Acodaduras Ureterales (Kinking)
Acodaduras Ureterales (Kinking)
Acodaduras Ureterales (Kinking)
DOI 10.1007/s00276-016-1689-7
Keiichi Akita3
Surg Radiol Anat
Surg Radiol Anat
Statistical analysis
CT urography
Surg Radiol Anat
Fig. 4 Three-dimensional reconstructed images of CT urography. ureter in a 58-year-old man classified into Grade 3. Kn kidney, Ur
a No kinking of the left upper ureter in a 65-year-old man classified ureter, GV gonadal vein, L3 third lumbar vertebra, L4 fourth lumbar
into Grade 1. b Moderate kinking of the left upper ureter in a 48-year- vertebra
old female classified into Grade 2. c Severe kinking of the left upper
Table 1 Grade distribution of kinking seen in the upper ureter Cadaveric study
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
By removing the peritoneum and the anterior renal fascia,
Right 142 (81.6) 17 (9.8) 15 (8.6) the ureter and the gonadal vessels were visualized. After
Left 136 (78.7) 27 (14.9) 11 (6.3) passing through in the perirenal fat where the ureter was
Data are absolute numbers; incidence rates (%) are given in relatively mobile, the ureter was fixed firmly to the medial
parentheses anterior aspect of the fascia of the psoas major muscle. The
There was no laterality in the grade of kinking (p = 0.22) upper border of the firm fixation was approximately where
the gonadal vein crosses over the ureter (Fig. 6). The ureter
had a scarce supply of the vessels and nerves at this rela-
tively fixed area (Fig. 6d, area of asterisk). No direct vessel
or nervous distribution was found at the medial side in this
area. Above the firmly fixed area, the ureter had arterial and
nervous supply from the renal hilum and venous drainage
to the renal vein to IVC near the renal hilum. Below the
firmly fixed area, it was supplied from or drained by the
ipsilateral iliac vessels. No cadaveric specimen demon-
strated significant kinking.
Surg Radiol Anat
Fig. 6 The ureter and its surrounding structures in the cadaver. a The asterisk). The area of the ureter had a scarce supply of the vessels and
anterior renal fascia was exposed after removal of the peritoneum. nerves. RF renal fascia, Pr peritoneum, GA gonadal artery, GV
b The gonadal artery and vein were revealed beneath the peritoneum. gonadal vein, PM psoas major muscle, IVC inferior vena cava, Ao
c The ureter was observed beneath the layer of the gonadal vessels. aorta, Ur ureter, CIA common iliac artery, Kn kidney, RV renal vein,
d After passing through in the perirenal fat, the ureter was fixed firmly RA renal artery, IIA internal iliac artery, EIA external iliac artery
to the medial aspect of the fascia of the psoas major muscle (area of
Intravenous pyelography (IVP) has been long used to space. The boundary of the perirenal portion of the ureter
assess the ureter. CT urography, however, has recently can be determined approximately by finding the level of the
largely replaced this exam and plays a major role in CP (Fig. 8). From an embryo-anatomical point of view, it
evaluating urinary tract owing to its availability to provide is not clear why the CP is associated with fixation of the
more detail using multi-planar reconstructed images [9, ureter; after passing through the perirenal space, both the
12]. One of the differences between these examinations lies ureter and the gonadal vein are sandwiched between the
in the timing of imaging. In IVP, images are taken in the anterior renal fascia and the posterior renal fascia on the
expiratory phase, while in CT urography, images are usu- medial side in the retroperitoneal space. Both structures run
ally taken in the inspiratory phase just like other abdominal cranio-caudally in the space and have to cross eventually
CT examinations. That is, the images of CT urography are from the renal hilum to the pelvis. The CP turns out to be at
taken in a condition when the kidney descends. Routine a very practical landmark: the boundary where the ureter
observation of the urinary tract in the inspiratory phase is exits the perirenal space and is fixed more firmly in the
therefore a relatively recent phenomenon. anterior medial aspect of the psoas muscle.
In this CT urography study, we found kinking in the Ureteral kinking did not show laterality in this study. On
upper ureter to be common; additionally, it always occurs the other hand, the level of the CP was slightly lower on the
at or just above the level where the ureter crosses over the right side. This can be explained by the fact that kidney is
ipsilateral gonadal vein. In cadavers, the ureter was rela- located lower on the right side because of the liver being
tively mobile as it passed through the perirenal fat and then just above the right kidney [5, 10, 13]. Fixation of the
became fixed firmly to the anterior medial side of the psoas upper ureter is also probably slightly lower on the right
major muscle. The level of the ureter’s fixation was side. The vertebral level of the CP was not significantly
approximately where it crossed over the gonadal vein. different with respect to the grade of the kinking. Thus, it
Considering these results together, we speculate that the does not appear that kinking is caused by a higher/lower
kinking probably arises as a consequence of the ureter positioning of the point of fixation.
adjusting length when the kidney descends. This hypothe- Although most radiologists or urologists who read CT
sis is also supported by observing dynamic images of the urography regularly in their daily practice are very familiar
upper ureter during angiography or retrograde pyelogra- with kinking of the upper ureter, there have been very few
phy, in which dynamic change of the upper ureter synced reports focusing on this finding. Indeed, one anatomical
to the movement of the kidney is well visualized (Fig. 7). It text states, ‘‘in its abdominal portion the ureter pursues an
is thought that kinking is seen at the area where the ureter almost vertical course downward and medially on the
is relatively mobile, that is, where it runs in the perirenal anterior surface of the psoas muscle’’ [1]. Additionally,
Surg Radiol Anat
Fig. 7 Dynamic images of the ureter during angiography. A 38-year- kinking is most prominent in the inspiratory phase and mild in the
old female with atonic uterine bleeding. During angiography (uterine expiratory phase. Ur ureter, L3 third lumbar vertebra, L4 fourth
artery embolization), dynamic changes of the upper ureter in lumbar vertebra, Catheter catheters in the right internal iliac artery
synchrony with the movement of the kidney is well visualized. The
Surg Radiol Anat