Course 2 Brochure

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Mediation, Moderation

and Conditional Process

Analysis: A Second Course
Leading expert Dr. Andrew Hayes, PhD will guide learners through key topics in causal analysis
focusing on advanced applications and methods of mediation, moderation and conditional
processanalysis. It is recommended that learners take Part 1: Introduction to Mediation, Moderation
and Conditional Process Analysis prior to enrolling in the advanced course.

*Program schedule and content is subject to change. Please visit the most up-to-date program information.
Learning Objectives
This second course on mediation, moderation and conditional process analysis continues where the introductory course
concludes. Upon completing this learning program, you will have a more detailed understanding of the following topics:

1. Serial mediation and serial moderated mediation

2. Mediation, moderation and conditional process analysis with a multi-categorical cause or moderator

3. Estimating, probing, and interpreting models with two moderators

4. Testing, visualizing, and probing three-way interaction (moderated moderation)

5. Partial, conditional and moderated moderated mediation

6. Using PROCESS and the creation of custom models in PROCESS

Who Will Benefit

This course will be helpful for researchers in any field —including psychology, sociology, education, business, human
development, social work, public health, communication and others that rely on social science methodology —who want to
learn how to apply the latest methods in moderation and mediation analysis using readily-available software packages such
as SPSS, SAS and R. Because this is an advanced course, participants should either be familiar with the contents of the first
edition of Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis and the statistical procedures discussed
therein, or should have taken the first course through Haskayne School of Business Executive Education or other vendors
in the recent past. Participants should also have experience using syntax in SPSS, SAS or R and a good working knowledge
of multiple linear regression. No knowledge of matrix algebra is required or assumed, nor is matrix algebra ever used in the
course. Some prior use of PROCESS is desirable but not required, as a review of the use of PROCESS syntax is included in
one of the course modules.

Dates: October 12, 2022

Program Delivery: Online, asynchronous
Commitment: 3 weeks
Investment: $625 (Canadian dollars)

Statistical mediation and moderation analyses are among the most widely used data analysis techniques.

Mediation analysis is used to test various intervening mechanisms by which causal effects operate. Moderation analysis
is used to examine and explore questions about the contingencies or conditions of an effect, also called “interaction.”
Conditional process analysis is the integration of mediation and moderation analysis and used when one seeks to
understand the conditional nature of processes (i.e. “moderated mediation”)

In his book, Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A RegressionBased Approach,
Dr. Hayes describes the fundamentals of mediation, moderation and conditional process analysis using ordinary least
squares regression. He also explains how to use PROCESS, a freely-available and handy tool he invented that brings
modern approaches to mediation and moderation analysis within convenient reach. This online course picks up where the
first introductory course leaves off. After a review of basic principles, it covers material in the second edition of the book
not covered in the first course, as well as new material not available in the book.

Time Commitment and Course Delivery

This online course consists of a collection of 10 modules in the form of videos and exercises that can be completed with
a time commitment of about 6-8 hours/week. You can participate at your own convenience; there are no set times when
you are required to be online during the offering period, and you can rewind the videos and review modules completed
at your leisure. Questions can be sent to the instructor and others in the class through a discussion board on the course
delivery platform. In addition, the instructor will be available during open office hours through Zoom at several times
during the course. The course can be accessed with any recent web browser on almost any computing platform, including
iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Computer applications will focus on the use of ordinary least squares regression and the PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS
and R developed by the instructor that makes the analyses described in this class much easier than they otherwise would
be. This is a hands-on course, so maximum benefit results when learners can follow along with analyses using a laptop or
desktop computer with a recent version of SPSS Statistics (version 23 or later), SAS (release 9.2 or later, with PROC IML
installed) or R (version 3.6; base module only. No packages are used in this course). Learners can choose which statistical
package they prefer to use. STATA users can benefit from the course content,
but PROCESS makes these analyses much easier and is not available for STATA.

Dr. Andrew Hayes is a quantitative methodologist and holds a PhD in Psychology from Cornell University as well as a BA
in Psychology from San Jose State University. His research and writing on applied statistical methods has been published
in such journals as Psychological Methods, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Behavior Research Methods, British Journal
of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Psychological Science, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics,
American Behavioral Scientist, Communication Monographs, Journal of Communication and Australasian Marketing
Journal, among many others. He is the author of Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, andConditional Process Analysis
(2018) and Regression Analysis and Linear Models (2017), both published by The Guilford Press, and Statistical Methods
for Communication Science (2005), published by Routledge. He also invented the PROCESS macro for SPSS, SAS and R
( that is widely used by researchers examining the mechanisms and contingencies of effects.
He teaches courses on applied data analysis and also conducts online and in-person workshops on statistical analysis to
multidisciplinary audiences throughout the world, most frequently to faculty and graduate students in business schools but
also in education, psychology, social work, communication, public health and government researchers. His work has been
cited over 130,000 times according to Google Scholar and he has been designated a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate
Analytics in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Visit his website to learn more (

Register Now
Canadian Centre for Research
Analysis and Methods (CCRAM)

Haskayne School of Business

University of Calgary
Downtown Campus
6th Floor, 906 – 8th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 1H9

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