Appendix E
Appendix E
Appendix E
Andrew Adelman, City of Los Angeles, Department of Building and Safety, Los Angeles,
Ronald Hamburger, Simpson Gumpertz and Heger, Inc., San Francisco, California*
Appendix E
Gary Houk, Department of Building Inspections Division, Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada*
Charles Kircher, Kircher and Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc., Palo Alto, California
Ronald Lynn, Clark County Department of Development Services, Las Vegas, Nevada
David McCormick, Simpson Gumpertz and Heger, Inc., San Francisco, California*
Satwant Riahl, California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo, California*
BSSC Rack Project Reviewers and Workshop Participants
The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) was established in 1979 under the auspices of the National Institute
of Building Sciences as an entirely new type of instrument for dealing with the complex regulatory, technical, social,
and economic issues involved in developing and promulgating building earthquake hazard mitigation regulatory
provisions that are national in scope. By bringing together in the BSSC all of the needed expertise and all relevant
public and private interests, it was believed that issues related to the seismic safety of the built environment could be
resolved and jurisdictional problems overcome through authoritative guidance and assistance backed by a broad
The BSSC is an independent, voluntary membership body representing a wide variety of building community
interests. Its fundamental purpose is to enhance public safety by providing a national forum that fosters improved
seismic safety provisions for use by the building community in the planning, design, construction, regulation, and
utilization of buildings.
Chairman Jim W. Sealy, FAIA, Architect/Consultant, Dallas, TX
Secretary Jim Rinner, Project Manager II, Kitchell CEM, Sacramento, California
Ex-Officio Charles Thornton, Chairman/Principal, Thornton-Tomasetti Group, Inc., New York, New York