SFDM Project Propasal 2023
SFDM Project Propasal 2023
SFDM Project Propasal 2023
Mr & Ms Triskelion Pageant
Theme: The beauty and intelligence and promotion of culture, traditions,
history and the most important touristic and economic objectives of the host country
and all the participating countries in the contest
The Mr. & Ms Triskelion Beauty Pageant is a competition that mainly focuses on the natural beauty of
its contestants although it incorporates other attributes such as talent, intelligence, personality and answers
to the questionnaires as judged criteria. The winners of this competition are known as beauty queens
and Kings. Hair, gowns, talent, modeling and personal interviews will factor in the judges’ score sheet.
Awards for the winning contestants will include crowns, titles and cash prizes.
This beauty pageant is include the Frat- Shirt of their chapter, any of the designed of their shirt is
approved. In addition to striving for the highest standards the management will conduct the competition in a
fair and balanced manner.
The purpose of the beauty pageant is to:
This activity aims to find ones personality, their own strengths and weakness as a person, gain confidence and
raise their self-esteem, and prove to people that it is not impossible to have beauty and brains. It also aims to empower
young generations through education, building social awareness and responsibility among them. This will also build
confidence and leadership skills as winning candidates would also become role models in the community and helping
our sector to get funds for be able to provide temporary assistance to our and give more attention to our residents, and
even those who must not related to us but are require immediate help and action and always prepared to support those
who have been affected by disaster like SUNOG or BAHA (including individuals who have been rushed to the hospital)
and because the majority of people who live in our sector lives in depressed and disaster-prone areas. additional this
project we can provide a funds if we have a upcoming project`s.
We, San Francisco Del Monte (SFDM) Sector, comprised of Ten (10) Chapters, came together to
build and have a sector and we also came together for the good intentions of each chapter that names
below, This pageant project of ours has agreed on all the chapters name below, and we all have
responsibility for it regardless of it`s outcome and perceptions.
All issues related to the eligibility of their chapter is qualified, Each candidate must produce a
Certificate of legitimate of being TGP or TGS. and any ID local or government issued ID card or
birth certificate for age verification.
1. Any ID local or government issued ID card or birth certificate for age verification
2. Certification of legitimate for being TGP or TGS.
1. Any ID local or government issued ID card or birth certificate
2. Completed registration form
The Mr. & Ms Triskelion Beauty Pageant is a beauty, brain and confident
competition, Additionally they Fraternity Shirt (FS Chapter) .
This pageant are open to all Brother and Sister.
The (FRATSHIRT) Introduction Round - 10% - This part of the program will be
looking for high energy, spirit, and the delegate's sense of contemporary style of they CHAPTER
FS shirt.
*Judging criteria: modeling, personality, beauty, grooming and fashion sense.
National Costumes - 30% - This part of the program will be looking for the
Contestants are encouraged to accessorize with earrings, head gears, etc. Accessories may be
used as “props” for they costumes need to wear.
*Judging criteria: modeling, personality, beauty, grooming and fashion sense.
Swimwear Outfit - 20% -This part of the program(SWIMWEAR) will find out from the
Contestants how it fits and looks good in his/her carrying (e.g., fit, color, style) and also if fit
to their body,
*Judging criteria -modeling, personality, beauty and fashion sense and their body.
Evening Gown -30%- Judges will not be evaluating the design of the gown, but rather
how well it suits the contestant (e.g., fit, color, style) as well as the contestant's on-stage
presentation. Evening gown suit must be good length.
*Judging criteria: modeling, personality, beauty, and grooming and fashion sense.
On Stages (BEAUTY) - 10% -All the contestants who perform well on the stage will
have 10 bonus points will be added to their score.
But if the contestants makes a mistake on the stage only 5 bonus points will be added to their score.
The Judges
The four (4) judges can evaluate the contestants during the competition/runaway:
The committee has sole discretion and complete authority to select judges. Reasonable efforts
are made to secure a culturally and professionally diverse panel of judges.
Judges' names are not released to delegates prior to arrival at the pageant. The contestants may
not approach the judges or engage in conversation with judges prior to or during the competition. If they
are observed approaching a judge or engaging in a conversation with a judge beyond a brief greeting
risk immediate disqualification at the discretion of the management. They are provided with
training and instruction regarding scoring procedures prior to the competition. The decision of the judges
is final and not contestable for any reason.
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The Scoring start to 70-100 only. (if we see the score of 69 below, The judge who give that score, will
explain on-stage,why giving that score).
Transparency and for the effort to the contestant join this event.
Breaking Ties
The following procedure is used to break ties: Each judge will assign or questioning the finalist if do not
resolve the tie(s), the higher individual competition score will determine the higher placement in this
order: On-Stage Question, Evening Gown, and Traditional Attire. In the absence of ties, judges are not
asked to provide ranking
Trophy and title of Mr & Ms Triskelion 2023”
Crown and Sash for Mr & Ms Triskelion 2023”
Winner will receive a cash prize of P 10, 000
1’st Runner up
Crown the 1’st runner up of Mr & Ms Triskelion 2023
Sash for 1st runner up of Mr & Ms Triskelion 2023”
A cash prize of P 7,000
2nd Runner up
Crown for 2’nd runner up of Mr & Ms Triskelion 2023
Sash for 2nd runner up of Mr & Ms Triskelion 2023”
A cash prize of P 5,000.
Minor Award
1. That she/he has not committed and will not commit any act inconsistent with the highest
standards of public morals and conventions or that will reflect unfavorably on the pageant,
its representatives, sponsors and/or licensees.
2. Delegate will conduct herself in a courteous, professional manner at all times during the
3. Delegate will not slander or libel other contestants, judges, The management staff or
anyone else involved with or connected Pageant. Defamatory verbal and/or written
remarks against the management and the Pageant will result in immediate disqualification,
forfeiture of any and all prizes and awards won, and legal charges.
4. Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. Disruptive behavior before, during, or after the
pageant may result in disqualification, removal from the premises, and legal charges.
5. The Minor awards will have NO bearing to the final TOP5 computation of the Mr & Ms Triskelion
SFDM 2023
The Registration for competing in this pageant - P200 ( Free 2 friends or P.A.)
The Entrance fee for watching in this pageant - P50.00 (Free one cup of Beer)
Contact person
If you have a question and etc.
Reymond Sarangay
Tel.: +