Marketing, Competition and The Customer: Business Studies 7115

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Competition and
the Customer
Business Studies 7115

Mudassir Raza
Topics on
our Agenda
What we are going to discuss and analyze the role of marketing 01
market changes 02
how business can respond to changing customer 03
needs and increased competition
the concept of niche marketing and mass
marketing - 04
market segmentation 05
how to recommend and justify an appropriate
method of segmentation in given circumstances 06
The Marketing
Marketing is identifying customer wants and satisfying them

A customer is a person business or other organisation which
buys goods or services from a business.
The Role Of Marketing
01 02 03 04 05
Identifying Satisfy Maintain Build Anticipate
customer customer Customer Customer changes in
needs needs loyalty Relationship customer
Market share Consumer
Market share is the percentage of A consumer buys goods or services
total market sales held by one brand for personal use not to re-sell.
or business

Customer loyalty
When existing customers continually buy
products from the same business.
Why customer/consumer
spending patterns change
Consumer tastes and fashions change Changes in incomes

Changes in technology Ageing populations

The power and
importance of changing
customer needs
Why have some
become more
How can businesses respond to changing
spending patterns and increased

Maintain good Bring out new keep improving its Keep cost low to
customer products to keep existing product maintain
relationship customers interest competitiveness
What is meant by a market?
Mass Marketing
Mass market is where there is a very large number of sales of a

Total sales in these markets are very high.
The business can benefit from economies of scale.
Risks can be spread
Opportunities for growth of the business
Mass Marketing
Mass market is where there is a very large number of sales of a

High levels of competition between business selling
similar products
High cost of advertising and promotion
Standardise products or services are produced and so
many not meet the specific needs of all customers or
potential customers, therefore leading to lost sales.
Niche Marketing
A niche market is a small usually specialized, segment of a much
larger market.

Small businesses may be able to sell successfully in niche markets as larger
businessess may not have identified them but concentrated on the mass markets
instead. This will reduce competition from the larger business in niche markets.

The needs of consumers can be more closely focused on, and therefore targeted,
by businesses in a niche market. This may lead to high levels of consumers loyalty
and good customer relations.
Niche Marketing
A niche market is a small usually specialized, segment of a much
larger market.


Niche markets are usually relatively small and therefore have limited
sales potential.

Often businesses in a niche market will specialize in just one product.

Market Segment
Market segment is an identiifiable subgroup of a
whole market in which consumers have similar
characteristics or preferences.
Ways of segmenting market
1. By socio-economic group
2. By age
3. By region/location
4. By gender
5. By use of the product
6. By lifestyle
Potential benefits of segmentation to
Which method of segmentation should
be used?
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