water drop there are millions of water
molecules. Water molecules are too small to see with the naked eye.
d. When hydrogen atoms (H) combine chemically with oxygen atoms (O) they form water
molecules (H2O). The elements hydrogen and oxygen react to form the compound
e. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The
hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms combine in a fixed ratio of 2:1.
f. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms are held together by a chemical bond, which is
represented by the black line between them.
g. Water has different properties to oxygen and hydrogen. For instance, water is a liquid
that we can drink whereas oxygen is a gas that we inhale.
2. Also explain the following to the learners:
a. If elements can combine to form a compound, a compound can be broken up into its
elements again.
b. This is called the decomposition of a compound.
c. A compound can be decomposed by electrolysis where we use an electrical current to
split up the compound into the elements it is made of.
d. Water can be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by means of electrolysis.
e. Thermal decomposition takes place when heat is used to break up a compound into
the elements it is made of.
f. When mercury oxide (HgO) is heated it will be decomposed into mercury and oxygen.
3. Do the following experiment as a demonstration. Look at Resource 5 and prepare the set-
up for the electrolysis of copper chloride before the class starts.
a. Make a solution of copper chloride in the glass beaker by dissolving one teaspoon of
copper chloride in 250 ml of water. Place a piece of cardboard on top of the beaker.
b. Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the one carbon electrode by using a
connecting wire. Connect the negative terminal of the battery to the other carbon
electrode using the other connecting wire.
c. When you are ready to do the demonstration, move the apparatus to the front of the
class. You can ask the learners to sit closer so that they can see properly.
d. Tell the learners that you are going to conduct an experiment to show the
decomposition of copper chloride (CuCl2). Explain the set up to the learners.
The teacher will show you an experiment where copper chloride is decomposed. Observe
carefully what is happening at each electrode and answer the following questions. First draw
the set-up for the experiment and use correct labels.
4. Give the learners enough time to copy the questions from the chalkboard and answer the
5. The answers to the questions are below:
9 volt battery
copper chloride
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What atoms are water molecules made of?
b. How can a compound be decomposed into its elements?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
An element consists of atoms that are of the same type and a compound consists of molecules
that are of the same type.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What substances are pure substances?
b. When is a substance a pure substance?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. When people talk about pure substances they usually mean substances without
b. Look at the glass of water. Do you think the water is pure? (Answer: If the water is clear
the learners might say yes. However tap water is not pure because on a microscopic
level there might be other atoms and molecules in the water as well.)
c. The water in the glass is only pure when there are only water molecules in the water.
d. Show the learners Resource 6. This is an example of a pure substance. It is a crystal of
the element silicon where all the atoms are silicon atoms.
e. Show the learners a salt pot with salt. Then show them Resource 7. It shows the
microscopic model of a table of salt crystal. The chemical name for table salt is sodium
f. Table salt is a compound that is made of sodium atoms (the small circles) and chlorine
atoms (the big circles). They react in the ratio 1:1. For every one sodium atom, there is
one chlorine atom.
g. Table salt is a pure substance because it only consists of sodium chloride molecules.
2. Hand out the beads/ dried lentils/ dried peas and ask the learners to complete the following
task. They are required to build models of the given pure substances. Draw an example of
each atom or molecule on the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts).
They can use Prestik to stick 'atoms' together. They should re-use the beads/lentils/peas for
the next pure substance. Learners can make the particles of different colours to represent
the different elements
Use the beads/ lentils/ peas and the Prestik that the teacher gave you to make the following
models of pure substances. Re-use the beads/ lentils/ peas for each model.
1. Water (H2O)
2. Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas
3. Hydrogen (H2) gas
3. Give the learners enough time to copy the questions from the chalkboard and then build the
4. Below are examples of what the pure substances might look like. Let each learner present
his or her models to the class.
Water Molecules
Carbon dioxide
Hydogen Molecules
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Why is copper a pure substance?
b. When do we consider a glass of water a pure substance?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
Step-by-step Atoms 52
• define a mixture
• give examples of mixtures
• distinguish between mixtures and pure substances
• describe methods of separation of mixtures.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following information on the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson
1. A mixture consists of two or more substances that are mixed together, but not
chemically combined, to form a new substance.
2. A mixture has the combined properties of the substances that form the mixture.
3. Elements and compounds are mixed together to form mixtures.
4. The amounts of substances can vary in a mixture.
5. In some mixtures we can recognise the different substances that make up the mixture.
6. In some mixtures it is not possible to see the different substances that make up the
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is a characteristic of a mixture?
b. Can you give one separation technique for mixtures?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. There are not many pure substances in our everyday lives. Most of the substances
around us are mixtures of elements and compounds.
b. Examples of mixtures include the air that we breathe (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide), fizzy drinks (cold drink and carbon dioxide [bubbles]) and steel (iron and
c. Mix water and sugar in a glass. The sugar and water did not react chemically to form
a new substance. The sugar molecules mixed with the water molecules by moving in
between the water molecules.
d. The sugar water mixture still has the properties of the water because it can be poured
into another glass. The mixture also has the properties of the sugar because it tastes
e. We can have any proportion of water and sugar. When we add more sugar to the
water, we still have a sugar water mixture.
f. We cannot see the sugar in the mixture but we know that it is there.
g. Make a mixture of water and sand. When we mix sand and water we can see the sand
in the water.
2. Also explain to learners the different separation techniques. Have the mixtures and
apparatus ready.
a. When an element or compound in a mixture is needed in its pure form, it can be
separated from the mixture.
b. The separation methods that we use are different depending on the substances that
are mixed.
c. Show the mixture of peanuts and raisins. When the particles are big enough, we can
use hand sorting to separate the particles. Ask one of the learners to separate the
peanuts and raisins.
d. Filtration or sieving can be used to separate the sand and water in the sand water
mixture because the sand is visible. Let a learner pour the sand water through a tea
sieve/ strainer or filtration paper. The water will move through the sieve or filter paper
while the sand will stay behind.
e. To separate the sugar from the water in the sugar water mixture, the mixture can be left
in the sun so that the water can evaporate. The sugar crystals will be left behind in the
f. Mix oil and vinegar in a bottle. The oil and vinegar can be separated by decanting
because the oil floats on top of the vinegar. Ask a learner to pour the oil into another
1. Look at the page that the teacher will show you and identify the substances as
elements, compounds and mixtures.
2. Copy the table from the chalkboard and write down the differences between mixtures
and compounds (pure substance).
Compounds Mixtures
4. Give the learners enough time to copy the table from the chalkboard and complete it.
5. Give learners the opportunity to write an entry on the chalkboard. Answers are given below:
1. A - element
B - compound
C - mixture
D - mixture
Compounds Mixtures
Proportions of substances in a compound are Proportions of substances in a mixture can
fixed. vary.
We cannot separate the parts by physical We can separate the parts by physical
methods. methods.
The properties of a compound differ from The components of the mixture keep their
the properties of the elements that form the individual properties.
When a compound forms, there is a chemical When a mixture is made, there is no chemical
change and a new substance is formed. change and no new substance is formed.
Energy is needed to separate a compound No energy is needed to separate a mixture.
into its elements.
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Name the differences in the separation of compounds and mixtures.
b. Why can we not separate sugar and water in a sugar water mixture by filtration or
7. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
Step-by-step Atoms 59
● N/A ● The particle model of matter ● N/A
is used to explain that
all matter is made up of
● Particles are arranged
differently in a solid, liquid
or gas
● Diffusion is a process
in which liquid and gas
particles move from a high
concentration area to a
lower concentration area
● Heating and cooling cause a
material to change state
● The density of a material is
the amount of mass for a
given volume of the material
● Solids, liquids and gases
expand when heated and
contract when cooled
Ensure that you teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
1. model A model is a visual representation of something that we cannot see.
2. solid A substance is a solid when it has a fixed shape that cannot be changed.
8. density Density is the the amount of mass for a given volume of the material.
Pressure is the force that gas particles exert on the walls of a container
9. pressure
and other particles by colliding with the walls and the particles.
10. macroscopic What we can see with the naked eye and experience with our senses
Reflect on your teaching at the end of each topic:
Date completed:
Lesson successes:
Lesson challenges:
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
In a mixture the elements are mixed while in a compound the elements have reacted to form a
new substance.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. A model is used to explain the behaviour of particles because particles are too small to
2. Atoms and molecules are referred to as particles in the particle model of matter. We
represent these particles as circles.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is the particle model of matter?
b. What are the particles that are mentioned in the particle model of matter?
1. Use Resource 9 to explain the following to the learners:
a. All substances, such as air, water, wood, metal and plastic, are made up of tiny
particles, which are atoms and molecules.
b. These particles are so small that we cannot see them, even when we use a
microscope. We say that they are microscopic.
c. The particle model of matter is a representation of the particles that we cannot see.
Atoms and molecules are not really circles but circles are easier to draw.
d. The particles are constantly moving.
e. The energy that the particles have is known as kinetic energy or movement energy.
How fast or slow the particles move depends on the amount of energy they have.
f. The spaces between the particles are empty. There is nothing in the spaces, not even
air, because air is actually made up of oxygen and nitrogen particles.
g. There are forces of attraction between the particles.
8. Tell the learners to do the following activity. Each learner should have a lead pencil that
they can use to draw the circles for the particles.
Draw a square in your book. Use a lid to draw ten circles inside the square. These circles
represent the particles of a substance. Indicate the four principles of the particle model of
matter in your drawing.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is between the particles in a substance?
b. What is the energy called that the particles have due to their movement?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
Examples of solids
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
All matter consists of particles that are constantly moving and exerting forces on one another.
There are spaces between the particles.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. The particles of a solid are closely packed and arranged in an orderly way.
2. There are strong forces between the particles in a solid.
3. The particles of a solid vibrate about fixed points in one place.
4. There are small spaces between the particles.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What can you say about the shape of a solid?
b. How do the particles of a solid move?
1. Explain the following to the learners. Show the learners Resource 7 and Resource 10.
a. Salt is a compound and consists of sodium atoms and chlorine atoms.
b. Let us explain the macroscopic properties of a solid by looking at the microscopic
properties of the particles. We will use a salt crystal as an example.
c. The salt crystal is hard because the particles are very closely packed together.
d. The crystal is rigid and has a fixed shape because the particles are packed in an
orderly arrangement and there are strong forces of attraction between the particles.
e. The shape of the salt crystal will remain the same even when we apply force with our
f. The salt crystal cannot be compressed because there are small spaces between the
g. Even though we cannot see or feel it, the particles of the crystal are vibrating but they
have low kinetic energy.
2. Tell the learners to do the following activity. Each learner should have a lid that they can
use to draw the circles for the particles.
2. A brick has the definite shape of a rectangular prism. The shape of the brick is rigid and
cannot be changed. The brick has a definite volume that one can calculate. The brick
cannot be compressed and will break if you hit it with a hammer.
3. See the diagram.
4. The particles are closely packed with small spaces between them. The particles are
also packed in an orderly way and can only vibrate in one place. There are strong
forces of attraction between the particles.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Why does a solid object have a definite shape?
b. Why is a solid not compressible?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
The particles of a solid are arranged in an orderly way with small spaces between them.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is a property of a liquid?
b. How do the particles of a liquid move?
1. Show the learners Resource 11 and pour water into various containers with different
shapes. Then explain the following to the learners:
a. A liquid is not rigid and can flow easily. This means that a liquid can also take on the
shape of the container it is in.
b. The reason is that the forces between the particles are weak and the particles have
more energy to move around in all directions. Therefore, the particles are not orderly
arranged in an orderly way.
c. A liquid has a fixed volume because the forces between the particles are still strong
enough to keep the particles in contact with each other.
d. The spaces between the particles are very small, which means that liquids are not
easily compressed.
2. Write the following paragraph on the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson
starts). It deals with the differences between solids and liquids. Tell the learners to copy the
paragraph in their books and fill in the missing words. Let the learners refer back to solids
in their workbooks.
Write the following paragraph in your workbook and fill in the missing words.
The particles in ______ are still close together but are arranged more loosely. Particles of
solids are arranged in a more ________pattern. Particles can move _________ in a liquid
and _______ over each other in ______ directions. The forces of attraction are ________
in solids than liquids. The spaces between liquid particles are still small, although the
spaces are ________ than in a solid. Liquid particles have ______ kinetic energy than that
of solids.
The particles in a liquid are still close together but are arranged more loosely. Particles of
solids are arranged in a more orderly pattern. Particles can move faster in a liquid and slide
over each other in all directions. The forces of attraction are stronger in solids than liquids.
The spaces between liquid particles are still small, although the spaces are larger than in a
solid. Liquid particles have more kinetic energy than particles of solids.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Why are liquids runny?
b. Does a liquid have a fixed volume or a fixed shape?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
The particles slide over one another in all directions and do not have a fixed position.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. How are the particles in the gas state arranged?
b. Why are gases compressible?
1. Have all the resources available. Explain the following to the learners:
a. Show the learners the empty plastic bottle. Tell them that there is a gas inside but
because certain gases are colourless we cannot see them.
b. Blow up the balloon but keep the opening closed with your finger. Inside the balloon is
a certain volume of gas. It may seem as if it has a definite volume and shape. However,
when we let the gas out of the balloon it will spread out and fill the available space in
the room.
c. The reason for this is that gas particles move at fast speeds in all directions. The forces
between the particles are too small to keep them together.
d. Blow up the balloon again. Tie the end of the balloon. When you apply a force to
this balloon, gas is compressed. This occurs because of the big spaces between the
2. Take the learners outside and let them do the following role-play to demonstrate the
movement and arrangement of particles in solid, liquid and gas states.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Why do gases not have a fixed shape?
b. Why are there such big spaces between gas particles?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
• define diffusion
• give examples of diffusion
• explain diffusion in terms of the particle model of matter
• compare diffusion in liquids and gases.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
In what way do the particles of liquids and the particles of gases behave in a similar way?
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. Diffusion is a process in which the particles move from a highly concentrated area to
an area with a lower concentration of those particles.
2. Diffusion only takes place in liquids and gases.
3. Concentration refers to the number of particles in a certain area. A high concentration
contains many particles and a low concentration contains fewer particles.
4. Diffusion is faster in gases than in liquids.
5. Gas particles move more quickly and at greater speeds and, therefore, they will move
more quickly from a high concentration area to a low concentration area.
6. The speed at which particles diffuse depends on the size of the particles, the state of
the particles and the temperature of the particles.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is diffusion?
b. Do liquid particles or gas particles diffuse faster?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. Spray deodorant in the front of the class and ask the learners to stand up when they
smell the deodorant.
b. When the deodorant particles leave the can, they move randomly, colliding with each
other, and spreading through the room.
c. The area around the can has a high concentration of deodorant particles because there
are many particles. In the rest of the classroom the concentration of deodorant particles
is very low.
d. Drop a potassium permanganate crystal in the water. Let the learners observe how
the purple colour diffuses through the water. It will take a while for all the water to turn
purple. (Alternatively use a few drops of food colouring.)
e. Show the learners Resource 13 and explain how the potassium permanganate
particles spread out in the water.
f. Different substances diffuse at different rates.
g. Diffusion is faster in gases than in liquids because gas particles have greater kinetic
energy. They also move more quickly and the particles are further apart. This makes it
easier for particles to move from one point to another. As a result, the gas particles will
spread out quickly to fill the space evenly.
h. A particle in a liquid is constantly colliding with other particles because the particles
are so close together. The particle cannot travel very far because it is sent in different
directions and eventually moves to the lower concentration of particles.
2. Show the learners Resource 14 and ask them to refer to the diagram to answer the
following questions in their workbooks.
Look at the diagram of hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2). They are in two chambers
that are connected. Answer the following questions in your workbook.
1. The gases in the two chambers moved from the one chamber to the other.
2. Diffusion
3. In the one chamber there was a high concentration of hydrogen gas and in the other
chamber there was a high concentration of oxygen gas.
4. The hydrogen gas diffused faster, because there are more hydrogen particles in
the oxygen chamber than oxygen particles in the hydrogen chamber in the second
5. The hydrogen particles are smaller than the oxygen particles and will move faster.
6. When the concentration of the gases is the same in both chambers.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Why do gases diffuse more quickly than liquids?
b. When will the process of diffusion stop?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. When a substance is heated, it gains energy and the temperature of the substance
2. When a solid is heated, it changes to a liquid state.
3. When a solid changes to a liquid, we call it melting.
4. When the particles of the solid gain energy, they overcome the strong forces of attrac-
tion and move more freely.
5. When a liquid is heated, it changes to the gas state.
6. When a liquid changes to a gas, we call the process evaporation or boiling.
7. The liquid particles gain more energy, they overcome the forces of attraction, and are
able to move faster and further apart from one another.
8. The amount of matter stays the same during a change of state.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What happens when a substance is heated?
b. What do we call the change of state from a solid to a liquid?
1. Explain the following to the learners:
a. Fill a glass jar with ice cubes and take the temperature with the thermometer. It should
be close to 0° C.
b. Tell the learners that temperature indicates how hot or how cold a substance is and is
measured in degrees Celsius (°C).
c. If you have a heat source, heat the ice cubes and let the learners observe how the ice
cubes melt and change to a liquid (water). Alternatively, put the ice cubes in the sun
and make the same observation.
d. As the water particles of the ice obtain energy, they start to vibrate more vigorously until
they have overcome the strong forces of attraction. At the melting point, the particles
start to slide over each other and move more freely.
e. Take the temperature when all the ice has melted. The temperature should be higher
than 0 °C.
f. When you leave the liquid water in the sun, the water will evaporate until all the liquid
water has changed to the gas state.
g. The Sun only provides heat energy for the water particles close to the surface of the
liquid. These particles will move faster and further apart from each other until they
escape to the gas state.
h. Evaporation is a slow process because not all the particles receive the same energy at
the same time to change state. Evaporation takes place at any temperature.
i. When you heat the water, it will boil and change to the gas state, which is called steam.
Take the temperature when the water boils. It should be close to 100 °C.
j. When the water is boiled, all the particles in the liquid obtain enough energy to
overcome the forces of attraction and leave the liquid. This is a rapid process. Water
can only boil at a definite temperature, namely 100 °C.
2. Ask the learners to complete the following task in their workbooks.
Use the following words to draw a flow diagram of the changes of states from a solid to a gas
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. How are evaporation and boiling similar?
b. What is the difference between evaporation and boiling?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. When a substance is cooled, heat is taken away and the temperature of the substance
2. When a gas is cooled, it changes to the liquid state. We call it condensation.
3. The particles of the gas lose energy. They move less energetically and closer to each
4. When a liquid is cooled, it changes to a solid state. We call this change of state freez-
ing or solidification.
5. The liquid particles lose energy and move even closer together, until they only vibrate
in one place.
6. The amount of matter stays the same during a change in state and the particles do not
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What happens when a gas is cooled?
b. What do we call the change in state when a liquid changes to a solid?
1. Explain the following to the learners. Show the learners Resource 16.
a. Do you notice the little droplets of water that are on the outside of the cold can of
Coke? They are formed by condensation.
b. Where do these droplets come from? (Give the learners time to give answers.)
Answer: Water vapour (water in the gas state) in the air condenses and forms liquid
water droplets on the can.
c. When the gas particles of water in the air come into contact with the cold Coke can,
they lose energy. The particles have less kinetic energy, so they move more slowly.
This means that the forces of attraction are able to pull them closer together. The
spaces between them decrease and eventually the particles touch and form a liquid.
The particles are still able to move freely.
Look at the diagram that the teacher is showing you. Copy the paragraph from the chalkboard
into your workbook and fill in the missing words.
When a solid is heated, its _____ increases and it _____. The solid changes to a _____. When
a liquid is _____, its energy decreases and it _____. The liquid changes to a _____. A _____
changes to a liquid when it is cooled. This is called _____. The energy of the particles _____.
During evaporation a _____ changes to a _____, as the temperature is _____. The energy of
the particles _____.
Model Answer
When a solid is heated, its energy increases and it melts. The solid changes to a liquid.
When a liquid is cooled, its energy decreases and it solidifies/ freezes. The liquid changes
to a solid. A gas changes to a liquid when it is cooled. This is called condensation. The
energy of the particles decreases. During evaporation a liquid changes to a gas, as the
temperature is increased. The energy of the particles increases.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What do we call the process where water droplets form on the outside of a cold can of
b. What change of state will happen when a liquid is put in a freezer?
• define density
• explain density in terms of mass and volume
• calculate the density of an object.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. The density of a material describes the amount of mass in a given volume of that
2. Density is a property of matter.
3. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter that an object is made of. It is measured in
grams (g) or kilograms (kg).
4. There are a thousand grams in one kilogram (1000 g = 1 kg).
5. Volume is the amount of space an object occupies. It is measured in millilitres (ml) or
litres (l).
6. There are a thousand millimetres in 1 litre (1000 ml in 1 l) and 1 millimetre is equal to 1
cubic centimetre (1 ml = 1 cm³).
7. Mass and volume are physical quantities of a material. This means that we can
observe and measure them.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is the relationship between density, mass and volume?
b. What is the unit of mass?
1. Explain the following to the learners.
a. We can think of density as the lightness or heaviness of objects of the same size.
b. Density depends on the mass and volume of a substance.
c. Mass, volume and density are physical properties of objects and we can use these to
describe objects.
d. The greater mass an object has, the more matter it has. When we measure the mass
of a small object, we measure the mass in grams. When we measure the mass of a big
object, we measure the mass in kilograms.
e. When we have two copper rods, each with mass of 350 g, then the two rods will have
exactly the same amount of copper atoms.
f. We can determine the volume of a regular shape by using the formula for volume:
Volume = length x breadth x height
2. Also explain the following to the learners. Have the required objects nearby.
a. If you have different objects with the same volume, the object with the highest mass will
have the greatest density.
b. Fill four cups with the same amount or pour 250 ml of the following liquids into the
cups: cooking oil, water, vinegar, golden syrup, milk or whatever is available. Let a
learner pick up each of the cups and compare their masses. Alternatively, the mass
of each cup can be measured with the kitchen scale. Let the learners arrange them in
order of increasing density.
[Answer: Oil, water, vinegar, milk, golden syrup]
c. When we have different objects with the same mass, they will have different sizes
(volumes) because their densities are different.
d. Find four objects with the same mass. Let a learner order them from the smallest to
the largest. The smallest object will have the highest density and the biggest object will
have the smallest density. For instance, iron, wood and sponge, with the same mass,
will have different sizes. The sponge will be the biggest, then the wood and the iron will
be the smallest.
3. Ask the learners to complete the following task in their workbooks. Write and draw the
following diagram on the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts).
2.1 Which block do you think will have the lowest density? Why do you say so?
2.2 Calculate the density of each block.
3. Look at the diagram and answer the questions that follow.
3.1 Which block do you think will be the heaviest? Why do you say so?
3.2 If the volume of each block is 15 ml, determine the mass of each block to see
whether your answer in question 3.1 was correct.
4. Look at sample A, B and C of a material.
4.1 Which sample do you think will have the lowest
4.2 Calculate the density of each sample.
4.3 What conclusion can you draw from the densities in 4.2?
Sample A
mass = 200g
Sample B
5cm mass = 100g
Sample C
mass = 50g
1. Answer
1.1. The iron because it is heavier than the other blocks.
3. Answer
3.1. The learners might answer iron because it is the heaviest. However, the same
amount of mercury is heavier than iron.
3.2. m (water) = p x V = 1 x 15 = 15 g
m (sea water) = p x V = 1,1 x 15 = 16,5 g
m (rock) = p x V = 3 x 15 = 45 g
m (iron) = p x V = 8 x 15 = 120 g
m (mercury) = p x V = 13,6 x 15 = 204 g
4. Answer
4.1. Many learners might choose sample A.
4.2. Volume of sample A = length x breadth x height = 5 x 4 x 5 = 100 cm3
4.3. The density of a material is always the same no matter what the size of the object
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. How does mass affect density when the volumes of objects remain the same?
b. How does volume affect density when the masses of objects remain the same?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
What are the two physical properties of a material that we need to determine its density?
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Which state of matter has the lowest density?
b. Which state of matter has the biggest mass for a given volume?
1. Explain the following to the learners. Show the learners Resource 18.
a. In general, gases are less dense than liquids and liquids are less dense than solids.
b. The reason that different states of matter have different densities is easily explained
using the particle model of matter.
c. The particles of solids are tightly and orderly packed in a certain space. No particles
can be added to the arrangement. Each particle has a certain mass, so solids have the
maximum mass per volume of the substance.
Look at the page that the teacher is showing you and answer the following questions.
Which state of water:
1. contains the greatest number of particles?
2. contains the smallest number of particles?
3. has the highest mass?
4. has the lowest mass?
5. has the highest density? Why do you say so?
6. has the lowest density? Why do you say so?
7. What is your conclusion?
8. Why does ice float on liquid water?
1. The liquid state
2. The gas state
3. The liquid state
4. The gas state
5. The liquid state because it has the biggest mass for a given volume
6. The gas state because it has the smallest mass for a given volume
7. The solid state of water does not have the highest density as is expected. Water is
an exception where its liquid state is denser than its solid state.
8. Ice is solid water. Because it is less dense than liquid water, it will float on top of the
liquid water.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Which state of water has the biggest spaces between the water molecules?
b. What is the order of the states of water from least dense to most dense?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
13. Interpreting
3. Comparing 8. Predicing
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
The liquid particles are closely arranged with little spaces between them. Gas particles move
further away from each other and there are large spaces between them.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What are the two factors that influence the density of a material?
b. When will a solid float on a liquid?
1. This activity will be done in groups.
2. To do this activity, each group will need the following:
• two small glass jars
• one large glass jar
• a container of water
• a cup of cooking oil
• a tablespoon of salt
• A tablespoon of sugar
• a quarter cup of methylated spirits
• a quarter cup syrup
• a quarter cup dishwashing liquid
• a quarter cup amasi or milk
• an iron nail, coin or key
• a seed, peanut, dried bean
• a piece of polystyrene (can be broken from a polystyrene tray)
3. Ensure that you have these materials prepared for each group before the lesson starts.
4. Tell the learners that they are going to be doing an investigation where they will be looking
at the density of different materials.
5. Divide the learners into groups of six.
6. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Task 1 (7 marks)
22. Supervise the learners whilst they complete the task and answer any questions that they
may have.
23. After 15 minutes call the learners back to attention.
24. Tell the learners that they are now going to work together, as a group, to make a density
25. The following will need to be written on the chalkboard:
a. You are going to pour equal amounts (a quarter cup or agreed measure) of each liquid
into the large glass jar.
b. Start by pouring the syrup into the large glass jar.
c. Next pour the amasi (or milk) into the large glass jar.
d. Now pour the dishwashing liquid into the same jar.
e. Now pour a quarter cup of water into the jar.
f. Next pour a quarter cup of cooking oil into the jar.
g. Lastly add the methylated spirits.
h. Allow the jar to stand for a few minutes for the layers to form.
i. Now carefully drop the nail, the seed and the polystyrene into the jar.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
Oil is less dense than water because there are more spaces between the oil particles.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. Only when sufficient heat energy is added to a material will the material change state.
2. In general, solids, liquids and gases tend to expand when heated.
3. Expansion is an increase in the size of an object when the temperature is increased.
4. When a material is heated, the particles move faster and push further apart. The
spaces between the particles get bigger and the material expands.
5. When a material expands, the size and number of particles do not change.
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What happens to a material when it is heated?
b. How do the particles change when a material expands?
1. Explain the following to the learners.
a. Sometimes, when a material is heated, the heat energy is not sufficient for the material
to change state. Instead, the material increases in size. We say the material expands.
b. When we heat an iron rod in a fire, the rod expands but does not melt. The melting
point of iron is 1 538 °C. Only when the fire has heated the iron rod to 1 528 °C will the
iron start to melt. Show the learners Resource 23.
c. The iron particles are vibrating in one place. When these particles gain energy, they
vibrate more and move slightly further apart from each other to allow them to vibrate
d. The forces of attraction between the particles can no longer hold them together as
e. Although the iron particles still keep their orderly arrangement, the spaces between
them increase.
f. The iron particles do not change and the number of particles remains the same. Only
the spaces between them change.
g. The concrete and tar that roads are made of also expand when heated by the Sun.
Therefore, expansion joints are put in the roads to allow for the roads to expand. Show
the learners Resource 22. What will happen when expansion joints are not put in the ro
(Answer: The concrete or tar will expand but, because there is no space to expand, the
concrete or tar particles will push each other upwards and the road surface will become
uneven and may crack.)
1. Some solids expand more than others. Look at the table below.
How far a 100 m length of material will expand when the temperature
is increased by 100 °C
Brass 19 mm
Iron 12 mm
Steel 11 mm
Concrete 11 mm
Ordinary glass 11 mm
1. Answer
1.1. The brass
1.2. The ovenproof glass
1.3. Steel is the best material to reinforce concrete with because it expands at the
same rate as the concrete.
1.4. Answer
14.1. When the brass and glass are heated by the Sun, the brass expands more
than the glass and therefore the glass falls out.
1.4.2. One can use steel for the frames because the steel and glass expand at the
same rate.
2. Answer
2.1. Thermometer A. The reading is -18 °C.
2.2. The freezing point of the ethanol is lower than -18 °C, otherwise the liquid ethanol
would have changed to a solid.
2.3. 23 - 7 = 16 °C
2.4. In thermometer D, because the ethanol expanded the most in this thermometer
2.5. All the thermometers have the same number of particles.
2.6. The boiling point of ethanol is 78 °C. At 100 °C the ethanol will be in a gas state
and no reading will be possible.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Where do we find the concept of expansion in our everyday lives?
b. Do all materials expand the same?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
The particles of the material move more and the spaces between the particles increase.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What happens to a material when it is cooled?
b. How does the particles change when a material contracts?
1. Explain the following to the learners.
a. When a material loses energy, it decreases in size. We say the material contracts.
b. When materials lose energy, such as when hot liquid water cools down, the movement
of the particles slows down because they lose kinetic energy. This happens even in
solids, although the solids still keep their orderly arrangement of particles and only
move or vibrate less in the same place.
c. Fill a measuring jug up to a certain level with boiling water. Write
down the measurement on the chalkboard. Let the water cool
and take the reading again. Ask the learners what they observe.
(Answer: The volume of water should decrease.)
d. The water particles do not have enough energy to slide energetically. The forces of
attraction become stronger and the particles move closer together.
e. Expansion joints in roads and bridges also have to compensate for the contraction of
the concrete during cold nights or wintertime. Show learners Resource 22.
f. A thermometer works on the principle of expansion and contraction. When a
thermometer is put in cold water, the liquid in the thermometer will contract and drop in
the tube of the thermometer.
2. Ask the learners to complete the following task in their workbooks. Show the learners
Resource 24.
Look at the thermometers that the teacher is showing you. The same thermometer is used
to measure the temperatures of different liquids. The different temperatures are shown in A,
B, C and D.
● Draw the particles of the liquid in thermometers B and C.
● Simply draw the column of the thermometer.
● Represent the particles as circles. You can use bottle caps to make the circles.
● Remember, the particles of a liquid are not arranged in an orderly way and they
touch each other.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What happens to the volume of a liquid when it is cooled down?
b. Why does the liquid in a thermometer contract when put in cold water?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
• define pressure
• apply the particle model of matter to explain pressure in gases
• describe the factors that influence the pressure of a gas.
13. Interpreting
3. Comparing 8. Predicing Information
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is pressure?
b. What factors influence the pressure of a gas?
1. Explain the following to the learners. Have the tennis balls ready to explain the concept of
pressure. If necessary, take the learners outside to demonstrate pressure using the tennis
a. Pressure is an important property of a gas.
b. It is important to know what the pressure is in a car's tyres. Any aerosol can is filled
with a gas that is under high pressure.
c. Pressure really means the force that gas particles exert on a certain area of a surface.
d. We know that gases do not possess a definite shape or volume. The reason for this is
that gas particles move freely in a straight line. They can also move in all directions.
They only change direction when they collide against each other and the sides of a
Look at the aerosol cans that the teacher is showing you and answer the following questions in
your workbook.
1. What is an aerosol can?
2. Give three examples of aerosol cans.
3. What does the label state regarding the pressure of the gas inside the container?
4. Why do the labels of many aerosol cans state, "Protect from sunlight and do not
expose to temperatures exceeding 50 °C"?
1. An aerosol can contains very small droplets of a liquid substance that is sealed in a
metal container under pressure with a gas. The droplets are released with the gas as a
spray through a valve or nozzle.
2. Answers will vary: deodorants, hair spray, paint spray, oven cleaner, 'spray-and-cook'
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What happens when many gas particles collide with the surface of an object?
b. Will a gas on a cold day exert a high or a low pressure on a surface?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
Balloons, syringes
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. Pressure is the force that gas particles exert on the container it is in.
2. The force that gas particles exert while colliding against the sides of a container causes
a pressure inside the container.
3. There are three ways to increase the pressure of a gas in a container:
a. A decrease in the volume of a gas
b. An increase in the number of gas particles
c. An increase in the temperature of the gas.
4. In each case more collisions of the gas particles occur, which leads to an increase in
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What can we do to increase the pressure of a gas?
b. What can we do to increase the pressure of a gas?
1. Explain the following to the learners.
a. Show the learners Resource 26. The flask contains an enclosed gas that is submerged
in water. The thermometer measures the temperature of the water. A pressure gauge is
fitted on top of the flask and it measures the pressure of the gas in kilopascals (kPa).
b. When the water is heated, the thermometer will rise and measure a
higher temperature. The pressure gauge will show an increase in the
pressure of the gas. What do you think the reading on the gauge will be?
[Answer: Any reading between 70 kPa and 100 kPa.]
c. If the gas is heated, the particles move faster as they gain more kinetic energy. They
then collide with the inside of the container more often and with more force. This
causes an increase in pressure.
1. Blow up the balloon until it is the size of a mango. Do not tie a knot at the end. Keep
the balloon closed by pressing the end with your fingers.
a. What happened when you blew up the balloon?
b. How can you increase the gas pressure in the balloon?
c. How can you increase the amount of gas particles in the balloon?
d. Try to blow up the balloon until it is the size of a melon but not bursting. Why does it
become difficult to blow up the balloon now?
e. What happens when the balloon pops? (Do not attempt to do this. It is dangerous.)
f. What do you conclude from the investigation?
2. Take the syringe.
a. Pull the plunger of the syringe out until the black stopper is at a certain number. Do
not pull out the plunger completely. Use your finger to close the small opening of the
b. Do you think there is gas pressure inside the syringe? Why do you say so?
c. Keeping your finger at the opening of the syringe, push the plunger in until it cannot
go any further. Record the number at which the stopper of the plunger is now.
1. Answer
a. The balloon is filled with gas and becomes bigger.
b. You can increase the gas particles in the balloon.
c. You can blow up the balloon further.
d. The bigger the balloon, the higher the pressure in the balloon.
e. The pressure in the balloon becomes too high. The particles exert such a great
force against the inside of the balloon that the balloon bursts.
f. The pressure in the balloon is increased when more gas particles are blown into the
balloon. More gas particles exert a greater force on the inside of the balloon and the
balloon becomes bigger.
2. Answer
a. Let the learners record the number to which they pulled out the syringe, for
example, 2,5 ml as on Resource 29.
b. Yes, there is a pressure inside the syringe because there are gas particles in the
syringe that collide with each other and the inside of the syringe.
c. A reading might be 1 ml.
d. There is a high pressure in the syringe, which is pushing against the stopper of the
plunger and preventing it from moving any further.
e. Let each learner obtain two readings.
f. When the plunger is pushed in, the volume in the syringe becomes smaller. The
particles collide more with the inside of the syringe and the pressure increases.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. How can you increase the pressure in an aerosol can?
b. How can you increase the pressure in a car tyre?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
13. Interpreting
3. Comparing 8. Predicing
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
Gas pressure can be increased by increasing the number of gas particles, increasing the tem-
perature or decreasing the volume.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. Pressure is the force that gas particles exert on the container it is in.
2. The force that gas particles exert while colliding against the sides of a container causes
a pressure inside the container.
3. There are three ways to decrease the pressure of a gas in a container:
a. An increase in the volume of a gas
b. A decrease in the number of gas particles
c. A decrease in the temperature of the gas.
4. In each case more collisions of the gas particles occur, which leads to an increase in
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What must we do to decrease the pressure of a gas?
b. What must we do to increase the pressure of a gas?
1. Explain the following to the learners.
a. Show the learners Resource 26. The flask contains an enclosed gas that is submerged
in water. The thermometer measures the temperature of the water. A pressure gauge is
fitted on top of the flask and measures the pressure of the gas in kilopascals (kPa).
b. When ice cubes are put in the water, the thermometer will drop and measure
a lower temperature. The pressure gauge will show a decrease in the
pressure of the gas. What do you think the reading on the gauge will be?
[Answer: Any reading between 10 kPa and 50 kPa.]
c. If the gas is cooled the particles move more slowly as they lose kinetic energy. This
means they will collide less often with the inside of the container and with less force.
This causes a decrease in pressure.
1. Answer
a. The balloon became smaller and shrank.
b. The pressure in the balloon decreased.
c. When the temperature of the gas decreased, the particles moved less often.
Therefore, they collided less often and with less force against the sides of the
2. Answer
a. The bicycle might have received a puncture from a sharp object, such as a thorn or
b. The pressure inside the tyre decreased.
c. The pressure of the tyre changed because there were not enough particles moving
around inside. A flat tyre resulted as there were not enough collisions between the
gas particles and the inside wall of the tyre. The result was that the inside wall was
not pushed outwards strongly enough.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. How can you decrease the pressure in a plastic bottle?
b. How can you decrease the pressure in a bicycle tyre?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
● N/A ● Substances can react with ● Some metals react with
each other to form products oxygen during burning
with different properties ● Rusting is a slow chemical
● The substances that react reaction of iron metal with
with one another are called oxygen and moisture to
reactants form iron oxide
● The substances that ● Non-metals react with
are produced are called oxygen to form non-metal
products oxide
● In reactions, re-arrangement ● Acids and bases react
of the atoms takes place together. We call this a
● During a chemical reaction, neutralisation reaction
chemical bonds of the ● When metals react with
reactants break and new oxygen, they tend to form
bonds form to produce oxides
products ● When metals react with
● Indigenous knowledge water they tend to form
includes useful chemical metal hydroxides
reactions, such as
Ensure that you teach the following vocabulary at the appropriate place in the topic:
A physical change occurs when the physical properties of a material
1. physical change
change but the material does not lose its identity.
A chemical change occurs when materials react to form a new material
2. chemical change
with different properties to the initial materials.
A reactant is a substance that takes part in a chemical reaction and
3. reactant
undergoes change.
A product is a substance that is produced after a chemical reaction has
4. product
taken place
A chemical reaction occurs when substances react to form new
5. chemical reaction
A chemical equation is a symbolic method that is used to represent
6. chemical equation
chemical reactions.
combustion A chemical reaction that takes place when a fuel reacts with oxygen to
reaction produce energy
Electrolysis is the process of passing an electric current through a
10. electrolysis
substance in order to produce chemical changes in the substance.
Reflect on your teaching at the end of each topic:
Date completed:
Lesson successes:
Lesson challenges:
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
Gas pressure can be decreased by decreasing the number of gas particles, decreasing the
temperature or increasing the volume of the container.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
1. A physical change occurs when the physical properties of a material change but the
material does not lose its identity.
2. A chemical change occurs when materials react to form a new material with different
properties to the initial materials.
3. A physical change is easily reversible while a chemical change is not easily reversible.
4. During a chemical reaction substances react to form new substances with different
chemical properties.
5. The reactants are the substances that take part in a chemical reaction and are
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is a difference between physical change and chemical change?
b. What do we call the substances that react during a chemical reaction?
1. Explain the following to the learners.
a. When we change the state of a substance or its density, we are causing a physical
change. Expansion and contraction are also examples of physical change.
b. During a physical change the chemical properties of the substances does not change.
This means that no new substances are formed. The atoms or molecules stay exactly
the same. Show the learners Resource 19. Do you notice any change in the molecules
of water?
[Answer: No. Each state contains water molecules.]
c. When a chemical reaction takes place, reactants are changed into new substances
called products.
d. Electrolysis is an example of a chemical change. During electrolysis an electric
current is passed through a substance in order to produce chemical changes in the
substance. So, during electrolysis copper chloride is decomposed into copper and
chlorine gas. The copper chloride is a blue powder that dissolves in water, while the
copper is a brown metal and chlorine is a yellow gas. New substances have been
d. The reactant is the copper chloride solution and the products are the copper metal and
chlorine gas.
e. We can write the chemical reaction as a chemical equation.
Word equation: copper chloride → copper + chlorine
Symbol equation: CuCl2 → Cu + Cl2
f. A chemical equation is different from a mathematical equation. Let us consider the
reaction between magnesium and oxygen to produce magnesium oxide,
2Mg + O2 → 2MgO
The plus sign in the chemical equation indicates that the reactants, magnesium and
oxygen, are reacting together and the arrow indicates that the product magnesium
oxide is the result.
2. Ask the learners to complete the following task in their workbooks. Before the learners do
question 3, you will have to demonstrate the reaction of iron with sulfur.
a. Mix a teaspoon of iron filings with a teaspoon of sulfur in a test tube.
b. Ask the learners to answer questions 3.1 and 3.2.
c. Light the candle and heat the test tube evenly with the candle. Let the learners observe
what happens.
d. Ask the learners to answer questions 3.3 and 3.4.
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. Is the evaporation of water a physical or a chemical change?
b. Does a chemical reaction take place when milk turns sour?
5. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
Physical change.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What does it mean when we say that atoms are conserved in a chemical reaction?
b. What do we call the force between atoms in a bond?
1. Explain the following to the learners. Show the learners Resource 31.
a. Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are elements that consist of diatomic (composed of two
atoms) molecules.
b. When energy is added to the mixture of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, the bonds
between the hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms in the diatomic molecules will be
c. The hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms will rearrange themselves and new bonds
will be formed between two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom to form a water
molecule. We say that the compound water has been formed.
d. The hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms are held together by a chemical bond.
e. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms that appear on the left-hand side also appear on the
right-hand side. They are just rearranged.
f. The number of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms has been conserved.
Hydrogen (H) 4 4
Oxygen (O) 2 2
g. The number and type of molecules have not been conserved. On the left-hand side
there are three molecules, which are hydrogen and oxygen molecules, while on the
right-hand side there are two molecules, which are water molecules.
1. The page that the teacher is showing you is an experiment to decompose mercury(II)
oxide (HgO) into its elements, mercury (Hg) and oxygen (O2) gas. When the mercury(II)
oxide is heated, mercury drops are formed on the inside of the test tube and oxygen
gas is collected in the test tube over water. Draw the following boxes and use the
beads/ dried peas/ beans to show how the bonds between the atoms are broken
and how they are rearranged to form the products. Make sure that the atoms are
mercury(II) oxide
2. Look at the diagram that the teacher is showing you. Hydrogen gas reacts with nitrogen
gas to form ammonia molecules. Complete the following table to prove that the number
and type of atoms are conserved in the chemical reaction. The grey circles are the
nitrogen atoms and the white circles are the hydrogen atoms
Hydrogen (H)
Oxygen (O)
mercury(II) oxide
Hydrogen (H) 18 18
Oxygen (O) 6 6
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is not conserved during a chemical reaction?
b. How are new bonds formed to produce the products?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
For this lesson, you will need:
1. Make sure that you are ready and prepared.
2. Write the following question onto the chalkboard before the lesson starts:
3. Learners should enter the classroom and answer the question in their workbooks.
4. Discuss the answer with the learners.
5. Write the model answer onto the chalkboard.
The number and type of atoms are conserved during a chemical reaction.
1. Write the following onto the chalkboard (always try to do this before the lesson starts):
Checkpoint 1
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What do we call the type of reaction where yeast and sugar is involved?
b. What do we call the type of reaction where a fuel reacts with oxygen?
1. Explain the following to the learners.
a. During fermentation, yeast, which is a micro-organism, breaks down sugar. Alcohol and
carbon dioxide are formed. Show the learners Resource 36. The bubbles on top of the
strawberry wine are the carbon dioxide that is formed.
b. The word equation for fermentation is:
sugar (glucose) + yeast → ethanol (alcohol) + carbon dioxide
c. In Xhosa, umqombothi is a beer made from maize, yeast and water while Mahewu is
a traditional Zulu fermented drink prepared from soft mielie meal porridge. Grapes are
fermented to make wine.
d. A base can be used to neutralise stomach acid during a neutralisation reaction.
Stomach acid is hydrochloric acid (HCl).
e. ENO is a fizzy tablet that contains a base, called sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), which
a person can take to neutralise stomach acid. Milk of Magnesia also contains a base,
magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2, which can neutralise the hydrochloric acid in the
In this activity you will dissolve an eggshell during a chemical reaction. The chemical
reaction is:
calcium carbonate (eggshell) + acetic acid (vinegar) → calcium acetate + carbon
dioxide + water
Checkpoint 2
Ask the learners the following questions to check their understanding at this point:
a. What is the word equation for fermentation?
b. What are the products of a combustion reaction?
6. Ask the learners if they have any questions and provide answers and explanations.
• This section presents the CAPS assessment requirements for this grade for this term.
• See your prescribed textbooks for examples of the required assessments.
• An example of a practical task and an exam have been included. See your textbook and
departmental resources for policy compliant tests.
CAPS Assessment
Assessment is a continuous planned process that involves identifying, gathering, interpreting and
diagnosing information about the performance of learners.
Assessment involves generating and collecting evidence of learner achievement and progress, and
using this information to understand and provide assistance to the learner during the process of teaching
and learning.
Assessment should be both formal and informal:
a. Informal Assessment involves regular checking of learners’ class work and practical tasks;
asking questions; discussions; informal classroom interactions; and giving constructive
feedback. Informal assessment marks do not need to be recorded, but the teacher can make
notes for future reference.
b. Formal Assessment provides teachers with a systematic way of evaluating how well learners
are progressing. Formal Assessment consists of selected assessment tasks. These tasks are
stipulated by CAPS and the marks need to be recorded. These tasks are done throughout the
year, and include practical / investigations, project, tests and examinations.
i. Tests and Examinations
The weighting of the marks should reflect the time allocated to each section in the
curriculum content. Tests and exams should consist of a range of questions that cover
different cognitive levels: recall; understanding; application; evaluation; analysis; and
synthesis. CAPS aligned tests and examinations, with accompanying memoranda, are
provided with these lesson plans.
ii. Practical / investigation tasks
Practical / investigation tasks give learners the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge,
skills and understanding. They form part of the activities included in these lesson plans.
Each term, one practical / investigation task has been selected for assessment. A rubric is
provided to conduct the assessment.
iii. Project
Projects give learners the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, skills, understanding
and application. The project can be given in any term but must be recorded for term 4
A minimum mark allocation is prescribed in CAPS for, practical / investigation projects, tests and
examinations for each grade. These are summarised, by grade, in the table below:
Particle model of matter 1.6 The oil is less dense than the water. 1
Particle model of matter 2.6 Nail and possibly seed (depending on size) 1
Particle model of matter 2.11 The objects dropped into the liquid 1
The water eventually settles into the water layer
Particle model of matter 2.12 2
and the water layer gets wider.
Read each question and circle the letter that shows the correct answer.
1.1 Which one of these is NOT an abiotic factor of the environment?
A. Air.
B. Soil.
C. Water.
D. Animals
1.2 Which of these statements is false?
A. Mushrooms.
B. Earthworms.
C. Maggots.
D. Scavengers.
Question 3 [8]
Complete the following sentences using words in the block below:
energy, glucose, oxygen, oxidised, exhale, inhale, water, carbon-dioxide, blood, air
Question 5 [4]
“Different food chains in an ecosystem are interconnected to form a food web.”
5.1 Use the following food chains to draw a food web:
6.1 Name two natural factors that can cause a disturbance in an ecosystem.
6.2 Name two human factors that can cause a disturbance in an ecosystem.
Question 7 [8]
Read the following statement:
“Adaption is the change in the structural, functional and behavioural characteristics of an
organism, enabling it to adjust to changing conditions within an environment.
7.2. Explain, using the camel as an example,the differences between structural adaption,
behavioral adaption and functional adaption.
7.3. How are water plants and desert plants adapted differently to their environments?
7.4. What happens to a species if they are unable to adapt to changes in their environment
quickly enough?
Question 8 [5]
State whether the following statements are True or False:
8.1. All micro-organisms are consumers. _______________
Read each question and circle the letter that shows the correct answer.
10.1 Which one of these is NOT cause a chemical change in a substance?
A. Melting butter.
B. Electrolysis of water.
C. Burning wood.
D. Rusting of an iron gate.
10.2 Which of these statements is false?
A. Microscope.
B. Chromatography.
C. Filtration.
D. Distillation.
Question 12 [6]
Complete the following sentences using words in the block below:
13.2 The force that gas particles exert on the walls of a container.
13.3 The process in which particles in liquids and gasses move from an area of high
13.4 A substance that takes part in a chemical reaction and undergoes change.
13.5 The reaction that takes place when a fuel reacts with oxygen to produce energy.
Question 14 [5]
14.1 Using what you have learnt and the words in the box below, explain how hydrogen gas and
oxygen gas bond to form water.
Question 16 [5]
A bottle of milk is put in the freezer.
16.1 Why will the milk change state once it is put in the freezer?
16.3 Using what you know about the particle model of matter, explain how the milk particles
changed in terms of the movement of particles.
16.4 Using what you know about the particle model of matter, explain how the milk particles
changed in terms of the arrangement of the particles.
16.5 Using what you know about the particle model of matter, explain how the milk particles
changed in terms of the spaces between the particles.
17.3. Explain how the atoms were rearranged to form a new substance.
Question 18 [6]
State whether the following are True or False:
18.1. Energy is needed to break the bonds of the reactants during chemical reactions.
18.2. Reactants are the elements and compounds that participate in a chemical reaction and
react with each other. ___________________.
18.3. In a chemical reaction, the substances that are produced are called the properties.
18.4. A neutralization reaction happens when two acids are combined. _________
1.1 D 1
1.2 A 1
1.3 C 1
1.4 D 1
2.1 B 1
2.2 D 1
2.3 A 1
2.4 C 1
3.1 energy 1
3.2 glucose 1
carbon-dioxide ½x2
water =1
inhale ½x2
exhale =1
3.5 2
3.6 oxidised 1
3.7 oxygen 1
4.1 photosynthesis 1
4.2 chlorophyll 1
4.3 water 1
4.4 oxygen 1
5 4
(Any 2)
• Fires
• Floods
6.1 • Droughts 2
• Tsunami
• Volcanic activity
• Extreme temperature changes
(Any 2)
• Poaching and hunting
• Pollution
6.2 2
• Farming
• Deforestation
• Mining
In order to ensure survival in a changing
7.1 1
• Structural adaptions are special features of the
body adapted for the environment.
8.1 False 1
8.2 True 1
8.3 False 1
8.4 True 1
8.5 True 1
Any 4
Particle model of 10.1 A 1
Particle model of 10.2 C 1
Particle model of 10.3 D 1
Particle model of 10.4 A 1
Atoms 11.1 B 1
Atoms 11.2 A 1
Atoms 11.3 D 1
Atoms 11.4 C 1
Atoms 12.1 sub-atomic 1
Atoms 12.2 nucleus 1
Atoms 12.3 electrons 1
Atoms 12.4 protons 1
Atoms 12.5 electrons 1
Atoms 12.6 neutral 1