Thesis Guidelines 18mac2021 Update
Thesis Guidelines 18mac2021 Update
Thesis Guidelines 18mac2021 Update
1.1 Introduction
The thesis will provide candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate the ideas, research skills, and
creative abilities they have gained during their graduate work. This guideline will assist candidate
to meet the minimal format requirements set by the University.
1.3 Language
The thesis should be written either in standard American or British English or standard Bahasa
Melayu. There should be consistency in the use of the language throughout the thesis. The thesis
should be written in third person.
A thesis must be words processed. The recommended length of a complete PhD thesis and
Industrial PhD (D.Mgmt) Thesis is not more than 100,000 words, a Master thesis (full
research) not more than 60,000 words, a Master dissertation (mix-mode) not more than
45,000 and Master Research Paper (12 credit hours) and Project Paper (6 credit hours) not
more than 30,000 words. The number of words does not include references, appendices, and
information on the titling/preliminary pages.
Printing should be done in letter quality or on a laser printer. White simili paper (80gm) or
equivalent quality should be used. Only one side of the paper is to be used. Candidates are
advised to refer closely to this guide to avoid costly errors and delays. With the exception of
photographs, one type and brand name of paper must be used throughout the thesis. The
standard paper size is A4 (210mm x 297mm) of A4 size and must be of good quality (80gm)
with a hard, bright and even surface.
The entire text of the thesis, including headings and page numbers, must be produced using
Time New Roman. The font size should be 12 point and should not be scripted or italicized
except for scientific names and terms in a different language. Bold print may be used for
headings. Font for Tables and Diagrams should be between 12-10 points. Footnotes and text
in Tables and Diagrams should not be less than 10 point (12-10 points).
Thesis Guideline | 1
1.4.4 Margin
For binding purposes, the left margin should be at least 4cm (1.5 inch) and the right, top and
bottom margins should be at least 2.5cm (1 inch). Margin specifications are meant to
facilitate binding and trimming. All information (text headings, footnotes and figures),
including page number, must be within the text area.
1.4.5 Spacing
The thesis should be typed double-spaced and for spaces between paragraphs and sections.
Body text should be justified. The following, however, should be single-spaced:
1.4.6 Pagination
Each page in thesis, including those in the appendices must be numbered consecutively. All
pages should be numbered at the bottom of the page. Page numbers should appear by
themselves and should not be placed in brackets, hyphenated or accompanied by other
decorative devices. Print text or figures only on one side of each sheet. Pages should be
numbered consecutively throughout the thesis, including pages for tables, figures and
appendices. Each should be identified separately using an uppercase letter. The pages of the
appendices should also be numbered accordingly.
Preliminary pages preceding Chapter 1 must be numbered in Roman numerals (i, ii, iii). The
Title Page should not be numbered though it is counted as page i. Page 1 begins with the
first page of the Introduction (or Chapter 1) but not numbered. Subsequent pages should be
numbered beginning with page 2. Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) are used on the pages of the text
and supplementary sections.
1.4.7 Binding
The thesis/dissertation should be bound in hard cover with Maroon colour for PhD, Red
colour for Industrial PhD (D.Mgmt), Green colour for Master by Research, Blue Black
for Master Dissertation (Master by mix mode) and Black colour for Research Paper and
Project Paper (Master by coursework). The binding should be of a fixed kind in which
pages are permanently secured.
The following should be lettered in gold from the head to the foot of the thesis
(Refer to Appendix A)
Thesis Guideline | 2
A thesis generally consists of three main parts:
1. Preface – including title page, certification of thesis work, permission to use, abstracts
(Bahasa Melayu and English), acknowledgements, table of contents, list of tables, list of
figures, and abbreviation.
2. The text or main body – divided into chapters and sections.
3. Supplement – consist of tables, bibliography or references, and appendices.
1. Blank Page
2. Title page Not to be paginated but counted as 1 or i.
Subsequent pages are paginated and are
numbered consecutively or according to the
chapter and listed in the Table of Contents
3. Certification of Thesis Work
4. Permission to Use
5. Abstract
6. Abstrak
7. Acknowledgement
8. Table of Content
9. List of Tables
10. List of Figures
11. List of Abbreviation/Notations/
Glossary of Terms
12. Text of Thesis (Chapters)
13. References
14. Appendices
15. Blank Page
2.1 Preface
2.1.1 Title Page
a. Full title of thesis (in uppercase using Times New Roman 12-point fonts)
b. Full name of author (in uppercase using Times New Roman 12-point fonts)
c. Degree for which the thesis is submitted (in titlecase using Times New Roman 12-
point fonts)
d. Name of the institution to which the thesis is submitted, e.g.:College of Business
(in titlecase using Time New Roman 12-point fonts)
(Refer to Appendix B)
Certification from the Thesis Committee must be included. The sheets is in peach
colour for PhD, D.Mgmt & Master by Research, signed by Chairman of the Viva,
External Examiner, Internal Examiner and Supervisor/s. (Refer to Appendix C)
Thesis Guideline | 3
The sheets for Research Paper & Project Paper (Master by coursework) is in pink
colour, signed by Chairman of the Viva, Examiner and Supervisor. The sheets can be
obtained from the Respective School’s office. (Refer to Appendix D).
Students are expected to include in the front of their thesis a statement in paragraph
form granting permission to use the thesis under specifically stated conditions, and
indicating the address of the person to whom request for such permission should be sent
(Refer to Appendix E).
2.1.4 Abstract
An abstract in both Bahasa Melayu and English must be included, with the former
version appearing before the latter if the thesis is written is Bahasa Melayu, and vice
versa. The abstract should identify clearly and succinctly the purpose of the research,
the methods used, the results obtained and the significance of the results or findings.
The abstract should be written in one page, single spacing, and should be between 250 -
300 words. The candidates should also include between three and five keywords at the
bottom of the abstract. All the keywords should be in small letter. The abstracts should
be checked and verified by Language Centre, UUM.
2.1.5 Acknowledgements
The table of contents must list and provide page references for all elements of the
thesis. For the text of the thesis, it will indicate chapters, sections and important sub-
divisions of each section. The numbering and format of material in the table of contents
must be identical to the way this material appears in the text of the thesis. The title of
each chapter should be written in full capital with no terminal punctuation. The title of a
subdivision of a chapter or section should be in small letters, with the exception of the
first letter of significant words.
The list of tables follows the table of content. This list includes the number of each
table, the title and the page number. The lists should be in small letters, with the
exception of the first letter of significant words.
The list of figures follows the list of tables. This list includes the number of each figure,
the title and the page number. The lists should be in small letters, with the exception of
the first letter of significant words.
The list includes all non-standard abbreviations used in the text of the thesis. It follows
the list of figures. The lists should be in small letters, with the exception of the first
letter of significant words.
Thesis Guideline | 4
2.2 Text of Thesis
It is critical reviews of literature and theories related to the topic of the thesis. It is
meant to act as a base for the experimental of analytical section of the thesis. Literature
selected must be related to the research as a base to guide the development of research
Research Framework
Hypotheses/Propositions Development
Research Design
Operational Definition
Measurement of Variables/Instrumentation
Data Collection:
Data Collection Procedures
Techniques of Data Analysis
Analyses of data and findings of the research are described in this chapter. It presents
complete results and analyses of the study in the form of figures, tables or text so that
the key information is highlighted. Results and discussions may consist of more than
one chapter depending on the nature of research.
Key findings are summarized according to the research objectives. The significance of
the findings and their theoretical, practical and policy implications should be
highlighted. Recommendation for future research should also be included.
These are the basic requirement of the thesis contents. Candidates are allowed, with the
consent of their respective supervisors, to add or rearrange the contents as deemed
suitable for their research.
Thesis Guideline | 5
2.3 Supplements
2.3.1 Tables
Tables are labelled according to the chapter in which they appear. For example, tables in
Chapter 3 are numbered sequentially: Table 3.1, Table 3.2 etc. The title is placed above
the table, left justified and in the following format:
Table 3.1
Short Title (italic)
(Refer to Appendix F)
If the table is more than one page, the continued table on the following page should
indicate that it is a continuation. If the table contains a citation, the source of the
reference should be placed below the table. (Refer to Appendix G)
2.3.2 Figures
Figures such as map, charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs should be labelled according
to the chapter in which they appear. For example, figures in Chapter 3 are numbered
sequentially: Figures 3.1, Figures 3.2 etc. The title is placed below the figure, left
justified and in the following format:
Figures 3.1
Short Title (italic)
(Refer to Appendix H)
A chapter may be divided into major sections and subsections. A major section is
numbered with the First level 1, 2, 3 and subsection is numbered (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2). This
should be consistent throughout the thesis and to be limited to 3 levels if possible.
2.3.4 Equations
All equations are considered as text and numbered according to the chapter.
2.3.5 Footnotes
Footnotes are used to clarify certain terms, to state conversion factors and not to cite
authority for specific statement or research findings. The footnotes should stand at the
foot of relevant pages. The numbering of footnotes should begin with I and continue
within the chapter or appendix, and not throughout the whole text. The font should be
smaller from the text (font size 10).
2.3.6 References
Reference is a term commonly taken to mean a list of work cited. Please refer to the
recent edition of APA (American Psychological Association) publication manual. APA
writing style requires a reference list be double spaced and that entries have a hanging
indent (APA Publication manual).
Thesis Guideline | 6
Research ethics involves all the moral and professional issues relating to research. The most
serious breach of ethical standards in writing a research report/dissertation/thesis is the offence
of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as the use of original work, of ideas or actual texts created
by others, without acknowledging the original source. University has the mechanism to verify
the authenticity of the thesis; hence the researcher is expected to comply with the maximum
requirement of 25% of the direct quotes with appropriate citations. As for plagiarism elements,
the similarity index via Turn-it-in should not exceed 20%.
3.3.1 Numbers
All integers less than ten should be spelt out unless they are attached to units of measure
(e.g. 5 kg, 10 ml etc.). If a sentence begins with a number, write the numbers in word.
Use numerals for series of figures, (e.g. 8 balls, 18 softballs, etc.).
3.3.2 Brackets [ ]
Within direct quotations, brackets are used to enclose any explanatory note inserted by
the writer, e.g. “The said year [1998], it was a glorious year to be remembered (Maznah,
The symbol % may be used in place of the word percent, e.g. 43%. If the candidate uses
43 percent, consistency should be maintained.
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4.1 Specific Guideline for PhD and Industrial PhD (D.Mgmt) Candidates
2. The candidates are advised to work closely with their supervisor(s) regarding their
research project.
3. The students are required to register and pass the following two (2) pre-requisite courses
before they continue with their research:
i. SZRZ6014 Research Methodology
ii. SCLE6014 Academic Writing; and/or
iii. Any other courses as determined by the supervisor or Academic Committee
4. The candidates are required to present their research work at several occasions organized
by the College of Business. A reminder letter would be issued to each candidate a month
prior to each presentation.
Once the proposal has been submitted, a defense date will be determined by the college.
After the defense, the reviewers would provide written comments and recommend the
status of the research proposal at the end of the session. The candidates are required to
make amendments based on the comments and suggestions given by the reviewers. In case
where candidates are required to re-defend their proposal, they are given a maximum of 6
months to refine and to successfully re-defend their research proposal. Failure to do so
would result in the candidate being terminated from the program.
The research proposal should be between 25,000 – 30,000 words and cover the
following topics:
Thesis Guideline | 8
Chapter 3: Research methodology (Research framework, Hypotheses/Propositions
Development, Research Design, Operational Definition and Instrumentation,
Data Collection Sampling and Procedure, Technique of Data Analysis).
5. The candidates are expected to be ready for examination of their thesis (viva voce) in
month 36 for full time/ month 60 for part-time. Before the viva voce, the candidates are
required to:
a. Produce at least two (2) articles, by choosing either option A or Option B for intake
before A171 (Sept 2017/2018):
i. Option A, in which
At least one (1) article is accepted for publication in ISI Journal or
Scopus; and
At least one (1) article is under review for publication in a refereed
ii. Option B, (for PhD) in which
Two (2) articles are published in a refereed journal
b. Publish at least one (1) article, accepted/published for publication in a Scopus
Indexed Journal (Intake A171 onwards)
c. For D.Mgt Based on following options:
Option A: Publish at least one (1) case study
Option B: Produce at least one (1) article, which is published in a refereed
Option C: Produce at least 1 patented product co-owned by the candidate,
supervisor (s), and UUM
d. Submit the “Intent to Submit Thesis” form together with the Turn-it-in report.
This can be done three months before the actual submission date. (Refer to
appendix J)
e. Submit three (3) copies of the draft thesis to the College along with the
“Submission of Draft Thesis for Viva Voce Session” form (Refer to appendix K)
endorsed by their respective supervisors. (Within approximately two (2) months,
the candidates will be informed the date for the viva voce session).
f. Pay the fee before the viva voce session
6. The candidates are given time to make the necessary corrections/amendments based on
the following results:
Pass - the candidate be awarded the relevant degree
Pass with minor revision - the candidate be awarded the relevant degree, subject
to making the required amendments and corrections (Within three (3) months
Conditional Pass with major revision - the candidate is required to make major
alterations to his/her thesis and resubmit the work for another assessment to the
examiners concerned, but a second viva is not required (Within nine (9) months)
Reschedule examination - the candidate is required to make major alterations to
his/her thesis and resubmit the work for another assessment to the examiners
concerned and a second viva is required and the outcome is either pass or fail
(Within twelve (12) months)
Fail – the candidate has failed
Thesis Guideline | 9
The candidates are advised to make corrections with guidance from the supervisor(s)
based on comments and suggestions given by the examiners. Corrections that meet the
requirements based on the comments and suggestions by the examiner(s) will be
endorsed by the panel of the Oral Examination Board (members of the viva session).
7. Before binding the final thesis, approval (signatures) for the Certification of Thesis/
Dissertation from the College should be obtained.
8. The candidates should submit three (3) hardcopies of the thesis: two (2) in hard cover,
and one (1) loose copy, and one (1) softcopy in CD form. The candidate may then request
for a letter of certification from the College that he/she has completed the study and will
be awarded the degree.
Thesis Guideline | 10
6 months
Proposal Defense
6 months
YES 1 year
12 months
VIVA 2 Re-viva?
Thesis Guideline | 11
2. The candidates are advised to work closely with their supervisor(s) regarding their
research work.
3. The candidates are required to defend their proposals to a committee in month six (6) after
registration. The committee comprises of a chairperson and at least one reviewer
appointed by the College. Before the proposal defense, the candidates are required to:
a. Submit the “Intent to Submit Proposal” form together with the Turn-it-in
report. This can be done one month before the actual submission date. (Refer
to appendix I)
b. Submit three (3) copies of the proposal to the College.
Once the proposal has been submitted, a defense date will be determined by the college.
After the defense, the reviewers would provide written comments and recommend the
status of the research proposal at the end of the session. The candidates are required to
make amendments based on the comments and suggestions given by the reviewers. In case
of candidates required to re-defend their proposals, they are given a maximum of 3 months
to refine and to successfully re-defend their research proposals.
The research proposal should be between 10,000 – 15,000 words and cover the following
4. The candidates are expected to be ready to defend their thesis in month 18. Before the
viva, the candidates are required to:
a. Submit the “Intent to Submit Thesis” Form. This can be done one month before
the actual submission date. (Refer to appendix J)
b. Submit three copies of the proposal to the College along with the “Submission
of Draft Thesis for Viva Voce Session” form (Refer to appendix K) endorsed
by their respective supervisors. (Within approximately two (2) months, the
candidates will be informed the date for the viva voce session).
c. Pay the fee before the viva voce session
Thesis Guideline | 12
5. Within 1 month, the candidates will be informed for the viva session (oral examination
for the thesis defense). Results of the viva are given immediately after the viva session
The candidates are given time to make the necessary corrections/amendments based on
the following results:
6. The candidate is advised to make corrections with guidance from the supervisor/s based
on comments and suggestions given during the viva session by the examiners.
Corrections that meet the requirements based on the comments and suggestions by the
examiner/s will be endorsed by the panel of the Oral Examination Board (members of the
viva session).
7. Before binding the final thesis, approval (signatures) for the Certification of Thesis/
Dissertation from the College should be obtained.
8. The candidates should submit three (3) hardcopies of the thesis: two (2) in hard cover,
and one (1) loose copy, and one (1) softcopy in CD form.
9. The candidates may then request for a letter of certification from the College that he/she
has completed the study and will be awarded the degree.
Thesis Guideline | 13
4.3.1 Flowchart: Master by Research Guideline
Training Program
6 months
Proposal Defense
3 months
YES 1 year
4.4 Specific Guideline for Master Dissertation (21 Credit Hours) and Master
Research Paper (12 Credit Hours)
1. The candidates may register for a Master dissertation upon completion of all coursework.
However, the candidates are advised to start their research work prior to the registration to
ensure that the dissertation can be completed on time.
2. Once registered, candidates are advised to work closely with their supervisor(s) regarding
their research work.
4. The viva voce session for Master Dissertation will be evaluated by two (2) internal
examiners appointed by the College and chaired by chairperson appointed by the College.
The examiners would provide written comments and to recommend the status of the
dissertation. The candidates are given a maximum of one month until the last date of the
submission to make corrections (if any) based on the comments and suggestions given by
the examiners. The marks are given by both examiners (50% each).
5. The viva voce session for Research Paper will be evaluated by one (1) examiner and
chaired by chairperson appointed by the College. The examiners would provide written
comments and to recommend the status of the dissertation. The candidates are given a
maximum of one month until the last date of the submission to make corrections (if any)
based on the comments and suggestions given by the examiner. The marks are given by
examiners (40%) and supervisor (60%).
9. The candidates should submit three (3) hardcopies of the dissertation/research paper: two
(2) in hard cover, and one (1) loose copy, and one (1) softcopy in CD form.
10. The candidates may then request for a letter of certification from the College that he/she
has completed the study and will be awarded the degree.
Thesis Guideline | 15
4.4.1 Flowchart: Master Research Paper (12 credits)
Submit Dissertation
(1 month)
Result Result
End End
Thesis Guideline | 16
4.4.2 Flowchart: Master Dissertation (21 credits)
Submit Dissertation
Viva Voce
Viva 2 R-viva?
No Yes
Thesis Guideline | 17
4.5 Specific Guideline for Master Project Paper
1. The candidates may register for a Master project upon completion of all coursework.
However, the candidates are advised to start their research work prior to the registration to
ensure that the project paper can be completed on time.
2. Once registered, candidates are advised to work closely with their supervisor(s) regarding
their research work.
3. The candidates must submit two (2) copies of their project paper by week fourteen (14).
The project paper will be evaluated by an examiner appointed by the College. The
examiner would provide written comments and to recommend the status of the project
paper. The candidates are given a maximum of one month until the last date of the
submission to make corrections (if any) based on the comments and suggestions given by
the examiner. The marks are given by both examiner (40%) and supervisor (60%).
4. Before binding the final project paper, approval (signatures) for the Certification of Project
Paper (pink form) from the College should be obtained.
5. The candidates should submit three (3) hardcopies of the thesis: two (2) in hard cover, and
one (1) loose copy, and one (1) softcopy in CD form.
6. The candidates may then request for a letter of certification from the College that he/she
has completed the study and will be awarded the degree.
Thesis Guideline | 18
4.5.1 Flowchart: Master Project Paper
(1 month)
Result Result
End End
Thesis Guideline | 19
Appendix A: Spine and Cover of the Thesis/Dissertation/Research Paper/Project Paper
PhD 2003
July 2003
Thesis Guideline | 20
Appendix B: Title Page for PhD/Master by Research
Thesis Submitted to
College of Business
Universiti Utara Malaysia,
in Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Thesis Guideline | 21
Title Page for MSc. (mix mode & by coursework)
Thesis Submitted to
College of Business
Universiti Utara Malaysia,
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Master of Sciences (Management)
Thesis Guideline | 22
Appendix C: Certification of Thesis Work (PhD/ Master by Research)
Thesis Guidelines | 23
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Appendix D: Certification of Thesis Work (Master Dissertation
/Research Paper/Project Paper)
Thesis Guideline | 25
Thesis Guideline | 26
Appendix E: Permission to Use Page
(For PhD/D.Mgmt/Master By Research Candidate)
In presenting this thesis in fulfillment of the requirements for a Post Graduate degree from the
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), I agree that the Library of this university may make it freely
available for inspection. I further agree that permission for copying this thesis in any manner,
in whole or in part, for scholarly purposes may be granted by my supervisor(s) or in their
absence, by the Director of Postgraduate Studies Unit, College of Business where I did my
thesis. It is understood that any copying or publication or use of this thesis or parts of it for
financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. It is also understood that due
recognition shall be given to me and to the UUM in any scholarly use which may be made of
any material in my thesis.
Request for permission to copy or to make other use of materials in this thesis in whole or in
part should be addressed to:
Thesis Guideline | 27
(For Master By Coursework Candidate)
In presenting this dissertation/project paper in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Post
Graduate degree from the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), I agree that the Library of this
university may make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for
copying this dissertation/project paper in any manner, in whole or in part, for scholarly
purposes may be granted by my supervisor(s) or in their absence, by the Director of
Postgraduate Studies Unit, College of Business where I did my dissertation/project paper. It is
understood that any copying or publication or use of this dissertation/project paper parts of it
for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. It is also understood that
due recognition shall be given to me and to the UUM in any scholarly use which may be made
of any material in my dissertation/project paper.
Request for permission to copy or to make other use of materials in this dissertation/project
paper in whole or in part should be addressed to:
Thesis Guideline | 28
Appendix F: Sample of Table
Table 1.1
Market Capitalization Percentages and Total Value of Stock Traded (% of GDP)
Change in Market
Year Total Value of Stock Market Capitalization % Capitalization
Traded %
Source: World Bank indicators 2010, Turkey. Capital market board of Turkey, annual report 2010
Thesis Guideline | 29
Appendix G: Sample of Tables (Continued)
Table 3.1
List of CSR Definitions by Various Scholars
Author Definition
Bowen (1953) CSR refers to the obligations of business to pursue those policies,
to make those decisions or to follow those lines of action which
are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society.
Frederick (1960) Social responsibility in the final analysis implies a public posture
towards society’s economic and human resources and a
willingness to see that those resources are used for broad social
ends and not simply for the narrowly circumscribed interests of
private persons and firms.
Friedman (1962) There is one, and only one, social responsibility of business – to
use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its
profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game which is to
say, engage in open and free competition without deception or
Arrow (1973) Firms ‘ought to’ maximize profit according to their social
obligation since business profit represents the net contribution
that the firm makes to the social good. On this basis, profit
should be as large as possible and only be limited by law and
ethical codes.
Thesis Guideline | 30
Table 3.1 (Continued)
Author Definition
Wood (1991) The basic idea of corporate social responsibility is that business
and society are inter-woven rather than distinct entities.
Bloom and Gundlach CSR is the obligation of the firm to its stakeholders – people and
groups – who can affect or who are affected by corporate
(2000) policies and practices. These obligations go beyond legal
requirements and the company’s duties to its shareholders. The
fulfilment of these obligations is intended to minimize any harm
and maximize the long run beneficial impact of the firm on
Van Marrewijk (2003) CSR is associated with the communion aspect of people and
organizations, whilst corporate sustainability (CS) is associated
with the agency principle. Therefore, CSR relates to
phenomenon such as transparency, stakeholder dialogue and
sustainability reporting, while CS focuses on value creation,
environmental management, environmental friendly production
systems, human capital management and so forth.
Crowther and Rayman- CSR in its broadest definition is concerned with what is – or
Bacchus(2004) should be – the relationship between the global corporation,
governments and individual citizens whilst in its more local
context it is concerned with the relationship between a
corporation and its local society in which it resides or operates,
or with the relationship between a corporation and its
Thesis Guideline | 31
Appendix H: Sample of Figure
200 185.5
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Figure 1.4
Annual Exports and Imports in Turkey in the Period 2002-2010 (Billion USD)
Source: Turkish statistical institute, 2010
Thesis Guideline | 32
Appendix I: Intent to Submit Proposal
Thesis Guideline | 33
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Appendix J: Intent to Submit Thesis/Dissertation
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Thesis Guideline | 40
Appendix K: Submission of Draft Thesis for Viva Voce Session Form
Date: _____________________
College of Business
Universiti Utara Malaysia
06010 UUM Sintok
Kedah Darul Aman
Tel: 04-9287120 / Fax: 04-9287160
Dear Sir
I, _______________________________________________________________________________________
Matric No ____________ hereby submit my Draft Thesis entitled:
(Candidate must submit Three (3) bound copies of the draft thesis/dissertation to College of Business,
Universiti Utara Malaysia).
Thesis Guideline | 41
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Appendix L: Intent to Submit Master Dissertation/Research Paper
Thesis Guideline | 43
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