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Course Syllabus AE443 - COMPUTATIONAL AERODYNAMICS Instructor : Dr. ISMAIL H. TUNCER E-Mail : tuncer@ae.metu.edu.

tr Phone : 210-4289

DESCRIPTION Simplications to the Navier-Stokes equations for steady, attached ows. Integral formulation of potential ow equations for subsonic ows. Potential ow solutions with panel methods. Gradient based design optimization, inverse airfoil design using a panel method. Full potential ow equation, characteristic lines, analysis of transonic potential ows past airfoils based on the Transonic Small Disturbance (TSD) equation, upwind dierencing in supersonic ow regions, Numerical solution of the TSD equation using Finite Dierence methods. Numerical solution of the Full Potential ow Equation (FPE), coordinate transformations, discretization of FPE equation in curvilinear coordinate systems. REQUIREMENTS AE305, AE341, and the consent of the instructor
Fluency in Fortran programming Experience in data processing with graphical output using TECPLOT, MATLAB type software and/or graphics libraries

TEXTBOOK Lecture notes will be used. REFERENCE BOOKS Low-Speed Aerodynamics by Joseph Katz and Allen Plotkin
Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer by Dale A. Anderson, John C. Tannehill and Richard H. Pletcher Computational Methods for Fluid Flow by Roger Peyret and Thomas D. Taylor Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective

by John D. Anderson

Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows, Volume 1-2, by Charles Hirsch

GRADING POLICY 2 term projects: 30%, homework/classwork assignments: 10%, midterm exam: 25%, nal exam: 35%


TENTATIVE OUTLINE Class hours 1. INTRODUCTION Preliminary remarks Simplication of Navier-Stokes equations for inviscid ows PANEL METHODS and DESIGN OPTIMIZATION Potential - irrotational, inviscid ows Integral formulation of the incompressible potential ow equation Numerical solution of the integral equation using panel methods Gradient based design optimization Inverse airfoil design using a panel method Project: Design optimization of airfoil proles using a panel method SOLUTION OF TRANSONIC SMALL DISTURBANCE EQUATION Full potential ow equation Characteristic lines Domain of dependence and inuence Derivation of Transonic Small Disturbance (TSD) equation Finite Dierence formulation of the TSD equation Murman-Cole switching/Upwinding in supersonic ow regions Boundary conditions Iterative solution methods for the discretized TSD equation Algebraic grid generation Project: Solution of transonic ows past an airfoil SOLUTION OF FULL POTENTIAL FLOW EQUATION Strong conservation form of Full Potential ow Equation (FPE) Finite Dierence formulation of the FPE equation Rotated upwinding in supersonic regions Numerical mapping of arbitrary regions onto rectangular domains Curvilinear coordinates 6 hrs


12 hrs


18 hrs


6 hrs

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